#Tzekel-Kan killed people. lied. manipulated. controlled a giant stone beast with magic. that man is on another level
laststandx3 · 10 months
That idea the anon talked about sounds like The Wizard of Oz. If the movie WISH had revealed that King Magnifico was just a magician who hoarded magic items, yet had no real magic of his own, would you want him to work alone, or would he have an assistant or two like Mysterio?
confession time i didn't see far from home.
but for what i get from the movie mysterio and co were trying to have a sort of revenge on stark who didn't appreciate them enough. it's not a bad set up but i don't see something like that fitting for Magnifico's character.
first because magnifico is already in a position of power, he's not trying to have revenge or get more famous. he's already a the top. second because if we want to keep enough of Magnifico's original characterization having a team is the opposite of him, at least not a team he can trust on. If i have to parallel Magnifico to another villain who uses magic and has an assistant it would be Tzekel-Kan from the road to el dorado.
if magnifico didn't have his powers seems also likely that he would send others to do the hard work for him (collecting magical items...). he doesn't seem like the character who puts a lot of effort when he can delegate. Magnifico would use his assistant/assistants as pawns and/or as ingredients when needed.
i don't think the magic items hoarder set up works well with an assistant(s) who knows magnifico isn't all-powerful and helps him fool the people of rosa. mostly because such character would've no motivation to help magnifico like that. the assistant could be the queen, she helps him to maintain the status quo and keep herself in power.
but if you want an assistant(s) who isn't the queen you have to give them a pretty strong motivation to have them lie to the kingdom AND to not betray magnifico (if the magic comes from external source there's no reason they couldn't be king themselves). and the motivation could be love, or devotion or fear but still needs to be a strong one.
personally for how i see magnifico's character (who lied even to his wife) it seems more fitting that if he has an assistant(s) he would lie and manipulate them. tell them the magic items he owns he actually keeps them to protect the kingdom etc. they follow and obey the king because they think it's the right thing to do. also in canon magnifico is paranoid about facing a stronger magic and he HAS magic. he wouldn't risk to have his secret out. (nevermind he spilled everything about the wishes to Asha the moment he met her, but that was just bad writing imo, an excuse to set the movie in motion as fast as possible)
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