isaiahmax-blog · 7 years
Send “✆” for a MORNING text. 
isaiah » micah mouse : i’m running late. yes as usual. do u want me to pick u up a coffee on the way in??
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. 
isaiah » micah mouse : you know you can talk to me about anything, any time right? i know you don’t really say much as a whole, but... i saw what you were like at the party. you don’t need to go through that, or anything, by yourself, alright? 
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text. 
isaiah » micah mouse : im freeballing tonight just fyi i forgot to do my laundry again
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text.
isaiah » micah mouse : HEY DUDUE!! I LOVOEO YOU! MAN!!! MY DUDUE!!! MY BRO !!! I HOPE U KNOW HTAT!!!
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
 isaiah » micah mouse : just take it off already then.
isaiah » micah mouse : if the shirt is bugging you that much, i mean. just buy a new shirt. 
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text.
isaiah » micah mouse : do u think big foot ever just walks around, wanting a friend, but we’re all such assholes all we do is scream at him and runaway? :( #justiceforbigfoot
Send “✘” for a HATEFUL text.
isaiah » micah mouse : your dads a fuckin asshole to you and if he was ten years younger i’d punch him in the god damn face 
Send “#” for a RANDOM text.
isaiah » micah mouse : i’m really glad you’re on the mystery busters, dude. i’ve really liked getting to know you : )
Send “@” for a SCARED text.
isaiah » micah mouse : what happened to you, man? i’m worried. talk to me.
Send “&” for a LOVING text. 
isaiah » micah mouse : ur one of my fav on the team. and outta the team tbh. ur one of my faves in general. even if u don’t like me. 
Send “%” for a CURIOUS text
isaiah » micah mouse : why do you hate julian so much?
isaiah » micah mouse : i’m just trying to understand. bcus, i’ve never seen him do anything to you? and i know i’m always behind on the times, but.. did something happen?
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text.
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text.
isaiah » micah mouse :  hey coach mike, it’s isaiah. just let me know when we can talk. i really am going to try my best to get back on the team, i’ll do anything. really. i can get us to finals, i swear. just give me another chance.
isaiah » micah mouse : oh shit, sorry, i typed ‘mi’ and thought it was going to coach. sorry dude. ignore the pathetic-ness of that message. 
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text.
isaiah » micah mouse :  i’m not going to let him, or anyone else, touch you again. i don’t care if it’s not my business. you deserve better , micah. anybody would deserve better.  i’m on your team. i’m here for you. you just gotta let me in, sometime, dude. 
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rookiewithachance · 7 years
tag gameeee
i was tagged by the ever so lovely @theyugiohtrashcan <3 A- age: 19! B- birthplace: fukin Florida C- current time: 11:55 D- drink you had last: water bb! I had to take my meds this morning lol E- easiest person to talk to: back atcha @theyugiohtrashcan​ F- favorite song: kdsjsalkdsga fuckin idk man. I love music. Probably something from Be More Chill or Hamilton right now. I’ll put it as a tie between Michael in the Bathroom, Two Player Game, One Last Time, and Wait For It bc i cant decide  G- grossest memory: yikes uh...... idk I tend to block out most of the gross things but I remember all too vividly when I got my wisdom teeth removed they gave me a pain medication that had sulfur in it, which I was allergic to but didn’t know?? So Kat was over keeping me company while I whined about my mouth hurting when I got really sick. Like, throwing up then sitting on the bathroom floor with a cool washcloth on your forehead waiting for the next wave to hit you level of sick. She was htg a real trooper and a sweet heart, and stayed with me until the worst of it passed, and I couldn’t sleep, eat, or take any pain medication for the next... idk like twelve hours or so??? while we waited for the stuff to get out of my system H- horror yes or horror no: No but lowkey a little yes. I’ve been watching less of it recently which helps my mental health but I still get that little thrill from horror even though it gives me nightmares and only feeds into my anxiety????? its a mess lol J- jealous of people: Ya dude. I’ve had a jealousy problem for years, that I think stems from my anxiety K- killed someone: it was the summer of 1963........................... L- love at first sight or should i walk by again?: Kat seems to have stolen my views on this: No, but I can be drawn to someone at first sight, usually because of what they’re doing or what they’re saying that I happen to overhear but I’m not really attracted to... looks?? If that makes sense?? I mean I have a “type” bc literally every girl i’ve dated has been kinda similar (primarily short and chubby.............. ehehe), but I won’t date someone or be attracted to them just because of that?? If that makes sense?? M- middle name: Ann. boring i know N- number of siblings: none bb oNLY CHILD SWAG O- one wish: uh?? i guess to not have to worry about money. while it would be nice to magically become neurotypical, i don’t feel like??? I would be the same person??? not that my mental illnesses are part of my personality, but they’ve taught me a lot and those lessons are a huge part of who i am today so.... yeah, probably the money thing. either always having enough money for what i need or just. living in a post-currency society. either is good P- person you called last: the last person who called me was my mother, but the last person I myself called.....? I think it was my manager Q- question you’re always asked: does Kelli is gay? or just stuff about my sexuality in general, especially being a gray ace lesbian. that confuses a lot of people in the south.......... part of the reason i’m going to college somewhere a little less southern tbh R- reason to smile: FUCKIN LIFE DUDE. LISTEN OK IM A PHILOSOPHY MAJOR AND I GET H*CKED UP ABOUT HTIS. LIFE IS A GODDAMN ANOMALY AND THERES NO REASON THAT ANY OF US SHOULD BE OR ARE HERE AND YET W E F U C K I N A R E. THATS SHITTIN AWESOME DUDE. IM HERE HAVIN A GOOD TIME WITH A GOOD FRIEND CHILLIN OUT AND WERE BOTH HERE AND ALIVE AND WE EXIST EXACTLY THE WAY WE ARE THAT HTATS HELLA GUYS S- song you sang last: ksjafldkjalksgje it was probably something Hamilton, Kat’s right. was it Take a Break??? probablu T- top 3 fictional characters: i cant choose........................ uhhh i guess Michael Mell from Be More Chill (Jeremy and Christine are close seconds, but i need my Nerdy Depressed Anxious Chubby Son) probably tops the charts right now, Humbee from MINIBOSS (an excellent comic on dA, i suggest it to everyone), aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner from X-Men! U- underwear color: //has to check// ok yeah i was right, they’re blue with bright yellow lacey trim V- vacation: uh..........................??? im not sure what this question means, but Kat answered it like her ideal vacation so... idk probably going to a big city like NYC or Seattle (which is on my bucket list to visit) with money to throw around and just. go see shows and explore. W- when’s your birthday: June 15! It just happened lol X- x-rays: uhhhhhhhhhhh. the last one I had was earlier this year when I was really really sick and I had to get checked for pneumonia??? i didnt have pneumonia but i had strep that i didn’t take care of properly which could have turned into pneumonia but turned into bronchitis instead Y- your favorite food: fuckin. idk man. i like food. Z- zodiac sign: im a mf gemini
and can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i’ll tag @ifyoujustbelieveinme, @sorry--imfangirling, @sonofdysonsphere, @kaiju-genital-thunderstorm, @fangirltothefullest, @fanofallthingsadorkable, and @consistant-screaming-to-the-void! Plus anyone else who wants to do this, if you’re looking for a reason to do one of these, this is it!! IM TAGGING YOU BITCH, just put me as the person who tagged you bc i wanna see it :3
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grimmthought-blog · 7 years
fuck what did i do, i honestly hope you never get to read this cos im gonna talk a lotta shit about myself and maybe even a little about u. i cant believe i actually got to this i feel so bad to be honest. idk why i called this mad but im mad like literally crazy and im mad at myself for doing this to u. i cant believe i was too blinded by the whole thing and thats the only thing i focused on. this may sound fucked up but i do hope u break up with me if i spiral like that again. u dont fucking deserve that shit baby u can do so much better than me,,, once again idk why u even w me,,,,,,,im not a 10 so i have to be perfect personality wise to make up for it. BUT IM NOT MAKING UP FOR IT LMFAO!!!! i want u to break up w me,, yes i said it..,,..,..,wa=wefsdhvhudsv=- cos im so shit for u,,, i feel like im holding u back and u dont wanna do certain things cos of me and thats so TOXIC i hate it i hate myself so mucj. its gonna be so hard to bounce back to being “comfortable” to “how i started w u” I like how i was when we first started but i feel like that was me letting shit slide w girls and i also feel like thats all we ever fight about and yes at least 99% is just me over reacting but u do fuel me up for it and talk about ur exes or some shit. like yes u stopped doing that which feels so great for me u dont even kno. and i kno this is probably so different for u like in any relationship you’ve had and im sorry im so difficult and different,,,.,. not the gay shit like im ur unique relationship, cos lmfao im probably ur worst yet most intense one. and i mean that both ways loving each other so intensely but ALSO fighting so intensely with u. i fucken wanna kill myself everytime we fight because were so alike in some ways,, a lot of ways really, like u said we both have too much pride and stubbornness and its funny to a certain point but i know i get to u and u get to me. ill change for you and i really mean that. ill make myself go thru that to make u happy. ill let shit slide and just think that u love me and ur “cement and not going anywhere”. my thoughts are always so conflicting and im scared im jsut gonna explode and get depressed or some shit cos i feel like im halfway there anyway. but i dont care cos ill do that for u. ive done too much to u to be selfish about myself. imma make myself endure shit like it doesnt phase me but ill do that for u cos ur the only person i like doing shit for. ur literally the only one i can think of who i will voluntarily put first before myself. this isnt said with any sarcasm at all i promise u. but i promise u im learning and im tryinb im so sorry im really fucking bipolar and crazy and im scared the reason we’ll break up would be cos of me and it probably will be if it were to happen. im always thinking about u i swear it and i love u so much to keep hurting u. so i guess id rather hurt myself in a sense, rather than hurt u. i cant believe i got to this and im truly sorry cos i hate myself even more. i love u dude, we made too many plans and promises to let this all go. and im just telling myself this. ill try to be a little more confident but in all honesty i just think i cant be confident cos im not in the right place to be,,,, u think that u being w me made me feel confident about myself??? cos i got a mans now??? idk how i did it but i just got lucky it doesnt mean aything if someone has a boyfriend, it just means they got a boyfriend lmfao u dont have to be pretty to get a mans and u probably dont mean it that way  but u kno just sayin,,,, i honesly just get mostly hurt when u joke about HEAUX  and shit like ok im right here!!!! i dont even joke about htat shit cos i cant! u can! but doesnt mean u should... it hurts baby it really does but like i said,,, im truly willing to hurt myself than to hurt u,,, u must be thinking i need some fuckin hobby or some shit as an outlet but ill think of somethin ill find soemthing and everytime u say shit like that or just bring up a girl my crzy ass will just think of the times u say I love you to me and think of the plans and promises u  told me and thatll be enough i swear it..... i love u with everything i have and im sorry u got offended if u ever got to read this....... ur my fucken heart i cant do life without u and im not gonna let u go so easy..... once again im so fuckiing sorry and if u cant promise to break up with me if i put u through bullshit then i will
i promise that if i hurt u like that again, ill just leave. because thats the best thing for u and u kno it.... if ur scared to leave me then i will because i dont deserve u one bit if i even think about doing that to u.... theres no promises about me spiralling so im saying this now. if i do it again and u dont leave me, ill leave u..........................im sorry but for the time being, i love u greatly and i wish i never became like thisss im sorry im so fucked up bywe
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