melelinoe · 5 months
exclusionists in the queer community rly are a whole nother level huh. amyway good morning ^_^
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very cool that u seem to think women oppress men. misandry isnt real and youre 2 steps away from becoming a full on terf btw
lol i see why ur on anon because this is one of the dumbest asks ive ever received
so first of all you very clearly dont know what a terf is, you can't just call someone a terf because you disagree with them. I'm TRANS. i never said women oppress men and i dont believe they do anyways. (my actual opinion on that is a little more nuanced but im not getting into that right now with this schmuck) yknow because I used to be one of those?
doubly so because usually terfs are the ones who say misandry isnt real so if i supposedly think its real... how am I a terf? sounds like its YOU that's way closer to it than i am.
look up lateral violence, that might clear up some things for you. trans men experience different kinds of oppression and transphobia than trans women do, and that isn't misogynistic, transphobic, or transmisogynistic to say, that's just a fact. it's a little bit sad that not even trans women are by our goddamn side when terfs and transphobes already think we are both freaks.
also get off anon and stand by your words, i cant take you seriously like this, you coward
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mottski · 6 years
t update, 1.5 months!
the long ramble will be under a readmore but the gist:
-i’m growin a lil creeper stache and i’m not sure what to do with it yet. all the rest of my face hairs are still too transparent to notice but the wee creeper stache is comin in dark enough that my brain keeps going “THERE’S SOMETHING ON YOUR FACE” every time i glance in the mirror
-my voice is so deep yall i think it might wind up deeper than my cis coworkers
-HAIR! MUCH HAIR. it wasn’t super noticeable until recently and then i was changing and was like “oh hey stomach hair, nice.” 
-since i’ve moved to my leg, the shots have been so much easier. idk why my stomach was a Real Bad Zone but i’ve had like 0 issues and even on the times i don’t ice the spot enough and it stings a bit, my brain doesn’t flip shit. 
-on the down side, it itches on my leg more and i wind up with shot location bruises a lot. worth it tho
-getting a blood test tomorro to check my T levels (and also to check if my thyroid is, you know, as failing as it looked on my last blood test. so that’s...fun...)
-i’m being read consistently as male now by strangers, probs cause of the voice first and creeper stache second
-i’ve absolutely gained hella muscle thanks to my job. who knew lifting car batteries on T would give u thicc arms and shoulders. shocking. 
-my doctor was impressed at how much muscle i’ve gained :D
-racist coworker, i think, has some internalized transphobia issues as well (to no one’s surprise). he correctly genders me when no one is around, but the second there’s another person in the room he gives off this vibe of being extremely uncomfortable with identifying me as being the same gender he is. i don’t think it’s even a conscious thing, honestly. what sucks tho is that it immediately outs me. i have a tiny stache and my voice is super deep. i’m read as male. i sound male. if he calls me ‘she’ there’s no goddamn way around it for the poor awkward customer now stuck in a situation of realizing 1: this employee is definitely a guy, 2: why is that coworker calling him she, 3: oh right trans people exist, 4: THIS IS AWKWARD DO I CORRECT HIM OR WHAT
-related, i had a grandma age lady FIRMLY CORRECT that coworker by HEAVILY EMPHASIZING her use of ‘he’ towards me
-on the down side, coworker had misgendered me earlier that day and the customer went ABOVE AND BEYOND to emphasize ‘she’ in his sentences despite me having, yknow. creeper stache. low voice. visibly uncomfortable. 
-if he keeps doing it, i’ll talk to my manager cause that’s shitty af and legitimately unsafe for me if he outs me to the wrong person
-straight up tho T is making me gayer than i thought. like i’ve always been some weird mix of a- and bi- romantic but wew lads. also heh “straight up” nothing about me is straight. nothing.
and now, a ramble
so like, here’s the deal. i joined tumblr in early 2013 and the Hot Discourse of the Day was trans men. specifically people (transphobes and terfs, but i didn’t know that then) saying that trans men were either women who wanted a taste of male privilege or were shitty nasty traitors to women. i saw blogs be attacked for disagreeing. i saw people being called misogynistic women haters for disagreeing. it was some real shit. then after that, although it’s now starting to fade, was the years of “men are literally horrible evil monsters” Discourse. 
i’ve...always been very, very prone to absorbing (shitty) peer opinions and caving to them. i’m working on it. it’s a process. it’s kinda one of those need to fit in things where i just...agree with and absorb the views i’m seeing so that i can be one of the Cool Kids. not that it ever works but that’s what my brain tries to do.
...so when i first realized i was trans, i stuck with words like agender, nonbinary. then transmasculine. anything to like...avoid having to be the shitty nasty traitor monster. to this very second actually claiming that i might maybe be a trans man makes my brain go “BUT THAT’S A BAD THING YOU CAN’T.” to this very second.
i’m out at work as a trans man, i’m comfortable IRL being read as a man, but that’s not tumblr, is it. i’ll always be Vaguely Nonbinary but in my gut, i know i’m a trans man. i know it. i still haven’t fully 100% owned that yet though because tumblr’s attitude towards trans men has forced me deeper and deeper into the closet over the course of, what is it now, 5 years? that bullshit on this site is incredibly toxic. i’ve realized that now, in the past six months, which is good.
...undoing five years of absorbing that toxic attitude, though, is gonna be a real long haul.
so, anyway, i think i’ve now identified as everything but the I in the LGBT+ acronym and tumblr is fucking stupid
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