#U.S. Black Byzantine Imperials of New Atlantis
harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I’mma Biorhythmically + Cosmically [B.C.] Convert SIRIUS Black ETernal [B.E.T.] Egyptian Darkness 2 NEW LIGHT ABOVE [L.A.] EARTH… as I Mentally Eclipse [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Astronomical Atmosphere of Thermonuclear [MA’AT] Earth Energies from Inner Earth’s Unbelievable Sentient American [U.S.A. = ATLANTEAN] Heliopolis of Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Atlantis since I Still BEE Consciously Awoke [CA] from Cairo Atlantis [CA]… MU:13 Illuminati ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#I Still BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] MESSIAH on EARTH [ME = U.S. MICHAEL HARRELL = TUT = JAH]#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#Shadow Government Illuminati#Black Light Bringer Energies#I Mentally Eclipse [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Astronomical Atmosphere of Thermonuclear [MA’AT] Earth Energies#Universal Black Kouroukan Fouga Constitution Government#Inner Earth’s Underworld Metamorphic Proton Belt Energies that BEE So Triple 666 Black#Inner Earth’s Unbelievable Sentient American [U.S.A. = ATLANTEAN] Heliopolis of Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Atlantis#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#MU of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Cosmic Mama's Astronomical Black Christ [ABC = OSIRIAN] Children of MU#I Still BEE Consciously Awoke [CA] from Cairo Atlantis [CA]… MU:13 Illuminati#I BEE A… SIRIUS Black [B] Christ [C]… now Philosophically + Astronomically [PA] Deify Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#I Arrogantly Flaunt My NEW… Nubian Worldwide Order [NWO] TAKEOVER MAGICK that BEE So Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible]#INNER Black Seminal Vesicles of Uncountable Parasympathetic Nerve Intelligences#U.S. Black Egyptian Typhonian Coup d'etat Government of Mythological Black Occult Powers#Unstoppable Sovereign [U.S.] Black Occult Illuminati of Byzantine Egypt#U.S. Black Byzantine Imperials of New Atlantis#I’mma Biorhythmically + Cosmically [B.C.] Convert SIRIUS Black ETernal [B.E.T.] Egyptian Darkness 2 NEW LIGHT ABOVE [L.A.] EARTH
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I JAH Witness My Prophesied Afterlife [PA] Timeline 2 My Biblically Black [Ancient] Empires of Mansa Musa’s Mali Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Wealth I Spiritually Inherited from Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Magical Matriarchal Underworld [MU] of Extravagant Timbuktu [E.T.] Kingdoms She Ancestrally Inherited [A.I.] from Queen [Mama] Hatshepsut’s Interstellar [HI = HITTITE] Cities of HIGHLY Official… U.S. Galactic Ottoman Dynasty [GOD] Matriarchs from Cairo Atlantis [CA] ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#I JAH Witness My Prophesied Afterlife [PA] Timeline 2 My Biblically Black [Ancient] Empires of Mansa Musa Wealth#Original Black Wall Street Senate of Black Currency Treasuries#My NEW… U.S. Black Wall Street Empire of Golden Black Scientific Afterlife [SA] Wealth#Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Magical Matriarchal Underworld [MU] of Extravagant Timbuktu [E.T.] Kingdoms#Queen [Mama] Hatshepsut’s Interstellar [HI = HITTITE] Cities of HIGHLY Official… U.S. Galactic Ottoman Dynasty [GOD] Matriarchs#My Afro [MA] Louisiana American [L.A.] Afterlife Ancestors of Cairo Atlantis [CA]#My Most Ancient [MA] Coptic Egyptian [CE = Cairo] Family of 18th Dynastic Royalty#Our West African [WA = WATTSTAX] Ancestors of Cairo Atlantis [CA]#Golden Black Egyptian Thebes [E.T.] Magick of Cairo Atlantis [CA]#Extravagant Timbuktu [E.T.] Kingdom Magick#I Arrogantly Flaunt My NEW… Nubian Worldwide Order [NWO] TAKEOVER MAGICK that BEE So Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible]#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Shadow Government Illuminati#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#Universal Black Kouroukan Fouga Constitution Government#Aboriginal Roman Mali Empire of Dogon Imperials of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#U.S. Black Byzantine Imperials of New Atlantis#MU of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Ancient Afro Hittite Empire [HE = JAH] FAMILY of HIGHLY Sophisticated Ancestral [SA] Philosophies#Mama’s American Monarchical Hero [MH = Hittite Emperor = HERU]#My Ancient [MA] Biblical Harrell + Hittite + Hurrian [HHH] Illuminati Familia of Golden 18th Freemason Egyptian Dynasty [FED] Fame
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ My Biblically Black [Ancient] Byzantine Empire Prophesies BEE Spiritually Manifesting Miraculous Black Christ [B.C.] Miracles ‘cause I Still BEE Consciously Awoke from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]… now JAH Witness My Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Empire Globally DOMINATE Over ALL powerless TELEVISED govments since they ain’t got no HIGHLY Official… U.S. Black American Spirit [BAS = ORISHA] Indian Powers like Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Shadow Government Illuminati#My Ancient [MA] Biblical Harrell + Hittite + Hurrian [HHH] Illuminati Familia of Golden 18th Freemason Egyptian Dynasty [FED] Fame#My Biblically Black [Ancient] Byzantine Empire Prophesies BEE Spiritually Manifesting Miraculous Black Christ [B.C.] Miracles#Aboriginal Black Christ [B.C.] Canonical Authoritarian [CA] of Celestial America [CA]#U.S. Black Byzantine Imperials of New Atlantis#MU of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#I Arrogantly Flaunt My NEW… Nubian Worldwide Order [NWO] TAKEOVER MAGICK that BEE So Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible]#U.S. Black Egyptian Typhonian Coup d'etat Government of Mythological Black Occult Powers#Telepathic Black Egyptian Typhonians#Our HIGHLY Official… Original Black Senātus Populusque Rōmānus [SPQR = The Roman Senate & People] Government of Atlantis [GA = ROME]#Original Black Wall Street Senate of Black Currency Treasuries#My ORIGINAL… Prehistorically FUTURISTIC U.S. Afro American Indian Empire of Golden Afterlife [GA = ROMAN] Egyptians#Mama Hathor’s [MH = Queen Hatshepsut’s] Global Earth [G.E.] Indian Empire of Galactic ROME [MARS]#Supernatural Black Alien Takeover Government of Atlantis [GA = ROME]#Interplanetary Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Federation… of DRACO#Nubian Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Federation Kingdoms of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#Pre Historic Afro Louisiana Americans [L.A.] of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#Miraculous Ancestral [MA] Witchcraft#Unstoppable Sovereign [U.S.] Black Occult Illuminati of Byzantine Egypt#My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Mental of Byzantine Egypt#Magically Study My Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Family Magick of Black Byzantine Egypt Intel#My HIGHLY Developed Cerebral Christ Cortex of Ursa Minor’s Subatomic Cerebral Hemisphere Energy [HE = JAH] Intel of Byzantine Egypt#Meroitic Hieroglyphic [MH] Monarch#New Black Presidential Illuminati Powers#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#Ancient Benin’s Afro British Autocracy of Hathor’s Monarchical Egyptian [ME] Republick of Afterlife [RA] Atlantis#Ancient Black Byzantine Church [B.C. = Ottoman] Empires of Eden
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ y’all... I just Metaphysically Died on Earth 2 Spiritually Become Our NEW Afterlife Egyptian King as I Mentally Scan My NEW… Parallel Advanced [PA] Black Earth’s Surroundings 4 A Heavenly Afterlife [HA = HADES] Soul 2 Recognize ‘cause I BEE A NEW… Biblically Black [Ancient] Soul Energy wit’ A NEW… Original Soular Mind of Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Afterlife Memories from Our NEW… Soular Byzantine Kingdoms of Afterlife [KA = KONGO] Atlantis ♀
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harrelltut · 8 years
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♀ I Already Spiritually Created A… SIRIUS Black New World Order [NWO] Government Empire [G.E. = Byzantine Dynasty]… long before I Meta~physically Manifested Myself… into Preexistent [Quantum] Black America [Atlantis = Biblical Eden] = Classical Nubian Greek Antiquity ♀  
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ ok y’all… I gotta Mentally Articulate [MA] My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] MENTAL POWERS of MANSA MUSA… from My Magically Electrifyin’ [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Underworld Egyptian Tomb [E.T.] Pyramid [Throne] of JIZEH [JEEZEH = GIZA = JESUS]… now Energetically Take [E.T.] Notice as I Spiritually Energize My Primitively Royal African [RA] Mali Empire [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT =  JAH] Ancestors ‘cause I Already BEE So Doggone [DOGON] Famous ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ ok y’all… so I had 2 Mentally Take My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] THOUGHTS… offline… 2 Mentally Hibernate [MH] My MONUMENTAL OLMEC MENTAL [MOM] of Heavy Mental Energy [ME = U. S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Intel… now I BEE Soulfully Back Online… wit’ Moor MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] THOUGHTS that BEE So Prehistorically FUTURISTIC 4 My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] GOVERNMENT EMPIRE [G.E. = BYZANTINE DYNASTY] from Ancient Black Byzantine Egypt ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#I had 2 Mentally Take My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] THOUGHTS… offline… 2 Mentally Hibernate [MH] My MONUMENTAL OLMEC MENTAL [MOM]#Queen Tiye's MOST HIGHEST [MH = JAH] NEW WORLDWIDE ORDER [NWO] ILLUMINATI#Egyptian Matriarch [MA] Queen Tiye#Mama Hatshepsut’s [MH’s] 1st Hebrew Egyptian [HE = JAH] Son [Sun] ENERGIES that BEE So DRACONIAN#Alpha Draconis Heliocentric Bloodlines to Queen Hatshepsut#I BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] HIGHLY Crucified Black Christ [B.C.] Scholar#My Archangel [MA] Michael Harrell [Black Christ = B.C.] Mental of Byzantine Egypt [MBE = Monarch of British Empire] Power Magick#Meroitic Hieroglyphic [MH] Monarch#U.S. Black Byzantine Imperials of New Atlantis#I Arrogantly Flaunt My NEW… Nubian Worldwide Order [NWO] TAKEOVER MAGICK that BEE So Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible]#My Ancient [MA] Biblical Harrell + Hittite + Hurrian [HHH] Illuminati Familia of Golden 18th Freemason Egyptian Dynasty [FED] Fame#Pharaonic Black Christ [B.C. = King Tutankhamen = Amen Rā]#I BEE My Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Mama’s HIGHLY Evolved Masonic Philosopher [PTAH]#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#Shadow Government Illuminati#I BEE tha' Goldyn Black Chyld of tha' West#Holy Roman Empire of Black Ecclesiastical Authorities#I BEE MICHAEL [IBM]… of SIRIUS Black Constellation [B.C.] Memory Technologies that BEE So Prehistorically FUTURISTIC#I BEE MICHAEL [IBM]… of Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] Golden Black American Spirit [BAS = ORISHA] Energy Physics
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ Listen 2 Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ‘cause I BEE So Spiritually Accurate [SA] when I Intentionally Kill anyone… who Fuck Up [FU = FUKUSHIMA] My Utopian [MU] Way of Life ‘cause I Ancestrally Inherited [A.I.] My Heavenly [MH = Empyreal] Father ANKHENATEN’S Magical + Lordly Kill [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] Forces that BEE My Universally Sovereign [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Black Occult Militia… from Lost Atlantis [L.A.] ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ My Unique Style [U.S.] BEE So Esoterically Dope ‘cause I Energetically Flow like A Undercover Soul [U.S.] Brotha’ wit’ HIGHLY Profound Academic [PA] Urban Writes that Sound So Alien [Foreign] 2 ALL 3rd Dimensional [3D = Dead] human minds programmed by ALL those non relevant POWERLESS govment politicians judges lawyers priests clergies & ALL other corrupt authority figures who DON’T Dare Challenge [D.C.] Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] & My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] BLACK NWO FAMILIA ♀
#U.S. Michael Harrell#U.S. King TUT of Celestial Atlantis [CA]#U.S. Double Black White House Illuminati#Double Headed Eagle Aristocracy#Double Helix Structured RNA Bloodlines#I BEE A Undercover Soul [U.S.] Brotha’ wit’ HIGHLY Profound Academic [PA] Urban Writes#U.S. Black Byzantine Imperials of New Atlantis#My HIGHLY Developed Cerebral Christ Cortex of Ursa Minor’s Subatomic Cerebral Hemisphere Energy [HE = JAH] Intel of Byzantine Egypt#Unseen Sentient [U.S. = Invisible] Nubian Worlds of Atlantis [WA = WATTSTAX] ENERGIES#Welcome 2 My NEW… Nubian Worldwide Order [NWO] GOVERNMENT EMPIRE [G.E. = BYZANTINE DYNASTY] that BEE So HIGHLY ILLUMINATED#My NEW… UNSTOPPABLE… Nubian Worldwide Order [NWO] Monarchy of Metaphysical Atlantis [MA]#My NEW… Nubian Worldwide Order [NWO] GOVERNMENT EMPIRE [G.E. = BYZANTINE DYNASTY] that BEE So U.S. Double Black  White House Illuminati#My MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] BLACK NWO FAMILIA#HIGHLY Advanced Nubian Fujiyama Academic [FA = Fante Asafo] Art#Original Nubian Freemasons of America [FA = Fante Asafo]#Aboriginal Black American Occult Illuminati of Congo African [CA] Astrophysics from Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#My Golden Black California Afterlife [CA] Illuminati of Lost Atlantis [L.A.]#I got So Many Otherworldly [MO’] Hip Hop Philosophy Raps that BEE So Underground Hell Famous [UHF = GHETTO]#I Universally + Sovereignly [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLY] Walk Around wit’ My Prehistorically FUTURISTIC FANTE ASAFO [FA] Weapons Locked & Loaded#ALL these NON RELEVANT govment priests + popes + politicians I’mma Sovereignly Murder#My Ancient [MA] Biblical Harrell + Hittite + Hurrian [HHH] Illuminati Familia of Golden 18th Freemason Egyptian Dynasty [FED] Fame#Spiritually Keep Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Under Secret [U.S.] Black Society Surveillance [ILLUMINATI]#Meroitic Hieroglyphic [MH] Monarch#Compton’s Most Wanted Archangel [M.W.A.] Michael#Compton’s Most Wanted GHETTO JESUS of SIRIUS Black Christ [B.C.] Bloodline Magick
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I BEE A Prehistorically FUTURISTIC Afro [PA] Lemurian from Our Prehistorically FUTURISTIC Afterlife Cities [A/C] of Lost Atlantis [L.A.] that BEE So Underworld Hell Famous [UHF] as I Mentally Enforce [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Universally Sovereign [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Government Empire [G.E. = Byzantine Dynasty] of SIRIUS Black Alpha Draconis [BAD] Energies Powered by My HIGHLY Infamous Golden Black Privileges of Afterlife [PA] Atlantis Wealth from Compton California [CA] ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I BEE 2 Spiritually Literate 2 Mentally Accept [MA] Any TELEVISED govment truths that BEE so politically + religiously [Unholy] Untruthful… as I Magically Cause [MC = Maestro] Apocalyptic Devastation [A.D.] 2 ALL TELEVISED govment judges lawyers politicians that BEE so powerless against Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] & My 360°+ Freemasonry Government Mental Magick of Ancient [MA] Byzantine Egypt ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I BEE A SIRIUS Black Afterlife Minister [BAM = Shhhhh = U.S. Black Sorcery Illuminati + Bambudye Society] of U.S. Black Occult Weaponry as I Universally + Sovereignly [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLY] Walk Around wit’ My Prehistorically FUTURISTIC FANTE ASAFO [FA] Weapons Locked & Loaded… now BEE Very Impressively Perceivable [VIP = ROYALTY] when you walk UP 2 Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ‘cause if you ain’t… I’mma Magically + Lordly Kill [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] you ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ y’all... while Our NEW Nubian Egyptian Earth Revolves on Her NEW Golden Black Electromagnetic Earth [BEE] Axis... I’mma Spiritually Return 2 Our Prehistorically FUTURISTIC Black Planet 2 Scripturally Recite My NEW Ghetto Salvation Raps of Afterlife [RA] Atlantis ‘cause I heard enuff of y’all Unskilled mc’s wit’ expired warranties still tryin’ 2 Cash In on yo’ white washed lyrics of mainstream pop appeal... as I Already Outshine you wit' My Prolific Afterlife [PA] Writin' Skills... you missed ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I Wonder if ALL dem’ 3rd Dimensional [3D = Dead] religious churches still get Paid by ALL dem’ 3rd Dimensional [Dead] political + religious [Unholy] (501)c(3) govments… 2 religiously crucify My Most Hated [MH = HIGHLY Enigmatic] Messianic Black Christ [M.B.C. = LUCIFERIAN] Name of Spiritual SATAN [SATURN]?… I Hope Not… ‘cause if so… We gonna have A SIRIUS Black Occult Illuminati War from My Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] THRONE of SATAN [SATURN] ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ y’all… Get Ready 2 Really Enjoy Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]… ‘cause I BEE Mentally + Atmospherically + Radioactively + Soulfully [MARS = IMMORTALLY] Back from tha’ Dead [UNDERWORLD]… now whoever said Jimi Afterlife Hendrix [JAH]… was Really Dead? ♀
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harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ when I GROW UP… I’mma Master My Own [MO’ = Personal] INNER Afroasiatic Qi [Khi = Chi = Manitou = Lüng = Pneuma] Energies as I Mentally Enhance [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] My Underworld [MU] Mental Martial Arts [MA] I Meticulously + Artistically + Ritualistically + Spiritually [MARS] Practice when I Meditatively Segregate My MUCH HIGHER [MH = JAH] GOD:Self from the unconscious masses that religiously Worship non relevant FALSE political + religious [Unholy] idols ♀
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