i love seeing other people get into Death stranding bcuz its suchsuchsuch an amazing game and my favorite game but I worried it wouldnt be as popular as other games/kojima games so seeing you be into it makes my brain jiggle
Udk what the future holds for it, it is such a.... kojima game and i hope he gets what he wants in return for it &feels rewarded for all the hard work, it really is GREAT. I understand why it wouldn't be for some people, but personally, micromanaging my inventory is fun, and the cargo dynamics make just running around n stuff a lil more challenging and fun... like i enjoy challenging myself TO WALK BETTER and i think that is so nice!!!!
Also i love the ghibli-esque... romatisization/apprechiation it has for simple human actions. Like again, i have 2 turn away every time they linger on sams butt bc the skip is refusing 2 skip everything, but i love that they do just give even showers that ":) now isnt this nice."
Idk its weird bc it is one of the most utilitarian games GAMEPLAY wise (loading cargo; always thinking of the nessecities. What is the most urgent... what is the most nessecary... how many supplies is nessecary to pack... / everything being recycled / looking at the map for easiest/best routes/how they utilize the whole concept of paying respects...etc etc) ive played in a while but like. Thematically it is so human (how much the characters value history tidbits like music, mov scripts. How they genuinely talk about the effects of community etc.) The contrast is really good & interesting and balances it perfectly and im so interested in seeing where they go w it!!!!!
MY BRAIN IS JIGGLING TOO GBLESS U :> I WILL HAV 2 DRAW SM STUFF FOR IT THE FURTHER I GET. Im planning 2 play plenty while my summer break lasts.
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