accuratenewsng · 2 years
Father Seeks N25m financial help for JSS 2 Student's Eye Surgery
Father Seeks N25m financial help for JSS 2 Student’s Eye Surgery
It was like a dream that turned reality for the family of an Electrical Engineer, Tola Ayodele who lives at Emirs Road Ilorin Kwara state capital whose son, Kehinde’s right eye was poked with a thick stick and it has become a heavy burden for them. Kehinde a JSS 2 student, a talented footballer and athlete representing his school C&S Grammar School, Sabo Oke, Ilorin in competitions on a fateful…
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miteital · 1 year
. tumblr has crashed 8 times and counting trying to post this ive given up adding the video this timg . you are getting stills . ((tthese are from a cover i did www
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superchat · 9 months
Walking past the offices on the right side of the office (geologists, engineers) and theyre all in eachothers offices chatting. im on the oppossite side with my boss and HR and i think to myself "it would be nice if i was over here" but thnei remember id actually hate it cuz im bad at talking and it uouldnt be fun
But i guess what i would want was to be able to enjoy that sort of thing
Coworkers bday party today and we were all in the conference room for cake and ppl were chatting w/ eachothr and i was just kinda sitting there once again thinking abtehow i cant socialize or connect and i uoull very lmuch like to do that but thats not howeim wired or how i operate
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rotterdamvanalles · 1 month
Oploop van teleurgestelde klanten voor het reisbureau Fiësta in het Zwaanshals op de hoek van de Woelwijkstraat, 25 juli 1964.
Uit het Vrije Volk van 27 juli 1964:
Door financiële moeilijkheden van een reisbureau in Rotterdam, Fiesta Tours, is een lang verbeide vakantie naar het zonnige Spanje voor 71 Nederlanders vannacht begonnen met een trieste en zenuwslopende wachtpartij. Een deel van de vakantiegangers heeft ruim twintig uur gewacht en een ander deel was toen nog niet zeker weg te kunnen.
Ondertussen zat een groep toeristen, die met hetzelfde reisbureau 'uit' waren, in Perpignan (Zuid-Frankrijk) op reisgelegenheid te wachten. De Rotterdamse politie stelt een onderzoek in naar de financiële omstandigheden en gedragingen van de directeur, de 31-jarige Rotterdammer J. Schiltkamp.
Van de 71 gedupeerde deelnemers op Schiphol konden er ten slotte 47 na ruim twintig uur wachten, inclusief een afschuwelijke nacht in de wachtkamer, om tien minuten voor half zeven in een vliegtuig stappen dat hen niet verder zou brengen dan Perpignan. Vandaar zouden zij per bus naar Barcelona worden vervoerd. Meegedeeld werd dat degenen die voor Majorca hadden ingeschreven, dit eiland maar uit hun hoofd moesten zetten. Zij zouden zich met de Costa Brava moeten vergenoegen. De ongelukkigen die om half zeven nog niet weg konden, wachtten op een ander toestel dat inderhaast was gecharterd, maar waarvan zelfs de directeur van de chartermaatschappij niet wist waar het uithing. De „gelukkigen", die met witte gezichten en blauwomrande ogen wel konden vertrekken, kregen slechts een vliegbiljet enkele reis in hun handen gedrukt. De stemming was in de nachtelijke uren beneden het nulpunt gezakt. Slechts een paar jongelui hielden de moed erin: Zo'n vakantiebegin vergeet je nooit meer."
De fotograaf is Ary Groeneveld en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt via delpher.nl uit het Vrije Volk van 27 juli 1964.
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arbitrarypeculiarity · 2 months
I uish i cowld go owtta uater and meet neu FRIENDS
I knou some of them are getting cwlled there bwt im not good at helping uith THAT
I sau it online and it shall stay THERE
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stop-highblood-hate · 3 months
HELLO wh i don't knou if this shit is active bwt STILL
I’M a violet blooded gal and stwff uith conflictions regarding wh,,,, ywo KNOU
AND honestly i feel kinda for them sometimes and a bwnch of my other friends keep telling me they deserve better BWT
I uanted to hear abowt ywour thwowghts heeding this SITWATION
GIVE me a new perspective, MAYBE (OH man if this blog is fwcking innactiue and dead i uill be so wtterly ASHAMED)
hey! fiss blog issnt dead, i jusst havent had a ssingle assk worf ansswering in a while LMFAO
fere issnt much i can really ssay wifout knowing more about your sspecific ssituation, but if you feel bad about- well, feeling bad for fem ssometimess, fatss okay! we all make misstakess after all, no troll iss one hundred percent flawlessss (except for her imperial condesscenssion, of coursse) - but your friendss sshould really be helping you figure fat all out, insstead of jusst confussing you efen more :/
jusst remember fat ass a highblood (and ESSPECIALLY ass a sseadweller), you can do far more good by upholding fe casste sstructure - it exisstss for a reasson, after all, and fe benefitss of it will efentually reach fe lowbloodss too, efen if fey pretend fere arent any 💀
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hardynwa · 4 months
400 level Kwara varsity student commits suicide
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A 400 level female student of the Kwara State University, identified as Rashidat Shittu, has reportedly committed suicide. She allegedly took her own life on Saturday by consuming a chemical suspected to be Sniper in her hostel room. Sources in the university said the student took her own life due to poor academic performance. Rashidat was confirmed dead on arrival at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, UITH, where she was rushed to, for medical attention. DAILY POST learnt that the deceased, a final year student in the institution, complained about her poor academic performance which led to her tragic action. She was buried at the Muslim Cemetery, in the Osere area of Ilorin metropolis, by her family members and staff of the university. Spokesperson of the institution, Dr Saeedat Aliyu, who promised to reach out to DAILY POST for reaction on the incident, could not do so till the time of filing this report. Read the full article
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royalreef · 8 months
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"Frr-ehau uin miat'ne yuu-l abnye'qia, naj'th'i du iak uith-ggte."
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crimechannels · 8 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade 20-year-old University Student commits suicide after lending lover’ N500,000 Tragedy struck recently in the University of Ilorin as a 20-year-old student of the University, Sanni Hameedat, reportedly committed suicide after lending a boy she met on the social media platform, Snapchat, the sum of N500,000. The PUNCH reported that in a statement on Wednesday, the management of Rubiks, the private hostel where the student resided in before her demise, said she was undergoing her SIWES programme before the incident happened. The management asserted that the cause of her death was not unrelated to the pressure from the app agents, who were demanding fast repayment, coupled with her brother’s inability to assist her financially, which led to depression. “The cause of suicide was traced to financial misappropriation. She was entrusted with a significant sum of money by her mother. She crossed paths with a guy on Snapchat and developed a friendship. “When the boy claimed that his mother was battling breast cancer and urgently needed N500,000, the compassionate and emotional lady decided to help him by lending him half of the N1 million she held for her mother. And the boy promised to repay the borrowed money. “However, when her mother needed the money back, the boy abruptly cut off all up all contact, blocking her. This left her deeply troubled and in order for her to make up the missing N500,000, she resorted to borrowing money from various apps.” Hameedat, therefore, managed to gather N450,000 from the loan apps, adding her savings of N50,000 to make up the borrowed N500,000. The management further maintained that she was reported to have ingested a bottle of pesticide popularly known as Sniper the previous night, and her roommate (name withheld), who had retired to bed early, woke up in the middle of the night to discover her in distress while she was foaming from her mouth and also vomiting. “Alarmed, the roommate sought help, and she was rushed to UITH before being declared dead,” the statement concluded. Meanwhile, both the Dean, Student Affairs Unit, Prof M.T. Yakubu, and the Head, Corporate Affairs, Kunle Akogun of the institution, could not comment on the issue in terse messages sent to them as they both claimed to be partaking in the 37th and 38th combined convocation ceremony which kickstarted on Monday, October 16, 2023. But when The PUNCH contacted the Student Union President, Ologundudu Adesunkanmi, popularly called Royal Prince, he confirmed the incident, corroborating the narration of the hostel management. He said, “The Vice-Chancellor, Dean of Student Affairs are very much aware of the issue, and they have reported to the appropriate authority to begin a full-length investigation into the matter. It is sad that the university community lost her in such a devastating manner.” Details later… #0000 #UniversityStudentcomitssuicideafterlendingloverN500
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DOVDH - Hoofdstuk 29 - 31
Hallo lezers,
Dit is wat ik jullie kan vertellen over het boek, vanaf hoofdstuk 28 t.e.m 31:
Hoofdstuk 29, 364
In de weken die volgden,beocht Max Sophia om de paar dagen. Hij had de onbereikbare vrouw bereikt. Na coitus praatte ze nooit, dat was te intiem. Omdat haar mysterie precies pastte op het zijne, raakte hij volledig verslaafd aan de situatie. Onno had hem al een paar keer gevraagd, waar hij de laatste weken uithing, maar Max zei niks.Onno en Max bezochten Ada enkele dagen erna in het ziekenhuis. Ze was nu aan haar zevende maand. Ze was nog steeds in een coma en de dokters wisten niet wat ze moesten doen. Er was een grote kans dat ze in een irreversibele coma ging verkeren. De wanhoop sloeg toe. Wat moesten ze nu doen?
Onno's familie ging een familieberaad organiseren om te overleggen over het kind en Ada. De hele familie kwam en ze praatte over verschillende onderwerpen, maar vooral Ada. Verschillende familieleden stelde voor om het kind te adopteren. Onno moest er nog goed over na denken en gaf geen antwoord. Ze baden samen voor het kind en Ada en wensde het beste.
Hoofdstuk 30, p 379
Onno en Max zaten samen. Onno vertelde over het beraad en hoe twee koppels zijn kind zouden willen adopteren. Ze wisten niet wat ze moesten doen.
Max ging weer bij Sophia eten. Sophia vertelde aan Max dat zij ook zichzelf als kandidaat heeft gesteld .Ze vertelde ook dat de dokters het kind misschien de volgende weken uit Ada met een keizersnee gingen halen. Max excuseerde zich nadat hij het nieuws had gehoord en reed vervolgens naar de vuurtoren bij het strand. Hij liep naar het water en hij was sprakeloos, vast in zijn gedachtes. Hij overwoog dat de waarheid het beste zal zijn en dat hij het moet vertellen aan Onno. Max wou dat hij en Sophia samen het kind zouden grootbrengen, maar dat was natuurlijk een illusie. Hij had ineeens de behoefte om zijn pleegmoeder te zien en hij ging dat ook doen. Hij reed naar Nice, naar zijn thuis, maar ze was daar niet. Ze hadden al jaren niet meer gesproken dus hij wist niet dat ze er niet meer was. Hij kreeg een telefoonnummer en belde haar.
Hij reed naar Bloemendaal, waar ze nu woont. Ze spraken met elkaar en hij vertelde Tonia zijn zorgen. Al die jaren had zij een portet samen met haar overleden man boven de haard gezet. Door dit schaamde Max zich. Hij houd echt van haar en verweet zichzelf dat hij niet eerder was gekomen. Tonia gaf hem een zwart-witfoto van zijn vader en moeder samen op de dag van hun huwelijk. Ze had het gevonden tussen de dozen wanneer ze aan het verhuisen was. Max was sprakeloos, door de foto en door het feit dat de foto een van de enige dingen was dat zijn vader had meegenomen toen hij in de cel belandde. Hield hij nu toch van haar?
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Hoofdstuk 31, p 399
Max stond de volgende dag op. Iets was veranderd, maar hij wist niet wat. Als een schakelaar die eindelijk werd omgedraaid.
Om half na een hadden Max en Sophia een afspraak om samen te gaan lunchen. Daar wou hij ook zijn idee vertellen dat hij samen met Sophia het kind van Onno (of Max) en Ada ging opvoeden. Nadat hij het voorstelde stemde ze direct in. Haar leven was verwoest en dit was de enige manier dat ze zich een beetje normaal zou voelen. Het enige probleem was dat Max het nu nog alleen maar aan Onno moest vragen. Nadat Max het aan Onno had voorgesteld, aarzelde hij. Hij was perplex en moest even nadenken. Als hij 'ja' zou zeggen zou het kind een semi-normaal leven kunnen leiden. In Drenthe samen met Sophia en Max. Het zou kunnen opgroeien in een veilige omgeving met een vader- en een moederfiguur en dat is precies wat hij wou. Hij stemde in en was blij met het voorstel. Hij had eindelijk een plek gevonden voor het kind dat hem aanstaande. Ada zou niets liever gewild hebben.
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nationwidenews · 1 year
Ilorin Hospital detains corpse of relative who assaulted doctor
Ilorin Hospital detains corpse of relative who assaulted doctor
The management of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital in Kwara State on Wednesday seized a corpse of a patient and arrested one of the relatives of the deceased for physically assaulting a medical doctor. Three family members of the deceased, one Alhaji Saliu, on Tuesday reportedly beat up a medical doctor in the Accident and Emergency Wing of the UITH following what they described as…
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accuratenewsng · 2 years
Nurses brace -up for ICT training as UITH mulls digital services
Nurses brace -up for ICT training as UITH mulls digital services
Nurses in the service of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), have been charged to brace -up for training on Information Communication Technology (ICT), to be at par with their colleagues on international best practices. The charge was given by the new chairman of the Association of Nigerian Nurses and Midwives (NANNM), UITH chapter, Mr Kazeem Ayinla Afolabi. He said the training…
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mycheerykid · 2 years
BLOOMINGTON -- Ashley Benson is inside a convention room on the north finish of Memorial Stadium in Indiana College. It is 5pm on a Friday and she or he's an hour away from turning into the primary volleyball participant within the IU story to be included within the faculty athletics corridor of fame.She sits there, the very best volleyball participant on the Hoosiers court docket. She sits there alongside one other IU legend, a 6-10 man who bears an uncanny resemblance to Ashely. The options of him, the blue eyes, the imposing determine of him, the athletic prowess of him.That man subsequent to Ashley is her father, Kent Benson, a member of UIThe undefeated basketball staff of 1976 and a two-time All-American.With out him, Ashley says as she seems up at her dad, with out his help, her launch to volleyball greatness would by no means have occurred. There was this pivotal second, she stated, a father-daughter dialog.They're each smiling inside that convention room on a Friday evening. They're each remembering what Ashley is speaking about: that turning level.Indiana Basketball Corridor of Fame:Del Harris deliberate to evangelise. He turned a coach who made John Calipari 'really feel like a sinner'It was 20 years in the past. Ashley was 13 years outdated and she or he had determined that she needed to stop basketball. Her determination had come to her whereas she was enjoying in a summer season league earlier than her freshman 12 months at North Bloomington Excessive Collegewhereas driving for layups, whereas hitting the court docket."I simply keep in mind considering, 'I am not having enjoyable anymore. This isn't the place I wish to be,'" stated Ashley, now 33. "'I may be Okay in basketball, however I can by no means be nice in basketball.But inside these volleyball gyms open in the summertime, Ashley felt alive. This was a sport she might excel at. However how might he inform her father? She beloved basketball. The I used to be basketball.Shaking and shaking, Ashley walked in for that father-daughter speak. "I struggled to work up the braveness. I did not know the way I might reply," Ashley stated. "Right here is without doubt one of the finest Indiana basketball gamers... of all time."And right here she was prepared to inform her father that the game he beloved was not the game she beloved.Ashley would not know the way, however she spoke the phrases, able to see the frustration on his face. As a substitute, Kent Benson noticed her daughter crying and stated one thing Ashley will always remember.Do you wish to play volleyball? that is nice. that I like you and can help you in every part you do."The stress was off," Ashley stated.And the "magnificent obsession" was born, stated Kent Benson. That is what he calls what Ashley did subsequent. She poured her coronary heart and her soul into volleyball; coaching, doing further coaching, studying the sport from all angles. She grew to 6-3, a center blocker with a slim construct, quickness and explosion on the ground."She did all of the laborious work. She was striving for excellence," stated Kent Benson, 67. "And if you speak about excellence, you speak about being the very best you may be, in each doable means, in every part you do." ."Ashley turned the primary IU volleyball participant to earn All-American honors, doing so twice. She took IU to her first Candy Sixteen within the present's historical past. He walked away with a plethora of information that also stand: first in program historical past in blocking assists (568), whole blocks (629), and batting proportion (.339), in addition to sixth in kills (1,492) whereas enjoying as a participant. center blocker.And on Friday, Ashley turned the primary feminine volleyball participant to be inducted into the IU Athletics Corridor of Fame.Ashley is honored by that, however much more honored to be sitting subsequent to her father, an hour earlier than the ceremonies, figuring out that they're the primary father-son duo in IU's historical past to be referred to as members of the Corridor of Fame.
Fame. Kent Benson can be honored."I am so proud," he stated. "So happy with her."'I wish to do what he did'Ashley is the youngest of Kent Benson's 4 daughters. She was born in February 1989, the identical 12 months that she was inducted into the IU Corridor of Fame.Rising up, Ashley was in awe of her large 6-10 dad with an enormous coronary heart. She listened to him speak about what it takes to be an ideal athlete, one who left IU and have become the No. 1 choose within the 1977 NBA draft, which she performed 11 years as a professional. She grew up watching individuals migrate to him.Kent Benson was picked up wherever he went, together with on a routine run to the ironmongery shop, Ashley stated."Folks would simply inform tales and simply see the emotion that he delivered to these individuals, the enjoyment that got here off their faces. The sunshine that got here off them," he stated. "I believed, 'I wish to do what he did. I would like one thing to occur, keep on his legacy.'"When Ashley was 5 years outdated, she had a basketball in her hand. Her three older sisters performed basketball and have been wonderful on the sport. She checked out them. On the court docket, Ashley was a fast and agile participant that folks seen.However as a sixth-grader at St. Charles Catholic College in Bloomington, Ashley tried out for volleyball on a whim. There weren't sufficient ladies to type a staff and she or he needed to assist.Ashley ended up loving volleyball. The game additionally appeared to like her.At Bloomington North, Ashley was ranked seventeenth within the nation by PrepVolleyball.com. She ranked thirteenth within the Nationals within the American Division as a member of the Hoosierland 18-1 membership staff in 2006. She was named the staff's MVP at Bloomington North in her senior season, touted as the very best blocker in her junior and senior years, and was twice an all-conference choice.Indiana Sports activities Legends:Butler Soccer's Don Benbow should have been a saint. He follows me in all places, even to golf.Faculties have been recruiting this volleyball phenom beneath the basketball identify Benson. However Ashley knew the place she needed to go. She knew the place her coronary heart was, at IU, the place her father had been a star.Kent Benson had one other concept. "I had bother getting her to go to IU," he stated. Benson needed his daughter to play at Purdue, beneath legendary coach Dave Shondell. He and Benson have been good associates. He noticed the place Shondell had taken that program."Her present far surpassed IU and I needed her to expertise the very best alternatives she had," stated Kent Benson. "However she grew up in Bloomington, she was a fan of IU, every part was IU, in order that was already ingrained in her coronary heart, her thoughts and her physique. And I do not blame her in any respect. I supported her."Ashley stated that she noticed IU undergo a unique lens than her father. She noticed a program that may not be pretty much as good as Purdue's, however she "knew what she might do," she stated.In her first assembly as a freshman at IU with new coach Sherry Dunbar, Ashley defined. "I've concepts of what I wish to do for this present and I hope you agree," Ashley recollects her telling Dunbar. "And she or he was like, ' what lady? I agree with you. We will make some nice issues occur.'"Collectively, they did.When Ashley arrived at IU, the Hoosiers have been final within the Massive Ten. Throughout his 4 seasons, the staff recorded no less than 15 wins every year, together with 23 in his senior season in 2010, when Ashley led the staff to its first Candy Sixteen in program historical past. Throughout her school profession, she was twice named an All-American, as was her father."She was a child who grew up in Indiana, her dad was an All-American right here and I believe she simply bleeds," Dunbar stated whereas teaching Ashley from 2007 to 2010. "She simply loves Indiana. And the
very best factor about Ashley is that every part he does is with this present in thoughts and his want to go away it higher than he discovered it.Identical to his father had carried out all these years at IU enjoying basketball.'It actually choked me'Kent Benson cannot keep in mind his name to the corridor of fame, the one in 1989. "So way back," he says.Ashley arrived as she was placing her 2-year-old daughter, Daisy, down for a nap. The cellphone rang for IU athletic director Scott Dolson. She could not reply. She left a message."Hello Ashley simply needed to name and speak. Nothing pressing simply needed to see how issues are going," Dolson's message learn. Ashley had no concept what this could possibly be about. She obtained nervous. Her fiancé Brad advised him to not fear about her. She calls Dolson again and sees what she needs.When she did, Dolson advised Ashley that she could be inducted into the IU Athletics Corridor of Fame."And I used to be like, 'Oh my God. What?'" he stated. "I knew it could come. I did not notice it could be so quickly. I can not even put into phrases how I really feel as a result of I am consistently enthusiastic about the volleyball program and the way far we have come. However to be the primary (volleyball participant) ) within the corridor of fame? It is unreal."IU's most notable sports activities names:seven occasions. seven golds. Seven information. 50 years in the past, IU's Mark Spitz turned an icon.It was unreal and fantastic and Ashley had somebody she wanted to inform. Her first cellphone name was to her father."I used to be so proud and so excited for her," stated Kent Benson. "It actually moved me. She's had a profession filled with tales and I am so happy with what she's made from her to develop into the very best and so blessed to have her as my daughter."Twenty years later, Kent Benson nonetheless seems at Ashley, now an assistant volleyball coach at Bloomington North, and remembers that 13-year-old lady who got here to him with tears in her eyes."For her to make that sort of grownup determination at 13 years outdated with that sort of conviction in her coronary heart and concern about what I might assume and the way I might reply, it was fairly superb. She made the suitable determination," he smiles. "She positive did."Observe IndyStar sports activities reporter Dana Benbow on Twitter: @DanaBenbow. Contact her by e mail: [email protected].
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superchat · 1 year
Switching my old pc to a bigger case (which just turned into building a pc entirely) has been such a fucking nightmare and proves my incompitency on so many levels it was meant to be clean and nice but as time goes on its getting more and more scuffed and trash :u i didntehave a supportethingy for the gpu so i threw on a string of velcro straps to help keep upward force on it, the sd and hdd cards just Hanging Out i tried to boot it up but it went straight to bios and someone had to help me turns out iedidnt have power connected to either drives i try to boot up to w10 i dont wanna erase aneentire drive and i ask "what good is the nvme drive doing" and my friend says i should oe able to boot up uith it turns out i didnt even have it fully in so it wasnt recognized
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I turn on pceget it set up yay uorlds working again, i realize theres no wifi and i have no ethernet cables so i gut the old wifi chip from my prev motherboard and it just has these..antennas pokingeout the sides now...i probably shouldnt touch them cuz the metal flaps connect straight to the wires that connect to the chip
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Now im trying to restore backup files but it doesnt like my old pc's username it wants to use this current ones thats empty
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rotterdamvanalles · 7 months
Oploop van teleurgestelde klanten voor het reisbureau Fiësta in het Zwaanshals op de hoek van de Woelwijkstraat, 25 juli 1964.
Uit het Vrije Volk van 27 juli 1964:
Door financiële moeilijkheden van een reisbureau in Rotterdam, Fiesta Tours, is een lang verbeide vakantie naar het zonnige Spanje voor 71 Nederlanders vannacht begonnen met een trieste en zenuwslopende wachtpartij. Een deel van de vakantiegangers heeft ruim twintig uur gewacht en een ander deel was toen nog niet zeker weg te kunnen.
Ondertussen zat een groep toeristen, die met hetzelfde reisbureau 'uit' waren, in Perpignan (Zuid-Frankrijk) op reisgelegenheid te wachten. De Rotterdamse politie stelt een onderzoek in naar de financiële omstandigheden en gedragingen van de directeur, de 31-jarige Rotterdammer J. Schiltkamp.
Van de 71 gedupeerde deelnemers op Schiphol konden er ten slotte 47 na ruim twintig uur wachten, inclusief een afschuwelijke nacht in de wachtkamer, om tien minuten voor half zeven in een vliegtuig stappen dat hen niet verder zou brengen dan Perpignan. Vandaar zouden zij per bus naar Barcelona worden vervoerd. Meegedeeld werd dat degenen die voor Majorca hadden ingeschreven, dit eiland maar uit hun hoofd moesten zetten. Zij zouden zich met de Costa Brava moeten vergenoegen. De ongelukkigen die om half zeven nog niet weg konden, wachtten op een ander toestel dat inderhaast was gecharterd, maar waarvan zelfs de directeur van de chartermaatschappij niet wist waar het uithing. De „gelukkigen", die met witte gezichten en blauwomrande ogen wel konden vertrekken, kregen slechts een vliegbiljet enkele reis in hun handen gedrukt. De stemming was in de nachtelijke uren beneden het nulpunt gezakt. Slechts een paar jongelui hielden de moed erin: Zo'n vakantiebegin vergeet je nooit meer."
De fotograaf is Ary Groeneveld en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt via delpher.nl uit het Vrije Volk van 27 juli 1964.
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s3plan · 2 years
when i was 14. i self shipped uith robby from gravity falls because i dreamt we were dating one time
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