#UK and USA elections lining up like the planets
im-a-goat-in-disguise · 7 months
Who else looking forward to the Tories getting their dick smashed into a incoming train when the 2024 election rolls around
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azspot · 3 years
Individual nations took various steps to maximise their campanoproductivity through the 1950s, but it was only after the 1961 UN resolution—backed by both the USA and the Soviet Union, and with the tacit approval of China—that global tintinnabulation properly began to ramp-up. By midsummer 1965 the recently-formed Global Bellsound Survey calculated that close to a million distinct and individual bell-ring sounds were being generated every ten seconds by human beings all across the planet. The development of computers led to increasing efficiencies in tintinnabulation. By the end of the century it was possible for a single, modestly-priced computer to sound a hundred distinct bell-sound noises every second (resulting in over a billion such sounds a year). Hundreds of millions of such machines were devoted to this business by 2000 alone. Some pundits predicted the craze would die out, but manifest alterations in the fabric of reality—a huge increase in angelic visitations and apparitions, especially in dreams, but also measurable distortions in the Earth’s magnetic field, gravitational anomalies, mysterious messages appearing in the least likely places and so on—convinced most people that this was labour with which it was worth persevering. Economists argued that the true driver was the percentage of angel-oriented prayers (perhaps as high as 65%) that now resulted in positive returns. Priests, Imams and Rabbis spoke of a newly productive mode of religious engagement. Music fans applauded the supersession of guitars and drums by bells. By 2010 more than 40% of global GDP was devoted to tintinnabulating. Every city resounded, day and night, with a cacophony of bells chiming, deep or shrill, long or brief, day and night. Most people made-do with noise cancellation headphones or (in poorer parts of the world) with wadding stuffed into the earholes, although some elected for radical surgery to sever the aural nerves. As 2015 began, the global production of new angels was assessed at 10^85 annually, more than the number of atoms in the observable universe. By 2017 this number was calculated to be 10^190, a figure significantly greater than the number of Planck volumes composing the volume of the observable universe. No bricks-and-mortar Tower of Babel ever had, or ever could have, approached so nearly the ineffable throne of infinity as this new project by a humanity unified by internet media. Quantum computing raised productivity exponentially. God was being swamped with new angels, overwhelmed by an exponentially increasing spiritual volume. Some theologians argued that the nature of the Divine was such as to be able to accommodate a literally infinite addition of angelic pressure. Others observed that the War in Heaven—so memorably narrated in Paradise Lost—had involved some paltry thousands of rebel angels, and that had shaken the pillars of paradise. Who could say what effect the creation of so many googols of new angelic natures, each one an infinitude-in-one theologically-speaking, would have upon the Godhead? By the end of 2020 the line of the graph approached closer and closer to vertical. This was when, in a one-third-full car-park in Leicester, UK, God made His final manifestation in this reality. He spoke medieval French (a detail that occasioned a good deal of academic hypothesis and disputation in the years that followed) but what he said was clear enough: “That’s it, I’m out, I’m through with this joint. In sufficient numbers, even gnat-bites will chase away the brontosaurus. You’ve had six thousand years of my rule. Get ready for a new manner of management, a Graham’s Number of angels, your new commissariat. Take it from me, there’s very little on which they all agree.” With that, He vanished. And so, as we look forward to the twenty-twenties, some folk are apprehensive, and some excited, and most are perfectly indifferent, caught up, as is the human way, in their own day-to-day concerns.
Morphosis: The Tintinnabulation at the End of the World: a Christmas Story
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ataswegianabroad · 3 years
Alone Amongst the Gum Trees Part 3 - It Was Murdoch All Along
NOTE - this article has been migrated to Medium. As of 2021, A Taswegian Abroad will be closed down, and all of my writing will be published on my Medium profile.
“For some time, Australia’s democracy has been slowly sliding into disrepair. The nation’s major policy challenges go unaddressed, our economic future is uncertain and political corruption is becoming normalised. We can’t understand the current predicament of our democracy without recognising the central role of Murdoch’s national media monopoly. 
There is no longer a level playing field in Australian politics. We won’t see another progressive government in Canberra until we deal with this cancer in our democracy.”
I started this as a brain dump on July 25th, 2016 just before I flew back to Australia for 4 weeks. I decided to wait to finish it as an “Alone Amongst the Gum Trees” piece after the 2016 US election as it would have directly impacted the outcome. 
That was the plan, anyway. I forgot entirely that I had written this draft for almost 5 years. The next thing you know: it’s early 2021, I’m married, have a dog, a car, and my first child is due in August. 
My last political opinion piece was from April 11, 2016: a piece on how Bernie Sanders was being treated in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election.
So what happened from mid-2016 to early 2021? I didn’t jump back down the political commentary rabbit hole. No more rants on Tumblr blogs. No angry posts on Facebook. The odd spicy tweet about the current election happening between my old home (Australia), my new home (Canada) and the messed up cousin next door (United States). I instead chose to divert my love of writing to sports (see https://thefiftyfooty.com/), technology, and music.
From a political standpoint I chose to mostly stop talking, and to listen. Now don’t become misconstrued: I did not ignore it. I was very active over the Provincial and Federal Canadian elections of 2015 and 2019, I followed the unprecedented US political climate very closely given our proximity to the United States (and learned a lot in the process), and I voted in the most recent 2019 Australian election (my third from Toronto since leaving in 2012).
If I take a step back - I still need to be self-critical: I was defeated and I surrendered to the tidal-wave of the far-right. I was watching the US tear itself in two over race, alternative facts, and radical ideology. I was watching the UK go down a similar path with Brexit and Boris Johnson. I was watching my beloved homeland of Australia continue to confusingly elect damaging conservative governments despite the polls, trends, movements and more indicating it was time for a change.
As I matured into my late 20′s and now early 30′s (*gulp*) I was asking myself: was this how it was going to be? Did the western world just decide “we’re done with progressive views, let stick it in reverse for a bit and see how we go”? If that was true, then why did Canada buck this trend with Trudeau in 2015 & 2019? Why was New Zealand thriving under Arden after 2017 and 2020?
I went to a dark place on this. 
But then something amazing happened. Enter former Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd talking about wanting a royal commission into Rupert Murdoch and his News Corp empire who control 70% of print media in Australia.
Did he say 70% of all print media in Australia?
I STRONGLY recommend taking 15 minutes to watch this video. It will do a much better job of painting the scene than I ever could. If not, you can still read on through.
After doing some looking into this: all I can say is that I didn’t have to dig very far to have my fire reignited. All I can think about now is this #MurdochRoyalCommission
My world view has changed, and what I am about to write next will explain a few things that I hope will change yours too.
This is not a left vs right piece. This is not a blame, shame, or complain piece either. I won’t curse or abuse, because this is a self reflection, a cry of encouragement, and a call to action to all who live in and want to protect the political integrity of democracy around the world.
I am here to explain my thought patterns with the goal of having at least one more person under the thumb of Murdoch’s “beast” realise just what’s going on, and to encourage that person to make more informed decisions knowing the facts.
The Path to En-frightened-ment
February 2014 was the last time I updated the long-form political arm of my blog. Back then as a young man exposed to his first bout of political and social disappointment after the 2013 Australian election - I felt the need to get it all out and I did in a little more linguistically brash Part 2 of “Alone Amongst the Gum Trees”.
I was in an interesting position then. I was a 23 year old finding his place in the world - personally, politically, spiritually, environmentally. I was mostly deciding whether or not I was done with Toronto and it if was time to stay home permanently after spending 3 months back in Australia.
I chose no. I left. I came back to Toronto and the rest is history.
Then one day a couple of years later I got us flights back to Australia for a visit. After nearly 3 years avoiding it (mostly because of my post-election distaste for Australian ignorance), it was time to bite the bullet and go home for a bit.
In 2014 I mentioned:
...let’s talk about Australia, how things changed, how it looked from outside the huge wall that the government apparently has built around the country now, and how it looks from a bloke who literally can not wait to leave again.
I had been anxious about that trip for a while. Not because I hadn’t seen everyone for so long or because it was my wife’s (then girlfriend who became my fiance on that trip) first time visiting, it was because Australia had a chance to move away from the “ignorance, inequality, narrow-minded idiocy, and over-conservatism” I mentioned in 2014. 
But we didn’t. Turnbull won the 2016 election. I was so angry at the Australian people. I was so scared of that ignorant, greedy, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, narrow minded, privileged, climate denying creature that seems to be slowly devouring the planet.
From that point in time, all I could think about was some sort of big right-wing populist shift happening across the globe. Outside of the obvious ones: Trump in the USA, Johnson in the UK and Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison in Australia, there were a few more extreme cases: Putin in Russia, Marine Le Pen in France, Viktor Orban in Hungary. Then there’s Cambodia, Brazil, Turkey, Egypt etc who saw this as a huge advantage as well. It may not be the end of a progressive vision of the world but it definitely seemed like the beginning of a big switch.
One thing I learned during my political writing hiatus while serving my self-induced “exile” to Canada is that this country was one of the few blips in this trend. Why did Canada choose to elect Justin Trudeau in 2015, a left wing liberal, after 9 years of Harper’s conservative government? Was it simply because Canadians were good and fair people? Did they just fundamentally understand that you need both conservative and progressive governments to advance society? Perhaps they do, and Canadians are most definitely good and fair people regardless of election results. I am even set to become a Canadian citizen myself (and a dual-citizen overall) in 2021.
So where is this all coming from? Why are the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom on a continued path to segregation, protectionism, populism and division while Canada and New Zealand show basically zero of these tendencies?
The News Corp cancer that is Rupert Murdoch’s media empire is the deciding factor.
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So What Does Kevin Rudd Have To Do With It?
Mr. Rudd has been living in the USA for the last 5 years and is firmly spearheading the charge in that Rupert Murdoch’s media behemoth “News Corp” has been unlawfully influencing Australian opinion and undermining elections in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States for close to 3 decades (more predominantly in the last 8 years). 
Before you read any further I have to be transparent about my opinions of Kevin Rudd. I accredit his “Kevin 07″ campaign as the catalyst for my interest in politics, my decision to study economics at university, and my ongoing support for progressive policies in every federal and state election since 2007. His work has played a big part in shaping me into the person I am today.
Despite my positive position on Mr. Rudd, I am also disappointed he did not action this during his time as prime minister. However, I am “all in” when it comes to what he is standing for, and that is:
Eradicating monopolies in all forms (be it political, business, journalism, etc)
Improving media literacy to encourage fair and unbiased journalism
Avoiding the pitfalls of Murdoch's divisive influence on the USA happening to Australia
There’s a few key factoids to his claims of mass-media bias:
70% of print media in Australia is owned by ONE MAN: Rupert Murdoch (100% owned in Queensland)
Print media influences the national conversation on a daily basis
Rupert Murdoch owns the biggest YouTube channel in Australia (news.com.au)
The line between fact-based and opinion-based reporting continues to blur, resembling that of CNN (Democrats) and Fox (Republican) extreme partisanship in the USA
All of Murdoch’s papers have backed the Liberal/National party in all 19 out of the last 19 federal and state elections 
The ABC is breaching the Australian Broadcasting Act of 1983 by not standing up to Murdoch media purely out of fear
Politicians are not standing up out of fear of character assassination
Whether or not Murdoch is backing left or right, Labor or Liberal, the question still remains:
Do you think it is healthy for a FOREIGN PRIVATE ENTITY to own a monopoly level of influence on a sovereign country’s political system for that private entity to use for their own personal gain through targeted media attacks and character assassinations? 
Watch This Space...
There are utter mountains of evidence to accompany these claims, and to make sure you can digest what I am trying to say, I recommend that you sink your teeth into the following videos to validate and truly comprehend the size of the tumour we are dealing with:
Feb 20, 2020 - 1h - Friendlyjordies informal interview with Kevin Rudd
This is right before the Covid outbreak in March, which delayed Mr. Rudd’s ability to move for a formal commission into media bias
Provides excellent insight into the ABC’s lack of action, the opportunism of the Green party, and the complete absence of unbiased reporting in Australia
Feb 18, 2021 - 1h 30m - Kevin Rudd Officially Requesting Royal Commission to Australian Senate
The first 20-30 minutes provide Mr. Rudd’s summary of the situation
The remainder of the video consists of questions from both Labor and Liberal senators about Mr. Rudd’s claims
Mar 1, 2021 - 2m - Kevin Rudd speaks to Sunrise about the Murdoch monopoly
Mr. Rudd went on a national flagship morning show to discuss his concerns regarding News Corp
LISTEN to the questions being asked of him: completely disregarding his valid points and dismissing him as “sour grapes”
Channel 7 is not News Corp, so why try to discredit Mr. Rudd? Fear of being targeted by News Corp
Mar 9, 2021 - 1h - National Press Club: The Case for Courage
Mr. Rudd stands up in front of The National Press Club of Australia to promote the four big challenges facing Australia in his upcoming book “The Case for Courage” 
He takes questions from journalists from both Murdoch and non-Murdoch media outlets
As I start to conclude this piece, for action to happen, an independent royal commission is required to get to the facts. Mr. Rudd already gathered over 500,000 signatures that were recently sent to Prime Minister Scott Morrison asking for the royal commission to take place, but this is not enough.
Even former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, a friend of Rupert Murdoch and political opposite to Mr. Rudd, signed the petition and said the following:
Mr Turnbull, a former Liberal prime minister, said the Murdoch media used to be a group of traditional right-leaning outlets but has now become "a vehicle of propaganda."
He told ABC television's Insiders program on Sunday that Australian democracy was suffering for allowing the "crazy, bitter partisanship" of social media to creep into the mainstream.
"We have to work out what price we're paying, as a society, for the hyper-partisanship of the media," Mr Turnbull said.
"Look at the United States and the terrible, divided state of affairs that they're in, exacerbated, as Kevin was saying, by Fox News and other right-wing media."
I recently sent a (somewhat long) letter to Mr. Rudd expressing my concern for the state of Australia’s media landscape, with it culminating in the following questions:
I am deeply moved and inspired by your bravery to take on "the beast" as you so aptly name it, and I want to boldly ask: how can I help? How can I get involved? 
I am yet to hear back from Mr. Rudd himself - but I think if you’ve gotten this far, you know what I am about to say next.
I want to help, learn more, or get involved.
That’s amazing. We’re not asking for money, just action. Here’s some ways you can help is stop the rot:
SUBSCRIBE TO and FOLLOW direct updates from Kevin Rudd:
Website / Newsletters
Social media alongside the #MurdochRoyalCommission hashtag on all platforms:
Boycott News Corp media sites, publications, and channels
I’ve linked a list of all assets by News Corp above
This includes steering clear of ALL mediums of news owned by these publications and outlets including the respective:
Social media channels and pages
Television and radio news channels 
Print and online newspapers and articles
SHARE and spread the word of this cancer affecting our democracy
Talk TO your friends and family (not AT them) and LISTEN to their views - people are not dumb: this will make sense if given time to digest
WATCH the videos posted above as a start, alongside a few more recommendations:
This interview between Friendly Jordies and former Labor Leader Bill Shorten from earlier in March 2021
I learned more about Bill Shorten in the last 20 minutes of this interview than I did in his entire run as opposition leader. 
This just goes to show you how utterly mistreated he was by Murdoch media
For a laugh - every episode of Kevin Rudd: PM from Rove McManus’ late night show
I want Australia to remain a safe, secure, and lucky country to raise my family in someday. I care about this very much and plan to ramp up my content around this until we are free from the Murdoch beast and its lies.
Thank you so much for reading, as always, I am happy to discuss.
List of Murdoch (News Corp) Owned Outlets [Expanded Below]
Foxtel (65%)
Australian News Channel
Fox Sports Australia
Fox Sports News
Fox Cricket
Fox Footy
Fox League
Kayo Sports
Sky News Australia
Sky News Weather
Sky News Extra
Sky After Dark
Australia Channel (News Streaming channel)
Sky News New Zealand
Sky News on WIN
Punters.com.au — Australian horse racing and bookmaker affiliate.
Australia Best Recipes
One Big Switch
Knewz, a news aggregator
Advertising, Branding & Tech
News UK
bridge studio
wireless Group
wireless studios
urban media
First Radio
News Corp Australia
SUDDENLY - Content Agency
Medium Rare Content Agency
HT&E (Here, There & Everywhere)
News Xtend
News UK & Ireland
wireless Group
talkSPORT 2
Virgin Radio
Live 95FM
Scottish Sun 80s
Scottish Sun Hits
Scottish Sun Greatest Hits
Times Radio
Magazines and Inserts (digital and print)
News Corp Australia
Big League
Business Daily
GQ Australia
Mansion Australia
Super Food Ideas
The Deal
The Weekend Australian Magazine
Vogue Australia
Vogue Living
News & Magazines (digital and print)
News UK
The Sun
The Times
The Sunday Times
Press Association (part owned, News UK is one of 26 shareholders)
The TLS (Times Literary Supplement)
News Corp Australia
The Australian including weekly insert magazine The Deal and monthly insert magazine (wish)
The Weekend Australian
Australian Associated Press
New South Wales
The Daily Telegraph
The Sunday Telegraph including insert magazine sundaymagazine
Herald Sun
Sunday Herald Sun including insert magazine sundaymagazine
Lions Raw
The Courier-Mail including weekly insert magazine QWeekend
The Sunday Mail
Brisbane News
South Australia
The Advertiser including the monthly insert The Adelaide magazine
Sunday Mail
The Mercury
The Sunday Tasmanian
Northern Territory
Northern Territory News
Sunday Territorian
Community suburban newspapers
Cumberland/Courier (NSW) newspapers
Blacktown Advocate
Canterbury-Bankstown Express
Central Coast Express Advocate
Fairfield Advance
Hills Shire Times
Hornsby and Upper North Shore Advocate
Inner West Courier
Liverpool Leader
Macarthur Chronicle
Mt Druitt-St Marys Standard
North Shore Times
Northern District Times
Parramatta Advertiser
Penrith Press
Rouse Hill Times
Southern Courier
The Manly Daily
The Mosman Daily
Village Voice Balmain
Wentworth Courier
Leader (Vic) newspapers
Bayside Leader
Berwick/Pakenham Cardinia Leader
Brimbank Leader
Caulfield Glen Eira/Port Philip Leader
Cranbourne Leader
Dandenong/Springvale Dandenong Leader
Diamond Valley Leader
Frankston Standard/Hastings Leader
Free Press Leader
Heidelberg Leader
Hobsons Bay Leader
Hume Leader
Knox Leader
Lilydale & Yarra Valley Leader
Manningham Leader
Maribyrnong Leader
Maroondah Leader
Melbourne Leader
Melton/Moorabool Leader
Moonee Valley Leader
Moorabbin Kingston/Moorabbin Glen Eira Leader
Mordialloc Chelsea Leader
Moreland Leader
Mornington Peninsula Leader
Northcote Leader
Preston Leader
Progress Leader
Stonnington Leader
Sunbury/Macedon Ranges Leader
Waverley/Oakleigh Monash Leader
Whitehorse Leader
Whittlesea Leader
Wyndham Leader
Quest (QLD) newspapers
Albert & Logan News (Fri)
Albert & Logan News (Wed)
Caboolture Shire Herald
Caloundra Journal
City News
City North News
City South News
Ipswich News
Logan West Leader
Maroochy Journal
North-West News
Northern Times
Northside Chronicle
Pine Rivers Press/North Lakes Times
Redcliffe and Bayside Herald
South-East Advertiser
South-West News/Springfield News
Southern Star
The Noosa Journal
Westside News
Wynnum Herald
Weekender Essential Sunshine Coast
Messenger (SA) newspapers
Adelaide Matters
City Messenger
City North Messenger
East Torrens Messenger
Eastern Courier Messenger
Guardian Messenger
Hills & Valley Messenger
Leader Messenger
News Review Messenger
Portside Messenger
Southern Times Messenger
Weekly Times Messenger
Community (WA) newspapers
(50.1%) (Formerly)
Canning Times
Comment News
Eastern Reporter
Fremantle-Cockburn Gazette
Guardian Express
Hills-Avon Valley Gazette
Joondalup-Wanneroo Times
Mandurah Coastal / Pinjarra Murray Times
Melville Times
Midland-Kalamunda Reporter
North Coast Times
Southern Gazette
Stirling Times
Weekend-Kwinana Courier
Western Suburbs Weekly
Sun (NT) newspapers
Darwin Sun
Litchfield Sun
Palmerston Sun
Regional and rural newspapers
New South Wales
Tweed Sun
Tweed Daily News
Geelong Advertiser
The Weekly Times
Bowen Independent
Burdekin Advocate
Cairns Sun
Gold Coast Bulletin
Gold Coast Sun
Herbert River Express
Home Hill Observer
Innisfail Advocate
Northern Miner
Port Douglas & Mossman Gazette
Tablelander – Atherton
Tablelands Advertiser
The Cairns Post
The Noosa News
The Sunshine Coast Daily
Townsville Bulletin
Toowoomba Chronicle
Townsville Sun
Daily Mercury (Mackay)
Derwent Valley Gazette
Tasmanian Country
Northern Territory
Centralian Advocate
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea Post-Courier (63%)
United States
New York Post
Wall Street Journal
Move (80%)
Dow Jones & Company
Consumer Media Group
The Wall Street Journal – the leading US financial newspaper
Wall Street Journal Europe closed
The Wall Street Journal Asia closed
Barron's – weekly financial markets magazine
Marketwatch – financial news and information website
Financial News
Heat Street - news and opinion website
Mansion Global - global luxury property website
Enterprise Media Group
Dow Jones Newswires – global, real-time news and information provider.
Factiva – provides business news and information together with content delivery tools and services.
Dow Jones Indexes – stock market indexes and indicators, including the Dow Jones Industrial Average. (10% ownership)
Dow Jones Financial Information Services – produces databases, electronic media, newsletters, conferences, directories, and other information services on specialised markets and industry sectors.
Betten Financial News – leading Dutch language financial and economic news service.
Strategic Alliances
STOXX (33%) – joint venture with Deutsche Boerse and SWG Group for the development and distribution of Dow Jones STOXX indices.
Wireless Group
4th Estate
Ecco Press
Harlequin Enterprises
Harper Perennial
Harper Voyager
Kappa Books
Modern Publishing
Unisystems Inc.
Zondervan Publishing
Christian publishing company taken over by HarperCollins in 1988
Inspirio – religious gift production
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inez-mcculloch · 3 years
The fashion and textile industry past present and future (critical thinking lectures)
In the Fashion and Textile Industries, predicting future trends relies heavily on acquiring knowledge of what has affected and had an impact on them in the past. (Lecture 1 Critical Thinking)
One example of this is the effect of World War II which had a huge impact on the Fashion and Textile Industries and its customers whatever their social standing.
In the first place, many textile, shoe, and hosiery manufacturers were given contracts by the government to produce uniform fabric for the three armed forces, boots and other footwear for them, and socks. This also had the knock on effect with uniforms being made in the clothing and knitwear factories giving few places where civilian clothing could be manufactured.
 Around a quarter of the British population was entitled to wear some sort of uniform as part of the armed forces, women's auxiliary forces or one of the numerous uniformed voluntary services and organisations. This increased demand for uniforms put enormous pressure on Britain's textile and clothing industries. (Imperial War Museum 8 FACTS ABOUT CLOTHES RATIONING IN BRITAIN DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR)
                        Not only this but the rationing of clothing, cloth and footwear was introduced on 01.06.1941 and with 66 coupons allowed for the year only a basic wardrobe could be purchased. This made existing clothes a valuable resource, they could be refurbished with trimmings from the list of non-rationed haberdashery and they could also be repurposed.
As Laura Clouting Historian at the IWM explains in her interview with MUSEUM CRUSH,
‘-  they had to perform conversions of clothes – for example to take a garment like a coat and turn it into a little waistcoat in order to give it a longer life.
 There are echoes of the above in our chosen brand concept, Repurposed Rave, with ‘repair and redesign’ being their ‘key strategies in offering a sustainable product. (WGSN2022)
Jasmine James of JJVintage, is a prime example of a repurposing brand which she founded in 2019. Her motto is, Rescue Repurpose Reuse. Each piece of clothing is unique and she makes them herself.  James uses pieces of old sportswear from Adidas, Champion and Nike to create patchwork tops in a corset like style. She designs quite a wide range of clothes all of which are made from repurposed fabrics including denim. One of her selling points is, “You can still be fashionable while trying to save the world.” And this is the ethos of our brand Karisma. Karisma.
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During World War II repurposing, recycling and Make do and Mend were about lack of availability and helping the war effort and partly, as a general rule, how people had maintained their clothes before the war.
However it has now become crucial to repurpose, recycle and mend our clothes to give them as long a life as possible in order to save our planet from global warming. We need to cut waste to the barest minimum or ideally have zero waste and only use sustainable resources in order to at least halt the effects of the Fashion and Textile industries and have a chance of a future.
We live in a very unequal world and the gap between the rich and poor is widening at an alarming rate. (Critical Lecture2)
According to Oxfam’s 5 Shocking Facts, ‘nearly half the worlds population is living on less than $5.5 (£3.96) a day’ which would not buy two takeaway cups of coffee.
Not only this but ‘the richest 1% have more than twice as much wealth as 6.9 billion people’ own collectively. This is about absolute greed and exploitation of human and natural resources.
One example of this is the Leicester factory making fast fashion clothes for Boohoo. The factory workers were made to work during the first lockdown with no safety measures in place and in cramped poorly ventilated conditions. Their pay was approximately £3.50 an hour, almost slave labour, with the minimum wage for an adult at £8.72 and 16-17 year olds are payed £4.55.   This is the real price paid for cheap fast fashion.
However, the exposure of these horrific conditions didn’t stop people buying from Boohoo on line and, Poppy Wood (Reporter and Editor at City A.M.30.09.2020) reports that Boohoo’s profits rocketed more than 50% last year during the pandemic and as it continues their profits will probably keep rising.
As Cathy Owen reported;
‘Boohoo is the UK's fast-growing fast-fashion retailer that was set up in 2006 by Mahmud Kamani and his business partner Carol Kane. It is now valued at more than $4.3 billion, and has just bought the Debenhams brand for £55 million.’25 Jan 2021  https://www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/shopping/debenhams-boohoo-billionaire-high-street-19692433
Sustainable fashion is not going to produce riches for the few like those Mahmud Kamani has but it will help to work towards making the world a fairer place. By using a circular economy it will have much less impact on the environment and many more people will have a fair wage to spread the wealth a bit.
A sustainable brand like Stella McCartney with a net worth of $75 million (celebritynetworth.com) is quite a substantial company. However, JJVintage, Blackhorse Lane Ateliers, Lucy & Yak, BEEN London Accessories and Birdsong which works alongside charities, et cetera, are not vast clothing companies but small, and their products are out of the ordinary and kind to the planet, they also have a good ethos in treating their workers well in good conditions and paying them fairly.
More and more people are turning to these brands wanting to play their part in making sustainable fashion the only way forward. Also Fashion Magazine websites are giving it plenty of coverage. For example, Harpers Bazaar (Our Favourite Sustainable brands, Jessica Davis 19.10.2020); Marie Claire (Best ethical clothing brands Penny Goldstone 26.01.2021); Glamour Magazine (Sustainable fashion brands by Charlie Teather 08.01.2021) etc..
In present times the world is geared towards the few in power supporting the destructive influences of large corporations. For example H & M with approximately $4billion worth of unsold fast fashion clothes on its books (we must hope they allow them to be repurposed).
Also Donald Trump has stirred up race hatred in wanting to build his wall to keep Mexicans out of the USA and blocking people entering America from Islamic countries, he is also in denial of climate change and supports the opening of coalmines and steelworks that have very high carbon emissions. Before the latest US elections he was the most powerful politician in the world using fake news to promote himself and deny his wrong doing. We live in a world where truth and justice are fast disappearing, and no one knows what is real anymore.
It is hoped that the balance will tip in enough time to halt climate change with caring people becoming the majority. The sustainable fashion industry is playing its part to make this happen.
After watching Atlas on the website www.bostondynamics.com/atlas, where the robot could move, dance, summersault and move in the same manner as an agile human it is quite scary. If robots are used to carry out the jobs that lower paid workers do such as delivering parcels and lots of similar jobs, then unemployment will become a huge problem.
It might be possible to have a factory producing clothes made totally by robots who could work all day and night without a break. Although there will be a problem with the marketing because the customer will be unemployed and unable to afford to buy.
The pandemic has perhaps slowed things down and given time for people to rethink how they spend their time and money. Spending time at home may give people chance to appreciate their planet and want to save it and perhaps think sensibly about the clothes they buy and whether they really need them.
Sustainability is a word being used in many areas of industry, people wearing sustainable clothing and promoting it and other sustainable lifestyle products such as homeware are leading the way.
We need to identify all the issues globally and work out a plan that will save the planet, give a fair balance between the rich and poor and turn our backs on the greedy rich and the politicians that support them.
The Mind Tools quote in Critical Thinking Lecture 2 sums up what is needed;
“When you have a serious problem, it’s important to explore all of the things that could cause it, before you start to think about a solution. That way you can solve the problem completely, first time round, rather than just addressing part of it and having the problem run on and on.”
With part of the problem being the Textile and Fashion Industries, the second biggest polluter globally (the oil industry is the biggest) much more has to be done to stop the pollution.  One way is for us to use as much recycled material as possible.
ECONYL is a new textile made from recycled nylon. Aquafil recycle carpets to make the yarn for new ones and the by products are used in other things such as road fill. They collect and recycle fishing nets from fish farms, the fishing industry and ghost nets (discarded fishing nets which volunteer divers collect from the bottom of the sea making the sea bed safer for sea life). Aquafil uses these to make nylon yarn for carpets and other interior products. Nylon clothing is recycled into yarn to make more clothing such as swimwear and any other clothes and accessories that are usually made from nylon. All these are in a closed loop production.  Giulio Bonazzi the CEO of Aquafil is the driving force behind ECONYL, the research behind it, its development and final innovation. He says that to him ‘landfill sites are like gold’. (www.econyl.com)
ECONYL is one of the fabrics we will used in our brand, Karisma.
Looking towards the future in Critical Lecture 3, the development of Smart Textiles seems to have a big part to play in the way forward.
‘SMART TEXTILES – the development of textiles to improve human’s everyday life, to benefit the industry, the health care sector and the environment.’
There are two main groups for SMART TEXTILES - Aesthetic, which includes all the senses and Performance Enhancing
Two interesting Aesthetic textiles are Tômtex and Mylo vegan leather. Both theses textiles are made to have the same properties of leather.
Mylo is made from the underground roots of mushrooms (mycellum) and has less environmental impact than leather.
Tômtex bio material is made from shell seafood waste and coffee grounds – the aim is for it to replace faux and real leather as a sustainable alternative, it is plastic free and fully compostable. (Dr D Rajapakse Textiles: Science and Technology)
Performance Enhancing smart textiles are growing in number, from better camouflage for soldiers to viral protective wear for care workers and everything in between.
Much of what is being innovated will go towards lowering carbon emissions, generating a sustainable future, and helping to halt climate change. Changes and breakthroughs in technology are happening all the time which makes the future very difficult to predict.
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newsnigeria · 5 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/iran-prevails-over-the-usa/
Iran prevails over the USA, twice, but this is far from over
[this analysis was written for the Unz Review]
An Iranian official has announced that the UK-flagged tanker Stena Impero was free to leave.  Remember the Stena Impero?  This is the tanker the IRGC arrested after the Empire committed an act of piracy on the high seas and seized the Iranian tanker Grace 1.  Col Cassad posted a good summary of this info-battle, blow by blow (corrected machine translation):
Britain, at the instigation of the US, seizes the Iranian tanker Grace 1 and demands from Iran guarantees that it in any case does not go to Syria.
Iran, in response, captures the British tanker Stena Impero and says it will not retreat until the British releases Grace 1.  British ships that guarded merchant ships in the Strait of Hormuz were warned that they would be destroyed if they interfered with the IRGC’s actions.
After 2 months, Britain officially releases Grace 1, which is renamed Adrian Darya 1. It raised the Iranian flag and changed the crew.
The British government says the tanker is released under Iran’s obligations not to unload the tanker at the Syrian port of Banias or anywhere else in Syria. Iran denies this.
The US officially requires Britain and Gibraltar to arrest Adrian Darya 1 and not let him into Syria, as it violates the sanctions regime. Britain and Gibraltar refuse the US.
Adrian Darya 1 reaches the coast of Syria and after a few days on the beam of Banias, unloads its cargo in Syria. The Iranian government says it has not made any commitments to anyone.
After Adrian Darya 1 left Syria, Iran announced that it was ready to release the British tanker. The goal has been achieved.
This is truly an amazing series of steps, really!
The USA is the undisputed maritime hyper-power, not only because of its huge fleet, but because of its network of bases all over the planet (700-1000 depending on how you count) and, possibly even more importantly, a network of so-called “allies”, “friends”, “partners” and “willing coalition members” (aka de facto US colonies) worldwide.  In comparison, Iran is a tiny dwarf, at least in maritime terms.  But, as the US expression goes, “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog” which decides the outcome.
And then there is the (provisional) outcome of the Houthi strike on the Saudi oil installations.  The Saudis appeared to be pushing for war against Iran, as did Pompeo, but Trump apparently decided otherwise:
Some have focused on the fact that Trump said that it was “easy” to attack Iran.  Others have ridiculed Trump for his silly bragging about how US military gear would operate in spite of the dismal failure of both US cruise missile attacks (on Syria) and the Patriot SAMs (in the KSA).  But all that bragging is simply obligatory verbal flag-waving; this is what the current political culture in the USA demands from all politicians.  But I think that the key part of his comments is when he says that to simply attack would be “easy” (at least for him it would) but that this would not show strength.  I also notice that Trump referred to those who predicted that he would start a war and said that they were wrong about him.  Trump also acknowledged that a lot of people are happy that he does not strike (while others deplored that, of course, beginning with the entire US pseudo-liberal & pseudo-Left media and politicians).  The one exception has been, again, Tulsi Gabbard who posted this after Trump declared that the US was “locked and loaded”:
Whatever may be the case, this time again, Trump seemed to have taken a last minute decision to scrap the attack the Neocons have been dreaming about for decades.
I think that I made my opinion about Trump pretty clear, yet I also have to repeat that all these “climbdowns” by Trump are, just by themselves, a good enough reason to justify a vote for Trump.  Simply put; since Trump came to power we saw a lot of hubris, nonsense, ignorance and stupidity.  But we did NOT see a war, especially not a major one.  I will never be able to prove that, but I strongly believe that if Hillary had won, the Middle-East would have already exploded (most likely after a US attempt at imposing a no-fly zone over Syria).
We are also very lucky that, at least in this case, the rapid every four year Presidential election in the USA contributes to keep Trump (and his Neocon masters) in check: Trump probably figured out that a blockade of Venezuela or, even more so, a strike on Iran would severely compromise his chances of being re-elected, especially since neither theater offers the US any exit strategy.
Still, following these immensely embarrassing defeats, Trump and his advisors had to come up with something “manly” (which they confuse with “macho”) and make some loud statements about sending more forces to the Persian Gulf and beefing up the Saudi air defenses.  This will change nothing.  Iran is already the most over-sanctioned country on the planet and we have seen what US air defense can, and cannot do.  Truth be told, this is all about face-saving and I don’t mind any face-saving inanities as long as they make it possible to avoid a real shooting war.
Still, the closer we get to the next US election, the more Trump should not only carefully filter what he says, he would be well advised to give some clear and strict instructions to his entire Administration about what they can say and what they cannot say.  Of course, in the case of a rabid megalomaniac like Pompeo, no such “talking points” will be enough: Trump needs to fire this psychopath ASAP and appoint a real diplomat as Secretary of State.  After all, Pompeo belongs in the same padded room as Bolton.
Now if we look at the situation from the Iranian point of view, it is most interesting.  First, for context, I recommend the recent articles posted by Iranian analysts on the blog, especially the following ones:
“War Gaming the Persian Gulf Conflict” by Black Archer Williams
“Karbala, The Path of Most Resistance” by Mansoureh Tadjik
“Resistance report: Syrian Army takes the initiative in Idlib while Washington blames its failures on Iran again” by Aram Mirzaei
I also recommend my recent interview with Professor Marandi.
I recommend all these Iranian voices because they are so totally absent from the political discussions on the Middle-East, at least in western media.  Williams, Tadjik, Mirzaei and Marandi are very different people, they also have different point of views and focuses of interest, but when you read them you realize how confident and determined Iranians are.  I am in contact with Iranians abroad and in Iran and all of them, with no exception, share that calm determination.  It seems that, just like Russians, Iranians most certainly don’t want war, but they are ready for it.
The Iranian preferred strategy is also clear: just the way Hezbollah keeps Israel in check so will the Houthis with the KSA.  The Houthis, who are now in a very strong negotiation position, have offered to stop striking the KSA if the Saudis do likewise.  Now, the Saudis, just like the Israelis, are too weak to accept any such offer, that is paradoxical but true: if the Saudis officially took the deal, that would “seal” their defeat in the eyes of their own public opinion.  Having said that, I can’t believe that the Saudis believe their own propaganda about war against Iran.  No matter how delusional and arrogant the Saudi leaders are, surely they must realize what a war against Iran would mean for the House of Saud (although when I read this I wonder)!  It is one thing to murder defenseless Shias in the KSA, Bahrain or Yemen and quite another to take on “the country which trained Hezbollah”.
Speaking of delusional behavior, the Europeans finally did fall in line behind their AngloZionist overlords and agreed to blame Iran for the attack under what I call the “Skripal rules of evidence” aka “highly likely“.  The more things change, the more they remain the same I suppose…
It is pretty clear that all the members of the Axis of Kindness (USA, KSA, Israel) are in deep trouble on the internal front: Trump is busy with the “Zelensky vs Biden��� scandal, especially now since the Dems are opening impeachment procedures, the latest elections failed to deliver the result Bibi wanted, as for the Saudis, after pushing for war they now have to settle for more sanctions and radars, hardly a winning combination.
The Saudis are too weak, clueless and obese (physically and mentally) to get anything done by themselves.  But the USA and Israel are now in a dire need to show some kind of “victory” over, well, somebody.  Anybody will do.  Thus the US have just denied visas 10 members of the Russian delegation to the United Nations (thereby violating yet another US obligation under international law, but nobody in the US cares about such minor trivialities as international law); and just to show how amazingly powerful the Empire is, the Iranian delegation to the UN received the same “punished bad boys” treatment: truly, a triumph worthy of a superpower!  Last minute update: the US is now revoking Iranian student visas and denying entry to Venezuelan diplomats.
This “war of visas” is the US equivalent of the “war on statues” the Ukrainians, Balts and the Poles have been waging to try to distract their population from the comprador policies of their governments.
As for the Israelis, I now expect the Israelis to strike some empty building in Syria (or even in Gaza!).
Conclusion: facts don’t really matter anymore, and neither does logic
Ten years ago Chris Hedges wrote a book called “Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle ” and, a full decade later, this title is still an extremely accurate diagnostic.  What Hedges politely called the “end of literacy” can be observed in all its facets, listening to US political and military leaders. While most of them are, indeed, morally bankrupt and even psychopaths, it is their level of ignorance and incompetence which is the most amazing.  First, the Russians spoke of “non-agreement-capable” “partners” but eventually Putin quipped that it was hard to work with “people who confuse Austria and Australia“.  This all, by the way, applies as much to the Obama Administration as it does to the Trump Administration: their common motto could have been “illusions über alles” or something similar.  Once a political culture fully enters into the realm of illusions and delusions the end is near because no real-world problem ever gets tackled: it only gets obfuscated, denied and drowned into an ocean of triumphalist back-slapping and other forms of self-worship.
Post scriptum: the US goes crazy but Trump just might survive after all
So the Dems decided to try to impeach Trump.  While I always expected the Neocons to treat Trump as the “disposable President” which they would try to use to do all the stuff they don’t want to be blamed for directly, and then toss him away once they squeezed him for everything he could give them, I am still appalled by the nerve, the arrogance and the total dishonesty of the Dems (see my rant here).
My gut feeling is that Trump just might beat this one for the very same reason he won the first time around: because the other side is even worse (except Tulsi Gabbard, of course).
Of course, an attack on Iran would be a welcome distraction à la “wag the dog” and Trump might be tempted.  Hopefully, the Dems will self-destruct fast enough for Trump not to have to consider this.
The Saker
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itslokesh-blog1 · 5 years
Surrogacy Clinics in India | Ela Woman |
Surrogacy Clinics in India
Surrogacy is a course of action, regularly bolstered by a lawful understanding, whereby a lady (the surrogate mother) consents to end up pregnant and bring forth a tyke for another person(s) who is/are or will turn into the parent(s) of the tyke. 
Individuals may look for a surrogacy course of action when pregnancy is restoratively unimaginable, when pregnancy dangers are unreasonably risky for the planned mother, or when a solitary man or a male couple wish to have a youngster. Surrogacy is viewed as one of many helped conceptive innovations.
Best Surrogacy Centres in India
Surrogacy is an incredible accomplishment of present day science, which has allowed fruitless couples to appreciate essential privileges of child rearing youngsters. It is a course of action bolstered by lawful understanding between the expected guardians and a surrogate mother who consents to wind up pregnant and convey the infant, bring forth the tyke and hand over the child to the natural guardians. A great many couples over the world long for a tyke and when regular origination or traditional ripeness treatment choices like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) fall flat, at that point surrogacy turns into the main last elective. Asia has been a famous goal for surrogacy since 2002 additionally for outsiders because of adaptable laws, profoundly particular specialists and high achievement rates. Surrogacy centers in India remains at the front line of surrogacy benefits as they give good, passionate, moral and most developed specialized help to couples who are giving a shot to discover an answer for satisfy their fantasy of a family at reasonable surrogacy cost.
Institute Of Human Reproduction
Foundation of Human Reproduction is a Gynecology and Fertility Clinic situated in Park Circus, Kolkata. Foundation Of Human Reproduction prevalently known as IHR was built up in 1980 to give extensive, customized quality social insurance to the fruitless couples and high-hazard pregnant patients. It targets giving far reaching, customized quality human services to the barren couples and high-hazard pregnant patients with the assistance of present day and ordinary infertility medications. Organization of Human Reproduction presented first Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy in 1982, and microsurgery for barren couples in 1985. Because of its interesting super-strength best in class organization with its committed staff and superlative innovation IHR the first IVF focal point of the north-eastern area in 1990. The middle offers finished medications benefits on Assisted Reproductive Technology(ART), Advanced Endoscopic Surgery and Genetic Engineering, is one of the head names in the field of regenerative prescription in India. The administrations gave at the emergency clinic are Infertility Evaluation, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Cryopreservation (Fertility Preservation), Laser Assisted Hatching and Laparoscopy Surgery, Pre Genetic Screening (PGS) methods. Since the most recent two decades, they have been presenting all the most recent systems in Assisted Reproduction. They offer each conceivable medical and innovative (demonstrative and helpful) administrations which are accessible anyplace on the planet for the treatment of infertility. Today, IHR has made a specialty for itself in the field of infertility treatment and is considered as a real part of top driving establishments of India for the treatment of infertility. The achievement pace of IVF at IHR is likewise reliably high along these lines patients from all over India, just as nations like UK, USA, Australia, Singapore, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal, visit the clinic for ripeness medicines. The inside is upheld by a group of master gynecologists and infertility authorities. Among the different Gynecologist at the inside, Dr. M.L. Goenka is one of the most visited specialists at the center. He has over 3 many years of experience and has helped coupled consider even with rehashed IVF disappointments. IHR is one of the not many richness treatment centers in India that principally reserves continuous examination into the progression of IVF innovation. It has positioned top 2 in the rundown of the Top Fertility Clinic in Kolkata and Entire East Zone according to TOI positioning. It offers a sustaining, spotless and mending condition to guarantee the prosperity of patients. The rooms are likewise roomy and well-outfitted for the solace of patients. Different offices given by the clinic incorporate 24-hour administration, emergency vehicle administrations, and an in-house drug store.
Aveya IVF and Fertility Centre
Aveya IVF and Fertility Center is an IVF emergency clinic which is arranged in Rajouri Garden, Delhi. The inside is served by a medical expert group including Dr. Markus Nitchzke, Dr. Nisha Bhatnagar, Akanksha Mishra, and Roy Youldous. The administrations offered by the middle are In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), egg gift, sperm solidifying, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Laser-helped bring forth and Surrogacy. The center has set up a notoriety for serving the privilege and the correct treatment to its patients as it has different answers for different issues. 
Aveya IVF and Fertility Center asylum the physical needs and condition as well as causes them to recoup their passionate and profound prerequisites. It is a standout amongst other IVF focus in Delhi with regards to any infertility issues anyway there might be various elements in charge of these. It offers different treatment for various issues. 
The middle offers its medicines with the use of cutting edge strategies, for example, In vitro treatment (IVF), Surrogacy, egg gift, and egg solidifying. The inside gives administrations relying on the condition and necessity of the patients. Aveya IVF and Fertility Center has settled even the most testing cases and has enrolled most astounding achievement rate to date. The inside offers moderate ripeness medicines for every single childless couple. Every single patient is treated as an exceptional individual at this middle. Every patient is served altered treatment dependent on the unique prerequisite of their case. 
At Aveya the specialists comprehend the way that help and sympathy are as significant as drugs and medications and this gives an incredible raise to the confidence of the patients. Truth be told, this positively affects the medicines given by Aveya IVF and Fertility focus. The medical clinic serves its patients with the most recent procedures alongside the unequaled ability of the authorities which has turned into the fundamental purposes behind progress and dependability of Aveya Fertility IVF Clinic in India
Universal Srushti Fertility and Research Centre - Kolkata
Widespread Srushti Fertility and Research Center is a standout amongst other IVF Hospitals arranged in Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata. The middle keeps up an agreeable vibe for unwinding and the best involvement of its patients. Widespread Srushti Fertility and Research Center keeps up an agreeable vibe for unwinding of the patients. The middle gives various administrations to its patients, for example, Infertility assessment, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic sperm infusion (ICSI), Cryopreservation, Surrogacy, In Vitro Maturation (IVM), and Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (TESA). The inside performs individual advising, treatment and ordinary communication with the point of giving better and effective treatment to its patients.
Ravindra Hospital
Ravindra Hospital is an IVF Center arranged in Model Town, Panipat. The medical clinic serves different administrations identified with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Laparoscopic Surgery, Polyps Removal (Polypectomy) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) strategies. It likewise offers Surrogacy, Myomectomy, Embryo Freezing, Ovarian Stimulation, Hysteroscopic synechiolysis, and Testicular Biopsy Sperm Aspiration (TESA) methods. The clinic plans to wind up one of the most rumored and believed medicinal services marks in India. Dr. Keerat Kalra, an IVF specialist, and Gynecologist serves the forte of obstetrics and gynecology with her aptitude. She has an encounter of over two decades in the medical claim to fame of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Kalra for the most part has some expertise In Vitro Fertilization, Antenatal consideration, Intrauterine insemination, and Cesarean Delivery techniques. Dr. Kalra additionally has aptitude in the specialty of Reproductive human services. Ravindra Hospital offers its administrations nonstop to its patients. It has the best framework and an agreeable domain for every one of its patients. It is the degree of administration and eye for itemizing in everything that is done at Ravindra Hospital, that really separates them and settles on it the consideration supplier of decision for many patients. Quality, medical and administration magnificence and enumerating are the mainstays of this establishment. Their energy well mirrors the way that they set the business measures with regards to fix, care, and solace. The clinic gives nonstop crisis administrations. The clinics' in-understanding settlement is clean and roomy with super claim to fame guidelines. They offer the best offices to every one of the patients extending from elegantly improved cooled exclusive rooms to single private rooms, shared rooms, general wards, and VIP Suites. You can tap on the guide to discover the headings to Ravindra Hospital easily.
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indiaenigma-blog · 5 years
Interesting Facts about India
The following mentioned lines of this blog are all about the interesting facts of India. Though incredible India is that that much short to gather all the facts that covered the whole blog but still the author of the blog tried the best.
India perhaps is the oldest nation on the planet. sharp and imaginative, India is where individuals from various societies and religious foundations live respectively as a country. If you investigate India's history you will see that India is loaded up with many fascinating actualities. The name of the country “India” derivative from the River Indus. The foremost campus in the antiquity of manhood was reputable is Takshila in 700 BC. It is alleged that the first restroom was constructed in India about 4500 years ago. The oldest occupied city in the creation is Varanasi or Banaras which is in India. Rather, than that, there are few more unknown interesting facts about India. India is the most stunning nation of the World.
India has a very renowned culture that Indians love to welcome every person in the country with so much warmth and love regardless of his culture and country, there is a very famous quote in India “ATITHI DEVO BHAWA”, which means guest of India is as equal as the god and Indians believe in serve the guest with same love and affection.
There is part of mind-blowing realities about India which are not yet mainstream and known to all individuals. India is a nation that can flaunt places with unusual things, certainties and culture. Here's an accumulation of some craziest, extraordinary certainties from around India.
Let’s head to the interesting facts about India, the blog will surely be the best you have ever read in your life.
1. India has the highest cricket ground in the world.
The chail cricket ground in chail, Himachal build in 1893 and an essential and reputed part of chail military school situated at the altitude of 2,444meters and is the highest cricket ground of the world.  
2. Worli Sealink in Bandra has wires made of steel equal to the earth's circumference.
The weight of the worli sea link is as much as 50,000 African elephants and it took 2,57,00,000-man-hours to make it.  
3. This incredible country has special Spa for elephants.
Every year in India the elephants of punnathoor cotta elephant yard Rejuvenation centre take extravagant spa treatment to be pampered more. This elephant patch is devoted to the Guruvayurappan Hindu Temple of Kerala. The innovation centre has more than 40 elephants, these giant elephants are contented to lounge in the water while the staffs scrub and clean them with a brush. This is well known that elephant plays a vital role in Kerala’s mythical temple pageants and with July measured a month of restoration for people and creatures comparable, these elephants are not whining.
4. World’s biggest family man with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren live in India.
The man who has the biggest family of the world is the leader of the world's greatest family – and articulates he is 'proud and honoured' to have his 39 wives. Ziona Chana equally has 33 grandkids, 14-little girls in-law and 94kids. They live in a 100-room, four-story houses set in the heart of the hills of Baktwang town in the Indian terrain of Mizoram, where the wives rest in enormous shared accommodations.
5. According to the Guinness world book of records, after the USA and UK, India ranks third in the number of records claims each year and 2011, India has made the third-highest number of records.
6. world’s largest bridge is situated in India.
In between the Dras river and suru River in Ladakh valley world’s largest bridge is situated. The bridge is 98 foot and is raised 18,379feet in the mountains of Himalaya. The bridge was built by the Indian Army in late 1982.
7. Every year in India a polling station is set up in a forest for a sole voter every election meanwhile 2004.
Mahant Bharatdas Darshandas is the sole voter of India lives in the heart of Gujarat’s Gir forest. The place is a home of Asiatic lion. He is one of India's most award-winning voters for whom a polling station is set up by the entire election team every election.
8. India has its own planned city.
India has its own plan called as Jaipur which was founded by the Maharaja Jai Singh II in late 1727. The entire was intended by the king as per the Vaastu. The streets of the Jaipur run in a north-south and east-west lattice. The king was approached to the great auditor of Amber “Vidhyadhar Bhattacharya” to create Jaipur who used vastu shastra and Shilpa shastra.
9. India has the world’s best architectural example in Jaipur.
The maharaja of the Jaipur wanted to build an architectural city which would set an example for the world and after that Jaipur, the pink city of the world was built by the best architectures of the world. The city is divided into 9 blocks in which 2 is reserved for the royal families and the other 7 is for the general public and in the city, step mines were constructed to deliver water to the locals.
10. India has a floating post-office.
In Dal lake, Srinagar, the floating post office is inducted in 2011, august. India has been the centre of the world’s largest postal network with more than 1,55,015 post offices and a single post office serves over 7,175 people.
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christel30f5-blog · 7 years
Neal Ford.
The Fatality From gel.
All 4 Halton Mayors and also 20 regional dignitaries, politicians as well as exclusive guests signed up with Halton Something to chew on Board Members, Workers and also Trainee Nutrition Program Volunteers on February 21, 22 as well as 23 to prepare and offer well-balanced breakfasts to students in 16 Halton Schools. If you are actually a religion, electrical power beings in the lot of your followers ... If you are actually a political party, electrical power sits along with the scale from your electors and also your potential to fundraise ... If you are a business, energy is your annual report, your company, your one-of-a-kind selling factors as well as technology ... If you are actually a soldiers, energy is your resources; your soldiers, ships, tanks and modern technology and if you are a country, power is a mix from demographics, sources, armed forces capacity etc.
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NYC Democrat Hillary Clinton has actually pulled ahead of Republican rival Donald Trump in the standard arena condition from Fla, enhancing her position in the race for the White Home, the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Country project presented in advance of both's very first presidential debate on Monday night. Office has a variety from different and popular plans like Overview, Sharepoint, Word, Powerpoint, and also Excel and, as of 2010, there are actually on-line variations that permit you to provide others by means of internet applications. . A set up air travel coming from the USA landed in Havana on Monday for the first time in greater than HALF A CENTURY: an American Airlines plane that created the jump off Miami. I have actually resided in good health, and also possess possessed the chance to carry out some wonderful woodwork. Will definitely be actually considered in the following topics, The Good Company Collection Guidelines, Complete Profit and also Annual Dividend, Last Area's Earnings, Business Business Introduction, as well as Takeaways and also Current Collection Improvements. imp source is actually a registered nurse specialist, performer, and also internationally released poet, in addition to an adding publisher for Knowledgeable Virtual His rhymes have looked on-line and in print in various journals coming from The golden state to Nigeria as well as the UK. His 1st assortment of verse as well as photography A Very clear Day in Oct was actually released in June 2016. I didn't recognize the closer one, however the large one in rear looked familiar to me. She was a very good-looking creature, along with an obvious high forehead. If the popular vote dominated is actually a great method to set yourself up for disappointment, modifying the system out of the idea that your prospects will have consistently grown. Carter frantically needed a show from unity at the DNC that year to tackle well-liked GOP challenger Ronald Reagan. In 2006, a PIA aircraft plunged near the core metropolitan area from Multan, killing Forty Five folks. Perform certainly not be actually startled whatsoever if we see some sort of primary weather unit, like they maded with cyclones Sandy as well as Katrina both, straight before the significant elections so as to prevent particular people off venturing out to elect. As a result you can check out action/ distribution status from licensed letter on the web and do discuss if you discover any type of problem in, mapping status of India article enrolled email posts. A very easy to take care of airplane should practically possess adequate height to prevent ground hits on rugged taxi courses. The Cirrus aircrafts are created coming from composite products and supply a combination of higher solitary motor velocities - 200 gatherings - and excellent energy economic condition. The center of the Planet (polar or even spinning center) produces an angle from 66 1/2 to the airplane of ecliptic. The center from Uranus is nearly parallel along with the extension of orbit, suggesting that its own north and southern rods are located where its celestial equator needs to be. This strange unique provides Uranus several of the strangest weather condition in the Planetary system. The good news is, our team have actually found some good second-quarter purchases and also earnings discharged; however there is no doubt that the securities market is currently being actually sidetracked through outside events like (1) petroleum closing at $39.51 last Tuesday, (2) President Obama phoning Donald Trump unsuited to provide" for over five moments in an interview, and also (3) a Commercial Diary record of an exclusive aircraft along with $400 thousand in cash delivered to Iran for four prisoners a handful of months ago. Yet if the difference in the prominent vote is small, after that if the victor from the popular ballot were deemed the winner from the presidential election, prospects will have a motivation to look for a recount in any type of condition (plus the District of Columbia) where they thought the recount would certainly give them extra extra votes than their rival. The Good Company Profile Suggestions, Total Return As well as Annually Returns, Last Fourth's Profits, Company Company Summary, and also Takeaways And Recent Portfolio. Improvements. Amazon.com and also ebay.com, 2 of the most significant on the web buying websites currently, also began their functions in the same year. Now my best of luck as well as the intelligence information from the armed forces device will definitely govern the tale. The Summer develops in June 21, and also the Winter season Solstice occurs on December 22. The Equinox's happen when night and day have to do with the exact same span of time; this is when the Earth's orbit crosses the ecliptic aircraft.
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peakwealth · 7 years
Masters of Disaster
Getting a grip on globalization and unemployment
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Is Western civilization finished, again? (University of Sevilla, Spain; plaster casts)
1. The political earthquakes of the last year have produced a matching tsunami of analysis as thinkers everywhere have tried to figure out how things could go so wrong and voters could turn so nasty. Each make-or-break election in Europe brings another wave of anxiety and public head scratching. Aside from the irresistible fun being poked at the bewildering TV celebrity who mistakenly found his way into the White House, the analysis generally does not make for uplifting reading. (By comparison, Brexit, a dark country revolt against smart-ass London and its evil cousin, Brussels, evidently lacked comic potential from the beginning.)
Even after Dutch and French voters failed to deliver political disaster scenarios this spring, many of the analysts are convinced that more trouble is on the way and that Western civilization is on its last legs, or just about.
2. It doesn't take much imagination to see how the arrival of an idiot-king in Washington DC would create an ideal opportunity for lesser kings to ditch the last appearance of democratic process and to start pushing their own agendas. Think Russia, think the Philippines, think Turkey, think Poland and other proponents of "illiberal" regimes. As for China, which doesn't have to worry about populist revolts or fickle electorates, it is rolling out a master plan of economic expansion that covers half the planet.
The trillion dollar One Belt One Road project (OBOR) is meant to create a far reaching web of Chinese business interests across most of Asia and beyond, right into Europe. It favours the same sledgehammer approach to economic development that has made China what it is today. Its scale is such that while it may well consolidate China's position as the superpower of the 21st century, it also looks like the final blow to the planet's environment. Over time, China's urban/industrial sprawl could easily prove to be the kiss of death for planet Earth or at least its human inhabitants.
OBOR also signals China's continuing faith in globalization, or at least in its own global might. It stands in sharp contrast to Western retrenchment and loss of confidence - not altogether surprising since China has been the main beneficiary of the world's economic rebalancing of the last forty years.
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If we turn away from globalization, China will pick up the slack. (Xian,PRC,2016)
3. It has taken remarkably little time for globalization to become established as a bad thing. It is widely confused or conflated with free trade, global mobility, deregulation, migration, the internet or just borderless neo-liberal economics. Take the example of France where the concept of mondialisation is demonized as the cause of countless ills: unemployment due to the offshoring of manufacturing, the loss of the good old days, the influx of undesirables of one kind or another and the erosion of the pouvoir d'achat - the peculiar concern the French profess for their sacred spending power.  
In earlier days the pouvoir d'achat came under attack from inflation and economic stagnation but now the erosion is more serious: anonymous big business has not only killed off the merchant middle class in towns and villages, it threatens the French way of life itself. Whereas other parts of Europe like Germany of Holland have coped better with the changing face of global capitalism and have broadly benefited from it, in France people just got frustrated and upset. Add the chaotic influx of migrants and refugees, however few, and periodic attacks by terrorists shouting Allahuakbar, and neo-parochialist panic fills the air.
In a pan-European survey published in The Economist last year, French respondents showed both the highest level of anxiety and the greatest opposition to globalization. A country notorious for its addiction to anxiolytic drugs (calmants), sleeping pills and antidepressants, France was clearly vulnerable to a Trump scenario. In the end it didn't happen. Marine Le Pen proved to be too boorish and backward to become the president of a nation not quite headed for a nervous breakdown after all. But it could happen elsewhere.
4. The rustbelts across Europe and America still bear witness to the old industrialists who were asleep at the wheel when their ancient mills ground to a halt and nimbler competitors in Asia took over their business. This was no accident. The businesses and the jobs that went with them were not stolen by foreigners (in Trumpspeak), but were surrendered knowingly and willingly - except in the former East bloc countries - with the wide-awake consent of the world's great investors and global retailers, the Walmarts, Tescos, Aldis, Casinos and Carrefours. It also made perfect business sense to mega-corporations like Apple, which has offshored most of its production.
Moreover we, in the increasingly green West, were only too happy to see the dirty chemical plants and the chimneys move to India; the fidgety, tiresome assembly jobs to southern China or Mexico. While French unions dug in to defend sunset industries like tyre manufacturing, household appliances or steel mills, the smarter countries (Japan, Germany, Switzerland, etc.) moved up the value chain, turning their old brick factories into designer condos or modern art museums while rebuilding a viable industrial base in tune with the 21st century. Even second or third tier countries like Slovakia have managed this turnaround. Others have transited to service industries, innovation, finance and tourism. America came up with the iPhone, Tesla, Netflix, Amazon, Starbucks, Google and Facebook.
Even French industry itself is far more efficient and up-to-date than its foreign detractors often imagine. France beats almost any Western country in terms of labour productivity.
5. Seen from the opposite side of the globalization street, the sell-out of manufacturing by the West has given South-East Asia a historic opportunity to catch up. It's an old story by now but industrial production has cascaded down from Germany, the UK or the USA, first to Japan, then to South-Korea and Taiwan, then on to Malaysia, to China and further down the line to Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Cambodia. Africa is now waiting in the wings after China invested heavily in African infrastructure. Although the development model is clearly flawed (it implies a race to the bottom in search of lower wages), the countries have nonetheless benefited and have changed beyond recognition in a matter of twenty or thirty years.
What's more, countries like Taiwan and South Korea have emancipated themselves from much of the drudgery of the industrial production itself. They have moved on to develop the technology and expertise that now drives the modern world: computer processors, smartphones, display technology, etc.
6. The West has taken full advantage of its own deindustrialization and of the global re-ordering of manufacturing. This has happened primarily through artificially low consumer prices and prolonged low inflation. Today's three-dollar T-shirts, 59-dollar IKEA furniture, 199-dollar smartphones are all part of the pay-off from globalization. Other consequences may be less obvious. Near zero interest rates have triggered prolonged real estate booms. Cheap airline travel is in part due to the hyper-efficient manufacturing of airliners, each Boeing and Airbus or even Embraer and Bombardier being the result of complex international supply chains that cut costs but also spread employment across many countries.
But the cheap goodies are just a consolation prize. The real prize has gone to the investors, fund managers, transnational companies and their shareholders who have made silly amounts of money and have thus stoked the wrath of the "99 per cent" left out in the cold. They are the engineers of the  skewed new world order that has taken root in the last thirty years or so.
It is this disorderly 'order' that is now under attack or, at the very least, encountering political headwind. What started a few years ago as the Occupy movement on the left, has turned into something much more bloodyminded as the populist uprising on the right. Many Westerners couldn't care less about the global redistribution of wealth or the progress made in Mexico or Vietnam. Having been squeezed out of the good life at home, they just want to know: "What about us?"
7. Capitalism and free trade seek productivity and cheap labour. As Warren Buffett keeps reminding everyone, they eventually lead to higher output per capita, meaning fewer jobs. And if this higher productivity can be achieved in sweatshops in Bangladesh or mega-plants in Shenzen, rather than in industrial estates in the US, Japan or Italy, this is what is likely to happen. Capitalism is predatory by nature. At issue then is not globalization, but global stockmarket capitalism, which is opportunistic and seeks short term reward; and deregulation, which was the great mantra of the Reagan-Thatcher era. The former is the outcome of the latter, enabled by mobility and technology.
Even if it were true that the popular revolt against globalization, most powerfully exemplified by the isolationism of Donald Trump and the recklessness of Brexit, is a sign that the Reagan-Thatcher era has run its course, then there is every reason to think that China will take up the slack.
8. Beyond the jigsaw puzzle of globalization, bigger challenges are approaching fast: the palpable reality of climate change and the very limits of economic growth, a concept anxiously ignored since it was first articulated by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and publicized by the so-called Club of Rome in 1972. Back then the world's population was only 3,8 billion, half of what it is today. As for the collective output of the world's economy, it was only around 20 trillion USD, about four times less than it is today (as calculated by the World Bank in constant dollars). In other words, the economy has grown twice as fast as the number of people, and it is still accelerating.
More people have started to acknowledge that the story of growth and of capitalism is not going to end well. Over time it is not sustainable and, in fine, not conducive to the general wellbeing of the broader population. It should thus be obvious that further aggregate growth is detrimental to the planet and those who dwell on it.
The obvious problem is that steady economic expansion is the very fuel that drives not only today's capitalism, especially in a world running on unlimited credit, but also defines that most delicate of political topics: job creation or, more usually, the lack thereof. It doesn't take long before the unemployed get restless and start demanding the basics: bread, a roof-over-our-heads, dignity, jobs.
Employment and remuneration remain at the core of social hierarchy and political stability. Even today the ethics of honest hard work permeate traditional thinking. Work is central to 'family values', self-esteem and social control. To be jobless is to be a pariah, to find oneself outside the boundaries of common respectability. To be jobless is to eat junk food and vote for Donald Trump (*).
Yet it is finally dawning on politicians that employment is being destroyed faster than they or anyone else can create it: every little step of automation, every advance in machine learning and AI, every new bit of wireless technology, every scanner, power tool, bar code, robot or productivity enhancing invention has ended up eliminating employment opportunities, even the simplest ones. Self-driving taxis and buses are around the corner. Robots perform precision surgery. Corporate restructuring and efficiencies usually end up with people being pushed out the door or not being replaced when they retire.
It is this creeping erosion of employment and income that has contributed to the emergence of an angry underclass who feel increasingly excluded from the good life and the security they used to know and still feel entitled to.
9. During the US subprime mortgage crisis, which started ten years ago, poor credit risks were often referred to as NINJAs: no income, no job, no assets. Yet banks and other lenders sold them mortgages they knew would never be repaid. When the lenders then went on to 'repackage' this worthless debt as AAA investments, they nearly brought down the house of cards that was and is global finance. It has since become clearer that the future may be NINJA-like for many more people, even in nominally rich but polarized societies where only those with a superior education and the right kind of background are likely to do well.
10. The sobering fact is that full employment was never a good or fundamentally workable idea. Finding a well paid job for anyone who wanted to work was always going to require unmanageable economic expansion. But we just didn't see it that way in the days when the going was good and sustainability was not yet an issue. Even now, it is hard to accept the idea that full employment is not in the interest of society and the environment. The very notion strikes fear in the hearts of politicians, especially those hoping to be re-elected. Hence all the fevered talk about a guaranteed minimum income for all, work or no work. It is a discreet signal that the days of 'full employment' and decent living wages are coming to an end.
Donald Trump will not bring back the jobs in the American coal mines any more than the manufacturing jobs that have migrated to Asia or elsewhere. He is delusional, as are the other demagogues who rant about globalization and pretend to shield their economies from the world as it is. No matter how backward or dumbed down or off-the-scale they pretend to be, it is impossible to de-invent modernity, or commercial airliners, or the internet, or wireless communications, or tourism, or container shipping or cosmopolitanism. The world is not going to revert to a golden age where the British will, once again, drive around in Austins, the Americans in Chrysler LeBarons or the Russians in Volgas. It isn't going to happen.
(Amended June 8, 2017)
(*) The correlation between bad eating/drinking/living habits (and the resulting morbidity) and voter preference for Donald Trump was statistically established in the 2016 US presidential election.
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thefootballlife · 7 years
The Age of Isolation - On Theresa May's "plan" for Brexit
Even if you had not taken the time to read the other occasional political pieces on this website, it would hardly come as a surprise to learn I voted Remain and would be even less of a surprise to learn that I have never exactly been a fan of the neophyte numpty Theresa May. Today, May has laid out the guidelines for Brexit and, predictably, they are depressing. What is, for me, most depressing is the complete lack of mandate Theresa May has to do any of this. No party has ever laid out an alternative, the public have never had an opportunity to decide what type of Brexit they want, be it Soft, Red White and Blue or, as May has chosen, Clean and Hard. Britain will not hold on to bits of EU membership. The Brexitards will be as delighted to see the end of the imagined authoritarianism of the EU in May’s speech as everyone else will be horrified by the prospect of seeing Britain’s trade access destroyed and the reputation as a land of liberty diminished even further. By framing this as Britain embracing the world rather than walking away from it is a massive lie. May has taken a vote in the referendum to walk away as a mandate to sprint away and, with the rapid passing of the Snoopers Charter, permission to change the fabric of British politics and society more than any Prime Minister this side of David Lloyd-George. Britain will reject free movement of people and disincentivise investment into our country. And all thanks to a Prime Minister who is completely unelected and, unlike Lloyd-George, doesn’t have the excuse of a World War to do it under. May is less the Welsh Wizard and more the Wicked Witch of Wessex. The surprise, and the shame of this country, is the consistent refusal to put this plan to scrutiny. Admitting that the plan will have to go to parliament is on thing, allowing the electorate to have any kind of say on their future is entirely another. We have been presented, as a nation as a whole (I appreciate the SNP put one forward), with one type of Brexit. I highly doubt every Brexit voter voted for that particular brand of Brexit for the simple reason that there was no plan for Brexit whatsoever. May’s outline for negotiation is summed up by the BBC as so: Maintaining the common travel area between the UK and Irish Republic Tariff-free trade with the EU A customs agreement with the EU Continued "practical" sharing of intelligence and policing information "Control" of immigration rights for EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU Of course, negotiation is harder than simply setting out some wishes. For a start, the current instability in Northern Ireland and the suggestion that Brexit will invalidate the Good Friday Agreement muddles point one significantly. Maintaining the border as is with Ireland is, of course, desirable, but events may accelerate to an extent that it may not be immediately practical. Destabilising the least stable part of the nation tends to have that sort of unintended ramification. Tarriff free trade with the EU and a customs agreement with the EU may well be mutually exclusive (and also means a resetting of the tariff/customs policy of non-EU partners as well, as if the paperwork ensuing wasn't piled high enough). The immigration issue is, ultimately, the worrying one given it is the one where May will be under most pressure to cave into right wing interests from her backbenches but, make no mistake, this is as hard a Brexit as we could ever want. May, in her own words, stated that this complete withdrawal from Europe was a case where no deal would be preferable to a bad deal. This logic conveniently ignores the fact that no deal IS a bad deal. Constricting access to the largest trading bloc on the planet for the sake of border controls when this country has a lower migrant population than many and when British citizens have emigrated and set up home across the continent is the height of having one’s cake and eating it. We are moving into an era where Guns and Butter will matter, and our leaders are talking about marmalade. Theresa May’s entire argument is based on the concept that the EU will choose to have business as usual and, as a result, incentivising buying British has been a key factor of economic policy so far - a facet of which is, of course, the currency markets. The economic policy regarding this so far appears to have been as follows: many companies on the FTSE are international and are repatriating turnover into Sterling, weak Sterling means increased profits means a buoyant stock market means government can point to the stock market and say “look, we’re doing really well”. The FTSE is no more a barometer of domestic economic confidence than it is a foot and to judge domestic economic performance on an artificial inflation of export performance is the height of whataboutery. It is also the economic policy pursued by Weimar and pre-Depression USA in the 1920s. When the inevitable market correction comes, it is therefore all the more devastating. Sterling will recover some strength and the markets will fall back uncovering the larger structural problems at the heart of the economy - massive public debt and national services already cut past the bone requiring either massive investment or massive privatisation. The options are a massive increase in taxation or a massive cut. Theresa May went no way to assuaging those doubts and, while the final plan will pass parliament for approval, it will meet only token resistance from a Labour Party in terminal decline, the rump of the Lib Dems (oh how they are missed) and the SNP, who will likely be more preoccupied with Indy Ref 2. Hope is only via the ballot box. A Brexit election, which Theresa May has shown no willingness to call, would turn parliament on its head with a likely haemorrhage of Labour supporters and seats and a congregation of the Remain voters getting squarely behind the Lib Dems while the Leave vote splits between the Conservatives and UKIP - Tim Farron could certainly expect to reap back the seats lost in 2015 if not more. For my part, as someone living in England, I have rejoined the Lib Dems. As someone always towards the more liberal side of the party before, I left in late 2010 finding myself at 24 unable to square my support for the Lib Dems and liberal causes with the policies the party were helping to enact in the coalition. Time has shown that I should have kept faith but that circumstance was as much a Nick Clegg problem as anything. I believe only a Brexit election will help at this point - a GE campaign fought on a single issue but with very different outlooks. This is unlikely given the Lib Dem surge in by-elections giving the appearance that the Remain vote will vote on this one issue as opposed to remaining on party lines. As for Theresa May’s vision, she has no right to put it forward and no sense behind it. We live in interesting times.
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itslokesh-blog1 · 5 years
Surrogacy Clinics in India | Ela Woman |
Surrogacy Clinics in India
Surrogacy is a course of action, regularly bolstered by a lawful understanding, whereby a lady (the surrogate mother) consents to end up pregnant and bring forth a tyke for another person(s) who is/are or will turn into the parent(s) of the tyke. 
Individuals may look for a surrogacy course of action when pregnancy is restoratively unimaginable, when pregnancy dangers are unreasonably risky for the planned mother, or when a solitary man or a male couple wish to have a youngster. Surrogacy is viewed as one of many helped conceptive innovations.
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Surrogacy is an incredible accomplishment of present day science, which has allowed fruitless couples to appreciate essential privileges of child rearing youngsters. It is a course of action bolstered by lawful understanding between the expected guardians and a surrogate mother who consents to wind up pregnant and convey the infant, bring forth the tyke and hand over the child to the natural guardians. A great many couples over the world long for a tyke and when regular origination or traditional ripeness treatment choices like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) fall flat, at that point surrogacy turns into the main last elective. Asia has been a famous goal for surrogacy since 2002 additionally for outsiders because of adaptable laws, profoundly particular specialists and high achievement rates. Surrogacy centers in India remains at the front line of surrogacy benefits as they give good, passionate, moral and most developed specialized help to couples who are giving a shot to discover an answer for satisfy their fantasy of a family at reasonable surrogacy cost.
Institute Of Human Reproduction
Foundation of Human Reproduction is a Gynecology and Fertility Clinic situated in Park Circus, Kolkata. Foundation Of Human Reproduction prevalently known as IHR was built up in 1980 to give extensive, customized quality social insurance to the fruitless couples and high-hazard pregnant patients. It targets giving far reaching, customized quality human services to the barren couples and high-hazard pregnant patients with the assistance of present day and ordinary infertility medications. Organization of Human Reproduction presented first Diagnostic Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy in 1982, and microsurgery for barren couples in 1985. Because of its interesting super-strength best in class organization with its committed staff and superlative innovation IHR the first IVF focal point of the north-eastern area in 1990. The middle offers finished medications benefits on Assisted Reproductive Technology(ART), Advanced Endoscopic Surgery and Genetic Engineering, is one of the head names in the field of regenerative prescription in India. The administrations gave at the emergency clinic are Infertility Evaluation, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Cryopreservation (Fertility Preservation), Laser Assisted Hatching and Laparoscopy Surgery, Pre Genetic Screening (PGS) methods. Since the most recent two decades, they have been presenting all the most recent systems in Assisted Reproduction. They offer each conceivable medical and innovative (demonstrative and helpful) administrations which are accessible anyplace on the planet for the treatment of infertility. Today, IHR has made a specialty for itself in the field of infertility treatment and is considered as a real part of top driving establishments of India for the treatment of infertility. The achievement pace of IVF at IHR is likewise reliably high along these lines patients from all over India, just as nations like UK, USA, Australia, Singapore, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal, visit the clinic for ripeness medicines. The inside is upheld by a group of master gynecologists and infertility authorities. Among the different Gynecologist at the inside, Dr. M.L. Goenka is one of the most visited specialists at the center. He has over 3 many years of experience and has helped coupled consider even with rehashed IVF disappointments. IHR is one of the not many richness treatment centers in India that principally reserves continuous examination into the progression of IVF innovation. It has positioned top 2 in the rundown of the Top Fertility Clinic in Kolkata and Entire East Zone according to TOI positioning. It offers a sustaining, spotless and mending condition to guarantee the prosperity of patients. The rooms are likewise roomy and well-outfitted for the solace of patients. Different offices given by the clinic incorporate 24-hour administration, emergency vehicle administrations, and an in-house drug store.
Aveya IVF and Fertility Centre
Aveya IVF and Fertility Center is an IVF emergency clinic which is arranged in Rajouri Garden, Delhi. The inside is served by a medical expert group including Dr. Markus Nitchzke, Dr. Nisha Bhatnagar, Akanksha Mishra, and Roy Youldous. The administrations offered by the middle are In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), egg gift, sperm solidifying, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Laser-helped bring forth and Surrogacy. The center has set up a notoriety for serving the privilege and the correct treatment to its patients as it has different answers for different issues. 
Aveya IVF and Fertility Center asylum the physical needs and condition as well as causes them to recoup their passionate and profound prerequisites. It is a standout amongst other IVF focus in Delhi with regards to any infertility issues anyway there might be various elements in charge of these. It offers different treatment for various issues. 
The middle offers its medicines with the use of cutting edge strategies, for example, In vitro treatment (IVF), Surrogacy, egg gift, and egg solidifying. The inside gives administrations relying on the condition and necessity of the patients. Aveya IVF and Fertility Center has settled even the most testing cases and has enrolled most astounding achievement rate to date. The inside offers moderate ripeness medicines for every single childless couple. Every single patient is treated as an exceptional individual at this middle. Every patient is served altered treatment dependent on the unique prerequisite of their case. 
At Aveya the specialists comprehend the way that help and sympathy are as significant as drugs and medications and this gives an incredible raise to the confidence of the patients. Truth be told, this positively affects the medicines given by Aveya IVF and Fertility focus. The medical clinic serves its patients with the most recent procedures alongside the unequaled ability of the authorities which has turned into the fundamental purposes behind progress and dependability of Aveya Fertility IVF Clinic in India
Universal Srushti Fertility and Research Centre - Kolkata
Widespread Srushti Fertility and Research Center is a standout amongst other IVF Hospitals arranged in Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata. The middle keeps up an agreeable vibe for unwinding and the best involvement of its patients. Widespread Srushti Fertility and Research Center keeps up an agreeable vibe for unwinding of the patients. The middle gives various administrations to its patients, for example, Infertility assessment, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intracytoplasmic sperm infusion (ICSI), Cryopreservation, Surrogacy, In Vitro Maturation (IVM), and Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (TESA). The inside performs individual advising, treatment and ordinary communication with the point of giving better and effective treatment to its patients.
Ravindra Hospital
Ravindra Hospital is an IVF Center arranged in Model Town, Panipat. The medical clinic serves different administrations identified with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Laparoscopic Surgery, Polyps Removal (Polypectomy) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) strategies. It likewise offers Surrogacy, Myomectomy, Embryo Freezing, Ovarian Stimulation, Hysteroscopic synechiolysis, and Testicular Biopsy Sperm Aspiration (TESA) methods. The clinic plans to wind up one of the most rumored and believed medicinal services marks in India. Dr. Keerat Kalra, an IVF specialist, and Gynecologist serves the forte of obstetrics and gynecology with her aptitude. She has an encounter of over two decades in the medical claim to fame of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Kalra for the most part has some expertise In Vitro Fertilization, Antenatal consideration, Intrauterine insemination, and Cesarean Delivery techniques. Dr. Kalra additionally has aptitude in the specialty of Reproductive human services. Ravindra Hospital offers its administrations nonstop to its patients. It has the best framework and an agreeable domain for every one of its patients. It is the degree of administration and eye for itemizing in everything that is done at Ravindra Hospital, that really separates them and settles on it the consideration supplier of decision for many patients. Quality, medical and administration magnificence and enumerating are the mainstays of this establishment. Their energy well mirrors the way that they set the business measures with regards to fix, care, and solace. The clinic gives nonstop crisis administrations. The clinics' in-understanding settlement is clean and roomy with super claim to fame guidelines. They offer the best offices to every one of the patients extending from elegantly improved cooled exclusive rooms to single private rooms, shared rooms, general wards, and VIP Suites. You can tap on the guide to discover the headings to Ravindra Hospital easily.
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indiaenigma-blog · 5 years
Top Fun and Interesting Facts About Farfetched India
India perhaps is the oldest nation on the planet. sharp and imaginative, India is where individuals from various societies and religious foundations live respectively as a country. If you investigate India's history you will see that India is loaded up with many fascinating actualities. The name of the country “India” derivative from the River Indus. The foremost campus in the antiquity of manhood was reputable is Takshila in 700 BC. It is alleged that the first restroom was constructed in India about 4500 years ago. The oldest occupied city in the creation is Varanasi or Banaras which is in India. Rather, than that, there are few more unknown interesting facts about India. India is the most stunning nation of the World.
India has a very renowned culture that Indians love to welcome every person in the country with so much warmth and love regardless of his culture and country, there is a very famous quote in India “ATITHI DEVO BHAWA”, which means guest of India is as equal as the god and Indians believe in serve the guest with same love and affection.
There is part of mind-blowing realities about India which are not yet mainstream and known to all individuals. India is a nation that can flaunt places with unusual things, certainties and culture. Here's an accumulation of some craziest, extraordinary certainties from around India.
Let’s head to the interesting facts about India, the blog will surely be the best you have ever read in your life.
1. India has the highest cricket ground in the world.
The chail cricket ground in chail, Himachal build in 1893 and an essential and reputed part of chail military school situated at the altitude of 2,444meters and is the highest cricket ground of the world.  
2. WorliSealink in Bandra has wires made of steel equal to the earth's circumference.
The weight of the worli sea link is as much as 50,000 African elephants and it took 2,57,00,000-man-hours to make it.  
3. This incredible country has special Spa for elephants.
Every year in India the elephants of punnathoor cotta elephant yard Rejuvenation centre take extravagant spa treatment to be pampered more. This elephant patch is devoted to the Guruvayurappan Hindu Temple of Kerala. The innovation centre has more than 40 elephants, these giant elephants are contented to lounge in the water while the staffs scrub and clean them with a brush. This is well known that elephant plays a vital role in Kerala’s mythical temple pageants and with July measured a month of restoration for people and creatures comparable, these elephants are not whining.
4. World’s biggest family man with 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren live in India.
The man who has the biggest family of the world is the leader of the world's greatest family – and articulates he is 'proud and honoured' to have his 39 wives. Ziona Chana equally has 33 grandkids, 14-little girls in-law and 94kids. They live in a 100-room, four-story houses set in the heart of the hills of Baktwang town in the Indian terrain of Mizoram, where the wives rest in enormous shared accommodations.
5. According to the Guinness world book of records, after the USA and UK, India ranks third in the number of records claims each year and 2011, India has made the third-highest number of records.
6. world’s largest bridge is situated in India.
In between the Dras river and suru River in Ladakh valley world’s largest bridge is situated. The bridge is 98 foot and is raised 18,379feet in the mountains of Himalaya. The bridge was built by the Indian Army in late 1982.
7. Every year in India a polling station is set up in a forest for a sole voter every election meanwhile 2004.
Mahant Bharatdas Darshandas is the sole voter of India lives in the heart of Gujarat’s Gir forest. The place is a home of Asiatic lion. He is one of India's most award-winning voters for whom a polling station is set up by the entire election team every election.
 8. India has its own planned city.
India has its own plan called as Jaipur which was founded by the Maharaja Jai Singh II in late 1727. The entire was intended by the king as per the Vaastu. The streets of the Jaipur run in a north-south and east-west lattice. The king was approached to the great auditor of Amber “Vidhyadhar Bhattacharya” to create Jaipur who used vastu shastra and Shilpa shastra.
9. India has the world’s best architectural example in Jaipur.
The maharaja of the Jaipur wanted to build an architectural city which would set an example for the world and after that Jaipur, the pink city of the world was built by the best architectures of the world. The city is divided into 9 blocks in which 2 is reserved for the royal families and the other 7 is for the general public and in the city, step mines were constructed to deliver water to the locals.
10. India has a floating post-office.
In Dal lake, Srinagar, the floating post office is inducted in 2011, august. India has been the centre of the world’s largest postal network with more than 1,55,015 post offices and a single post office serves over 7,175 people.
SUMMARY: The following mentioned lines of this blog is all about the interesting facts of India. Though incredible India is that that much short to gather all the facts that covered the whole blog but still the author of the blog tried the best.
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