#UN peacekeepers CAR
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Kit for an Indonesian soldier serving with UN peacekeeping forces in the CAR.
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girlactionfigure · 4 months
⚪ Wed morning - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
▪️HOSTAGES.. IDF spokesman: "There are hostages in Rafah - determined to do everything in order to create the conditions for them to return home."
▪️IDF PULLS UNRWA VIDEO - w/TERRORISTS.. A video (a few days old) of terrorists working near UN cars was revealed on the UNRWA website.  (( That’s called a LEGITIMATE MILITARY TARGET. ))
▪️A HERO SOLDIER HAS FALLEN.. Ira Yair Gispan, 19, of Petach Tikva.  May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge his blood!
▪️AID RIOT.. in the Erez crossing area: Dozens of anti-aid protestors tried to enter the Gaza Strip and were stopped, as part of a protest against aid to Hamas.
▪️CRITICAL AID!  Of 52 aid trucks that entered Gaza coming via Jordan, 7 trucks contained cigarettes and tobacco products.  On a related point, they entered through Kerem Shalom, which Hamas has fired rockets at 5 times and killed 4 IDF soldiers and wounded 12.
▪️ISRAEL - SURE, WE’LL WAIT.. “Senior American Official” an understanding was reached that the operation in Rafah will not be significantly expanded before the talks with the Americans on the issue. That is: at least until after US Nat. Security Advisor Sullivan's visit to Israel.
▪️DEMOCRATIC INSANITY.. Hadash Israeli-Arab terror supporting group at Tel Aviv university requested a permit for a pro-Hamas rally.  The Israel Police informed the Hadash cell that they would be prohibited from holding an incitement event outside the campus.  The Association for  Civil Rights immediately petitioned the High Court.  Unfortunately, the state folded and announced that it approves the incitement event.  
CEO of B’tzelmo: “It is unfortunate and infuriating that once again bodies in the legal system, instead of fighting against supporters of terrorism and deniers of the existence of the state, choose to choose the side of the enemy.”
▪️US POLITICS.. US Republican congressmen are promoting a bill in Congress which also has supporters among the Democrats that would force the US to transfer the frozen arms shipments to Israel. The bill that will probably be put to the vote tomorrow is expected to pass with a large majority.
President Biden has announced that he will use his veto power to block it if it is approved.
▪️US/UK SHIPPING COALITION ATTACKS.. A wave of 4 attacks in the Hodeidah airport area.  The Houthis are firing at ships every day now.
▪️ZEITOUN - GAZA.. (Al Jazeera) sraeli troops have withdrawn from Gaza City’s Zeitoun neighborhood following a six-day operation. IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said troops have killed more than 150 gunmen and destroyed some 80 sites used by terror groups.
▪️US WANTS ARAB COUNTRIES RUNNING GAZA.. Financial Times report: The Biden administration urges Arab countries to be part of a peacekeeping force in the Gaza Strip "once the war is over". According to the report, Egypt, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates are considering agreeing to the move, but they will do so with American recognition of a Palestinian state.
♦️RAFAH.. the operation is expanding to the center of Rafah, the city is being emptied quickly and without incidental damage.
♦️RAFAH.. the IDF is pressing forward in the Philadelphi border corridor, setting up for long term control.
♦️COUNTER-TERROR RAIDS: overnight in Ananta, northeast of Jerusalem, and in Shechem with active firefights.
♦️3 MAJOR TARGETED AIRSTRIKES.. overnight in Jabaliya, Boris, Sheikh Radwan hitting terrorist centers and terror families.
⭕ IRAQI SHIA MILITIAS FIRED 2 SUICIDE DRONES into Israel at Eilat. Intercepted prior to getting to Israel.
⭕ HAMAS ROCKETS (3) at Sderot, intercepted, 2 rounds.
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katanashipping · 7 months
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@love-killed-the-superstar​ I hope you don���t mind but this particular part of your recent liveblog just... really sparked something in my brain that I need to get out, re: Fast Forward, and it’s this repeating theme of FF rehashing a plot point from S1-4 but worse. Like the turtles version of a live action Disney reboot.
This turned into a massive rant, oops, more under the cut. Clearly, I have a lot of feelings about this.
Example: Shredder vs. Sh’okonabo
Consider the Shredder. He is an evil alien. He comes back time and again for four seasons before being defeated for good by the turtles’ allies. Every thing we learn about him is more messed up than the last, and learnt often at great personal cost. Notable henchmen: Karai (right hand woman & very skilled fighter), Hun (leads a notorious gang & very skilled fighter), Stockman (kind of a hostage situation, super smart guy who gets punished via mutilation) and later on, Chaplin (Stockman light)
Now consider Sh’okonabo. He is an evil alien. He pops up a few times over one season before being defeated for good by the turtles. We learn most things about him from an expositional voiceover from other characters, and he doesn’t evolve much beyond that. Not that good a fighter by himself. Notable henchmen: Darius Dunn (debatable, he has his own stuff going on), Zixx (debatable, he has his own stuff going on), and Viral (hostage situation, smart person who gets punished via mutilation). Every aspect of him mirrors the Shredder, if the Shredder had decided to try world domination by just... stumbling into the food hall of the UN one morning and feeding everyone poisoned porridge. And also had no friends subjects working for him.
Example: Things Change vs. Future Shellshock
Plotline: The turtles and Splinter have a normal day at home when something unexpectedly rips them out of their routine and throws them into the unfamiliar streets of New York City to fend for themselves. Making their way across the city, one of them gets trapped in an armored car and separated from the rest, turning the episode into a mixture of finding-their-feet and rescue-mission. At the end of the episode, the family finds a new home.
Things Change is the first episode of TMNT 2k3. It sets up the characters in their most archetypal ways, but also shows their connection as a family. The episode begins with the turtles training their ninjutsu skills when they are attacked by the mousers. Raph gets trapped in a Purple Dragon van in an attempt to evade danger, and the family follow in pursuit. Throughout the episode, the brothers might fight, but they never abandon one another. We meet  a few of the villains for the first time (Baxter Stockman, the Purple Dragons, and the Foot). At the end of the episode, the family reunites and find the Outpost Lair, thus finding a new home. Change, Splinter reminds us, is Good.
Future Shellshock is the first episode of the Fast Forward “reboot” and as such reintroduces the characters a little. The episode begins with the family fighting over the TV remote, a battle which Splinter wins (and which somehow comes up again in several other episodes of Fast Forward) when they are zapped to the year 2105. Mikey gets trapped in a newspaper van in an attempt to play a video game, and the family follow, but are distracted for 2-6 hours by Cody showing them around his penthouse and turtle museum before they are reminded by Cody that Mikey is still missing and resume pursuit. We meet a few of the villains for the first time (the Street Phantoms and the Peacekeepers). At the end of the episode, Cody explains that he’s the one who trapped them all here and graciously allows them to stay in his home (which they proceed to wreck in every single episode to follow). Change, we learn, is something you have to make the best of when it hits you unexpectedly from behind.
Example: Playtime is Over vs. Christmas Aliens
Plotline: Mikey is obsessed with a specific toy that is newly released. Initially unable to get one for himself, he suddenly finds himself involved in the local gang’s plot to steal the lot for money. Despite being briefly mistaken by the police for a co-conspirator in the theft, he manages to return the toy to its rightful owner/distributor in the end.
Except in Christmas Aliens, we get a fully fleshed out episode highlighting Mikey’s independence, competence under pressure, fighting skills, and compassion for his fellow humans (when he decides to steal the toys from the thieves and return them to the owners (orphanage) himself. He even goes one further in the end and decides that what he really wants is to give the toys away himself, and the whole family ends up volunteering at the orphanage and agreeing that he has done a Good Thing today.
In Playtime is Over, we get an entire episode of Mikey as a selfish, single-minded and obsessive “gamer”, fulfilling every early 2000′s stereotype of the same: he doesn’t shower, there is trash everywhere, he doesn’t care about his training or his family; the entire “subplot” (such as it is) of getting Cody to hook up with Starly in the mall passes him by entirely; and the only reason he gets involved in the theft at all is because he wants to get a game for himself, not to help others. He cheats, he lies, he cuts in line, he belittles others. At several points, he screams “GIVE ME MY GAME” at the episode’s villains. The entire episode is about Cody finding balance, yet Michelangelo serves only as the bad example of how not to be in contrast; he doesn’t learn anything. When Starly reveals that she got him a copy of the game in the end, he immediately goes back to video gaming, and his whole family agrees that he’s being Bad About This in a way that somehow warrants an entire second episode later on to resolve.
It is actually ridiculous, upon my most recent rewatch, how very similar these episodes are, except Playtime is Over is so much worse in every aspect and the perfect example of the Flanderisation that’s going on in FF. Like, if PiO came before CA somehow I’d call that character growth, but since they are several seasons apart I’m just... ???? what ????
These are just two episodes that stuck with me during the recent rewatch that serve to portray my frustrations with Fast Forward as a show. We’ve already seen most of these plotlines, and we’ve already seen most of these villains, and Fast Forward just falls short at every single turn. I am still baffled how they made an entire episode featuring “Raphael says out loud that they finally have a chance to walk the streets in daylight and wants to go do human things for fun, but the rest of the family prefers to stay at home and play video games” and then just... kept having everyone stay inside to play video games for the next 20 episodes after that. Talk about a missed opportunity.
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
I know what it looks like but it's not what you think. I'm just trying to harass your top scientist into revealing company secrets. It's cool.
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This would be the funniest possible time for Huesca to die. We've done Locked Room Quartet. We've done Open Air Locked Room. Are you ready for the Most Locked-est Room Ever Locked!?
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The same underlings who tried to solve the last four murders? Sure, those guys are credible.
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What is Yomi implying here? That Makoto came down here and knocked out two guards, then left in a car to go pick me up, and then came back down to capitalize on the chaos created by a fake letter he'd sent to Yomi earlier?
Because that... is alarmingly plausible and answers my question as to why that letter would even exist.
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Looks like we pushed too hard. Makoto's being placed under arrest.
...so. Like. Am I cool to hang out, Yomi? You're just taking him, right? It's fine for me to still be here?
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We almost got away with it. Yomi was so laser-focused that he was legit going to take Makoto and leave us here. Your masterful disguise of freezing up and being so useless that you become mistakable for a floor lamp was working until you spoke up!
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Floor lamp. Like I said. Pay us no mind and have a wonderful day. Oh, what is that noise in the distance? Is that the sound of some malcontents? Someone must go step on their necks, and that someone is you, Yomi. You got this, man. I believe in you.
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Aww, that hurts my feelings. You were ready to get Halara'd trying to kill us all over me, like, yesterday. :( Am I really that forgettable?
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I hope so too. It'd take out this entire building. We've got Yomi and Makoto here at the same time, plus Huesca. That'd solve a lot of problems for Kanai Ward right there.
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Alright, we've time-skipped. Now someone is surely dead.
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Aren't you a little short for a Stormtroo--Desuhiko. Halara must have delivered my IOU message.
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To be fair, I'd be doing shit like this to him if he was the one over a barrel like this. Though I'd be going for more goofy prankster shit. Desuhiko is weirdly obsessed with shilling the Yuma/Kurumi ship at every possible opportunity.
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Fuck, I thought it'd be Fubuki or Halara. Someone useful. Instead, we get these two clowns. But I suppose it will have to do. Thanks for rescuing me, try not to die on the way out.
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DON'T UN-DISGUISE. Y'all have helmets. Just take those off. You don't need to strip down and make yourselves fully vulnerable to being caught, you fucking morons!
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He didn't, actually. If he used DIsguise, he would have taken on an appropriate height for a Peacekeeper grunt. This was a disguise, but it wasn't Disguise. Which was honestly for the best.
Given how much Disguise takes out of Desuhiko, a non-Disguise disguise was the right call. With face and body fully covered, there was no need to burn energy on the full shapeshifting shenanigans route.
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While true, your behavior in the past has done little to establish a relationship of trust and open communication.
It's like parenting. When you constantly tell Yuma, "DO NOT go snoop around, DO NOT get in trouble with the Peacekeepers, AVOID solving mysteries or doing anything meaningful," and then get mad at him every time he does those things? It's not going to discourage him from doing them. It's going to discourage him from telling you that he's doing them.
If you convey to your child/apprentice that they cannot confide in you about the things they are doing, then they will continue to do those things but they will not confide in you about them. Yuma went behind your back because everything you've said to him up to this point has convinced him that you must be lied to.
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My IOU letter!
No, for real, what is that actually? Did Fink the Slaughter Artist tell them I was here?
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...that's not a yes.
But it's also not a no. This sent a chill down my spine.
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Nuh nuh nuh go back. Don't just yadda-yadda over your arrival here. You have to pass through a biometric scanner to enter the premises. How did you pass through the biometric scanner?
I guess Desuhiko could have Disguised a member of Amaterasu staff to get them through. That shit is practically shapeshifting so it might alter his biometrics. That or they smuggled their way in on, like, a troop transport? Maybe?
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That is a fair assessment of what happened, yes. Yuma's floor lamp impersonation needs work.
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Yomi had a plausible explanation for that, but obviously Makoto himself couldn't have dropped the letter at the sub. The timing of which still makes me think he did it specifically to get them to come fetch Yuma.
Makoto and Fink aren't proven to be in cahoots but they're likely to be in cahoots. Cahoots are more plausible than not at this point in time.
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Hold up, your plan is to kidnap Amaterasu's most highly-protect employee from the middle of their HQ and then walk out?
Yakou, 95% of the time I want you to grow a spine. Then, in the other 5%, you are the boldest motherfucker I've ever met. I love it. I'm here for it. It's too bad Huesca's most certainly dead by now.
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Into the poison gas chamber and DIIIIIIIIE!
...plan needs work, but we can workshop it. Gonna stay positive!
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The hell is that supposed to mean, Desuhiko? I'll have you know that I have only Disguised as a woman one....
...five times. Out of five.
Okay, yeah. That's fair. Gimme the female suit and the polyurethane molded breast forms you set aside as mine.
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You heard it here, folks. Yuma doesn't have a preference between male or female. Canon he/they.
Purple question-mark hair and pronouns.
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You don't need your bag. These were disguises instead of Disguise. You should still have two of the disguises on you, Desuhiko. Would it be that hard to locate a third?
...we're going on this detour so you can make Yuma a female Peacekeeper, aren't we?
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Odaisseh had last been bombed four days ago. Israeli missiles would strike it again in the evening. But on this searing July morning, the small Lebanese village on the frontier with Israel was deathly quiet as three armoured cars with UN markings crept along its narrow main road. “From here to the end of Odaisseh, we are not going to see people in the streets,” said Lt Col José Irisarri, a Spanish officer serving in a battalion of UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon. “Only ambulances and paramedics.” For months, Israel and the militant group Hezbollah have been exchanging fire over the “blue line” that demarcates Israeli-held territory from Lebanon. Fears are growing it could boil over into full-blown war. In Odaisseh, and other areas to which the Guardian gained access last week with a UN peacekeeping patrol, it appears that war has already arrived. Long stretches of Odaisseh and a neighbouring village, Kafr Kila, have been reduced to jagged seas of concrete rubble, strewn with rebar, electrical cables and upturned furniture. A yellow Hezbollah flag was tangled in the wreckage of one Kafr Kila home. Shocks of bright-pink bougainvillea protruded from the ruins of others. The few buildings along Odaisseh’s main road to be spared a direct hit still carry scars of the village’s repeated poundings by heavy bombs, their windows shattered and metal garage doors left writhing and twisted. The extent of the damage in these villages since October has been rarely glimpsed, at least by the media. Surveillance cameras mounted across the Israeli frontier watch anything that moves. Still, someone has returned in the past week to mount red and black flags in some of the debris, in defiant commemoration of the Shi’a Muslim religious festival Ashura.
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archivio-disattivato · 10 months
Congolese Man Self-Immolates to Highlight Overlooked Genocide in Congo
A video of a Congolese man who set himself on fire to protest the ongoing genocide in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has gone viral on social media, sparking outrage and sympathy from viewers around the world.
The video, which was posted on Twitter on November 8, shows the man, who has not been identified, standing in front of a crowd in Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC, holding a sign that reads “Stop the genocide in Congo”.
He then pours gasoline over his body and lights a match, engulfing himself in flames. The crowd screams and tries to help him, but he pushes them away and falls to the ground.
The video ends with the man lying motionless on the pavement, surrounded by smoke and fire.
The man’s condition and fate are unknown, as well as his motives and background.
A brutal conflict
The man’s self-immolation is a desperate attempt to draw attention to the genocide that has been taking place in the eastern provinces of the DRC for more than two decades, claiming millions of lives and displacing millions more.
The conflict in the DRC is fueled by the competition for the rich natural resources of the region, such as gold, coltan, and cobalt, which are used in various industries and technologies.
The region is controlled by dozens of armed groups, some of whom are backed by neighboring countries, such as Rwanda and Uganda, who seek to exploit the resources and influence the politics of the DRC.
The armed groups terrorize the civilian population, committing atrocities such as rape, murder, looting, and kidnapping. They also recruit child soldiers and force people to work in the mines under harsh conditions.
The conflict has also caused a humanitarian crisis, as the DRC’s infrastructure, health-care system, and economy have collapsed, leaving millions of people in need of food, water, medicine, and shelter.
According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the DRC has the largest number of internally displaced people in the world, with 6.9 million people uprooted by the violence as of October 2023.
The IOM said that the conflict has worsened in recent months, with more people displaced in less time than ever before.
A failed intervention
The international community has tried to intervene in the DRC’s conflict, but with little success and much controversy.
The United Nations has deployed a peacekeeping mission in the DRC since 1999, with the mandate to protect civilians and support the political process.
However, the mission, known as MONUSCO, has been criticized for being ineffective, corrupt, and abusive. It has also faced resistance and hostility from the Congolese government and some of the armed groups.
Earlier this month, the Congolese government ordered the East African regional force, which was deployed in 2022 to help MONUSCO fight the armed groups, to leave the country by December, accusing it of failing to deliver results.
The UN has also imposed sanctions and an arms embargo on some of the parties involved in the conflict, but these measures have been violated and evaded by various actors.
The UN has also supported the efforts to bring justice and accountability to the perpetrators of the genocide, but these efforts have been hampered by the lack of cooperation and security in the region.
A call for action
The video of the man who set himself on fire has sparked a call for action from various groups and individuals, who have expressed their solidarity and support for the Congolese people.
Some have called for a boycott of the products that use the resources from the DRC, such as smartphones, laptops, and electric cars, to pressure the companies and governments that benefit from the exploitation of the region.
Some have also called for a stronger and more effective intervention from the international community, such as a diplomatic and humanitarian initiative to end the conflict and address the root causes of the violence.
Some have also called for a recognition and a commemoration of the genocide, as well as a compensation and a reconciliation for the victims and the survivors.
The video of the man who set himself on fire has also raised awareness and compassion for the plight of the Congolese people, who have suffered and endured one of the worst tragedies in human history.
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the-starry-seas · 1 year
babe wake up, new Transformers OC just dropped
His name is Stormbrake. Or it used to be. He was an Autobot lieutenant, and his escape pod was damaged in escaping Cybertron. When it crash-landed on Earth, a bunch of his internal systems went a little haywire from the jolt. He replicated the nearest car (a grey 2000 Honda Accord) for a disguise and drove as far as he could (about two blocks) before his systems shut themselves down.
The Decepticons found him first, years later. They planned to strip him for parts, hoping they might even get his Spark. Instead, just after they started dismantling him, they accidentally tripped an alarm and he came back to life. Guns came out immediately on both sides.
Stormbrake had no idea what was going on, but he did recognise that part of his shoulder was being held by someone he didn't know, and it made him just a little wary of who was taking him apart. He asked who they were, which was a bit of surprise to them, since there was no reason for him to not recognise their Decepticon insignias.
Their leader Geartrap was a quick thinker. He said, "Don't worry, brother, you're safe again."
In the pause that followed, Geartrap told a story: he was the leader of peacekeepers hunting murderous rebels, who ambushed and killed two of them in cold blood. His shoulder had been blasted apart in the attack, but they'd been kind enough to bring the pieces with them.
He had no reason to disbelieve any of this. He came back to life without any of his memory cells intact and was a complete blank slate. He trusted the bots who told him they'd brought him back to life, because he had no reason not to, and fully believed that he was a good guy who would keep the galaxy safe.
With him fooled, the Decepticons immediately set about fully brainwashing him. His name was Doomstrike. He had the Autobot logo because he was getting ready for an undercover mission. He couldn't remember anything because the Autobots used a special weapon on him. Unfortunate that he didn't feel right in his body, but they were only able to choose once, so he was stuck with it.
He thought he'd been ambushed and murdered by a group of rebels who were in the process of creating a planet-destroying weapon, so he was eager to continue his undercover mission. They lied to him that if he was killed again, they'd be able to bring him back again.
So he went on a suicide mission to kill Optimus Prime, which went about exactly as you'd think it would, considering he had no combat experience or tactics.
The Autobots then had to un-brainwash the poor guy, which was twice as hard as it usually would have been because Stormbrake had an unimaginable amount of trust issues. And to everyone's surprise, he wanted nothing to do with getting revenge on the Decepticons. He wanted to stay as far away from them as possible, for as long as he could.
This presented something of a problem, considering the Decepticons were actively hunting them for sport and also considered Stormbrake to be a traitor. He'll be fine, eventually, probably- but in the meantime he's got a lot of things to worry about and a lot of enemies wanting to take off his head.
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libertariantaoist · 6 months
News Roundup 4/4/24
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
Orwellian Tactics? Libertarian Party Fears Targeting By FBI After Letter The Institute 
Mitch McConnell Says He’ll Stay in the Senate To Fight the ‘Isolationist Movement’ AWC
Ukraine Aid Vote Not Expected in House for Weeks or Longer AWC
Ukrainian Military Officers Say Frontlines Are at Risk of Collapsing AWC
NATO Chief Floats Establishing $100 Billion Fund for Ukraine AWC
Zelensky Signs Law Lowering Conscription Age to 25 AWC
Speaker Johnson Says He Supports Giving Frozen Russian Assets to Ukraine AWC
Joint Chiefs Chairman Claims Giving Ukraine Long-Range ATACMs Is No Longer as Risky AWC
US, Japan, and Philippines to Launch Joint Patrols in South China Sea AWC
State Dept Says Parts of Gaza Likely Experiencing Famine AWC
Pro-Palestinian Protests Disrupt Major Biden Campaign Event AWC
US Loosens Sanctions on Violent Israeli Settlers AWC
US Approves Billions in More Bombs and Fighter Jets for Israel to Support Gaza Slaughter AWC
Israel Creates ‘Kill Zones’ in Gaza Where Anyone Who Enters Gets Shot AWC
US Congressman Suggests Destroying Gaza Like ‘Hiroshima and Nagasaki’ AWC
Hamas Says It’s Sticking To Demand for Permanent Ceasefire AWC
Biden Not Changing Israel Policy After Meticulous Slaughter of Aid Workers AWC
Active Duty Airman on White House Hunger Strike Against Starvation of Children in Gaza AWC
World Central Kitchen Founder Says Israel Targeted His Aid Workers ‘Systematically, Car by Car’ AWC
Nearly 50,000 People in Wisconsin Cast Protest Vote Against Gaza Slaughter in Democratic Primary AWC
Israeli Siege Causes Sharp Rise in Newborn Baby Deaths in Gaza AWC
Biden Administration Expected to Approve Massive $18 Billion F-15 Deal for Israel AWC
US Increased Intelligence Sharing With Israel to ‘Unprecedented’ Levels After October 7 AWC
Israeli Knesset Passes Law Allowing Government to Ban Al Jazeera AWC
Middle East
US Scraps Planned Visit to Mid East to Normalize Saudi-Israeli Ties The Institute 
Israel, US Brace for Potential Iranian Retaliation for Syria Consulate Bombing AWC
Israel DM: War on Hezbollah Would Be Catastrophe for Lebanon AWC
As Attacks Escalate, Israel DM Looks To Prepare Public for Lebanon War AWC
Israeli Drone Strike Kills One in South Lebanon Town of Kunin AWC
UN Investigates as Four Peacekeepers Are Wounded in South Lebanon AWC
Death Toll in Israeli Airstrikes on Syria’s Aleppo Rises to 52 AWC
Eight Killed, 30 Wounded in Overnight Market Blast in Northern Syria AWC
Report: US Told Iran It Had No Involvement in Bombing Syria Consulate AWC
Khamenei Vows Israel Will Be ‘Punished’ for Bombing Iran’s Syria Consulate AWC
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andronetalks · 6 months
Several people injured after shell explodes near UN observers in southern Lebanon
Sky News By Samuel Osborne March 30, 2024 Four people have been wounded after a shell exploded near a UN patrol in southern Lebanon, the UN peacekeeping mission has said. Earlier, Reuters reported an Israeli strike had hit a car carrying UN observers outside the border town of Rmeish, citing two security sources. But the Israeli military said “contrary to the reports” it did not strike a UNIFIL…
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spookysaladchaos · 6 months
Armoured Vehicle, Global Market Size Forecast, Top 10 Players Rank and Market Share
Armoured Vehicle Market Summary
An armoured vehicle is an armed combat vehicle protected by armour, generally combining operational mobility with offensive and defensive capabilities. Armoured vehicles can be wheeled or tracked. Tanks, armoured cars, assault guns/armoured self-propelled guns, infantry fighting vehicles and armoured personnel carriers (APC) are all examples of armoured vehicles.
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According to the new market research report "Global Armoured Vehicle Market Report 2023-2029", published by QYResearch, the global Armoured Vehicle market size is projected to grow from USD 21,528.90 million in 2023 to USD 24,402.90 million by 2029, at a CAGR of 2.11% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Armoured Vehicle Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Armoured Vehicle Market Report 2023-2029.
Market Drivers:
1. Military Modernization Programs: Many countries around the world are investing in the modernization and expansion of their military capabilities to address evolving security threats and geopolitical tensions. Armoured vehicles play a crucial role in military operations, providing protection to personnel and equipment in various combat scenarios. Military modernization programs drive the demand for advanced armoured vehicles with enhanced firepower, mobility, and survivability features.
2. Peacekeeping and Stability Operations: Armoured vehicles are deployed in peacekeeping and stability operations conducted by international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and regional security alliances. These vehicles are used to provide protection to peacekeepers, humanitarian aid workers, and civilian populations in conflict-affected areas, facilitating peacebuilding efforts and stability operations in volatile regions.
3. Commercial Applications: Armoured vehicles find applications beyond military and security sectors, including civilian and commercial markets. Armoured personnel carriers (APCs), cash-in-transit vehicles, VIP transport vehicles, and private security vehicles are used in industries such as banking, transportation, logistics, and private security services, driving demand for customized armoured solutions tailored to specific requirements.
1. High Costs: Armoured vehicles are typically expensive to design, manufacture, and maintain due to the specialized materials, technologies, and engineering required to provide adequate protection against ballistic threats. The high upfront costs associated with armoured vehicle procurement can pose challenges for defense budgets, particularly in developing countries or regions with limited financial resources.
2. Export Controls and Regulatory Compliance: Armoured vehicle exports are subject to stringent export controls, regulations, and licensing requirements imposed by exporting and importing countries. Compliance with international arms control agreements, export control regimes, and sanctions regimes can pose challenges for armoured vehicle manufacturers seeking to export their products to global markets.
Figure.   Global Armoured Vehicle Top 10 Players Ranking and Market Share(Continually updated)
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Based on or includes research from QYResearch: Global Armoured Vehicle Market Report 2023-2029.
This report profiles key players of Armoured Vehicle such as General Dynamics, BAE Systems, Oshkosh, Rheinmetall, China North Industrial.
In 2022, the global top five Armoured Vehicle players account for 56.7 % of market share in terms of revenue. Above figure shows the key players ranked by revenue in Armoured Vehicle.
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thxnews · 7 months
UK Calls for Inclusive CAR Peace Process
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UK's Vision for the Central African Republic
In a recent address at the UN Security Council meeting, the UK's Alternate Political Coordinator Laura Dix outlined Britain's stance on the ongoing peace process in the Central African Republic (CAR). Moreover, the UK's message centered on the necessity of inclusivity, the dangers posed by harmful partnerships, and the pivotal role of the UN peacekeeping force, MINUSCA, in fostering a stable and prosperous CAR.  
A Call for Comprehensive Inclusion
Ensuring a Broad-Based Peace Process The UK commends the cooperation between MINUSCA and CAR authorities but stresses the importance of including all parties in the peace process and upcoming local elections. Such inclusivity is vital for addressing the root causes of conflict and ensuring the decentralization provisions of the Political Agreement are fulfilled. The message is clear: lasting security and prosperity in the CAR hinge on a peace process that embraces all voices.   The Wagner Group The UK expressed grave concerns over the activities of the Wagner Group in the CAR, highlighting the group's human rights abuses and their potential to undermine the achievements of MINUSCA and broader peacebuilding efforts. Furthermore, the UK's call for accountability underscores the international community's responsibility to address human rights violations, irrespective of the perpetrator.  
The Role of MINUSCA in the Path to Peace
Supporting Peacekeepers' Sacrifices The tribute paid to the UN peacekeepers who lost their lives in the mission underscores the UK's recognition of MINUSCA's central role in the pursuit of peace and stability in the CAR. Additionally, cooperation between the CAR government and MINUSCA is crucial. There is specific emphasis on ensuring the freedom of movement for the mission's aerial vehicles.   Towards a Sustainable Transition Looking forward, the UK suggests that MINUSCA's Strategic Review should concentrate on preparing for a sustainable transition. Moreover, it highlights the necessity of conditions that support long-term stability and prosperity. This forward-looking approach emphasizes the need for strategic planning and international support to ensure the CAR's future is one of peace and development.  
Supporting Democracy and Addressing Challenges
The Fragile State of Democracy The CAR's history of conflict failed peace deals, and limited democratic functioning presents a complex backdrop against which the peace process is unfolding. Additionally, the UK's call for inclusivity and stability resonates against this history of instability, pointing to a deep understanding of the CAR's challenges.   Wagner Group's Role Under Scrutiny The Wagner Group's involvement in the CAR, marked by accusations of human rights abuses and resource exploitation, poses significant obstacles to peacebuilding efforts. Furthermore, the UK's stance reflects broader concerns over the group's activities undermining peace efforts and highlights the need for a concerted international response.  
A Unified Effort for Peace
The UK's message at the UN Security Council meeting articulates a clear and principled stance on the peace process in the Central African Republic. Furthermore, by advocating for an inclusive political process, highlighting the dangers of malign partnerships like the Wagner Group, and underscoring the importance of MINUSCA's role, the UK is contributing to a framework for lasting peace and prosperity in the CAR. Moreover, this approach, grounded in the principles of human rights and international cooperation, offers a roadmap towards a stable and democratic Central African Republic.   Sources: THX News, Combatting Terrorism Center at West Point, Crisis Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Freedom House, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office & Laura Dix, Alternate Political Coordinator at the UN. Read the full article
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Events 11.11 (after 1920)
1921 – The Tomb of the Unknowns is dedicated by US President Warren G. Harding at Arlington National Cemetery. 1923 – Adolf Hitler is arrested in Munich for high treason for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch. 1926 – The United States Numbered Highway System is established. 1930 – Patent number US1781541 is awarded to Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd for their invention, the Einstein refrigerator. 1934 – The Shrine of Remembrance is opened in Melbourne, Australia. 1940 – World War II: In the Battle of Taranto, the Royal Navy launches the first all-aircraft ship-to-ship naval attack in history. 1940 – World War II: The German auxiliary cruiser Atlantis captures top secret British mail from the Automedon, and sends it to Japan. 1942 – World War II: France's zone libre is occupied by German forces in Case Anton. 1942 – The Turkish parliament passes the Varlık Vergisi, a capital tax mostly levied on non-Muslim citizens with the unofficial aim to inflict financial ruin on them and end their prominence in the country's economy. 1960 – A military coup against President Ngô Đình Diệm of South Vietnam is crushed. 1961 – Thirteen Italian Air Force servicemen, deployed to the Congo as a part of the UN peacekeeping force, are massacred by a mob in Kindu. 1962 – Kuwait's National Assembly ratifies the Constitution of Kuwait. 1965 – Southern Rhodesia's Prime Minister Ian Smith unilaterally declares the colony independent as the unrecognised state of Rhodesia. 1965 – United Air Lines Flight 227 crashes at Salt Lake City International Airport, killing 43. 1966 – NASA launches Gemini 12. 1967 – Vietnam War: In a propaganda ceremony in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, three American prisoners of war are released by the Viet Cong and turned over to "new left" antiwar activist Tom Hayden. 1968 – Vietnam War: Operation Commando Hunt initiated. The goal is to interdict men and supplies on the Ho Chi Minh trail, through Laos into South Vietnam. 1972 – Vietnam War: Vietnamization: The United States Army turns over the massive Long Binh military base to South Vietnam. 1975 – Australian constitutional crisis of 1975: Australian Governor-General Sir John Kerr dismisses the government of Gough Whitlam, appoints Malcolm Fraser as caretaker Prime Minister and announces a general election to be held in early December. 1975 – Independence of Angola. 1977 – A munitions explosion at a train station in Iri, South Korea kills at least 56 people. 1981 – Antigua and Barbuda joins the United Nations. 1992 – The General Synod of the Church of England votes to allow women to become priests. 1993 – A sculpture honoring women who served in the Vietnam War is dedicated at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. 1999 – The House of Lords Act is given Royal Assent, restricting membership of the British House of Lords by virtue of a hereditary peerage. 2000 – Kaprun disaster: One hundred fifty-five skiers and snowboarders die when a cable car catches fire in an alpine tunnel in Kaprun, Austria. 2001 – Journalists Pierre Billaud, Johanne Sutton and Volker Handloik are killed in Afghanistan during an attack on the convoy they are traveling in. 2002 – A Fokker F27 Friendship operating as Laoag International Airlines Flight 585 crashes into Manila Bay shortly after takeoff from Ninoy Aquino International Airport, killing 19 people. 2004 – New Zealand Tomb of the Unknown Warrior is dedicated at the National War Memorial, Wellington. 2006 – Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II unveils the New Zealand War Memorial in London, United Kingdom, commemorating the loss of soldiers from the New Zealand Army and the British Army. 2012 – A strong earthquake with the magnitude 6.8 hits northern Burma, killing at least 26 people. 2014 – Fifty-eight people are killed in a bus crash in the Sukkur District in southern Pakistan's Sindh province. 2022 – Russo-Ukrainian War: Ukrainian armed forces enter the city of Kherson following a successful two-month southern counteroffensive.
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warningsine · 1 year
Azerbaijan launched a military operation against a breakaway region controlled by ethnic Armenians on Tuesday, demanding its total surrender.
Baku’s forces used artillery and drones to bombard parts of Nagorno-Karabakh, over which Azerbaijan and Armenia have fought since the 1991 break up of the Soviet Union.
On Tuesday night, separatist authorities said at least 28 people had been killed as shelling hit the regional capital, Stepanakeret, and other sites.
Nikol Pashinyan, Armenia’s prime minister, said Azerbaijan had launched a “ground offensive” and separatist sources said there was fighting across the entire front line.
The conflict raised fears of a return to full-blown war in the volatile Caucus region, where Russia has acted as a peacekeeper until its attention turned to Ukraine.
During the last war in 2020 Azerbaijan gained control of swathes of territory in Nagorno-Karabakh with the crucial help of Turkish-supplied drones.
On Tuesday, Baku demanded the total surrender of what it called the “illegal” regime, in an apparent attempt to bring Nagorno-Karabakh wholly under its control.
“In order to stop anti-terrorist measures, the illegal Armenian armed forces must raise a white flag, surrender the weapons and the illegal regime must dissolve itself,” Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry said.
“Otherwise, the anti-terrorist measures will continue until the end.”
Mr Pashinyan said there were no Armenian armed forces in Nagorno-Karabakh, which is reliant on Yerevan’s political support and almost entirely ethnically Armenian.
On Tuesday, Stepanakert residents fled into their basements as Azerbaijani artillery pounded the city.
Video footage showed the top floor of one residential building gutted by shelling with nearby parked cars crumpled under debris.
Other residents posted clips of air-raid sirens wailing and heavy gunfire in the background.
‘No opportunity to evacuate’
Fears of ethnic-cleansing were raised after Karabakh’s ombudsman reported that Azerbaijan’s forces had surrounded the village of Sarybaba near the border with Armenia.
Gegham Stepanynan said the local school has been damaged by shelling and there was “no opportunity to evacuate the residents”.
The US and Europe demanded an immediate halt to the Azerbaijani military operation.
“Baku’s promise to refrain from military action was broken. Azerbaijan must immediately stop shelling and return to the negotiating table,” Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s foreign minister, said on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.
The European Union condemned Azerbaijan’s “devastating” attacks on the region.
Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry said that the EU was “deliberately misrepresenting” Baku’s reasoning for launching the military operation.
It claimed that the offensive was ordered after six Azerbaijani citizens were killed by landmines in two separate incidents on Tuesday morning, which it blamed on “illegal Armenian armed groups”.
Turkey backed the offensive saying Baku had a right to take whatever measures it deemed necessary on its “sovereign territory”.
Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, expressed concern about the “escalation” but Russian TV propagandists celebrated the attack as a rebuke to Armenia for siding with the West on Ukraine.
Conflict since Soviet break-up
Armenia and Azerbaijan have fought over Nagorno-Karabakh since the break-up of the Soviet Union.
At least 7,000 people were killed in a five-week war there in 2020 before Russia negotiated a ceasefire.
With the Kremlin distracted by the war in Ukraine, analysts fear that Azerbaijan not only wants to restore control of the territory it seized in 2020, but to drive ethnic Armenians from the area.
“With its military operation, Baku appears to be trying to establish full control over Nagorno-Karabakh… The latest fighting might lead ethnic Armenians living in the region to flee,” Olesya Vartanyan, a South Caucasus analyst at Crisis Group, said.
Azerbaijan earlier this year imposed a de facto blockade on Nagorno-Karabakh, leading to an acute shortage of food and medicine.
Last week, Armenian officials warned that Baku was preparing its forces for an assault after Azerbaijani military vehicles were spotted with markings similar to ones used by the Russian army prior to the invasion of Ukraine.
In Yerevan, hundreds of protesters gathered outside government buildings on Tuesday afternoon, responding to a call by opposition parties to take to the streets.
‘Calls to stage a coup’
Nikol Pashinyan, the prime minister and a former journalist who came to power after leading a peaceful revolution in 2018, hit out at calls for a “coup” in the country as protesters rallied outside his office.
“We must not allow certain people, certain forces to deal a blow to the Armenian state,” Mr Pashinyan said in a televised address.
“There are already calls, coming from different places, to stage a coup in Armenia.”
Opposition parties have accused the former revolutionary leader of making too many concessions to Azerbaijan which overwhelmed Armenian militarily in 2020.
Protesters in Yerevan on Tuesday also gathered around the embassy of Russia amid fury at Moscow for failing to meet its peace-keeping mandate and stand up for Karabakh’s Armenians.
In Russia, some of the country’s top propagandists gloated about Azerbaijan’s offensive.
Margarita Simonyan, the head of Russia’s RT TV channel who herself has Armenian heritage, called Mr Pashinyan “Judas” for cosying up to Western powers.
“Karabakh: It’s tragic, hopeless - yet, predictable,” she said on social media.
“The Armenian authorities themselves gave up holy Armenian land.”
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msclaritea · 1 year
The New Humanitarian | More UN sex abuse allegations in CAR; 60 peacekeepers to be sent home
"The UN said Friday it will repatriate 60 Tanzanian peacekeepers from Central African Republic after new allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation surfaced – the latest in a string of sexual abuse scandals involving UN peacekeepers in the country. 
Eleven members of the unit were accused of sexually abusing and exploiting four victims, according to the UN’s Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic, known as MINUSCA. 
It was not immediately clear when the alleged abuse occurred, but some of the victims are believed to have been minors at the time, Guy Karema, a spokesperson with MINUSCA, told The New Humanitarian, adding that the victims’ ages at the time of the abuse had not yet been verified.
The contingent has been confined to their barracks pending the results of an ongoing investigation. Tanzanian troops were also accused of abuse and paternity cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2016. 
“The evidence also points to a breakdown in command and control by commanders over their personnel,” a MINUSCA statement added.
More than 100 women and children have accused peacekeepers of sexual abuse in CAR since 2013, when an alliance of northern rebels known as the Séléka ousted then-president Francois Bozizé and triggered a UN peacekeeping deployment in 2014.
As of this year, some 3.4 million were in need of humanitarian assistance, according to the UN. The country also has one of the highest proportions of critically food insecure people in the world.
Scandals involving peacekeepers between 2014 and 2015 were particularly damaging to the UN, which introduced a raft of reforms and measures in the years that followed. Still, allegations have continued.  
In one of those scandals, UN whistleblower Anders Kompass – field operations director at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights – exposed the abuse of children by French troops to authorities in 2014.
The alleged abuse involved hungry children – as young as eight – in the M’Poko camp for displaced people, coerced into sex in return for food or a little money.
Another separate scandal involved UN peacekeepers from Burundi and Gabon. 
The UN has often said it lacks jurisdiction over UN peacekeepers, who are often repatriated after such abuse allegations. Few ever face prosecution. 
However, the UN has also been accused of failing victims in CAR and elsewhere – either through a lack of assistance to victims or conducting investigations that take too long or often discount victims’ testimonies.
In 2019, The New Humanitarian detailed a litany of blunders that UN investigators made in probing such abuse allegations in CAR. 
In that case, investigators from Gabon and Burundi – the troop-contributing countries accused in the abuse – were also criticised for failing victims during the investigations. More than half of the 130 allegations were ultimately dismissed, according to an internal UN draft obtained by The New Humanitarian. 
In 2021, the UN withdrew 450 peacekeepers from Gabon following abuse allegations. 
Gabon and Burundi continue to contribute peacekeepers to the UN."
WHO Pushes ‘Early Childhood Masturbation’
May 18, 2023
The World Health Organization (WHO) is facing backlash for its “sexuality education” guidance that encourages schools to teach young children and toddlers about “gender identities” and “early childhood masturbation.”
WHO guidelines for “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe” were published over a decade ago but have recently been scrutinized for allegedly pushing “harmful gender ideology” and promoting “the acceptance of paedophilia.”
Welsh Shadow Minister for Education Laura Anne Jones said the guidance is “frankly disturbing” and called on the Welsh government to “distance themselves” from it, as reported by The Telegraph.
“We must stop this pushing of harmful gender ideology into sex education in Wales and the UK, with immediate effect,” she continued. “The WHO needs to rescind the advice immediately.”
The WHO guidelines aim to standardize sex education curricula across Europe and encourage schools to “give information” to children ages 0-9 about “enjoyment and pleasure when touching one’s own body, early childhood masturbation.”
The guidance also directs schools to teach children 0-4 about “the right to ask questions about sexuality … the right to explore gender identities [and] the right to explore nakedness and the body.”
Furthermore, children 4-6 are to be taught about “same-sex relationships” and encouraged to “talk about sexual matters” and “consolidate their gender identity,” according to the WHO.
Tanya Carter, a spokesperson for Safe Schools Alliance UK, said it is “extremely concerning that the UN and WHO are promoting an approach that is experimental, unscientific, and appears to be aligned to the work of unethical individuals and organisations, including those promoting the acceptance of paedophilia,” per the Daily Mail.
“We call upon them to revise their standards to align with a safeguarding-first approach that protects children while allowing them to develop a healthy and age-appropriate understanding of sex,” Carter continued.
However, a WHO spokesperson maintained that the “guidelines reflect established psychological facts based on decades of research,” as reported by the Daily Mail.
Last month, delegates of the United Nations Commission on Population and Development gathered to discuss how to move forward with the body’s “comprehensive sexual education” guidance but failed to reach a conclusive agreement.
“Nobody is happy with this result,” said the representative from Senegal, according to a UN press release.
Commission Chair Gheorghe Leucă said he “see[s] no other possibility than to withdraw this text.”
However, the representative of Sweden, speaking on behalf of the European Union, praised the document for its emphasis on sexual health and said it is frustrating that some countries have prevented an agreement from being reached.
The Iranian delegate argued that sexual language is not permitted in education within her nation.
Furthermore, the representative of Nigeria voiced concern about the language discussing parental responsibility and parents’ right to lead the religious and moral education of their children being deleted from the guidance.
I'd really like to find out who the Swedish representative is, that actually advocated child sexual abuse. This is coming from the WEF, for sure.
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christophe76460 · 2 years
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Si tu aimes la paix, il y a un avenir pour toi — 26.02.23 Voici votre Dévotion VIP du jour. Une dévotion VIP est composée comme ceci: V pour verset du jour; I pour une inspiration tirée du verset; P pour une pr… guyetlyne.com Si tu aimes la paix, il y a un avenir pour toi — 26.02.23 26 FÉVRIER 2023GUY ET LYNE Voici votre Dévotion VIP du jour. Une dévotion VIP est composée comme ceci: V pour verset du jour; I pour une inspiration tirée du verset; P pour une prière basée sur le verset. En espérant que vous serez bénis par ces dévotions. Thématique de février : PSAUMES 1 à 50 DÉVOTION V.I.P. — 26.02.23 — Si tu aimes la paix, il y a un avenir pour toi Verset: Psaume 37.37 (nfc/pdv): Observe celui qui est intègre, regarde bien celui qui est droit. Car il y a un avenir pour la personne qui est pacifique. /celui qui aime la paix vivra longtemps. Inspiration: Quel magnifique verset pour t'inspirer à vivre dans l'intégrité et à aimer la paix. Ce que j'aime de vivre pour le Seigneur, ce sont les nombreuses promesses qui accompagnent les croyants. Il y a de l'avenir pour ceux qui sont pacifiques, c'est-à-dire pour ceux qui aiment la paix. Moi je veux te pousser à non seulement aimer la paix, mais à être aussi le gardien de la paix (peacekeeper) pour ton prochain. Sois également l'artisan de la paix (peacemaker) pour ton monde autour de toi. Ajoute à la paix, l'intégrité, la droiture et l'honnêteté et tu vivras longtemps. Mon ami, notre monde a besoin de voir des chrétiens intègres et qui procurent la paix autour d'eux. Si tu aimes la paix, il y a un avenir pour toi. Ce que j'aime de vivre pour le Seigneur, ce sont les nombreuses promesses qui accompagnent les croyants. Il y a de l'avenir pour ceux qui sont pacifiques, c'est-à-dire pour ceux qui aiment la paix Prière: Papa céleste, je veux être reconnu comme une personne intègre et une personne de paix. Merci de m'aider à vivre dans l'intégrité et à procurer ta paix partout autour de moi, pour l'honneur de ton nom, au nom de Jésus AMEN! Bonne journée https://www.instagram.com/p/CpH6c5TMH3J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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inkasarmored · 2 years
Armored Trucks Are a Must-Have for Business Owners in Cameroon
Armored trucks are a must-have for business owners in Cameroon, especially those who operate in the Southwest region of the country. The area is a target of anglophone separatists who are trying to prevent the country from hosting the Africa Football Cup of Nations. If you're looking for armored trucks for sale, Must Visit Inkas Armored.
The military of Cameroon is preparing for a potential disruption of the upcoming AFCON tournament by deploying troops and armored trucks to towns in the Southwest, such as Buea and Limbe. Residents say these vehicles have been seen in the region more frequently recently as Cameroon has stepped up security in anticipation of the event.
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A number of Chinese-made armaments have been delivered to the Cameroonian armed forces in recent years, highlighting the deepening defense and political relations between Yaounde and Beijing. Between 2012 and 2014, there were at least 10 recorded shipments of armaments between the two countries, including surface-to-air missiles, fire-controlled radars, patrol craft and multiple types of infantry fighting vehicles.
In the past few years, the Cameroonian government has taken an active role in its defense and security policy by providing assistance to the Chinese military as well as supporting China’s efforts to crack down on Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang. The relationship between Yaounde and China has also expanded in terms of cooperation on international politics, with the two countries now backing each other’s positions in various organizations.
Several shipments of Chinese equipment have already been provided to Cameroon’s peacekeepers in the Central African Republic, as part of an agreement that was signed by President Paul Biya and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping. These shipments will enable the Cameroonian contingent of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission (MINUSCA) to continue its work in three CAR cities: Bossangoa, Bangui and Bouar.
According to Defence Minister Delegate Joseph Beti Assomo, the new equipment has arrived in Douala and will be used by troops deployed to MINUSCA operations in CAR. “Cameroon has been a strong supporter of the international community, in particular the UN, since the beginning of the conflict, and we have decided to update the entire equipment pool of our troops deployed to MINUSCA, so as to fulfill our obligations,” Assomo said.
The new military equipment includes nine Arquus (ACMAT) Bastion armoured personnel carriers, 35 trailers and 24 heavy duty generator sets. The French group OMP Solutions, which has been supplying the Cameroonian military since December 2014, will deliver all the equipment to Cameroon’s 201 Air Base in Douala.
These new armed vehicles are an important part of the security strategy in the South West region, and will help keep the upcoming AFCON tournament safe from anglophone separatists. As the event approaches, Cameroon’s armed forces have been stepping up security to ensure that the tournament goes on as planned and that everyone involved can enjoy the games without fear of being targeted by anglophone terrorists.
The Cameroonian government has also been boosting its defense budget to ensure that the country can maintain an effective military. In addition to this, Cameroon has been purchasing modern armored vehicles, as well as Alpha Jets, helicopters and other equipment that can improve its ability to carry out military missions. In addition to these weapons, the government is putting money into improving its infrastructure. It has built new roads and water pipes, as well as repairing old ones.
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