sneindeer · 2 years
you've heard of being embarassed by scenes while watching movies with your parents, now get ready for getting embarassed at the thought of your parents knowing what you're watching while watching scenes in movies
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Double Trouble
AN: Total crack fic thanks to the Steggy Discord and my love for Chesternut. Chester Phillips/Sarah Rogers just makes sense. The shipname, not so much.
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Peggy and Steve have an announcement at the same time that Sarah and Chester do. Chester just reacts differently, is all.
“Sarah, there’s something we need to tell you,” Peggy said, not long after she and Steve had sat down for breakfast.
“Funny, Chester and I have something we need to tell you, but you go first, love.” Sarah had their back to them, finishing flipping the last pancake onto a growing stack. “Too bad Mr. Grump didn’t get home until four in the morning last night.”
Steve cringed slightly, sharing a look with Peggy while his ma wasn’t looking. Sarah didn’t know right off that her son was Captain America - or at least Steve didn’t think so. He liked to keep it that way, not wanting to involve his mother in the dangerous and hectic lifestyle that was being a hero. Phillips had stayed late last night, finishing up paperwork and arguing with some politician or another on the phone while Steve had gotten in just as late to the office after another mission. Peggy had fallen asleep on the couch, one of Phillips’ jackets tucked around her like a blanket.
“She’s under my care, course I’m gonna make sure she doesn’t freeze to death in this office,” Phillips grumbled when Steve picked up the jacket to hand it back to him. It was the closest they’d get to Phillips saying he cared about them during work hours.
“I didn’t say anything,” Steve cheesed, both of them instantly hushing when Peggy groaned and started to wake up from Steve’s presence.
“I don’t know what you two do in that office that keeps him so late,” Sarah continued, finally turning back around to look at the pair sitting side by side. “Or should I say, I don’t know what the three of you do in that office to stay so late? You look exhausted, you shouldn’t have come over so early, then!”
Peggy laughed just to brush the concern off, rubbing Steve’s thigh under the table. “Well, we couldn’t wait any longer and I didn’t want to call so early to wake you two up. Not with Phill-Chester getting in so late.”
“Alright, then. What’s the big news?” Sarah mused, pushing the stack of pancakes on the table and walking around to sit down with her steaming cup of tea. Ginger tea, by what Steve could smell. Peggy drank the same kind, ever since…
“We’re pregnant!”
Peggy was beaming from ear to ear, her hand laying over her belly. They were just a handful of weeks in, but she was already starting to show. They had no idea how the serum would have any effect on her or their unborn children and it was just a guessing game.
Steve’s face fell as his Ma didn’t say a word, just looking between them. They were married and even if that wasn’t the case, Ma loved Peggy. “Ma? You alright? You heard Peggy right, we’re…”
“No, no I heard you,” Sarah mumbled, rubbing her fingertips over the handle of her mug. “It’s just... we’re pregnant too. Chester and I.”
“You’re kidding!” Steve breathed. “I’m gonna have a sibling? Ma, that’s wonderful!”
He knew growing up he always wanted a sibling, having some jealousy for Bucky and his always seeming to grow family. He knew his Ma had tried once or twice with a guy or two she was dating, but her pregnancy with him had been so hard on her.
“Sarah, that’s amazing. When are you due? The doctor thinks we’re due near the end of October,” Peggy explained, standing up to wrap Sarah in a hug.
“The same time! Little pumpkins!” Sarah hugged her daughter-in-law tight as she could, kissing her cheek. “Oh, I am so happy for the two of you!”
“We’re happy for you, Ma. Seriously. I’m so glad you two can have a child,” Steve assured his Ma, pulling both of them into a gentle hug. “Excuse me, but I need to use the bathroom.”
“He’s going to have a slight freak out, isn’t it?” Sarah asked when she heard the bathroom door upstairs close. “Always the same, my Stevie.”
“That much hasn’t changed. You should’ve seen him when I told him. I asked Mr. Jarvis to bake me a cinnamon bun and left it in the oven for Steve to find. He panicked for a good hour, between being too happy and-”
Peggy paused at the sound of feet hitting the floor, following shuffling noises. She watched her boss and father-in-law shuffle into the kitchen, wearing pajamas, and a grumpy look. He made a confirmation grump at them before leaving to grab the paper.
Phillips was only gone for two minutes before he returned, paper secured under his arm. He looked more alert, eyes straight on her. 
“Please tell me I misheard you, Carter. Please tell me that you are not pregnant.” At Peggy’s blank look, he groaned and scrubbed at his face. “I forbid it. You’re too young to be pregnant Carter!”
Peggy huffed and rolled her eyes. “Forbid it? I’m 27, sir. And married.”
Phillips threw the paper down on the table with more force than necessary. “So?! That’s still too young to be fucking pregnant, never the mind married! Please tell me it’s Rogers’”
“Chester!” Sarah chided, rolling her eyes too. “Calm down, love. I know you care about them, but they are adults.”
“Calm down? No, Sarah, love, these are-are two young adults in love! Pregnant! No, I forbid it!”
All Peggy could do was give him a look that stated are-you-kidding-me. “Who else would I be fucking? And forewarning, my hormones are always a mess. So be careful how you answer that.”
“Great, just great,” Phillips sighed, rubbing at his temples. “I get a child and a grandchild. I already have an aneurysm named after you two, why not add two more!”
Phillips’ eyes snapped to Steve the second the unfortunate man had come back downstairs. “Rogers!”
Steve’s eyes widened, not taking his Ma nor his wife’s frantic look of get out of here for granted and tailing it back upstairs.
“Oh hell no, boy, get back here!” Phillips half-shouted, storming up the steps after Steve.
“He’s just very overprotective of you guys,” Sarah tried to soothe, rubbing her hand up and down Peggy’s arm. “Add the fact he’s slept maybe three hours. He’ll calm down once the news settles in. I just hope he’s not too hard on Steve.”
“Steve can handle it,” Peggy sighed, too exhausted to chase after the pair. Phillips can have his overprotective, adopted dad syndrome moment. “He’s handled much worse.”
Steve grunted as Phillips pounded another fist into the door. “Will you stop? We’re married, Chester! It’s not like it was on accident and we have to have a shotgun wedding - if Peggy would even want that!”
“You listen here, boy! I walked her down the aisle, I married you too off. It doesn’t mean you two can-can go creating babies!” Phillips snapped, hitting the door again.
“Well, I ain’t complaining about you knocking my Ma up!” Steve countered. “You two are happy and married!”
“That’s different and you know it!”
“How?! How is that different?”
That seemed to stutter Phillips some, enough for him to stop hitting the door, enough for Steve to partway crack the door and look out to see him leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Poor guy was really looking his age and showing the same panic Steve had been filtering on and off for the last few weeks.
“Because I didn’t know! About you two - I thought...I almost sent her on a possible dangerous assignment just last night, Steve!” Chester grumbled. “Plus, you two...you’re so young if you get hurt or-or Peggy. We’re older, we’re more settled, to a point. And I-”
“You’re terrified, huh?” Steve honestly asked. He nodded in agreement to Chester’s nod. “Yeah, I am too. Look, I know we’re young and things are a mess because of our...situation, who I am, and what naught but it’s not like we won’t have help. Hell, I’m terrified too. It’s not like I had a good pop to look up to. Bucky’s dad was the closest I’d get. You have...been amazing for my Ma, for us.”
“I guess we both just gotta figure this out, huh? How to be parents,” Chester sighed. “Thank god for our ladies, huh?”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed, hands shoved into his pockets. “Thank God for Ma and Peggy. We’d be lost without ‘em. The only thing we can do is do right by them, by our kids. We’re lucky to have the ladies in our lives that we do.”
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