Hey lovely jay 💜 just wanted to send this ask and wish you well. I hope everything’s okay. sending you a big hug from far away 💜💜💜💜💜
thanks! I needed a hug🥹
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Watch as Hayden gets the GQ “man of the year” award, I’m calling it right now 🔮✨💜
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i have a fun lil question! I'm curious to know if you have any genre or a type of movie that you'd like to see him in? I personally would love to see him in period dramas, something set in the 1950s perhaps. I think he has such a classic film star face that can work so well in a movie like that. He has this James Dean quality to him, i love it sm ✨
An actually good rom-com
Another action movie
Definitely a period drama. He would do so well
Tbh I'd like to see him in a movie similar to Miller's girl... need that age gap trope quick
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Okay so I’ve been trying to find this interview w Hayden for soo long. It’s during the kenobi press and I think he’s reading tweets? I’m not too sure. I’ve only seen clips of it in edits. I have tried to search but can’t find it 😭
here’s a screenshot
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Thanks for the help 🙏 I really wanna gif this interview 💜
Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen
& Moses Ingram Answer 7 Star Wars Questions | Vanity Fair
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All these asks about you being Hayden’s assistant remindsme of these videos I’ve seen on YouTube that this girl does where she plays pedro pascal’s assistant, they’re so awesome haha! 😂
the funny thing about it is that I love her account lmao😭
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Listen if Hayden ever decides to do a biography when he’s like 60 or something, I think you should be the one to write it bc you are so knowledgeable and 1000% the right person to write about him (also just for funsies - what would the title of Hayden’s biography be? Maybe a play on words, something Star Wars themed? Hmm🤔🤔)
I would love to be included in a documentary or something about his life. It's honestly one of my biggest dreams to get to exclusively interview him or do some sort of coverage about his life.
I have a few ideas for a biography title:
1. Awakening the Force: The Hayden Christensen story
2. Beyond the lens: The Life of Hayden Christensen
3. Behind the Mask
4. Lights, Camera, Anakin
5. Rise to the chosen one
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Okay sorry for blowing up your inbox with asks but I’m just SO excited for you omggggg 💜💜💜💜 I’m thinking about getting a second photo op ticket for when I’ll meet Hayden in august (*screamingggg*) and I wonder if they’ll let me bring a “prop” for it. I’m making this book that I want him to sign and it would be SO cool if we could hold it up in one of the photos (and then have another pic of us hugging OBVI). Idk how strict they are with rules at photo ops, I’ve never been to a con before lmao. I hope you have fun at con AAAAAAAAA 💜💜💜💜💜
It's okay to ask as many questions as you want! I've seen people do props, so that's okay! I've also literally seen people kiss his cheek and stuff so a hug is fine!
Just, of course, ask him & the staff when you go because rules are subject to change. I hope you have THE MOST FUN in august!!❤️
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I’m like SCREAMING rn bc I think it’s SO sweet how he made sure to pronounce your name right 😭😭😭😭 like I myself have a pretty difficult name (I always have to repeat myself like ten times whenever I meet new people lol) but I think it’s adorable how he puts in the effort to learn your name omg 😭😭😭 he’s such an ANGEL 💜💜💜💜💜💜
It's hard having a unique name that people never come across bc my experience is that they either mispronounce it to something WAYY off, ask if I have a nickname, or make up their own nickname. I'm not sure about others, but it's gotten to be offensive because I often find people not caring enough to try. He took the time, and if Hayden Christensen can do it, so can everyone else‼️
I've been through so much physically, emotionally, and mentally from May of 2023 to May of 2024. He has absolutely changed my life.
I've never been lucky enough to come across many celebrities or have super cool stuff happening to me. It's always like a letdown or something, so these interactions with him are moments I will never forget.
He really has been my emotional support celebrity and I'm so proud to be apart of this fandom!
It's so much deeper than just watching his movies & buying his merch for me.
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