drdreamdotco · 5 years
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The https://qoo.ly/33nxw7 program has all the tools you need to succeed and revalidate your degree in the US. Our founders, Drs. Michel Furtado and Cristian Brutten, have both experienced the process through different paths. Now it is your turn to choose yours! Interested in knowing how and where to get all the information and resources you need? Go to https://drdream.co and pursue your dream of becoming an international dentist in the US.
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Our Experience - Dr. Michel Furtado
My story begins when I graduated from dental school in 2003 in Brazil. So I graduated from dental school there. At that time, my dental school was four and a half years long that period of studying. And my current my wife, at that point was my girlfriend for about six years. And we always wanted to go study abroad. And our goal was to do postgraduate studies into become professors in universities in we targeted English speaking countries because we had English in in part of as a part of the curriculum in the schools in Brazil. So it was easy for us to to speak English easier. 
How do I didn't know much but my wife knew much better than I did. Did so we always wanted to do masters PhD and become a professor become professors. So it just turns out that we passed in, in the exams to become masters students at the University of Toronto. And she started doing her master's I started in my she's not a dentist, she's a forest engineer. And I've I was fortunate enough to land in a in a lab that was very well known in the area of bio materials and implant surface surface topography in bone graft and bone biomaterials. So, I've finished my masters, and I realize I missed the clinics, the clinical part, so I wanted to validate my degree until then I didn't care I just wanted to do PhD and become a professor and I never thought of going back to practicing in North America. 
So we were in Canada, and everybody was expecting that was going to go from masters to PhD. The next told my, my supervisor was a great mentor in my life and great, great person. And he was very important in many of my decisions in my life. I was a great, great mentor. So I told him that I didn't want to do my PhD anymore. And he said, it's fine. And it was very, very welcoming. He was very nice. He understood everything. And he invited me to stay in the lab while I was studying to validate my degree in working some research projects that I was involved well, as well as a master's student. So I remained I stayed at the lab and started to research and try to find information that was inside the faculty of Dentistry of the University of Toronto, so I thought I knew everything. I thought I you know, by asking the librarians by asking the dental students who might have taught some years before about the process, I would get all the information that I needed, and I was wrong. More and more ways than I want to admit right now. So, um, I tried to go to the advanced standing program, and I failed a couple times.
 And I that was kind of a sign for me, because I said I don't want to go back to dental school again to the last two years of dental school, I want to do something I want to become a specialist, I want to do something beyond dental school. So I learned after three years that I could apply for specialty programs. So I started applying for many schools in the US and in Canada. And I ended up being called for all the schools that I applied for in the United States. I had no idea how strong of a or weak of a candidate I was. I just applied just turns out that that lab was so strong that everywhere I went interview was with would ask me So we've worked with Dr. So and So how is it and you know, is there a way we can collaborate if the guy was so famous in the lab was so strong, and I didn't know that, that that would, you know, surpass the the boundaries of Canada or, you know, or of basic science research. And it did. So,
I was invited to the program of Periodontology in Connecticut, where I had to pay for my Masters a small amount of money free per year, but I also got a stipend from the school. So in the end, at the end of the year, I wouldn't pay or earn anything was like, I wash. So I stayed in Connecticut for three years I was able to, we were able my wife and I were able to support ourselves from with with the loan from a bank in Canada, which took some time for us to get was right at the Financial Crisis 2008 2009 2010 that dead time. So it was a little tricky but we got were able to do that as I was able to get a loan in a bank in Canada as a Brazilian student was going to study in the United States. There's a lot of me immigration boundaries that you know, a normal bank would just raise a lot of red flags and say, Hey, no, you're going to you're going to go away from with my money. So that just came to teach me that. That the profession of dentistry is very strong. The banks will lend you money because they know you're going to pay them back. You're going to a profession that's very profitable. 
So I was accepted to a period of program in Connecticut did the three years of the residency was a fantastic experience. I learned a lot and I really improved my surgical skills. And then I wrote the boards wrote the dental licensing exams for Some states and I ended up in Texas for about two and a half years, almost three years. We worked there didn't work well the way we wanted. And my wife always wanted to live in a state where there was, you know, sure, and she likes to be close to the, to the ocean. And she wanted to go to Florida. So I did the for the licensing exam, the last year that was allowed for someone went through a special program. So I had to learn about the things as they were happening. 
And then I passed that exam. It took me about six months to pass that exam and then we moved to for them. That's where we are right now. I was able to work as an associate for about five years now. And we're in the processes of purchasing the practice now and I mean everything. Now looking back, everything fits so well together. And we love it here now it's it's just fantastic. But I wish I looked back and I wish that I knew what I know now would see me a lot of money. It would save me a lot of stress. It would save me a lot of time. That's that's the path that I that I took. I'm so happy I did. I couldn't I couldn't envision my life being better than what it is right now. 
Learn more about our experience at drdream.co
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
Are you a dental student in the final years of study in a country outside of the United States? Did you know that it is EASIER for you to become a dentist in the US than it is for students that do their dental school here? It is! The https://qoo.ly/374we3 has ALL the tools and resources you need to revalidate your degree here in the United States and RIGHT NOW is the best time to start the process! To learn more visit https://https://qoo.ly/374we3 to get started today.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
The process of becoming a dentist in the United States has many challenges. We've never claimed it's an easy process or one that can be completed without obstacles and issues getting in the way. There WILL most likely be challenges. You''ll probably face some setbacks. But this doesn't mean it's not worth the effort! You're trying to become a professional in one of the TOP professions in the United States, earning more than 99% of the general population. It's not going to be easy! Fortunately, you have LOTS of options to help make it happen and the https://qoo.ly/374mya digital platform is here to help. We'll walk you through every single step in the process, explain every option you have, help you prepare for every test you'll need to take, show you how to apply for programs, and ultimately, help you prepare yourself in every way possible to live the dream of practicing dentistry in the United States. To learn more, to see testimonials from some of our students, or to get started on your revalidation journey visit https://https://qoo.ly/374mya today.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
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As you consider going through the process of revalidating your dental degree to become a dentist in the United States, it's important to consider finding a mentor that can help guide you through the entire process. Yes, you could find all the information online BUT what you find online isn't always current or accurate. AND it doesn't tell you which parts of the process are the most important and should receive extra care and attention. The https://qoo.ly/374a6e was created by two foreign-trained dentists that have been through the process, have researched EVERY possible revalidation pathway, know which steps are the most important to focus on, and how to find programs that will actually pay you to revalidate. If you want to complete the process quickly and with minimal problems, https://qoo.ly/374a6e is here to help! Learn more about the all-in-one digital revalidation platform at https://https://qoo.ly/374a6e today.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
Another option for revalidating your dental degree in the US is via a specialty program. This gives you A LOT of options and benefits compared to other ways of becoming a US dentist. One of these benefits is the higher income you could earn by achieving specialist status. Also, like Dr Bruttten, you could actually be paid to achieve your specialists degree. To learn about the other options and benefits of becoming a dental specialists as a way of revalidating your dental degree in the US, visit https://qoo.ly/373ndd.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
Inside the https://qoo.ly/373g5w platform, EVERY SINGLE step in the degree revalidation process is covered. While there are different options in terms of programs to apply for, specific pathways to follow, even how to pay for the process (or actually get paid to revalidate!), this all-in-one platforms covers every angle and option. Co-founders Drs. Cristian Brutten & Michel Furtado recently hosted a special masterclass where they talked about ALL the steps required to become a licensed dentist in the US, your options for different programs, and other important information you need to know. You can watch a replay of this masterclass here: https://bit.ly/DrDream_Masterclass
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
On the immigration factor, dentists are considered high-skilled workers. There is a trend in the regulation right now to favor high-skilled workers. More doors are open to these types of immigrants, as opposed to immigrants that come from other paths. It is in fact, a well-recognized profession in the USA. Are you ready to take advantage of this opportunity? Revalidate your dental degree and live a comfortable life in the US. Sign up with http://DrDream.co today!
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
The first option for practicing dentistry in the US is something called Advanced Standing or the International Program. This is a 2-3 year-long program that covers ALL the clinical aspects covered in dental school. You're usually sharing the classroom with 3rd and 4th year dental students, but at the end you finish with either a DMD or DDS, depending on the program you attend. One advantage of this is that you're able to practice dentistry in ANY of the 50 US states. One disadvantage is that this is probably the MOST expensive route to practicing dentistry in the US. However, if financing your degree is not an issue, this really is a GREAT avenue for pursuing your dream. To learn the other 8 ways to revalidate your degree to practice dentistry in the US, visit https://qoo.ly/36ym39.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
When you join the https://qoo.ly/36xz97 all-in-one digital revalidation platform, you get unlimited access for up to 5 years to EVERYTHING you'll need to become a dentist in the US. In addition to 20 video lectures, you'll get access to: ? The highly-rated TOEFL Magoosh test prep ? National Boards Dental Exams preparation course ? A constantly updated list of programs available for foreign-trained dentists ? Help preparing your application for the program(s) you want to apply to ? Guidance on HOW to get letters of recommendation so you STAND OUT from the crowd ? Help getting ready for program interviews, ? Bi-Weekly face-to-face calls with our revalidation experts to answer YOUR specific questions, and ? Much, MUCH more! Again, EVERY SINGLE STEP in the process is covered. We want you to be successful at revalidating your degree and we're going to do everything possible to help make that happen! You can learn more and get started today at https://https://qoo.ly/36xz97.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
When it comes to becoming a dentist in the United States, we know which steps are the most important. There are LOTS of steps required to complete the process and some are more important than others. Do you which steps deserve the most attention and which ones aren't as critical? The https://qoo.ly/36vr56 digital platform contains ALL the information you need to complete your degree revalidation process as quickly and efficiently as possible. To learn more about this process and how https://qoo.ly/36vr56 can help, visit https://bit.ly/DrDream_MCReplay.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
The process of becoming a dentist in the United States has many challenges. We've never claimed it's an easy process or one that can be completed without obstacles and issues getting in the way. There WILL most likely be challenges. You''ll probably face some setbacks. But this doesn't mean it's not worth the effort! You're trying to become a professional in one of the TOP professions in the United States, earning more than 99% of the general population. It's not going to be easy! Fortunately, you have LOTS of options to help make it happen and the https://qoo.ly/36uxz9 digital platform is here to help. We'll walk you through every single step in the process, explain every option you have, help you prepare for every test you'll need to take, show you how to apply for programs, and ultimately, help you prepare yourself in every way possible to live the dream of practicing dentistry in the United States. To learn more, to see testimonials from some of our students, or to get started on your revalidation journey visit https://https://qoo.ly/36uxz9 today.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
The AEGD, or Advanced Education in General Dentistry, is another option for revalidating your dental degree to practice dentistry in the US. This is a residency program that could be as short at one year, unlike other programs that could take 3-4 years to complete. Plus, this is one of the options that could pay you while you complete the program, instead of you having to take on hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. There are LOTS of options for foreign-trained dentists to practice in the US and depending on your unique situation, some will be better than others. Do you know ALL of your options? Do you know which one(s) would be best for YOUR situation? The https://qoo.ly/36u376 all-in-one digital platform can help you find out AND position yourself to become a top candidate. It's not as simple as following a checklist, but with our help, the process can be simple. Learn more at https://https://qoo.ly/36u376 and start your journey today for as little as $99/mo.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
Our goal here at https://qoo.ly/36td56 is to help our students put themselves in THE BEST position to be selected for the top programs available for foreign-trained dentists. There is a lot of work that goes into making that happen and one important step is to put together an application that helps you stand out from the crowd. Believe it or not, there are many different ways to complete a program's application process, but there are only a few ways to make sure yours stands out. Do you know what those are? We'd love the opportunity to help your application stand out from the crowd. Learn more at https://https://qoo.ly/36td56 and get started today.
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
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You must ask yourself, “Is the life you want? Are you happy with where your career is right now? Do you see yourself being in this same position 10 years from now?” Once you get the answers, start planning. Find ways on how you can achieve the goals you’ve set for your life and career. Having a strategic plan is crucial for success! Get access to the ALL-IN-ONE https://qoo.ly/36seb6 platform, the most complete set of tools to help you in your revalidation process: https://https://qoo.ly/36seb6
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drdreamdotco · 4 years
The https://qoo.ly/36say9 all-in-one digital platform is organized into different modules that guide you step-by-step through the various steps of revalidating your dental degree so you can practice dentistry in the United States. Every single step is covered AND we go into great detail about the slight nuances of each step that can have a HUGE impact on you getting accepted into the program(s) you want most. While some would have you believe it's as simple as following the steps in a checklist, it's not that easy. Yes, there are specific steps you must follow, but there are also ways you can greatly improve your chances of completing the process quickly and with the end result you want most. Visit https://https://qoo.ly/36say9 to learn more and to start your degree revalidation journey for as little as $99/mo.
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