bonefall · 1 year
how would the name Centipedeslither be translated into clanmew? :3
Centipedes! Segmented bugs with lots of legs that live in the leaf litter. Clan cats do not have a knowledge of cladistics, so there are three animals that get put into this broad category and one of these things is not like the others;
Generic Term (Segmented 'bug' that keeps its belly low to the ground) = Ugoogi
Centipede = Gishi
Milipede = Perra
Rollypolly/Woodlouse/pillbug = Booi
Curl Up (The action of rolling up into a ball) = Arreoopa/Arreoop/Arreoo
Slither (the action of moving so close to the ground that your belly drags) = Hehhefe/Hehhef/Hehhe
If you're a Critter Fan, you'll know right away that Rollypollies are actually a type of land crustacean! If you tried to explain this to a Clan cat, they would imagine river shrimp and crayfish, and call you a fucking liar.
ShadowClan and ThunderClan encounter these things a lot, and have a few unique words for the favorite species in each category.
So the short and most generic answer for your Centipedeslither cat would be Gishihehhef, "Centipede-slithering," but the longer answer with specific species to choose from...
A Gishishi is different from a Perra, to Clan cats, because a Gishishi has legs further splayed out. They also tend to be better hunters, ergo, they are more respected.
ShadowClan likes to eat them.
Western Yellow Centipede (Haplophilus subterraneus) = Rreeshi
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This is the gentlest type of centipede there's a unique word for, the rest are pretty active hunters and a Clan cat could probably be convinced that it's a Perra. This thing is BRIGHT golden and hard to ignore, making it an animal that Clan cats think is quite beautiful.
Stone Centipedes (Lithobiomorpha) = Gnoshi
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These ones are seen under just about any type of rotting wood or leaf litter, and are large and juicy enough that ShadowClan will bother to collect them for a soup.
They have a formidable power; a venomous bite that can make a warrior's paw sting for a while. They can't cause lasting damage, but a careless apprentice would get a painful warning.
And the last one is an interesting type.
House Centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) = Mwrshi
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These animals are exclusively a bad omen.
This species of centipede is VERY rare this far north in the UK. They require a large population of lesser insects to feast on, such as silverfish. They don't like the climate, and so, they occasionally are found in dens.
Their bite can be very painful, but most of all, they are a sign of uncleanliness and disorder below the surface. Messengers of underlying problems, with whiskers for legs, as if commanding Clan cats to keep their senses sharp.
Milipedes are different from centipedes to Clan cats for having more legs, tucked neatly under their bodies, and often being able to roll up into a little coil! They are seen as cute, less threatening than centipedes, meek and cowardly.
They also don't taste as good, much like a long rollypolly. ShadowClan will still eat them though, with seasonings.
TRIVIA: Milipedes of the genus Polydesmus follow the body plan that Clan cats associate with "centipedes"! Legs splayed to the side. So they classify those as centipedes, not milipedes.
Blunt-tailed Snake Millipede (Cylindroiulus punctatus) = Oskerra
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Shockingly long-lived for an insect, taking 3 years before it reaches maturity. There is a Clanmew saying about this, "I would rather live a moon as a stone centipede than many seasons as an Oskerra."
Striped Milipede (Ommatoiulus sabulosus) = Uberra
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The most commonly seen milipede in ShadowClan, with the ability to break down pine needles and tolerating wet conditions. Seen as a harder worker than the other two, but still as gentle and cowardly as its cousins.
White-legged Snake Milipede (Ommatoiulus sabulosus) = Lubrerra
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Usually seen exclusively in ThunderClan, as they don't like extremely wet conditions. A shame, as ShadowClan in particular thinks they're very pretty and envy that they don't live by them.
When ShadowClan does manage to take land from ThunderClan, they will often make a soup out of this type of millipede to be smug about it. ThunderClan doesn't even LIKE eating bugs but BOY does it offend them!
Now the first thing you're gonna get to know about these little things is that there is an impostor in their midst. This is the biggest class in this category of animals, with a whopping total of 6 animals, and one of them is secretly a milipede!
Again, though, if you told this to a Clan cat they would think you are a dirty liar.
All of these are sometimes tossed into meals to add a crunchy texture. MOST of them cannot curl!
Common Pill Millipede (Glomeris marginata) = Sipooi
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Seen as a sign of good luck when sighted near other Booi, as they are one of the hardiest of their category and are capable of surviving in conditions the others can't. They even sometimes stroll in bright sunlight!
They very rarely display ginger flecks on their black segments like a tortoiseshell cat. When this is the case, it's a wonderful omen.
Common Shiny Woodlouse (Oniscus asellus) = Shemooi
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Totally incapable of curling up, and the only woodlouse that WindClan is familiar with. It happily hangs out on the lone bits of rotting wood out in the moorland, like fenceposts, trees, dead heather bushes, and so on.
Shining is associated with StarClan in all contexts and the little yellow flecks are seen as star-like, so WindClan confidently believes that StarClan only allow the holiest of Booi into their territory. Unlike the other Clans whose booi are rough and shineless.
Gucci Booi
Common Rough Woodlouse (Porcellio scaber) = Karkooi
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ShadowClan's favorites, for their love of wet environments and total inability to curl. They come in a WIDE array of colors, from blue-gray to russet-red to pale orange.
These make excellent first-time pets for a young kit, before they're ready for the responsibility of mealworms. Keeping karkooi is enjoyable for collecting pretty colors, and rotting wood is even easier to find than collecting scraps of fruit and crowfood.
They even display individual personalities, like being shy, brave, or outgoing, and are completely unable to bite. Kittens can become VERY attached to their pets!
Common Striped Woodlouse (Philoscia muscorum) = Gishooi
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By far the fastest of this group, with a gorgeous dappled pattern. Seen as a hybrid between Rollypollies and Centipedes, but due to the very different nature of its parents, it has the strengths of neither.
Common Pill Woodlouse (Armadillidium vulgare) = Buabooi
The one you've all been waiting for.
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The most iconic of this family, the one that immediately comes to our minds when we think of rollypollies. Round, majestic, found in dark soil and under nearly every rock in a forest.
Uncontested as a detritivore and integral to the breakdown of leaf litter in a forest, Clan cats see these poor little guys as helpless cowards who roll up instead of running away. Still, kits love to bother them and see them curl up into tight little nuts, poking them around with their claws.
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Kissy Sell Out / Uberra Wolves / Bank Hol Sun / May 06 2012
Another big mix from the gents at Monkey Beats. They never cease to impress.
"Here Stu delivers a tribute to Steam and the emphatic Kissy Sell Out joining the Monkey Beats team on: Sunday 6th May 2012 @ Uberra Nightclub, Wolverhampton. This is all mixed live with no tricks, no laptops, no editing. 100% the real-rough-deal ;)"
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