#Umm i dont have a talking tag cuz i dont usually do it. welcome to my zone
porcubus · 7 months
no hard feelings personally to whoever I saw but I keep seeing a take that rodya and gregor don't like and are annoyed by eachother and everyone is misreading their relationship when it's actually bullying and it baffles me to be honest
it does make me want to post about rodya and her relationship to gregor more though(Though I'm definitely not a writer and bad at getting my ideas across)(This is not that though this is more just me talking)
i feel like, it's pretty core to rodyas character to understand why she teases gregor (And how this isn't bullying or generally an act of malice)
while rodya is generally a laid back person and playful but kind to the other sinners I do think she still has issues with expressing true closeness or affection... I won't pretend sometimes her comments can come off straight up mean or that she's incapable of being kinda rude thats part of her too
but also I just think friends tease eachother and that's just a normal thing that they do. looking to how gregor and rodya are consistently pointed to and used as the example of sinners bantering/getting along or getting closer.. I can't imagine the moments where gregors a little fed up with her jokes as being what you hone in on as the core of their dynamic.
I understand rodya is a little unpopular and kind of not looked into and thus among thee most mischaracterized of the main cast and easy to get wrong, but I don't think "Gregor and rodya are friends that banter:)" is part of that
id say actual misunderstandings of their character and relationship that I've noticed are that gregor is a super cranky tsundere or that rodya is some overtly horny mommy dom. Both of these things are pretty popular in rodigor art from what I see and i think could be helped with looking more at their individual characters.. but they are friends..They are shown to be the closest on the bus from the very start id say. rodyas started using dear/darling with more of the cast but it started with gregor. I genuinely think hes important to her and vice versa
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