fairymint · 1 month
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I've got a few coworkers that really seem to find peace with talking current politics whenever they get the chance. and good for them, as the usual main checker I not only don't really get the chance to hang around and BS like that, but I don't think that I...would.
I vaguely keep a pulse on current events, but it's like some of them don't even unplug, like Ever. These people do basically share my values, more or less, but I guess I prefer to pace myself... or just engage with these things on my own time, in small bits.
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
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Gonna say it yet again, don't bitch about what people write if you aren't going to invest in it yourself. If literally all you wanted was for them to change gears badly enough, you'd help. You. are. an. Audience. I mean it, yes you, sitting right there in the chair, reading people's posts.
If someone can write a line of anon hate, such as 'This Bad.' they can use anon to write literally anything productive. Make up a random character to do a mini storyline, send the kind of headcanon asks you want to see, or about what muses you wanna see.
On the flipside, being active and having an RP blog doesn't save you from this either. idk how many times I've come across people who just like to post some variation of ~~i'MmmmMMMM BOOORED!!!~~ and yet, I don't see this person in people's inboxes. I may see them write an open. I might not even see them write headcanon posts which could inspire interaction or clues on how to do so. Asking for a certain type of interaction is on the right track, asking for.....any kind of interaction or starter can fall into this too. There's a fine line between a request and pressure, even if you don't mean to. Boredom is a bit of an obligation, kinda puts people on the spot. Basically they don't really participate with their followers/mooties, and, while it sucks....sometimes you just gotta be not lazy. Pull up your britches, find online tools to start from, practice practice practice engaging your RP partners. Cause, they're Partners. It starts with networking, like promos and seeing people reply to mooties....and well, continues with networking. Find what you're after. Find what you want, heck, even find what you didn't know you wanted.
I see a lot of passive behaviour, which is fine on its own, but it's a have your cake and eat it too kind of deal. 'Entertain Me' is kind of a mirrored statement and should be kind of met back with 'well Entertain Me, too.' And, just to cover the 'not being ableist' side of things, if the problem really is you, you need to work on yourself first, and I won't fault people for that. I'm not saying it's easy, just that first steps help a lot.
Like, I've seen posts that reblog around too with the right idea, 'send me your wishlist plots', 'tell me if you ship our muses', etc. Sometimes you may be told No, but with that you may be told a 'No, But' and end up w/ something that does work.
Like, basically, sometimes saying 'I Want' or hello is not enough. and if 'i want', 'i'm bored', and such doesn't work....find someone who is also that. Work with your people, and they'll probably wanna work with you back.
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fairymint · 6 months
unpopular rpc opinions
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When it comes down to it, I definitely prefer having my own space on the internet and I think it's healthy. I think that this is a minority opinion not because of enforcement, but of environment. I've had childhood 'without' the internet. I've had some with, but we started with things like myspace, personal websites, 'don't like don't read' and etc. I might not want to go back completely to those days, because to an extent there was an air of no empathy, a 'nobody cares' kind of vibe. But man do I think we need a happy medium between that, and the very public and commodified internet that we have today. Like you have to be palatable or some shit.
I'm a lot happier having my own, but yet public space. If I get mad or overwhelmed, I have the option to say 'get the fuck out' because it's my blog. Where I can write, who I want, when I want, how I want to!
It boils down to personal preference, but unless any specific person is special to me, I am not more comfortable rping in places like discord, talking in dms, etc., on the whole, because I run into a lot more trouble in 'private' overall. Unless it's my space, like my server, or a person who I can be open with. Sometimes people get clingy, possessive, demanding, or even mean in private. Sometimes people in small communities get too clingy/demanding when they have expectations that match a larger public or a friend. and frankly, sometimes communities don't know how to handle Situations well, even if well-intentioned. Moderation is also a skill once has to practice.
Which boils down also to me thinking, it's healthy to write for yourself, and I mean it. People do deserve attention, but you need to rely on a whole community that you build if you want to depend on it; and you can't depend on it until you have a good rapport built up. This means more than just open bids for attention some of the time. You cannot rely on a small number of other people's attention for your mental health. I have some mutuals who're essentially asking if it's 'okay' or recommended to write drabbles by themselves. Looking for Approval before they're even writing. When that story could be attracting attention or generating/sharing ideas, and most importantly getting out of the brain!! You need to split shit up between the goal of getting specific attention, vs serving yourself and showing; they feed into each other. Showing yourself lets your followers get to know you through writing, which should, ideally, in turn inspire those followers to return the favor and be more comfortable hitting you up more often.
Write like you're not putting on a performance sometimes. Write like you are at others. While we do all have our preferences and thresholds, I do think we need both.
Anyways, this is all a lot of critical fluff to simply say, I happen to not be "more" comfortable RPing in DMS, Discord, or 'smutting in private' as a whole. Which is just a personal preference lmao-
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fairymint · 2 years
🔥 Shipping!
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Shipping's fun, and it gets to be fun. It can absolutely be complex and beautiful....but also it doesn't have to be, no more than any other genre of writing. That's how you get a lot of people interested, and yet 'scared' to ask- please learn to ask further questions and discuss, just as importantly as taking yes/no/maybe for an answer. as for a handful of personal unpop shipping things for me:
I'm perfectly ok with giving an 'instashipping' answer, aka a yes/no, provided we can discuss the details further as we go along- it's not so much about the ship itself as it is not Powerplaying my muse into somebody they aren't. This includes blood family/fankids/etc. I'm perfectly fine with my muses being a parent for example, but you do not get to tell me/demand what kind of parent/lover/etc.; that's what plotting is for.
My muses have their own personality anyways, and I try not to sweat the small stuff; ~but it would be OOC/character would never love you/them!~~~~ sounds really stupid to me, both from a writer's perspective and meta. A] 'controlling' my muse to the point of no agency/surprises IC just to be Cool and Accepted sounds boring as fuck B] no the fuck it would not anyways. people do silly shit when they're in love, and you can always make it 'fit' the character anyways. shipping doesn't always mean perfect protection/favouritism.
I'm actually not used to the term 'f/o' and it's still awkward in my mouth, but use it cause it's a good term. anyways i find selfshipping/canonxoc adorable, not just mine.
I'm highly comfortable with divergent duplicate ships, idk my brain doesn't want to get 'stuck' with one option. It would be cool for example, if every duplicate of a certain muse wanted to ship romantically- every portrayal is different! <3 but if you see them more as siblings, familial, or other, that's cool too! like, i'm not gonna shit my pants cause some people on this website saw the celestic characters differently. We've got: Volo and Cogita are married/involved, both cynthia's ancestors Volo is Cogita's son Volo transitions into Cynthia Volo is Cynthia's father and etc. etc. etc. I've got defaults in place for my own muses @ each other, but that's about it. I'm chill.
i'm not singleship largely on the basis of activity-Partners Leave. but i will enjoy the possibilities nonetheless!
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fairymint · 11 months
🔥what makes a character hot?
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This is honestly going to be 'any number of traits' honestly- attraction is complex even among a single trait, or single character. That's why I don't think I have a type besides 'men'. not even good vs evil, since attraction can be both selfish, and selfless. Liking a man for being either is fine. (woman, person, etc.)
And there's many archetypes in my case, too. antagonists from pokemon or otherwise, knightly, heroic, twinkish, pretty boy, alpha-esque, etc.
reminds me how I told my husband that I think the flower from Mario Wonder's voice is really cute. I know he's just a fuckin flower, this exists in a vaccum.
And, I may very well be Demi or gray-esqe in attraction, as i typically just don't fall for people, fictional or otherwise, without some time to know em closer. But, you never know! sometimes it just clicks, or clicks partway!
But you can literally do, or write what you want with a character that you're attracted to. So long as you ain't purposefully, directly bothering other real people w/ it, go wild. it's your story/interpretation! speaking of which, I don't often find myself feeling attraction in categorization- sure, sometimes i wanna try shipping with any/every version/duplicate of a character, and sometimes I wanna see the chemistry first. I'm for the most part between 'too open to be exclusives' and 'not open enough to assume relationships (in a way that crosses mun boundaries.)'
Most popular or relatable media is like. Too open-ended to be a stingy cunt about ship headcanons, so might as well enjoy yourself!
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
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I'm not sure if this one is gonna unpopular to my followers/mutuals per sé, I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but.
Sometimes, especially in the General bubble of the internet/IRL think, I feel like I'm the only person uncomfortable with both aphobia and slutshaming. Or rather, have experienced both in my life.
Letting people do what they want, without it being pushed on others just does not sound hard. And yet you have people who choose to push those boundaries anyways.
From thirsty people not checking rules or artists not tagging shit (I've seen people in the past send sexual/suggestive anons to a blog that allows such stuff ....about a muse who does not. Like could you not have glanced at a rules page here and there?) To people recently sending anons criticizing a muse's sexual activity, both male and female, saying that 'they're only good for smut' or even questioning their orientation. Neither of that shit is good. Not to mention countless instances I'm sure people have had of others dipping out on their muses for either reason, because they don't seem shippable or because they're thirsty. People have a right to leave, but y'know what I'm saying.
While I can mildly understand the frustration, here's the deal; Suggestive/Smut and even Romance, simply make for good 'filler' activities. They're fun to fall back on when A.] Nobody wants to plot Action. Seriously, outside of the pokemon fandom, a lot of people aren't well practiced and confident in fight threads, while Adventuring requires either plot or improv. It's a skill. B.] It's a good psychology fix. Interpersonal relationships between muses of all kinds are good for that, and sometimes romantic/sexual shipping can run rampant for muses of similar age who 'get along' that way. Doesn't mean you should ignore platonic interactions but. C.] It's addictive, whether IC or OOC. Sex/sensual activity specifically is one of the more 'harmless' or at least psychological addictions. Besides accidental pregnancy and STDs (lol like people write those either), sex is healthy, so it's a bit safer to plot than say, your muse binge drinking or smoking just because they're bored. It's a lot more possible imo, to have a one night stand and it not affect anybody, than say substance abuse which people will notice and even dislike. It's kind of middling as well, whereas someone who has sex isn't necessarily a bad person unless it affects their life and commitments, where someone murders and...it's a call to action cause it's decidedly a bad moral choice, it affects people.
But, y'know, if somebody is fixated on any one type of plot....either they really like it, or it's what's available to them whether immediately (audience) or emotionally (they're not psyched up for it.)
this probably requires its own Ask as a concept, but don't bitch if you can't invest, yourself.
This is not even to say getting into it as a Fandom or General concept, which is even bigger than the RP shit i mentioned here-
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fairymint-archive · 3 years
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mostly IRL opinion: Speaking to people as if they're morons gets nothing done. If you don't give people a chance, that's literally your fault.
Right or Wrong, it is not productive. Even if things are their fault or they make a mistake, there's value in treating ppl w/ respect, listening to them, and asking questions.
I get infantilized a lot for being short, and also....looking @ you, IRL townspeople who treat young women like shit.
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fairymint-archive · 4 years
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i adore iconless threads just as much as any other, even if i can’t do em often at all myself. I’m a very visual guy when it comes to that, and can make a muse out of icon sets often. 
and also idc if people use RL or animated (tho i don’t cause i’m kinda lazy to research or look?)
as aside kinda related, there actually used to be a pkmn trainer self insert who made icons of his own photos....that was the bomb.com, too bad I’m still growing, even if it’s kinda extra given my lean to animated FCs and fandoms.
people who use both like you are so creative, love y’all.
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fairymint-archive · 4 years
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things the world needs more of shipping dynamics wise, in general;
smol tops or doms, it seems like an automatic that goes on, just cause a person is biggerer doesn’t mean they’re gonna be the aggressor, initiator, less flustered, or what they do in bed, of course.  especially artwise, but i’m always starving for smol top content 
similarly, ships where the chars are different dynamically when it comes to intimate moments-;;; some people just get mushy when it comes to their s/o even if they take no shit outside, and aren’t so ‘good’ with romance/sex, or maybe they’d like a change of pace
all of this is probably biased, but you can probably see where I’m going w/ this if i also say more switches, or ships that switch.
as a disclaimer I know that muses gonna muse, and not to force change when you have HCs just. something to chew on/a general Fandom™ complaint.
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fairymint-archive · 4 years
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I see it a lot more with the general population rather than rp/fandom, but I think people who just, don’t accept and hate the usage of boy/girl casually for adults are kinda lame and boring.
It’s one thing if someone says it about themselves not to be referred to, or if someone’s being mega creepy in context, but in general? It’s not meant to be taken literally, it’s colloquial. I see it a lot with conversations where the people involved are taking their own views too seriously, please read between the lines on what people actually mean.
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fairymint-archive · 4 years
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Violence, Gore, and most topics don’t bother me. I’m shit at getting started RPing most of it, though, outside of music and validation tho.
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fairymint-archive · 4 years
🔥🔥🔥🔥 👁️👄👁️
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y’all gon’ kill me lol- jkjk, i appreciate.
-I’m not....comfortable using it pronouns for anything that’s remotely sapient, like unless it’s someone’s preferred ones.  idk for a lot of people it dehumanizes, but for me I’ve just had bad experiences and it just kinda goes further and straight up objectifies imo. Most people i’ve spoken to that’re willing to refer to animals as ‘it’ aren’t...kind to em, so i keep it to objects tbh. more of a personal thing than a judgement.
-i dislike wearing denim sooo much, even though i have a pair of jeans due to old work obligations. I’d rather wear shorts or other pants if possible.
- I’m not a fan of tomatoes and marinara sauce, haha, I tolerate em when sharing a meal or if they go on a sandwich. used to dislike ketchup too but i do crave it now occasionally even if i prefer mustard or mayo
-I love hot showers/baths and food, and despite not being cold all the time anymore (in fact i tend to overheat when walking no matter how cold out it is), still enjoy both at temps many people can’t handle, lmao. My hands usually can’t handle what my mouth can tho.
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fairymint-archive · 6 years
broke: miis are an 'abomination' trying to 'poorly impersonate' da REAL nintendo MVPS
woke: miis could be literally Anybody, that's the point, and even if they weren't it's harmless fun, and they have the best sense of humor anyways-
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fairymint-archive · 6 years
“ 🔥 “
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Unpopular Opinion? like, Be Nice or Get Out.
I’m serious, as someone who’s ENFJ and just as part of my personality? I’m Tolerant. That’s all there is to it.
It makes me sad, that the basic way that a lot of Normies, or even some RP partners, basically just a lot of People, make their way through communication by trying to muscle in some meanness, like as if somehow they have a good enough reason for it.
As a warning, I am not obligated to be nasty to anyone. period. I don’t care what they did, I don’t care if you hate them for some reason, I’m just tired of the bullshit. I refuse to tell someone to die, and tbh? Refuse to turn someone away as well unless it’s for my actual physical safety.So yeah, I’m not ‘mad’ at anyone in that way. Y’all can come to me anytime, you’re just going to get genuine reaction.
Like damn, My mom was lowkey like this, my own estranged brother basically came for me via IM just yesterday, and I’ve dealt with even RP or internet people all trying to say ‘well if you cared about me etc. etc.’ and occasionally ‘if you cared about me you’d not associate with them’Like? You’re not going to win that battle, ever. I care too damn much,even, but that’s why I have my boundaries because I care about my own damn self. I’m not out to keep my friends and acquaintances 100% ‘perfect’ people, and I can figure out who I’m close to on my own because they don’t pull that stuff.
You’re not going to push me to be violent, and you’re only going to push my muse to be violent in an extreme situation that we all hope wouldn’t happen to me IRL.
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