queretarotv · 2 months
Se llevó a cabo el primer Hackathon STEM + SolidWorks
Estudiantes queretanos especializados en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM) participaron en el primer Hackathon STEM + SolidWorks, organizado por la Coordinación de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Secretaría de Educación del Estado de Querétaro (SEDEQ) en colaboración con NC Tech. “Hay que desarrollar sin límites la imaginación. La secretaria de Educación, la doctora Martha Elena…
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gobqro · 2 years
Querétaro, punto de encuentro de innovación y desarrollo aeronáutico: Guadalupe Murguía
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La secretaria de Gobierno, Guadalupe Murguía Gutiérrez, en representación del gobernador, Mauricio Kuri González, inauguró el 4º Congreso Internacional de Seguridad Aérea "Un cielo de oportunidades para servir a México", evento en el que sostuvo que la entidad se refrenda como un polo de desarrollo del sector aeronáutico del país. "Recibir a quienes participan en este congreso, confirma que somos un polo de desarrollo de la industria, de la aeronáutica, la tecnología y la vinculación con los sectores productivos; además de ser el punto de encuentro para las mejores ideas que imprimen innovación y desarrollo al país", destacó.
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La funcionaria estatal celebró que la Secretaría de Marina Armada de México haya seleccionado a Querétaro y a la UNAQ como sede para la organización del congreso; recordó que tuvo la oportunidad de trabajar para la creación de esta universidad en 2007, y que se ha consolidado para obtener el reconocimiento por su excelencia educativa a nivel nacional e internacional. Murguía Gutiérrez reiteró que en el estado se trabaja para llevar a Querétaro al siguiente nivel y esto incluye al sector aeronáutico, gracias al talento de las y los queretanos.
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En su intervención, el coordinador general de Aeronáutica Naval de la Secretaría de Marina, vicealmirante Guadalupe Juan José Bernal Méndez, sostuvo que la seguridad aérea es un tema que no puede pasarse por alto, por lo que confió que el encuentro y los temas tratados por los ponentes, sirvan para abonar a en la mejora de la aviación. El rector de la UNAQ, Enrique Gerardo Sosa Gutiérrez, expuso que es un reto mantener la seguridad de usuarios del transporte aéreo, por lo que este encuentro refuerza los lazos entre las dependencias federales, estatales, municipales y academia para lograrlo.
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best-nun-tournament · 6 months
Round 1, Match 1
Skystar/Clear Sky and Graywing (Warrior Cats) vs Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
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Propaganda under break
Skystar/Clear Sky and Graywing
TW: Colonization, Abuse, Murder, Fatphobia, and Misogyny.
Clear Sky is an awful dictator and colonizer, who’s an abusive $h!twad to literally almost everyone he interacts with, including with son, Thunder. Clear Sky killed multiple cats, mostly She-cats - who are mostly native cats within the land that he’s colonizing - within his life, and indirectly caused other cats’ deaths as well. He also mentioned that he likes his mate, Star Flower - who’s old enough to be his daughter - that he likes her because he knows that she’ll deal and/or tolerate that he’s a awful cat (to her). I don’t remember what else he did, but whatever it is, it’s probably quite bad.
Gray Wing is an apologist and/or even a “boot licker” towards Clear Sky almost all the time, being in denial of how awful of a cat Clear Sky is, despite how obvious it is. He also views his love interest, Turtle Tail, (somewhat?) as if she’s a possession to him instead of an actual person. He was apathetic to Bumble, a domestic abuse victim, while she was begging to him his group in order to NOT live with her abuser anymore, due to him being fatphobic towards Bumble, thinking that she can’t and/or shouldn’t join his group due to her being to “fat” and “useless” in order to live with them, and probably with him being salty that Bumble is kind and supportive towards Turtle Tail.
And they’re even more irritating and/or upsetting to read about since the writing (at least, the majority and/or most of the time) paints Gray Wing as a “wise” cat, while Clear Sky is painted as a “morally gray”, making them even more awful and upsetting to read about them.
They’re quite bad pair together, and are awful cats themselves, so because of this, I decided to submit Clear Sky and Gray Wing into the tournament.
Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha
Itachi massacred the entire Uchiha clan and told a terrified Sasuke that he never loved him as a brother, and only let him live so he could become a worthy test of his abilities. It does turn out that Vgnpuv jnf sbeprq gb qb vg gb fnir Fnfhxr'f yvsr naq cebgrpg Uvqqra Yrns Ivyyntr, naq bayl npgrq rivy fb gung Fnfhxr jbhyq orpbzr fgebatre naq orpnhfr ur jnagrq gb qvr ng uvf unaq nf chavfuzrag sbe nyy uvf xvyyvat but that's not really healthy sibling behaviour either.
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rukbat3 · 5 months
Babylon 5 Rewatch - Survivors
This is a post I originally wrote several years ago for Mark Oshiro’s Mark Watches blog. I don’t really plan to edit them before posting, so there may be some references that don’t make sense. If you see words that look like gibberish, they are actually rot13, which was our way of discussing spoilers. There are plugins you can install to decode the text (Cryptext is the one I use), or you can copy/paste to rot13.com, or just ignore it.
This episode is pretty decent, although there are a couple of plot holes for those inclined to nitpick. [season 5] Gur znva guvat vg frgf hc vf Tnevonyqv’f uvfgbel bs qevaxvat ceboyrzf, naq juvyr vg’f onq rabhtu gb frr uvz snyy bss gur jntba urer, gung’f abguvat gb jung unccraf va frnfba svir. Ba gur bgure unaq, vg jbhyq unir orra naablvat gb frg hc fhpu n pehpvny cneg bs uvf punenpgre naq gura unir guvf or gur raq bs vg, fb tbbq wbo, WZF, sbe gnxvat Tnevonyqv’f nypbubyvfz fb frevbhfyl.
Ivanova is great in this episode. She doesn’t get much to do, but she makes the most of her few scenes. I love that she decides to do the maintenance check on the communication system on her own initiative in order to give Sinclair more time (even though it doesn’t do much good in the end). Also: “You are going to resist, I hope.”
Earthforce One is so pretty!
I think there’s an interesting moral question in this episode. Is Major Kemmer justified in risking Nolan’s life by waking him up for the possibility of learning more about what (or who) caused the explosion? There are a couple of factors at play here to make the question more complex. For one, at the point when she does this, they don’t even know for sure that the explosion was sabotage. It could have just been human error. They are able to prove it was a bomb, but not until later. On the other hand, Kemmer is the Head of Presidential Security, charged with making sure the station is safe for the President’s visit. With the possibility that this could be the prelude to some sort of assassination attempt, does that afford her greater latitude? Finally, she says that she read his file and he was going to die anyway, so she needed to get the information while she still could. This seems to me to be a pretty convincing argument, but Dr. Franklin is acting like he thinks Nolan still has a chance to pull through, so maybe she was just seeing what she wanted to see? I dunno, what do y'all think?
Nolan was lucky he was talking to someone who was already predisposed to believe Garibaldi capable of any number of heinous acts. Any reasonable investigation into the explosion would have turned up evidence of Garibaldi’s innocence/Nolan’s guilt pretty quickly. Speaking of which, it’s frustrating that it takes Sinclair and Lou Welch going behind Kemmer’s back to think of searching Nolan’s quarters. Surely that’s an obvious precautionary step to take?
Of course, now I’m thinking about it, and if Nolan had never accused Garibaldi, Cutter would have had no reason to plant evidence. They would have discovered the existence of a bomb, and probably would have searched Nolan’s quarters earlier, since he’s a reasonable suspect. And that would have seemed like the end of it. Nolan was dead, so there would be no reason to expect more sabotage attempts, and Cutter would have been free to plant the other bombs without suspicion falling on him. So I guess it’s good that everything worked out the way it did!
Favorite scene: Not one from the episode, but one from the blooper reel, although I hear it in my head every time I watch the real scene, so it might as well be actually in the episode! It’s the scene where Garibaldi goes to talk to Londo to ask him for a loan.
[blooper reel]
Tnevonyqv: “Gurl cynagrq n fpurzngvp bs gur onl naq n cbhpu bs Pragnhev qhpngf va zl dhnegref.”
Ybaqb: “Pra-gnu-ev?”
Tnevonyqv: “Pra-gbe-v.”
Ybaqb: “Cb-gnl-gb?”
Tnevonyqb: “Cb-gnu-gb.”
Ybaqb: “Gb-znl-gb?”
Tnevonyqv: “Gb-znu-gb.”
Ybaqb naq Tnevonyqv (fvatvat): “Yrg’f pnyy gur jubyr guvat bss!”
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toskarin · 2 years
I finished Totono after seeing it in one of the "essential VNs" asks and (rot13)
Jbj, gung jnf tbbq. Nygubhtu, V jbaqre vs gur "Gbgbab vf QQYP vs QQYP jnf tbbq" fragvzrag V frr va cynprf npghnyyl ubyqf jngre. Ba bar unaq, qrfcvgr hfvat fvzvyne gevpxf, gur qverpgvbaf gurl tb ner jvqryl qvssrerag, znxvat gur qverpg "4gu jnyy oernxvat cflpubybtvpny ubeebe" pbzcnevfba zvfthvqrq. Ba gur bgure, QQYP'f pevgvdhr bs gur incvq unerz rebtr traer vf, va vgfrys, zvfthvqrq - gnxvat pbzsbeg sbbq Lhmhfbsg-gvre abiryf gb n uvture fgnaqneq guna gurl qrfreir, haqrezvavat vgf bja cybg naq jungrire gur ernqre zvtug unir erfbangrq jvgu jvgu vg, naq jungrire Cyhf! qvq gb gur pber zrffntr. Jvgu guvf nyy, Gbgbab rzoenpvat traer'f gebcrf, gnxvat gurz gb gurve ybtvpny pbapyhfvbaf, naq fgvyy univat n cbvtanag fgbel whfg srryf zber… trahvar?
congrats on completing it! I generally agree with you here. a lot of what makes Totono feel so special is how genuine it feels in what it's doing
I personally chalk that up to its willingness to hold onto what it cares about while pursuing its ending. it's so easy to be tempted into discarding the story you're working towards in the name of being subversive, but if you can hold onto it long enough to reach synthesis, you get something really special
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orinthered · 1 year
Fnzr Funqbjurneg naba. Ab yvxr, va ure crefbany dhrfg (Avtugfbat fcnerq, Funqbjurneg abg jvgu Fune nalzber) fur unf gung zntvpny jbhaq ba ure unaq evtug? Lbh svaq ure cneragf naq Fune vf nyy yvxr “gur jbhaq vf n phefr, lbh rvgure erfphr lbhe cneragf ohg gur jbhaq erznvaf, be gurl qvr ohg lbh trg evq bs vg.” Gura ure cneragf ner nyy yvxr “yrg hf qvr fb lbh pna evq lbhefrys bs gur phefr naq freir Fryhar” naq lbh pna pubbfr juvpu gb rapbhentr ure gb qb. N gba bs crbcyr unir gur raqvat va juvpu fur yrgf ure cneragf qvr fb va gur raq fur’f fgvyy tevrivat gurz. Vg’f ernyyl pbashfvat gb zr orpnhfr vg’f onfvpnyyl n pubvpr orgjrra yrnivat ure jvgu puebavp cnva, be yvgrenyyl univat obgu bs ure cneragf fur’f bayl whfg orra erhavgrq jvgu, qvr, naq gbaf bs crbcyr frrz gb or erfcbaqvat gb gung jvgu “jryy vg’f zhpu orggre gb unir ure cneragf crevfu guna unir ure qrny jvgu puebavp cnva va ure unaq.” Yvxr ?? Va bar raqvat fur’f unccl orpnhfr fur unf ure cneragf onpx naq fur’f bxnl jvgu gur cnva gb unir gurz erghearq, va gur bgure fur’f gentvp naq fnq orpnhfr gurl qvrq fb fur pbhyq rfpncr gur phefr, naq rirelobql frrzf gb or cvpxvat gung raqvat? Nz V jrveq sbe guvaxvat gung fnivat ure cneragf vf boivbhfyl gur orggre pubvpr gurer??
ohhh right i forgot i think i kind of just excised that from my mind lol. v nyfb pubfr gb qb vg ohg vg jnf yrff nobhg gur puebavp cnva va ure unaq naq zber nobhg gur snpg gung fune jvyy nyjnlf unir n ubyq ba funqbjurneg vs fur qbrfa'g yrg tb — naq fvzvyneyl, ure cneragf yvxr…. irel zhpu jnagrq gb qvr yvxr gurl jrer onfvpnyyl Orttvat funqbjurneg gb whfg yrg gurz qvr v jnf yvxr bu bxnl jungrire v thrff. vg unq fb yvggyr aneengvir vzcnpg gung v whfg gevrq abg gb guvax gbb uneq nobhg vg yzsnb
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elcantodelosgrillosmx · 2 months
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444namesplus · 4 months
Abuf Achaj Acheh Achimod Adamuwas Adzut Afaj Afiw Afu Age Agux Aho Ajabid Ajebip Ajidekin Ajig Ajo'imowe Ajoj Ajuj Akip Alup Ama Amel Amochig Ana Anenad Ani Anin Anu Apa Apepo Api Apiwomu Apu Aquuasanevin Aquuch Aquuivel Areyezezu Arib Aso Ata Atojijurad Atos Aviferiquueg Avof Awe Awo Axidzuyu Axu Ayumiquuejos Aza Azanuv Azavomud Azogab Bachiz Bareme Bashito Befi Befulat Bijop Bitadech Bopach Buviquuyig Cfulite'achi Chahowud Chapach Chibefil Chipaquuyazor Chivop Dajebute Davifufefut Deri Dojizo Donawi Doseshi Dozhiq Dzuma Dzuragoboy E'atsub Ebajuquuaguj Ebidedopas Ebu Echix Echow Edelowih Edotsu Edzu Edzur Efebeh Efuw Efuyuboj Egi Egoxej Egu Ehaz Ehekaxim Ehirad Ejad Ekad Ekag Ekop Ekuyeh Ekuzaj Elayazach Elekis Elikaze Elo Emolu Enibi Enizafi Enuch Enufu'axen Epipipa Equuip Ere Erofu Eruvuh Eta Etexixoha Etoga Etoxej Etsu Evivi Evurow Ewut Eyaf Eyaquuer Eyo Ezhigeg Ezhirup Ezoh Fache Fadzuranimop Fariwanex Firek Fomokit Fowov Fozhili Fuchiyud Fureyech Fuzu'abuj Gaquuanim Getsuxofoka Gixuyeba Giy Goquuo Guzuch Hesuch Hexa Hiquuishi Hohop Holoj Hori Howebifab I'esem I'ipa I'oquuoze Ibedzuvud Ibo Ibuk Ichefufoch Ichoruy Idaf Ide Idem Ideretsuyo Ifojosu Ifu Ifux Igad Igev Igib Igihep Igil Igochahi Igoz Iguf Iguvodof Iho Iji Ijis Ijobo Ijoji Ilat Iligog Ilow Ilujula Imifowo Imiquuequuek Imix Ipak Ipe Iquuwepalo Irequuoq Ireyanah Isod Isot Ivekop Ivi Ivok Iwev Ixiw Izax Izhichach Izhigiwequuon Janub Je'oyo Jefoyuk Jeya Jiliyejap Jipirap Joxekit Ju'uchilot Kachiloquuan Kajex Kanahayechi Kilo Kudoke Ladzus Lahoyerune Lizhiv Logu Logum Lushiguq Luwali Luyi Machal Mahof Me'atel Mekadeladzu Menuk Meyiki Moteb Mozan Mozhiz Naxe Ni'unak Niheka Nikejux Nive'ifus Nochim Nolub Nosur Nudzu Nusosa Obeg Obeger Obemu Obeye'ibich Ocfu Ochag Ochawa'iwex Ochifoj Ochih Ochilorix Odezaje Odzu Ofu Ofuq Ogaled Ogiq Ogiven Ogiz Ogolul Ogumalefu Ohegocha Oher Ohex Ojej Ojivaz Ojives Ojop Olazux Olipuwe Olubequue Olur Omeku Omo Omotovew Omulibavub Ona Ones Ono Opo Oquua Oquuegek Oquuq Oquur Orog Osaremoni Osu Osup Otan Otequuaga Ovafo Ovijar Oviluquua Owar Owo Owuwo Oxi Oxow Oxuhoreb Oyefoja Oyol Oyud Ozed Ozhi Ozonu Ozuk Pepuveshik Pibuxut Pidapaven Podab Ponun Puchi Puketedepig Pulaxateg Quuaquuerukow Quuaxi Quuayer Quuocfumoch Quuol Quuoxowub Rafagep Ravuy Reyich Ririd Roguki Rufidach Rukog Ruladeq Ruxu Saquuabiru Sayad Secfufubaq Shimo'erih Shiquuipokiru Shiwun Sokitsurat Tefel Tevat Tevov Tolu Toviwobod Tsuyes Tsuzhin U'esef Ube Ubij Ubixaq Ubul Uchirawes Uchiw Ude'opelax Udevaq Udzuvuv Ufaquub Ufonuf Ufoq Ufumeg Uga Ugaton Ugibi Ugiv Ugo Ugog Ugoyuch Uhi Uhilicheyod Uhiv Uhokin Ujefuy Ujiwu Ujo Ukacfu Ukanachir Ula Ulechich Ulen Ulih Uma Umimat Umoch Una Unaq Uni Unix Uno Unoh Unojeyatsus Unom Upadesug Upih Upolu Uquuapichis Uquuere Uquuexe Uquuijo Uquuik Uquuoquuekoj Uraquuiros Urogovux Usah Ushishix Utaxav Utof Utsuhed Uvu Uwogunit Uyivu'icfub Uyuf Uzu Vogezoy Vuwufi Woyenegim Wuta Xachon Xagagori Xifexoloq Xosazuge Yadzu Yefux Yixet Yokej Yoquuoxoq Yudafis Yujo Yuri Yurum Zakusul Zakutaw Zanuxej Zazuj Zesosayij Zesuk Zhiwus Zhixunaquua Zhizu Zosocfumux Zu'opanoy Zujiw
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pink-of-hair · 8 months
kink/fantasy idea for 🌂: Cuddling under the covers with a partner, and they ask you to tell them all the ways you wish you could hurt them. They respond positively whenever you say a really fucked up or deadly one.
🌂 Okay anon! Let's play it together!
🌂 Take this list to bed with you, on your phone, and unrot13 it!
🌂 then read the list, and send a heart emoji into my inbox (probably all as one ask tho) for each one that tickles you!
phggvat bss lbhe nezf fznfuvat lbhe urnq ntnvafg n pbhagregbc qenttvat n purrfr tengbe npebff lbhe fubhyqre oynqrf ehoovat fnyg vagb na bcra jbhaq nf n fhecevfr guebjvat lbh bhg gur jvaqbj, gung jvaqbj, gung bar evtug gurer fgvpxvat zl guhzo va lbhe rlr, gur bar jubfr anvy vf bire pragvzrgre ybat ybivatyl penqyvat n jbhaq v qerffrq naq qvfvasrpgrq vaperqvoyl avpryl sbe lbh naq gura fubivat vagb vg fhqqrayl v purpx obgu bs lbhe ovt gbrf sbe nal fvtaf bs cbffvoyr vatebjvat. ab jngre, bayl anvy fpvffbef naq qvfvasrpgnag chyyvat unve. n pynffvp. jr obgu qb unaqfgnaqf hagvy bar bs bhe nezf ohpxyr fvggvat ba lbhe onpx naq tenqhnyyl cvpxvat hc arneol jrvtugf fgnoovat lbh whfg orybj lbhe rlr n qryvorengryl onq funir wbo phggvat bss bar bs lbhe yrtf va n fgrevyr raivebazrag jurer erfvfgnapr jvyy bayl chg lbhe urnygu va zber qnatre chyyvat ba lbhe unaq jvgu rire vapernfvat sbepr hagvy fbzrguvat qvfybpngrf chyirevmvat lbhe urnq jvgu n fyrqtrunzzre (guvf bar vf bayl sha vs lbh fbzrubj pbzr onpx gb yvsr shyyl urnyrq gub) fjvatvat n png pynj bs xavirf nggnpurq gb n obkvat tybir ng lbh naq whfg… frrvat jung unccraf phggvat lbhe sberurnq naq yrggvat gur oybbq frrc vagb lbhe rlrf
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bitchoftruth · 9 months
Thank you very much for your thoughts. I largely agree with your perspective and thoughts on the novel. I'll put my spoilery thoughts in Rot13:
V nyfb sbhaq zlfrys dhvgr hapbzsbegnoyr jvgu gur frkhny haqregbarf orgjrra Zngfhevxn naq Envpuv'f eryngvbafuvc, rfcrpvnyyl gur yvarf nobhg znfgheongvba naq rkcbfvat bar'f srgvfurf. Ba gur bar unaq, V pna haqrefgnaq gung jr'er rffragvnyyl cynprq vafvqr Envpuv'f urnq, n "zbafgre" jub unf creirefr, ivbyrag snagnfvrf, naq jr ner sbeprq gb ernq gubfr gubhtugf sebz uvf cbvag bs ivrj. Fb V pna haqrefgnaq jul vg'f jevggra gur jnl vg vf, ohg gung qbrfa'g znxr vg nal yrff pbzsbegnoyr gb ernq. Ba gur bgure unaq, qrfcvgr univat gubfr snagnfvrf, Envpuv qbrfa'g ernyyl gnxr nqinagntr bs Zngfhevxn sbe gur zbfg cneg, ur znvayl fcraqf gvzr znxvat ure oryvrir gung vg'f bxnl sbe ure gb rkvfg gur jnl fur vf, juvpu vf nqzvggrqyl avpr.
V erfcrpg gur pbzzragnel ba zragny vyyarff naq ubj crbcyr fhssrevat sebz guvf pbaqvgvba qrfreir gb or gerngrq, naq V svaq gur birenyy fgbel gb or uvtuyl rzcngurgvp gbjneqf fhpu crbcyr, juvpu V ernyyl nccerpvngr.
V'yy ersenva sebz pbzzragvat ba gur svany cneg bs gur fgbel, nf lbh unira'g svavfurq gur abiry lrg, ohg V jnf xvaqn 'zru' ba gur jnl gur fgbel raqrq.
thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'll admit bc of my low level of jp I tended to be unsure with a lot of those elements of the story and whether they are "as bad" as they seemed and combined with not knowing anyone else who read it to disscuss with, I didn't want to condemn that strongly without feeling like I have all the facts.
Though even when written uncomfortably on purpose I feel those scenes already were inherently "wrong" enough that they didn't need to be dressed up in sexual metaphors imo
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queretarotv · 2 months
Presenta Luis Nava al BLOQUE como ecosistema de innovación en Feria Aeroespacial
Como parte de la comitiva que acompañará al Gobernador de Estado, Mauricio Kuri por la Feria Aeroespacial de Farnborough en Londres Inglaterra, el Presidente Municipal de Querétaro, Luis Nava, participó en una reunión de trabajo con Emily Desai, Directora Adjunta Superior de Estrategia y Programación Mundiales y Asuntos Exteriores del Gobierno de California de los Estados Unidos, en la que…
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sepiidae · 1 year
ROT13: spoilers but it’s extremely vague but it’s EXTREMELY spoilers I’m just happy to have spotted it
bu fuvg gung bss-unaq pbairefngvba tnyr unf jvgu ynr'mry v yngpurq ba gb npghnyyl JNF vzcbgnag va thrffvat gur qernz ivfvgbe'f gehr vqragvgl
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rukbat3 · 6 months
Babylon 5 Rewatch - And the Sky Full of Stars
This is a post I originally wrote several years ago for Mark Oshiro’s Mark Watches blog. I don’t really plan to edit them before posting, so there may be some references that don’t make sense. If you see words that look like gibberish, they are actually rot13, which was our way of discussing spoilers. There are plugins you can install to decode the text (Cryptext is the one I use), or you can copy/paste to rot13.com, or just ignore it.
This is a big one, guys! What really happened at the Battle of the Line? We (sort of) find out! I mean, we still don’t know why the Minbari surrendered or anything, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but there’s some definite forward momentum going on.
[TV movies] Univat nyernql frra Va gur Ortvaavat ng guvf cbvag, V nyernql xarj jung unq unccrarq gb Fvapynve (zber guna ur qvfpbiref va guvf rcvfbqr), ohg vg qvqa’g fcbvy gur rcvfbqr sbe zr. Vg whfg punatrq vg sebz n “ovt erirny” rcvfbqr vagb n “ubj qbrf ur svaq bhg naq ubj qbrf ur ernpg” rcvfbqr. V qvqa’g rira ernyvmr ng gur gvzr gung guvf jnf vasbezngvba lbh jrera’g fhccbfrq gb unir.
One of the things I like about this story is the way you can see Sinclair constantly probing for more information and picking up on hints that Knight Two didn’t realize he was giving. He spends the whole time he is in that chair, not just trying to remember the Battle of the Line, but also trying to escape and not give any more information to his captors than he has to. And by the end of the episode, that includes Delenn. Although it seems that he still likes her, he realizes that he can’t trust her enough to reveal what he has remembered.
I noticed this time through that when Sinclair first realizes he has been kidnapped, one of the first things he says to Knights One and Two is, “Why are you doing this?” And when he finally starts to remember being on the Minbari cruiser, the first thing he says there is also, “Why are you doing this?” Fragment of repressed memory already starting to leak through, or just Sinclair’s natural response to the situation?
Somehow I had totally forgotten that Sinclair was supposed to be from Mars. [whole series] Abj V’z guvaxvat nobhg ubj gung jbhyq unir nssrpgrq guvatf vs Zvpunry B’Uner unq orra noyr gb fgvpx nebhaq sbe gur ragver frevrf. Vg tvirf n ovg bs n qvssrerag synibe gb vg vs lbh’er fgnegvat n pvivy jne jura lbh’er sebz n cynarg gung unf nyernql gevrq gb oernx serr sebz gur tbireazrag orsber, naq vf va gur cebprff bs qbvat vg ntnva. Ba gur bgure unaq, cerfhznoyl ur jbhyq unir unq na rnfvre gvzr trggvat gur Serr Znef crbcyr gb gehfg uvz guna Furevqna qvq. Uzz…
[season 1] Tnevonyqv tvirf uvf frpbaq-va-pbzznaq, Wnpx, gur wbo bs ybbxvat sbe Orafba. Ab jbaqre abobql va frphevgl znantrq gb svaq uvz orsber ur ghearq hc qrnq. Bbcf! Favorite scene: Much as I like this episode, I’m having a hard time picking a specific favorite scene. All of it seems to pretty much go together, and nothing stands out. I guess I’ll pick the series of flashbacks to the Battle of the Line, each one of which goes a little farther forward towards figuring out what happened. It’s the kind of thing that could easily have gotten boring, but for me, it never does.
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fireunderyoureyelid · 2 years
rirel jver, flancfr
zl urnq fcvaf, oebxr
lbhe jverf, gnatyrq
zl unaq fanttrq
jura v gevrq gb frvmr lbhe urneg
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orinthered · 1 year
Ubj qbrf gur tnzr rira whfgvsl xvyyvat Funqbjurneg’f cneragf naljnlf? Rirelbar V frr frrzf gb unir ebznaprq ure naq cvpxrq gung, yvxr, gur nygreangvir vf gung ure cneragf yvir, fur unf gurz va ure yvsr, fur’f abg tevrivat naq pelvat rira qhevat gur raqvat, naq gur genqr-bss vf gung Fune pna ernyyl uheg ure unaq. Gung fhpxf fher! Ohg gur pubvpr orgjrra puebavp cnva naq trggvat gb erfphr naq or jvgu ure cneragf nsgre nyy guvf gvzr, ubj pbzr rirelbar vf cvpxvat gur “yvivat jvgu cnva vf whfg fb njshy gung vg’f yvgrenyyl orggre gb zheqre lbhe bja cneragf vafgrnq” bcgvba???
v'z cerggl fher lbh qba'g qb guvf hayrff vg'f fbzrguvat gb qb jvgu gur qnex whfgvpvne ebhgr? funqbjurneg'f cneragf ner nyjnlf nyvir, ab? ohg lrnu v qba'g xabj gur tnzr yvxr irel pyrneyl JNAGF lbh gb Abg Xvyy Gur Avtugfbat naq chavfurf lbh obgu zrpunavpnyyl naq rzbgvbanyyl sbe vg fb……. vqx……
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