#Undead Unluck Manga Spoilers
Undead Unluck Unday Chapter 219
Time for Andy's return to Earth and rejoin the union.
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But it's going to take some time. and this all been part of Souls plan. Now the quests will be all master rules, and I believe it will be quite impossible for them to be completed.
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But Ruin aint one to wait, using two umas to attack. But Billy and Gina Co in clutch using unchange to stuff their jaws with air. Now Ruin deal makes it so he can't kill them.
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But Fuuko doest want any losses right now. They need to be at max power for.these quests so she is getting him away from her. And now chikara has a massive ask for Billy he can only help with.
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Helping him see without his eyes. Now does this mean chikara has permanent gone blind. Will we get a better explanation on how Billy was able to use Unmove without sight. We have seen through Billy's senses before in the start of the previous arc. Will it be similar.
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But that's not important now. Right now Fuuko is taking Ruin far, but she is running out of tools to use for her unluck, and the one she gave him with her other gloves is fading.
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allowing him to take out her cloud and send her flying down to... huh Japan. Where she perfectly pulls off Andy's roll. Fuuko is stronger than human if she can break concrete like that. Wait isn't this-
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Wait why did it get darker?
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HOLLY SH*T HE MADE A BLOOD SPIRIT BOMB!!! Using the power of her two umas he has got Fuuko trapped. What is with these Umas. Did the freaking raise him or somthing. And Soul did say something about powered up pair. Did he give Blood and Shadow a boost. Anyway
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With something putting a hole in his ball, letting the sun light in. Seems like your God isn't helping you out Ruin. Also your wrong about somthing. This isn't where Fuujos story ends
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AND THEIR ABOUT TO BRAT HIM WITH THEIR UNDEAD UNLUCK!!!! oh i can't wait for next chapter as the goat is back. AND THAT GOAT IS
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wickedsick · 1 year
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Time for Latla's ability reveal?
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Is Sick being controlled like Spring was? They seem apologetic here, but they could just be fucking with Fuuko
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This seems like a very different Sick to last chapter, but I won't say this isn't really fun
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Heaven or hell- let's rock!
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I was griping about the lack of UMA a few chapters back, but boy was Sick worth the wait
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Oh no, who could've predicted this, if only we had someone with anti-regen 2 rooms away
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Sick is a beast- master rule is right.
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Here we go...
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No ability reveal, but this is way more hype. I love Latla having to feed rip his lines, I love the pose, I love what this means for the future, (I love the idea of these two in a fighting game)-
Another great chapter.
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the-new-anime-girl · 6 months
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Rereading the Summer/Shen backstory arc and I really love how Feng literally 'shoves' Shen into a flashback with the eight cycle mountain strike.
And the little detail of young Shen having long enough hair to braid, which I assume he cut off to look less like Feng after his sister died -possible considering he still has the braid in the new loop!
Also remembering how much I love both his dynamic with Mui and Andy
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bornonthebreakofdawn · 11 months
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⚠️Spoiler Alert for Undead Unluck manga Chapter 182⚠️
Here are some parts from the latest chapter that caught my attention:
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Daaaaaayummm Fuuko... She's totally badass in this scene. I LOVE HER SO MUCH ❤️😍❤️
That smile... That level of confidence... In Andy's words, she's SICK. WICKED SICK hehe
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Now this other Master Rule mentioned about Fuuko being a Vessel. It's definitely intriguing as to what being a Vessel means to them... Is she going to be a Vessel for god? (Or Idk... This is just me throwing things out there at random but what if Fuuko becomes the new "Eve"?)
And then that bottom right panel... So it seems "Luck" is a Master Rule? Very interesting 🤔
And of course this page...
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Daaaamn Andy. You took on that responsibility to keep the Master Rules and the Negators separated. I'm mighty impressed. But it's sad that he had to endure that task all those years.
I'm excited to see how the Negators will oppose the Master Rules and get back Andy!!! 👏👏👏
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random-senpai · 1 year
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hanazukashii · 11 months
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crowlhoard · 10 months
Undead Unluck Manga Chapter 183 Spoilers!!!
I know the main wave of discussions for this chapter has already concluded and the new anime episode is already out, but I tend to ruminate for a long time and I'm even slower on properly writing those thoughts out. But now that my thoughts are finally organized, I can put that dead horse to the ground.
Last chapter seemingly seems as an end to Rip's and Latla's character development, quite a disappointing one too (even besides the sister thing, that is just *sign*, Japan...), but I have some reasons to hope it isn't, and here's why:
In the first loop we are introduced to a variety of negators, which can generally be separated into two teams: Union and Under. Under being the antagonists of the story. As the story unfolds, we learn that Under and Union may actually work for the same goal, even if the former is doing it in a pretty twisted way. But there's two exceptions to that rule: Feng and Rip/Latla team.
Feng is pretty straightforward in his desire for strength and his willingness to sacrifice all and everything for it. Loop 101 already addressed his behavior and showed us a hint of change:
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Rip and Latla, however, while being a team, aren't on an equal ground. While Latla obviously wants to save her sister too, we constantly see that it's Rip, who is consciously refusing to move on from the loss of Layla and fueling his obsession over his goal. A goal, as we learn in the unfolding of the last loop, that is quite selfish and short-sighted. Not only his current actions utterly betray his dead lover's last wish
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But it also doesn't actually gain him anything but a few extra years at most with Layla before a horrifying death of the whole world and all three of them
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While in the beginning such motivation could be explained by Rip being introduced to the world of negators through Under and coming to conclusion that all the people with power act purely in their own interest, that delusion repeatedly gets shuttered by his run-ins with the protagonist duo. Yet, despite every such encounter showing us a bit of humanity in Rip, every following encounter, he seems to push towards his selfish wish.
A potential for him to finally make a right choice this loop seems to appear after the culmination of Season's Arc, where it's laid plain to see that Fuuko is the one with the power to reach God and that she is absolutely the kind of person to try and save everyone, and loop is being inevitable by this point with Earth's careening towards Sun. This shows us a hopeful turn for the Rip and Latla duo - with Latla choosing to help Union search for Fuuko and, most importantly, finally separate from Rip
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Yet, despite this hopeful turn, Rip once again returns to the original plan - speed the oncoming end of this loop and doom the next one, all for the desire to be Layla's personal hero for a single moment. This culminates in one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the story
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Which is made progressively worse, once we learn Latla's negation next loop - Untrust. So for that plan to work, Latla either had to fully believe that Rip can't hit a moving target like Andy (which is doubtful, since she is the most aware of the extent of Rip's skill) or to truly believe that he won't be able to genuinely target her. And despite last chapter claiming that Rip loved both sisters equally, he is clearly capable of sacrificing Latla for Layla.
As heartbreaking as that moment is, it also shines light on the true nature of Rip and Latla's relationship in the loop 100 - they are enablers of the worst traits in each other: self-destructive loyalty, multiplied by infatuation in Latla and the short-sighted selfish goal pursuit in Rip.
Moving onto the next loop, we are introduced to them both once again before the tragedy of Layla's death. Latla doesn't seem to differ from her past loop counterpart. Her life is still built around helping her sister and supporting her relationship with Rip.
Rip is quite a different person, though. With quite the heroic claims
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Which would be quite touching to see after this arc's end to show his growth, but here, before Layla is saved, we know those claims are pretty hollow. Unlike the rest of the cast, who sticks to their core values after losing a loved one, we know from the last loop that Rip drops this claim pretty quickly after Layla's death.
Latla does get her drop of a character development, finally standing up to Rip and demanding half the Bladerunner to stop Rip from trying to play a solo hero, in contrast to her quietly following Rip's path of self-destruction last loop
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A few words about Layla - despite being alive this loop, she still doesn't have a character. Effectively, she could be replaced with a mannequin in a dress in 99% of her scenes and nothing would change.
So this arc culminates in chapter 183, where we get a brief recap of the events and Rip checking out his "happy end" box with marrying Layla. We also get slapped with a sudden question "Who will Rip chose?" after the narrative up to this point practically beating us with the demonstrations of Rip's first priority over everything (even Latla's life) always being Layla, from the start.
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We are given one page in the ENTIRE manga to imply the single case of Rip picking Latla over Layla
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And this chapter culminates in the weird kind of progress, or rather, regress: Rip now forcefully dragging Latla into his decisions, disregarding her own choices. Which is supposed to be taken as a positive development now? And in the end, Rip doesn't get any development to show that he is a better person than the last loop and not simply nicer because he didn't have to face hardship this loop.
A mini side rant, unrelated to the analysis - I hate this panel with. every. fiber. of. my. being. Romantizatio of first love as an only true love is one of the worst things to come out of romantic genre. Side rant over
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UU isn't nuanced enough story to deal with the complex relationships and getting over infatuations, so I don't expect any developments in that direction. But Rip is supposed to be one of the author's favorites, and seeing such lackluster characterization in UU is really jarring, so I do hope this isn't an actual end to this three's characters development. I propose that at least 2 out of the following 3 options happening could somewhat salvage this mess:
1) Obligatory - Layla finally gets some characterization. Even a single page of her being the one to suggest including Latla into the ceremony, would've considerably improved last chapter.
2) Latla getting to actively disagreeing and opposing Rip, to showcase that she is capable of making her own choices, instead of being dragged around by Rip.
3) Rip facing his faults, which made him of the few true villains of last loop, perhaps through Remember, perhaps through other means.
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boringa55binch · 4 months
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Roundtable Meeting
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bitchy-w1tchy · 8 months
"I can fix him"
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"I fixed him"
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italeteller · 6 months
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Undead Unluck chapter 200 in a nutshell
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luffysfakebeard · 10 days
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Undead Unluck Unday Chapter 206 talks
Ok why did none of you tell me that their was no new Chapter last week. I COULD HAVE USED THAT TIME TO REREAD THE QHOLE MANGA!!! Now I have to do it this week and I have work every single day this week.
In other news I figured out what to call these things. Undead Unluck Undays chapter talks. Get beacuse a I remove the s from Sunday. No stealing. This is a Smoke trademark exclusive.
Anyway let's dive in...
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With Feng being a dumbass and thinking he can stop a F*CKIMG SUPERNOVA with martial arts.
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But Nico had a better plan, perfectly mimicking Feng control over chi to show Ichico a version of loop 100. Feng even caves and create my favorite weapon
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And Nico the mad lad that he is uses his word TO OPEN A PORTAL TO THE MASTER RULES! He almost ends them all, being the hero
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But soul, I don't know how, kills Sun before he explodes, and thus gravely hurting Lan.
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Leaving Lan in her core form (I need art of Feng using Lan as a basketball) and Nico is ready end this with Aradovaru (sorry I got thing for this one)
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But not before Fuuko yells something about Laungue with a look of horror on her face, and Lan getting Ichico and Nico married. Now Union has two more seats and de$ated 2 Master Rules. Whi knows what else the future holds. Maybe even Feng will join them no-
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Feng. Feng where are you going.
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wickedsick · 11 months
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Mimicking 'Let's off these chumps', I take it?
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Damn right we are. But here, the bullets don't even reach the Rules- not even SICK's mangled body.
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If the guy with the cigar and the smoke isn't War, I'll eat my hat.
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Oh- just like Luna doesn't have full control over the Union, does Sun not have full control over his 'team'?
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Disregard my previous statement. In this case, does Juiz just avoid their quests and tank the penalty?
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Aw, he's cute! He's going to kill so many people, isn't he?
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From left to right; Animals, Sick, Faith, Luck, Death, Sex, Wealth, Weapons, and War?
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fostersffff · 4 months
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bornonthebreakofdawn · 11 months
Undead Unluck manga Chapter 183
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See more under the cut
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I wasn't entirely surprised this was going to happen but I was still hoping that the ending would be Rip having to choose one of the sisters.
Idk how to feel about this, but if it's something they wanted, I guess that's fine?
What do you guys think?
(I'm sort of not minding this too much because I'm more focused with AnFuu haha)
Speaking of AnFuu...
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manikas-whims · 10 months
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basically Fuuko and Nico since loop 101 began 🤣
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