#Unspecified because I haven't checked when yet lol it'll be at least several weeks from now
sysig · 2 years
Requestober 2022 Sketches
Btw, you’ll be wanting to keep an eye out for this playlist! It’s updating once a week every week until every day of Requestober has been posted, so for quite a while lol, but there’s a few already up!
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Day 2, starting with the tPoH stuff, nice ♪ Hero looks so cute in a simple throw-on instant costume, but then again she always looks cute haha. I had a lot of fun with RGB’s pose, that was what clinched it in the end for me
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Day 2′s alt was a lot more costume-heavy, as I was still deep in the Deltarune brainrot lol. Hero is Kris (as you can see I drew them to the side, blankly staring on lol) and RGeeBs is Spamton, trash men <3 Unfortunately the poses were such that it was hard to see the costumes! But at least Hero gets candy here ♥
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But you’ve got the rosy cheeks!
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Day 5, broke bastard in multiple ways >:0 Still can’t believe his was the only video that corrupted! Rude. At least he’s super fun to draw lol, I was happy to get to use my bright green pen and red pencil, very nearly full colour! The Mr. Saturns are always cute too <3
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Day 6 had a couple versions just to try and get the posing right. I went with the first one for the leg pose in the end, but I’m still glad I doodled the second one so I could get an idea of how to see more of her face :) Hugs ♥
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I was a little indecisive for Day 7, even though I ended up going with my first sketch lol. Sometimes that’s how it goes! She does look rather spooky with her dark eyes, those were definitely my favourite part
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One of the alts was the same basic idea, just a different pose. I do like the fullbody look! I would’ve gone with this one if I could’ve figured a better wing position I think, the candles are fun and dynamic and she does look very cute. Maybe some other time!
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I actually considered this one up to the last minute because I thought the theme was cool, her making a library out of candles, but I backtracked for a couple reasons. One being it wasn’t spooky enough! It’s almost more somber than anything, but I meant it to be her appreciating her work ✨ But I also thought about how a lot her candles aren’t smooth-faced, they have curls and rolls and all sorts of funny shapes so they wouldn’t roll against each other easily haha
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More Day 7 stuff, I was like “Wait, spooky season means costumes doesn’t it?” But I didn’t give her a costume at all! I don’t think I have other than her alternate True Villainy outfits, and those don’t really count, do they? Time for some actual costumes! She’d make a very cute vampire, blood candy ♪
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She looks so cute and fluffyyyy, as a bear or as a sheep! The sheep makes perfect sense considering Taffy, they’re such cute twinsies <3 The bear might seem like a non sequitur (other than being cute lol) but I actually have a teddy bear OC named Cure that kind reminds me of Charm sometimes. Cure’s been around much longer tho lol. Either way she looks super cute in fluff ♥
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Day 9 got two versions, my full style and my chibi style :D Obviously I went with the chibi one, but it was a close toss up between the two! I do really like Magnus holding RGB’s elbow in the first one hehe ♥ And RGeeBs letting off steam! Haha
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I mean, I had to draw TOby for day 9′s alt, right? I had to at least give it a go lol, angry little guy
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Day 17 was a fun one ♪ Love Ghostbur, and I actually drew him with some blue this time! I didn’t previously, so it was nice to this time. His soft-spokenness really get me ah
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I just wanted to keep drawing him so I ended up with a day 17 alt as well haha, he’s just so happy for a moment! And that’s all he’ll remember ouq 💔
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Day 20′s first sketches, I was still on a bit of a pixel kick so I tried making a super tiny Prince but as you can tell, I thought it was too silly lol. Him hugging a [pet] with no form since I still haven’t given him one yet lol, I’ll have to brainstorm for him
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Day 20′s final version, they’re a cute family! ♥ I’m happy with the final version, especially Queen Charlotte, but the Prince looks so tiny here ahh, boxed in by his moms 💕
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I was a little rushed for Day 25 so I only got down a couple scribbles and then kind of combined them in the end. You can just barely see the Steel Samurai scribble on the second mug, he looks handsome in gloves as well :D
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Day 26, hug time! I talked about it a bit in the tags but I really do see Mel as this big social butterfly type, cheerful and a fan of casual touch. She’s just a comfy type person ♪ She’d probably be a lot for Chell all at once haha, but human friends are limited! A hug in solidarity would probably feel nice, as long as Chell got a say in when hehe
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Day 26′s alt, they’re chatting ♥ Chell is teaching her some signs, probably the alphabet to start, and Mel is feeling her hand so she can make the right shape with her own :D
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Day 29 got a Ralsei! And a totally-not-Flowey cameo lol, don’t even worry about it :) Ralsei really is a cute boy. You can see originally I was just gonna draw him with straight legs, low ankles, but then I changed my my while drawing and was confounded immediately lol, at least I mostly got there in the end haha
And so, that’s all the general Requestober sketches this year :D A pretty good spread!
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