#Until it gets to like... September I'm going to be cautiously optimistic for the idea of 3 Hopes DLC
tbh if you ask me I think that the odds of 3 Hopes getting some kind of DLC in the future's fairly high.
Koei Temco tends to put DLC in their games but Instys, ever since Awakening, have added some form of DLC into the FE games, even spin offs like the first Warriors and TMS.
Not just that but honestly 3 Hopes, as it is now, kinda gives me no-DLC/base game Fates vibes. Aka even if you beat all the routes there's still a shit ton of stuff that we don't know. Most of the protagonist's background is a mystery, there's plot points that looked like they should have been bigger but aren't (aka the whole Byleth/Sothis VS Shez/Arval/Epimenides plot or how even TWSITD seem to have barely an idea about what's going on with Shez).
Could be just my own wishful thinking. But the lack of info almost feels kind of intentional, like their waiting to do some massive lore drop. Would I be happy if that's actually happens? Probably not, I didn't like the idea of having to pay in Fates just to find out what was going on, but it that does happen then I'll still buy it.
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Babymoon- Lucky Number 7?: Crimson Rain chapter 9
Pairing: Bastien x Liza; Buttons
Word count: 1,299
Warnings: Liza’s nerves, fluff
Summary: Bastien takes Liza to the beach to try to help her relax. (Takes place mid September when Liza is 7.5 months pregnant.)
A/N: thanks @sirbeepsalot for being a sounding board and putting up with me. After you’ve all been thoroughly destroyed by both Beeps and I today with dark deliciousness here is your weekly dose of healing fluff. Now to work on next weeks but MoE is demanding dark Liam. Oh boy.
Series warnings: talks of pregnancy loss, fear of pregnancy loss, anxiety, depression. Set within Crimson Rain but pulling the major pregnancy drama from the main series. All the fluff and angst with minimal mobster drama.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I own my OC’s, the rest I’m simply borrowing from PB for a bit.
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Liza frowned into the bathroom mirror as she finished styling her black locks, her hand gently grazing the top of her bump. Can’t wait until you’re born and I can go back to bright colors. She smiled as Bastien’s arms slipped around her waist, hands gently cupping her stomach. He rested his chin on her shoulder, steely grey eyes locking on hazel in the mirror. “I have a surprise for you.”
Liza laughed shaking her head. “What’s with you and your surprises?” She turned in his embrace, her hands resting on his shoulders, her large bump keeping her from pulling him too close. “Care to tell me what it is?”
“I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”
“If you expect me to drag my big as a house self out of this house for an extended period of time you need to tell me what the surprise is.”
Bastien chuckled at her adorable pout. “First, you’re not ‘as big as a house’, you’re gorgeous.” Liza rolled her hazel eyes. “Second, I planned on making you wait a little bit, but I always planned on telling you.” He kissed her nose making her giggle.
“Then tell me.”
Bastien ran his hands around her waist, placing them on her stomach. “I was thinking, since we didn’t really get a honeymoon and I know you’ve been stressed over this pregnancy that I’d take you to the beach so you can relax.”
Liza’s face broke out into a broad smile. “Just you and me?” He nodded. “Can we bring Butt?” Buttons trotted into the bathroom bumping Liza’s leg with his nose at the call of his name.
“If that will make you happy.”
“It would, thank you.” She pressed her lips to his in a sweet kiss. “Come on Butt, we gotta get ready for the beach!”
Liza rolled down the windows of the car as they neared the salt marshes. She inhaled a deep breath of the salty ocean air, feeling some of her anxiousness slipping away just with that one breath of ocean air. Buttons whined from his restrained position in the backseat. “Okay Butt, I’ll roll down your window too.” Buttons happily stretched his neck as close to the window as possible. He sniffed the air, his tail happily beating the leather seats like a drum. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply once more, peace washing over her. Thump. Thump. Thump. Liza giggled as the kicks kept time with Buttons tail hitting the seat. “Someone likes the salt air. Sage is kicking up a storm over here.”
Bastien quickly glanced over at Liza, her head leaning back against the headrest, eyes still closed, her hand resting on her bump. He pulled his eyes off of her back to the road before them, smiling as he saw the worry wash away from her features. “Maybe she’s just dancing to the music Butt is making with his tail.”
Liza laughed, the sound lighter and more free than it sounded in months as it filtered through the air. “Maybe. I still think she likes the ocean.”
“Well we can bring her next year.”
“I’d like that. Her and Butt playing in the sand. It’d be nice.”
She’s making plans. Bastien reached his hand over  giving hers a soft squeeze. He debated if he should mention it.
“I’m still scared.” Her soft voice broke through his thoughts. “I’m just trying to be cautiously optimistic.” She opened her eyes, turning her head to look at him. “I’m still terrified something will happen in the eleventh hour, but I’m trying to not let that fear swallow me up alive, I’m trying to let it go.” She squeezed his hand back. “Just the salt air is helping, so thank you.”
“I’m glad.” He gave her hand one last squeeze before drawing his hand back to the steering wheel.
Liza drew her gaze back to the window, watching the different beach houses as they whirled past. Soon they pulled up to a small bungalow nestled close to the sea. “It’s not that far a walk down to the water from here, I didn’t want anything to be too overwhelming for you.”
She reached out taking hold of his hand. “It’s perfect.” Buttons whined from the back seat. “Okay Butt, we’ll let you out to stretch your legs and go potty.”
Liza stared out at the water, the surf gently breaking over her feet, hair fanning out behind her in the breeze. She slowly closed her eyes, tilting her face up towards the fading sun. Just a few hours at the beach, and she already felt so much of the anxiety she felt melting away. The beach really is my happy place. Smile graced her lips as she heard Buttons barking as he bounded down the beach. He circled her legs, happily splashing in the surf. “Thank you for this. I don’t know how you knew I needed it.”
“How’d you know I was here?”
“Buttons, I knew you wouldn’t let him wander out too far on his own.”
“Very true.” He wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling his face into her neck. “So you’re enjoying yourself.”
“Yes. But I have one complaint.”
“Hmmm, and what’s that?”
“I can’t bend down to collect shells.” Bastien threw his head back as he let out a loud laugh. “Hey, it’s not funny! You know how much I like beachcombing!”
Liza leaned back in her beach chair, allowing the peace to wash over her as she listened to the waves lap at the beach and felt the sun's rays beat down on her exposed skin. She wiggled her toes in the sand as she tugged her top down ensuring her round belly was covered. She raised her head, lowering her sunglasses, raking her eyes over Bastien’s sculpted torso as he walked over. “Good idea, show those off while you still can.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Your abs, they’re ridiculous, in the best way possible, but I mean…” She carefully studied his taut stomach. “Yup, already lost an ab.” She carefully counted again. “Maybe two.”
“Yea okay.” Bastien replied shaking his head at her silliness. At least she’s feeling more relaxed.
“No, I’m serious! You lost one right here.” She gently poked his stomach with her finger. “You’re totally getting your dad bod.”
Bastien laughed as he plopped in the sand next to her.
“Hey watch it!” She brushed sand off her legs.
“That was already there and you know it.”
“Sure. Just like you really know you’re getting a dad bod.”
“I am not. I'm glad you’re enjoying yourself though.”
“I am. This was a great idea.” She leaned back closing her eyes.
Liza and Bastien walked barefoot down the beach hand in hand, Buttons running at their feet, happily bouncing in the sand, sand flying up and battering their legs. “He seems to like the beach as much as you.”
Liza smiled, her eyes scanning the abandoned beach. “It is my happy place.” Her free hand ran over her bump. “She’s a lot more active too. Maybe it’s because I’m a bit calmer, or maybe it’s her happy place too.”
Bastien stopped walking, pulling her to face him. He brushed the hair back from her face. “You going to be okay when we get home?”
“I think I’ll be okay. I mean I’m still scared, I will be until I hold her in my arms, but I always have an incredibly thoughtful husband who made me a beach in a jar to take home with only the shells that I deemed perfect.”
“Oh? And who would that be?”
Liza smiled, the corners of her eyes crinkling as her eyes sparkled. “You, you big goof!” She took a deep breath as she looked around one last time. “Okay. Let’s go home.”
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