overcookedsushi · 1 year
First (and second) attempt at some Enemy Designs.
Admittedly... Zis took a vhile... So I took a stab at designing ze "first" vave of enemies you should see... Ze downridden Firekin. Unfortunate Waxkin who vere exhiled from ze golden city and have to live in self made towns... Generally peaceful, but zey are starting to fight back... As ze starting enemies, zey should be to hard to fight... zough I still vant zem to pose some kind of challenge... If ve can code ze enemies how ve are hoping, zen each vill have zeir basic moveset along viz environment specific actions and specials zat fill viz different criteria for each one... But I am getting ahead of myself a bit... here vas ze first pass at zem~
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Rough ideas, but admittedly not to much "consistency"... From Left to Right ignoring ze PC: Cannon Fodder, Assassin, Brawler, Defensive, Suicide bomber, Weapon User, Ranged And here is ze second attempt... since vhat I vant to talk about next needs ze changes to be seen...
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First, vhile is still not perfect, I feel ze visual consistency is SO much better! Zeir is still some zings I am not 100% sure on, but I am much more happy viz zis line up... I vanted zem to feel like a makeshift militia, but still ahve some cult vibes present vizout being heavy-handed... (Ze heavy handed cult fanatics come later~) Some major changes from ze two as vell. Ze suicide bomber vas changed to a more subdued support/buffing role... and ze veapon expert vas scrapped so zat vay all enemies can use veapons... Instead ve have our dedicated Jumpy Boi... Anti-air~ Also vhile it is still considered ranged, I might also try and make our ranged enemy a thief too... But zat is somezing ve vill see once ve get to actual gameplay coding... Zis is all still drawing board for now~ I could keep going on and on about ze zeoretical movesets and specials, but I am just trying to come up viz some designs for now so I have somezing to vork on vhile my partner learns unity coding... Hopefully I can have some more out soon... zen soon I can try my hand and some honest Animation~
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overcookedsushi · 1 year
Been meaning to actually post my shit on different places for years... and continuously dumpster catch on fire got tedious, so let's finally try zis~ (I'm not used to zis site, so apologizes if I am doing it entirely wrong...) ------ After four to five years of drawing concept art for projects zat might never happen, I finally decided to focus and start getting some concrete ideas going...
Right now... I don't have much to show, but I definitely have ze vision in my head for ze end goal... Blend of Dead Cells fluidity, Aztez combat, maybe some Pizza tower for great feeling platforming... and ofcourse Fire fighting~
Going to try and keep my scope reasonable for now, considering I am self taught in art and animation and have basic coding at best... but I do have atleast one Playable character concept in mind...
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I'd love to have multiple PCs to choose from... since Beat em Ups are a HUGE inspriation... but if I have to limit it to one PC, this is going to be our main Fire Fighter... Entire moveset centered around kicks, speed and committing to movement vizout much say in vhen you "necessarily" stop...
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