#Urogyn Clinic
killbaned · 27 days
okay! i did not get as much done on those six days off as i wanted BUT i finally have appointments scheduled with the specialists i needed. urogyn (a combination pussy and bladder doctor. a blussy doctor, if you will) is for the fact that imaging last year showed an??? unidentified object in my bladder?? they thought it could be a piece of a catheter but i haven't been cathed since like 2017/2018 so that's not fun.
and it could also be a source of my GI issues because i've had gyn's in the past say i have endo but they also like. refused to take a scope and go in there and look around. and now i'm concerned i've had just. uncontrolled endo for the ten years i wasn't on birth control and it's causing issues.
and i have a neurologist appointment about the head hurty and vertigo issues.
i have not tried to deal with the fucking GI clinic again because i want to talk to the urogyn first. i also finally remembered to ask my doc for some of my other meds (my inhaler :( i don't need it as much as i used to but my chest has been bad lately) and the phone calls i had to make today were rescheduling those dr appts because well!
i literally can't afford to have any more days off for september. like. at all.
but anyway. many tasks are still undone but i got stuff related to my basic health taken care of :)
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meg2md · 2 months
It's actually kind of stupid how much more productive I am at home with the Vyvanse. Still not noticing much of an effect at work even with the increase to 40 mg other than maybe being shakier... maybe I want to go back down to 30, +/- add a different med like Wellbutrin or Stattera. Either way, its' ridiculous the difference I notice at home. Which to be fair is where I notice my baseline executive dysfunction or whatever. Thank god I'll be treated for this research block or else I'd probably get nothing done
Today is for dicking around. A real weekend!!! Nothing to prep for on Monday!!!
MONDAY TASKS [x] LITERATURE REVIEW!!!! Meeting is Tues [ ] PBLI [x] 1300 meeting for syphilis algorithm :( [x] E-mail EL/VB about hysterectomy trainer [x] E-mail JS about second-authorship possibility [x] Prep FP clinic *** [ ] Watch TLH video, type out steps - T [ ] E-mail NR, LT, JS, EL, RC (MIGS/Urogyn basically) to meet and review video project - how they dictate manipulation, assistants [ ] Surgical assistant video? [ ] Email NR asking feasibility of filming in next 1-2 weeks - may interfere with gyne people, but may be able to sit in while resident operates to be manipulator; cc EL - W [ ] Assemble surgical skills people in a group text and add to my Google Drive - W [ ] Resources complilation for ResidencyCAS webinar - W [ ] E-mail CH/CG to start JF Day planning - W [ ] continuity clinic prep - R [ ] Clinic reading - R
Things I put off to do... sometime this week [ ] Text CK for JFD and bar cart [ ] Items to goodwill [ ] LAUNDRY [x] DISHES [/] Run roomba [ ] MOP [ ] Text KM [ ] Text RC, EH, KS
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elawoman2-blog · 5 years
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Surrogacy Centre in Delhi
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IVF Centres in Delhi
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urogynivfcenter · 3 years
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Nowadays. many sexual health problems are being faced by mem, one of the common is Premature Ejaculation. There could be many reasons such as lack of nutrients, emotional reasons like anxiety, depression or overthinking. Sometimes hormonal disorders or genes are responsible for it.
Therefore man becomes unable to perform as per expectation resulting in a bad impact on the relationship that affects the mental condition of couples.
At that time there is a need for a trusted doctor who can provide quality Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi who can understand and examine the current mental and physical condition of the person or couple.
Urogyn IVF Centre is a well-recognized fertility clinic that offers a wide range of treatments for all male fertility issues with modern treatment techniques where the safety and privacy of the patients is always a major concern.
The infrastructure is equipped with world-class medical equipment, medical the facilities and amenities at Urogyn are maintained in such a way to give utmost care to patients with maximum comfort.
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urogyndelhi · 3 years
Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi | Urogyn
Premature Ejaculation Treatment in which the male loses it’s ability to maintain or obtain the erection of the penis during sexual intercourse. In such disease a man faces regular difficulty.
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Urogyn is one of the best Erectile Dysfunction treatment in Delhi Sperm production can also be increased by taking clinically proven supplements. Anything that increases the number of healthy sperm increases the likelihood of conception.
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urogyn · 3 years
IVF Center in Delhi - Urogyn
IVF Center in Delhi
The charm of parenthood is the best portion of anyone's life. You will never feel the same when you will take your baby in your hands. It is this parenthood that adds the biggest responsibility in your life where you learn to nurture your kid with the best values. You will put all your efforts to ensure that your kid is safe and sleeping in the soft clouds without any tension. But all these images and dreams can tarnish in case there lies some complexity of becoming parents. In that case, you cannot lose hope by claiming that it was your fate. Technology has advanced so far that it can change even destiny by breaking barriers and hindrances. If you are Delhite facing such an issue, all you need is to find the answer from the best IVF clinic in Delhi. Read this section to know more.
What is IVF and why is it necessary?
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is an ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) methodology that helps to ensure the pregnancy of a woman despite the infertility attributes present with the couple. In this technique, the sperm is allowed to fertilize an egg and implant it in the female's uterus. This technique is an invasive one but also needs some medications for the maturity of the egg. After the maturity has arrived, the IVF specialist will take out the mature eggs and mix them with sperm to fertilize them. Once done, they will implant it back. IVF has become that hope for couples who have failed to become parents. The statistics related to infertility are quite horrifying. At the global stage, it has been found that around 6.7 million couples are infertile, i.e., one out of eight couples cannot become a parent. If we extrapolate those figures for Delhi, think about it again.
Urogyn - Test Tube Baby Center in Delhi
Infertility is the name of the stress that cannot go with any medicine or doctor's consultancy. Urogyn is one of the rays of light that can eliminate the darkness of infertility from many couple's lives. It is one of the finest IVF clinics in Delhi based in Rohini-3. The doctors of this test tube baby center, Dr. Ashok Gupta and Dr. Surbhi Gupta are like the brand names who carry many years of experience in this domain. They have received and reshaped many lives by delivering a little life to them from time to time. Today, Urogyn is one of those centers that is providing the most cost-effective solutions in Delhi and the nearby area. The reputation of Urogyn has floated to the NCR region that influences people residing there to come and consult the specialists. You just need to schedule your time to fulfill your dreams of having children.
Urogyn - Infertility Treatments
Urogyn has a diverse range of services that can eradicate and remove the notions of infertility from a couple's life. You don't need to lose your pocket for consultation online as Urogyn offers free and no-obligation consultation. Irrespective of the sex, Urogyn delivers infertility treatments for both males and females to let them give birth to a healthy child when the opportune moment comes. For females, the list of infertility treatments provided under the flagship of Urogyn are:
1.IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
3.ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
5.Embryo Freezing
Similarly, for male infertility given below are the lists of treatments that Urogyn offers:
1.Varicocele Surgery
2.Vas Recanalization
3.Vaso Epididymal Anastomosis
4.Semen Processing
7.Testicular Biopsy
Urogyn Doctors - Who Consolidate Your Trust
Doctors are like the God is the old idiom. It is true from every aspect and prospect. Urogyn's foundation lies on the pillar of eminent doctors who ensure that the patient gets 100% satisfaction. Urogyn has a band of great physicians and surgeons who hold expertise in surrogacy, infertility, etc. Given below is the list of doctors who are available in Urogyn:
Dr. Surbhi Gupta (Senior IVF Specialist and Gynaecologist)
Dr. Ashok Gupta (Senior Consultant Urologist & Expert Male Infertility)
Dr. Shilpa Gupta (Counsellor)
Vikas Kulshrestha (Chief Clinical Embryologist)
Dr. Meenakshi (Gynaecologist and IVF Specialist)
Dr. Abhijeet (Consultant Anaesthesiologist)
These prominent doctors are the essential stakeholders who let the infertile realize the dream of having a child. Urogyn Doctors are the baton and bridge to join the gap between infertility and parenthood. Their degrees and several years of experience have ensured that the blend of professionalism and personal touch will always get an edge to build a better alliance and partnership.
Urogyn is the name of that mixture that has constantly provided a 75% success rate with the IVF treatment at an affordable and reasonable price. It has been a great journey to have satisfaction by looking at those smiles when we hand them their baby. The best part about Urogyn is the line of good and efficient doctors who are eager to listen to your issues by rendering no-obligation consultation. The friendly attitude of the staff members has consolidated the trust and confidence of the Delhi people over Urogyn. Today, Urogyn is an essential and prominent player in the IVF domain by providing easy solutions with high-quality satisfaction. Urogyn has changed the course of many lives by delivering the biggest gift to those people - parenthood. They have complied with the norms and regulations of MoH&FW standards. Connect with Urogyn today to change your life's fate by removing infertility.
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urogyn1 · 3 years
IVF Center in Delhi
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The charm of parenthood is the best portion of anyone's life. You will never feel the same when you will take your baby in your hands. It is this parenthood that adds the biggest responsibility in your life where you learn to nurture your kid with the best values. You will put all your efforts to ensure that your kid is safe and sleeping in the soft clouds without any tension. But all these images and dreams can tarnish in case there lies some complexity of becoming parents. In that case, you cannot lose hope by claiming that it was your fate. Technology has advanced so far that it can change even destiny by breaking barriers and hindrances. If you are Delhite facing such an issue, all you need is to find the answer from the best IVF clinic in Delhi. Read this section to know more.
What is IVF and why is it necessary?
IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is an ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) methodology that helps to ensure the pregnancy of a woman despite the infertility attributes present with the couple. In this technique, the sperm is allowed to fertilize an egg and implant it in the female's uterus. This technique is an invasive one but also needs some medications for the maturity of the egg. After the maturity has arrived, the IVF specialist will take out the mature eggs and mix them with sperm to fertilize them. Once done, they will implant it back. IVF has become that hope for couples who have failed to become parents. The statistics related to infertility are quite horrifying. At the global stage, it has been found that around 6.7 million couples are infertile, i.e., one out of eight couples cannot become a parent. If we extrapolate those figures for Delhi, think about it again.
Urogyn - Test Tube Baby Center in Delhi
Infertility is the name of the stress that cannot go with any medicine or doctor's consultancy. Urogyn is one of the rays of light that can eliminate the darkness of infertility from many couple's lives. It is one of the finest IVF clinics in Delhi based in Rohini-3. The doctors of this test tube baby center, Dr. Ashok Gupta and Dr. Surbhi Gupta are like the brand names who carry many years of experience in this domain. They have received and reshaped many lives by delivering a little life to them from time to time. Today, Urogyn is one of those centers that is providing the most cost-effective solutions in Delhi and the nearby area. The reputation of Urogyn has floated to the NCR region that influences people residing there to come and consult the specialists. You just need to schedule your time to fulfill your dreams of having children.
Urogyn - Infertility Treatments
Urogyn has a diverse range of services that can eradicate and remove the notions of infertility from a couple's life. You don't need to lose your pocket for consultation online as Urogyn offers free and no-obligation consultation. Irrespective of the sex, Urogyn delivers infertility treatments for both males and females to let them give birth to a healthy child when the opportune moment comes. For females, the list of infertility treatments provided under the flagship of Urogyn are:
1.IUI (Intrauterine Insemination)
3.ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
5.Embryo Freezing
Similarly, for male infertility given below are the lists of treatments that Urogyn offers:
1.Varicocele Surgery
2.Vas Recanalization
3.Vaso Epididymal Anastomosis
4.Semen Processing
7.Testicular Biopsy
Urogyn Doctors - Who Consolidate Your Trust
Doctors are like the God is the old idiom. It is true from every aspect and prospect. Urogyn's foundation lies on the pillar of eminent doctors who ensure that the patient gets 100% satisfaction. Urogyn has a band of great physicians and surgeons who hold expertise in surrogacy, infertility, etc. Given below is the list of doctors who are available in Urogyn:
Dr. Surbhi Gupta (Senior IVF Specialist and     Gynaecologist)
Dr. Ashok Gupta (Senior Consultant Urologist &     Expert Male Infertility)
Dr. Shilpa Gupta (Counsellor)
Vikas Kulshrestha (Chief Clinical Embryologist)
Dr. Meenakshi (Gynaecologist and IVF Specialist)
Dr. Abhijeet (Consultant Anaesthesiologist)
These prominent doctors are the essential stakeholders who let the infertile realize the dream of having a child. Urogyn Doctors are the baton and bridge to join the gap between infertility and parenthood. Their degrees and several years of experience have ensured that the blend of professionalism and personal touch will always get an edge to build a better alliance and partnership.
Urogyn is the name of that mixture that has constantly provided a 75% success rate with the IVF treatment at an affordable and reasonable price. It has been a great journey to have satisfaction by looking at those smiles when we hand them their baby. The best part about Urogyn is the line of good and efficient doctors who are eager to listen to your issues by rendering no-obligation consultation. The friendly attitude of the staff members has consolidated the trust and confidence of the Delhi people over Urogyn. Today, Urogyn is an essential and prominent player in the IVF domain by providing easy solutions with high-quality satisfaction. Urogyn has changed the course of many lives by delivering the biggest gift to those people - parenthood. They have complied with the norms and regulations of MoH&FW standards. Connect with Urogyn today to change your life's fate by removing infertility.
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Dr Mayuri Kothiwala - Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Jaipur
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Dr Mayuri Kothiwala is MBBS, MS - Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Jaipur, dedicated to providing first-class medical health care services to the females in any phase and age with the help of most advanced technology options available in the health sector such as Minimally Invasive Surgeries. 
Dr. Mayuri Kothiwala is well-experienced Gynecologist and Obstetrician and practising at SkinEva Clinic, Jaipur since 2013. She has done her postgraduation from one of the prestigious medical institute Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi. Later she gained huge experience from Mahila Chikitsalya, SMS Medical College, Jaipur for 3 years as Assistant Professor. She is an expert in Minimal Invasive Gynecological surgeries and Obstetrics & Gynecology Sonography.
She is one of the Gynecologists of Jaipur who practices Cosmetic Gynecology in an advanced way.
8+ Years of Experience
Gynaecologist Trained from one of the most Prestigious Medical Institute (LHMC, Delhi)
 Diploma in Advanced Gyne Laparoscopic Surgery (Germany)
Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Gyne Surgery (FIAGE)
Trained in Obstetrics and Gynecology Sonography
Competent in Cosmetic Gynecology
Former Assistant Professor, Mahila Chikitsalya, SMS Medical College, Jaipur
Former Consultant, Apex Hospital, Mansarovar
Published Research Articles in various National Indexed Journals
 Active participation in various National & International Conferences
MS - (LHMC) Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi – 2013
Diploma in Gynec Endoscopic Surgery - Kiel School of Gynecological Endoscopy and Reproductive Medicine, Germany
FIAGES - Advanced Laparoscopy - Jeewanmala Hospital, New Delhi - 2016
MBBS - S N Medical College, Jodhpur – 2010
Trained in Advanced Obstetrics & Gynecology Sonography-Mumbai - 2017
Awards & Recognization
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Registration & Memberships
Registration - 13628 Rajasthan Medical Council, 2015
Membership 1:Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI)
2:National Association for Reproductive and Child Health of India (NARCHI)
11-12, Laxmi Nagar, Sitabadi, Tonk Rd, Near Airport, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302029
Contact No
Email Id
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drsujatakar · 2 years
Know about Uro-Gynecology | Dr Sujata Kar
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What is a Uro-Gynecology?
Urogynaecology is a sub specialty of Gynaecology. It covers services that provide assessment, investigations and treatment for women with urinary incontinence, vaginal prolapse, recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder pain and pelvic floor injury after childbirth including faecal incontinence.
Urogyns study and treat pelvic floor diseases in women. They as well have special expertise in vaginal surgery. There are various kinds of pelvic floor diseases that a woman might suffer from.
These issues could include:
Overactive bladder
Painful intercourse
Pelvic organ prolapse
Rectovaginal fistula
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Urinary incontinence
Urinary retention
Vaginal agenesis
Vaginal septum
Female genital prolapse
Faecal incontinence
Urinary incontinence
Interstitial cystitis
Lichen planus
Lichen sclerosis
Mullerian agenesis
Vesicocutaneous fistula
Vesicouterine fistula
Vesicovaginal fistula
Voiding difficulties
Dr Sujata Kar is one of the Best Gynecologists in Bhubaneswar. She is specialized in - Advanced 3D & 4D Sonography, Ultra Sonography, Reproduction Endoscopy, Inter-Ventional, Reproductive Medicine, IVF and ICSI and Gynecology Endoscopy.
For More Information about Dr Sujata Kar - Click here
Contact Us :  Kar Clinic & Hospital (P) Ltd, A-32, Unit-4, Kharvel Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751001,Odisha
Website: http://drsujatakar.com/ Kar Hospital - https://www.karhospitals.com/ Mail id: [email protected]
Phone +91-9438488111, +91-9439400122
 #BestGynecologistInBhubaneswar #BestGynecologistInOdisha #BestGynecologistInBBSR #IVFCenterInBhubaneswar #IVFCenterInBBSR #IVFCenterInOdisha #FertilityTestInOdisha #FertilityTestInBhubaneswar #FertilityTestInBBSR #GynecologicalEndoscopyInOdisha #GynecologicalEndoscopyInBBSR #GynecologicalEndoscopyInBhubaneswar #DrSujataKar #UroGynecology #Gynecology
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What’s the combined clinic? Is it for pain? Weird question but have you thought about doing an arts course? It just seems you are not very academic so are not suited to university but a creative outlet might make you feel like your progressive and actually achieving something slightly more meaningful than getting dressed and stuffing a few shoeboxes full of the items you bought after saving up your benefits?
Combined clinic is where urogyn urology and colorectal come together and do a joint clinic The recovery shoebox project is a lot more than stuffing some shoeboxes and I find it very satisfying and also relaxing however it’s difficult as I have to store things at my parents as there is too much for my flat.
Also, the reason is truffle with uni isn’t because I’m not academic, I had no trouble in school or my access course. It’s the approach uni take in terms of everything is so vague and open ended with doesn’t make any sense to me at all. However ask me to have a discussion with you or do an exam and I will be on it.
Through action towards including there is the potential to do some courses but in a completely individualised approach so work can be assessed verbally, though gaining experience and in anyway you can think of. However for myself personally doing a creative course would be a waste of time as I wouldn’t find it satisfying and I am not artistic in anyway/my creativity is more a way of coping not anything more. But I may also be doing a art class through ATI also.
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meg2md · 2 months
Second block R3 - research block
[ ] Watch TLH video, type out steps [ ] E-mail NR, LT, JS, EL, RC (MIGS/Urogyn basically) to meet and review video project - how they dictate manipulation, assistants [ ] Surgical assistant video? [ ] Email NR asking feasibility of filming in next 1-2 weeks - may interfere with gyne people, but may be able to sit in while resident operates to be manipulator; cc EL
[ ] Text for surgical skills [ ] Text CK for JFD and bar cart [ ] Type paragraph of literature review - send to JS, RC and tell them it's my research month [ ] Gather all submission dates: ABOG, ACOG, AAGL, SFP [ ] Type resources to be sent to CG for app webinar [ ] Figure out where to meet Jackie!!!
Eclamptic seizure last night iso severe renal dysfunction learning points - 4g MgSO4 bolus, 2 mg Ativan, 1g Keppra loading dose - CMP w/diff, CBC, Mag/Phos, TFTs, PT/INR, aPTT, troponins, POC glucose, EKG, CT head non-con +/- lactate, peripheral smear, ADAMSTS-13, haptoglobin, LDH, blood/urine cx?? - NPO, IVF @ 50-75 ml/h - MRI brain +/- MRA/V - MgSO4 1-2g bolus to goal level 4.8-8.4, check q2 h and if <4.8 administer MgSO4 then recheck 1 h - Treat severe range as normal - Evaluate other causes: abdominal bleed? Infection? Toxic metabolic etiology?
[ ] Type neurologic emergencies in pregnancy clinical expert series
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elawoman2-blog · 5 years
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Affordable Surrogacy Clinic in Delhi
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Is IUI Painful
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urogynivfcenter · 3 years
The Urogyn is an integrated health treatment centre, comprised of the Best Urologist in Delhi, provides IVF Treatment and covers all types of reproductive health issues. Urology is a complex branch of medicine that concentrates on medical conditions and diseases of the male and female urinary tract systems. The dedicated team of urologists with world-class equipment for testing diagnosis and treatment that sometimes in which medications and surgery. These procedures and treatment methodologies give an extra edge to Urogyn IVF Centre and stand apart from others.
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urogyndelhi · 3 years
Urogyn IVF Centre is one of the IVF Clinic located in Rohini, Delhi. It was established in 1994 and has a history of numbers of successful surrogacies and IVF deliveries. Since then they have treated a large number of National and International patients. The clinic provides the treatment for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), procedures like Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility, Egg Freezing, Embryo Freezing, and Blastocyst Culture and Transfer. It is certified by the Indian Council of Medical Research, Directorate of Health Services, and is accredited under ISO: 9001-2008. The hospital provides comprehensive and advanced care to patients who are suffering from infertility and are unable to bear a child through the natural process. The hospital has a dedicated team of doctors, nurses, and medical professionals. They make use of the latest technology and follow the most effective methods for the success of the treatments. Dr. Surbhi Gupta is the IVF and Infertility specialist at Urogyn IVF Centre.
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