#Ushijima wakatoshi x y/n
teamatsumu · 11 months
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CRUSH (ushijima wakatoshi x reader)
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summary: wakatoshi has a crush.
word count: 720
warnings: fem!reader, its all just fluff
tags: @keiva1000
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Ushijima knows he has fans. He might be simple-minded and a little oblivious, but he’s not stupid.
He knows girls stare at him from the balcony during practice. And he can hear their giggling when he passes them in the halls. Tendou often calls him Shiratorizawa’s Golden Boy, which Ushijima wholeheartedly disagrees with, but never voices out loud. Tendou often says strange things. He doesn’t mind.
Ushijima doesn’t understand his popularity. Sure, he is a good player. The best ace in the prefecture. But most of these girls have no understanding of volleyball. So why are they spending hours upon hours in the stands, watching him play?
“They’re not watching the match, Wakatoshi-kun. They are watching you.”
Hm. Strange. His play is very consistent. Watching him do the same thing over and over has to get boring, especially when they aren’t watching for the sake of the game.
But then he sees you for the first time.
You are in his third year English class. In his three years of high school, Ushijima is sure he has never seen you before. Because if he had, there was no way he would forget you.
He is curious. And a little enamored by you.
You are, by all means, a regular girl. You sit on the same chair every day, bring your own bento instead of eating from the cafeteria. It is always wrapped in a pretty multicolored patterned cloth, done up in a knot on top. You have a small stuffed cat chain on the zipper of your backpack. And you wear your hair differently every day. Some days it is tied up, some days it is let down. And some days it is half-up and half-down. You have one pink bunny hairclip that you wear maybe once every two or three days that Ushijima thinks is very cute. Your uniform is always immaculate.
There are so many tiny details about you that Ushijima has learned, and he finally understands why girls would stay hanging over the gym balcony to watch him for hours, because he could watch you for hours too.
You are very smart, he could tell. You always answer correctly when the teacher would call on you, and he has glimpsed at your notes. Simple, but neat and easy to understand, just the way he likes it. There are no crazy colors and highlighters, and your handwriting is neat and beautiful, just like the rest of you.
You are also quiet. You have a select group of friends that you talk to, and while you are nice to anyone who interacts with you, you don't go out of your way to stand out. Again, Ushijima loves that. It seems he loved everything about you. All the minor details that make you a little bit more unique to everyone else.
When you show up at his game, he nearly loses his focus.
It in’t an important game by any means, just a practice match with another local university team. So why are you here? Have your friends dragged you along? Or are you here by your own volition? Ushijima feels how sweaty his palms are when he clenches his fists, and it surprises him.
Is he….. nervous?
Why? Because you are watching? How ridiculous. Ushijima has never once doubted his own strength, or his ability to win. How could your presence alter that? The thought annoys him, and he is determined to prove that you being here would not be a hindrance to his play.
Turns out, he needn't have worried. It seems your presence had sharpened his senses more than ever. Shiratorizawa won in straight sets, and of the 50 points they scored, 39 had been from Ushijima’s hand.
“You were on fire today, Wakatoshi-kun.” Tendou comments as the final whistle rings. Ushijima unintentionally glances at you in the stands, cheering for the team. Cheering for him.
His heart is beating a mile a minute, and he doesn’t think it is because of the game he had just played. He hears Tendou let out a dreamy sigh.
“Ah, the miracles of having a crush.”
He feels his lips tick up in a tiny smile as he throws a towel over his shoulders. Tendou is wrong. Ushijima doesn’t think he has a crush.
He thinks he is in love.
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maruflix · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS: One of the perks of dating a volleyball captain: you get free access to their jackets.
FEATURING: Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kita Shinsuke, Oikawa Tooru, & Ushijima Wakatoshi x f!reader
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You felt a cold wind blow through your body and immediately shivered in response. It was early November and you had forgotten to bring your school jacket with you. You looked around, seeing Fukurodani students walking home with their friends, laughing and chatting.
The distance between Fukurodani and your house was pretty far. If you decided to suck it up and keep walking home in this temperature, you were certain you would go down with a cold tomorrow. You couldn’t have that, not when exams were coming up.
You turned on your heel and decided to head to the gym.
As you approached the gym, you heard the loud voices of the boys’ volleyball club. Taking a deep breath, you peeked from behind the doors, trying to find your boyfriend. From the distance you saw your spiky haired boyfriend spiking a volleyball so hard that the sound echoed off the room. The ball made contact with someone’s hand but instantly went flying wildly in a random direction… your direction.
You yelped when the ball hit the door, almost hitting you in the face. Everyone turned to look towards the door as you sheepishly waved.
“Oi, Horned Owl Head! You nearly smashed your girlfriend in the face!”
Bokuto Koutarou zoomed to your direction, yelling your name happily. “(Name)-chaaan! You’re here!” He crushed you in a bear hug before you could say anything. “I thought you went home already? Weren’t you going to study or something?”
“Oh, thank heavens. With you around he’ll play well.” Akaashi Keiji appeared next to the two of you, giving you a thumbs up.
“No, actually…” You stuttered out, unable to breathe in your boyfriend’s tight embrace, “Koutarou-kun… can’t breathe…”
“Oops, sorry.” Bokuto grinned unapologetically, finally releasing you, “You’re not gonna watch me practice?” He then pouted, “You’ve been so busy lately! With exams and stuff!”
“That’s why she’s at the top of the class and you’re at rock bottom, Bokuto-san.”
“MEANIE! Anyway, why are you here, (Name)-chan?” Bokuto shamelessly interlaced your fingers with his’, surprised when he felt how cold they were. “Whoa, you sick or something?” He rubbed circles on your hand with his thumbs, gripping your hands tighter.
“About that… umm… it’s really cold outside, and…” You fumbled with your words, feeling yourself grow warmer. You and Bokuto had been dating for months now, but you still felt shy around him. He was just so handsome, confident, and not shy to show his affections, not at all.
Bokuto blinked owlishly. “I’ll give you my jacket! Wait here!” He ran to the other side of the room, grabbed a jacket that was thrown on a chair (presumably his’) and ran back to you, draping it over your body.
You immediately felt warmth. As he tightened the white and black Fukurodani volleyball team jacket around your shoulders, you could smell the faint smell of his cologne, turning you two shades redder. You’ve always liked how he smells like pine trees.
Oblivious, Bokuto put a hand to your forehead. “Your face is red! You should go home soon before you get sick! I’ll visit your house later with snacks, okay?”
This made you even more flustered, managing to squeak out a “T-thank you, Koutarou-kun..”. Your boyfriend ruffled your hair in response, something he often did. “T-then I’ll be off!” At that you ran away, your body now hot and sweating.
“Damn, you’re a lady killer, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi commented when Bokuto finally rejoined his team on the court.
Bokuto smiled. “Really? I can’t help but to tease her since she’s so cute.”
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Walking home with Kuroo Tetsurou and Kenma Kozume was always relaxing. The three of you had fallen into the habit of walking home together everyday after school. It lasted even after you and Kuroo started going out because your blond friend didn’t give a damn even if he was a third wheel.
Today was no different. Breathing in the crisp autumn air, you linked arms with Kuroo while Kenma walked closely behind the two of you, invested in his video game. “Kenma, we’re approaching stairs.” You called back, earning yourself a grunt from the setter.
“Hey, don’t you ever get cold? You only wear jackets during winter.” Kuroo tilted his head while the three of you walked down the stairs.
Kuroo and Kenma had worn their red Nekoma team jackets while you were comfortable just donning your school uniform. You shook your head at the question. “Nah, my defense is good.” (Kenma snorted at that.) “Besides, I can snuggle up to you, Tetsu-kun!” You smirked, leaning closer to the black-haired boy, who replied with a smirk of his own.
“Damn right.”
After a few more minutes of walking, Kuroo suddenly stopped. “Hey, isn’t that a cat?” He pointed up a tree near the three of you. Looking up the tree, you spotted an orange cat on one of the tree’s branches, looking down at the ground. It seemed to be stuck.
“Oh no, poor cat. I think it wants to come down!” You tried to lure the cat, but it stood rooted to its spot.
“Nope, I’m not going to climb any more trees. I learned my lesson when Lev tried to save a cat and ended up almost killing me.” Kenma huffed, the sounds from his video game not even pausing.
“I’ll save the poor guy.” Kuroo decided, taking off his jacket. “(Name), hold on to this. Wouldn’t want to get it dirty.” He handed you the crimson jacket and turned to the tree, grinning. “Okay, time for you to come down, kitty cat.”
To your amazement, Kuroo climbed the tree with the litheness of a tiger, arriving at the branch faster than you could count to ten. He smoothly picked up the cat, climbed down, and set it free on the ground. “There we go, the day is saved.” He announced to no one in particular, stopping when he caught sight of you.
You stood, enveloped in the captain’s red jacket, zipped up all the way to the top. It was way too big on you, stopping almost under your skirt. You waved at him, the sleeves hiding your hand. “Since you gracefully handed it to me, I’m stealing your jacket~”
“It’s too big, (Name). I think I’m closer to your size.” Kenma paused his game to glance at you before looking at Kuroo, who had his mouth hung open. Kuroo Tetsurou was a snarky, intelligent guy, with a comeback for everything, but right now he is dumbstruck.
“Woah.” Was all he could get out. His body reacted faster than his mouth as his hands went to your cheeks and squeezed them. “Woah. You look cute in that. You should wear my jacket more often, okay?”
Kenma’s video game noises continued.
“Oh, r-really?”
Kuroo offered out an arm for you to take. “Damn, I’ll lend it to you again tomorrow. You better wear it, pretty girl.” He said and gently pulled your arm, linking it with his’, as the three of you continued walking home, your face now a little redder.
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“Sorry for making you do this, (Name).”
You paused from picking up a ball to look at your boyfriend’s guilty face. Reassuring him for the umpteenth time that day, you smiled. “It’s okay Shinsuke-kun, I had nothing to do anyways.” At this, Kita Shinsuke gave you a rare smile he would only show you. 
The Interhigh was steadily approaching. That means your boyfriend and his team would practice a lot more on the days leading up to the competition. Unfortunately, the manager of the Inarizaki boys’ volleyball team had been sick for almost a week. Thus, you offered to be a substitute, acting as a ballboy to help the team. 
At first you were a bit scared of the second years, especially the infamous Miya Twins who could be a little… scary on court. You were relieved to find out that the Inarizaki team was actually a group of friendly guys. The twins in particular were almost like a comedy duo. The rest of the second years also got close to you surprisingly quickly.
“(Name)-senpai! Here’s the ball!” As if on cue, Miya Atsumu jogged to your direction, handing you one of the balls.
“Huh? Atsumu-kun, I should be the one to give the ball to you.” Chuckling, you took the ball from his hand and placed it on his hand again. “You’re practicing your serves, right?” You had begun calling the Miyas by their first names to differentiate between the two of them.
“Oh, right!” Atsumu grinned before walking away with his twin elbowing him in the stomach.
Kita stood frigidly, his hands crossed in front of his arms.
“Shinsuke-kun? Aren’t you going to continue practicing?”
Your words broke his train of thoughts. “Mm, right. Well, don’t tire yourself out.” He squeezed your hand before walking away. Sighing dreamily, you watched as Kita’s teammates instantly flocked around him like baby birds. As a boyfriend, Kita was very dependable and calm. You felt lucky to be able to date someone as cool as the Inarizaki team captain.
The practice finished with no problems. As usual, the Miya Twins hung out around you and Suna Rintarou helped you pick up the balls. They were cute underclassmen, you couldn’t help but to dote on them.
“(Name)-senpai, I think that’s the rest of them.” Suna nodded, dropping the last ball into the basket.
“Thank you, Suna-kun.” You handed him a water bottle, “Now sit down here.”
“Ahh, it’s so relaxing with (Name)-senpai around.” Atsumu commented, to which Osamu agreed. The four of you sat together, relaxing. “(Name)-senpai, wanna walk home together?”
“She’s walking home with her boyfriend, idiot.” Osamu bonked his twin brother in the head, making you laugh.
“I know, idiot. I mean walk home together, all of us!” Atsumu protested, shoving Osamu to the side until the boy nearly toppled.
“Is (Name)-senpai okay with that?” Suna asked.
You hummed. “Sure! Let me go get Shinsuke.”
Kita raised an eyebrow at your proposition, but agreed nonetheless. Excited, you dragged your boyfriend by his arm while the Inarizaki captain let himself be led by you.
“Yay! Okay, let’s go!” Atsumu was the first to step out into the cold evening air. “Whoa, okay, that’s cold.”
“I think it’s going to rain.” Suna pointed towards the cloudy sky.
Atsumu glanced at you and saw that you were only wearing your uniform. “(Name)-senpai, do you want to borrow my jacket?” He was already unzipping his jacket when Kita stopped him. His face was as calm as always, but there was an unmistakable glint in his eye.
Kita took off his jacket and quietly helped you to wear them, making sure that your arms were covered. You blushed, your faces inches away from each other. Realizing your flustered state, your boyfriend stared at you and smirked. He then turned towards a stunned Atsumu. “You act like a puppy near my girlfriend, Atsumu. I don’t like it.”
Suna and Osamu stared at each other in shock before the younger Miya twin broke into hysterical laughter. “Oooh, you’ve done it now, Tsumu!” He shoved his brother, who could only gape in response.
“I-I didn’t- it’s not like that! I was just!!”
Kita smoothly laced his fingers in yours, smiling, while next to him, you almost melted to the ground. Even when he gets jealous, your boyfriend is still so cool.
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Watching your boyfriend practice was now a habit for you. You blended into the crowd of girls who were also watching, unbothered as they swooned over him.
Oikawa Tooru was undeniably handsome after all.
After practice ended, most of the crowd dispersed. You still sat and played with your phone as you usually did, waiting for your boyfriend to come and get you. To your surprise, a group of girls still sat next to you, giggling.
Finally, after a few minutes you saw Oikawa walk towards you, a smile etched on his face. Behind him was Iwaizumi Hajime, his teammate. Before you could say anything, the girls next to you stood up and swarmed the Aoba Johsai captain.
Amused, you watched as your boyfriend’s expression slowly twisted awkwardly. Ever since the two of you began dating, he had tried very hard to avoid his fangirls. He didn’t want to upset you in any way, and he had been very careful with it. You could tell that he was trying to get away, but the girls were just oblivious.
You faintly heard him say “Aah, sorry. I’m trying to go to my girlfriend, you know~?” as he finally managed to slip away from the disappointed girls. He beelined straight to you. “(Name)-chan!”
“Oh, so you finally noticed me?” You weren’t actually angry, but it was still fun to tease him and watch your handsome boyfriend’s face twist into a fearful expression.
“(Name)-chaan! You’re the only one I focus on! Isn’t that right, Iwa-chan?” He gripped your hands, kneeling down in front of you.
Oikawa Tooru was undeniably handsome. But he was undeniably yours.
“Eehh? Don’t rope me into your fight.” Iwaizumi deadpanned, “But it’s true. Even during practice, he kept glancing in your direction.”
“Reeeally?” You weren’t going to stop teasing him just yet. “But you took too long. Don’t you see that I’m cold?” You jerked your hands away from his, crossing them in front of your arms. Even when you were being difficult, Oikawa was always patient with you.
“Oh no, really?” Unbothered by Iwaizumi who was already walking away, Oikawa gently caressed your arms, trying to heat them. “What should I do? Should I hug you, (Name)-chan?”
You snapped your head to look at your smirking boyfriend and immediately looked away, cursing inwardly. “Hmph, you’re always like this, Tooru-kun.” 
“(Name)-chan won’t look at me, I’m so sad~”
You refused to look at him because of the heat that was creeping up your cheeks. You didn’t want him to know that he never failed to make you feel like your heart was doing somersaults. He, on the other hand, was always calm and composed around you no matter what you did. It was just unfair.
A few seconds passed until you felt something warm around your shoulders. You slowly turned towards your boyfriend who was now putting his jacket around you. “W-what are you doing?”
“Hmm? You said you were cold~” Oikawa straightened the jacket’s position around your shoulders and nodded, “Yup! As I expected, you look great! Now let’s go eat~ I bet Iwa-chan’s waiting for us.” He held out a hand, smiling.
You took his hand, trying to ignore how his jacket smells exactly like him. When the two of you walked, Oikawa draped an arm over your shoulders, leaning down to look at you. “See? I only want to look at you, (Name)-chan. Don’t pout again, okay?”
“What, you think I’m ugly when I pout?” Flustered, you could only challenge him again.
Oikawa grinned at your stubbornness. “Not at all! It just makes me want to kiss you~”
Sputtering, you could only watch helplessly as your boyfriend’s smirk grew wider. Defeated, you tightened his jacket around your body and snuggled closer to him. Yeah, there was no way you were going to win in a teasing game against Oikawa Tooru.
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“So, you know that this gym is haunted, right?”
That was how it started. Soon after that, the team flocked to hear Goshiki and Shirabu’s (“REAL!”) story about how the Shiratorizawa gym is actually haunted, especially after 4PM.
It was 6PM.
“You’re lying~ someone probably saw a moth and freaked out, thinking it was a ghost.” Tendou waved his hand dismissively.
You weren’t fond of horror stories. Especially ‘real’ ones. Even though you knew it was probably made up, something about the setting being a place you frequent unsettled you. But you could only laugh along with Ohira and Semi, listening as Goshiki and Shirabu babbled on and on about the various ghosts that their friends (“totally!!”) spotted.
“What are you all talking about?”
Your boyfriend, Ushijima Wakatoshi, suddenly popped up from behind you, almost making you scream bloody murder. Sighing in relief, you leaned back into his broad chest, his warmth providing you some comfort.
“Apparently this gym is haunted, Toshi-kun.
“Ghosts are not real.” Ushijima stated nonchalantly.
“Well…. I guess Ushijima-san isn’t scared of ghosts…”
“How can I be scared of something that is not real?” Your boyfriend asked questioningly as his team ‘ooh’ed.
“Damn, that’s hella cool.”
“We need to head home soon, or the coach will scold me again.” Ushijima gently pulled you up from your seating position. You were just glad to head out. The stories were seriously messing with your head.
The team picked up their bags, preparing to leave. But just as everyone was going to walk, Tendou yelled, “LAST ONE TO REACH THE DOOR WILL BE CURSED BY THE GHOST!”
At this, everyone ran for their lives, leaving you and Ushijima behind in the dark. Ushijima looked unfazed while you were just too terrified to move. Everyone was now standing at the doors, huffing and puffing.
“I won! And you’re the last to arrive, Goshiki!”
“Not fair! Wait, Ushijima-san’s not here yet! He’s the one to be cursed!”
“(Name)-chan, come over here! There’s a ghost behind you!” Tendou called out teasingly, fully expecting you to wave him off.
To everyone’s surprise, you screamed in pure terror and zipped in lightning speed. When you reached the door, you were already so panicked that you tripped on the door frame and fell on your face. It all happened so quickly, no one had the time to process what was happening.
“O-ouch..” You moved to a sitting position, rubbing your forehead. You were honestly too frightened to be embarrassed. “Don’t… don’t tease me like that.. I’m scared of ghosts..”
Behind you, an intimidating figure emerged. You felt yourself being pulled up. “Thanks, Toshi-kun..” Your boyfriend dusted your knees before taking his jacket off and wrapping it around you protectively.
“Tendou, are you a child?” Ushijima’s chilly voice took everyone by surprise, “You will stay back tomorrow for extra practice with me.” His tone left no room for complaints, and so the spiky haired boy could only gulp and nod, knowing that the ‘extra practice’ would be tiring. The Shiratorizawa team gave him pitiful looks.
“(Name), are you okay?” Ushijima leaned down to inspect you, and you could only nod, the embarrassment finally catching up with you. “Tendou, aren’t you going to apologize?” Ushijima was a man of few words, but today he had no qualms chiding Tendou.
“S-Sorry, (Name)-chan..” Tendou put his hands together, feeling guilty at your shivering figure.
“It’s okay!” You replied, just glad that everyone was outside now.
“Hold my hand.” Ushijima took your hand and held it tightly before walking like nothing happened. You stared at the team who were grinning at the two of you, hid your blush under Ushijima’s large jacket, and walked next to him with your heart beating out of your chest.
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ushiwhacka · 2 years
time skip! ushijima wakatoshi + fem! reader | mdni | 580 words | established relationship, pussy eating, rough sex, creampie, size kink, aftercare, it's just smut <3
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wakatoshi is not usually a vocal lover. he will pant against your ear, hot breath tickling your skin. or grunt, deep and guttural as he slides himself inside of you. breathing heavily, there’s something primal about the way he folds you in half, knees pressed to your chest. eyes dark and heavy with lust but always fixated on you. watching as you arch your back, the sweetest moans leaving your swollen lips. wordlessly attends to your every need, his large hands twisting your body, shaping it around his own until you can feel him on every atom of your skin.
but when he does speak it’s devastating, earth-shattering, it makes your brain foggy with the need to be claimed by him. to be held so close that his scent becomes your scent, to be unable to think of anything else but how good it feels to wrap yourself around him. 
it comes when you’re laying on your bed, feet propped on his shoulders as he spreads your legs apart. massaging the back of your thighs as he slowly drags his lips down towards your pussy. already slick and aching in anticipation. then he lifts his head to look into your eyes as if he’s trying to make sure you hear him. “you’re dripping all over the sheets,” he chokes out, voice hoarse and deeper than usual. olive eyes heavy as he takes in the state of your cunt, puffy and swollen, a bead of slick drooling out of your clenching hole. you gasp as he pushes his tongue against your opening, not letting a single drop go to waste. drunk on the taste of you, his arms close around your thighs, tight enough to bruise. drunk on the soft moans and high-pitched whines that pour out of your lips, the nails clawing into his forearms. so pretty and spread out for him, his to devour.
he’s lost to the feeling of your walls squeezing around him, so snug as he bullies his cock inside your cunt. too big and too thick and throbbing. the fleshy tip pressed against your cervix. pleasure so intense it sends the blood rushing to your head. his powerful body pressing down on you, fucking you into the mattress. drops of sweat rolling down corded muscles, his damp hair tickling your cheeks, the almost suffocating heat of him on top of you, it’s all so carnal. clinging to each other, wanting more and more and more. he’s spent and panting, hips stuttering as he thrusts into you. “can i cum in you?” lips grazing your forehead, desperate pleas followed by desperate thrusts, trying to go deeper. “please, love, i need to cum inside you.” a broken up yes and he buries himself in you to the hilt. your pretty pussy clamping down, milking his cock for every last spurt of thick cum, until you’re full to the very brim. and now he’s the one whining and too sensitive and shuddering above you. 
he holds you in his arms, thick fingers rubbing smoothing circles into your soft flesh, little unspoken apologies for being too rough and too intense. leaves tender, chaste kisses on your temple and your cheeks and on the curve of your jaw. “you know,” you are entirely unprepared for the sentence that follows, “you look so pretty when you cum on my cock.” and it takes every little bit of self control you possess to not straddle him and ride him until he cries.
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thank you for reading! interaction is very much appreciated! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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lujingheswife · 1 year
not a man of words
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summary: he may look a little tough on the outside, he simply just wanted to let out his feelings to someone.
featuring: ushijima wakatoshi
word count: 263
cw: gn!reader, set right after preliminary finals, ushijima looks fine but is actually sad, mentions of ushijima’s past
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
after bowing to their opponents, ushijima wakatoshi searched around the gymnasium for someone. his face remained stoic, but the strong urge to let out his defeat was kept in his heart.
he heard the familiar voice behind him, which he turned around to find you standing not far away from him with a proud smile on your face. “you did well,” you said with a light-hearted whisper.
it was all he needed. in an instant, he made his way towards you who had your arms wide open before wrapping them around his waist in a tight embrace. he had you in his arms, and you both said nothing — ignoring the stares of everyone in the gymnasium hall. you could feel him shaking against your touch, which you soothed him by patting his back slowly.
the ace of shiratorizawa may appear strong, stoic and blunt, no one knew that even someone like him could feel lonely too. raised in a strict household with both of his parents separated since he was a child, he was raised under the care of a busy mother and not being able to meet his father living far away. you were there with him since your first year of middle school; you were there when he needed someone the most; you were his home, his comfort, his emotional support, and his everything.
he may not be a man of words, but his actions speak louder than them.
ushijima wakatoshi did not utter a word, but you knew he was very grateful to have you by his side.
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mavrintarou · 1 year
Lord Ushijima Wakatoshi [1]
I tried to do one part... but this got too long. I feel like this is the smuttiest of all Lord series (tell me otherwise - let me know which one you think is the smuttiest lol). If you’re new, welcome to my Lord Haikyuu fandom, I have completed Lord series for Sakusa, Suna, Kita, and the Miya twins, check them out too!
Warning: explicit smut; angst; TW: miscarriage; reader is inexperience
Part two - end
Wakatoshi thrust hard one final time before he withdrew and fisted his cock, he groaned as his cum shot thick white spurts all over Y/n’s belly and breasts.
Her eyes shut as her pussy spasm even after his withdrawal, the overstimulating effect he often left her in. Her chest rose with heavy breath as her legs that were pinned to her chest were finally freed from his grip. Y/n didn’t need to open her eyes to hear he was grabbing a towel, as always, he cleaned her up afterward.
Y/n opened her eyes and reached her hand out, indicating for him to give her the towel so she could clean herself up. He ignored her reach and began wiping his essence away.
She didn’t quite understand why he preferred to ejaculate on her, only to wipe it away. Not that she wanted him to cum while he was inside of her.
She lay there with an arm over her eyes while he wiped her down, even between her legs. The first time he did this, she panicked and nearly fought him until he ordered her to remain still with his stern Captain tone.
“We have a mission coming in two days, I need you to prepare – “
“I know, I know…” Y/n cut him off, even though he repeated the same thing every time they had a mission together. Somedays she wondered if she was more his assistant than his second in command.
She rolled over as soon as he set the towel back in the basin, that was her usual cue to leave. She grabbed her yukata and was about to slip it on when she was suddenly on her back once again.
“Who said I was done?”
Y/n’s eyes widened briefly before she quickly blinked them away. Lately, Wakatoshi has been keeping her in his chamber longer than before, not satisfied until he’s had his way with her.
“I’m – I’m sore,” Y/n murmured, cheeks flushing.
Y/n didn’t know the true meaning of soreness until her first night with her Captain. She has gone through the exact training and exercise the rest of her team has endured to earn their current position regardless of her gender and never once has she uttered a complaint, even in the face of soreness.
She knew she was inexperienced and lacked education about sharing a man’s bed since she was essentially raised a boy by her grandfather and spent most of her time in the company of men.
Since the day she rose to second in command, there was never a mission she was not by her captain’s side but the one time that she was assigned to a different mission that he only trusted her to handle… he returned in a state of discomfort.
“What happened to him?” Y/n demanded, being blocked at Captain’s doorway by Shirabu and Ohira.  
Reon avoided Y/n’s eyes, “he… uh – there… he’ll be fine in a couple of… hours. Or days.”
She narrowed her eyes at him before looking at Kenjiro, she knew he would tell her, he was the closest to her on the team. “Tell me Jiro – what’s wrong with Cap?”
Kenjiro looked uncomfortable under her strict gaze before sighing, “he was exposed to some unknown powder during this mission…”
Y/n’s eyes widened, and she made a move to brush past them and see for herself how the captain’s well-being was but they blocked her once more. “Move,” she demanded sternly, never once speaking to them with that tone.
Reon raised his hands in a defense mechanism, “listen, Y/n… you can’t see him right now… for his dignity… and maybe your safety.”
They were speaking in a circle and it was making Y/n frustrated.
“Yes, it is best if you don’t see him within the next… maybe a few days…” Kenjiro added, trying to avoid eye contact.
“If you guys do not get to the point and tell me exactly what is wrong with Cap, I will put you both down.”
Both men’s breath hitched as they straightened their shoulders in reflex. Kenjiro looked at Reon before he nodded. Kenjiro, the team’s medic expert exhaled before speaking, “we believe the unknown drug is a form of an aphrodisiac.” He paused, “since discovering this, Cap… Cap is in pain.”
“Are there no medicine or herbs to help?”
Kenjiro shook his head, “no, it will flush out of his system in time or… with assistance.”
“What kind of assistance?”
“Sexual… he is in a state of sexual desire… that is the only other way to help him is to meet his sexual desires.”
At that exact moment, all three of them jumped when they heard a crash coming within the Captain’s chamber. Both Kenjiro and Reon entered his room finding their captain on the floor naked.
Y/n has seen Wakatoshi topless many times due to tending his wounds but never has she seen him completely naked.
Wakatoshi turned his head, looking at Y/n with hooded dark eyes. “Y/n…” he groaned, a hand reaching out to her. “I need you…”
Kenjiro and Reon struggled to get him back on his feet, dragging him back to his futon.
“Y/n, you should leave – your presence might make it more difficult for –“  Kenjiro is knocked on his feet when Wakatoshi pushes him aside, trying to stand and make his way towards Y/n. “Y/n, leave!”
Reon interfered and wrapped his strong arms around Wakatoshi, “Wakatoshi, you are not in your right mind right now – please go back to the futon!” He was close to pulling the man with the same body size as his back to the futon until Wakatoshi maneuvered, shoving him off– making him fall right on top of Kenjiro, and knocking the wind out of him.
“Jiro!” Y/n ran towards the two but was caught by Wakatoshi in a bear hug. “Cap – get a hold of yourself!” She tried to pull herself free but it was futile when he held on to her tightly. His nose pressed against her exposed collarbone before she felt his hot tongue lick along her neck.
Looking at an unconscious Kenjiro and Reon who is trying to wake him up, a hand grips her jaw forcing her to look into the dark eyes of her captain.
“Only look at me, Y/n.” He growled, before pressing his lips against hers.
Y/n moaned into his mouth before breaking the kiss. “Reon, take Jiro and leave! I’ll handle Wakatoshi from here.” Reon refused, shaking his head but before he could protest, Y/n commanded him. “Go, now!”
Reon lifted the lanky Kenjiro into his arms and tossed him over his shoulder before hurrying out, closing the door behind him.
Immediately, she pushed against him with her might until he let her go. “Wakatoshi… this isn’t like you.” Her captain, whom she had known for years stalked her like she was his prey.
Jiro’s words earlier echo in her ears, meet his sexual desires…
Letting out a frustrated breath, she began to untie her uniform. Each piece of clothing dropped on the ground by her feet until she stood before him naked. She had some knowledge about intimacy between a man and a woman and heard plenty of tips from the men on her team.
She just needed to trick him, get him on the bed so she could knock him out.
Wakatoshi approached her, he looked taller and bigger without his clothing.
Was his shoulders always this broad? She found herself lost in admiration.
“Y/n,” he murmured, reaching to lift her chin so their gaze could meet. “You’re so…” his eyes drop to appreciate her naked form, “beautiful.” His arm snaked around her waist, pressing her against him.
Y/n gasped, feeling the hard ripples of his body pressed against her but what caught her off guard was his cock she has been avoiding was pressing against her abdominal. She pressed her palms against his chest to put space but Wakatoshi was faster, his hands picked her up easily off the ground. Her arms wrapped around his shoulder and legs around his torso. She can feel his rough callus hands supporting her naked bottom.
“Kiss me, Y/n… please…”
He held her higher, making her look down at him. Her cheeks flushed as he gazed at her desperately, pleadingly for her to put him out of his misery. Leaning down, she pressed her mouth against him, meeting his kiss hungrily.
She has kissed one other man but has never kissed them as intensely as now. She couldn’t recognize the lewd moans that were coming from her mouth continuing to meet Wakatoshi’s movement.
“Wai – wait Captain – “ she broke off the kiss, and flinched when she heard him growl in disappointment. His lips move to her jaw, nipping down to her throat. She looked over at the futon to see if she could get him to lie down, then maybe she could take the opportunity and knock him unconscious.
“I need you,” Wakatoshi murmured against her throat. “Need you now, Y/n… please…”
She gently lifted his face, meeting his dilated pupils with her gaze. Her heart raced faster than ever before. Throughout her entire life, she has never been swayed by anything yet at this moment, her heart and mind wanted to give in. She felt an undeniable yearning to yield, to grant him what he sought. “O – okay,” she heard herself say, “just once…” Her heart skipped a beat when his pouty lips curved into a smile, “don’t – don’t make me regret it…”
Wakatoshi muttered something under his breath before moving. Y/n turned her head to see where he was carrying her and frowned when he walked straight to the dresser and set her slightly on the edge. He pulled away and her eyes locked with his thick hard cock that was leaking from the tip. Her belly was smeared of the white milky essence.
Any words she had was lost as she watched him stroke his cock, her jaw dropped unknowingly as she has never seen something so exotic before.
He stepped forward, pressing the tip to her pussy, bit by bit he pushed forward and groaned, “relax for me.”
The tip impaled her entrance, making her tense at the foreign intrusion. “I can’t…” Y/n shook her head, whimpering, “I’ve never done this before… this is weird…”
“Look at me,” she looked up, the tone demanding her as her Captain.
Wakatoshi pressed his lips to hers, his tongue immediately searching to tangle with hers. As soon as she was distracted, he thrust in one go, fully embedded inside of her pussy.
He wrapped an arm around her back to keep her from pushing away from him. He cooed soothing words kissing her mouth as she swore at him about hurting her.
“You’re okay,” he repeated, kissing her tears away. “You can do this, you can take me, Y/n… I know you can otherwise I wouldn’t need you…”
Her fist gently beat against his shoulders, “you’re too… you’re too big…”
Wakatoshi half chuckled and choked a groan as her hot walls throb around his cock. He slowly began moving his hip in shallow thrusts until her wetness has lubricated his cock. As soon as it became easier for his entire length to penetrate her fully, his thrusts fastened. He groaned, pressing his forehead against hers, “you’re too tight… fuck I love it though… you feel so good…” Her soft whimpers gradually turned into moans as he continued to coo assuring affirmation. “You’re doing good… so good… you’re so good for me.” He hooked one of her legs over his arm, widening her legs to accommodate when he thrust inside her again. “You’re taking me so well…”
Y/n followed his gaze and looked down and was mesmerized at his cock pump into her pussy. How is it that seconds ago it was pain she felt, but now it is pleasure? “Cap – “
“My name.”
She peered up at him, biting down on her lip to hold in her lewd moans she never knew she could make.
“My name, Y/n.” He commanded again with a soft tone, “say my name.”
She shook her head, it felt too intimate saying his name while his cock was buried deep inside of her.
He shook his head with a grin, “stubborn woman.” He hooked his other arm underneath her knee, lifting her completely off the dresser. “Wrap your arms around my neck.”
She followed his command and immediately regretted it when he easily lifted her hips and began thrusting into her at the same time. Y/n’s grip tightened around his neck being at his mercy. “Cap – “
“Say my name!” Wakatoshi growled, nipping her ear. When she still refused, he sped his movement along with bouncing her harder on his cock.
“My Lord!”
Wakatoshi's movement halted as he unexpectedly heard her address him in that term. “Ahh… fuck…” he cursed as his cock pulsated. “Y/n… you little tease…” he whispered hotly into her ear. He just came but he was not close to being satisfied.
Y/n’s eyes widen as she quickly leaned back to look at him when he continue to keep rocking her on his cock. “What –“ The rest of her words turned into a moan as he started to bounce her on his cock. “Wait – you just – “
His hot breath teased her ear as he nipped the lobe, “more Y/n… I need more…”
“Wa – Waka – Toshi! Wait – you’re going too – fast!” Her ears were tuning in the lewd sound of their skin slapping together. “’Toshi! Stop – I feel – I feel weird!” Each time his cock filled her for a split second, it sends a pulse to the place she never knew existed. Her lower belly quivered like she was going to explode any second.
“Let go, Y/n – cum for me…” he whispered and commanded, “cum on my cock.”
Her back arched, her toes curled and her head thrown back as her body trembled. Her pussy throbbed and constricted around his cock. Wakatoshi's low groan mixed with hers as he finally stopped thrusting into her.
Her eyes widen feeling something warm shoot inside of her for the second time. Y/n fell limp against him, her head resting against the crook of his neck and shoulder as the last ounce of strength she had depleted.
Wakatoshi was lost in his world, still coming down from his high. His cock was still hard, the drug had not completely worn off even after such intense sex. “Y/n?” he called her name. When she did not respond he lifted her enough to slip his cock out. He heard something spill and glanced down to see a pool of milky essence.
He could feel her steady breath fanning his neck and secure his grip around her bottom, carrying her gently to the futon.
“Just stay.”
Y/n blinked, breaking out of the memories of how their rendezvous had commenced. “No, I want to sleep in my chamber.” She quickly got up but he caught her wrist, gazing at her with a soft expression that she had seen recently and making her heart race.
“Are you okay?” His tone filled with worry. “Shall I escort you back to your chamber?”
She shook her head, brushing his hand off, “I am okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She hurried before he could convince her to stay. Each time, it was becoming a challenge to say no to him.
[5 days later]
It has been a few hours since Y/n finally woke up from days of deep slumber.
All she could recollect from the mission was that they were ambushed. Before heading out, she had an eerie and unsettling feeling about the mission that she had never felt before. Half a day into their mission something did not feel right when her six senses noticed the quietness around them.
Whatever had happened has been blocked out of her memories.
It was evident of her substantial injuries, her right shoulder was bandaged from an arrow piercing, and a stab wound in her left thigh.
Those were expected injuries, however, the one she did not expect and was still wrapping her head around even after the doctor had left her chambers was that she had miscarried.
She was pregnant.
Since the doctor left, her hand had been resting on her abdomen, where her unborn baby is no longer living.
She was foolish to disregard the risk of pregnancy after many nights spent in her captain's bed. He had been careful to withdraw and ejaculate on her body. Y/n was oblivious to the idea that she could still conceive otherwise.  Looking back, she must have conceived from her first night with him. It would be likely that she might have been pregnant prior to them making their intimate meetups a routine. She recalled the peculiar feeling of him cumming continuously inside of her the first night and it was that moment when she was lost in her bliss and pleasure she neglected to take any precautions.
The doctor determined the miscarriage was likely caused by the excessive blood loss she suffered. Her wounds themselves had put her body in shock and if the doctor calculated correctly, Y/n was more than three months along in the pregnancy. “You were still in the risky stages of pregnancy, it is nothing to dwell on as most women face this risk altogether.”
Her hand pressed against her flat belly, recollecting a few days prior when she noticed the slight weight gain but did not put too much thought into it.
“Captain went berserk.” Shirabu quietly informed, “you may not know but after everything, we believe that the ambush was to take you out first and then everyone else. Every one of them targeted you while you were trying to keep Captain safe.”
Y/n pondered, confused as to why she would have been the target but it would make sense strategically if enemies cannot get to the main target, then take out their protector first.
“My guess is that if they took you out first, it would be easier to take out the rest of us.” Shirabu stood up, “but please rest, for the time being, you are ordered to rest. Captain has ordered a checklist for the doctor to sign off before you’re allowed to return.” He kept it to himself, but he was sure the Captain would not let her return to active duty. He knew that Ushijima Wakatoshi would never allow her to lift her sword or wear her uniform after this mission.
“Shirabu,” Y/n called his name quietly, “does he – does he know about –“
Shirabu reached for her hand and squeezed it, “yes, he knows but only a few of us, including me and Reon. Do not fret, no one else won’t know.”
After he left her to rest, Y/n stared out the window and she didn’t notice the tears that slipped from the corner of her eyes.
Wakatoshi needed a moment to absorb Y/n’s report. His breath caught in his throat when the doctor reported to him her injuries and informed him additionally, the news of her miscarriage.  
“This is precisely why some argue against women serving in the Shiratorizawa Scout regime,” he lamented, shaking his head in disappointment. “This incident alone could potentially lead to her removal as second in command once the report makes it up to the leadership and shame the regime altogether.” Closing his briefcase, he remarked, “the loss of the child has placed a significant mental burden on her. I do not believe she was aware that she was pregnant.” He pushed his specs upward, “even if she isn’t removed from the squad, it’s uncertain whether she’ll fully recover.”
The doctor remained entirely unaware of the identity of the person he was addressing, oblivious to the fact that Ushijima Wakatoshi was, in fact, the father of the unborn child.
Wakatoshi loomed over the diminutive doctor, whose expression swiftly transformed into one of fear. “You will not breathe a word of this outside these walls, do you comprehend?” Wakatoshi cautioned.
The doctor nodded, responding barely audible as he muttered, “un – understood.”
After dismissing him, Wakatoshi sat in his chair in deep thought. Had Y/n really not known she was pregnant all this time? And when did it happen? He had been careful to pull out every time even if he wanted nothing more than to cum inside of her…
“Argh,” he groaned, burying his face into his hands. If Y/n was pregnant, it meant that it must have been from the first time. Memories came flooding back as he remembers the exhilarating feeling when he would watch his cum ooze out every time he thrust back into her. His cock was still hard as a rock even after so many rounds. Y/n would whimper, crying out that she was too full of his cum and he would fuck his cum back into her until they were both sticky with their mixed essence.
“This is all my fault,” he muttered, fingers fisting his hair tightly. She was in this predicament because of him.
Wakatoshi shook his head to shake off the memories, it was not the time to think about the past. He shot up from his seat and headed towards Y/n’s room.
Entering her room with a hushed step, he discovered her seated by the window, her expression devoid of emotion. It was a welcome sight compared to finding her asleep every time he visited.
His gaze shifted to the untouched tray of food and he let out a sigh, remarking gently, “you’ve hardly touched your meal.”
As soon as their eyes met, Wakatoshi swiftly approached her, kneeling by her side and enveloping her in his arms, cradling her delicate form. Aside from tangling their limbs in bed, outside of that, they refrained from touching one another. He whispered softly, his voice filled with concern, “please, tell me. What do you want? What can I do to bring the light back into your eyes?” His words were muffled as he buried his face into her lap, seeking to comfort her.
After a brief pause, he raised his head and gazed into her vacant eyes. Even while kneeling, he remained taller than her as she occupied the chair. Tenderly, he cradled her cheek and gently urged, “Y/n, please, speak to me.”
She leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his torso, burying her face into his chest.
His embrace grew tender as he enveloped her, holding her tightly. A hitch in his breath accompanied her trembling form and muffled sobs against his yukata.
All he could offer was a tighter grip, a comforting presence in her time of need.
[2 weeks later]
Reon and Kenjiro did not dare breathe as Wakatoshi was a ticking bomb.  
Many often found him intimidating, though he was truly a gentle giant.
But in this particular moment, gentleness was nowhere to be found.  
Their gaze fixated on the slightly crumpled piece of paper clutched tightly in their Captain’s hand. It was almost certain that this was the official report regarding Y/n’s release from duty. The entire team had just been informed of her release and had come to inquire more information about it from their Captain, only to discover that he was the last to be informed.
Wakatoshi let out a low exhale, his focus still zoned out as he recollected his and Y/n’s last conversation.
“They will remove me.” Y/n said to Wakatoshi, “promise me you’ll pick Reon to replace me.”
Wakatoshi brought their foreheads together, “you’re not getting replaced, I’ll make sure your report only lists your injuries, nothing more.” He was willing to do anything to keep her by his side. He locked eyes with her, gazing into hers. “You are not alone.” His hand tightened behind her nape, “it was my child too, Y/n.” His statement must have caught her off guard as she flinched. “I may not know the pain you’re feeling, the suffering and the grieving but know this Y/n, I am in pain too. I’m suffering too. And I’m grieving for our child too.” His features softened, and he leaned up to kiss her forehead. “I’ll take all responsibility, I am at fault.” Wakatoshi sighed softly, he cupped her face with both hands, “Y/n, if you can give me six months, I will step down as Captain and we can settle down anywhere you would like.”
Y/n frowned and pulled away from his touch. “No, you shouldn’t do that.”
Wakatoshi frowned in return, “why not?”
“You do not need to do that for me, please don’t do that for me.” She pulls away from him completely, standing up and walking away. “It was not your fault at all, Cap. It wasn’t like you forced me, I allowed myself to get involved with you.”
“And it was my carelessness that made you pregnant, therefore, my responsibility.”
“And I am telling you that you do not need to take responsibility for it.” She shot back, “I am tired, please leave me alone.”
Wakatoshi left without uttering another word, and that marked the final exchange and encounter between them. The next day, he was promptly dispatched on a mission, keeping him away for half a week. Upon his return, exhaustion overcame him, and he slumbered for a continuous sixteen hours. When he finally awoke and sought out Y/n, her room was void of any presence. He initially assumed she might have been on break or he had approached at an inopportune moment, only to find her room empty upon his return each subsequent day.
“Captain,” Reon called out quietly, “what…”
“I don’t know, but I will find out,” Wakatoshi promised, exiting his office. He marched straight into his leader’s office without notice and slammed the letter on the desk. “What is this?” his voice is low and quiet.
The individual whom Wakatoshi regarded as a father figure let out a sigh and removed his glasses, setting the stage for a silent and intense gaze-lock between them. “It is exactly what it means, Wakatoshi.” He sighed, lighting up a cigarette, “I did the best I could to have her be discharged instead of dismissed. You know something like that could not have been swept under the rug.” He exhaled a puff of smoke and the frustration he had been carrying on his shoulder. “Y/n is one of a kind and she has shown nothing but loyalty and commitment to the regime. She will be a great loss to us but you both knew the bylaws.” He eyed Wakatoshi, “if it was anyone, you both would have been dismissed with dishonor but because you both are highly valued, I could only save you.”
“Tell me,” Wakatoshi began, his voice cold, “where in the bylaws states that a relationship cannot be established between a man and a woman?”
“That is the thing, you were comrades, you made the mistake and treated her like a woman.” He shook his head, “look, Waka – we are men and we have our needs but you should have found someone else, not someone who is your second-in-command.” He killed his cigarette and released the last puff of smoke.
Wakatoshi’s face hardened, “what happened and what was shared between Y/n and I is no one’s business when there are no laws that state that a man and a woman on the same Corp cannot seek a romantic relationship.” His body towered over his leader, making him slightly cower. “I’d like to see where that is written.”
“It – it may not be written but it’s definitely frowned upon.” He did not understand why Wakatoshi was making a big deal out of it. “Do you feel for this woman, Ushijima?”
“I owe you no explanation, I will be clearing my office and you will see and accept my immediate resignation letter by the end of the night.” Wakatoshi was out the door before his leader could utter a word, still processing his words.
Y/n gazed at her old and long-abandoned family home, realizing it had been over 20 years since she had last set foot inside. Pushing the gates open, she entered the property and took stock of the work that awaited her to bring it back to its former glory.
The basket in her hand has become slightly heavy filled with vegetables and meat as she shopped. Y/n stared across the market at the textile store, seeing various kimonos on display.
For years, she wore custom uniforms seven days a week, which left her with little need to have kimonos or yukatas, aside from the ones she wore to bed. The few she owned, she had brought with her, but they were all in black. As she examined the yellow kimono with white floral prints, Y/n found herself strangely drawn to it.
“I thought it was you, Y/n.”
Y/n looked up, her eyes widening as a smile graced her lips. “Chigaya Maru.”
She lost count of how many years it had been since she last saw him, from a little boy to a grown adult. His shoulders were broad and well-built, and she couldn’t help but believe that he had likely assumed the mantle of their family’s longstanding sword-smithing business.
“My mom would be so thrilled to hear you have finally returned home.” His expression softened as he smiled, “we’ve all missed you.”
Maru walked beside Y/n in silence as they made their way back to her house. “Come by the shop tomorrow, I’ll show you the pieces I’ve made.”
They made it to the front gates, “sounds good, I’ll swing by soon. Have a good night, Maru.” She entered the gates, closing them behind her. She waited until she heard Maru’s footsteps fade before entering her home.
Her home still required cleaning and some additional repairs, but it was now habitable, and being in this familiar setting brought her a comforting sense of reassurance.
She laid down on the new futon she purchased and rolled over towards the window. For the first time in her life, she felt so alone.
It hadn’t occurred to her that her team may have been strangers at one point, but they all became brothers to her and became a family to her.
The captain’s face entered her thoughts, and she tightly shut her eyes, feeling the pain in her heart intensify, the ache of missing him becoming almost unbearable. Did he know of her absence by now?
In such a short amount of time that they were intimately involved, she would have never imagined how challenging it would be now to walk away from someone when they made you feel… loved and wanted. And made you feel like a woman.
Her hand slipped down and in between her legs as the place in between her legs ached.
Ushijima Wakatoshi made her addicted to his touch.
Her fingers slipped in between her yukata as she pressed the aching nub before sliding the pad of her fingers along her slit like how he always did it.
Y/n rolled onto her back and widened her legs, her finger teased her clit, rubbing it in circles. A lewd whimper escaped her lips the moment her finger slipped past her folds. “’Toshi…”
Her fingers were nothing compared to his but she tried to mimic his movements.
She let her mind imagine that they were his, that he was there in between her legs and fingering her with not one, or two but three of his thick fingers, curling them each time they were knuckle deep.
Her other hand caresses her chest until she finds her perky nipple, twisting and tugging it.
Wakatoshi never spared her nipples, always suckling them like how she had seen a mother breastfeed her baby. She had never seen a woman nurse a baby before and couldn’t help but be reminded when Wakatoshi’s lips found hers and suckled hard.
The naive Y/n had thought with the way he was suckling, milk would come out. “Toshi… you’re sucking too hard… I don’t have milk for you.” She blurted out.
He lifted his head, caught off guard by her comment. “Of course, you wouldn’t have milk, you aren’t lactating.” He chuckled at the confused expression, “you are not pregnant, you do not need to fret about lactating.”
“But you keep sucking like…” she blushed, turning her face away.
Wakatoshi gently gripped her chin and turned her face so they were looking at one another, “like what?”
“Like a… baby.”
“Like this?” he takes her nipple back into his mouth and suckles hard. “Do you like it when I do that?”
She nodded her head, “yes… I do.”
Y/n’s fingers easily thrust in and out of her pussy with how wet she has become. “Toshi…” she repeated, calling his name as her fingers fastened until her orgasm erupted. Her hot gummy walls squeezed and trembled around her fingers.
She looks down, seeing her legs spread wide and fingers still inside her pussy. She had never touched herself before yet, here she is, pleasuring herself the way Wakatoshi did. Her head falls back onto her pillow as she imagined how he would have cum all over her abdomen, his groan each time spurts ejaculated from the tip of his thick cock. She remembered the first time he had done so, he smeared it over her skin like it was lotion.
Y/n spread her palm over her abdomen, rubbing it like Wakatoshi had always done so. Her hand paused as she thought about her child who was no longer growing within her.
She found it amusing how overnight, she could change from a woman who would not hesitate to kill on sight to a woman who grieved for the child she did not know. She never knew the latter woman even existed in her. In an instant, she no longer wanted to be part of the Corp, the almost maternal instinct within her took over and the new her wanted nothing to do with that lifestyle no more. It was best she left the Corp and returned home to settle quietly and start a new life.
[Five months later]
A towel pressed along her forehead, dabbing the sweat she wasn’t even aware of. Maru smiled softly down at her, “don’t strain yourself, Y/n.”
Y/n returned the smile and nodded, “don’t worry, I’m not.” She continued to sharpen the katana.
She was blessed with a job with the Chigaya. They were in need of a sword sharpener and that was a specialty Y/n possessed. The business sales increased drastically within days as many sought to have their sword refined.
“It is a mixture of pressure and light-handed when sharpening,” Y/n informed, showing Maru one afternoon. “You must use the right amount of water along with the pressure to stay consistent and prevent any damage to the sword.”
Maru’s father walks in, carrying a sword carefully in his arms. He set it on a stand, “here is another drop-off.” He sighed, his eyes filled with gratitude as he looked at Y/n. For generations, the family business thrived, but since Y/n had joined the team and taken on the role that had remained vacant for two decades, the business had experienced a remarkable resurgence. The word had spread like wildfire, and Chigaya Swords was not attracting clients from far and wide.
“Thank you, I will get to it shortly here,” Y/n answered with a smile. She does the final wipe-down before sliding the sword she was refining back into its scabbard.
“Y/n,” Maru’s father called her name softly, “where did you learn sword sharpening skills?”
“When my grandfather came for me, I stayed with him while he was still serving in the Corp. Being the only girl, I wasn’t exactly welcomed or liked and the man who was in charge of managing the weapons room, allowed me to help when I would always watch him from his doorway.” She is reminded how she was always pestering the man she called Uncle with questions to the point where he just had her try it out for herself. It wasn’t afterward that he realized that she might be useful to him after all and took her in as his apprentice.
When her Uncle was not welding a sword, he was teaching her how to hold a sword, how to swing, and everything there is to know.
At the age of seventeen, her Uncle encouraged her to join the swordsman tournament within the Corp, the winner would be recognized as a member of the Corp. On the day of the event, she shocked the entire crowd but nothing could be counted against her as there were no rules stating a woman could not participate.
She shocked the crowd a second time in one day when she was the last one standing, winning the tournament.
Y/n turned down the offer to join the Corp, insisting she would become a weapon welder.
For the first time, her grandfather, patted her head, “I am proud of you.”
He was murdered during an abrupt attack on the base. Y/n herself was gravely injured but as soon as her wounds healed, she hunted down the man who was responsible for her grandfather’s death and others.
She returned, bloody and battered but with the head of the Colonel.
Maru’s father affectionately patted her head, evoking memories of her grandfather and uncle, the last two who had done so. “We are deeply thankful to you,” he expressed. “Finding a skilled sword sharpener is no easy task. Not everyone possesses the gift touch to refine a blade as you do.” He looks past Y/n and at Maru, “come, I need your help.”
The two men leave the room that has become Y/n’s sanctuary. She reached to touch the top of her head and smiled. Such a simple gesture but it has always warmed her heart and soul.
Y/n peered out the window, her view obscured by the torrential rain. Rainy days had always made her sword-sharpening sessions feel therapeutic. Her gaze then shifted to the last remaining sword, the one Maru’s father had recently delivered.
She let out a sigh and extended her hand toward the sword.
Just as her hand was about to make contact with it, something jolted her, causing her hand to freeze in mid-air, a mere centimeters away from the sword. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest as she instantly recognized the handle of the sword.
“Your sword, Lord Ushijima,” Y/n spoke softly, carefully lifting the sword with both hands and offering it to him. “I hope you won’t mind that I completed your sword for you. We both know… Uncle would have been honored to present you with this blade.”
Uncle had just completed the construction of a custom-made sword for Lord Ushijima Wakatoshi, only to succumb to a fatal medical condition shortly thereafter. When Y/n and the others discovered him, he wore a serene smile on his face, having peacefully departed from the world.
“I’ve made some adjustments to the handle,” she said, lifting the sword above her head. “I believe a longer handle will be more fitting for you, especially since you swing with your left hand. This added length will provide both increased flexibility and stability in your swings.”
Y/n’s hands trembled as she gingerly lifted the sword. Among the swords she worked on so far, the Captain’s sword was the only one she knew of that had an additional inch and a half added to the handle.
There was but one way to confirm the sword’s owner. With a gentle pull of the scabbard, she revealed the blade, and as she turned it, her breath caught her throat.
As the final touch before handing the sword to its rightful owner, she meticulously engraved the letterings: Shiratorizawa – Ushijima Wakatoshi
E/n: next part might be shorter or like half of this.
@queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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ya9amicide · 6 months
♡ anime masterlist ♡
pov: your camera roll if you were dating wakatoshi ushijima.
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hiraethwa · 3 months
one summer day
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11 star-crossed. where you celebrate tanabata with your friends
<< 10 epiphany. | >> 12 shoot for the stars.
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader word count: 1.4k warnings: just fluff <3 tags: @lemurzsquad @daisy-room @integers @brokenscaredakira -- (inbox me if you want to be added to the tag list)
there are several thoughts that run through your mind as your eyes land on ushijima. one, he kept his promise to you, wearing a simpler yet formal kimono. two, it is utterly, and you mean utterly, unfair how devastatingly good he looks in it, it cannot be healthy for your heart. three, how are you going to survive the night at this rate? and four, you are going to be swarmed by his fans and you only have yourself to blame. 
it is tanabata after all, the star festival that celebrates the ancient legend of orihime and hikoboshi, two star-crossed lovers who could only meet one day every year. almost every girl in high school is bound to attend the biggest tanabata festival in the miyagi area. 
“feeling a little warm?” you manage to find your voice to tease the stoic boy. there is definitely a pink tint to his golden skin, one you credit to the summer heat. 
next to him, semi and tendo jump into the fray as well, taking the rare opportunity to poke fun at their captain outside of volleyball practice, referencing inside jokes that you are not privy to. 
“you both cleaned up well,” you chirp, nodding at their yukatas in acknowledgement. 
“yeah, we didn’t want to leave ushijima-kun all dressed up by himself, and since we were part of the problem, we decided that we should shoulder some of the blame too,” tendo grins at you knowingly. 
you give him a half-lidded look that said wow, you are so funny.
“c’mon, we’re late, i want to go check out some stalls before the fireworks go off.” you make a point to link your arm with semi, marching off with your best friend before anyone could get a word in and ignoring the source of the heat you are feeling on your face. definitely the summer heat.
the night air is warm, ever so slightly cooler than the day, but you could feel the sheen of sweat forming on your skin beneath the thin yukata fabric. it is crowded as expected, with streamers hanging from paper balls of every color, low enough that you run your hand through the soft wisps as you pass by. 
the first stop of the evening is the center of the complex, where several man-made bamboo trees have been erected for festival-goers to write their wishes on a piece of paper and tie it to. you steer semi towards the tables with writing instruments and bands of color paper, tugging at his sleeve impatiently with ushijima and tendo following right behind him.
you grab a piece of paper and a pen, sidling off to one side so that your writing is not visible to your friends as you scrawl your wishes for the year on the thin material. once you are done, you sneak up to your friends stealthily, peeking over their shoulders to read what they have written. 
“oi,” semi exclaims as he discovers you looking at his paper. 
you look away innocently, standing to the side while waiting for them to be done. ushijima joins you, to which your heart stutters a beat to. 
despite having patched things up months ago, things have not gone back to normal. gone were the days where your unrequited love is the absolute truth. now, ushijima’s every action, every look leaves you second-guessing yourself, and your heart feeling like you just ran a marathon. 
you tried, you really did, to act as normal as you can around him without your heart on your sleeve. though you wonder whether you are doing a good job of it. there was no particular reason, but if you had to pick a turning point, it was that time when he got really close to you and you ended up kneeing him in the balls. 
nothing was the same since then, at least for you. 
so now, as he compliments you, your mind goes haywire. “you look beautiful in your yukata.” 
you smooth over the folds, thumbing the gold detailing on the blue fabric, mind blanking out at his words. “thank you.” warmness spreads across your cheeks, causing you to look down and concentrate particularly hard at the little thread poking out the seam, picking at it, hoping he does not see the redness on you. 
“wanna tie it together?” you nod at his question, following him to the bamboo tree. you end up picking a branch that you felt was more auspicious than the others, tying your paper strip to it. 
ushijima decides on the same branch, knotting his paper just above yours. his purple touching your green one, as if it is a representation of his wishes. you shake your head at the thought. you did not dare to even explore that possibility, regardless of how different everything feels. but maybe, just maybe, if you are accepted to the university of tokyo, there is hope there.
“you had to pick the same branch, huh?”
he shrugs, holding out an arm for you. you take it naturally, despite the weird feeling in your stomach as you clutch onto his sleeve. “wanna get some food?” 
you end up getting some yakitori skewers and a tornado potato from a roadside stall, easily demolishing the food in minutes before tugging him to a sweets stall. just as wakatoshi pays the vendor for the matcha mochi, two girls approach you both shyly, asking for a photo with him.
their eyes dart to you, probably wondering who you were and what kind of relationship you have with ushijima, making you shift uncomfortably. you take the hint to leave, spotting a stall selling handicrafts just a few stalls down. 
the expressionless falcon soft toy you picked up reminds you of ushijima. 
“we’ll take it,” ushijima appears next to you, handing over some cash for the toy that you are busy squishing. 
“i was just looking at it…” you trail off, tilting your head to look at him. 
he slant his head in confusion, “but you like it, do you not?” 
but you don’t get a chance to respond before semi and tendo comes flying at you both from behind, almost knocking you over in the process. good, you think. you are afraid of where the road leads into unknown territory. unfamiliarity terrifies you, and for that reason, you want to stay precisely where you are, on the even ground that you know like the back of your hand. 
good because if you went down that road and things end unpleasantly… no, you would much rather love him in silence than to risk losing him. 
“what is it?” semi whispers to you conspiratorially as he glances at ushijima.
you frown at the little falcon. “is it just me, or is ushijima not his usual self?”
“what do you mean? he’s always like this around you.”
semi’s words leave you speechless. sure, you’ve heard a few people point it out to you in the past, but you didn’t think much of it at the time as you were too busy trying to put yourself back together. now, you can’t help but hear the words repeat in your mind. 
you find yourself atop a small hill, sandwiched between ushijima and semi for the fireworks that opens the weekend long celebration of tanabata. just for a few seconds, you allow yourself to admire ushijima’s profile, his head turned towards tendo as he says something to the redhead.
boom. the first of the fireworks goes off, lighting up the night sky in showers of golden and blue. a smile finds its way to your face as you bask in the moment next to the people you care about, on a summer night in your final year of high school. 
you tense as fingers lace through yours, too shocked to even look in ushijima’s direction as your eyes lock onto each and every bright firework that shoots upwards and explodes into colorful reactions that illuminate the dark sky. much like what he is to you, walking into your life, a blinding sun unaware of its own light, bringing life to the darkness in your heart, chasing away the darkness.
despite your thundering heart, your body relaxes, fingers tightening around his larger digits. the thoughts firing through your brain are too many, too fast to process, so you let them wash over you, choosing to focus on the present. it is a gift, you realize, on tanabata, from the stars orihime and hikoboshi themselves. 
you can only hope that unlike the story of the star-crossed lovers, there will be a better ending for yours. 
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violette-hue · 2 years
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Summary: You get stuck in an elevator with the person you possibly hate the most. . . Ushijima Wakatoshi.
Trigger Warning: unprotected sex, trapped in an elevator, language (?), arrogance, smut without a plot, not proof read, **aged up character(s)**
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Found this bad boy from my old blog in my google drives. I hope you guys enjoy the bread *muah*
**minors. and ageless blogs do not interact**
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Things literally could not have ended up worse. There you were, trapped in an elevator with the ultimate douche bag: Ushijima Wakatoshi. Why the hell did he have to be so blunt all the time? Or so cocky? Has this man never heard of being humble? 
You crossed your arms over your chest, leaning against the elevator wall far from said douche bag. You huffed in annoyance for the uptenth time, earning another pointed glare from Ushijima. 
“Huffing won’t make the elevator work, Y/N,” he stated matter of factly. 
You rolled your eyes. “It seems it won’t make you disappear either,” you retorted, a bit of bite to your tone. 
Ushijima stared down at you and you couldn’t quite pinpoint the look he was giving you. It seemed to be a mixture of annoyance and something else..? His features were hard, but his eyes were soft.
You tore your eyes away from him, not wanting to see him look down at you for god knows how long you’d be in this elevator. You pulled out your phone for some company, only to find zero bars. Great, just what you needed. Tense silence with a man you hated. 
You huffed again. How the hell had you gotten into this situation? Oh. That’s right. The both of you were on your way to a dinner party with the team. You weren’t the manager or anything, but you helped out a lot since your uncle was the coach. 
When you arrived in the parking garage, you opted to take the elevator up since you weren’t too keen on walking up stairs in heels. That’s when Ushijima showed up. He passed the elevator and had done a double take. You could tell he was debating on whether or not he should join you, and, before the doors could close, he stepped inside. 
You mentally cursed yourself for not pressing the closed door button as you adjusted your champagne slip dress. True, it was only a dinner, but your uncle had chosen one of the fanciest restaurants in town and the occasion was black tie. You assumed there would be some sort of after party once the dinner was over. 
You stole a glance at Ushijima, looking him up and down. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t look good in that suit. He looked very good. Instead of wearing a basic white button down with his suit, he wore a black turtleneck. You subconsciously bit your lip as your eyes trailed over his toned arms that were very noticeable in his dressing. Your eyes trailed up and met his gaze and you quickly looked away, red dusting your cheeks. You saw him smirk from your peripherals and you scowled. Of course he would be a douche about catching you checking him out. 
“Do I make you uncomfortable?” he asked after a moment of silence. 
“Yes,” you answered, not daring to look towards him. 
You heard him grunt and shuffle. “Why?” he questioned. You heard him step towards you and you tensed up. 
“You’re a douche bag. You only care about yourself and you think you’re so much better than others,” you answered. The more you spoke, the more angry you became. “You’re so cocky and rude and...and arrogant! And for what? You’d be a lot more attractive if you just were a bit more humble!” Your breathing was ragged, your chest heaving. You were fully looking at him now, your eyes boring into his olive orbs. 
You searched his face for any sort of emotion. He was frowning and his eyes were no longer soft. Instead, they were dark and roamed down your body. 
“Is that what you truly think of me?” he asked, the question coming out low and soft. 
“Yes,” you breathed, sticking out your chin. 
He shook his head. “I don't mean to be so arrogant. I know my talent and my worth, much like you, Y/N…” he trailed off. “Please forgive me if I’ve made myself unbearable.” 
You only just realized the lack of space between the two of you. Your chest was brushing against his with every breath you took and your faces were mere inches away from each other. You looked down to his lips, your mouth salivating at the thought of kissing him and having your way with him in this elevator. You snapped back to reality, shocked at your lewd thoughts. 
You pushed him away, growling softly. “Oh shut up! Don’t try and be nice now—god what the fuck is your problem?! You—you’re so—URGH!” 
You crossed your arms over your chest and shoved yourself in the corner of the elevator, breathing heavily. You were so worked up and you had no idea why. Why was he getting you so angry so easily? You dared take another glance at him and instantly regretted it. You were met with another smirk, this time wider. 
“I’m what?” Ushijima asked, stepping closer to you. 
You shook your head, a lump forming in your throat. You didn’t trust yourself to speak, least you say something you’d regret. You instinctively backed further into the corner, looking anywhere but him. You could feel him looming over you--his eyes boring down into you. You shifted your stance, feeling suddenly small and heated. Why...why were you so heated? 
“I’m. What?” he repeated, smirking a bit. He stepped even closer to you, tracing your jaw with a finger and tipping your chin up to look at him. “Look at me,” he ordered. 
Your eyes flicked up to him, his words making your core throb. You cursed yourself for deciding not to wear underwear, feeling your wetness drip down your thigh. You examined his features, your eyes tracing over his eyes, then his lips. You wanted to kiss him so bad...to feel his warmth on you and his cock in you. Subconsciously, you puffed your chest out to show off your cleavage. You noticed his eyes trail down to your chest, then trail back up, stopping at your lips. 
“Truly, you’re such an infuriating woman,” he admitted, cupping the back of your neck and placing his lips on yours before you could respond. 
You stood there, shocked, but quickly kissed him back. His hands trailed down to your waist, pulling your hips flush against his. You let out a small gasp as you felt his hardness against you, the movement of your lips allowing Ushijima to slip in his tongue. He pulled you closer, his large hands settling on your ass, the fabric of your dress barely guarding you from his warmth. Ushijima squeezed your ass, pulling you even closer. 
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful…” Ushijima murmured against your lips. 
Your eyes flickered up to his, your hands trailing down his chest and to his belt. He watched you fumble with the buckle and helped you pull his trousers down. His bulge seemed bigger now that he was only covered with his boxer briefs. You stroked his length through his boxers and palmed him, eliciting a soft groan from Ushijima. God, you really didn’t want to get dirty in an elevator, but at this point, your cunt was practically begging for it. 
Ushijima grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand away from his crotch and swiftly picking you up. He gripped your thighs and pinned you up against the elevator wall, his lips attaching to your neck. He sucked on the sensitive spot on your neck, earning a small moan from you. The position you were in caused your dress to hike up your thighs, your pretty pussy on display for Ushijima. He trailed his fingers down over your folds. 
“You’re so wet already,” he mumbled, pecking your lips. “All this for my cock?”
You huffed, your chest puffing out again. “Well what if it was?” you asked, pursing your lips. 
Ushijima let out a deep chuckle, pushing past your folds and softly circling over your clit. Your hips bucked up and you moaned, throwing your head back. His lips attached to your neck once more, adding a bit more pressure to your clit. 
“U-Ushijima, please…” you whined, rolling your hips up. “The elevators can be fixed at any--HAH!” You were interrupted by a loud moan as Ushijima eased his cock inside you. 
Ushijima was a tall man, his features larger than most, but you hadn’t expected his cock to be this big. As he pushed himself deeper inside you, you felt every inch of his cock stretch you out. You gripped his biceps, your nails digging into the fabric of his white pressed shirt. He thrust into you, picking up a hard pace. With each thrust, he buried himself deeper inside you until your clit met his pelvis each time. He was pounding into you, the lewd noises of your sopping cunt and his balls slapping against each other filling the room. 
Your puffy walls clenched around him as your orgasm built in your abdomen. If Ushijima kept up this pace, you’d surely come undone soon. He adjusted his stance, snapping his hips into you at a different angle and hitting your g-spot. You screamed out his name, nails raking down his arms. 
“F-Fuck, I’m close,” Ushijima breathed against your neck, thrusting into you harder. 
You bit his shoulder, a scream coming out of your lips as your walls fluttered around his cock. You desperately tried to hold on a bit longer, but the pressure in your abdomen was too much, causing you to squirt on his cock. Ushijima thrust a few more times, cuming inside you. He stilled his hips as he painted your walls white and breathed heavily. 
You tilt your head back against the cold metal wall, your legs trembling and your breathing labored. “Fuck,” you let out, chuckling. “The minute you pull out and set me on this floor, your cum is gonna drip down my leg…”
Ushijima let out a chuckle and pulled out. “I have a handkerchief in my pocket,” he said, adjusting his trousers and buckling his belt once more. 
You shifted, feeling his cum start to travel down your thigh and grabbed his handkerchief. You quickly cleaned yourself up and jolted as the elevator began to move once more. You looked at Ushijima, smiling as you watched him fix his tie. 
Maybe you didn’t hate him as much as you thought. 
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mambalae-s · 1 year
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fallen glory — ushijima wakatoshi x reader
wc: 3.2k words
cw: god! wakatoshi x nymph! reader; unprotected sex; breeding kink; size kink; wakatoshi is a big boi; reader is described as a black woman; degradation; manhandling; ; creampie; not proof read; if i’m forgetting anything please let me know!
notes from author: please, if you’re under 18, do NOT interact with or read this post. i will block you.
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there are legends among mortal towns, the tellings of stories passed on by flesh and bone. a god, mankind will utter through shrouds of smoke, beneath fire-lit nights of centuries old, where the stars would even hold their breath to hear the words of divine destruction. a god so mighty and fearsome that wields power in his breath alone, that the earth would tear herself apart and offer her burning heart, that she would so desperately beseech her master that this mere sacrifice would be enough to please him. mankind would sing those sorrow-filled ballads of flaming rivers that sputtered brilliant embers, so brilliant in their dying glory that venus herself would weep and beg for mercy.
and this god, oh, this righteous and almighty god, his heart would mirror the depths of darkness. how cruel, this god, that he would beckon the tempests and the floods to destroy and ruin the earth, that he would paint wars and famine across endless seas and planes until there would be nothing left of man. when he bestows his wrath on bellowing thunders and rips the heavens asunder with magnificent lightning, he holds no mercy for the weak and unfaithful. his eyes behold, and his left hand cast their judgement, and the earth can do nothing but wait with bated breath as the universe stands still around her, powerless, and without charge of the pestilence that would next consume her and wipe her filthy soul clean once more.
oh, but who could imagine the divine’s demise at the hands of a damsel?
let these words not travel far, lest they spread across continents and reveal him for what he is. let the world not know of his mortality, of a heart that quivers before summer-touched evenings and sings wretched hymns of manly lust and desire. of his visits to the holy garden, they must not learn, even less should they know of the soul that resides there — the very same that would tame the tempest, and incite a hunger so ravenous and feral only to quench it all the same.
he’s here; you know without even looking, and your intuition tells you that he knows that you know. you don’t need to look behind you to know that wakatoshi’s watching you, eyes of gold and olive that stalk you like a hunter. he takes in every part of your image as a devotee does with visions. the droplets of water that glisten across dark brown skin, the sheer white fabric that clings to your full mounds and ass, barely doing anything to conceal your perked nipples, or the dip between your plush thighs. by the heavens, you truly are a vision of sin and desire — one that held the key to destruction between two-toned lips and written like scriptures among dark coils of hair akin to sacred vines.
“well?” you sigh, sinking further into the pond. the cool water kisses your skin with a tenderness that washes away the day’s searing heat. goosebumps rise across your body and you lull your head to the side, and that’s when you see him, your god come here to visit the garden of eden. “will you just stand there or are you gonna join me?”
how brazen, you must’ve sounded, irreverent as if you knew not the god who’d walked into your sanctuary. yet you knew all too well who he was, and you knew what he’d come for. you knew that, just with the sight of your body drenched in water, you could unravel this benevolent god and reduce him to nothing but a man lost in desire. since the first day he found you here on a lonely spring’s afternoon so many years ago, you’d somehow wrapped his tongue between your teeth and poisoned him with pleasure untold so that he would return time and time again. he reminds you of a lunatic, seeking the taste of your nectar like a man who knows nothing else, and you’d become his drug and his achilles heel, the very thing that could unwind this god and render him to nothingness.
the waters part to make way, welcoming wakatoshi into the pool as he comes close to you. his body presses against yours and he leaves no room between, so greedy in the way his fingers dip into your waist and burying his face into the crook of your neck to take in your scent. you reach up one hand to wrap into his long, jade green locks, and you pull him closer to you, eager to feel his lips leaving soft kisses across your skin.
“i can’t stop thinking about you…” he grumbles into your jawline, hungry and impatient. his fingers wrap into the thin fabric of your gown, nails digging into your flesh as he pulls you closer, pressing his hard cock into your ass as if he wants it to disappear between it. “fuck, what are you doing to me?”
you can’t help the soft moan that escapes your lips, though you know there’d be no sense trying to. coyly, you reach for one of his hands and bring it down to your pussy, pressing his palm flat against it and pushing yourself further against his length. “nothing, darling.” the words that leave you are teasing, almost to test him — accentuated by your sugary laugh when his fingers begin to peel your dress against your skin without you needing to tell him. “it’s you who keeps coming back here on your own accord.”
his fingers dip between your thighs and your knees buckle a bit when they brush against your pussy. you’re wet, wakatoshi discovers your slick already pooling into his hands despite him hardly even touching you. tauntingly, he caresses you, pools your slick along his fingers as he so barely slides them between your swollen cunt to hear the hiss that slips out of your mouth.
“look at you,” he chuckles, condescending. “so needy already, hm? do you want a god’s cock to defile you that badly?”
he’s baiting you, drawing on your words like a puppeteer, you know it. only touching you ever so slightly, giving you the smallest taste of what he knows you want, yet he wants you to beg for it. he wants you to throw yourself unto desperate abandon and give yourself up to him. and it’s working too damn well. greedily, you try to sink yourself down on his fingers, but he quickly stops you with a hand around your throat. frustrated, you whimper. “wakatoshi…” you keen. “for god’s sake, stop toying with me already!”
his teeth sink into your neck suddenly, the sensation of his lips sucking on your flesh causing your pussy to flutter. “nngh…” overcome with weakness, your head falls back against his chest, and your eyes are forced to behold the behemoth of a man behind you; the glistening droplets that slide down olive skin and the furrowed lines atop his expression. his lips part on breaths heavy and weighted as he squeezes his fingers tighter around your throat, and your own breath catches beneath his grip. you’re left wanting, needing the very air he robs you of, needing him inside your core, needing him and everything he’d give to you.
ah, you think bitterly, i’ll lose this war again today.
“you know what i want to hear from you, little one.” wakatoshi’s words ghost against the shell of your ear, causing you to shiver, heat coursing through each pulse despite the chill of the water. he takes his hand from your soiled thighs and brings his fingers to his mouth, and you watch with eyes glazed by lust as he sucks your juices from them and groans. “hurry…” he huffs. his cock twitches against your ass impatiently, his balls almost ready to burst and bury themselves inside your tight little cunt. “you know i don’t like waiting…”
those words so heavy and fogged over by hunger, you know he’s teetering on the very edge of snapping, letting you know that you’re not the only one who wants the other. he makes slow, intentional work of licking his fingers clean and he sees the way your inhibitions snap behind your eyes, revels in the whimper that leaves your lips as your hands fly to remove your dress all on your own. your breasts fall freely for him to see them glistening under filtered sunlight and of sight of your pursed nipples causes his length to twitch hungrily against your ass.
“please…!” inhibitions abandon you, your pride lost on the incessant pulsing between your legs. you need him to fill you, to ravish and demolish you — you’re aching now, impatient, craving him, “please, toshi, i need you inside me… now!”
you see the very moment wakatoshi reaches his limits and he snaps.
a yelp escapes you as he hoists you up, spinning you around to lock your legs around his hip. his lips crash into yours, mercilessly pushing his tongue into your wet cavern like a beast as he drinks you in. he feels your moans rumbling through his chest and he responds in kind, the space between you non-existent and your body flushed against him.
“that’s a good girl.” whimpering, you claw your fingers into his back as if holding on for dear life. “that wasn’t so hard, was it?” you want to curse him for toying with you, want to shut that filthy, irreverent mouth of his but your mind is too cloudy to give anything but sweet pleas of his name. drool pools from between your lips as he draws his tongue along your neck, suckling and biting every inch of skin. you’ll bruise blue and purple, you know it, but you can’t bring yourself to care. you want him to mark you, want him to possess your body and soul.
your fingers tangle into his tresses of green hair and you pull, causing him to hiss against your neck. “enough already, wakatoshi..!” despite your harsh words, you know they sound like nothing but muddled pleas to him. he’s so much bigger than you, it’s hard to forget he still has control over you — the way his large palms squeeze your ass, the way your body has to sit just above his hip, it’s hard to forget that fact.
“just fuck me already! you act like you don’t know the things you do to me, haah, like you don’t know how much you make me want you even— nngh, even when… you’re not here…”
ah, but how unfair of you, isn’t it? how can you accuse him of such things when really, you’re the one who does this to him? how could you not know that your visage haunts him day and night? that he dreams of taking you over and over, of pumping your hole full of his seed until your tummy would swell? that even then, he’d keep filling you up, keening to hear those sweet, filthy cries of his name over and over? you must know what you do to him; he growls against your skin, sinking his teeth into your collar and causing you to cry out and pull against his hair. “then tell me what you want, darling…”
frustration bubbles within you like an erotic poison as you glare down into emerald orbs. have you not been clear enough for him? what prayers would it take to satisfy this insatiable god? for him to finally give himself to you and abandon all else? you’re already powerless here in his hands, your dress reduced to a soaking bundle that wraps around your waist where his hands palm your bare skin. the tip of his cock only barely touching your core, and you can do nothing but wait until he sinks you down unto it. struggle as you might, your need couldn’t be fulfilled until he wills it, until he finally lets in and use you like you want to be used.
“i want you to take responsibility…” pettily, you huff, eyes narrowing further at the coy grin that sits on his mouth. even with his flushed cheeks and your spit coating his skin, he looks up at you, waiting for you to finish. “i want you to destroy me and fuck me senseless. i want you to force me to take every drop of seed and use me until your fat cock empties out everything inside me.”
wakatoshi hums, pleased, it seems, by your words, though he knows he wouldn’t have been able to hold off any longer even if he hadn’t wrung them out of you. oh, the things you do to him without even knowing that turn him into a wild beast. he all but eagerly lines up the head of his throbbing dick to your entrance, and the warmth of it is already so welcoming as he parts your pussy lips, teasingly rubbing your clit.
“take responsibility, hm?” he purrs against your skin as you whimper, soon forcing out the loveliest scream of his name as he brings you down in one swift motion. he watched your eyes roll into the back of your head, drinks in the way your lips fly open as his length spreads you apart. his own eyes narrow and he clenches his teeth — your tight walls squeeze around him so deliciously, so small and delicate as they clamp around the intrusion. “such a pretty, fragile little doll, aren’t you? fuck…!”
god, he hadn’t even fully sunken into you yet, and already he felt himself hitting the tip of your cervix, pressing deeper and deeper and causing your entire body to convulse as drool pours from your lips, fat tears pooling on your waterline. your orgasm wrecks your body in waves and you tremble, already fucked too weak to even support yourself. helplessly, you fall limp into wakatoshi’s arms, neck lulling back so that you’re forced to look up at the god above you, forced to watch his face contort in mortal pleasure as your hole continues to needily suck him in.
“aww…” he coos at your pathetic form. he brings one hand to cup your messy cheek while the other continues to support your weight, pushing a thumb into your open lips. almost mindlessly, you latch unto it and begin sucking. “already? kitten, i’ve hardly done anything to you yet.” even then, wakatoshi wants more from you. he wants to fuck you senseless, break you to nothingness until you couldn’t think of anything but him inside you. so he pushes, deep past your walls until he fully buries himself inside you, his tip so deliciously hitting your womb. you squeal and tighten your legs at the sensation of him bottoming out of you, dig your nails deep into his arms as if to ground yourself from slipping further.
“w-wait…! please, toshi—!” you cry, though your words are lost on him, drowned by his heavy breaths as he presses his lips against yours, pleas swallowed up while your body shakes. “i only just came, i’m— nngaah! ‘m too sensitive, slow down— fuck! ahh!”
despite your begging, wakatoshi doesn’t give you a moment to recover. he sets a relentless pace of pounding into you, pushing deeper and deeper, the sound of his balls clapping so filthily against your slick not yet enough to hide each honey-coated wail he forces out of you. “you said to… hnngn— take responsibility, didn’t you?” roughly, he wraps his hand around your throat and forces you to look up at him, all so he can take in that beautifully fucked expression you wear, teardrops lining your lashes and your mouth wantonly gasping for air. “that’s exactly what i’m doing, darling. isn’t this what you wanted?”
“yes..!” you can’t deny it. lying to him would be no use, it’s too late to try. your body’s already betrayed you for the pleasure he gives you, your battered hole pulsing around him with each thrust as he stretched you impossibly wide. “yes, wakatoshi..! fuck! i wanted you to fuck me n use me just like this!”
he chuckles, sinful and ungodly, as he releases his hold on your throat to place it around your waist and pulls you down, over and over, repeatedly until your body can do naught but fall to his mercy. “haah..! nngh….! fuck, fuck, fuuuck!”
“that’s it, kitten, just like that.” oh, heavens help him, he already feels himself beginning to waver, his hips staggering as he drives into you. he’s so close, his cock twitching viciously inside your beaten pussy, so close to exploding and filling you up. “take everything, you hear me? i’m gonna cum deep inside your filthy little cunt, and you better take all of it. gonna breed you again and again.”
“mhn! mhn! mhhn!” you’re far too gone to even understand the words he growls at you, far too gone to care for much else other than the sensation of him breaking you apart, or for the prayer you let escape your corrupted heart. “do it..! do it, waka…! let everything out and cum inside me, please, please, please!”
oh, how good did it feel to be at his mercy, to let him ruin you time and time again, at his beck and call. beneath his hold, you release all senseless moral and surrender to the wicked hunger of a being far greater than you. without warning, your body convulses beneath your pleasure as your second orgasm crashes over you. it rips through every vein in your body and releases itself from your core and you scream, your mind gone blank as you cream and squirt all over him. the very coil wound so tightly within your gut breaks like a tidal wave and pushes you off the edge, and after a few more harsh thrusts, you’re granted your reward.
wakatoshi grunts and gasps as his cock bursts his cum inside you, near panting as he pulls you flush against his hip and forces every drop into your delicate womb. his fingers dig deep into your doughy flesh, moans falling from him like a man needing air. he’d spent every last drop inside of you, his chest heaves on the aftershocks of pleasure, but gods be damned, he isn’t through with you yet. you, crumbled against his chest and fucked positively dumb, he hadn’t yet had his fill of you.
“h-hey, wakatoshi, what’re you—!” your startled shout goes unheard by the god as he forces you off his cock, only to bend you over rear up against the edge of the pool. shivers involuntary wreck your body, your whole clenching and your form already weakened by him. “please, i can’t take anymore, lemme rest a little— gaah!”
he silences you quickly by pushing his fingers into your stretched hole, pushing his cum back inside you as your walls object, already far too sensitive. “didn’t you hear me?” he grins, though you can’t see his expression from behind you. so, he pulls you up by your neck, grinning as he towers over your small frame. oh, how feeble and defenseless you stood before him, your legs couldn’t even support your frame, and it was all because of him.
“i said i’d make sure to fill up this tight little cunt. i’m not just done with you yet.”
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© mambalae-s — rb’s+feedback are greatly appreciated!!
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jamminlocks · 9 months
A Very Full Bed {Ushijima x Reader}
Tags: F/M, M/M, post timeskip, Fluff, Hand holding, establish relationship, ushijima is soft, reader's gender is unspecified, one shot, not beta read, sfw word count: 1262 Summary: its the first time Ushijima entered your room and you have a bed full of plushies A/N: the fic mentioned from this post [ao3]
"Oh" in a mildly surprised tone is the first thing Wakatoshi says when he enters your room, having to duck down the door frame. It's obvious what this is about. The first thing anyone sees in your room is the many, many stuffed animals that sit on your bed and pillows, talking up almost half the bed space. They are stacked by height, smaller plushies on top of bigger, wider ones. Bigger, cute animals leaning on the headboard.
You quietly laugh to yourself before speaking to him. "Yeah. it's like a kid's bed, right?"
He doesn't say anything, simply humming in agreement as he scans the bed. You wait for some kind of comment from him, something along the lines of "you're a child at heart", "you didn't outgrow them", or "aren't you too old for this?".
You doubt that Wakatoshi is the kind to say something like the last line, but everyone who always had something to say.
Still he is quiet, just standing by the door. Finding no reason to talk about it more, you move on to why you two are actually here: finding the damn charger for your laptop. Just when you two were about to start sorting through your drive to see shots you took of Wakatoshi in his game, your laptop died.
"Can you look near my bed? I'll check the drawers here." You instruct. Opening one the first drawer you can reach and dig through the items.
"How many stuffed animals do you have?" Wakatoshi asked.
You didn't think he'd still be on that. With your hand still in the drawer, you look up to the ceiling and recount each plushie you know you have. "I dunno. I know I got 4 big ones on the bed. There's another two in my closet somewhere.” attention moving to the door of the closet, recalling if you’ve recently done rearrangements in there.
"You must be sleeping well at night with them around," he said
"I don't sleep with most of them, actually. Every night I move the bigger ones over there”, you point at the armchair.
Not really being in a hurry to find the charger, you stopped searching and walked up to the bed then let yourself fall onto the mattress. Some plushies squished under your weight.
"See, if I sleep with them every night like this, it's gonna get messy." You twist and climb on properly. Some plushies sitting near the edge were either moved to sit atop the bigger stuffed toys or thrown to the armchair. Once there was enough space, you lay down on your back, holding onto a large headed koala plushie. “But, yeah, It's really comfy here though,”
Wakatoshi gently smiles. It may seem the same from his indifferent expression, there's enough to see that he is happy.
You pat the vacant space beside you, “here.”
Wakatoshi initially hesitates to take the invitation. You’re insistent, moving other stuffed toys aside to make room for him. Giving in, he does his best to help you, placing of the smaller plushies to sit atop the pillow sized ones, huddling together. Though, there are still others by the foot of the bed that stayed.
The mattress sinks from his weight and you feel it. The weight of an athlete is not one you usually perceive. Wow can it move you. He does the best he can to not russell the bed that much as he settles himself. Some of the plushies fall back to blankets. His broad and muscled shoulders and arms squash the soft materials of the stuffed toys and he rests his head on the blue, seal shaped pillow. You hand him the large, round plush of a Shiba Inu, placing it over his chest. To which he takes and coversnhis stomach with.
You change your position to rest on your side, facing Wakatoshi. “How is it?”
As you patiently wait for his answer, he shifts in small motions. A hand petting the stuffed dog. You can’t help but think how silly this is right now. 
With his usual deep, monotone voice, he says, “everything is soft.”
You smile. “Sure is, huh?”
He holds out the stuffed Shiba Inu, turning to its front side for him to see its face. It has round black eyes, tongue sticking out and pink blush.
“And very cute,” he followed up. Hands squishing the sides of its head. Thumbs pressing on the cheeks. "This is the first for me"
Somehow, this is a surprising reveal to you. Not that you ever thought he was the kind to enjoy plushies as much as you do. You have thought of him as someone who could care less about them. “What, laying in a bed full of stuffed toys?” you ask in light sarcasm, just to be a little funny.
Wakatoshi hums in agreement, still playing with the dog. 
“Really? Even as a kid?” you ask, turning to your side so not to fall asleep. “You didn't have a lot of stuffed toys growing up?"
“They gave me some when I was young. I don’t believe I slept holding one or having one at my bed, however,” he said. 
He takes interest in a small cat plush wearing a dotted dress sitting by your head and takes it, toying with its paws. “Now I feel like I’ve missed out on something so simple.”
You take your favorite purple penguin to wrap your arms on and you cheerfully say to Wakatoshi, “good thing you have now, huh?”
His attention returns to you. Eyes a surprise from what you said. Then, the familiar subtle fondness you’ve observed from him shows through calm eyes and a very rare natural smile.
“You're right,” he said.
You turn and push yourself up. It gives you a good look at Wakatoshi, ever so politely lying straight on your bed surrounded by the cutest and most adorable soft toys. It's silly really. You never thought you’d ever see him like this, given how serious he comes off whether he realizes it or not. You smile at him. Plopping yourself beside him a little closer and on eye-level to him.
“How come there’s so many?” he asked, shifting to have his body face you.
The two of you stay in bed, talking about how and when you got the plushies. Which ones you got as a kid, those you bought with your own money or won on crane games, and those you got as a gift, along with who they were from. Wakatoshi listens attentively, asking questions after you answer. He listens to you babble on, saying his simple yet unintentionally funny remarks here and there. You’d laugh. Its nice and relaxing. 
At one point, when your voice got soft and slower as you tell the story of how you got a very expensive pokemon plush in a crane game after three times and barely spending, He sneaks his hand to yours that is resting on the mattress, lacing them together. You continue to talk as you return the gesture by playing with the grip of your fingers on his hand. Face to Face to each other.
Suddenly, Wakatoshi said, tenderness the most clear in his expression it has ever been, "we should do this more often."   
You want him to clarify what he meant by that. Does he mean just lying down together? Talking about random stuff? Or, just lying in bed. Lying on your bed? Does he want you spending time on his bed?
Whichever it is, your heart wholly agrees. 
A/N: imma be real with you chief, i dont even know if they kissed after that 😅
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teamatsumu · 1 year
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kinktober 2023 -> day 8
domination - ushijima wakatoshi x reader
word count: 895
kinktober masterlist
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Ushijima Wakatoshi was a man.
In every sense of the word, he was the most man a man could be. You knew you couldn’t tell him that. It would only confuse him because of course he was a man, Wasn’t that obvious? But he didn’t get it like you did. He didn’t get how man he truly was.
He showed it in subtle ways, in the possessive touch of his hand at the small of your back, guiding you through crowds and making sure you didn’t stray too far. It showed when he wouldn’t let you carry anything, whether it was grocery bags, your own backpack, and sometimes even your purse if you had chosen a bigger one to hold your possessions. It would show in how he handled your daughter, gently despite his massive size, when you would walk in on him swinging her around as she hung from his bicep, shrieking in delight.
It showed in less gentler ways when it was just the two of you, in the darkness of your shared bedroom, when Ushijima pressed your body into the bed until you couldn’t move, until all you could do was lay there and take what he gave you, long hard strokes of his massive cock, bullying itself into your poor cunt without any care, knowing you well enough to know you loved the burn of it. He manhandled you whichever way he liked, bending and twisting your body to bring maximum pleasure to you both, making sure he hit all the right angles, but not letting you dictate the terms at all. And it turned you on so bad.
You loved that he was so dominating, that he didn’t like the idea of not having control. It meant that you could shut your brain off and let your husband do whatever he wanted to you, trusting that he would get you to the edge and make you topple over it. Like right now, you laid under him perfectly pliant, letting him fuck his cock into you over and over until your thoughts were nothing but a jumbled mess in your otherwise empty head.
Ushijima held your hands above your head by a single grip on your wrist, restricting any and all mobility you could have. You watched, eyes running down his sweaty body, all the curves and dents in his muscles shining with sweat, abs flexed as he worked his hips into you, watching the little bulge right at the bottom of your stomach, something that you knew had always fascinated and turned Ushijima on. Your hands struggled then a bit, out of instinct, trying to give in to the urge to run a hand over his bare, slick torso.
Ushijima sensed the movement, looking up at you with heated eyes. His movements never ceased, never even slowled, as he observed you trying to wrestle against his grip.
“No.” Came the simple answer.
You bit your lip, pleading with him. “Wanna touch you, Toshi.”
He shook his head, increasing his pace until you were gasping and arching into him. His eyes trained on your breasts, unable to stop himself from leaning down and sucking a nipple into his mouth. You moaned, feeling yourself gush around him more. The sounds of his thrusts grew wetter, filthier.
“Take what I give you.” He ordered once his mouth was free again, still leaned close to your chest, licking at the mounds. “You will get there. I will get you there, I promise. Just do as I say.”
And you did. You let your body go pliant again, let him drive his cock deeper and deeper into you, biting and sucking on your breasts until you were cumming, just as he released your hands and let you cling to him. He let you ground yourself as your orgasm overtook your body, your nails digging into the skin of his back, his cock not slowing down for a second until he had emptied himself into your thoroughly fucked out pussy.
At the end of the day, he really did know what was best for you. Why else would you trust him so completely with your body?
@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel @vintagevict0ria @smithieandy @moonlit-mizukage @snazzyturtles
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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maruflix · 4 months
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Ushijima Wakatoshi x f!reader The Super Ace of Shiratorizawa overheard a conversation between his teammates and his crush… and he did not like it.
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The first time Ushijima Wakatoshi met you was when you went to the gym to return Tendou Satori’s book. Apparently the two of you had gotten your books mixed up. After profusely apologizing, Tendou had asked the stoic captain to accompany you while he ran to the locker room to get your book from his bag. 
Awkwardly, Ushijima carried out his mission, making small talk with you (the small talk was asking for your name and class, then proceeding to stay silent). His first impression of you was that you’re quite shy and polite. He felt pleasantly surprised when you didn’t show an ounce of awkwardness even when the two of you stood silently. His teammates would always say that he’s bad at socializing and can often seem intimidating because of his quietness, but the silence that engulfed the two of you was comfortable and natural.
So imagine his surprise when Tendou returned and a switch in you immediately flips: there are not a lot of people who can match Tendou’s energy, but you easily adjusted yourself to his quirkiness, laughing along with his jokes. You waved to Tendou casually before turning to him and bowing slightly, bidding him goodbye with a “Well, see you around, Ushijima-kun.”
As time goes by, he starts to notice how you seem to appear more often. Sometimes you accompanied Tendou to the gym before going somewhere else, other times you arrived after the team finished practice, walking off with Tendou. The Shiratorizawa team has also gotten to know you as ‘(Name), Tendou’s friend’, as you’re really the only person they have seen Tendou hang out with.
To say that he is curious is an understatement. He can’t deny that he really wants to know who you are. Since when did Tendou have such a pretty friend? Why didn’t he ever tell him about you, when he would yap about anything and everything? Were you dating?
“Oh, she’s my seatmate. She’s a really cool kid, so we kinda vibe.” Was Tendou’s answer when he asked more about you. Truthfully, he wasn’t satisfied with that answer. But he kept quiet because he felt weird asking questions about his friend’s friend.
And then, that thing happened.
It was just another afternoon. The team just finished practice, everyone was chatting amongst themselves, and you were there again to pick up Tendou. Lately Goshiki and Ohira had also joined your conversations with Tendou, and the four of you were chatting away happily.
Ushijima pretended to drop his towel near the four of you and took his sweet time to pick it from the ground, shamelessly eavesdropping on your conversation.
“So, you’ve watched our matches, right? Do you think we did just as well as when we practice?” Goshiki asked curiously.
You hummed, “I don’t know much about volleyball, but… I think so, yeah! It’s always fun watching you guys play.”
“Then…” Ohira looked at you, “who do you think plays the best?” He asked, half jokingly.
“That’s an easy question, senpai,” Goshiki interjected, “Of course it’s gotta be our ace, right?”
“Yeah, that’s not fair! You should’ve asked for second best.” Tendou begrudgingly agreed.
Ushijima’s ears perked up as he pretended to wipe his forehead, turning around to look the other way with his feet still rooted to the ground. His heart started beating a bit faster at the thought of you complimenting him. ‘Logically speaking, I usually score the most points, so it can be said that I play the best, right?’
“Actually,” You grinned, “I have a different opinion.”
“Ehhh?? Really?? No way!!” Goshiki exclaimed excitedly, “Senpai, you think I’m better than our team’s ace?!”
“Hey now, she didn’t say that…”
“Maybe soon, Goshiki-kun. But now, I think… Tori-kun plays the best!” You cheered as the three boys cried out in surprise.
“Tendou?! Really?! Umm, no offense to you, Tendou..”
“Well, I have to admit, the Guess Monster is terrifying when he gets all pumped up…”
“Ehhh, (Name)-chan, you’re making me blush!”
Ushijima’s skin crawled.
“I’m not lying! The way your hand suddenly changes directions and BOOM! Blocked! I’m like, how the heck does he do that?!”
“Damn, Tendou, it must be nice to have a friend who hypes you up like (Name)-san.”
“Oh, but you’re really cool too, Reon-kun! I mean, that’s not even up for debate! And you too, Goshiki-kun! I think one of these days you can become the new ace!”
“Ehhhh!??! Senpai, I like you!”
“Don’t feed into his delusions.”
Ushijima knew that you were a kind person, and maybe you weren’t that familiar with volleyball, or you were just trying to make your friends happy, but…
He gripped his towel.
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The ball went flying through Tendou’s outstretched arms at such a speed that he thought it would blow his head off with it.
Tendou was used to Ushiwaka’s spikes. He was the Super Ace’s teammate, after all, but… He looked up, his heart nearly stopping when he saw the expression on Ushijima’s face.
Like he was going to swallow him whole.
“Don’t mind, Tori-kun!!”
Upon hearing your cheer, Tendou raised an eyebrow at how his captain’s expression twisted even more. He put on a wronged face as Ushijima gave him a glare and turned away.
‘What did I do?!’
Next to him, Ohira Reon was gasping for breath. He had been running around, digging balls and sending spikes, trying to win the 2v2 against Ushijima Wakatoshi and Semi Eita. But it was just not working. Of course it wasn’t working, the game was rigged! Whoever got Ushiwaka on his team is playing with cheats!
On the other side of the net, Semi glanced at Ushijima in hesitation. Ushijima had played like a cannon, receiving the ball perfectly for him to set and missing no beat in jumping and spiking the ball, sometimes right into the hands of his teammates on the other side, only for the ball to immediately bounce away. He could’ve aimed it elsewhere, but… to aim it towards Tendou and Ohira’s hands was like highlighting that even if the ball made contact with their hands, they couldn’t receive it anyway.
Well, it wasn’t that hard to guess where Ushijima would spike the ball. To be able to receive those spikes, though… now that was a skill on its own. Especially when he was playing like he’s trying to impress an Olympics coach.
To no one’s surprise, the practice ended with Ushijima-Semi’s win. Well, it was more like Ushijima’s win, with more than half of the points being his service aces. On any other day, their opponents would put up more of a fight, however Tendou had said earlier that he was feeling a bit under the weather.
Pretending like he didn’t hear anything, Ushijima insisted on playing against Tendou and Ohira, choosing not to cut Tendou any slack, spiking balls to his direction like he was trying to hit him on purpose. Ohira was no better, getting almost no chance to spike since receiving Ushijima’s unusually harder-than-ever spike serves was a real struggle in itself.
Tendou and Ohira regrouped with Semi and exchanged glances with the rest of the team, wondering what on earth caused their captain’s horrible mood. Ignoring their stares, Ushijima walked towards the person he had been focusing on.
“(Name).” Towering above you with a height of 189cm, Ushijima addressed you stoically, causing you to gasp in surprise.
You looked up at him. “Y.. yes, Ushijima-kun?”
“Did I do well?”
Flabbergasted, your mouth hangs open. “W-well, I..” Your eyes flitted at your friends but they only returned your glance with their own shocked silent stare.
“Well? Do you still think that Tendou plays better than me?”
You did a double take, your breath caught in your throat, the conversation you had with Tendou, Ohira and Goshiki a few days ago replaying in your head. “W-well, Ushijima-kun, it’s just that… Tori-kun is my friend, and-”
He bent down, gazing down at you in curiosity. “Do you think he plays better than me?”
“I-is there a wrong answer?” You breathed out at the close proximity between you two. Ushijima held his gaze, his eyes shining in amusement. You blushed at Ushijima’s confidence and obliviousness, thankful that Coach Washijo wasn’t in the room. “I-I-I think you play better than Tori-kun, sorry Tori-kun!” You yelled out, flustered.
Your friend could only give you a thumbs up, his mouth still hanging open.
“What about Ohira? Do you think he plays better than me?”
Gaping at him in shock, you stuttered out a “N-no, Ushijima-kun..”
Ushijima hummed, “And Goshiki?”
“No, you… you’re the best..” Horrifically embarrassed and confused, you finally gave him the answer he was looking for.
The entire Shiratorizawa team gaped at this hilarious interaction.
“I thought so as well.” Ushijima nodded, “But it still feels nice to hear it from you.” Satisfied, he rose up to his full height and turned to look at his team. “Why are you just standing there? Do you want to go for another round?”
Quickly, the team dispersed, no one wanting to be the victim of Ushiwaka’s spikes, all the while muttering about what the HECK just happened between Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendou’s friend.
You sat, frozen in shock, not expecting that your crush would ask you a string of shocking questions while keeping his face so close to yours, as if challenging you to give him the wrong answers. Of course you thought he was the best, but you couldn’t admit that in front of your friends and his teammates!
Your cheeks still continued to burn even after Tendou plopped down next to you in confusion. “Well… that was something. My hand hurts.”
“Tori-kun, did I.. did I offend him somehow?!” You whispered to him in a panic.
“Honestly, that guy is a mystery. He usually doesn’t care about these things, though.” Your friend replied with a knowing look in his eyes, “But just to be sure, talk to him, I guess?”
After the practice, the rest of the team headed outside while Ushijima busied himself with his bag, as if waiting for you to talk to him. After saying goodbye to your friends, you took determined steps towards the tall male, your heart beating out of your chest.
“Ushijima-kun!” You called out as he instantly turned to look at you, “I-I’m sorry if I offended you! I don’t know much about volleyball and aces and stuff, so I was just yapping about Goshiki being the new ace and-”
“Oh, I don’t really care about that.” Ushijima cut you off, staring blankly at you.
“That won’t ever happen, at least not while I’m still on the team.” He stated as-a-matter-of-factly, “I am the country’s top three aces, after all.”
You had to admit, his confidence was hella attractive. “But then… why were you angry earlier, Ushijima-kun?���
Your heart jumped out of your chest once more.
Ushijima didn’t seem to notice your flustered state. “Call me Wakatoshi.”
“Well, then.. Wakatoshi-kun, why did you..”
“I’m not angry.” He cut you off again, before placing a hand on your shoulder. “Did I scare you? I apologize.”
“No, you didn’t scare me! But… it’s more like… well, your face was so close, and I…”
Tilting his head, he leaned down to gaze at you, his face dangerously close. “Like this?”
He hummed, looking away. “What to do, I’m still not satisfied.” You blinked up at him owlishly, waiting for him to continue, “You always call Tendou so intimately. I wonder why, but I’m not satisfied with you just calling me by my first name.” He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world, catching you off guard.
For a second you wondered if Ushijima Wakatoshi was flirting with you, but the way he said those words so stoically made you unsure. “Then!” Gathering all your courage, you bravely met his gaze, “Is Toshi-kun… okay?” You offered shyly, feeling your ears start to burn.
Ushijima tilted his head to the other side, his eyes widening slightly. “Say that again?”
“We’ll go with that.” He placed a hand on your head, a smile ghosting his lips as you hide your face behind your hands.
And that day was the start of your friendship(?) with Ushijima Wakatoshi.
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ushiwhacka · 1 year
time skip! ushijima wakatoshi + fem! reader | mdni | 1,080 words | established relationship, prone bone, creampie, body worship, it's still summer in my <3
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he’s warm underneath you, skin soaked in sun and dusted in salt flakes. slow in the afternoon heat as you lay entangled, knees knocking together, your nose pressed into his neck, fingers massaging his scalp, and his arms loose around you. he smells of sweet coconut and the sea. 
the air sticky and hot, it wraps around you and sinks into your pores. the kind of warmth that feels like melting, blurs the edges of your bodies into one another. 
you’re lulled to sleep by the steady rise and fall of his chest, and wake to a kiss on the crown of your head with the taste of his skin sitting on your lips. he washes the dreams out of your eyes   and zips up your dress. drags his knuckles over your spine then kisses you right at the base do your neck.
and he holds you close, lets you cling onto his arm as you walk along cobblestoned streets. your heels unsteady over slippery stones. watches your every step from underneath knitted brows as you look around and gasp and point out pretty buildings. 
wakatoshi tries to get his fill of you, how you purse your lips in thought while reading the menu, how you turn away, just a little flustered under the weight of deep olive eyes. the expectant look on your face as you shove a fork into his mouth, and he agrees that it’s so good because everything you give him is good. 
he holds your hand in his over the table, squeezes it tighter at the feeling of your foot on his calf. unassuming and batting your eyelashes as you go above his knee, press into the muscle of his thigh. 
he’s even more handsome with his skin a deep bronze, a dusting of pink across his sunburnt nose and the tops of his cheeks. he wears his shirt with the top buttons opened just enough for you to see a peek of the hard planes of his chest. and he looks at you with a strange glow in his eyes, only you, precious and his.
and he doesn’t miss the intention in your voice when you coo his name, “wakatoshi,” drag it out into something of a whine, “you should ask for the check.”
you walk with hands intertwined again. maybe it’s the three piña coladas making your head fuzzy, or maybe he has just spoiled you so horribly, but you decide it’s not enough to just hold him. 
you stomp your feet and tug his arm back. “kiss.” you demand with your neck craned up towards him and eyelashes fluttering. 
there’s something about the way he touches you, the way he rubs the pads of his fingers into your cheeks. ardently. gently. how his mouth slots over yours.
the way he sinks onto his knees in the middle of your hotel room. fiddles with the delicate straps of your heels, presses his lips where the buckle has left an imprint in your skin. then he kisses the back of your knee, the inside of your thigh, the wet spot on your panties.
firm hands trace the back of your legs, grip the fat of your ass. he pulls you forward, buries himself deeper between your thighs, helps you rub your pussy on his face. and gasps turn into silent cries each time his nose catches on your clit. the friction only enough to build your frustration.
“wakatoshi,” it comes out so small, “please. i need you inside me.” he can never resist when you look at him with such pleading eyes, with tears welling up at your lash line. “please, toshi.”
he gives you what you want. always does. 
you whimper into the sheets as he sinks into you. his hand on your lower belly, pulling you up towards him. and even when he’s throbbing inside you, every muscle alight with the need to thrust into you, feel your walls stretch painfully around his girth, he resists. he waits until your body relaxes under him. eager lips drag against your spine and over your shoulder blades, leave searing, open-mouthed kisses up the back of your neck. 
his other arm wraps around your chest, holds you close enough that you can feel the beat of his heart against your back. 
gravelly and dark when he speaks in you ear. “are you alright, darling?”
“no.” your voice breaks. “can you just fuck me already?”
you choke on air your own spit when he pushes into you, when you feel him in the deepest parts of you dripping cunt. it’s new and overwhelming and sends a mess of pleas and prayers scratching up your throat. the tip of his cock sits so snug at your cervix, rubs against it each time he grinds his hips into you. so intentionally slow. 
there’s something about being held so tightly, trapped and helpless in his arms, the raw power of his body pressing into you. the already heavy air feels thicker and you gasp to suck in a breath after each drawn out, squeaky whimper. 
all you can feel is him — the amber of his cologne, the heat of his skin, his breath hot and hitching at the nape of your neck, the salty tinge of his sweat where your tongue lolls out to taste his forearm, low grunts that tingle in your ear and down your spine, the hard muscle where you sink your nails into his flesh.
wakatoshi loses himself in the feeling, in you. there’s something predatory and repressed that overwhelms his senses when he has you limp and trembling underneath him. how you take all of him and keen and whine and beg for more. how your pussy squeezes around him, how it drools all hot and slick when he whispers an “i love you” into the fat of your cheek. whiny and sniffling when you demand he comes inside you.
his chest heaving, he drops his forehead in the dip of your shoulders. listens to the sweet sounds of contented sighs sour into complaints when he even thinks about moving away from you. and he gives you what you want once again, drapes his body over yours and nuzzles into your neck, spoils you with kisses so tender they make you giggle. and he lets you spoil him with your love, wring him and twist him in any way you want. because being wanted by you is the most devastating pleasure he’s ever known.
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thank you for reading! interaction is very much appreciated! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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xfgpng · 1 year
𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 -
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— : [ nsfw ] infidelity, mutual pining, unprotected sex, sorta drunk sex but it’s very much consensual, pet names, choking + mentions of blood
— : wc : 1k
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sober you might look back at your text log and feel slightly guilty. you had made a promise to yourself that you’d be done with him. it was one night and it was a mistake. a terrible one.
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| you : cme c me
| you : [ address ]
he already knew where you stayed. he knows because he’s been there a few times with his girlfriend, one of your friends.
you’re obviously drunk. you’re not making any sense but he can still make out what you’re saying. he doesn’t want to end things with you, already hooked.
it was a mistake, at least that’s what you’re both telling yourselves. he always has fights with his girlfriend and he doesn’t understand why you feel bad. you’re only friends with her by extension of your actual best friend and they don’t even get along that well.
he wants you. he’s wanted you since the first night you met and you spilled apple juice on his jeans. he finds your mannerisms adorable and funny and you make him feel good about himself. you listen when he talks and god he feels like he’s floating on cloud nine when he’s deep inside you.
your pretty acrylic nails dig into the meat of his shoulders and scratch down his back and he finally presses into you. he’s so fucking big and you can’t get used to the feeling of being stretched so much that it hurts.
he groans, back arching a little when he feels the stinging sensations caused by you scratching him. he can tell it’s bleeding and he’s so turned on it takes everything in him not to cum so fast. he feels like a virgin and he should be embarrassed but the way you gasp and whimper for him? he doesn’t care.
he’s tipsy, having taken a few shots of whatever you had been drinking when he arrived. you’re both feeling the buzz and everything feels heightened. he wonders if this is what satori meant when he said smoking before fucking made everything so much more enjoyable.
“toshi” you moan, biting his jaw and leaving very visible marks on his neck. he doesn’t want to stop you, loves the feeling of your teeth against his hot skin.
“i know baby, i know” he kisses your temple, “i’ve got you”
it’s so intimate, far more intimate that him balls deep inside you but you crave it. it was easier to deny your feelings for him when you weren’t around each other but you couldn’t deny the way your heart raced whenever you heard his voice or saw his adorable half smiles.
you wanted him.
he wraps the hand that’s not gripping your waist around your throat. you’ve noticed he’s fascination with your neck, spending a lot of time kissing, biting and touching it.
“fuck, you feel so good” he whispers, staring right into your eyes as he thrusts into you harder. the headboard bangs against the wall and you’re grateful your neighbours aren’t home for the weekend because they’d definitely hear how loud you’re being.
“need more” you beg, wrapping your legs around his waist to pull him deeper. you don’t need to elaborate, he knows what you want and he’s more than happy to give it to you.
he tightens his grip around your neck, causing your eyes to cross as he pounds you into your bed. it’s going to be sore but you don’t really mind. this is exactly how you like it and no one’s been able to hold a candle to him since that night you two first had sex.
he’s a fast learner, playing with your body like he’s been studying it for years. it should be unfair but you weren’t going to complain if it meant he’d always make you feel like this.
he was no better. you felt like heaven around him, the way your pussy gripped him so tightly like you were scared he’d pull out. your soft skin against his own, hot and sweaty.
your lips against his or his jaw. he especially liked when you’d moan right in his ear, not shy to let him know just how good he makes you feel. he didn’t care about anything other than you and he knew he wouldn’t be able to get enough of you.
“cum for me baby please, give it to me” he begs sweetly, voice an octave lower as he kisses your lips, your cheeks and then right below your ear. “please pretty girl, wanna feel you”
that’s all you really need, he doesn’t even need to touch your clit as you tighten up around him, head thrown back as you cum for him. loud and hard.
“fuck.. thank you baby” he moans, biting down on your shoulder as he chases his own high. he’s so close and the way you whimper and kiss his cheeks isn’t helping him keep composure.
“inside toshi” you whisper, “make me yours”
he’ll deny the sounds he makes as he cums inside you, painting your gummy walls white with his hot and thick cum. it’s so much that it gushes out and drips down onto your bed sheets.
“shit” he gasps, opening his eyes to look at you.
“yeah” you breath out
he leans down to close the distance but he waits for you to kiss him. he doesn’t want to get his hopes up because the last time you wouldn’t kiss him after and you ignored his texts.
he’s not ashamed to admit that he wants you. he’s selfish and he knows that but he’ll have you in anyway he can have you. this was enough for him.
“kiss me toshi” you say softly, not as tipsy as you were when he first kissed you that night. your body feels floaty but you like the feeling of him pressed against you.
“i don’t want you to ignore me again” he sighs, pressing his forehead against yours, “i can’t—”
“i know” you cup his face in your hands, “i won’t, i’m sorry”
he smiles and it leaves you breathless. you’d have to talk about it in the morning when you were both a lot more sober and coherent but he knew he was going to leave his girlfriend.
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mavrintarou · 8 months
Lord Ushijima Wakatoshi [2 - end]
Thank you for all your patience with me. I hope you all are having a great start to the year, cheers to many more smut lol I have like two stories I didn't finish for the Daddies in December trope that I might still post them - I think there's still Itachi & Shisui (together) and Shikamaru.
Warning: angst, violence, fluff, smut, this is long because I didn't want to write a 3rd part
Y/n’s fingers tighten around the teacup as she brings it to her lips. Her favorite blend of tea she normally loved to drink on a rainy night tasted bitter yet bland to her tongue.
As she expected, there was nothing to sharpen on an already sharp sword. She set it along with the other swords for Maru’s father to deliver to the owner.
The rain poured heavily with thunder and lightning, the sky darker than usual.
Y/n’s intuition told her it was a sign.
She knew Captain, after serving several years beside him, she knew how he operated, how he hunted.
Dropping off his most prized possession, the sword, clearly indicated that he had tracked her down.
Why though?
Was he there to recruit her back into the Corps?
. .
The sword was sitting on the stand when she entered her sanctuary the following morning.
“Oh, you arrived early today,” Maru’s father greeted, “I forgot to tell you that the sword's owner requested you to deliver it to him. I hope you won’t be too busy this morning to do so.”
Y/n shook her head, “I can do that.” She approached the sword and reached for it, turning her heels to head towards the address scribbled on the note.
Y/n stared at the closed gates of the compound that had no listed clan name outside the wall.
She wonders if Wakatoshi is temporarily staying in this compound. It was much too large for one person.
Her knuckles come into contact with the gates, knocking softly.
“Coming,” a female voice calls from the other side.
The wooden door cracks open and an elderly woman smiles, “you must be Y/n-san?”
Y/n bowed, holding Wakatoshi’s sword outward, “I’ve come to return Lord Ushijima’s sword.”
“Oh, please come in, he is waiting for you.”
Y/n’s breath hitched, she knew she wouldn’t get away with just dropping his sword off without facing him. She followed quietly into the compound.
Her eyes bulge at the sight of the neat courtyard. The path they were walking on led them straight to the main house where she slid open a door, “my Lord will be with you shortly.” The door was slid closed after her.
In the middle of the room was a table with two cushions on each side. On the table were two tea cups and a tea kettle with freshly brewed tea.
Y/n took a seat on one side, setting the sword beside her, and waited patiently.
She zoned out before she heard a soft knock and the door slid open. She turned her head and her eyes widened as they connected with his.
Wakatoshi looked completely different. It was less than five times that she’d seen him wear something aside from his Corp uniform. In front of her stood a figure draped in a black kimono, with his bangs almost covering his eyes.
“Y/n,” he called softly. He entered the room and closed the door behind him, she watched as he took the spot across from her. His eyes never left hers.
Her heartbeat skipped but she kept her composure. “Captain.”
Wakatoshi shook his head, “I am no longer Captain.”
He explained everything that had happened after she left abruptly.
Y/n exhaled softly. She never thought he would ever resign, let alone leave the life he had known.
“What will you be doing now?” She asked, hand tightening on the sword in her hand. Her eyes widen, remembering it. Quickly, she lifts his sword to him, “here is your sword.”
He gently accepted it from her, setting it on the floor behind him. A soft smile graced his lips, “I have come a long way to find you..” He reached across the table, his thicker and longer fingers touching hers. “You left me without a word.”
Her fingers gently graze against his. Y/n remembers threading her fingers with his during their most intimate moments. She quickly withdrew her hand into her lap. “I don’t… I don’t understand why you would come this far to find me?”
Wakatoshi stared at her longingly before sighing, “I am here to take responsibility.” He raised his eyes to hers again, “I have wronged you and I want to make things right. All a person like me can offer you is owning up and taking responsibility for my actions.”
“Your actions?”
Wakatoshi frowned, not sure he understood the iciness in her tone. “Yes, my actions. I need to take responsibility for you, your body, and your dignity. Does that not please you?”
Y/n finally replied quietly after looking at a distance. “No, that does not please me. You owe me nothing, you do not need to take any responsibility. Please return.” She stood up and exited the room.
. .
Lord Ushijima did not return.
Y/n glared at him as he smiled politely as Maru’s father gave him a tour of the shop. “This is Y/n, you may have already met her as she is our sword sharpener. And over here is where you’ll be,” he continued to lead Wakatoshi down the corridors.
She would collaborate with Wakatoshi, who is tasked with crafting swords – a laborious and physically demanding responsibility.
Turning her heels, she shut the door to her sanctuary and began her day.
The shop closes for one hour at noon for lunch. Maru’s mother is in charge of making every day’s meal and everyone was to report to the dining room promptly.
Y/n glared with narrowed eyes as Wakatoshi occupied the seat to her right, a spot typically reserved for Maru. Maru, entering last, was surprised to find his usual seat taken. Nevertheless, he swiftly smiled and settled down on her left side.  
“Itadakimasu.” They all said in unison.
Y/n and Wakatoshi both reached for their chopsticks simultaneously, their elbows inadvertently colliding due to his left-handedness and her right-handedness.
“Oh!” Maru’s mother giggles, “Wakatoshi, why don’t you and Maru switch spots since you are a lefty?”
Maru was about to reach for his bowl and get up when Wakatoshi politely declined, “it is okay, I will eat with my right hand.”
They all watched him switch hands and began eating.
Y/n looked away, fixating on her bowl of rice, her thoughts drifting. Her mind remained preoccupied with the fact that Wakatoshi, her Captain, was in the same village and seated beside her.
She frowned when a piece of grilled salmon was placed on her rice, prompting her to turn and glance at the person to her right. Wakatoshi, however, continued eating as if it were not a significant matter.
Four weeks later, Wakatoshi proved to be an expert welder and demonstrated his mastery as a skilled welder. With his strength and knowledge, he has shaped a new distinctive style of swords that has attracted swordsmen from both nearby and distant villages, eager to explore and acquire blades crafted by Lord Ushijima, the famous Shiratorizawa Captain.  
It was more in demand that these blades were further perfected by the renowned artisan Y/n, known for her exceptional sharpening and refining skills.
One last one, she told herself, for the nth time. Each time, she would grab another sword without realizing it. She took pride in her work and products, and once she initiated the process, she was determined to persist, recognizing that halting would disrupt the momentum of sharpening a sword.  
It was one late evening when the shop had already closed down for the day, leaving her as the sole occupant. Typically, Maru would linger around to provide company, but after four failed attempts, he realized it was futile; as she was too engrossed in her work to engage in even a brief conversation with him.
Her hands came to a stop as her instincts were triggered, swiftly detecting the unfamiliar presence. The footsteps of at least six were too quiet and skilled.
Reaching underneath her table, she slowly pulled out the small knives she had hidden. As soon as she saw the shadow of one, with a flick of her wrists, aiming at the intruder.
In the blink of an eye, Y/n had another small katana at the throat of the intruder. “Move and I will slice your throat.” Pulling off the head covering, Y/n didn’t recognize the face. “Who are you and what business do you have breaking in?”
The man showed no fear except pain in his thigh which she had targeted.
She pressed the katana to his throat, breaking the skin. “Speak.” She looked at the others, there were six of them with covered faces. They all drew their swords, ready to attack.
Digging the knife in his thigh deeper, he cried out in anguish. She pushed the man forward, forcing the other men to retreat but kept their defense up.
They reached outside to the front of the shop where Y/n calculated how she would take them all down. “Are you their leader?” There was no response, and Y/n chuckled, “I’ll take your silence as a wish for your death.” She ripped the small knife out from his thigh, growling, “and guarantee that you shall never raise a sword again!” With swift and precise motion, the knife severed crucial ligaments.  
The five men charged at her as she kicked the man in her hold down but before she could draw the sword she had strapped behind her back she was surprised with the sudden appearance of seven other men she was familiar with.
Her old team.
With each of the five intruders apprehended by Reon, Satori, Eita, Tsutomu, and Yu. Kenjiro and Wakatoshi stepped out from the shadows.
The stern, icy expression on his face was the same one she remembered.
The intense silent gaze from Y/n unsettled all the men present, except for Wakatoshi, who remained completely unperturbed by her piercing stare.
They all sat before her in her small home after they apprehended the men who broke into the shop. Wakatoshi handed them off to the authorities who had been searching for these highly skilled bandits.
Maru and his family came on-site, devastated at the news their shop had been broken into. Thankfully it was minor interior damage and was something they could fix up easily within a few days.
“What are you all doing here?” Y/n finally asked.
Every face in the room turned to look at Wakatoshi, waiting for him to answer.
“They have also relocated as well.”
Y/n inhaled deeply, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I’m sure you guys are not stationed here?” They had no business in this town.
“We’ve all resigned as well,” Reon answered, “and followed Captain here to find you.” He smiles softly at her, “we missed you Y/n.”
Any frustration within her bones faded, Y/n couldn’t stay mad even if she pretended to. “I missed you all too.” She stepped forward and gave each of them a hug.
After all, this was her team for many years.
Everyone but Wakatoshi left, he remained, leaning against the wall.
Y/n glanced at him and then at the gates to her compound, she raised a brow at him. “It is late…”
It was past midnight, she had too much catching up with her teammate, losing track of time in the process.
“Can I have a word with you?” Wakatoshi approached her and stopped until he stood in front of her. He was always aware of their height difference, but he never realized how much smaller she was to him.
His breath hitched as his lower region tightened and memories reminded him how she felt when she came around his thick cock.
“Are you… okay?” She reached up to cup his suddenly flushed cheeks.
In an instant, she recognized her actions and pulled back her hand, but Wakatoshi was quicker. He caught her and held her hand, pressing her small palm against his cheek, feeling the stubble on his unshaven chin and cheeks from the past day.
He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes, a soft sigh escaped his lip as he felt recharged instantly.
“Y/n,” Wakatoshi groan in half pain and half frustration, “I’m – I’m no good at this…” He opened his eyes, they burned with dark desire, gazing deeply into hers. “I’m learning and I’m good with anything I put my heart and mind into but this, I’m no good with love. I’ve never loved before so I don’t know how to, or what to do. I don’t know – I don’t know how to make you love me like how I love you.”
“What?” it barely came out as a whisper.
“All my life, I had no trouble accomplishing anything I put my heart and mind to but showing you how I feel about you has been the one damn hardest thing I am struggling with.” He closed the remaining distance between them. He reached to cup her face with his large palm, “I don’t know how to express my love to you with words, I’ve never been good with words.” Wakatoshi’s eyes darkened, “I didn’t realize how pathetic I have been showing you with my body… with our bodies.” He looked away, embarrassed.
It did not dawn on him until he sought guidance from Reon and Satori. They scold him for his lack of knowledge with a woman.
“Do you think taking her to your chambers almost every time is going to show her that you care for her?” Satori gasped after hearing his Captain’s explain their history. “She probably thinks you were just using her for her body for your pleasure.”
Wakatoshi gasped lightly, the thought never crossed his mind. That was never his intention. He began seeing his actions from a different perspective and groaned painfully as he felt like a complete thoughtless being. Now he understood her reactions and words.
He kept digging himself into a deeper hole each time.
“Apologize to her, clarify to her what you truly meant because I’m pretty sure, she is thinking that you were only using her body all this time.” Satori had more experience with women than the others on the team. “She probably thinks you didn’t care about the baby either.”
“That’s not true!” Wakatoshi roared, “I may not have known but it didn’t mean I wasn’t devastated… when I wrapped my head around it… it was already too late.” His shoulders dropped, “Y/n lost our baby and I was losing her…” he paused, “and at this point, I lost her.”
“It took me losing you to recognize my feelings for you,” he swallows, “I have loved you for a long time, just never realized it. You had always been by my side for many years but when that changed, I am nothing without you when you are not beside me.” Wakatoshi pressed his lips to the crown of her head before gazing down at her with soft eyes once again, “please forgive me for my lack of knowledge and past actions. I want to do better, I want to be better for you.”
Y/n’s eyes filled with tears before she surprised him, throwing her arms around him and burying her face against his broad chest.
All the tension he felt expelled out of his body the moment her arms wrapped around his waist. He let out a soft sigh and wrapped his arms around her.
Y/n pulled away to look up at him, “I have been in love with you for many years too but I was too afraid of my feelings because I never felt them before and I didn’t want to risk ruining our friendship we had…” A tear slips from the corner of her eye, “I too want to do better, be better for you too.”
Y/n blinks away sleep, her eyes adjusting to the scene in front of her. A frown appears on her face before the memories resurface – a few hours ago, she reunited with Wakatoshi. She can’t recall the details of how they ended up in her chamber, but after a long and eventful day, they drifted off to sleep, embracing each other.
His facial features were relaxed and soft making him look younger.
While awake, Wakatoshi consistently wore a single expression. Only a select few, those close to him, had witnessed him smile or laugh. However, Y/n was the sole person who had glimpsed everything he had concealed within.
Y/n, typically unselfish, couldn’t suppress a sense of greed and delight at being the only one who had seen the handful of expressions displayed by Wakatoshi.
A lewd memory of Wakatoshi’s grimace expression came to mind when he came inside her. His mouth hung open, eyes tightly closed, and breath coming in pants.
As if he sensed her impure thoughts about him, Wakatoshi’s eyes opened, staring right into hers.
Y/n quickly turned her head, cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
His strong arms tightened around her, bringing her even closer to him. His nose pressed into her neck as he pressed a kiss against the skin. “Why are you shy now?”
Y/n squirms in his arms, turning her back towards him. “N – nothing…”
A low hum vibrates from his throat before he rolls above her, careful of his weight on her. He reached and gripped her chin gently, forcing her to look at him. With a better view of her face, he smiles warmly. “Morning, my love.” It was all still new to him, but expressing his love for her was all coming naturally to him. “I hope you slept as well as I did.” He leans down and presses his lips against hers in a gentle kiss.
She couldn’t recall the last time she experienced such blissful sleep, enveloped and protected by the embrace of the one she loved.
Y/n’s hands that were trapped between their bodies wiggled their way to cup his face, bringing him in for a deeper and more passionate kiss.
Y/n knew she was in love with him after their first night. She was in love with him prior but always kept her feelings at bay, thinking they were comrades and love would only ruin the bond they shared.
Now that she could kiss him with her whole heart…
Their kiss broke abruptly as they both stared at the closed chamber door.
“Y/n! Are you home?”
“Thank you,” Y/n smiles, closing the gate. She let out a sigh of relief, it was her neighbor coming to check on her after the incident.
“Are you hurt at all?” The elderly lady asked with worry.
Y/n confirmed she was fine, assuring her kind and sweet neighbor she was free of harm.
Y/n quickly hurried inside her home where she found Wakatoshi waiting, leaning against the door frame.
His yukata bunched at his waist leaving his upper body bare.
Y/n’s eyes followed southwards… to the tent at his crotch.
A few minutes ago she had quickly tried to shove him off but the attempt was futile as Wakatoshi refused to budge.
“It’s fine, she’ll get the idea you might not be home if you don’t respond,” he leaned down to kiss her again but she dodged it, his lips pressing against her jaw.
Y/n almost giggled at this new side of him.
Whoever was at her gates was persistent, shouting her name.
Y/n continue to squirm, now smacking his shoulder to get off of her. “It is my neighbor, she’s probably worried!”
Groaning, Wakatoshi rolled off and watched in annoyance as Y/n hurried off to greet the unwelcome guest.
She left him in a state of discomfort.
“Come here,” he ordered softly.
Y/n fought the urge to smile, staying in her current position with hands clasped over her stomach. She shook her head, biting down on her lower lip.
Wakatoshi’s lips curved into a smile as he launched for her.
But Y/n was faster, running in the opposite direction.
After five minutes of cat and mouse chasing, Wakatoshi wrapped his long arms around her, enveloping her in a tight bear hug.
“Got you,” he murmured lowly, inhaling her addicting scent. “No more,” he whispers, “no more running from me, please.”
Turning around in his arms, Y/n snaked her hand to the back of his head, bringing it close to hers. “No more, I won’t run from you anymore.”
The contrast of their height and physique was remarkable, yet Wakatoshi didn’t mind it one bit.
She is lifted off the wooden floors, her legs wrapping around his waist, ankles locking.
“Good,” he carries her to her chamber. His eyes remained connected to hers, “you’re the most beautiful woman in my world.”
Y/n tightens her legs around his waist pressing herself against his cock.
He winced, eyes shutting and inhaling sharply. “You…” he opens his eyes, his pupils dilated. “I don’t want to hurt you…”
Her lips near his as she whispers, “you won’t, I know you won’t hurt me.”
He adjusts her weight in his arms, shifting her higher so he can look up to her. “Kiss me.”
Smiling broadly, she leaned down and pressed her lips softly against his.
Wakatoshi maneuvered her in his arms and laid her gently on the futon. His mouth continued to move hungrily over hers. His fingers found the knot that held her yukata together and pulled it loose. His palms slipped inside, pushing away the materials that covered her beautiful body.
“Ahh,” Y/n moaned when his palm groped her bosom. Her nipples immediately harden, perfect for his fingers to tweak. She watched as he took a nipple into his hot mouth. Her fingers threaded through his dark thick hair as she moaned his name.
He glanced up, releasing her nipple.
Y/n softly strokes his face, “Wakatoshi, make love to me.”
His lips formed a gentle smile, turning to kiss her palm. “As you wish, my love.”
Wakatoshi straightens and pushes off the only remaining piece of clothing on him. His cock sprang against his abdomen, long and thick. He reaches for Y/n’s hands and pulls her up against him before wrapping his arm around her back.
He kept his hot gaze on her while pushing her yukata off, discarding it aside. He adjusts her, having her kneel over his lap. His fingers seek in between her thighs, grazing her moistened lips before dipping a finger past her folds.
Wakatoshi presses his lips against her clavicle and nips the skin, “you’re so wet.”
Y/n hums, unknowingly rocking against his finger. She gasped when he added not one, but two fingers inside her drenched pussy.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes,” she breathed, “I’m always ready for you.”
Wakatoshi chuckled, heart fluttering around her words. His fingers are quickly replaced with this cock as he brings her hips slowly down onto his cock.
Y/n wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him close. Her breath shook as she feels her body split trying to accommodate his cock. “You’re – you’re so big…”
He rubs her lower back, cooing soothing words. “Relax, my love, you just forgot but you’ve taken me before… many times before… remember?”
Her hips bounced lightly and little by little, she was able to take more of him until he was fully embedded inside her. Looking between their bodies, she gasped lightly as her belly bulged slightly.
Wakatoshi kissed her cheek, whispering, “I’ll make sure you won’t ever forget…” His hands slipped beneath her bottom and began bouncing her on his cock.
Slapping skin on skin echoed throughout the room with her moans and his grunts.
Wakatoshi groaned against her neck before he pushed her down on her back and shifted above her to continue pounding deeply. His massive sacks thump repeatedly against her bottom, sparking her near orgasm.
“Toshi…” Y/n moaned, tenderly staring into his eyes, “cum inside me… cum inside me, my love…”
Lost with words, Wakatoshi fasten his hips, hammering his thick cock until he was quivering in a release as he stuffed her pussy full of his cum.
“My love…” he whispered repeatedly. He towers over Y/n and presses his lips to her forehead, nose, and lips. “I love you… you are my world.” The heavenly smile she gave him was all he needed for the rest of his life.
“I love you too.”
He swallowed the lump in his throat, “I put my seed inside you…”
Y/n giggles, “I know…”
The corner of his lips itch to smile, “will you have my child again?” He sees the pain in her eyes and he chews on his lower lip before speaking again, “we will always remember the child we lost. This time, I will be there for you, every step of the way.”
Their shop resumed four days later. Wakatoshi and Y/n appeared at the shop hand in hand.
“Oh my,” Maru’s mother whispered, hands pressed together. Her shocked look immediately softened as she smiled, “we will still be a family, right?”
“If it will be all right with you all,” Y/n answers softly, looking at Maru’s mother and father and then lastly at Maru. His eyes were still staring at Y/n and Wakatoshi’s tightly intertwined fingers.
Maru sighed softly before smiling, yet his eyes revealed a sense of disappointment. “I knew you had someone else in your heart.” He looks up at Wakatoshi and with a firm tone, “promise me you will take good care of her.”
“I promise,” Wakatoshi replied, casting a warm look at Y/n.
. .
[Six months later]
Y/n wipes the sweat and dirt off her husband’s forehead as he finishes polishing the last sword of the day.
With the guidance and teaching of Y/n, he has learned the art and skill of sword sharpening. He has taken over her role for the time being.
After discovering she was with child, Y/n could not win against Wakatoshi, and Chigaya family members. She was forbidden to even sharpen a sword, let alone lift one.
“Well done,” Y/n murmurs sweetly, handing him the casing.
She was proud of her husband, who quickly became renowned as a sword sharpener.
With his focus off of work for the day, he turned his attention to his wife, pulling her into the space between his legs. He presses a kiss to her pregnant belly, “did you take your afternoon nap yet?”
“Yes, we did. I feel refreshed now.”
“My baby isn’t giving you a hard time, are they?” Wakatoshi has been nervous about this pregnancy, taking extra precautions. He even had Kenjiro moved next door for the time being to be closer in case of emergency.
Maru’s mother had reassured Wakatoshi that the minor issues Y/n was facing during pregnancy were entirely normal. However, when she mentioned that Y/n appeared quite significant, Wakatoshi couldn’t help but feel uneasy.
“It’s likely because you, my Lord, are substantial,” she reassured, with a laugh, “I believe your baby is inheriting their size from their father.”
That didn’t ease Wakatoshi’s concerns. He worried that if his wife was indeed carrying a large baby, it might pose challenges during childbirth, considering her petite stature.
“It is alright, my love,” Y/n consoles, “my body will adapt, and everything will be fine.”
Wakatoshi exhaled softly, “I love you too much, I don’t want you hurting.”
“It is worth it,” she smiles, rubbing her belly.
. . .
E/n: You all know... it's our baby boy Suna's bday coming up... stay tuned lol
>>> @queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy @chrisrue15
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nariism · 1 year
i don’t dance!
pair. pro-player!ushijima x PR manager!reader
content: fluff, reader is his VERY TIRED PR manager who really deserves a raise, weak attempts at humour, no pronouns used for reader
synopsis. you need to teach ushijima how to waltz
wc: 2.2k
a/n: i eat the “teach me how to dance” trope up for breakfast, lunch and dinner. (also yes i absolutely did use a high school musical song as the title who’s gonna stop me)
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ushijima wakatoshi is what people typically refer to as emotionally unavailable.
he just doesn’t have the time to worry about trivial things like romance or feelings or anything of the sort. not while he’s trying to keep up with his rigorous training schedule on top of countless interviews and photo shoots that you, his wonderful PR manager, generously offer to help him prepare for.
it’s no surprise that this man - 6 feet and almost 4 inches of pure heart throb material - has yet to find a partner worth keeping around. not that he hadn’t had one night stands, per say, but being emotionally available for a committed relationship isn’t something he has on his mind right now.
although he isn’t exactly the type to be nitpicky about this kind of stuff, he does come off as cold if you don’t know him well enough (unintentionally, of course). people who he welcomes into his life simply find him too busy or too severe in his mannerisms to form proper relationships. thus, his friend group is kept tight, extending almost exclusively to members of the japanese national team.
ushijima keeps to himself and minds his own business. he doesn’t speak until spoken to, unless he has some opinion about other volleyball players you have to thwart. he doesn’t make a fuss about insignificant things. he respects his elders and works hard in every aspect of his life that involves his career. words are kept short and to the point, never sugar coated and he certainly never lies.
he specifically remembers one scenario in which an adoring fan had come up to him after a game while you were distracted with the press, and they had confessed their undying love to him much to his horror.
“could you leave me alone?” he had told them bluntly when they asked if he could please dm them on twitter, and you nearly died on the spot when the cameras all turned to the pair behind you. it was a horribly busy week for you, playing the role of damage control all while ushijima remained completely indifferent to the storm that was brewing on social media around his name and how he was trending for two whole days after the fact.
thankfully, the fan had gratefully accepted a bouquet of flowers ‘courtesy of ushijima’ (which he also almost vehemently denied online before you smacked him upside the head), and all was forgiven. it even made him trend for a couple days longer, but this time with everyone singing his praises. he should give you more credit where it’s due, because being a PR manager for someone so terrible at smiling for the camera is like hell on earth.
you had told him once that it was important to keep a good rapport with his fans, even if they were more forward with their advances than he was used to back in high school. he looked at you funny until you continued: “i’m not saying you should go off and date anyone who confesses to you, but could you at least be a little nicer?!” sounding extremely exasperated.
he didn’t even end up agreeing with you, too distracted by the way your lips moved while you scolded him to pay you his full attention.
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“tonight’s the gala. everyone will be there.”
“i know.”
“so why,” you hiss out the words through grit teeth, jaw tense as you pinch the bridge of your nose, “are you standing outside my house when you should be getting ready?”
he’s silent for a moment. you glance up to make sure he’s actually still standing there being stupidly handsome and that you’re not just dreaming he is. ushijima averts his gaze awkwardly, hands in his pockets as he contemplates whether or not he should say what’s on his mind and risk having you slam the door in his face in frustration.
(it’s happened before; once, when he told you he was the top reply on a post for asking what “smash” means and why everyone was commenting it under all his instagram photos. you slammed the door in his face then, too, but he could still hear you erupt into laughter from the other side much to his confusion.)
you’re looking at him expectantly, with a brow raised and your lips pursed as you wait for an explanation.
“it’s a gala.”
you close your eyes and take a deep breath, patience wearing thin. “i know, wakatoshi. i just said that.”
“it’s a gala, so...” he huffs, “i have to dance, don’t i?”
you look up again at his words, confusion written all over your face. you’re in the middle of getting ready yourself, dressed to the nines. not as his date, of course, though he’d asked you.
(“what did you just say?”
“why can’t you just come with me? it would save you the trouble of getting the extra ticket. it’s not like i’m taking anyone else.”
“i can’t- that’s-... it’s unprofessional.”
“oh. i see.”)
you take the opportunity to scrutinize his outfit, as your eyes always end up doing. you’re always observing him closely, hoping and praying he doesn’t do or say something that will get him cancelled. in his defense, he’s gotten better at keeping his mouth shut when he knows you’re sitting there stressed to all hell about what you’ll need to apologize for on his behalf that week.
not that he would ever admit it out loud, but he likes the attention a little bit. enjoys being fussed over, since he spends most of his time isolated save for the members of his team. and it’s not like you’re very secretive about your judgment of him. it’s your job, for one, but there’s an undeniable and genuine worry in your eyes every time he says something he shouldn’t. he thinks it’s fine that he indulges in your presence just a bit, especially since people have found him intimidating his whole life. it’s nice to talk to someone who isn’t afraid to stand up to him once in a while.
you sigh quietly. “yes, you’ll have to dance. why?” you open the door wider for him, a gesture he’s familiar with equating to come in. “you’re not planning on bailing ‘cause of that, are you?”
he watches as you retreat further into your house, probably to fix your hair one last time before you head out early. you always arrive to these sorts of events earlier than he does, and always in a separate car. you were insistent that he arrive either alone or with his own date, since it would reduce the risk of scandals questioning your seemingly close relationship with each other.
close is not the word either you nor ushijima would use to describe your feelings toward one another. sure, you were the one helping to manage his schedule even though the job description did not at all entail that, and you’re the one keeping him in line with the media. he even has you over sometimes for dinner after an especially long day. but no, you’re not close. work acquaintances at best.
“no, i’m not bailing,” he tells you as he trails behind, following you to the mirror in the hallway - the one hung up above a high table littered with trinkets from past events and some photos of you and your friends and family. you look at him with a quizzical expression through the mirror.
he stands rigidly behind you. the thought that it feels strangely domestic with you getting ready in front of him like this crosses his mind, and makes him grossly warm and fuzzy inside.
“i don’t know how to dance.”
you pause in your ministrations, hair that you meant to pin up falling back over your eyes as you stare at him with bewilderment. “you what?”
“i don’t know how to dance,” he repeats, though you heard him perfectly fine the first time.
“you... don’t know how to... dance...” you sound out the sentence slowly, hoping that you possibly misheard him. to your horror, he only nods in confirmation.
in your one year, three months and twenty-two days of working with ushijima, how could it have never once dawned on you that this 6 foot monster of a volleyball player doesn’t know how to do something as elegant as a waltz?
it’d never been a problem before. most events don’t include anything of the sort, and all the events you do attend with ushijima are to give out awards or give esteemed recognition to MVPs. but for a christmas gala, there will definitely be booze and partying and absolutely dancing involved.
for a second, he thinks you’ll keel over and place your head into your hands on the table like you usually do in these situations, or that you’ll start muttering curse words to yourself, or maybe you’ll scold him some more for never learning. but much to his (pleasant) surprise, you just laugh. and laugh. and keep laughing, until there are tears in your eyes. his poor heart can’t take it.
“what?” he asks, almost sounding offended. but his expression is still stone cold as you look back up at him, turning to face him this time. his breath hitches when the action causes a whiff of your expensive body spray to waft in his direction.
“i just wasn’t expecting you to say that,” you muse. he knows what you really mean is that you’re surprised he isn’t here causing trouble for you before this event like he always does, complaining like a child that he doesn’t see the point of attending. “why didn’t you just say so? it’s easy. i’ll show you.”
he stares at you momentarily while you stand there, hand outstretched as an offer to take it. he half expects you to yank it back and laugh in his face, more cruelly this time, but you just smile at him with the slightest tilt of your head. you sound so genuine that any hesitation left in his body melts away, and he awkwardly accepts your hand and waits for your guidance.
he’s stiff as a board as you pull his hands where they need to go, one resting on your hip and the other hanging in the air for you to take. “i’ll teach you how to lead first, okay?” he can only nod in response. you step forward once with your left, urging him to step back with your timing. then you’re shuffling over, gliding along the floor with ushijima trying his damndest to follow along, and then your feet meet again in a different spot.
he grunts quietly in concentration, watching your movements carefully and clumsily trying to catch up. it’s a simple enough motion, but he’s too big and it feels clunky to do this for the first time. you seem deeply amused by his confusion, and he glares at you quickly before his eyes are back on the floor.
“now you try. we can go slow,” your voice is soft. encouraging. so unlike your usual stern demeanor with him. “step forward.”
ushijima does so obediently, sliding his left forward to the best of his memory.
“good. now your right goes to the side and the left follows.”
he listens to you again, but his gait is much larger than you anticipated, and your back hits the table behind you with a gentle thud. he mutters something along the lines of an apology, but he seems too focused to realize the compromising position he’s put you in. you smile at him anyways, rotating around 90 degrees to give you more space to move.
“now again in the opposite direction.”
“this is too complicated.”
“this is the easiest motion...”
“i don’t like it.”
“you gonna keep complaining or are you going to dance with me?”
he stops in his tracks, boring into you with intensity in his eyes. you watch his adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows. “...what’s wrong?”
ushijima just shakes his head, and then his feet are moving again as he tugs you along clumsily. “nothing. but maybe you should be my dance partner for the rest of tonight.” you raise a brow at him in question, even though you can feel the heat rising in your face and all the way to the tips of your ears. he clears his throat, looking away. “wouldn’t want any bad press about my terrible dancing,” he quickly adds.
this gets a laugh out of you. “as your PR manager, i don’t think that’s the kind of negative press i’m supposed to be getting you out of.”
“and as a friend?”
another laugh, a little breathless. “yeah, yeah. fine. as your friend i’ll make sure no one knows how awful you are at this.”
he blinks down at you, unsure if he’s ever seen you so relaxed before. you’re always so high-strung about work and keeping his name clear. there’s a softness gracing your face right now and he doesn’t know how to handle himself or his racing heart.
okay, yeah. maybe he can try and be a little nicer to his fans to see you like this more often.
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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