#V: Henceforth you shall be known as Darth Vader (Suitless Vader)
corruptedforce · 10 months
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Darth Vader was a looming figure, one that many feared throughout the galaxy. He was armored, heavily armored. He had been injured five years ago at Mustafar, and what had been put back together, well it hadn't been the best situation for him. But, the bacta and a few other surgeons one of the times he went off on his own, they had helped him regain more of his own body.
When he went out though or would be dealing with people, he stayed in the figure that the holonet talked about, though not everyone had seen.
He still breathed better on his ventilator, but he could be without it, for periods of times, now. He could breathe some room air, even outside of his meditation chamber. His arms, they were both still like his mechno-arm had been, and he'd customized it, same with all of his armor.
But, he could even take his suit off. He was just most comfortable in it. The Emperor said that one day, they would reveal his true identity, but the suit was what they needed to see, today. He was on his ship, The Executor, when he received word that the Inquisitors had captured some.
Who would have guessed they could actually do something?
But, he spoke with the Emperor and he was to go deal with them. He wanted Vader specifically handled it, told him he could let a couple go, execute some, as some were delegation members.
The Delegation. He fucking hated it and what it had done. Anything that had helped the conflict that was forming against the Empire, was worthless and he would not let anyone do anything to hurt the Empire. He buzzed in the imperial, telling him to bring them in, so he could handle it.
Maybe the emperor sensed that, he was uncertain lately and that him reminding people about order and falling in line, was a good thing.
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corruptedforce · 5 months
Someone's watching // Vader & Sabe
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Battling Obi-Wan had taken a toll out of him, physically. He had gotten injured. His breathing was going to be an issue, in most atmospheres, and his sight and hearing were great, either.
But, his force sense was extremely strong. He was a powerful Sith now. In many ways, his other senses picked up stronger. But when he was out in public especially, Sidious wanted him to be fully armored, including the mask, so they didn't worry about his breathing. But today, he was rebelling and he had just his rebreather connected to his life support, and was breathing that way, with just his Sith robe over his head.
He could sense he was being followed, and it could be because he wasn't in full armor, or it could be an enemy. If he was lucky, it was a Jedi that he could kill.
But, he was trying to be a bit more levelheaded, sometimes. He was glad he went with his breathing collar, because he was relying on the life support today.
Turning for the third time, he spoke in a deeper voice. "You know, you can't hide forever and I can kill you without ever seeing you. So explain yourself, so I give you the right to be seen before I kill you."
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corruptedforce · 11 months
🕯️ (from Merrin)
send me 🕯️to hear my character’s inner thoughts about your character // @mayxthexforce // Accepting!
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You get both Vader and Anakin, because while they are one, it's a different thought process.
She really is different from anyone I've ever seen or met. I mean, maybe I thought that she was Mother Talzin at first, but it's an honest mistake right? How come she can do the colors though and why does she have tattoos? Obi-Wan never let me get tattoos. I should have gotten some anyway, on my forehead, to give him a heart attack. But, she seems more interesting than Ventress, for sure. She was one of the Nightsisters, I think. This place makes my hair stand up in weird ways...and I probably shouldn't think this, but yeah, she's hot. I wonder if she'd teach me the glow thing?
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For the first time in my life, I suppose I feel some sort of freedom again. I made the decision to allow her to help return me to some of who I was, at least physically. I made the decision to fuck her on Kujet's throne more than a few times, and I am making the decision not to run from her being pregnant. She is a Nightsister and I am a Sith Lord. I swore that I would never allow myself to get anyone pregnant again, but yet, it seems to have happened. I wonder if she'd teach me the glow thing?
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corruptedforce · 1 year
The Shadows and The Shadow || Vader/Anakin & Sabé
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Plotted Started with @mayxthexforce
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Padme was dead. He was hurt. He was hurt, physically. Everything hurt inside. His force signature hurt. Nothing made sense. Everything he had done, he had done to try to keep her safe, but in the end, it hadn't kept her safe.
Was he Anakin Skywalker or was he Darth Vader? Was he both of them?
His duel with Obi-Wan had not gone well. They'd wound up injuring each other, but before they could do anything about it, he had been wounded enough, that Obi-Wan had gotten away quick enough, and they were gone in Padme's ship.
He had gotten in his still in pain, still bleeding, but this time, he had R2 with him. R2 was his damn droid, but then he lost her signal completely, Obi-Wan's too. He still had his troops and he had them clean him up the best he could. He'd not reported back to Sidious yet.
That was the last thing that he wanted to do. But, they'd helped him fix up and hide out. They were loyal to him. R2 was loyal to him, too, even if he wasn't happy with him.
But when he got the confirmation that she was dead, he died inside and he saw a few random Jedi, and he killed them. But, he still didn't report back to Sidious.
It was a big deal, her funeral. He had endangered his life, everything, to be in the shadows, in Naboo. But, he needed to be there. She was his wife. He had his cloak pulled up, as he watched from the shadows. She did look beautiful, even like this. He noticed it all, the thing he made her in his hand, the people following...wait, was that Sabé? She basically abandons Padme but thinks she can walk like she's family and he can't?
He'd deal with that later. For now, he just followed closely, with the procession, trying to be a part of it, without being a part of it.
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corruptedforce · 1 year
don’t get attached. - from padme <3
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There were certain times that they met up, but it wasn't like it was before. He was different and she was too. They both had admitted they still wanted each other, and they could meet up like that. It had taken him years to figure out how to do this, but he was apparently managing a no-strings attached relationship, with his own wife.
But, he wasn't exactly Anakin Skywalker anymore and she wasn't that same person. He knew that he still loved her, even if he didn't say it and he was pretty sure she knew too.
Pacing, he finally heard her come in the door. "You know, for all this secret rendezvous stuff that we've done twice now, you would think you would actually try to be on time. I have things to do too, you know."
He moved a bit closer and then heard her words. "Why? Are you worried that you may be more than attracted to a Sith Lord, that you may still love one too? Sex is one thing..."
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corruptedforce · 6 months
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Continued from here // @bchemianrhapscdy
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The words seemed so simple, bringing them out was even harder. Padme had never thought she would reach the point where she had to make a decision like that. Giving up everything she stood for because of Anakin or giving him up for the sake of her legacy. She had always been with both feet on the light side, and she had believed Anakin was too. But Padme had to realize and accept that there was more to the Chosen One than the eye met. He was more than the light and hope of the galaxy. He was also the darkness that lingered over it. And while everything inside her head told her to let him leave her, every inch of her being was pulling herself closer to him. "Stay!" the word came over her lips. "Stay with me. And I will wait forever."
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He knew a decision would have to be made eventually. While they tried to do things as normally as they possibly could, he knew that they both knew that eventually their loyalties were going to be an issue. They could only go through the motions for so long. He wasn't a Jedi anymore and still. But ever since he had become a Sith, he'd needed time to adjust and not all the light was gone. He just had darkness in him too. Call him the chosen one. Call him whatever, but still. He also didn't have the ability to give her up.
"Do you know what you're asking? You know how I can be."
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