whitecatindisguise · 4 years
The Sundrop Alchemist (16)
Wohoo! Another chapter so soon??? Welp, what can I say? With the cliffhanger like that in the last chapter, I just NEEDED to write next one asap! So, here it is! Hope you guys like it!
Summary: The alchemy brothers have to face Donella, the woman more than ready to do anything to keep them from escaping.
TW: Donella, strangling, animal abuse, brief mentions of past injuries, death threats
AO3 link is here.
Chapter 16: The Great Escape
Varian was frozen in fear, staring at Donella’s angered face. The woman looked between the alchemist in her grip and Hugo standing several steps away, all colour drained from the teen’s face. 
“So you are betraying me, darling?” She asked, the calmness of her voice only adding to the tense atmosphere. Hugo flinched and stepped back, his green eyes darting between the door and the boy held by the woman.
“I-... What you’re doing is wrong!” The bespectacled teen argued, his voice trembling slightly. He was afraid, good. “He- Varian didn’t do anything to you! He doesn’t deserve this!” 
“Are you undermining my methods, darling?” Donella raised an eyebrow and Hugo shrunk away. 
“N-no. I mean-” The teen stuttered, trying to come up with an answer. 
“I don’t understand, Hugo. All those years, I’ve been nothing but good for you.” The woman continued, staring down at him. “You had food, a place to live in, a job. Would you rather I left you on the street where I found you?”
“N-no! That’s not what I-!” Hugo tried to argue but Donella didn’t let him. 
“And now you’re throwing it all away for him?” She pulled Varian closer, the boy crying out at the grip on his arm. “The boy you know only for several days? What is it about him that you even considered betraying me, hm?” She forcefully grabbed Varian’s chin with the other hand and squeezed it painfully. 
Ruddiger let out an angered cry and launched at Donella, claws and teeth out. The woman rolled her eyes and in one quick movement released her grip on the boy’s chin, the other hand still holding his arm, and punched the animal away. The raccoon flew through the air and hit the wall, a pained chitter escaping his mouth. 
“Ruddiger!” Varian cried and tried to run to his friend, only to be pulled away harshly by the strong grip on his arm. 
“You are not going anywhere, Sundrop.” Donella hissed. “One way or another, I will get this power out of you. Even if I’ll have to use more… drastic measures.” 
Varian’s breath stopped at the words, implications too obvious to miss them. He started to struggle more, pulling on his arm in an attempt to release the death grip. Donella clicked her tongue in annoyance and roughly pushed the boy at the closest wall, his back hitting the stones harshly. He cried out in pain, tears filling his eyes, when a gloved hand closed on his throat. 
“Fine, we’ll do it your way, darling.” The woman snarled, pulling the boy up, so his feet won’t touch the floor, hand still clenched around his neck. 
Varian struggled in the grip, his breathing becoming sharp and shallow. He desperately clawed at the gloved hand, trying to loosen the grip before it’s too late. The corners of his vision were already darkening, meaning there was not enough oxygen getting to his brain. His movements were slowing down but he wasn’t stopping. Stopping meant giving up. And he didn’t want to give up. 
Suddenly, the grip on his neck disappeared and he fell to the floor, grasping for breath. His lungs burnt, vision was swimming, but he could breath. He noticed a bundle of grey scurry to his side and heard anxious chittering. 
“M’fine, buddy.” He slurred, breathing heavily. He pushed himself up and against the wall, trying to focus on steadying his breathing. 
The sounds of struggle caught his attention. Varian looked towards the source of the sounds and it took him a moment to understand what was going on. 
It seemed Hugo had barrelled into Donella while she was strangling the younger alchemist, and now the two were locked in a fight on the floor. Right then, Donella launched a precise kick at Hugo’s stomach, the teen crying out in pain. 
“Hugo!” Varian shouted, scrambling to his feet to help him. 
“D-don’t, Goggles! Just run!” The bespectacled teen wheezed out. He had several bruises and cuts on his face, glasses dangling from one ear. 
“I’m not leaving you here!” Varian argued and cried out when Donella launched herself at him.
“Neither of you are leaving this building!” She shouted, pushing the startled boy into the adjacent wall and reaching for the knife strapped to her hip. 
Hugo let out a roar of anger and barrelled into the woman again, getting her off the long-haired boy. She growled angrily and in one swift movement she switched the sides, now Hugo being sprawled under the furious woman.
“I’ve had enough of your games, you insolent brat!” Donella shouted, a knife raised to strike. Hugo’s eyes widened in realisation, as he tried desperately to escape. The hand lowered and Hugo snapped his eyes close, awaiting the strike. 
Surprisingly, it didn’t come. Instead, he heard a familiar SMACK and felt something heavy slam into his body. Startled, he opened his eyes to see Donella’s unconscious body sprawled on his own, and heavily panting Varian standing over them, frying pan in his hand. 
“A-are you okay?” The blue-eyed boy asked and Hugo was never in his life more glad for Varian being there. 
“Y-yeah.” The bespectacled boy replied after a second of shock and managed to push Donella off him. “I never thought I would be glad to hear that smacking sound.” He laughed and Varian gave him a sheepish smile. 
“I… I just saw her over you, knife in her hand and I- reacted.” The blue-eyed boy explained, scratching the back of his neck nervously. 
“You saved my life, Goggles.” Hugo smiled and stood up, stealing a glance at the unconscious woman. “We’d better get out of here before she wakes up. Or someone comes to check what’s going on, since we weren’t exactly the most quiet about our little fight.”
“That’s- that’s a good idea.” Varian nodded and scooped Ruddiger into his arms, his satchel hanging on his shoulder. 
They ran towards the door, Hugo checking if the coast outside was clear, before darting into the night. Varian didn’t know how long they were running, but the moon moved halfway through the sky by the time they finally stopped to take a breath. They slumped to the grass, breathing heavily. 
“So- so what now?” Varian finally asked, as his breathing calmed enough to let him say the whole sentence without wheezing. He moved his head to look at Hugo, laying on the grass next to him. 
“I… I don’t know.” The bespectacled teen replied, staring at the sky above them. “I haven’t really planned that much forward.”
Varian hummed in response and looked up at the stars again. So much has happened since he left the tower. He wasn’t even sure how much time had passed when he was in that dark cell. But it didn’t matter anyway, Mother is going to be furious once he comes back, one way or another. There is no way he could explain his injuries as failed experiments. She wouldn’t believe him, especially with how long he was absent. Talking about that-
“Hey, Hugo?” He called out, moving his head once again to look at the teen. He heard a questioning hum and continued. “How long was I-?”
Hugo tensed at the implication of the question but answered nevertheless. 
“A week.” He said, his tone sad. He sighed and turned to face the boy. “I’m sorry, Blondie. It’s all my fault. The capture… and everything.”
“I don’t blame you.” Varian shook his head and smiled. “You still helped me escape. And you treated my arm.” 
“Which wouldn’t even happen if I didn’t come to your tower.” Hugo mumbled and Varian pushed himself up on his elbow, facing the teen properly. 
“You said so yourself, Donella wanted my powers. If she wouldn’t send you, she would somebody else.” He argued, and smiled again. “And, despite everything that happened, I’m glad she chose you. I know I must have been a handful, with all my crazy ideas, dream-talking, babbling about alchemy and everything. But you still held up to your part of the deal and made this trip memorable. I… You’re like a brother I never had, Hugo.”
“A-and you’re like a brother to me, Goggles.” Hugo finally smiled back.
From behind the trees, two men observed the whole scene. They looked at Hugo and grinned maliciously. 
“Time for some payback, McCoy.” One of them said and they both laughed silently.
Donella Smack Count: 1 (Let’s be honest, she deserved that one.)
So that officially ends Donella Arc. But the boys are not in the clear yet. What else is there for them, I wonder...?
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codynaomiswireart · 6 years
“Gauze in the Wound” - Part 6
Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
A bit of a shorter chapter this time, though with plenty of feels! Wanted to use this chapter to get a glimpse into how Frederic and Arianna are processing everything going on with Varian.
...Aaaand bring in some villains onto the scene! (*le gasp!*)
“Are you all right my darling?”
Queen Arianna started as she heard her husband address her unexpectedly from behind.   “Oh Fred,” she said with a relieved sigh as she turned in her seat to greet him, managing a small, feigned smile as Frederic came to join her under the gazebo. Both of them placed a soft kiss on each other’s lips as he sat down in the chair beside her, the pages of the open book Arianna had been reading fluttering in the gentle breeze as one of Frederic’s large, soft hands closed affectionately around one of her own.
“It’s not like you to go sneaking up on me like that,” Arianna attempted to scold him playfully.
“It’s also not like you to lose your temper at a royal audience either,” Frederic retorted…though with a lot of genuine concern in his tone as he said it. Even so, Arianna found herself casting her eyes down and away at his statement, squeezing his fingers tightly as they laced between her own, and her expression turning melancholy as the topic she knew would come only two soon was now on the table.
It had been a couple of hours since the audience with the council had ended, and it had been clear to Frederic that despite the new lead that seemed to have presented itself in solving the mystery to the black rocks – and the new possibility of hope that may have been made manifest for both Quirin and Varian’s situations that day – he knew that councilman Nazeem’s comments concerning Varian’s character had been greatly troubling for the queen, and continued to trouble her even now after the council had adjourned.
“Though, I must say,” Frederic began in an attempt to break the ice, “for a queen losing her temper, you did it beautifully.”
Arianna gave a brief chuckle of dismissal. “I don’t think Nazeem or some of the other council memebers would agree with you.”
Frederic smiled before replying slowly. “…Well…I think Varian and Xavier seemed to really appreciate it at least.”
“Yes…” Arianna said, her mood immediately becoming somber again as her eyes took on a rather distant look.
“…Are you all right?” Frederic repeated again from before, his countenence worried as he attempted to make eye contact with his beloved.
Arianna sighed deeply. “I…I don’t know honey…” she replied, bringing her other hand up to rest her forehead on tiredly. “It’s just…ugh! I feel so confused.”
“…About Varian?” Frederic prompted gently.
Arianna nodded, Frederic respecting her silence as she thought for another moment before continuing.
“I mean…” Arianna began haltingly, the whirlwind of emotions within her seen clearly in her eyes. “...He kidnapped me, Frederic. Actually kidnapped me!”
“I know, I know,” Frederic murmured comfortingly, squeezing his wifes fingers tighter in reassurance, and his brow furrowing hard at the memory – remembering how furious and scared he had been when Varian had carried out such a dastardly deed.
“And-and he wounded half of the royal guard, nearly killed the Captain, attacked some of our dearest friends, and-” Arianna paused, swallowing hard. “…A-and he nearly sealed me away in that amber, nearly killed you and Rapunzel, nearly crushed Cassandra and I with his automaton and-”
Arianna brought her hand from her forehead to her mouth, choking back the sobs that threatened to break out as she thought back to that bizarre yet traumatic day – a day that she could hardly, even now, believe had actually happened. But it did. She could feel Frederic’s arms being brough around her, and she leaned into his chest gratefully.
“I know,” she could hear his deep voice rumble through his body underneath her ear – sounding both like a comforting, protective blanket for her, and also a lion’s growl of revenge towards the person who would dare to harm his wife in such traumatic ways.
Arianna took a few deep, calming breathes, trying to match those of Frederic’s that she could feel expand and contract underneath her cheek as he held her close and stroked her hair. …At this action, Arianna’s heart became tender again as she thought back to that dreadful day…and to Varian.
“But…” Arianna said, gently pulling away from Frederic’s embrace as she made to sift through the confusing thoughts and feelings that buzzed around inside of her. “…He was hurting, Frederic. He was grieving. He had no one. What happened was traumatic, yes, and I’m not sure I can forgive him. He should not have done those things. He had no excuse. But…” Arianna bit her lip in nervousness before finally saying, “…I also can’t hate him, Frederic. Heh, isn’t that absurd? You’d think after all that he did to me and to those I love that I have every right to hate him, but…I can’t. Especially not after what Xavier told us. Remember?”
“Mm,” the king hummed gravely in the affirmative, recalling the time when Xavier had first met with the two them about Varian’s situation, and how the blacksmith had deducted exactly how and why Varian had known what compound that could conjure the amber from the black rocks, and then later on when the Captain had reported to them about Varian’s tearful confession confirming this during his first meeting with Xavier.
“And then to have Nazeem even insinuate that such a thing was done on purpose, I just- I couldn’t just sit by and let Varian take that!” Arianna clenched her teeth and her fists at the memory. “He may have done some horrible things, Frederic. He has a lot to answer for. But he didn’t deserve that. And-and…”
“And he’s still a child,” Frederic offered gently, Arianna looking up at him as he said it.
“Yes,” she replied, saddened. “Do you remember,” she asked after a moment’s silence, “that day when we first met him?”
Frederic nodded, remembering when Quirin and his wife had brought Varian to the capital for his christening soon after he was born. Frederic remembered taking the boy in his arms – only a tiny baby back then – and giving him his blessing as Corona’s king. There had been a small reception afterwards, but nothing large or grand. Though this seemed to suit Quirin and his family just fine. They just wanted to lead calm and simple lives back then.
Would anyone have believed it that day if they were told that their son – that little baby the king himself had held in his arms – would grow up to be among the greatest threats that the kingdom would face during Frederic’s reign?
“…He was such a beautiful boy,” Arianna said, snapping Frederic out of his toughts, and had him blinking down at his wife as she reminisced. “He smiled and laughed that whole day. Do you remember? He had only just come into the world, and already he had been captivated by it. He just seemed to love everyone and everything. And he…” Arianna’s voice trailed away, her countenance saddened once again.
That was when it hit Frederic.
“He had comforted you.”
Arianna quickly looked up in surprised at these words, her eyes meeting her husband’s, looking as if she expected to find judgment looking back at her. Instead, she found traces of understanding, and finally gave in with a few small nods as she admitted, “Yes…He had.”
Frederic began to remember more of that day, now that Arianna’s memories had prompted him to think back. Frederic himself had been so busy talking to guests, carrying out formalities, and thinking about the next order of business that was to be done before dinner time that he hadn’t really stopped to think about what Arianna had been doing that whole time. Of course, the two of them had been part of many a christening before then, and each time it came with the same joys and pangs that would accompany any parent that had lost their own child. While Frederic and Arianna still had their flickering hopes that one day their daughter may return home to them, they still felt the weight of the horrible waiting each time they had to carry out a ceremony such as this.
But now that Frederic thought about it, he did recall seeing Arianna in better spirits that day than he had seen her in a long time. And as he thought about it more, Frederic remembered seeing Arianna being the one to hold baby Varian the most whenever the boy’s mother or Quirin would hand him off to anyone. Of course, Quirin and his family had been close friends to the royals for many years, so it was no surprise that Arianna would feel the need to make the day particularly special for them. But, as it turned out, that had been a very special day for her, too.
For just one day, Arianna had been a mother again.
“Oh Arianna,” Frederic whispered tenderly as he laid a comforting arm around her. Arianna leaned into it gratefully, a bittersweet expression coming to her face as she remembered that baby boy from long ago.
“But he’s not that baby anymore,” she reminded herself, feeling her heart break at the idea of such sweet innocence now gone, probably forever.
It did seem strange, Arianna thought, that such things were hitting her now. Honestly, for years she had nearly forgotten about what a comfort Varian had been to her that one day (a day that Varian himself had no conscious memory of). Perhaps that was just how life was. For of course any interaction that Arianna had with the boy after that day (or even with his parents for that matter) had been instances few and far between. And these latest, most concentrated ones were hardly on good terms. What difference should one single day make?
But somehow, for Arianna, it did. And not only that day, but also that day when he had taken her captive – when she had seen how broken he had been when all his plans failed, his father was still out of his reach, his home destroyed, and him having to be taken away in chains. And that day when he had been in court, being all but a shadow of his former self. And now this latest day at the meeting, where it seemed that while a lifering may have been tossed his way, Varian was still struggling to keep his head above water. The last thing he needed was someone shoving him back under.
“What are we going to do Fred?” Arianna asked weakly.
“We’ll do all that we can,” Fred replied sincerely. “I already have Nigel drafting letters to inquire with the merchants throughout the Seven Kingdoms and beyond about any signs of Demanitus steel blades, and the Captain is coordinating how to go about asking if anyone saw anything in Old Corona connected to the cut rock since the end of the battle.”
“And Varian and Xavier?” Arianna inquired.
The king shook his head. “That’s up to the two of them to work out now.”
Arianna frowned. “Varian did seem rather skeptical about the whole thing, didn’t he?”
“Yes,” Frederic sighed. “And…I trust Xavier, I really do, but even I have a hard time putting as much trust in this whole plan as he does, and…I’d hate to think about what another disappointment would do to Varian if this doesn’t work.”
“I’m sure Xavier’s thought of that,” Arianna answered gently. “But yes, let’s hope that something good comes from all this for him.”
“Yes,” Frederic agreed…though also getting his own conflicted look on his face as he thought about his own past disappointements…and many having to do with his own shortcomings.
...Had he truly failed his kingdom so badly as Varian had claimed? What had Quirin thought of him that day when Frederic had stood there blessing his son, after being warned only a few years prior by that same friend about the inevitable curse that would result from Frederic taking the risk to save his own wife and child? But what else was he to have done? He couldn’t have just let them die. Was it really so wrong that he did what he did? And once Rapunzel had been returned to him, was it not only natural that her safety took the number one priority in his life, whatever the cost?
…Were and Varian so very different after all?...
Frederic found himself snapped out of his troubled thoughs by Arianna’s hand on his cheek, coaxing him to look up at her.
“Are you all right Fred?” she now asked gently.
Frederic sighed. “…I don’t know Arianna,” he replied.
“Here it is m’lady,” a gravely voice whispered in the shadows as an envelope was exchanged between hands. After tearing open the envelope and looking over the dispatch inside, blue eyes narrowed underneath the hood of a dark cloak.
“And our operatives are all aware of this development?” the lady’s voice inquired.
“Yes m’lady,” the man replied. “And we have two of our best watching over the forge as we speak.”
“Excellent,” the lady hissed in satisfaction. “Tell the others to keep their ears open for any leads that the Captain my dig up, and let the ones at the forge know that they are to report directly to me if things go as our informant said they might.”
“Understood,” the man said with a small salute, turning to make his way back towards the capital.
“Very soon,” the lady whispered to herself as she made to burn the dispatch over a lit match, “we’ll be able to make our move, and Saporia will truly rise again.”
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Feysand Wedding 2.0
“Rhysand you need to calm the fuck down.” Cassian held Rhys by his shoulders to stop him from pacing. “You’re literally already married this is just a redo of the ceremony so that you can have your wonderful family and friends and court see it since you so lovingly decided to not invite anyone the first time.”
Rhys could sense the sarcastic venom in Cassian’s voice, but he was too nervous to care. “What if I stumble during my vows, or trip into her when I’m leaning in to kiss her! Oh lord what if I accidentally hit her or the priest or someone else with one of my wings?” As Rhys’ hands wove through his, now unkempt, hair in stress, Azriel walked in with a handful of muffins.
“I just checked in with the girls, Feyre’s going to be ready in about 10 minutes. I’m letting the guests into the foyer and they can head out to the balcony as soon as they give me the five minute signal.” Azriel, being observant as ever, sensed Rhys’ stress(although it was so abundant a tree a thousand miles away could’ve sensed the tension coursing through Rhys), and stretched out a muffin.
Rhys silently shook his head and resumed his pacing as Cassian reached out and plucked the muffing from Az’s outstretched hand. Eating over half the muffin in one large bite that would’ve disgusted Nesta had she been there, he gave Azriel a gesture that said, Go talk some sense into that asshat please. He won’t listen to me.
Quickly understanding, Azriel crossed over to Rhys who was sitting at the island in the kitchen. “Rhysand why are you so stressed over this?” Placing the muffins on the counter, Azriel pulled up a stool and sat next to him. “You’ve already done this, you two are mates, you two love each other, and you both have no doubt that you’ll both say ‘I do.’ So why are you stressed out?”
Rhys reached for a muffin and stared down at it as he thought. “I don’t want this marriage to turn out the way it did for my mother and father. They were mates and loved each other, but it didn’t turn out right. I don’t want Feyre and me to be that.” Flashbacks of everything came to Rhys, and he picked and ate small pieces of the muffin. Of the nights Under the Mountain, when he had hated every second that he had to play the part of the abusive asshole, of Starfall and Feyre’s glowing freckles, and her dress. The dress that Rhys hadn’t seen on anyone since his mother had died. “I don’t want to mess it up, Az.”
“Cauldron boil me, you truly are an idiot Rhys.” Az turned and leaned against the counter. “You’ve seen each other die. You literally made a bargain that you would fade at the same time! There’s statistically a zero percent chance of this marriage getting screwed up. We have seven minutes until we need to get this ceremony started, I’m going to leave you here so you can get your shit together, but if you decide that it’s too much just reach out. Okay?”
Rhys nodded, feeling as if he couldn’t speak, and stood up to pour himself a glass of the amber whiskey he loved so much. Gods damn it Rhysand, Azriel and Cassian are right. You need to get your shit together. He tilted the glass up to his lips as a voice called his name from the door, stirring him from his thoughts.
“Honestly cousin, I can’t believe you’re getting a head start on the drinking without telling me.” Mor was leaning in the doorframe, her hair in voluminous curls that spilled over he exposed shoulders until meeting the partial sleeves of her red dress with a plunging neckline and a sheer and shimmery material covering the numerous cutouts along the torso. Her skirt was slitted so far up Rhys could see the very bottom edge of her panties with her leg bent and leaning up against the frame.
“Wow, Morrigan, you look stunning, but I thought I told you to cover up a bit for the very formal ceremony?” Rhys set the glass down, lips tilting up in the smirk he wore so often, but it was empty, there wasn’t the mischievous gleam that was always present in his eyes.
“Can’t you tell i did? I’m sweating in these long sleeves.” Mor stood and strode towards her cousin, moving with easy elegance, and reached for the glass he had set down moments before. “Now why are you in here? I was going to grab a quick drink before giving Az the five minute signal, but looks like you’re going to down the whole supply of the strong shit.”
“Have you ever considered that you might have a problem?” Rhys asked as Mor leaned her head back and down the entire glass with two swift gulps.
“I’m not an alcoholic, cousin, just happy. Now get your panties out of its twist and go outside on the balcony before I left everyone out there before you.” Mor spun and exited. Letting out a sigh, Rhys followed, heading out to the balcony to prepare for the city’s viewing.
Knowing he had about five minutes, Rhys quickly got to work, sending out orbs that absorbed the darkness around them, leaving a soft and ambient glow upon the balcony. Content with his work, Rhys leaned back against the railing nearly falling off, before glancing up to see Az and Cassian flying up above him.
Idiots, he thought before flying up to talk some sense into them.
“No no no no no.” Cassian quickly yelled as Rhys began flying up. “You’ll ruin your suit! Plus, the guests are going to be on the balcony at any moment, and you need to be ready!” Rhys, hearing him, hesitated between yelling at his brothers, or being ready for the ceremony before choosing the latter.
“You little shit.” He muttered as he landed just before the doors opened and the guests began pouring out.
Aside from a few friends they’d had out in the Illyrian legions, there were also a few townspeople, like Rita, Varian, as well as the restaurant owner, along with other people that Inner Circle held dear, including the high lords sans Beron, who they’d neglected to send an invitation to, and Tamlin, who had RSVPed saying no.
There were people from all different courts, and when everyone had been seated, the priest at the altar with Rhys, the music began. The music that Rhys had once sent to Feyre so long ago to keep her alive, and the doors opened once more, with Elain holding a basket, sprinkling the red rose petals along the walkway, with Nesta, followed by Mor and Amren, the four of them in dresses of similar styles to Mor’s but in drastically different colors. Before Rhys could contemplate and laugh at Varian’s reaction to Amren’s scandalous black attire, the air left his lungs as the doors opened one final time, Alis from Summer walking down, closely followed by Feyre.
Feyre glanced down at the walkway, saw the red petals, and looked up with a soft smile directed at Rhys. I’m okay. She said, slipping through his shields. They don’t hurt me anymore.
Her dress was truly spectacular. It had a halter neckline, and was a dark bluish purple, with iridescent and translucent layers of lighter blues and greens and pinks. It was an aurora borealis, and it trailed behind her, the hem of her skirt accented with intricate designs mimicking the tattoo she had received so long ago, as well as incorporating the mountains with three stars. Similar to her Starfall dress, this dress sparkled as if it was the night sky itself, and Feyre stared at Rhys with such a bright smile that tears appeared in both of their eyes.
The music trailed off as Feyre stepped up onto the altar, and the priest began speaking. But all of it was blurred, and it wasn’t until Rhys registered that he was supposed to say his vows that he could think in full sentences again. 
“A long time ago, I had lost hope in the world. I had lost hope that there would be any change for our world that we had grown to love to be salvaged. I had just accepted that Hybern had won, and that we would spend the rest of our lives in eternal pain. But then I started having dreams with flashes of imagery. Scenes of hunting, meals, laughing, and painting. And in that moment, I had a shred of hope. Those scenes communicated such a strong feeling of happiness that I couldn’t help but imagine my home, the night sky, my family, and everything that had brought me joy. 
“Finally, I met the woman behind the scenes. And it killed me every day to know that she was happy with someone who wasn’t me. But a miracle happened, and she didn’t hate me anymore. We became close, experienced so much, and found out about the mating bond, that bond of fate that held us together. And the moment she offered me that bowl of soup, I couldn’t have been happier.
“My family has always been missing something, and I’ve finally found it. And m-our family is now complete for a little while.” 
Rhys wiped the tears from his eyes and said the words he would never stop saying. “I love you, Feyre darling.” 
Feyre’s shoulders shook with laughter as she gently joked, “Gods damn it, Rhys. Why do you have to be so good at speeches?”
“It’s just one of my many talents,” he replied with that smirk, the gleam returned. 
“Mother, my vows seem like garbage compared to yours.” Feyre grinned. “All I ever wanted was to be happy. And so long ago, my vision of happiness was having enough food to go around, with plenty of time to paint and spend time with my father. Now, you have taught me that happiness is something that can be found whenever I need it. You have saved me, Rhysand, and for that I am eternally grateful.” 
They joined hands, their smiles glowing, as the priest began speaking again. 
“Do you, Feyre Arch-” 
“Yeah yeah, I do.” 
“And do you-”
“You know it.” 
“Then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you, husband and wife, mates, and High Lady and High Lord of the Night Court. You may now-”
But Rhys had already leaned in and crushed Feyre against him, Cassian and Azriel flying overhead, sending out fireworks with their magic as the townspeople far below erupted with applause and cheers along with the audience on the balcony. 
And as Rhys and Feyre pulled away and looked into each other’s eyes, they carried the promise that they would be the Stars Eternal and Night Triumphant for a long, long time. 
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books--andt · 7 years
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas Review and Spoiler Discussion!!!
Hey everyone!! Raise your hand if you read and devoured ACOWAR and loved every stinking minute of it! *raises hand 1231434241 times*
Ahh the long awaited ACOWAR, the third and final book in this trilogy. But have no fear! SJM has announced that she will be writing more books set in this world, just not from Feyre's perspective. I CANNOT WAIT YOU GUYS.
To give some thoughts for my non spoiler readers... Sarah J Maas is a queen. Her writing is liquid gold. The way she describes courts, weather, clothing--everything was just beautiful. The character development, for not only Feyre and Rhys, but for other characters as well was through the roof and truly, honestly, makes you wish these characters were real because they FEEl real. They feel like they are your own friends and family and I ended up caring deeply for every one of them. And don't even get me started on Velaris. I WISH I LIVED THERE!
Read this book. This series. Read EVERYTHING by the queen- SARAH J MAAS!
Hey spoiler peeps! SO! Where do I even begin?? Feyre begins her story trapped yet again in the Spring court. I have to say, I really, really despised Tamlin all throughout this book. The fact that he didn't understand that he wasn't making Feyre happy, that he was trapping her, and that she left on her own FREE WILL made me so angry. It wasn't until the end of the book when I actually was like, ok, he's learned, he sort of redeemed himself. We'll get more into this later.
Once Feyre and Rhys were back together my heart grew three sizes. They are just perfect together. They spoke a lot more with their minds, being Daemati, and I thought this showed just how close the two of them are.
I freaking love Nesta. I feel like if you were to tell someone this who has only read ACOTAR they'd be pretty confused, but her character development, and Elain's too was just stunning. I love how Nesta has this tough attitude about her. She's the kind of person who would say, "you can say mean things about me. But insult my family and friends? You're dead."
And don't even get me started on her and Cassian!!!!!!!!!!! I SHIP!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! I was dying at the end of ACOMAF when she was being forced into that cauldron and Cassian was crawling for her, and calling her name. And then I was bawling YET AGAIN when the same thing was happening at the end of ACOWAR, when Nesta is about to kill the king of Hybern, having summoned the cauldrons powers, but is stopped short when the king breaks her fathers neck, killing him, and her powers are snuffed out. Meanwhile, Cassian is laying at her side, crawling towards her, his wings snapped and broken, telling her to leave him, to run, and she tells him that she CAN'T leave him. Oh my heart. When Nesta positioned herself in front of Cassian and he held her back, I was CERTAIN that Hybern was going to kill them and I was NOT ready. I was nearly bawling at this point. But thank the Mother!!! Elain!!!! She is exactly as SJM describes her as; a flower child, with flora in her mind and a hobby for gardening. But then she comes up behind Hybern and BOOM! Stabs him in the throat-- with the blade Azriel gave her nonetheless! This just proves how she isn't just a bystander, how she has faced trivialities, and hardships, and losses, and it has shaped her into who she is. I'm not trying to say that you need to kill someone to prove your strength, god no, but it was just SO SATISFYING when she stabbed the king and then hisses into his ear, "Don't you dare touch my sister." I DIED. And of course, Nesta gives the final twist of the blade that severs the kings head from his body. Just fulfilling that death promise that she made with her vulgar gesture before being fully submerged in the cauldron in ACMOAF. Loved it.
When Amren betrayed Feyre I was pissed, but only because I didn't understand what Amren intended to do. For a second I thought Amren was going to completely turn on her, and say she was fighting with Hybern, and had been this whole time. But then we realize that she just figured out the only way to stop him and his army is if she is transformed into her original body, the one that would make her forget who Feyre, Rhys, and the others are. It was a sad reality, but one they couldn't risk not having.
AND RHYS. OH. MY. GOD. When he died.... I think all of us readers died a little inside too. But it didn't actually hit me as hard as when I thought Cassian and Nesta were going to die. And that is simply because I didn't believe that SJM would kill Rhys off like that. She's a dreamer, and a lover, and I just couldn't accept that she would leave Feyre to live her immortal life without her mate! Where as for Cassian and Nesta... It just seemed like that could actually happen. Thank the Mother it did not!
The part that really killed me was when Feyre realizes Rhys is dead and is shouting, begging, for the other High Lords to do something to, "BRING HIM BACK." I was a blubbery mess. Until Tarquin, the youngest of the High Lords, steps forward and says to him, "For what he gave. Today and for many years before." And he is the first to give him an ounce of his power. This was so touching to me because Tarquin had sent them blood rubies, had thought them to be liars and thieves. But he then sees that it is not who they are, that they want peace just as he does. When all the other High Lords gave their powers I was really holding my hopes high, that Rhys would indeed survive. But then Tamlin... I was afraid he wouldn't give up his powers to Rhys, and poor Feyre Darling was begging him saying she would give him anything. And then my heart just broke further when he said to her, "Just be happy, Feyre." This is where he redeemed himself for me. That he FINALLY sees that Feyre is indeed happy with Rhys, as High Lady of the Night Court. And while he is still bitter about it probably, and is a real man-bitch to Lucien, I'm happy he at least accepts what Feyre desires now, and helped her to continue her happiness. I also thought it was neat to see the High lords give their powers to Rhys, gently pouring a bit of their magical light onto his bare throat. We didn't see this in ACMOAF since Feyre was dead so it was neat. But one thing that I'm questioning is just the whole process...If the seven High Lords can bring back the dead, why don't they do it all the time? I understand for a mortal they would be giving away their powers as they did to Feyre and they don't want that, but for a High Lord... Well, Rhys didn't steal any of their powers. So basically, if they can do this, the High Lords can never die and will always be able to come back to life, so long as they all agree upon it...Interesting. Unless there are some rules about this that we do not know of yet.
When Rhys awoke and Amren too was returned to them- that shocked me! I was-and still am- surprised that not a single one of the inner circle died or was sent back to where they came from. I'm not saying I wanted any of them too, but it all just seemed so... perfect to have them all end up back together. While Amren no longer has her abilities she had before, she is now High Fae and can maybe learn to train and fight as they would- if she even needs it. I also have to admit, that while I adore the little romances, I kind of prefer Amren on her own. She is just so independent and bad ass, so while I liked her with Varian, I'm not sure I want them to be mates.
AND MOR!!! Tell me that scene where she comes out to Feyre didn't kill you on the inside, splitting your heart into 1000 tiny pieces???? It all makes sense. Why she did what she did with Cassian to avoid being married to Eris, why she could never let herself be with Azriel because while it would mean close to nothing for her, as it had with previous men she'd been with, it would mean a lot to him. It just made my heart grow. And what made it grow even more was Feyre's reaction. She let Mor speak, and gave her the absolute most respect, understanding, and acceptance. I especially loved that she told Mor she wouldn't tell anyone, not even Rhys, which is SO important, because a gay or lesbian person should have the full right to declare the time and manner of when and to who they come out. I love that SJM incorporates this kind of diversity in her books. We also have Thesan, High Lord of the Dawn court who is gay and mated to his captain. Then there's Helion, High Lord of the Day court, who is bisexual. I adored these characters and loooooved learning about the courts more and meeting their High Lords. I really loved the descriptions of the Winter Court; the white foxes wearing little vests, the white bears, the long blue overcoats with white rabbit fur at the trims. And of course, Kallias and his wife Vivianne. I really adored them too.
And then we have those three beautiful monsters. The Bone Carver, the Weaver, and Bryaxis. I was SHOOK when Feyre realized that the Bone Carver was being seen to her as her and Rhys' possible future son. SHOOK I TELL YOU! And when Rhys quietly asked what he looked like and Feyre showed him with her mind... *heart breaks 1213344123 more times*
I was sad when he died, surprisingly. I was never attached to the Bone Carver but... Just when Feyre said that she wishes that he goes to wherever it is he imagined, since he was so fascinated by death, and she sent a prayer to him... That part got me.
When Stryga, the Weaver died... Well I was sad but only because she was fighting for the good side. I think that character is so fascinating and creepy and just... That scene in the Weavers cottage in ACOMAF is one I'll never forget for sure. And when Feyre goes back there in ACOWAR, luring Ianthe and that other guy with her, omg SHOOK AGAIN!! Feyre knew not to close the door, knowing well it would lock, and pinned Ianthe inside while telling the Weaver she brought her dinner. What a vicious, deserving death for Ianthe. Good riddance.
And that poor Suriel... I wonder what it's name was. Feyre is honestly like a disney princess, having all the woodland animals like her and get along with her. She was so respectful to ask for Helion's cape and lay it overtop the Suriel. I feel like it is a debt that no other Suriel will ever not know of or forget. And their father!!! When he came with those ships, three of which were named after his daughters my heart was aching. It just bound their bond a bit tighter, since well, there wasn't really a bond between the four of them at all before. It showed that he is sorry for not being the father he wished he could be, but that he loved them dearly, and was now trying to make things right. He was not away on merchant business as they had thought, but had heard of the betrayal of the mortal queens and sought to find Vassa and Drakon and Myriam who Lucien then brought to the battle. When he died... I mean, I wasn't super connected to him, nor were his three daughters I have to say, but it was indeed sad, just because he was there, fighting for them, loving them even as they were Fae.
And Jurian?? Thank goodness he was on the good side. I'd like to learn more about him as well as Drakon and Myriam. Their stories weren't the most interesting to me, but still I'd like to know more!
While this book surely closed some ties- more so with Rhys and Feyre. I am SO happy they live happily together, laying over Velaris. Although I'm sure they will be facing a little more turmoil in the books to come. What with the mortal queens never showing up to war and all.
Gawd I wonder what's in store for us next??? I'm hoping we see more from the inner circle. I want to see Mor happy with a girlfriend, to have her father either accept it or just be completely thrown out of the picture (good riddance again) and to have Azriel know so that he doesn't think anything is wrong with him. MAN I loved him in this book. He's so shy and mysterious and just... *heart eyes* I also hope he finds a lover-not that you need a lover to be happy but... you know. I kind of like him and Elain together... Anyone else?? I mean, he gave her his SWORD!!!! TRUTH TELLER!!! I know that Elain and Lucien are mates and all, but I said in my review of ACOMAF that it seemed to come out of now where, and it certainly didn't seem to click into place in this book. Elain did not accept the mating bond, nor did she make him food, and she hardly ever spoke to him. If anything, I think they could be friends. Perhaps this will be an example of how the mating bond is not always right, since it's somewhat connected to bearing the strongest offspring, but there's waaaaaay more to a relationship than that of course. Maybe Lucien will find some other lover/mate? I've heard others thoughts of him possibly being with Vassa?? I wonder if Feyre will free her of her firebird curse; Firebird by day, normal female by night.
I also want to see what happens with Nesta and Cassian. Because I SHIP IT SO HARD, MAN. I also want to see if Amren and Varian do end up together or not. It did indeed break my heart when Varian was pleading with Feyre and Amren saying no to her going into the cauldron. But still... Amren is so strong and sassy she can be a bad ass High Fae all on her own without any man.
AND UMMM Lucien is related to Helion!!!!!!!!!!! It all makes sense... He doesn't look like any of his brothers or his father, and this would explain why his fathers and brothers hate him so much. His mother had an affair with Helion, who doesn't even know that Lucien is his son!! How will this play out??? Will Lucien find out somehow? Will he be told? Will Helion discover it?? ORRRR!!!!! Will Helion die, and then boom the new High lord of the Day Court is Lucien and he didn't even know.... THAT would be a shock for him to say the very least.
Also can we talk about the glorious fan art???? It's basically exactly as I picture the Inner Circle to look. Charlie Bowater is seriously talented. Her recent work has Cassian in a man bun-- Like Guys COME ON!!! *heart eyes x 1000* I seriously need the colouring books now, both ACOTAR and ToG. I neeeeeed themmmmmm.
And speculation on an ACOTAR movie??? I mean HELL TO THE YES but the casting would need to be spot on AND it would have to be really, really true to the books. Not holding anything back just to make it suitable for all audiences. War is bloody. War is brutal. It can't be toned down. And for the sexy time scenes well... Maybe it would be sort of like an HBO show ;)
WELL. That was a long one. I love Sarah J MAAS' books. I always thought I loved Throne Of Glass so much more... but now they are pretty even. I can't wait for the next instalments, although it is going to be VERY difficult to wait all the way until 2018 for them. In the meantime... Guess I'll just be rereading them and reading up on some theories for the latter books! What are yours??? I've read some theories for connections between the ToG and ACOTAR universe and it's mind blowing guys, mind blowing.
1000/5 Stars on glorious Star Fall in Velaris. *sighs* Now on to bingeing all the ACOWAR reviews, and perhaps buying an ACOTAR universe themed candle, while I remain in what may just be my largest book hangover yet.... although EoS did give me a huge one too.
What are your thoughts on ACOWAR? I'd LOOOOOVEEE to know and talk all about it! Send me a message or reply to this chat!
As always, thanks for reading.
- T
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