#VGF 2042
pokespefangirl · 5 months
New Chapter is Out!
For Vigilante Case Files, thank you so much to my fellow corruptedshippers and specialshippers and pokespe lovers who've given so much love to this fic! <3
:') finally a new update
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pokespefangirl · 10 months
Whitley felt a bead of sweat crawling down her neck, at the metallic figures standing before her.
"What," Blake answered, folding his arms, "when I said we weren't training against simulations, did you expect it would be real people?"
"Yes... Sir."
"These robots are just as real as any humans out there," was Blake's apt reply, as he walked to the training field, "they will kill you just like any regular human being, if you get caught."
Whitley looked at him, somewhat nervous.
"I'd have preferred humans," she mumbled. "And risked dying on the actual battlefield?" Blake asked, looking at the robots, "Don't worry, I'm here if anything goes wrong."
Whitley nodded quickly.
And in only a few moments, the lights turned on.
And turned red. Whitley looked sternly at the robot, watching and waiting for every moment as they lit up, one by one.
The sirens followed.
"S class robots. Activated."
The robots started walking, their heavy feet landing on the ground, one by one, with immense thuds.
"Training level: Critical."
Whitley looked back at Blake for assurance, but was shocked to see him flinching a little bit.
Don't tell her...
"Is your leg injury still acting up? Inspector!"
"Remain calm, Whitley."
The metal hand swerving towards her was immediately met by her rifle head, as she shot a bullet straight through the head of the first robot, it landing a few feet away from her, smoking at the ends.
Whitley panted, looking at her gun as she thought critically about what to do next.
Her life was about to end.
What was the Inspector thinking?
She couldn't do this!
More and more robots started walking toward her, each seemingly more menacing than the other, pointing their metallic arms with holes for bullets, straight at her.
Oh no.
They raised their hands, aiming to fire-
She shot them one by one, but quite a few missed, while the rest were barely thrown off by the hitting bullets, only coming closer.
"We're going to die here."
A bullet whizzed past the officer, making her eyes widen-
Going blank in shock.
"I told you to remain calm, Detective."
Blake yelled at her, but Whitley was unable to hear anything except the ringing in her ears, hands fiddling with the gun in panic.
Why wasn't her gun working? What was she doing wrong?
Why were the robots not going down? No one would be able to help her. She wouldn't be able to do anything, at all, after she realised Blake was injured and couldn't help her.
Was she worth anything at all?
As it turned out, her expression went blank even when she met a robot face to face, stared at the glass bead eyes as it raised its hand, wrapping around her neck.
The robot's head flew off, a bit of oil falling on her face that the dying robot had squeezed out, before falling flat on the ground.
Even with his injured leg, Blake had managed to run and take down the targets before it hit her.
But Whitley had just fallen still in shock.
Was it even worth it to work here?
She was just going to die anyway.
But the dying robot wasn't done.
Raising it's metallic hand that still had the hole for bullets to go through, it pointed at Whitley, quivering as the wires around it glistened.
"Whitley, get out of the way!"
But the officer sat still.
And if not for Blake getting her away from the shooting field-
The bullet hit flesh and blood, but it was only her hand they had hurt.
Whitley had almost died.
If not for the Inspector.
Now she knew what could the differences in their skill mean for her.
It meant life and death.
The time limit of the training session finally went off, and the lights came down, becoming yellow again.
"You're overthinking this," Blake whispered, tearing apart a piece cloth from the handkerchief and wrapping it around her bleeding hand, "all you had to was shoot them, or remain calm."
"I couldn't," Whitley answered frankly, "I couldn't remain calm when I learned you might not be able to help me."
"I'll always be able to help you," Blake answered, tightening the piece of cloth that stopped the blood flow.
"What if you die?"
"Then you go and find someone else to help you," Blake answered aptly, making the final knot. Whitley nodded, looking carefully at her hand.
It felt quite numb, but the compression of the wound was done almost expertly, as if by a nurse.
Where had the Inspector learned this?
"Well, that's it, then."
Her Superior stood up, holding his arm out for the younger Detective to support, "We need to go back."
Whitley nodded, pulling herself up from the ground with the help of her supervisor. Both literally and figuratively, she supposed.
excerpt from
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pokespefangirl · 5 months
Corruptedshipping- "explosions"
The Detective's eyes strayed to the weeds to the ground and the broken branches, to the indented wall, and stray pieces of rock on the floor, "There clearly had to have been some type of altercation, but…"
But what would Team Plasma members be doing at this place?
A place that only reminded her of her haunted past?
"Good guess," The Inspector answered, shining a UV light on the walls, and then on the ground, "but it seems no blood was spilt."
"Which only gives us more work to do," Blake said poignantly, which only made her frightened a little more.
He walked farther, only to turn back with a snappy look, "What are you doing still standing there, Detective?"
Caught on the spot, the Detective decided to say what's on her mind.
"Out of all the team plasma members you've caught so far, how many of them did they execute?"
And by they she obviously meant the persons who were in charge, some of them the very persons who had once helped their organization…
Only to turn their backs on them and appease the public at the very last minute with very public capital executions.
Blake seemed to contemplate her question for a minute, which made her even more frightened and uncertain.
Until she moved a little bit in anxiety, and his eyes immediately grew wider-
"Don't move there, Whitley!"
The small explosion that sounded at her feet would have almost made her scared if not for Blake holding her and not letting her immediately drop to the ground, swiftly turning her around as the explosion sounded behind her with vaporizing smoke.
"There's a reason I told you to follow me," Blake answered, still holding her arms uncertainly as the young Detective's eyes grew wide with shock.
How had they managed to mine this place?
"So my suspicions were correct," Blake answered, sternly observing his surroundings, "they're once again using this place as a second headquarters."
Whitley looked at him quizzically, as the grip on her loosened.
"They must have known we're coming."
The words sent shivers down her spine.
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pokespefangirl · 3 months
Thank you so much guys for 90 kudos for my liL pokespe fic :D i just love love LOVE all your sweet comments so here I am w a new chapter for vigilante case files cus MY ASS IS MOTIVATED AND WORKING <3 (THIS ONE IS. MAINLY SPECIALSHIPPING BASED)
A slight preview:
At that, Green looked at her, an observing glint in his eye. "You seem to be caring a lot about the guy when he's just your supervisor."
"Well, you care for him the same way," Yellow replied, "so I thought-"
"I don't go around asking people for the backstories he refuses to tell," Green answered, seemingly irritated, "if he can't tell you, I can't either."
Chapter link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50076088/chapters/145330099
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pokespefangirl · 3 months
hihi its anon again :3 (from long ago cant remember when haha lol) IM REALLY SO GREATFUL FOR THE UPDATES 😭😭🙏🙏 You seriously made me jump out of my seat during lesson and i literally ran to the toilet to read... my irls thought my granpa died or something LOL BUT TYSMMM FOR UPDATINGG ❤️❤️ I hope you continue to write the story.. i love the way you make the scenes unfold and playout and it keeps me on the edge of my seat. I HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD SUMMER !!!! (yes ive decided to show who i truely am.. #edgelord)
Oh no they thought that ur grandpa- xD OMG IM SORRY BUT THAT'S SO FUNNY LMAO
Thank you for loving the scenes so far! I have a lot of things planned and honestly insofar this is my favourite work yet!! Really hope you like the updates coming! I'm writing everyday just a bit disorganised lmaooo but ID LOVE TO PUBLISH SOON
Thank you so much for the wishes hehe, looking forward to my August vacation and having fun finallyyyy hehehehe
OMG i mean i completely get when ppl choose to be anon ofc BUT THIS ALSO MADE ME SO HAPPY TO GET TO KNOW MY MUTUAL LIKED MY WORK HUVYCTCTC THIS IS FUN
And ofc i love messages, so tysm and my inbox/direct ALWAYS open hehehe, esp for fellow spe lovers omgg
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pokespefangirl · 5 months
Swim- rakufai
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pokespefangirl · 5 months
corruptedshipping/rakufai Blake x Whitley
"Careful, Detective, you look like you're going to slip on your dress," Blake said helping her step up the stairs.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to this stuff," Whitley answered, her long dress flowing over the red carpet, as she struggled not to seem suspicious to the highly powered and heralded guests waiting around at the event.
It was a struggle to pretend she belonged.
"Detective, is there anything you can do well? And incompetence isn't a skill-"
The Inspector's irate words were cut short- By her shoes slipping on the dress.
That was it, she thought.
She was definitely getting fired, and everyone would know they were outsiders- And the plan would be ruined.
Almost tilted and falling to the ground, the hopeless expression marring her face quickly turned to a wide-eyed one as the superior smoothly and easily held her by the waist.
As if it was nothing.
Almost a romantic spectacle.
"What a sweet couple you are!" An elderly guest beamed as she walked past them, hand in hand with her husband.
Her body snapped back so hard from the Inspector's reflexes that had she been anyone else- She would most certainly have some trauma.
Right, so romantic. She thought with a wince.
"Time doesn't wait for anyone, Detective," Blake answered releasing her promptly as soon as the esteemed guests were gone, "keep it moving, we're not here to party."
Excerpt from the corruptedshipping police au:
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pokespefangirl · 11 months
Corruptedshipping AU
"Stop!" Whitley yelled, positioning her gun in the direction of his chest, "Hands up in the air!"
She had failed to notice that there was something shining in his vest.
The bridge blew up.
Pieces and pieces of shards flew in front of her, the impact hitting her such that she didn't even register where she was-
Or what was happening.
All she knew was, by the end of the impact, her hands were red and clutching onto the broken railing of a large bridge part that was inclining more and more towards the ground-
Slowly falling apart.
She heard footsteps, but couldn't tell what it was.
"You're going to be safe, Detective."
The sound of the explosion that had previously made her eyes go shut, now crinkled open in the dusty atmosphere as a red light took over her vision.
"i2, activate Deadeye." The voice spoke.
"Noted, Inspector."
The mere outline of a gun in the shadow of dust, that just kept extending and adding parts. Prepared.
The shot was so fast that even from her poor vision she could see the figure that had been flown off the bridge onto another site-
But she prayed that it wasn't her co-worker. Her eyes shut tight as the figure ran towards her, out of suspicion.
Until the bridge made the horrifying sound of thoroughly and completely giving away-
Her whole body felt lost to gravity, until something that seemed like a strong force pulled her up in a strong hold-
Whitley opened her eyes to see that she had been caught.
By the Inspector, no less.
Blake who had held onto her just in time to keep her from falling, hand barely gripping to the partially intact railing of the bridge, eyes red with determination.
When only seconds before, she had thought it would be the end of the world.
Excerpt from fic:
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pokespefangirl · 1 year
Excerpt (Rakufai)
The bar near empty, Looker sat near the younger officer, lit up by dim yellow lights as the bartender left their company, having set the yellow drink right in front of Blake.
It was a welcome distraction from the destructive and unnatural events of their day at work, that was all.
"It was a hard day today, wasn't it," Looker sighed, arms folded back, face relaxing in a smile as he leaned back on the bar chair, "reminds me of how it used to be, between you and me, back in the day."
"Even after the danger you put us in today," Blake started, stiff as usual as his hand wrapped around the wine glass, "you're overly familiar. Don't forget that I'm still your superior."
The elder smiled, eyes gentle and understanding, voice insinuating a paternal tone, "You're still going to keep that up, aren't you?"
Blake remained quiet, eyes reflecting the colour of the auburn wooden bar in front of them.
"Tell me, Superintendent." Looker started, lips quirking as he registered what he was calling him, even if it was not all too serious-
"You like the sweet Detective, don't you? I've seen the way you look at her."
The younger's usually vigilant red eyes turned serious, focused, "What do you mean by like?"
"Between you and me," Looker said sheepishly, "we haven't always been truthful to each other, partly through my fault, I admit. But now," the black and grey-haired elder paused, but the pause felt calm, waited for, "we could at least try to be honest to each other, right, Superintendent?"
Blake's eyes narrowed temporarily, at that, "I feel like you're calling me Superintendent in a different way from what it means."
But Looker's wise gaze never left his side, "What made you fall for her, Inspector Blake? I'm sure I'd like to know."
Blake hesitated at first, only to surrender to the elder Detective's questionnaire.
"She has a lot of faults," he started, eyes narrowing, "for example, she's stubborn, but she has a lot of admirable traits too." His eyes turned soft.
"She's filled with her goodhearted nature, and she always sees the best in people. She sees the best even in someone like me," he paused, "she gives me hope that there is something better... even for me."
"She makes me believe in myself, that's what I like about her."
"I see," Looker sighed, smiling at the way the younger took a swig from his drink, "I'm glad you have someone like that. Someone you can trust. Honestly, I see all those traits in the sweet Detective. She's definitely one of the good ones." He looked at the younger, "And you are too, young Superintendent."
The phrase clarifying as "young" made Blake raise his eyebrow. "Don't push it," the Inspector answered, but still sat there in the quiet and orange bar with the elder officer.
In comfortable silence.
Excerpt from future chapter of NYPD Invigilators
Fic link https://archiveofourown.org/works/50076088
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pokespefangirl · 1 year
corruptedshipping scenes
Looking around him, at the cement ruins that were once comprised of dense white walls, falling bit by bit to the earth, wires peaking out, Blake was reminded all too sudden of his harsh childhood.
The distant memory, which was so far in his mind that even the rise of it in his mind's eye surprised him, his gun trained on the distant, invisible enemy that could come out any time.He didn't know what he was pointing at.
His memory, or the past lost? Or the figures from his nightmares tracking him even now-
A soft noise of a stone falling and rolling to the ground immediately made shivers crawl up his spine, making Blake turn around and point the gun to the noise source, sweating and mind inebriated by anxiety.
The surprised blue eyes that were peeking at him surprised even him too.
Whitley had her gun at her hand, but she wasn't pointing it at anything. Rather, her concerned face shocked him.
And that was when he knew that the Detective also knew.
That something had happened to him.
The minute hesitance in which his thoughts came together his eyes glared and glared less, armed hand eventually coming down.
"I see, Detective Whitley," he spoke in the most even, unaffected voice possible, "there's nothing to see here."
From chapter 7 of this story
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pokespefangirl · 1 year
Yet Another Pokemon/Pokespe fic
corruptedshipping fic but also w all the trainers from other gens in the manga :') read if ur interested <3
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