posorjaaldia · 1 month
Ministerio de Ambiente: El ministerio del chiste y el de los más sabidos.
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Desvelamos otro caso de actuaciones cuestionables del Ministerio de Ambiente.
La protección del medio ambiente debería ser una prioridad para todos los países, sin importar su nivel de desarrollo. Sin embargo, es desalentador observar que, incluso en las naciones más avanzadas, se llevan a cabo acciones que amenazan gravemente nuestros ecosistemas.
Lo que resulta aún más alarmante es que, en ocasiones, estas acciones provienen de las mismas entidades responsables de su cuidado: los gobiernos y los Ministerios de Medio Ambiente.
Caso 'Olon - Valvonessi': Desmonte ilegal en zona protegida genera alarma.
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Las irregularidades en el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente parecen ser un patrón recurrente. Este año, sumamos un nuevo caso a las denuncias públicas que hemos realizado contra esta entidad.
Las comunidades de Olón nuevamente denuncian la violación de sus derechos y un nuevo atentado contra el medio ambiente. Las autoridades, que ya tienen un historial de acciones cuestionables, han permitido la entrada de maquinaria pesada en el área del 'Esterillo Oloncito', a pesar de las protestas de los comuneros.
El proyecto Echo-Olon es un ejemplo más de la inacción y el desinterés del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, al que se le debería exigir rendición de cuentas.
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La primera dama y la ñañis del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente
En este Ecuador podrido desde los simientis, informa la Fundación La Iguana dio a conocer que la empresa VINAZIN S.A., responsable en la tala de Olón, estaria vinculada a la esposa del Presidente Daniel Noboa, donde está llevando a cabo un proyecto hotelsitico que ha levantado las voces de protesta de las comunidades locales y de organizaciones ambientalistas.
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¡Basta de impunidad! El chiste llamado Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y las autoridades responsables deben rendir cuentas por su inacción y falta de compromiso con el medio ambiente y las comunidades.
Quedan más preguntas en este complejo caso donde prácticamente se repiten del anterior caso:
¿Cómo el Municipio autorizo y generó el catastro?
¿Porqué Ministerio del Ambiente calla ante otro hecho donde se atenta claramente al medio ambiente?
El silencio del Ministerio es completamente inaceptable y da una muestra clara de un gobierno que solo le importa sus intereses sin importar si necesita atropellar a unos cuantos en el camino.
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jimkirkachu · 3 years
Crush advice! Can't send links here but google "Metro How to handle a crush without losing your mind" for some handy tips - but also; if it's a celebrity or personality, DO let yourself enjoy their work and energy; "relax into it"; have private fantasies (it doesn't hurt anyone); just don't beat yourself up. Talk it over too. Google "vinazine HOW TO DEAL WITH HEARTBREAK OVER A CELEBRITY CRUSH" and take note of point #1 xxx
(yet another long/questionably-triggery response)
Anon, I need to buy a vowel because omg you're so sweet 💜😭 It really is easy to hate myself for all of this... especially when you throw major depression, anxiety, ptsd, etc. on top of it all. 🤦
There's so much confused humility in this whole equation for me, honestly, because I still can't actually pin down any truths concerning my identity. Am I really demisexual? Am I only using the label to try and make myself feel better about how undesirable I am/have always been to all other humans? Am I just afraid of being attracted to anyone because I was abused for so long? The imposter syndrome is at hull-breach levels these days, particularly now that it's Pride month. Do I even fit into any of the Pride categories? (I've never fit in anywhere else, so why start now?) I don't understand my gender, or my sexuality, or even the slightest thing about my place in the world. I've almost never been proud of anything I've ever done or been. I've never been comfortable in my body or mind. I've never had a legitimate "romantic relationship." I've never in my life felt that I was "enough," whether for family or friends or crushes or professors or employers... So am I attracted to this person because they at least appear outwardly to be so confident in their identity? Have I confused attraction with jealousy over their career, since they're succeeding at the "dream job" it took me 15 agonizing years to accept I was perfectly *un*suited for? Is it purely a physical thing, and I'm just being idiotic and shallow? Or... was the black hole gradually dissolving my will to live not large enough already, so the universe stepped in to mockingly remind me for the millionth time of all the beautiful types of experiences and relationships out there that I have for at least a decade been painfully, abundantly aware I'll never be able to have? I wish I knew.
...yikes, sorry to get all depressing and dark. 😥💔🤐
All this considered, though, I love the content they post, I love all the positive energy and enthusiasm they bring to the fandom, and... the thought of them *not* being precisely who they are, *not* having their blog, or in any way *not* being their magnificent, authentic self is devastating. And for all the anguish of a crush, it is addicting/exciting to think about them and what they might be like in person, what the rest of their life is like outside of their blog, what it would feel like to be in their presence, etc. *sigh* Obviously I'm bad at the fantasizing thing, lol. (And besides not wishing myself on anyone, I also have no idea what their sexuality or relationship status is so... I feel weirdly guilty about that. 🥲) I blush just imagining making eye contact with them, having them run their fingers through my hair, holding my hand, smiling at me... SCANDALOUS!!! I feel like I should mark this as an explicit post now 😂🙊 It's so bizarre being touch averse and touch deprived all at the same time!! 🧠💥
Thank you so much for the links and advice, sweet anon. 💜 I'm so grateful for everyone who has tried to help me get through this; I just wish I could repay the favors and be as supportive and kind to all of you as you've been to me. Anyway--thanks again and LLAP, dear. 🫂💛💙🖖
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nullcenter-blog · 6 years
Vinazine - Joomla News Magazine Template (Blog / Magazine)
Vinazine – Joomla News Magazine Template (Blog / Magazine)
Vinazine is a Unique News, Magazine Joomla template created for News agencies, Business Magazine, Technology Sites and all type of publishing or review site.
It also comes with twitter bootstrap 4, SP Page Builder Pro($49), Drag and Drop Layout Builder, SASS, Owl Carousel, Beautiful Tab, Gallery and more.
Images are only for demo and not included with the download bundle
Template Features
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jordynonline · 6 years
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Jordyn Jones - New work with Jordyn for @vinazine 🌟 #vina magazine https://www.instagram.com/p/BosIiNvniN_/
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notemluna-blog · 7 years
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Drew some pink things for the @ilikevina Weekly Hey! Wanna get cute illustrations like these & the best of The VINAZINE in your inbox every week?? Sign up on www.vinazine.com!! 💕 (at San Francisco, California)
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joomlashare · 5 years
Download: Vinazine 1.4!: Vinazine is a Unique News, Magazine Joomla template created for News agencies, Business Magazine, Technology Sites and all type of publishing or review site. It also comes with twitter bootstrap 4, k2 component, SP Page Builder Pro($49), Drag and Drop Layout Builder, SASS, Owl Carousel, Beautiful Tab, Gallery, Boxed Layout, RTL Language Support and more.... http://tinyurl.com/y3qfogbz
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supertheoristking · 5 years
Storage Administrator
[ad_1] Gob title: Storage Administrator Company: Vinazin Solutions Gob description: STorage administratrator with 5 – 7 years of experience Stoarge administrator with hands on experience with Netapp storage , EMC storage and IBM storage Job Mode: C2H Duration: 1 year and extendable Location: Bangalore… Expected salary: Location: Bangalore, Karnataka Job date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 07:58:12 GMT Apply for…
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lovelymwg · 5 years
download the @vinazine app so we can all find our go to group of girl friends 💕💕💕
need more cards in my deck so I can meet EVEN MORE PEOPLE
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Andrews, Maddie. “'I'm 'a Compel Him to Include Women in the Sequel' - Why Feminism in Hamilton Needs to Be Evaluated – The 730 Review.” The 730 Review, 5 July 2018, www.the730review.co.uk/2017/12/07/why-feminism-in-hamilton-needs-to-be-evaluated/.
Armstrong, Charlotte. “HAMILTON'S TAKE ON FEMINISM AND SISTERHOOD.” VINAZINE, 24 July 2017, vinazine.com/2017/07/26/hamiltons-take-on-feminism-and-sisterhood/.
Chandler, Clare. “‘Let Me Be Part of the Narrative’ – The Schuyler Sisters 'Almost' Feminist?” Contemporary Theatre Review, 11 Oct. 2018, www.contemporarytheatrereview.org/2018/chandler-hamilton-almost-feminist/.
Klotz, Kelsey. “Hamilton Is Innovative, But Not Quite Revolutionary.” Common Reader, 28 Feb. 2017, commonreader.wustl.edu/c/hamilton-innovative-not-quite-revolutionary/.
McMaster, James. “Why Hamilton is Not the Revolution You Think it is.” Pedagogy Notebook, HowlRound Theater Commons, 23 February 2016, https://howlround.com/why-hamilton-not-revolution-you-think-it
Miller, Emma. “Here's Why Every Feminist Needs to See 'Hamilton'.” Femspiration, HelloFlo, 26 Jan. 2016, helloflo.com/heres-why-every-feminist-needs-to-see-hamilton/.
Schulman, Michael. “The Women of ‘Hamilton.’” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 19 June 2017, www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-women-of-hamilton.
Wolf, Stacy. “Hamilton | The Feminist Spectator.” Princeton University, The Trustees of Princeton University, 24 Feb. 2016, feministspectator.princeton.edu/2016/02/24/hamilton/.
Chernow, Ron. Alexander Hamilton. New York: Penguin Books, 2005. Print.
Gremore, Graham. “Was Founding Father Alexander Hamilton Bisexual? His Letters Suggest So.” Queerty*, Queerty, 3 July 2014, www.queerty.com/was-founding-father-alexander-hamilton-bisexual-his-letters-suggest-so-20140704.
Miltimore, John. “Did Alexander Hamilton Have a Love Affair With This Man?” Intellectual Takeout, 13 Oct. 2016, www.intellectualtakeout.org/blog/did-alexander-hamilton-have-love-affair-john-laurens.
Miranda, Lin-Manuel. “Hamilton: An American Musical.” Hamilton: The Revolution, edited by Jeremy McCarter, Grand Central Publishing, 2016, pp. 23-26.
Out History. “The Letters · Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens: 1777-1783 · Outhistory.org.” Outhistory.org, n.d., outhistory.org/exhibits/show/hamilton-laurens/hamilton-laurens-letters.
Perry, Douglas. “'Gaydar' Proves George Washington and Alexander Hamilton Were Gay, Author Says.” OregonLive.com, OregonLive.com, 16 Apr. 2015, www.oregonlive.com/books/index.ssf/2015/04/author_uses_gaydar_as_evidence.html.’
Wolf, Stacy. “Hamilton | The Feminist Spectator.” Princeton University, The Trustees of Princeton University, 24 Feb. 2016, feministspectator.princeton.edu/2016/02/24/hamilton/.
Als, Hilton. “Bromance at the Revolution.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 19 June 2017, www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/03/09/boys-in-the-band.
Caramanica, Anthony Tommasini and Jon. “Exploring 'Hamilton' and Hip-Hop Steeped in Heritage.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 21 Dec. 2017, www.nytimes.com/2015/08/30/theater/exploring-hamilton-and-hip-hop-steeped-in-heritage.html.
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At a loss for words?? Don’t worry, it just be like that sometimes :woman-shrugging: especially when meeting knew people. Read my article on the VINAZINE to totally crush your next convo! #vinazine #heyvina @vinazine https://t.co/0ESXxzASm7 via @ilikevina
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webhostingwordpress · 6 years
Plantillas CMS | Vinazine - Joomla News Magazine Template
Plantillas CMS | Vinazine – Joomla News Magazine Template
Vinazine es una plantilla única de Joomla Revista, creada para agencias de noticias, revistas de negocios, sitios de tecnología y todo tipo de publicación o revisión.
También viene con el bootstrap de Twitter 4, el componente k2, el SP Page Builder Pro ($ 49), el Generador de diseño de arrastrar y soltar, SASS, Owl Carousel, Beautiful Tab, Galería y más.
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envatoproducts · 6 years
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Vinazine - Joomla News Magazine Template (Blog / Magazine)
Vinazine is a Unique News, Magazine Joomla template created for News agencies, Business Magazine, Technology Sites and all type of publishing or review site. It also comes with twitter bootstrap 4, SP Page Builder Pro($49), Drag and Drop Layout Builder, SASS, Owl Carousel, Beautiful Tab,... download link => Vinazine - Joomla News Magazine Template (Blog / Magazine)
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tin1 · 6 years
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Rượu kỷ tử – bài thuốc kiềm chế lão suy
Câu kỷ tử là một trong số ít những loại thảo dược vừa đóng vai trò là vị thuốc, gia vị thức ăn, có tác dụng trong làm đẹp, củng cố sức khỏe cũng như làm tăng thêm hương vị của những món ăn. ( Theo VInaZine https://goo.gl/MxjAHP ) .Câu kỷ tử còn thường dùng làm rượu thuốc  .Rượu kỷ tử tác dụng bổ huyết, sáng mắc, chống lão hóa còn trà câu kỷ tử với hoa cúc tác dụng giảm cân, mỡ máu cực hay.
Có thể làm rượu kỷ tử đơn giản theo công thức:
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Giã nhỏ kỷ tử, cho rượu vào ngâm trong 2 tuần lễ trở lên rồi lọc lấy rượu, ngày uống 2-3 lần, mỗi lần 1 chén con.
Tác dụng: Bổ huyết, sáng mắt, kiềm chế lão suy.
Rượu kỷ tử – bài thuốc kiềm chế lão suy đăng bởi Nguồn Tin Việt .
Đọc thêm RSS .
🐇🐿️🦔 Nguồn Tin Việt | 🐻🐼 https://ift.tt/1dsDGZw @Viet Nam 🐨https://ift.tt/2GIGIfX
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datgirlkaren · 8 years
FROM VINAZINE: How to Chat With Your Girlfriends About Reproductive Health
NEW BLOG: My reproductive health & how to talk about yours with your friends @ilikevina
DISCLAIMER: As a member of the VINA Society, I contribute monthly content to Hey! VINA’s official blog VINAzine, hence my shout-out to the app.
Ladies, ever wish you could swipe right for lady friends instead of hot dates? Now you can with Hey! VINA. This addicting iOS app(Android version coming soon!) is pretty much like Tinder for girls to meet their next BFF (In fact, Tinder just recently…
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