#VP stuff
ouroboros-hideout · 8 months
Got tagged my @theviridianbunny and some days ago by @dreamskug @therealnightcity and @aggravateddurian Thank you all chooms. Sorry, my social game is horrible but rly appreciate you're tagging me anyway 💚
I don't really have something new to show bc brain is strange these days. And 2024 so far presented me weird vibes only kinda. In addition the next two months will be a little stressfull aswell bc I'll be moving to a new place so I'll see how much time I have for the fun things.
But here are some WIP thoughts anyway.
That f-ing Kurt drawing I started over a month ago needs the last finishng touches. By that I mean redrawing his face over and over again till my perfectionism is satisfied.
Here have a small detail. Tumblr compression will eat up all the textures anyway.
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Still have that Witcher Cyberpunk Crossover next on my list but the urge to draw Aon became so strong the last days so probably will go for that.
Currently rotting on my 'Like Napalm' chapters. Will actually take some small timeline changes in the chapter that's already on AO3 bc the two ambassadors of Kurt x Myers (you know who you are) gaslighted me so hard into that ship that I will incorporate it in my fic. But it'll help to close the last plottholes I had so thanks frens.
I rly want to do more photos cause it's a lot of fun but I am already putting so much work on myself lmao. Probably will be an occasional thing even if it seems you ppl really liked the pics I took. Still like the idea of making it a series and not just randomly doing some shots.
That's all for now. Would like to see what all of you are up to atm. But no pressure as always!
@blackrevell @olath124 @elvenbeard @pinkyjulien @wanderingaldecaldo @kharonion @bloodydragam @bumble-v @chevvy-yates
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outerhexe · 7 years
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recent draws 6 < 9
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ouroboros-hideout · 9 months
I got tagged by @theviridianbunny thank youuu!
The Kurt drawing I started a month ago is almost finished so I won't show that as a WIP again lol. But I settled on what I want to draw next already and I am way to hyped by the idea (Cyberpunk/Witcher crossover)
I write quite a lot lately (or try to). Manly oc stuff because I managed to get obsessed with Alyona. Welp.
Her character introduction for my AU is halfway finished, but I am overthinking if it got a little to shippy (I didn't intendet that in the beginning but it just happened and I like it hehe). Maybe I make my shippy stuff into something extra and name it after the ship to keep the actual AU "cleaner" bc it's not that important for the plot. I don't know! I can't organzie my stuff!
Here's a preview of the introduction tho. For context: It's a backflash and around 2073, the business in Dtown starts to bloom and she comes for a visit to see what the Colonel came up with (try not to cringe by posting your writing but cringe anyway):
A woman got out of the helicopter after them. Relatively tall, slim, athletically muscular, her short black hair was tousled by the wind, the sides of her skull were shaved short. She wore simple, military-style clothing. Cargo pants, lace-up heavy boots, a tactical leather jacket. Everything was kept in black and dark olive tones. If you didn't know any better, you'd say she was from here and it would be easy for her to blend in with the masses in Dogtown. One detail that made her stand out, was a multitude of thin scars that ran from the lower left side of her face across her nose and up to her forehead. Judging by the degree of healing, it was a very old wound. At least on the outside.
She walked confidently past her people, holding a bottle of clear liquid with an elaborately designed label in her right hand. Probably high-proof alcohol from her home.
After a few steps, however, she stopped abruptly and pushed the aviator glasses she was wearing down a little to look over the rim in disbelief and with a raised eyebrow.
"You look old, Kurt," she said blatantly, examined the man in front of her from top to bottom and continued to walk slowly towards the him, then took her glasses off completely and put them in the inside pocket of her jacket.
"It hasn't been that long since we last saw each other, has it?"
Her English was remarkably good when compared to other representatives from this part of the world who were usually up for business in Dogtown. However, she was unable to mask the slight accents common to the Russian language.
Kurt ignored her little teasing and tried to be professional.
"I'm glad you're here too." He couldn't help but welcome her with a thin smile." And it should be about half a year. The last time was in Laos during the negotiations."
Both slowly came to a halt in front of each other. Jago had followed the Colonel discreetly and kept to the background.
"That was six months ago already. Seems like I did good on suppressing the memories about that terrible place“, she answered shaking her head in disbelief.
"How was the flight?" he added tersely.
"Ah," she made a dismissive hand gesture. "Alright. I am getting used to traveling.“ She showed him the bottle she brought with her. „Here's your favorite. Don't worry, I've got more in the helicopter."
Without further ado, she pressed it into Hansen's hand.
For all the people standing by who were not yet familiar with Alyona and her way of dealing with Kurt, this whole encounter must have seemed incredibly strange. They all only knew him as the undisputed authority figure and nobody, except at most his old brothers in arms, would dare to talk to him like that. And even there were limits.
Alyona finally looked with interest at the man standing behind the Colonel.
„And who is the cute little cat? I don't think we've met yet.“
Jago's features froze completely and he didn't think he had heard correctly.
"The cute little... EXCUSE ME?" he replied with audible outrage in his voice.
And I still NEED to write her fucking lore down. I think I got it togehter by now.
VP (new to the list)
Just started to activly making pics on my console and would like to come up with a little series in the future maybe.
Atm I try to make pics for a fun Discord Challenge where I have to show a single day in the live of my V. Since I am still obsessed with a certain disctrict I thought I make it a "Dogtown Days"- Edition. I struggle with the limited set of poses but I'll figure something out.
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Yea think that's it for now. I still have so many ideas for a lot of different things but I have to restrain myself and finish some things first before I get lost in my WIP-Limbo.
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