#Val pollard best lines
bobbie-robron · 2 years
Val Pollard (40th Anniversary)…
3 notes · View notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 11 months
1836 Oct[obe]r Thurs[day] 27
7 55/..
12 40/..
No kiss fine morn[in]g – d[o]wnst[ai]rs at 8 3/4 – Ch[arle]s How[ar]th and W[illia]m Keigh[le]y h[a]d been wait[in]g for me 20 min[ute]s –
set the form[e]r w[i]th his son Ja[me]s to hang the gate at the top corn[e]r of Conery Ing and took W[illia]m K- [Keighley] to cut
off a few brok[e]n branches of an oak at the bot[tom] of Pearson Ing (n[ea]r the larch tree) and then w[e]nt
w[i]th h[i]m to Spa h[ou]se to shew h[i]m A-‘s [Ann] four larches to be cut d[o]wn -he will cut them d[o]wn
on Mon[day] – ho[me] at 9 55/.. Mr. Husb[an]d and Dobson (the stone merch[an]t) wait[in]g for me - told H- [Husband]
I w[oul]d ha[ve] a warm bath in the pres[en]t kitchen - alter the stab[le]s and turn the pres[en]t front stab[le]
int[o] a manserv[an]t’s bedr[oo]m – w[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve] the gr[ea]t oak King posts squar[e]d or alt[ere]d to ma[ke] mo[re]
r[oo]m at the end of the gall[er]y lead[in]g the red r[oo]m and north chamb[e]r - to be cas[e]d ov[e]r in their pres[en]t shape -
Dobson want[e]d to kno[w] the date of his last bill for insides (st[one] for the Long goit) –
Look[e]d ov[e]r my acc[oun]ts and ga[ve] him the informat[io]n he want[e]d – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 3/4 - Mrs. and
Miss Briggs call[e]d at 11 – wait[e]d 10 min[ute]s in the h[ou]sekeep[e]r’s r[oo]m till we h[a]d br[eak]f[a]st[e]d –
the 1st ti[me] of their com[in]g here s[in]ce they left us - we were ver[y] civ[i]l to them and I st[ai]d w[i]th
them till n[ea]r 12 - they remain[e]d so[me] ti[me] long[e]r w[i]th A- [Ann] - out fr[om] a lit[tle] bef[ore] 12 (ab[ou]t)
till 1, then n[ea]r an h[ou]r w[i]th A- [Ann] then out ag[ai]n till ca[me] in at 5 50/.. at the meer-drift and in the gard[e]n and ab[ou]t – dress[e]d –
wr[ote] 1 3/4 p[ages] to ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton, Cheshire’ and s[e]nt it tonight – we
shall be delight[e]d to see h[e]r on the 2[n]d or 3[r]d of next m[on]th i.e. next Wed[nesday] or Thurs[day]
hope she will n[o]t disap[poin]t us if she can help it - she h[a]d best ta[ke] her pl[a]ce
in the mail to Bradford, - tell the guard to blow his horn, and let her alight at
the Lodge - will prepare her old fr[ien]d Matty Pollard for her arriv[a]l and I mys[elf] will
ta[ke] ca[re] she (M- [Mariana]) does n[o]t lose hers[elf] bet[ween] the Lodge and the h[ou]se – wr[ote] no[te] to ‘The Rev[eren]d Rob[er]t Wilkins[o]n Heath’
to ask h[i]m ‘to co[me] whenev[e]r m[o]st conven[ien]t to him bef[ore] Wed[nesday] (b[u]t n[o]t on Mon[day]) respect[in]g
the will of my late a[un]t - and wr[ote] no[te] to ‘Mr. Lister appraiser Halifax’ to ask him
to co[me] at 3 p.m. tomor[row] or Sat[urday] to val[ue] the wardrobe of my late a[un]t – seal[e]d and
direct[e]d all the ab[ov]e (let[ter] notes) at the din[ner] tab[le] and s[e]nt them off by Frank soon aft[e]r
7 – din[ner] at 6 35/.. – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch al[ou]d as us[ua]l – 1/2 asleep on the sofa
till 10 - then wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today - Booth here this morn[in]g - at Hilltop in the
aft[ernoo]n – settl[e]d - Mr. Carter h[a]s no object[io]n to the new barn and h[ou]se being in a line w[i]th his
moth[e]r’s cot[tage] and so it is to be - 2 masons (Amos and Jos[e]ph Sharpe) at the west tow[e]r –
2 d[itt]o flagg[in]g the new court – Rob[er]t Mann + 4 low[erin]g and level[in]g in front of the h[ou]se and g[o]t
the hall-cellar-drain dry out so as to drain off all the wat[e]r (6in. deep) out of the cellar –
Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and his man Joseph help[in]g the masons at the west tow[e]r – pull[in]g d[o]wn the gard[e]n terr[a]ce
wall and dress[in]g the st[one] (Jos[e]ph w[a]s help[in]g the gard[ene]r in the morn[in]g) - the gard[ene]r and John Booth and Ch[arl]es
and Ja[me]s How[ar]th stubb[in]g up the old apple-trees in the orch[ar]d and clear[in]g the gr[ou]nd - Frank cart[in]g
st[one] for the dry arching 2 l[oa]ds rough throughs fr[om] Hipp[erholme] quarry and the rest st[one] fr[om] the gard[e]n wall –
Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s H- [Howarth] at Hilltop all yest[erday] and Tues[day] aft[ernoo]n pull[in]g d[o]wn the old cot[tage]s and barn – Ingh[a]m + 2
men and a boy wall[in]g east parapet wall along the outside arch - 2 York joiners in the hall and 2
Hilltop cot[age]s and barn
pull[e]d d[ow]n
jobb[in]g as us[ua]l - the gallery all tak[e]n d[o]wn yest[erday] to the red r[oo]m and n[or]th chamb[e]r and no gett[in]g int[o] eith[e]r
b[u]t by a ladd[e]r int[o] the lit[tle] sq[uare] lobby open[in]g int[o] them - a new beam put up today for the fut[ure]
gall[er]y floor - Mark Hepw[or]th and the N[orth]g[a]te carts cart[in]g soil in front of the h[ou]se topp[i]ng up the gr[ea]t
embankm[en]t – ver[y] fine day F[ahrenheit] 32° now at 10 50/.. p.m. the 1st ti[me] this seas[o]n of being at the freez[in]g point –
my no[te]s tonight writ[ten] in the 1st pers[o]n - will n[o]t wr[it]e Miss L- [Lister] mean[in]g to ta[ke] the brevet
immed[iatel]y – No[te] fr[om] Mr. Wilkins[o]n to say comp[limen]ts and he will co[me] at 11 a.m. on Sat[urday] Mr. List[e]r
will try to co[me] tomor[row]
2 notes · View notes
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0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1836 Oct[obe]r Thurs[day] 27
7 55/..
12 40/..
No kiss fine morn[in]g – d[o]wnst[ai]rs at 8 3/4 – Ch[arle]s How[ar]th and W[illia]m Keigh[le]y h[a]d been wait[in]g for me 20 min[ute]s –
set the form[e]r w[i]th his son Ja[me]s to hang the gate at the top corn[e]r of Conery Ing and took W[illia]m K- [Keighley] to cut
off a few brok[e]n branches of an oak at the bot[tom] of Pearson Ing (n[ea]r the larch tree) and then w[e]nt
w[i]th h[i]m to Spa h[ou]se to shew h[i]m A-‘s [Ann] four larches to be cut d[o]wn -he will cut them d[o]wn
on Mon[day] – ho[me] at 9 55/.. Mr. Husb[an]d and Dobson (the stone merch[an]t) wait[in]g for me - told H- [Husband]
I w[oul]d ha[ve] a warm bath in the pres[en]t kitchen - alter the stab[le]s and turn the pres[en]t front stab[le]
int[o] a manserv[an]t’s bedr[oo]m – w[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve] the gr[ea]t oak King posts squar[e]d or alt[ere]d to ma[ke] mo[re]
r[oo]m at the end of the gall[er]y lead[in]g the red r[oo]m and north chamb[e]r - to be cas[e]d ov[e]r in their pres[en]t shape -  
Dobson want[e]d to kno[w] the date of his last bill for insides (st[one] for the Long goit) –
Look[e]d ov[e]r my acc[oun]ts and ga[ve] him the informat[io]n he want[e]d – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 3/4 - Mrs. and
Miss Briggs call[e]d at 11 – wait[e]d 10 min[ute]s in the h[ou]sekeep[e]r’s r[oo]m till we h[a]d br[eak]f[a]st[e]d –
the 1st ti[me] of their com[in]g here s[in]ce they left us - we were ver[y] civ[i]l to them and I st[ai]d w[i]th
them till n[ea]r 12 - they remain[e]d so[me] ti[me] long[e]r w[i]th A- [Ann] - out fr[om] a lit[tle] bef[ore] 12 (ab[ou]t)
till 1, then n[ea]r an h[ou]r w[i]th A- [Ann] then out ag[ai]n till ca[me] in at 5 50/.. at the meer-drift and in the gard[e]n and ab[ou]t – dress[e]d –
wr[ote] 1 3/4 p[ages] to ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton, Cheshire’ and s[e]nt it tonight – we
shall be delight[e]d to see h[e]r on the 2[n]d or 3[r]d of next m[on]th i.e. next Wed[nesday] or Thurs[day]
hope she will n[o]t disap[poin]t us if she can help it - she h[a]d best ta[ke] her pl[a]ce
in the mail to Bradford, - tell the guard to blow his horn, and let her alight at
the Lodge - will prepare her old fr[ien]d Matty Pollard for her arriv[a]l and I mys[elf] will
ta[ke] ca[re] she (M- [Mariana]) does n[o]t lose hers[elf] bet[ween] the Lodge and the h[ou]se – wr[ote] no[te] to ‘The Rev[eren]d Rob[er]t Wilkins[o]n Heath’
to ask h[i]m ‘to co[me] whenev[e]r m[o]st conven[ien]t to him bef[ore] Wed[nesday] (b[u]t n[o]t on Mon[day]) respect[in]g
the will of my late a[un]t - and wr[ote] no[te] to ‘Mr. Lister appraiser Halifax’ to ask him
to co[me] at 3 p.m. tomor[row] or Sat[urday] to val[ue] the wardrobe of my late a[un]t – seal[e]d and
direct[e]d all the ab[ov]e (let[ter] notes) at the din[ner] tab[le] and s[e]nt them off by Frank soon aft[e]r
7 – din[ner] at 6 35/.. – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch al[ou]d as us[ua]l – 1/2 asleep on the sofa
till 10 - then wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today - Booth here this morn[in]g - at Hilltop in the
aft[ernoo]n – settl[e]d - Mr. Carter h[a]s no object[io]n to the new barn and h[ou]se being in a line w[i]th his
moth[e]r’s cot[tage] and so it is to be - 2 masons (Amos and Jos[e]ph Sharpe) at the west tow[e]r –
2 d[itt]o flagg[in]g the new court – Rob[er]t Mann + 4 low[erin]g and level[in]g in front of the h[ou]se and g[o]t
the hall-cellar-drain dry out so as to drain off all the wat[e]r (6in. deep) out of the cellar –
Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and his man Joseph help[in]g the masons at the west tow[e]r – pull[in]g d[o]wn the gard[e]n terr[a]ce
wall and dress[in]g the st[one] (Jos[e]ph w[a]s help[in]g the gard[ene]r in the morn[in]g) - the gard[ene]r and John Booth and Ch[arl]es
and Ja[me]s How[ar]th stubb[in]g up the old apple-trees in the orch[ar]d and clear[in]g the gr[ou]nd - Frank cart[in]g
st[one] for the dry arching 2 l[oa]ds rough throughs fr[om] Hipp[erholme] quarry and the rest st[one] fr[om] the gard[e]n wall –
Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s H- [Howarth] at Hilltop all yest[erday] and Tues[day] aft[ernoo]n pull[in]g d[o]wn the old cot[tage]s and barn – Ingh[a]m + 2
men and a boy wall[in]g east parapet wall along the outside arch - 2 York joiners in the hall and 2
 Hilltop cot[age]s and barn
pull[e]d d[ow]n
jobb[in]g as us[ua]l - the gallery all tak[e]n d[o]wn yest[erday] to the red r[oo]m and n[or]th chamb[e]r and no gett[in]g int[o] eith[e]r
b[u]t by a ladd[e]r int[o] the lit[tle] sq[uare] lobby open[in]g int[o] them - a new beam put up today for the fut[ure]
gall[er]y floor - Mark Hepw[or]th and the N[orth]g[a]te carts cart[in]g soil in front of the h[ou]se topp[i]ng up the gr[ea]t
embankm[en]t – ver[y] fine day F[ahrenheit] 32° now at 10 50/.. p.m. the 1st ti[me] this seas[o]n of being at the freez[in]g point –
my no[te]s tonight writ[ten] in the 1st pers[o]n  - will n[o]t wr[it]e Miss L- [Lister] mean[in]g to ta[ke] the brevet
immed[iatel]y – No[te] fr[om] Mr. Wilkins[o]n to say comp[limen]ts and he will co[me] at 11 a.m. on Sat[urday] Mr. List[e]r
will try to co[me] tomor[row]
0 notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
1836 Oct[obe]r Thurs[day] 27
7 55/..
12 40/..
No kiss fine morn[in]g – d[o]wnst[ai]rs at 8 3/4 – Ch[arle]s How[ar]th and W[illia]m Keigh[le]y h[a]d been wait[in]g for me 20 min[ute]s –
set the form[e]r w[i]th his son Ja[me]s to hang the gate at the top corn[e]r of Conery Ing and took W[illia]m K- [Keighley] to cut
off a few brok[e]n branches of an oak at the bot[tom] of Pearson Ing (n[ea]r the larch tree) and then w[e]nt
w[i]th h[i]m to Spa h[ou]se to shew h[i]m A-‘s [Ann] four larches to be cut d[o]wn -he will cut them d[o]wn
on Mon[day] – ho[me] at 9 55/.. Mr. Husb[an]d and Dobson (the stone merch[an]t) wait[in]g for me - told H- [Husband]
I w[oul]d ha[ve] a warm bath in the pres[en]t kitchen - alter the stab[le]s and turn the pres[en]t front stab[le]
int[o] a manserv[an]t’s bedr[oo]m – w[oul]d n[o]t ha[ve] the gr[ea]t oak King posts squar[e]d or alt[ere]d to ma[ke] mo[re]
r[oo]m at the end of the gall[er]y lead[in]g the red r[oo]m and north chamb[e]r - to be cas[e]d ov[e]r in their pres[en]t shape -  
Dobson want[e]d to kno[w] the date of his last bill for insides (st[one] for the Long goit) –
Look[e]d ov[e]r my acc[oun]ts and ga[ve] him the informat[io]n he want[e]d – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 3/4 - Mrs. and
Miss Briggs call[e]d at 11 – wait[e]d 10 min[ute]s in the h[ou]sekeep[e]r’s r[oo]m till we h[a]d br[eak]f[a]st[e]d –
the 1st ti[me] of their com[in]g here s[in]ce they left us - we were ver[y] civ[i]l to them and I st[ai]d w[i]th
them till n[ea]r 12 - they remain[e]d so[me] ti[me] long[e]r w[i]th A- [Ann] - out fr[om] a lit[tle] bef[ore] 12 (ab[ou]t)
till 1, then n[ea]r an h[ou]r w[i]th A- [Ann] then out ag[ai]n till ca[me] in at 5 50/.. at the meer-drift and in the gard[e]n and ab[ou]t – dress[e]d –
wr[ote] 1 3/4 p[ages] to ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton, Cheshire’ and s[e]nt it tonight – we
shall be delight[e]d to see h[e]r on the 2[n]d or 3[r]d of next m[on]th i.e. next Wed[nesday] or Thurs[day]
hope she will n[o]t disap[poin]t us if she can help it - she h[a]d best ta[ke] her pl[a]ce
in the mail to Bradford, - tell the guard to blow his horn, and let her alight at
the Lodge - will prepare her old fr[ien]d Matty Pollard for her arriv[a]l and I mys[elf] will
ta[ke] ca[re] she (M- [Mariana]) does n[o]t lose hers[elf] bet[ween] the Lodge and the h[ou]se – wr[ote] no[te] to ‘The Rev[eren]d Rob[er]t Wilkins[o]n Heath’
to ask h[i]m ‘to co[me] whenev[e]r m[o]st conven[ien]t to him bef[ore] Wed[nesday] (b[u]t n[o]t on Mon[day]) respect[in]g
the will of my late a[un]t - and wr[ote] no[te] to ‘Mr. Lister appraiser Halifax’ to ask him
to co[me] at 3 p.m. tomor[row] or Sat[urday] to val[ue] the wardrobe of my late a[un]t – seal[e]d and
direct[e]d all the ab[ov]e (let[ter] notes) at the din[ner] tab[le] and s[e]nt them off by Frank soon aft[e]r
7 – din[ner] at 6 35/.. – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch al[ou]d as us[ua]l – 1/2 asleep on the sofa
till 10 - then wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today - Booth here this morn[in]g - at Hilltop in the
aft[ernoo]n – settl[e]d - Mr. Carter h[a]s no object[io]n to the new barn and h[ou]se being in a line w[i]th his
moth[e]r’s cot[tage] and so it is to be - 2 masons (Amos and Jos[e]ph Sharpe) at the west tow[e]r –
2 d[itt]o flagg[in]g the new court – Rob[er]t Mann + 4 low[erin]g and level[in]g in front of the h[ou]se and g[o]t
the hall-cellar-drain dry out so as to drain off all the wat[e]r (6in. deep) out of the cellar –
Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and his man Joseph help[in]g the masons at the west tow[e]r – pull[in]g d[o]wn the gard[e]n terr[a]ce
wall and dress[in]g the st[one] (Jos[e]ph w[a]s help[in]g the gard[ene]r in the morn[in]g) - the gard[ene]r and John Booth and Ch[arl]es
and Ja[me]s How[ar]th stubb[in]g up the old apple-trees in the orch[ar]d and clear[in]g the gr[ou]nd - Frank cart[in]g  
st[one] for the dry arching 2 l[oa]ds rough throughs fr[om] Hipp[erholme] quarry and the rest st[one] fr[om] the gard[e]n wall –
Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s H- [Howarth] at Hilltop all yest[erday] and Tues[day] aft[ernoo]n pull[in]g d[o]wn the old cot[tage]s and barn – Ingh[a]m + 2
men and a boy wall[in]g east parapet wall along the outside arch - 2 York joiners in the hall and 2
 Hilltop cot[age]s and barn
pull[e]d d[ow]n
jobb[in]g as us[ua]l - the gallery all tak[e]n d[o]wn yest[erday] to the red r[oo]m and n[or]th chamb[e]r and no gett[in]g int[o] eith[e]r
b[u]t by a ladd[e]r int[o] the lit[tle] sq[uare] lobby open[in]g int[o] them - a new beam put up today for the fut[ure]
gall[er]y floor - Mark Hepw[or]th and the N[orth]g[a]te carts cart[in]g soil in front of the h[ou]se topp[i]ng up the gr[ea]t
embankm[en]t – ver[y] fine day F[ahrenheit] 32° now at 10 50/.. p.m. the 1st ti[me] this seas[o]n of being at the freez[in]g point –
my no[te]s tonight writ[ten] in the 1st pers[o]n  - will n[o]t wr[it]e Miss L- [Lister] mean[in]g to ta[ke] the brevet
immed[iatel]y – No[te] fr[om] Mr. Wilkins[o]n to say comp[limen]ts and he will co[me] at 11 a.m. on Sat[urday] Mr. List[e]r
will try to co[me] tomor[row]
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