vargorm · 3 years
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Two warhound titans in pre-heresy Deathguard paintscheme commission.
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fuukonomiko · 4 years
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“What DON’T I find cute about you?” she gushed. “From your pretty scales to your soft hair to the way you hiss when you’re asleep or nuzzle when you’re aroused. Every little about you is cute. And sexy.” She fans herself. “I should stop before I become inappropriate in public.”
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serpentsgrace · 5 years
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Raptoryx (aka Chaos Chickens) and a chimera.
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wtf-skittens · 5 years
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Inktober #7: Another Ko-Fi donation pic, Vargorm’s character Gisi!
If you’d like your own Post-It Note Inktober sketch, throw me a message and a Ko-Fi! :D
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kalle-and-lita · 5 years
Drabble - Family
“You would not believe the day I had today,” Lita chuckled, sliding the plate of food in front of her king as he sat on the large bench amid her Arboretum. The table he occupied contained several scattered data pads, each humming as scores of information scrolled on the screen. Lita pushed the second plate she had onto the surface before scrambling up onto the empty space next to him.
“Would this have something to do with you sneaking off and almost getting ambushed by the planetary locals?” he asked coldly, shooting her a side eyed glare. Lita gasped, hair flying as she twisted about to a nearby tree. Kalle stood against the massive trunk, eyes elsewhere as Lita fumed,
“You tattled on me!” She accused indignantly, earning her an unamused huff,
“Maybe you’ll actually listen this time around…”
“If you think she listens to me any better than she listens to you,” Konrad muttered irritably, reaching out for the food he’d been given, “Then you are sorely underestimating how stubborn she truly is.”
“Don’t speak of me as if I’m not here,” Lita warned, wagging a finger at her king that he eyed dispassionately, “Besides, I had quite the adventure before those ruffians ruined my day. Shall I tell you?”
“No…” The Primarch and his gene-son both spoke in the same deadpanned tone, which elicited a sigh of frustration from the small human.
“You two are no fun, I swear. Kalle, come eat.”
The Astartes obeyed, begrudgingly, and sat opposite of them. As he dug into his food his eye wandered to one of the data pads,
“Are these the reports from the Warmaster, about the purge last cycle?”
“They are.” Konrad answered curtly, “Why?”
Their conversation turned to battle plans and reports that Lita couldn’t quite follow on the best of her days, but she was content. A warmth spread from her chest down to the tips of her toes, making her smile as she watched the pair of them talk.
It was rare that the two of them got along, Kalle’s psychic abilities often a point of contention between them. She was thankful that at least for today they were all having a pleasant conversation at dinner.
To others this would be a strange scene indeed, but to her it was comfort.
And she wouldn’t trade her strange, little family for anything in the universe.
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annasbowlerhat · 6 years
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yes YOU are! Both so awesome and I am proud and happy to know yah!
@vargorm you are strong and a very kind spirited friend! can’t wait too see you again! (need to see how my summer schedule is gonna look like..)
@robbnoland you are fighter and very kind friend who I need to meet in person one day. (I need to know HOW short I am compared to you.)
and both are fighters and so talented in art it is so pleasant to see you pieces of art pop up on my dash <3
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💎💎💎 the Artist (or you prefer Munin maybe?)
Let’s go for Artist, Syn has met him as many times as Munin I think.
“I think he has a good sense of humour, he drew on me while I slept and we laughed about it afterwards.”
“He provided well made collars, this pleases me immensely.”
“He is huge, and has a lot of teeth. I’ll try and be nice to this one.”
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🌋 (The overgrown noodle)
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borriltheresolute · 6 years
Doodle-a-Day:Day 3
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A departure from GW2 today, I went with @vargorm s character from our old Dark Heresy game, Maller, while a grumpy old Arbite who lost his last f*** to give years ago, he was a worthy party member and loyal companion.
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the-arcane-eye · 7 years
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okay this piece is ENORMOUS so pls... click through here to a dropbox link to see all the details !! as an artist who must always draw big tumblr is killin me here, just a Bit
anyways this is an artwork for @vargorm, which kind of sort of became an hour late birthday present!! featuring her grizzled old charr pirate umbra doing a LOT of putting up w/ my sleazeball asura viel. umbra is an amazing character and i’m so glad i finally got a chance to do a polished piece featuring her 88 vargorm has always been super sweet and welcoming and I’m just so happy to have gotten a chance to know her better!!
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gw2kazoru · 7 years
I had already typed this out and then my browser crashed so if this is not that elaborate then blame firefox lol.
01. Name: Protector Strixx02. Nickname(s): Warmaster (more like his title but w/e), maybe something else I don’t remember.03. Gender: Male04. Sexuality: Bisexual05. Best Friend: All his Vigil buddies06. Relationship Status: In a companionship07: Crush/Significant Other: Urdi08. Least Favourite Person: Probably Blixtt still. Jaxx is a close second.09. Favourite Food: A big juicy steak with herb butter.10. Favourite Place: Home or a nice bar wherever he happens to be at the time.11. Valued Attributes: Loyal, outgoing, brave, humorous.12. Dreams: Earning a fantastic reputation in the Vigil, and being a great father for his kid.13. Nightmares: Losing his family or his position in the Vigil.14. A Secret: His sexuality. Only a handful of people know about it.15. Best Day: The day his kid was born (at least I think that has happened already lmao I am great at keeping track of what happens to my ocs).16. Worst Day: Probably when he told his parents that he’s going to pursue a career in the Vigil. They really didn’t want him to have ‘such an unintelligent job’. Which is why he doesn’t talk to them too often anymore.17. Favourite Outfit: His armor18. Weapon of Choice: Greatsword or rifle.19. Role in RPG: [tank/dps/healer/healtank/et cetra] DPS20. First Thought in the Morning: -insert lovey-dovey thoughts of Urdi and their kid here-
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vargorm · 4 years
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I have commissions for heraldry open! Here is the basic prices over what I offer and you can contact me either here on tumblr or on my discord Vargorm#3767! 
More information on paypayl payment and other information will be under Read More. 
Paypal payment information
As soon the commission is started you will get a note from me and payment to me will go through Paypal. For safethy for both you, the customer and me, I will be needing your Paypal-adress to invoice to you. Remember, I will not carry on working on the picture until the invoice has gone through. So remember these steps.
The best would be you send the paypal-adress to me so I can send a invoice.
Remember to send the commission payment as ’goods and services’.
Please make sure to select ’No adress needed’!
If you have a problem my friend Eviru have a excellent TUTORIAL to look on!
Otherwise contact me!
Picture Information
You will recieve the Commission via email, so please do provide me with your email!
It will be posted onto my tumblr, unless the customer voices that they do not wish to.
Do make sure you provide me with as much details as possible, so it is easier for me to create what the image you have in mind. 
Other Information
·  Please, do not rush me, art takes time. If pressured too much, the commission is going to be canceled and no refund.
·   If you want preview of your commission you can add me on discord Vargorm#3767!
·  If commission has started and you cancel it, you will not get a full refund. An amount of it will be deduct based upon how far the commission has gone.
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fuukonomiko · 6 years
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Ah yes, Fuuko-mun has chibi fever again.
This time starring Goddess Fuuko and The Artist in....not quite a ship but maybe a crackship since this was borne out of a “If They Had A Child Meme.”
The sillier thing...
They had a second child too. 
I suspect they had a little too much fun making the first one so they had a sequel even though they were probably sloshed during the process but hey who’s counting.
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serpentsgrace · 5 years
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Kytan Ravager commission work. With Black Legion and Word Bearer theme with a splash of Khorne.
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Warpfire dragon convertion perhaps? Otherwise a fun thing to do and the year’s first model.
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heretic-deb · 4 years
Three Years I have been doing this now.
Here are some highlights of the last year:
These are some of the frames I have saved showing some of the silliness including: Dante, Office being angry, Mephiston with Bunches, Trazyn running away, Skulltaker, Gabriel Seth raging about the lack of cheese in the fridge, Lion looking outraged, the Licktor and a few other of my favourites.
I also learned animation and used the characters from Abaddon and Teal to practice with:
Thanks everyone for your support over the last year and I hope these silly stories continue to amuse and entertain over the coming year.
Special thanks to those who support my on Patreon: Leaky_Cheese, OfficePainter, DaveF, Scum, Sev, Vargorm, Stormy, Tyler, Gav Thorpe, Kaiz, Jenn, DQ ‘Tank Hero’ Andrews and Deshaun.
Here is a link if you are interested!
Happy Birthday!!! Three Years I have been doing this now. Here are some highlights of the last year:
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