whenwewereyoung97 · 9 months
*Edited on 12/15/2023 to add Aaric and Devera.*
*Edited on 12/22/2023 to add assorted details*
*Edited on 01/03/2024 to update Aaric’s name and alias (I know his actual middle name is Aaric, but the name/middle name/last name format ruined the ✨aesthetic✨ since no one else has a known middle name)*
*Edited on 02/10/2024 because I realized on my reread that Jack pushing energy on Violet likely isn’t actually a manifestation of his signet, as much as it is him using Venin powers*
*Edited on 09/18/204 since Xaden gave us new information on Emery*
Made this because I know I’ll forget many details by time book 3 comes out, and I figured I’d share it for those interested. It’s a combination of information from my own read throughs, and from The Empyrean Wiki.
Please let me know if you see any mistakes, or if you have more to add.
I decided against doing Flyers for the time being, as what information we have is rather limited.
⚠️Warning: contains Iron Flame spoilers⚠️
Rider Data Masterlist
Surname: Sorrengail
Signet: Lightning wielding
Dragon’s name: Tairn/Andarna
Dragon’s description:
- Black Morningstartail (M)
- Golden Feathertail (former); Misc. Scorpiontail (current) (F)
Surname: Riorson
Signet: Shadow wielding/Inntinnsic
Dragon’s name: Sgaeyl
Dragon’s description: Blue Daggertail (F)
Surname: Matthias
Signet: Object summoning
Dragon’s name: Feirge
Dragon’s description: Green Daggertail (F)
Surname: Gamlyn
Signet: Ice wielding
Dragon’s name: Aotrom
Dragon’s description: Brown Swordtail (M)
Surname: Henrick
Signet: Metallurgist
Dragon’s name: Sliseag
Dragon’s description: Red Swordtail (M?)
Surname: Mairi
Signet: Farsight
Dragon’s name: Deigh
Dragon’s description: Red Daggertail (M)
Surname: Mairi
Signet: Siphon
Dragon’s name: Thoirt
Dragon’s description: Red Daggertail
Surname: Tavis
Signet: Unknown
Dragon’s name: Chradh
Dragon’s description: Brown Scorpiontail (M)
Surname: Durran
Signet: Countering signets
Dragon’s name: Cuir
Dragon’s description: Green (unknown tail type)
Surname: Cardulo
Signet: Erasure of recent memories
Dragon’s name: Glane
Dragon’s description: Orange Daggertail
Surname: Unknown
Signet: Astral Projection
Dragon’s name: Cruth
Dragon’s description: Green Scorpiontail (F)
Surname: Aetos
Signet: Retrocognition
Dragon’s name: Cath
Dragon’s description: Red Swordtail (M)
Surname: Barlowe
Signet: (Pain projection - Signet or Venin ability?)
Dragon’s name: Baide
Dragon’s description: Orange Scorpiontail (F)
Full name: Cam Tauri, Aaric Greycastle (alias)
Signet: Unknown
Dragon’s name: Unknown
Dragon’s description: Blue Clubtail
Surname: Sorrengail
Signet: Extending wards
Dragon’s name: Teine
Dragon’s description: Green Daggertail (M)
Surname: Sorrengail, Aisreigh (alias)
Signet: Mending
Dragon’s name: Marbh
Dragon’s description: Orange Daggertail (M)
Surname: Sorrengail (maiden name unknown)
Signet: Storm wielder
Dragon’s name: Aimsir
Dragon’s description: Brown (unknown tail type)
Surname: Melgren
Signet: Battle foresight
Dragon’s name: Codagh
Dragon’s description: Black Swordtail (M)
Surname: Devera
Signet: Unknown
Dragon’s name: Unknown
Dragon’s description: Red Clubtail
Surname: Kaori
Signet: Illusionist
Dragon’s name: Smachd
Dragon’s description: Unknown
Surname: Carr
Signet: Fire wielder
Dragon’s name: Breugan
Dragon’s description: Orange Daggertail (M)
Surname: Varrish
Signet: Weakness reading
Dragon’s name: Solas
Dragon’s description: Orange Daggertail
Surname: Unknown
Signet: Siphon
Dragon’s name: Tairn
Dragon’s description: Black Morningstartail
Surname: Unknown
Signet: Breathing underwater
Dragon’s name: Unknown
Dragon’s description: Unknown
Surname: Barnes
Signet: Air manipulation
Dragon’s name: Unknown
Dragon’s description: Brown Clubtail
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fandoms46011 · 5 months
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dwkfan · 7 months
I was reading iron flame and the second Violet said “team work” about xaden her and dain killing varrish, the first thing that came to my mind was this clip (I edited what I had in mind) because im a the walking dead fan and had this clip saved for so long now.
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animes-books-and-art · 10 months
Iron Flame Formation Sketch
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I’m very obsessed with the Empyrean books, and even though i didn’t like Iron Flame as much as Fourth wing i still scribble a lot of things without finishing any of trem…
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kissingcars · 10 months
I’m (very slowly, new mom problems lol) making my way through Iron Flame and Violet having hallucinations of Liam is breaking my heart 💔
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shreksniceboulder · 11 months
"Apologize," Tairn demands, his voice low and sharp
"I'm sorry!" Varrish's voice breaks
"Apologize to the one Andarna deemed worthy of her bond."
"On your knees"
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neuroticgoblin · 11 months
I would like to commend Rebecca Yarros on creating the single most insufferable character in the history of literature. Congratulations ma'am. I hope that Major Varrish dies a very painful death.
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cabinyote · 1 month
Reading Iron Flame and catching a break is apparently NOT on the menu.
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skyfallscotland · 6 months
Poor Sgaeyl! After chapter four I just realized she’s the one who has to listen to Xaden. She’s probably going through it too in her own way.
This is an odd question, but what do the professors at Basgiath think of Remi? I know this is a weird one so if you don’t have an answer totally
She's definitely long-suffering and going to be blocking him more than normal haha
Not an odd question at all! 🖤
Devera loves her, as long-suffering as she also is, Remi is Devera's favourite more than anyone else. Emetterio is concerned and amused by her in equal measure. Kaori likes her, but hardly sees her.
Grady hates her and she does her best to antagonise him because who does he think he is?? Panchek can't stand her. Markham also hates her. I think that covers everyone? Let's assume pretty much everyone else hates her, either because of her relationship with Xaden and all that implies, or because they know she knows and doesn't care for their secrets 😂
“Have care what you speak of in the open, Cadet Sorrengail.” Markham says dangerously, his posture threatening.  “Hm.” I rock back onto my heels, eyeing him darkly. “You know who the last person was to try and lecture me about secrets?” I ask, before letting my eyes trail down to the body at my feet. I nudge him with my foot before looking back up, holding Markham’s gaze. I tilt my head, a vicious smile on my face as I drop my voice to a low whisper. “People really should learn not to threaten me.”
Like it's understandable they don't respond well to her, because they know if they try anything she'll rip their face off 😬
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moirald · 8 months
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Violet Sorrengail in Iron Flame
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whenwewereyoung97 · 10 months
Mild Iron Flame spoilers (up to Ch 5)
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Ah, yes. This is definitely the person I’d pick to oversee a bunch of cadets.
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amanita-muscaria-lover · 10 months
"Give us a second, and keep Aetos breathing for now," -Iron Flame (chapter 36, page 323
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bestbookfriends · 6 months
Inspired by pro-Dain posts from @violetriorsons and @skyfallscotland
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astridhoff03 · 6 months
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Iron Flame - Review
Burn. It. Down. Indeed. No, but I really enjoy the second part of the Fourth Wing Saga Even though I have to forgive Rebecca Yarros that she killed one my favorite Characters. The only thing I criticize is that the Love story is in both books to much. And there’s pointless smut also, which for me personally doesn’t feel like a real romantic-releationship more like a physical one. People will I hate me if I say that, but I don’t care about Xaden Riorson. I couldn't form an emotional connection with him because when I look at him I’m just seeing Rhysand and Darkling again. And the Darkling and Rhysand are similar but are characterwise very different, Xaden is a decent character but he doesn’t have what grabbed me when I read about Rhysand or the Darkling. But there are more things I really like then dislike, Violet for example she’s still a very good protagonist and I like the things she’s going trough trough out the book. It’s always interesting with her because she’s smart but also really caring. Some people compare her to Hiccup from httyd, I get they are similar, but I think personally that Hiccup is more complex and more relatable than Violet, don’t get me wrong she’s cool but doesn’t stick out that much, than Hiccup, Celaena, Feyre, Nesta, Zoya or Inej does. As I said before I don’t really care about her Relationship with Xaden that much, don’t get me wrong I like Love-Stories and Romantic stuff in books as in movies very much but at some points I had the feeling that Violet was over focused on Xaden. I know there life’s where attached to each other thanks to their Dragons, but even Feyre from ACTOR wasn’t that over focused on her mate or want to fuck him before a fucking War starts. Their Relationship is definitely the weakest part of the book and should be more in the background, I think that would’ve done overall great story wonders. The political stuff and the Dragon stuff is actually more interesting. Maybe the other three books will get me invested in Xadens Character, if it’s not his Perspective. Apropos Dragons I have to give credit to Tairn and Andarna, they were fantastic. I also really like that we see the see more of the releationship Violet has with her Dragons. But overall I have to confess I like the Dragons from httyd much more, they feel more real. I also really Love Violet and Sloanes relationship near the end, I just wished Violet would be more of a Mentor figure maybe some kind of a sister for Sloane when they resolved their conflict. Syrena and Cat I also liked, but Cat was a bitch until the end happen. But I like that Violet and her now accept each other. I just wish the side characters weren’t that blend. You know very little about them. The political that was going on was also very interesting, Navarre is a very fascinating Kingdom. The ending is very dramatic with Violets Mom sacrificing herself. Sorry but Idk why but I would’ve leave it with this ending instead of Xaden again and his red eyes and the whole scene with Jack. But overall I can recommend it, it’s enjoyable but I personally prefer the first book more. I also never saw so many roasting Videos on YouTube that for 2 hours straight. I mean yeah the Emperyean Series is a little overrated but it has potential and Rebecca Yarros is talented, the only thing that holds the Books a little back is the relationship between Xaden and Violet and also Xaden. But I wish Rebecca Yarros still the best, because I know writing, figuring out where the plot goes, plant Plottwits in it and at the same time make the characters complex and compelling is hard work. But if I were her, I would have waited a little longer to develop and figure more things out and get more feedback.
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vashanatasha · 10 months
Ufter chapter 35 of Iron flame
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