nataliakoptseva · 2 years
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Lord Pantokrator (XIV century) Vatop, detail
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SAINT OF THE DAY (January 14)
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Originally Prince Rastko Nemanjic, he was the first Patriarch of Serbia (1219-1233) and is an important Saint in the Serbian Orthodox Church.
In his youth (around 1192), St. Sava escaped from home to join the Orthodox monastic colony on Mount Athos.
He was given the name Sava. He first traveled to a Russian monastery and then moved to a Greek monastery, Vatoped.
At the end of 1197, his father, King Stefan Nemanja, joined him.
In 1198, the former prince and king restored the abandoned monastery Hilandar, which was the center of Serbian Christian monastic life at that time.
St. Sava's father took the monastic vows under the name Simeon. He died in Hilandar on 13 February 1200. He was also canonized as Saint Simeon.
After his father's death, Sava retreated to an ascetic monastery in Kareya, which he built himself in 1199. He also wrote the Kareya typicon both for Hilandar and for the monastery of ascetism.
St. Sava managed to persuade the Patriarch of the Greek/Byzantine Orthodox Church to elevate him to the position of the first Serbian archbishop, thereby establishing the independence of the archbishopic of the serbian church in the year of 1219.
St. Sava is celebrated as the founder of the independent Serbian Orthodox Church. He is also the patron saint of education and medicine among Serbs.
Since the 1830s, St. Sava has become the patron saint of Serbian schools and students.
He is also regarded as the father of Serbian education and literature. He authored the Life of St. Simeon (Stefan Nemanja, his father), the first Serbian hagiography.
After participating in a ceremony called "blessing of the waters," he developed a cough that progressed into pneumonia.
He died from pneumonia on 14 January 1235. He was buried at the Cathedral of the Holy Forty Martyrs in Trnovo.
He remained in Trnovo until 6 May 1237, when his sacred bones were moved to Mileseva monastery in southern Serbia.
Three-hundred and sixty years later, the Ottoman Turks dug out his bones and burnt them on the main square in Belgrade.
The temple of St. Sava in Belgrade, whose construction was planned in 1939 and began in 1985, was built on the place where his holy bones were burned.
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atitudini · 11 months
„Vino să-L vezi pe Dumnezeu!” - Pr. Nicholas Loudovikos despre minunile Sf. Porfirie și Paisie
Vizionați o povestire duhovnicească și plăcută despre minunile Sfinților: Porfirie, Paisie și Iacob – minuni ce ni-L apropie pe Dumnezeu de inimile cele curate și căutătoare ale Duhului. Discuția are loc între Părintele Nicholas Loudovikos și Părinții mănăstirii Vatoped. Nu uitați să activați subtitrarea! Vizionare plăcută!
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athoslife · 2 years
Греческий монастырь Ватопед был основан в IV в. императором Феодосием. В IX в. был разрушен и восстановлен в X в. монахами Николаем, Афанасием и Антонием. Обитель хранит множество известных святынь и икон.
Читать подробнее: https://athos.life/monastyri/vatoped
Подписаться на Telegram канал: https://t.me/athos_life
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advokat19 · 2 years
SVETA GORA, Manastir Vatoped,staza sa lijanderima.SVETA GORA, Vatoped Mo...
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anoceanofbeauty · 2 years
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Acosta Contracting Services, LLC
Business Address: 3829 Prince William Dr, Fairfax, VA 22031 Business Phone: 703-972-1619 Business URL: https://www.acostacontractingservices.com/ Business E-mail: [email protected] Description: Acosta Contracting Services is a full service remodeling company offering home renovation and specializing in hardwood flooring Fairfax VA. We offer flooring, general remodeling, decking, and additions. We have competitive pricing and professional staffing to ensure all jobs are completed to your total satisfaction. Keywords: hardwood flooring fairfax VA, Fairfax floors, home remodeling fairfax vaTop of Form
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ionelbumbaru · 3 years
Șoc la Sfântul Munte Athos: Starețul Efrem de la marea mănăstire Vatoped s-a întors ca propagandist al vaccinării. Un scriitor grec drept-credincios îl pune la punct: Nici cei mai fanatici susținători ai vaccinurilor nu recomandă așa ceva!
Șoc la Sfântul Munte Athos: Starețul Efrem de la marea mănăstire Vatoped s-a întors ca propagandist al vaccinării. Un scriitor grec drept-credincios îl pune la punct: Nici cei mai fanatici susținători ai vaccinurilor nu recomandă așa ceva!
Starețul Efrem de la Vatoped s-a întors pe 11 septembrie la Mănăstirea din Sfântul Munte Athos după trei luni și jumătate de la plecarea lui din motive de infectare cu virusul Covid, informează OrthodoxiaNewsAgency.gr. Cu două zile în urmă, pe 9 septembrie, Gheronda Efrem a fost prezent la o emisiune a unui canal cipriot unde, din păcate, a reluat teza vaccinarii, la care renunțase anterior, în…
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lostinpercyseyes · 4 years
Vatop has uploaded 20113 photos to flickr. #design onradiohub.com/vintage-circus-elephant-poster.html
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SAINT OF THE DAY (January 14)
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Originally Prince Rastko Nemanjic, he was the first Patriarch of Serbia (1219-1233) and is an important Saint in the Serbian Orthodox Church.
In his youth (around 1192), St. Sava escaped from home to join the Orthodox monastic colony on Mount Athos and was given the name Sava.
He first traveled to a Russian monastery and then moved to a Greek monastery named Vatoped.
At the end of 1197, his father, King Stefan Nemanja, joined him.
In 1198, the former prince and king restored the abandoned monastery Hilandar, which was the center of Serbian Christian monastic life at that time.
Sava's father took the monastic vows under the name Simeon and died in Hilandar on 13 February 1200. He is also canonized as Saint Simeon.
After his father's death, Sava retreated to an ascetic monastery in Kareya, which he built himself in 1199.
He also wrote the Kareya typicon, both for Hilandar and for the monastery of ascetism.
Sava managed to persuade the Patriarch of the Greek/Byzantine Orthodox Church to elevate him to the position of the first Serbian archbishop, thereby establishing the independence of the archbishopic of the Serbian church in 1219.
Sava is celebrated as the founder of the independent Serbian Orthodox Church. He is the patron saint of education and medicine among Serbs.
Since the 1830s, Sava has also become the patron saint of Serbian schools and students.
After participating in a ceremony called "blessing of the waters," he developed a cough that progressed into pneumonia.
He died from pneumonia in the evening between Saturday and Sunday, 14 January 1235.
He was buried at the Cathedral of the Holy Forty Martyrs in Trnovo.
He remained in Trnovo until 6 May 1237, when his sacred bones were moved to the monastery Mileseva in southern Serbia.
Three-hundred and sixy years later, the Ottoman Turks dug out his bones and burnt them on the main square in Belgrade.
The temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade, whose construction was planned in 1939 and began in 1985, is built on the place where his holy bones were burned.
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smartseo4you · 7 years
New Post has been published on Ziarul tau online
Mii de credincioși stau la cozi kilometrice în Constanţa pentru a atinge Brâul Maicii Domnului!
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Mii de oameni s-au aşezat la cozi kilometrice, încă de la primele ore ale dimineţii, în faţa Bisericii Sfânta Maria din Constanţa.
Credincioşii au stat ore în şir la coadă pentru a putea atinge Brâul Maicii Domnului.
Potrivit tradiției, Cinstitul Brâu a fost țesut de însăși Maica Domnului din fire de cămilă, și după adormire, în momentul înălțării ei la ceruri, l-a dăruit Sfântului Apostol Toma.
Conform doxologia.ro, Sfântul Brâu are harul special de a tămădui lipsa de rod a pântecelor femeilor căsătorite, precum şi bolile de cancer, printr-o panglică oferită de mănăstirea Vatoped credincioşilor şi cu care femeile sterpe şi cei bolnavi ajung să se încingă.
Această panglică este binecuvântată şi aşezată timp de 40 de zile pe Sfântul Brâu.Observator.tv
Sursa articol jurnalul.ro
, sursa articol https://blogville.ro/mii-de-credinciosi-stau-la-cozi-kilometrice-in-constanta-pentru-a-atinge-braul-maicii-domnului/
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advokat19 · 2 years
SVETA GORA, Manastir Vatoped, monasi ribari, SVETA GORA, Vatoped Monaste...
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St. Sava, Archbishop of Serbia
New Post has been published on https://pray-unceasingly.com/catholic-living/saint-of-the-day/st-sava-archbishop-of-serbia/
St. Sava, Archbishop of Serbia
Originally Prince Rastko Nemanjic, he was the first Patriarch of Serbia (1219-1233) and is an important Saint in the Serbian Orthodox Church.In his youth (around 1192) St. Sava escaped from home to join the Orthodox monastic colony on Mount Athos and was given the name Sava. He first traveled to a Russian monastery and then moved to a Greek monastery, Vatoped. At the end of 1197 his father, King Stefan Nemanja, joined him. In 1198 the former prince and king restored the abandoned monastery Hilandar, which was at that time the center of Serbian Christian monastic life.St. Sava’s father took the monastic vows under the name Simeon, and died in Hilandar on February 13, 1200. He is also canonized, as Saint Simeon.After his father’s death, Sava retreated to an ascetic monastery in Kareya which he built himself in 1199. He also wrote the Kareya typicon both for Hilandar and for the monastery of ascetism. St. Sava managed to persuade the Patriarch of the Greek/Byzantine Orthodox Church to elevate him to the position of the first Serbian archbishop, thereby establishing the independence of the archbishopic of the serbian church in the year of 1219.Saint Sava is celebrated as the founder of the independent Serbian Orthodox Church and as the patron saint of education and medicine among Serbs. Since the 1830s, Saint Sava has become the patron Saint of Serbian schools and students. After participating in a ceremony called “blessing of the waters” he developed a cough that progressed into pneumonia. He died from pneumonia in the evening between Saturday and Sunday, January 14, 1235. He was buried at the Cathedral of the Holy Forty Martyrs in Trnovo. He remained in Trnovo until May 6, 1237, when his sacred bones were moved to the monastery Mileseva in southern Serbia. Three-hundred and sixy years later the Ottoman Turks dug out his bones and burnt them on the main square in Belgrade.The temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade, whose construction was planned in 1939 and began in 1985 is built on the place where his holy bones were burned. CNA – Saint of the Day
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maxwelljeff · 7 years
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shirleyqstewart · 7 years
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