#Vedas Online
blessed1neha · 1 year
What is Atmakaraka & How it effects the native
Planet of the soul, or atma karaka
Have you ever heard of Atma karaka?
Let's begin our study of this idea, which is a part of Jaimini astrology.
In comparison to the other planets in this natal chart, Atma karaka, or the planet of the soul, has moved through its sign the most times.
You must analyse the degrees of each of the seven planets and calculate the largest degree while paying close attention to the minutes in order to ascertain it.
In our paragraph, the relevance of the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu is not considered.
Since the Sun will always be the constant indication of the soul in the horoscope, we have found the planet with the highest degree in the chart, which will serve as the temporary Atma karaka for this life.
It is important to remember that everyone's temporary Atma Karaka will be different in their charts. For one person, it may be a planet at 29 degrees, while for another, it may be a planet at 9.
The planet with the highest degree will reveal the soul's deepest aspirations for this terrestrial existence.
Additionally, according to Atma Karaka, one can comprehend a native's karmic destiny and the experiences they must go through in order to realise it.
Atma karaka is thought to imply a higher level of soul growth if it is a malefic, or a naturally unfavourable planet like Saturn, Mars, or the Sun. This means that the soul has chosen a more challenging karmic job for this incarnation.
Additionally, if an individual's Atma karaka is benefic, such as Jupiter, Venus, the Moon, or Mercury, then many aspects of life will be very simple for them.
Analysis of the Atma Karaka
The sign of the zodiac in which it is positioned, the house of the horoscope from Lagna, as well as the signs that it dominates, must all be examined and analysed.
It is also feasible to obtain a chart of the native's wants by using the Atma karaka for Lagna.
Thus, if you have
Sun Atma Karaka
The inherent Atma karaka, or soul, is symbolised by the sun.
However, the signs of the temporary AK and the permanent AK might also appear together in a single natal chart.
The sun represents manly noble vitality, power, and strength.
The fact that a person entered this world with the intention of developing as a person via the acceptance of responsibility, inner strength, and self-confidence will be discussed here if the temporary AK coincided with the permanent one on the map.
A person with such an AK will not be able to stand on the sidelines; instead, he will need to develop his leadership qualities and take others around him under his wing. This is because the Sun is the King of the planetary cabinet by nature.
Additionally, the Sun in this position arouses a desire for a blissful, spiritual life.
The native will start down the path of spiritual growth and be able to guide others, perhaps even their loved ones, if their chart has the Sun in the AK sign and other favourable placements and aspects are present.
Additionally, the Sun represents the father, therefore one of the karmic obligations for those with a temporary AK Sun will be to foster better relationships with their fathers and, generally speaking, with older men, such as bosses.
The planet sun is brittle.
Along with strength, it will provide someone a lot of energy—typically more than they need—and tension in life.
Additionally, the Sun is the karaka of health and when it is strong, it can bestow wonderful health and strength upon the native.
Such a person would typically have a fiery constitution, or pitta, and a powerful digestive fire. He or she will also typically have a healthy, well-developed body.
negative characteristics
Selfishness, haughtiness, vanity, dominance, and pride will characterise this AK.
Since this will be one of this AK's karmic obligations, the native will have to overcome these obstacles.
Moon Atma Karaka
The moon stands for maternity in general and the feminine in particular.
Moon as AK creates a desire for comfort, contentment, and happiness.
Additionally, true happiness is internal and home.
The soul has chosen to experience unwavering love in this life, much like a mother's love for her child.
A person entered this world in order to understand the intensity of emotions and the honesty of true connections.
He will be intrigued by ideas like respect, caring, service, and care.
People with this AK may be troubled by their own minds and may exhibit uneasiness because the Moon is the planet of the mind and desires.
One of the karmic obligations for those with an AK Moon is to foster closer ties with their mothers.
The experience of parenthood will be another karmic responsibility for you to complete; depending on the gender of the native, you will play the role of mother or father and be the one to set the direction for their lives.
the potent attributes
Such an AK will be compassionate, charming, and soft.
These are the best kind of family men.
it's a drawback
can be characterised as touchiness or extreme attachment to the subjects of one's feelings, such as family.
A person with an AK Moon has a challenging mission ahead of them: learning to differentiate between real and fake love, caring for others without expecting anything in return, and learning to give the benefits of that love and care to the Almighty.
Such a native may have to endure disappointment from loved ones, but it will be crucial to learn how to retain emotional composure and humility in such a circumstance.
When analysing AK, it is important to take into account the zodiac sign that the Moon was in at the time, as well as the house that the horoscope falls under from the Lagna.
It is also important to pay close attention to the chart from the Chandra Lagna, as this will provide a twofold indication of the native's aspirations and help the horoscope be "read" and interpreted more accurately.
Mars, Atma karaka
Mars represents the militancy, strength, vigour, and fieryness of the male principle.
People with AK Mars will have a major karmic burden of controlling their rage, impatience, and growing claims against those around them.
Typically, these people are placed in a suitable atmosphere to develop their already strong character and their capacity for controlled tranquilly.
It is crucial that they learn to see lessons in their surroundings and teachers in their loved ones, as well as to express thanks for these lessons.
Such individuals possess a great deal of internal fire and may have pitta, which is a fiery constitution.
They often possess a robust, healthy, and fully grown body as well as a strong digestive fire.
Mars is the planet of action, but in a weak position it can produce the opposite, up to inaction with expectations from others. As a result, people with this AK must acquire willpower and work to see projects through to completion without giving up or moving to another.
A person can also become highly sensuous when they have AK Mars, especially if Mars is in both their own and Venusian signs.
The occupants of this position of Mars are recommended to restrain their libido.
However, a person's Mars will provide him the chance to become a good organiser and leader, athlete, and protector of the weak if he is able to conquer his impatience, rage, aggression, and anger and develops willpower and internal control.
Observing the concept of non-violence towards all living animals can be helpful in overcoming the powerful emotions that this AK causes, and vegetarianism will be especially beneficial.
I would want to discuss my practical knowledge and application of this Atma Karaka.
Most people initially think that Martian emotional outbursts are uncontrollable.
Yet it isn't.
Realising that you must stop suppressing your anger and instead learn how to properly express it is the first step in preventing its internal devastation.
The second phase, which enables a person to recognise and accept their Mars and learn to draw power from this stubbornly male force, can be taken with the aid of jyotish knowledge.
But philosophy and psychology can help by exposing the opposite side of this issue for individuals for whom even this is insufficient.
What are we actually capable of managing, one could wonder?”
Physiological functions of the body, when they occur, and in the future?
The decision we make regarding our thoughts and emotions is the only thing we can truly control.
A person can change one emotional response into another in order to end the first one. By initiating this process on his own, the person can choose to live a conscious existence in which he was not "pissed off" but instead had the choice of whether to be furious or not.
Mercury, the Atman karaka
The karaka of speech, intellect, logic, erudition, and adaptability is Mercury (Buddha).
The young prince of the planetary cabinet is Mercury.
Therefore, it bestows its person with a young aspect because it is the planet of the soul.
In addition, the local can look younger than his actual age up to a respectable age.
Buddha is a karaka of speech, which can cause some speech issues for the native.
For instance, the owner of this AK may speak very rapidly or incoherently, employ intricate turns in speech that are not always clear to others, or have other obvious flaws.
Writing, reading classical literature, taking oratory lessons, and singing are all effective ways to overcome these obstacles.
Additionally, it may be suggested that you write down your speech for later hearing, organise and summarise your ideas, and keep a journal.
AK Mercury provides
while learning can be multifaceted and not always useful, there is a desire to learn.
Such individuals may become overloaded with information due to their curiosity and ease of assimilation of new material.
However, if you choose your jobs properly and deliberately, the Buddha will offer you the chance to really comprehend and enjoy everything you do.
The AK Mercury can cause its owner to go to either of two extremes: they may become reclusive and introverted, or they may become overly chatty and unable to select a social group or topics of conversation.
If any of these things exist and show up in daily life, the native must learn how to construct communications effectively by paying attention to communication hierarchy and subordination since Buddha can provide some, perhaps inappropriate, "familiarity".
Mercury, the planet of illusions, can also introduce things like a "broken phone"—that is, a phone that is not working—into the life of a native.
A person may interpret information quite differently depending on how it was delivered to him.
Buddha as Atma karaka can provide either a poor or a strong memory, but there might be some selectivity involved.
When Mercury is at its finest, its owner can benefit from the abilities of a skilled "salesman," which are in high demand right now.
Atma Jupiter aka
Jupiter is the karaka of hope, wealth, understanding, good fortune, learning, and justice.
The Guru bestows the local with a gift for instructing and instructing others in his capacity as the Atma karaka.
Such a person is "bursting" with information, and he will have a strong desire to impart it to others.
However, the local should be conscious of tact and the futility of unnecessary advice from outsiders.
Recognise that the interlocutor needs to be prepared in order to cognitively perceive information.
Guru, like AK, won't deprive someone of information; they will unquestionably be sufficient.
However, when they are used and used in real life, problems sometimes occur.
A native with this AK may frequently feel arrogant and omniscient due to their own intelligence.
Overcoming this state will be one of the karmic challenges.
The most beneficial planet is Jupiter.
Even among the beneficiaries, it might be challenging to identify negative effects of its influence.
But even so, the Guru, in the form of Atmakaraka, will first point out issues that need improvement before recognising talents.
Excessive fanaticism in observing specific dogmas and norms is one of these "problem" areas.
The guru could present a little distorted view of life, through rose-colored glasses or with an excessively upbeat approach.
A person with AK Jupiter will also have a major karmic burden of learning how to manage money without becoming excessively wasteful.
The key is to strike a balance between the material and the spiritual without leaning too far in either direction.
Since the Guru is in charge of the children, the native with this AK might take the matter excessively seriously and not be in a rush for them to emerge in order to anticipate all the situations.
After working his Jupiter, a native with this AK is able to teach others, make a great parent, and provide information to society.
Venus, Atma karaka
Venus (Shukra) represents passion, love, marriage, creativity, and other types of partnerships.
Venus has a light, bright, pure, and imaginative vitality.
Nevertheless, it is also the energy of joy and bliss, and for those who possess this AK, one of their karmic obligations will be to restrain their cravings and uphold piety.
The proverb, "Take care of honour from a young age," certainly applies to these individuals because they are particularly susceptible to the temptation to live only for themselves.
The inner creativity of those with this AK will make an effort to manifest itself and be seen by others, although this may take time and may require teachings from the planet Venus.
In any event, Shukra as AK will make its owner feel connected to creativity and the arts.
Venus can be enhanced through creativity in any area of life, including flower-growing, culinary artistry, and even creative makeup.
Such persons should frequently travel to lovely, artistic locales with space for inspiration.
It is suggested that females pick an activity they enjoy, such as dance or sketching, and practise it on a daily basis with care.
No of how hard we attempt to discuss this AK, all of our arguments will revolve around love and relationships.
Such a person will find it difficult to believe and recognise the opposite feeling for him since he will either be extremely immersed in his sentiments, prone to idealisation, or so sceptical of others.
Shukra will benefit from being in a good position.
possessing impeccable taste, a sense of fashion, and the capacity to find beauty in everything.
In general, such people have a natural sense of beauty.
Venus, like AK, does not always make this talent apparent right away.
Natives can have somewhat odd tastes that aren't necessarily clear to outsiders.
Among other things, Shukra is in charge of the hormonal background.
For ladies, this means that taking care of your body, face, and taking baths and oil massages will undoubtedly strengthen and open your Venus.
Saturn, Atma karaka
Saturn (Shani), a hefty and chilly planet that rules over time and order, is the god of karma.
He is in charge of endurance, discipline, setbacks, challenges, pain, ailment, and grief.
When you meet someone with such an AK, the first thing you notice is his excessive seriousness, concentration, and occasionally even gloom.
Shani is responsible for a person's serious demeanour, propensity to keep his word and carry out plans that have been made in advance.
The native's look and even his facial expression are influenced by internal tension, which is the principal effect of this AK.
Others may read this expression as perpetual unhappiness or seriousness; it is a type of "mournful face" whose owner typically isn't even aware of it.
Such a person could appear older than their actual age because Saturn has an impact on appearance.
He can have a tendency to surround oneself with gloomy objects and wear dark and black clothing.
A native with this AK may attract others who are through life troubles; his primary karmic duty will be to kindly assist them.
Selflessness, selflessness, and service to others are not lofty ideals; rather, they describe a person with this AK's daily existence, particularly if he already leads a conscious life.
Shani, particularly in childhood, can cause feelings of loneliness and inner hopelessness.
These kids are typically raised by the family's elders and miss their mothers more frequently than other kids.
One of the responsibilities will be to conquer any inner anxieties that Saturn, as Atma karaka, bestows upon the native. These fears will primarily be connected to a fear of dying.
Additionally, this AK can cause issues with the skeletal system, joints, and different types of muscle and tendon stiffness.
Hoarding tendencies are another effect of Saturn's Atma karaka, thus it will be beneficial for such persons to schedule routine "reviews" of their possessions in order to clear the space.
As an Atma karaka, Saturn can grant its possessor a certain measured and slow pace because it is a heavy and slow planet.
Generally speaking, Shani values discipline and either rewards the native with it or punishes him by allowing total disarray to reign.
Depending on Saturn's favourable placement in the chart, such a person will either be extremely timely or perpetually late.
Regular yoga lessons, breathing exercises, pranayama, helping those in need voluntarily, and taking part in volunteer activities would be very beneficial for owners of AK Saturn.
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aridoesart · 2 years
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With her fav torchbug <3
And a bit of timelapse
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caliika · 1 year
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i did the Barbie and Ken meme with mine and @spartanfoxart’s GTAO characters.
I really love how they turned out. this has to be one of my favorite pieces of the year so far.
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limonyesili · 4 months
Babamlar gittiğinden beri yani yaklaşık 1 aydır falan kartımda para yok resmen yanlışlıkla sadece nakit para taşıyan o insan oldum
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dizi22 · 5 months
"Embark on a Spiritual Journey: Explore the World of Online Veda Classes"
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Introduction: Unlocking Ancient Wisdom in the Digital Age
Delve into the profound teachings of the Vedas from the comfort of your home with online Veda classes. This article invites you to embark on a spiritual journey, unraveling the timeless wisdom of the Vedas through accessible and enriching online platforms.
Understanding the Essence of Vedic Knowledge
The Vedas, ancient scriptures of India, hold the keys to spiritual enlightenment and holistic living. Online Veda classes offer a gateway to this sacred knowledge, allowing learners to explore the depths of Vedic wisdom, philosophy, and practices.
The Online Learning Revolution in Vedic Studies
In the digital era, the quest for spiritual knowledge transcends geographical boundaries. Online Veda classes bring the sacred teachings to a global audience, fostering a sense of community among seekers who share a common interest in Vedic philosophy.
Navigating the Vedic Landscape Through Online Classes
Embarking on a journey to understand the Vedas requires a structured approach. Online Veda classes provide curated content, ensuring a seamless navigation through the vast landscape of Vedic literature, rituals, and spiritual practices.
Benefits of Joining Online Veda Classes
Enrolling in online Veda classes is not just an educational pursuit; it's a transformative experience. From the convenience of your home, you can gain insights into ancient wisdom, explore spiritual practices, and connect with a global community of like-minded individuals on a similar spiritual quest.
Challenges and Solutions in Online Vedic Learning
While the allure of Vedic knowledge is captivating, online learners may face challenges. This article addresses common obstacles and provides solutions, ensuring a harmonious and enriching online learning experience for those seeking Vedic wisdom.
Bridging Tradition with Modern Convenience
Online Veda classes bridge the gap between tradition and modernity. By utilizing digital platforms, these classes preserve the sanctity of Vedic teachings while making them accessible to contemporary learners worldwide.
A Glimpse into Vedic Practices Through Online Learning
Meditation, chanting, and rituals are integral to Vedic practices. Online Veda classes offer a glimpse into these transformative practices, allowing learners to incorporate ancient wisdom into their daily lives for enhanced spiritual well-being.
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The Vedas are not just texts; they are repositories of stories and narratives that convey profound truths. Online Veda classes utilize storytelling to make these ancient teachings relatable and applicable to the challenges of the modern world.
The Future of Vedic Learning in the Digital Age
As the landscape of online education evolves, the future of Vedic learning looks promising. Online Veda classes continue to adapt, embracing emerging technologies to ensure that the essence of the Vedas remains vibrant and relevant in the digital age.
Conclusion: Embrace the Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment
Embark on a transformative journey of spiritual enlightenment through online Veda classes. From exploring ancient wisdom to participating in sacred rituals, these classes provide a gateway to a deeper understanding of the Vedas, enriching your spiritual journey.
Is prior knowledge of Vedic literature necessary for online classes?
No, online Veda classes cater to beginners and enthusiasts, providing a gradual introduction to the sacred texts. How can I connect with fellow learners in online Veda classes?
Many platforms offer forums, discussion groups, and community events where learners can connect and share insights. Are there interactive sessions with Vedic scholars in online classes?
Yes, some classes include live sessions or guest lectures by renowned Vedic scholars, providing direct interaction opportunities. Can online Veda classes accommodate different time zones?
Yes, most classes are designed to accommodate learners from various time zones, ensuring inclusivity. Are there practical applications of Vedic teachings in daily life covered in online classes?
Absolutely, online Veda classes often include practical insights and guidance on applying Vedic principles to daily life for holistic well-being.
for more information
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alokastrology1 · 1 year
Why Guru Diksha is important in Vedas?
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Guru in Sanskrit means teacher. Any teacher—spiritual or secular—is a guru. In Hinduism, a guru is someone who teaches spirituality, initiates you into the spiritual path, or helps you on a spiritual quest. Acharyas are Gurus with extensive scripture knowledge.
Is Guru Diksha important? Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Spiritual teachers believe that human birth is unique and it aims to obtain God or realize one’s atman, which is the same.
Hinduism insists on a teacher for spiritual knowledge and experience.
"Satguru" - The supreme guru
Spiritually, worldly knowledge is lesser, but professors must help students understand it. The objective of life, ultimate spiritual understanding, takes necessary spiritual masters to instruct and assist genuine spiritual searchers.
A great guru would be a Divine (or self-realized) being who knows through experience. Satgurus are such gurus. A Satguru is either God in physical figure or a human with the top level of spiritual understanding who has “obtained” the divine power to communicate his wisdom to sincere seekers who submit to him.
Hinduism believes that God descends to Earth in the physical figure from time – to – time to establish dharma, satisfy the yearning of devoted worshippers, and provide proper spiritual instruction to individuals in a way that fits the time and circumstances.
Satgurus are the Avatar and his closest followers who fully embrace his teachings and are empowered to pass them on. It does not mean that Satgurus always bring avatars.
Gurus may also teach at different levels.
Not all spiritual followers are determined or fit enough to achieve the ultimate aim. Since spiritual attainment is the objective of human life, individuals at different spiritual levels must be guided to the road at different levels of “capacity of intake” and “capacity of assimilation.”
Hinduism is based on reincarnation. Hinduism acknowledges that it may take numerous births to reach the ultimate goal. One of the greatest texts of Hindu spiritual knowledge, Bhagavat Gita, acknowledges this by declaring that just one in a thousand seeks the ultimate and only a few may achieve it.
It also suggests that Satgurus may not always be accessible. People need “less than ideal” masters who can lead the majority.
Hinduism has many gods to worship. Several main schools of philosophy, sects, and sub-sects cater to different religious tastes, traditions, and preferences. Guru’s availability is naturally diverse.
In Hinduism, the “family guru” is the ideal place to start when looking for a guru. A “family guru” is usually (but not always) a “Sanyasi” who descends from the Master-disciple tradition of a Satguru or a renowned spiritual master of the past. These gurus know their God and philosophy. They teach the seeker to worship their sect’s “personal God” and religious practices.
The seeker should trust his teacher, God, and philosophy to avoid distractions and focus on religious advancement.
However, a more inquisitive and adept seeker can ignore such rules. Hindus can choose their gurus based on temperament, taste, and inclination. Hinduism allows a sincere seeker to seek “higher guidance” from multiple gurus based on his progress. However, one should not follow one guru after another due to egotism that defies discipline.
While it is necessary to remain loyal to one’s main guru, one can contact other gurus (called “upa gurus”) with reverence and obtain particular direction in some specific ways of spiritual practice, learn about alternate schools of thought or religious scriptures, get doubts answered, and get advice on any obstacles in the path of advancement.
At an advanced level, even animals, birds, and non-living things can offer the most eager seeker a spiritual lesson or two and are practically his upa-gurus.
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Guru devotion is crucial
One side is trusting and surrendering to one guru and progressing. Another side is questioning and examining a guru, surrendering to him, and allowing the guru to reject or accept him. Hindus accept both.
However, if the student is destined to find or surrender to a Satguru, he will guide the learner to the best “personal deity” and school of ideology for him. After that, the student must abandon his ego to his guru and stay faithful, focused, and committed. In truth, the guru finds the student. Even if he was initiated by another guru, a sincere seeker may find a Satguru.
Understanding guru-initiated Diksha
Guru-disciple relationships require guru initiation (Diksha). The guru usually gives a mantra to perform “Diksha.” Gurus deliver sect-specific mantras.
Lord Shiva devotees usually recite a mantra. Vishnu worshippers usually receive the Narayana mantra (or Krishna/Rama mantras).
Even though we know mantras like Om Namah Shivaya and Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, Gurus usually teach mantras in private. Disciples must keep their mantras confidential.
During mantra initiation, transmits some Prana shakti (vital force). Adding buttermilk to milk makes curd. The disciple’s mantra chanting is like making butter from curd (realizing God).
Gurus plant mantras in disciples. The disciple must raise the seed into a sapling, water it, and protect it until it gives fruit. The disciple must also recite the mantra with dedication, follow the guru’s disciplines, focus on the mantra’s God, and receive spiritual blessings.
Satgurus give “Diksha” in various ways. Satgurus can assess a person’s spiritual capacity, taste, and ability and provide them with the right initiation. A Satguru can introduce a disciple with a touch of the hand (“Hasta Diksha”), a dream (“Swapna Diksha”), eye-to-eye contact (“Nayana Diksha”), or an embrace (“Alingana Diksha”).
A Satguru can choose the disciple’s favorite God form and introduce him to its mantra. He may begin a capable pupil in self-inquiry or devotion to God.
Guidance from the "inner Guru"
A sincere seeker practices religion to realize God, Atman, or Brahman, who is in everyone’s heart. In Hinduism’s “Gyana marga” (way of Knowledge), everyone is God, and the guru removes the veils that make someone falsely connect with the body, mind, intellect, etc., and makes one realize “you are that” (“Tatwamasi”).
It may not be feasible for everyone to meet with the guru, absorb regular lessons, and get doubts resolved. An ardent disciple who lives apart from a guru/Satguru receives spiritual counsel and course correction from his inner heart/sub-conscience, depending on his perseverance and sincerity. The Inner Guru (Anthra Guru) provides guidance.
The Indwelling Guru pulls the disciple’s outward-leaning thoughts within, whereas the exterior guru pushes them inward. “Sachidananda” (Existence-knowledge-bliss, or Godliness) is the external and internal guru.
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Deformations in Indian Historiography
The writing of Indian history in its modern form began under British rule and continued in the early decades of Indian independence. In retrospect, we can attribute certain limitations to it, but it was generally fair and in line with the prevailing international standards at the time. However, since the 1970s the distortion of the historical record has become fundamental, arbitrary and officially sanctioned, mostly with a clear ideological motive. It was easily identifiable as anti-Hindu, but presented itself as anti-communal. We need to examine the circumstances behind this shift promoted by Indira Gandhi, her Political Secretary PN Haksar and her Education Minister Nurul Hasan. In doing so, we have the testimonies of eyewitnesses like SN, Dilip Chakrabarti and Sita Ram Goel and investigators like Arun Shourie.
Despite expectations and rumours, the Narendra Modi government has so far maintained this situation and all talk of 'saffronisation' of education is pure fantasy. On the other hand, it is true that among Hindu traditionalists a much smaller problem of distortion of history persists on the fringes, not with official support but with enough decibels for the public to notice. The two poles of the violation of conscientious historiography use each other for self-justification.
The idea of ​​India
From some three millennia, visible already in the editing of the Mahābhārata, India had the ideal of political unification under a "universal ruler" or Cakravarti. In fact, Aśoka Maurya came closest to this ideal, followed by the Guptas and Moghuls, and Queen Victoria most closely. But even in its worst periods of political fragmentation, India had a sense of cultural unity, embodied in pilgrimage routes and Sanskrit. Ancient Greco-Roman or Arab visitors had no problem recognizing the existence of an "India" or "Hindu" entity. As British independence loomed on the horizon, historians in the mold of RC Majumdar emphasized this basic unity.
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blogtarafi · 6 months
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Gigaspeed.com.tr: Taahhütsüz İnternetin Lider İsmi! Gigaspeed.com.tr, taahhütsüz internet hizmetinde öncü bir marka olarak, kullanıcılarına esneklik, güvenilirlik ve yüksek hızlı bir internet deneyimi sunuyor. Taahhütsüz ev interneti seçenekleriyle, kullanıcılar istedikleri zaman, istedikleri yerde hızlı ve kesintisiz bir internet bağlantısının keyfini çıkarabilirler. Taahhütsüz İnternet: Özgürlüğün ve Hızın Adı Gigaspeed.com.tr, taahhütsüz ev interneti seçenekleri ile kullanıcılara özgürlük sunuyor. Geleneksel internet sağlayıcılarına veda edin ve taahhütsüz internet avantajlarını yaşayın. Taahhüt zorunluluğu olmadan, istediğiniz zaman abonelikten çıkma özgürlüğü sizin elinizde. Kotasız Taahhütsüz İnternet: Sınırsız Bağlantı, Sınırsız Deneyim Gigaspeed.com.tr'nin kotasız taahhütsüz internet seçenekleri, kullanıcılara sınırsız bağlantı ve veri kullanımı avantajı sunar. İster evde online oyun oynayın, ister HD film izleyin, kotasız internetle her türlü dijital aktivitenin keyfini doyasıya yaşayın. En İyi Taahhütsüz İnternet Deneyimi: Gigaspeed.com.tr Farkı Gigaspeed.com.tr, en iyi taahhütsüz internet deneyimini sunmak için güçlü altyapısı ve müşteri odaklı yaklaşımıyla öne çıkar. İster bireysel kullanıcı olun, ister kurumsal müşteri, Gigaspeed.com.tr sizin ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılamak için tasarlanmış geniş bir hizmet yelpazesi sunar. Gigaspeed.com.tr ile Taahhütsüz İnternetin Avantajları: Esnek Abonelik: Gigaspeed.com.tr, kullanıcılarına taahhüt zorunluluğu olmadan esnek abonelik seçenekleri sunar. Yüksek Hızlı Bağlantı: Taahhütsüz internet paketleri, yüksek hızlı internetle sorunsuz bir bağlantı sağlar. Kotasız Veri Kullanımı: Sınırsız veri kullanımıyla, kullanıcılar kotasız internetin keyfini doyasıya çıkarır. Profesyonel Destek: Gigaspeed.com.tr, müşteri memnuniyetini ön planda tutarak profesyonel destek ekibi ile her türlü sorunuza çözüm sunar. Gigaspeed.com.tr ile taahhütsüz internetin özgürlüğünü yaşayın, yüksek hızın ve güvenilirliğin tadını çıkarın. Hemen Gigaspeed.com.tr'ye geçin, internet deneyiminizi bir üst seviyeye taşıyın!
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yamayuandadu · 3 months
I am very aware that Shinigami aren't actual mythological beings in either Shinto or Buddhism (closest thing being the Yamaduta), but what are the earliest mentions of them in Japan? Is there a Chinese equivalent of them?
Yamaduta is more a Hindu term than a Buddhist one. A quick survey of De Gruyter's and Brill's sites shows a fair number of cases it appears in vedas (in a pretty narrow sense, as a designation of Yama's two dogs), puranas and upashnidas (ex. in the story of Nachiketa) and that's about it. According to Marc Tiefenauer (Yama and Hell Beings in Indian Buddhism in Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism Online) there are Buddhist examples too, but they don't exactly seem common. And I can't think of a single specifically Japanese source indicating any greater familiarity with this term let alone incorporation into theological treatises, everyday religion or into pre-modern fiction. The oldest cases of the term shinigami being used are from the Edo period; Kyōden Santō, an eighteenth century writer, used it as a fanciful designation for a vengeful spirit of a hanged person in one of his works (English translation can be found in The Straw Sandal or The Scroll of the Hundred Crabs (Mukashi-banashi Inazuma-byōshi)). There's a handful of other similar sources but none of them have anything to do with the modern use of the term. That seems to only go back to Japanese adaptations of Godfather Death by Brothers Grimm, which in the Meiji period entered the repertoire of rakugo performers. Elements of this story pop up in Shigeru Mizuki's portrayal of shinigami (skeletal appearance, the candle motif) which is essentially a fusion of western grim reaper and the nameless clerks populating paintings of Buddhist hells; however I am not aware of many works which would really go with that. It's essentially a generic fantasy term first and foremost. I've only ever seen ZUN use this term the way Mizuki did, actually.
Since equivalences arguably require actual theology to develop around a figure I don't think it's really possible to speak of a "Chinese equivalent". I suppose the closest thing to an accurate answer would be "whatever the default translation of the name of eponymous character from Godfather Death is".
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talonabraxas · 10 months
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Whate'er exists in heaven and earth, whate'er beyond the skies, Before the eyes of Varuna, the king, unfolded lies. Atharva Veda Ouranos Talon Abraxas
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toeydbootzandcatz · 7 months
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Went a little rogue once I discovered that Tamayo Akiyama had works published in English. A former CLAMP member who left the group in I believe 1992, these works plus I think two others that didn’t get English releases were created by her.
I do feel like the artstyle of these really matches the RG Veda/Tokyo Babylon/Clamp School Detectives art specifically? Either way, I’m excited to check all of these out even though admittedly the reviews online were not super positive haha.
I only found about these as I randomly picked up an old Animerica magazine I had to feel nostalgic and saw a review for Mouryou Kiden and the art caught my eye as being very CLAMP-like lol.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What position in the chart indicates eternal problems and obstacles in life according to karma?
If in the natal chart all the planets are located between Rahu and Ketu, then such a combination is called Kala Sarpa Yoga, or in another way - “the curse of the serpent”. This arrangement of the planets is not good karma from the past incarnation. In life, people with this position, as a rule, face many different obstacles and trials. It can be difficult for them to achieve success in life, and all efforts may not bring the expected result.
Rahu and Ketu are located on different axes, let's take a closer look at each house.
Rahu in 1st, Ketu in 7th house
A person with this position can become a victim of someone's intrigues, as well as survive betrayal from loved ones. Personal life with a spouse is usually clouded due to different views. Here, strong favorable planets in the chart will somehow help save the situation.
Rahu in 2nd, Ketu in 8th house
This situation is not good for the cardholder's health. Also, his expenses most often exceed income, so a person may have financial difficulties. Such people need to put in enough effort in order to achieve what they want. In this situation, there may be conflicts with other people.
Rahu in 3rd, Ketu in 9th house
Here the position indicates problems in relationships with brothers, sisters and friends. There may also be problems when traveling abroad. It is extremely important for these people to unquestioningly obey the letter of the law in any matters.
Rahu in 4th, Ketu in 10th house
People with this position are very often dissatisfied with their own income. Although they, of course, are dissatisfied with the vast majority of people on our planet. They may also have some problems with real estate, with cars. These people lack in the nature of purposefulness.
Rahu in 5th, Ketu in 11th house
Usually this situation indicates problems with children or difficulties with childbearing. People with this position should avoid all kinds of speculation, all kinds of gambling and, in general, easy money.
Rahu in the 6th, Ketu in the 12th.
Such people are often prone to pessimism. They may experience relationship problems. It is very important for them to monitor their health, and also not to get into debt.
Rahu in 7th, Ketu in 1st house.
With such a combination, the owner of the horoscope needs to be very careful in choosing partners in business. The same goes for family life and a partner in it.
Rahu in 8th, Ketu in 2nd house
Here people need to take care of their health. They may also have unexpected expenses or expenses.
Rahu in the 9th house, Ketu in the 3rd
In this situation, people often have difficulties in dealing with superiors. Also, these people can suddenly both gain and lose popularity in society.
Rahu in 10th, Ketu in 4th house
They give the owner of the natal chart career difficulties and problems in areas of professional implementation.
Rahu in 11th, Ketu in 5th house
They will give accommodation away from the place of birth. There may also be problems in relationships with friends and older relatives. In the first half of life there may be some losses in business.
Rahu in 12th, Ketu in 6th house
As a rule, they give hidden enemies and ill-wishers. It is also played by unexpected expenses, health problems.
All these provisions are the result of a person's own actions in the past and nothing else. Therefore, such people need to think about their lives and do a lot of work on themselves. It is also necessary to make obligatory upayas, which are recommended for consultation by a Vedic astrologer.
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krishnaart · 1 year
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Shri Krishna said: “I am seated in everyone’s heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedānta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.”~Bhagavad Gita as it is 15.15
Please listen to "Bhagavad Gita as it is" online: http://gitopanishad.com
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Thanks for tag @gaycowboyjesus and @achairwithapandaonit (sorry it took me so long :<) 🥰 if you don't mind, I mixed some questions so it's one ask instead of two
Last song: The Best I Ever Had - Limi; Slowed & Reverb (each time I do this asks it's always some lewd song 😖)
Last movie/show: that last part of Saw franchise. Spiral was the name I think? It was so shitty that i spent half of time on phone
Currently watching: absolutely nothing. I hardly ever watch shows or anime
Currently reading: beside boring school stuff I started reading some mangas. I'm still trying to find last two volumes of Requiem of rose king online but I'm not actually too eager because I just know it'll be some hardcore tragedy 😭 I began Chainsaw man yesterday and idk if I'll continue it because given the hype I honestly expected way more out of it. Tbf I started reading it bc of one character so 🤷‍♀️. Also started Chobits it's so adorable 🥺 (note to self: read all of Clamp mangas). I plan to either reread RG veda or read MKR next. I have to catch up with BSD tho, I forgot almost everything about hunting dogs arc I barely know the new characters
Tagging: @gabbylyons (yes twice ;D) @sixth-vip @theanimepsychologist @drist-zoi @misguided-son @parnshari07 @honeybeeps @muyo @abreakdownawayfromanapocalypse @iubris and anyone who wants to join :D
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prochefonfire · 1 year
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The duo, Chef Vinod & Radhey (ex Dishoom Chef) have crafted a new venture in Cheadle by the name of Vedaa. The duo already run a successful moderate cafe in Droylsden by the name of Mumbai to London. Indian food near me. Veda is a warm, comfortable environment serving incredible food. The menu offers scintillating treats and serves a wide variety of dishes from salads, North Indian Dishes to Chinese and many more dishes from the world cuisine during breakfast, lunch & suppers.
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skinrangeonline · 1 year
How will ayurvedic medicine heal Arthritis?
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Ortho Veda oil has shown excellent results in recovering from arthritis problem whose major symptoms are:
1)   Inflammation
2)   Pain
3)   Swelling
4)   Aching
5)   Stiffness
The word” arthritis “  itself indicates joint inflammation. It is the loss of cartilage that gives rise to inflammation, intense pain and mobility issues to the person and that can spread across other connecting issues which are ligaments and tendons.
Researchers point out 100 types of arthritis that can happen at any age , pertaining to nutritional deficiency , sedentary habits, and alcoholism.
Types of Arthritis
Let’s understand the selected major types of arthritis damaging the physical mobility and mental health are:
1)   Inflammatory arthritis
For unexplained reasons, several people have been diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis. It gives rise to swelling, pain and stiffness. Without experiencing injuries or cuts, one can get affected with inflammatory arthritis in several joints. Damage is done to the surface and also to the bones. Examples are rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondilytis
2)   Degenerative
Degenerative arthritis is characterized by loss of cartilage from the surface of the bones which actually holds the bones together, causing lubrication and smooth movement.
3)   Connective tissue disorder
In this type of arthritis, one experiences destruction in the tendons and ligaments apart from cartilage. It can further damage the connecting tissues of skin, lungs and kidney. The examples of connective tissue disorder are:
1)   Scleroderma
2)   Lupus or SLE
3)   Dermatomyosytis.
4)   Sjogren’s
4)   Metabolic
This type of arthritis occurs in the form of deposits of uric acid crystals in the area of joints due to disorder in the urinary system. And it leads to development of gout arthritis. It is one of the major signs noted in diabetic persons in the form of sudden pain and swelling.
5)   Septic
It is the result of bacterial or fungal infection that can affect the knee and hip area of the body. Infection from the external sources like injury or surgery, reaching the joints and bones through the blood
6)   Childhood
It is a juvenile rheumatoid arthritis which can do permanent damage to the bones.
For any of the above mentioned types of arthritis , Ortho Veda oil will be highly effective.
Lakhs of people have realized the value of Ortho Veda oil within a few days of use.
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Key factors that determine the positive impact of this veda oil are:
1)   Composition : Cow milk, Black sesame oil, Wild asparagus, camphor and eucalyptus are the major ingredients. No chemicals added. The composition is 100% natural and ayurvedic
2)   Ortho Veda oil price:  Ortho Veda oil price in India is cost effective. You can buy it easily from SKinRange online store at a moderate price. You can also get from Amazon at a discount right now.
3)   Recovery effects: a) It will boost blood circulation and warmth in the affected area.
b) It will reduce swelling and inflammation.
c) It will produce relief from pain.
d) It will prevent cartilage loss.
e) It will boost lubrication and flexibility in joints.
4)   Certification : Ayush Certified vata massage oil.
5)   Side effects if any:No side effects found.
Direction of using this ayurvedic oil
Apply and massage the oil on the affected area as many times a day.
In order to boost immunity, strength, flexibility and longevity of bones and joints, you must eat vitamin D, C and calcium enriched foods along with Omega 3 fatty acids and zinc. Further, you must keep the habit of practicing exercise or yoga for keeping your joints and bones active.
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