rajakaen · 1 year
While trying to craft a scene exploring the interactions between Tahr'rys and Ashara during his time as a Sith, I found it challenging to visualize the overall setting. It's not that I lack imagination, but I often need to write down places themselves before they become vivid in my mind. (This is especially true for my art process.) Perhaps it's just the way my ADHS-plagued brain processes information 🤷‍♀️
Hope you find this insight intriguing. Also, I'd appreciate any feedback! I'm not as deeply versed in the Star Wars Universe as one might think ;)
This time, I'm bypassing the hassle of Tumblr formatting. Here's a direct image from the document:
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rajakaen · 1 year
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While constantly coming back and drawing on Tahr'rys' Ref sheet I've been also working on fleshing out his (back-)story, addressing inconsistencies and refining his overall character profile. Last weekend I thought about Tahr'rys' fighting style and the design of his knife.
Tahr'rys capitalizes on Force Speed and Force Concealment as vital elements of his combat strategy. These techniques enable him to swiftly close the gap with opponents, optimizing his unique method of deploying Force lightning. Rather than casting broad, destructive arcs of energy, Tahr'rys excels in delivering targeted, swift discharges to incapacitate foes or induce cardiac arrest. This tactic necessitates close-quarter combat, thus making his Force Speed and Force Concealment all the more critical. Despite his physical constraints and limited Force powers, Tahr'rys turns his shortcomings into strategic advantages. His emotional detachment, coupled with the precise wielding of his saberstaff and the pragmatic use of his military knife (a practical alternative when igniting his lightsaber isn't viable), further refines his highly adapted combat style. An adjustment inherited from his past as a Sith Assassin, where strategic analysis, stealth and the element of surprise outweighed brute force.
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rajakaen · 1 year
Content Warning: The following segment depicts part of Tahr'rys' backstory, his chemical burn and includes the distressing event involving the shooting of an innocent child. The short scene was meant to delve into the profound and enduring impact this event had on his psychological well-being
Trigger Warning: violence, child harm, psychological trauma
Consequences of a Fatal Shot: Tahr’rys’ Chemical Burn (from -3647 BBY / 6 ATC and ongoing)
The scar that marks Tahr'rys' arm, back and neck serves as a reminder of his past affiliation with the Imperial Army. Whenever it is fully exposed or touched by others, it can bring forth a swell of discomfort and unease. For him, it stands as a symbol of failure, embodying a multitude of memories and emotions linked to a specific incident during his final mission as a sniper. Etched deeply in his mind, this mission can re-emerge like a ghostly filmstrip, replaying with disconcerting clarity. The haunting moment begins with his hesitation, culminating in the imperfect shot that fatally wounded their assigned target: a young girl, the offspring of a Republic General. Keethan's urgent command to Tahr'rys to pull the trigger echoes in his ears, blending with the kickback of his weapon and the sharp scent of ozone that permeated the air. The harrowing vision of the bleeding child squirming in agony remains seared into his consciousness, a tormenting eternity compressed into mere seconds. Immobilized by the weight of his actions, he was forced to bear witness to her torment before finally delivering the lethal blow. These memories rush back to him, resounding with breathtaking, vivid detail. The pain of recollection reminding him of his past associations and his own failures. All efforts to push these impressions to the recesses of his mind only give rise to more fragments: the sudden blast that ravaged their urban outpost, the crumbling of its structure prompting their frenzied escape and the burst pipes that spewed corrosive liquids, splattering onto his skin. The searing pain and the acrid scent of his own flesh corroding remain chillingly intense in this unbidden recollection. As a result, the last remnants of that ill-fated mission consistently lose clarity, blending into a maelstrom of fear, pain, obscurity with fleeting glimpses of Keethan's concerned face. The gravity of these memories engenders profound sensations of guilt, shame and regret, leaving in its aftermath an indelible impact on Tahr'rys' mental state. Each recollection serves as a painful reminder of the irreversible consequences of his actions, filling him with a deep sense of compunction.
Note: Tahr'rys hesitates to reveal the full extent of his burn, preferring to keep it concealed and avoid discussions or reminders of the past. It remains a deeply personal and private part of his history, something he prefers to keep locked away.
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rajakaen · 8 months
@jukkariart and I had a fun little experiment in creating responses for our interacting OCs. Jukkari wrote for Erin and me for Tahr'rys.
Scene: Aboard Neo's Fer-de-Lance, the "Prancing Anvil," Tahr'rys and Erin find themselves in the living area. Tahr'rys is sitting at a table while pondering over a datapad, taking some notes when Erin approaches him.
E: "Do you ever take a break from being such a gloomy Gus? Your negativity is contagious, and I'd rather not catch it too." She continues, her voice laced with a mock curiosity, "Well, I guess it also affects your ability to speak. Curious."
T: Looking up from his pad, pressing his lips into a thin line and responding, "Contagious, you say? Is that the best you've got? I expected more from you." With a subtle twitching of lip corners, he adds, "Positivity and I parted ways a long time ago, you know? No hard feelings." He stares at her, putting aside the datapad.
E: Touching her chin with the index, looking thoughtful. "I guess I could go with 'infectious' or maybe 'transmissible'? Left my dictionary in the imperial space a long time ago, along with any fucks to give about expectations." Shrugging her shoulders while adding, "I hope it won't hurt your feelings; if you've got any left." Truthfully, she's kind of surprised she got a reaction at all; a knot is forming in her stomach, dreaded expectations looming.
T: "Expectations? A quaint notion, indeed. I suppose I'll just have to lower mine, given the source. You must be mistaking me for someone who cares about your judgments." His ember eyes flare up as he tilts his head a little, still staring at her.
E: "Disappointed, already? Oh, Miss Sunshine... I can do so much worse than this." Gives out a huge but fake smile. "And whatever you're eating, you should stop; it makes your eyes look weird like they're about to pop out of your skull. Must be all the 'not caring' leaking out." She's going to totally lean into whatever he says for the effect and the opportunity to snap back.
T: Leans a little over, shifting his position and reciprocating her smile - baring his teeth, but the smile isn't reaching his eyes. "I see you're still trying to impress me. Your observations are as sharp as a spoon. Admirable, in its own way." His smile becomes even more menacing as he rises from his chair, towering over her smaller stature and staring down at her. "Be careful, Erin, for there's a thin line between sharp wit and foolish stupidity." The smile has now faded completely.
E: Crosses her arms over her chest, squints a bit but keeps looking at T. She feels absolutely uncomfortable, but she is also not giving him the last word if she can help it. "Impress you?" she scoffs, putting on a half-smirk. "You must be joking, which I didn't think you can do. How do you fit on this ship with an ego so big?" She leans a bit forward, going on her tiptoes, her face for once reasonably serious. "I don't need your warnings, Tahr'rys. I've been doing perfectly fine without them so far." She steps back and waves her hands as if trying to dispel a smell or a mist. "Now you'll have to excuse me; I don't want to catch this attitude, as I've already said." She leaves, that's been quite enough.
T: Stands there, unmoving, his gaze fixed on her retreating figure. After a few minutes, he finally turns away and resumes his seat at the table, picking up the datapad he had been reading earlier.
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rajakaen · 27 days
Thanks for stopping by :3
Most of what you'll find here is my own stuff—like WIPs, concepts, screenshots and sometimes even a finished piece of art. But I post pretty sporadically, so there are longer gaps where nothing’s happening.
Besides that, I'm working on a story building a world around my SW OC Tahr'rys—he's pretty stubborn and not exactly eager to spill his secrets. But I’ve managed to piece together some of his story, especially with the people he meets (pushes away) along the way. If you're curious, feel free to ask questions. As, in true T fashion, I don’t post much about his journey since it feels weird talking to the void.
Note that English isn't my first language & I'm still learning the nuances and undertones, so please be kind :)
Velu~ ❤️
Feel free to check out my main tags, ask things and/or reach me via DM
OC: Tahr'rys
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