venlyapp01 · 1 year
Discover and Book Your Adventure in Qatar with a Few Taps | Venly
Venly is a mobile app that allows users to discover, book, and pay for events and activities in Qatar. The platform is available on both iOS and Android devices and has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to find and book the perfect experience for your needs.
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How Customers Benefit from Venly
Venly offers a number of benefits to customers, including:
Easy booking: Venly makes it easy to book events and activities in just a few taps. You can browse the platform by category, location, or price, and then book your desired experience directly from the app.
Secure payment: Venly accepts all major forms of payment, including Apple Pay and Google Pay. Your payment information is securely stored, and your bookings are automatically confirmed.
Detailed information: Venly provides detailed information about each event and activity, including photos, reviews, and ratings. This helps you make informed decisions about your next adventure.
Elevate Your Business with Venly
If you own a business in Qatar, Venly can help you take your business to the next level. By joining Venly, you get access to a variety of tools that simplify the way you manage your customers and bookings, including:
Live reports and statistics
Effortless venue and booking management
A dashboard overview of all your business activities
User feedback
Staff management system
Venly is a great option for both customers and businesses in Qatar. For customers, Venly offers an easy and convenient way to book events and activities. For businesses, Venly provides a variety of tools that simplify the way they manage their customers and bookings.
To learn more about Venly, visit our website:  www.venlyapp.com
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zoondiatech · 2 years
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The venue booking app you've been waiting for in Qatar is nearing its launch. Venly is coming soon, so get ready to streamline your event planning!
Event planners in Qatar, the wait is almost over! Venly, the ultimate venue booking app, is nearing its launch and it's going to revolutionize the way you plan events.
Don't miss out on this game-changing app! Stay tuned for more updates.
For more details, visit: www.facebook.com/thevenlyapp
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starling-illu · 6 months
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character design practice with stormlight ladies <3
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the-kamilla-vessel · 2 years
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`` Device.. Work again..? ``
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wafflelovingbatgirl · 28 days
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Meeting in Urithiru. Your older sister’s bestie who hates you and you’re bestie’s foolish little sister who destroyed your people.
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wittyhoid · 4 months
more stormlight archive characters as text memes!
part one x
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chumsterfire · 7 months
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A chance for Venli, Voice of Raboniel, to show her quality
@onlycosmere @skymarks @a-willshaper
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highly-invested · 6 months
Venli is everything a radiant should be to me. "I fucked up and I'm gonna keep fucking up but now I'm committed to turning around and fixing it after." Yes. Queen.
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miss-madithe-baddie · 6 months
I am OBSESSED with the parallel story arcs of Venli and Dalinar. Mildly jealous sibling who is heavily influenced by Odium and will do anything to satisfy their own desires? And then is traumatized by their own actions? And will do anything to make things better?? Even if they don’t know what those things ARE????? That’s the SHIT my dude
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brookeuwo · 2 years
Everybody talks about Kaladin admiring Shallan’s self-destructive coping mechanisms, but nobody ever mentions when Venli comes across Kaladin crumpled over the corpse of one of his closest friends, immobilized due to the sheer weight of his sorrow, about to go on a murderous rampage, and goes “damn. I wish I could feel like that”
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venlyapp01 · 1 year
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Experience an Unforgettable Weekend in Qatar's Majestic Desert Landscapes with Loved Ones!
Qatar's desert showcases a striking beauty with its undulating dunes, attracting visitors seeking both recreational safaris and breathtaking scenery.
For more details, visit https://venlyapp.com/
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zoondiatech · 2 years
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Mark your calendars! Venly, the new venue booking app for stress-free event planning in Qatar, is launching soon.
Ready to make booking venues in Qatar a breeze? 🌟
Venly is coming soon and we're excited to help you easily find and book your next event space. Stay tuned and be the first to try it out!
For more details, visit: www.facebook.com/thevenlyapp
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swagspren · 1 year
I love a realistic and painstaking redemption arc. Like everyone is still going to be mean to you and hate you while you’re trying to be better, and part of you redeeming yourself is keeping the will to do better in spite of that. And like. It’d be so easy to give up bc trying to fix what you did means you have to take ownership of it. Not to mention that after you still probably won’t be forgiven, and you will probably never forgive yourself but that doesn’t make it not worth trying and this post is about Venli Stormlight Archive
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cosmerelists · 2 months
The Great Mistborn Era 1 vs. Stormlight Debate: Whose Planet is More Barren?
As requested by anon. :)
Part 1: Flora & Fauna
Hoid: Welcome, welcome, to the great Scadrial & Roshar debate!
Hoid: Kelsier, would you like to start?
Kelsier: [slaps down picture of mare flower]
Kelsier: THAT.....is what we used to have.
Kelsier: Now all of our plants are a dreary brown, trying to survive in a world blanketed in ash.
Kelsier: We have some horses, some dogs, some cats, but I wouldn't say it's a teeming zoological wonderland.
Kelsier: Because, again, the land is 99% ash. And nothing much can survive.
Hoid: Shallan, your reply?
Shallan: No place with life is barren.
Shallan: But if I WERE going to make this argument, I might point out that what we have.....is crab.
Kelsier: Like....just one big one?
Shallan: Oh, we got crab-dogs. Crab-bugs. Crab-oxen. Crab-people. But they're all essentially Crab.
Shallan: To be fair, we do have a few other types: we have horses too (so that cancels yours out) and pigs.
Shallan: And our plants? Well, they do have color, to be fair, but they are basically all things that have to hide in crevices to survive the giant continent-crossing storm that roams around making a "zoological wonderland" pretty tough for us as well.
Hoid: [carefully considering]
Hoid: As much as I hate to say it, this point goes to Kelsier. I've been to both places. Scadrial is indeed an ash-brown sewer pit.
Kelsier: (Yay?)
Part 2: Food, Leisure, the Arts
Elend: Let me say this first: if you're born a noble, then the situation is not that bad. You have food, you have dancing and music, you have culture.
Elend: But that is not how it is for the majority of the population.
Elend: The majority of the population are skaa, who are enslaved, and who do...not have any of those things in a good way.
Elend: So if we go by the majority--as we should--then yes, our planet is notably barren in its food, its leisure pursuits, and its art.
Kaladin: We do war mostly.
Kaladin: We eat rocks.
Kaladin: It's soulcast rocks, which means it is turned into grain. That tastes bad.
Kaladin: And that's not just darkeyes, who are the oppressed people. The lighteyes live pretty much the same way. Although they do more leisure stuff when they're not at war.
Kaladin: Then there're the parshmen, who locked away their consciousnesses and got enslaved, and who had to relearn things like how to play cards once they were freed. Because their enslaved lives were truly devoid of anything good.
Kaladin: So.
Hoid: Yeah...I'm giving this point to Roshar. It sucks there.
Elend: ...One day, I WILL win a debate.
Part 3: Morality
Ham: Morally barren? Yeah, we got that on Scadrial.
Ham: Turns out our Lord Ruler, who became kind of a god, physically rewired the population so his friends could be nobles and everyone else would be slaves. Like, they became physically different.
Ham: Others he used hemalurgy on so that they became nonhuman--like the kandra and the koloss, who can be taken over and controlled due to their spikes.
Ham: Plus, like, our society just ran on horrible slavery. I don't want to go into it, but it was bad.
Ham: And while I think any ability is morally neutral at the outset, our "murder people to steal their power" ability, hemalurgy, is hard to spin in a good way.
Venli: I see. So humans basically did shitty things to other humans?
Venli: I'm a Listener, aka a native of this planet. Humans came here after destroying their own planet.
Venli: Made my people into rhythmless slaves.
Venli: And we're STILL fighting a literally eternal war where some people on each side can't die, so they just keep coming back more and more insane.
Venli: Also even among themselves? The human system of deciding who's good and who's bad based on eye color of all things? Whack.
Hoid: Wow! You've both made such good arguments about why your societies are morally barren and horrible to live in.
Hoid: I do think Scadrial is worse, though.
Venli: A human would say that.
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kaladinstormblessed09 · 2 months
I physically can’t keep on reading as it’s 4:30 in the morning and my eyelids are drooping but I’ve yet to read a Dalinar pov and kaladin just decided to become a surgeon and Jasnah has decided to abolish slavery and my girl venli is stuck with cosmere’s version of semirhage and Shallan has to go to shadesmar for a ghostbloods mission and I don’t want to stop reading. I wish I had stormlight to take my sleepiness away 😩😩😩
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chiricocuvie · 1 month
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Venli is so compelling imo
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