#Venndred Liesen
ladyinbooks · 1 year
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The devastatingly talented @syrrah​ created a glorious, gorgeous noir!Hird and Venndred! Look at it! IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL! 😍❤️❤️
I mean, firstly I have to talk about Hird. HIRD MY BELOVED! I just... I just love how competent she is here. I mean, @syrrah​ has captured her perfectly. That stance, those shoulderrrrrs. The way she’s fully alert to everything that’s happening around her. The grip on her gun - she’s calm and collected, and not at all worried that she’s in any way outmatched, and it shows perfectly. I honestly wondered how Hird could fit into a noir setting, and then @syrrah​ just blew every single thought out of my head with this, because it works so. freaking. well. here. And that is all down to @syrrah​‘s talent. And before I get sidetracked further, I also just love Hird’s face, and the set of her jaw, and the sheer Hird that is going on here! Like, this is a woman who does not suffer fools gladly, but damn if she isn’t going to do what she set out to. I just - argh! She’s perfect! 😍 Also her hair! Yes! Hird hair! And body! And practical clothing! And just everything about her. I love her.
And then. THEN! In the background is a rogue Venn! And I just love the mystery of him! The shades and the shadows, and the way he’s lingering - ten steps behind and still following. He’s got such a wonderful femme fatale feel to him, robes and all! It’s like @syrrah​ created a still from a film, quite honestly. This is the moment, the heartbeat, before Venn finds himself hauled into a dark alley, with a pistol jammed under his chin, as Hird goes Who the hell do you think you’re following? And then from there, glorious shenanigans unfold. Scene setting and story in one beautiful image.
Thank you @syrrah​. Really, just thank you so much. I absolutely adore this, and it’s currently sitting as my desktop background, because up next on the Ficlet Fridays list is very much a noir ficlet for you, as a way of trying to thank you for turning your phenomenal talent and skill to this. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ladyinbooks · 2 years
Ok. Ok. @bluepandawrites​ IS SPOILING ME SO MUCH! I have fic covers! Look at them! They’re so beautiful! 😭 We’ve got two Hird/Venn covers, and a Rarely Pure cover, and I’m just... I’m over here, sobbing.
They’re perfect. Utterly, utterly perfect. ❤️❤️
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ladyinbooks · 2 years
Will you ever write a fic with Hird and Venndred as the main pair? I kind of fell in love with them lol.
Ohh, there's lots of lovely Hird and Venndred love in my inbox today. It makes me so happy! 😍
Thank you for your question, lovely Anon! The short answer is: I would definitely consider it, if it's something people would like!
I have thought about these two before, and what kind of a fic I would love to write, if the main focus was on them. A while back, I mentioned that Hird and Venn were meant to be the original couple in the IB universe, but the plot was very different, and quite honestly Samiel derailed the entire world building off into a new direction. So the original Hird/Venn plot no longer works.
Instead, one of the things I keep coming back to for Hird and Venndred is a murder mystery. (Don't ask me why - I have no idea!) It would probably be set during Hird's time with the Medusae, and I think Venndred would accidentally be caught up in the case. (Potentially as a suspect.) For me, I think the fic would be solving the case (with the help of a disgruntled ex-Severne, who despite his own life choice, is hypocritically horrified of the way Hird and Venndred behave), and Hird and Venndred slowly learning to trust one another, and work together.
So, a murder mystery love story, and I think it would tie in quite nicely with some of the things I've got planned in future fics for the IB universe. 😉
(Oh darn, this may need to be added to my list of novel-length fics to write at some point...)
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ladyinbooks · 2 years
I wanted to join in on the Venn/Hird love! I think one thing I love about their dynamic is how balanced they are. You mentioned that while Hird has a tough exterior, she's the type to have a more tenuous grasp of her emotions and it shows. Venn, on the other hand, seems open and easygoing, but actually shows far less of himself than you would expect. With them, it feels very much like 1+1=2, where they allow each other to become the best versions of themselves, while with Jason and Samuel it's
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Firstly, lovely Anon, oh my gosh thank yoooou! I'm so pleased you love Hird/Venn, and you have no idea how happy it made me to read that this evening!
Secondly, I absolutely agree with every single thing you've put here. I mean all of it. Your take is phenomenal, and I'm going to elaborate on why behind the cut:
Firstly, I absolutely agree with you on the way Hird and Venn balance each other's tendencies out. I really do think they reflect one another in ways that are better (and healthier) than Samiel and Jay. You're absolutely right that they are a 1+1=2 dynamic, and I think both of them provide a good counterweight to the other. Hird reins in Venn's idealised optimism; Venn leeches the cynicism from Hird's outlook and reminds her that there's good in the galaxy. Hird's grasp on her emotions is far more tenuous (as you rightly say), but she's not worried about wearing them openly; Venn's far more self-aware, but keeps his cards closer to his chest, in spite of his friendliness.
I also have to say that I really, really agree with the way you've talked about this in comparison to Samiel and Jay. They are definitely one entity, and yes I think they are much more entwined and impassioned. Not better, or worse, but ultimately different. I think unlike Hird and Venn, they probably couldn't function properly as individual units in the same way.
Partly, I think this is because of the way Samiel was raised. His behaviour differs wildly, because he would have so much to lose, if Jay ever disappeared from his life. Samiel was kept deliberately isolated and sheltered for much of his early years. He didn't have friends; he wasn't allowed to form relationships. For him, any attachments that he does have are violently and greedily protected. Jay is the ultimate example of this. What that results in, is him being desperately bound up in Jay, and their bond, and what it means to him. It's not a negative thing, exactly, but it's far more territorial and dependent than Hird's relationship with Venndred. (It's also one of the reasons it was really important for me to have Samiel leave Jay at the end of IB. He needed those years to grow into his own person; to learn the value of his own worth and form other friendships. Of course, it ultimately didn't mean that he wasn't still frantically intertwining himself with Jay as much as he was physically capable of. But it at least gave him some semblance of independence.)
In contrast there is Hird and Venn, and you've put it perfectly: ...you could put them together to complement each other, but also take them apart and have them still be whole.
Yes, absolutely yes. I think they've formed other relationships, but more than that they've both forged their own lives. They've shaped themselves and become their own people. Their identities and self-worth aren't bound up in each other. I think partly that's because of their characters, but I also think it's their life experiences.
Compare that to Jay and Samiel: both are shaped by their actions and reactions to one another. Their whole lives are bound together, step by step. They've each influenced the course of the other's destiny.
Now, contrast that with Venn and Hird. Neither of them shaped the other. Venn makes his decision to start down a new path before he meets Hird. Likewise, Hird has already formed her found family, and forged her own career before she meets Venn. He helps change her mind about Lenians, but so does Samiel. Venn's influence is there, when she starts to become a little more open towards Lenians, but it's not him, and him alone, that changes her. Equally, its not Venn that she gives up her career for. It's not even really Samiel, or Jay. Hird's actions are her own, and she does them because she thinks they're right. They fit with her moral code. She helps Samiel and Jay because she wants to; she disobeys a direct order because it's the right thing to do. She joins the Medusae because of those choices. None of that is directly influenced by Venndred. None of it is for Venndred. (In comparison to Samiel and Jay, whose actions are driven less by their moral codes, and more by their need for one another.)
In short, lovely Anon: I completely agree with you, and you summed them up perfectly. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ladyinbooks · 2 years
Since Hird is always bearing the weight of responsibility and feeling like she always has to be in control, do you think it would benefit her once in a while just to... not have to be in control? Venn is so calm and gentle and I can totally see him taking care of Hird if she trusted him enough to wield to it and just let him.
Also if she ever agreed to hear his real voice, would it frighten her? I'd assume it would be a little overwhelming but if she knew she could trust him then it might be a pretty cool experience. Have you thought of the potential power imbalance that would arise between them once the translator is off?
I love how Hird is such a badass and would probably beat Venndred in a physical fight, but then without the translator she would be pretty much at the mercy of Venn and his voice and I think that's kind of an interesting paradox. I'm just imagining Venn fantasizing about reducing Hird to nothing but a whimpering mess.
Sorry for the rambling 😆 Thanks for reading my word vomit
Oh lovely Anon...
This question has killed me. It's given me so many feels this evening. So. Many. 😍
I really do think it would benefit Hird to let go of that control. I think part of it is to do with her well-being (even she needs to relax from time to time), but I think it's more specifically about letting go of that control with Venndred, and what it means for their relationship. For Hird, I think relinquishing control - and letting go of that hyper-vigilance - is the ultimate expression of trust, both in Venndred, but also in their partnership. It would, I think, be Hird's way of saying 'We're equals. We're in this together, and there's no one else I would do this with.' In some ways, I actually think for her it's more profound than saying 'I love you'. (Because it's not just saying 'I love you', it's also saying 'I trust you'. And, vitally, 'I trust you to look out for my family, if I can't.')
I don't think the notion of listening to Venndred's voice would frighten her, per say. I think if they'd got to the point she'd agree to turn her translators off, then I think there wouldn't be fear. What there would be is nerves, and a nervous Hird is an (even more) obnoxious Hird. I think she'd be hiding behind that attitude of hers, a little. I think it would be overwhelming to hear him unfiltered, but not in the same way that, say, Samiel's voice is to Jay. I think Venndred is a very, very different man, and that's reflected in his voice and its harmonies. I think he's sweeter; softer. He's clear, and calm, and actually the antithesis of Hird herself. So I think it would be overwhelming in its gentle, soothing, adoration, which is Hird's ultimate kryptonite. Aggression and demands she can deal with; patient devotion? Not so much.
I think for me, the potential power imbalance isn't there with these two. I've heavily implied (just because it's my fond little headcanon), that these two are soulmates, in much the same way as Samiel and Jay. (Venndred knows it; Hird doesn't.) Ultimately, that would take the compulsion from his voice if she hears it unfiltered. But it wouldn't, I think, stop it from being any less emotionally overwhelming for her. I also think that even if Venndred could technically compel her, then he never would. He is, in all honesty, never going to be capable of something like that, and I think Hird absolutely knows that (or she'd never agree to turning off her translators). Venndred is basically very happy to be bossed around by his furious goddess. 😉
I completely agree that Hird would beat him in a physical fight. Where she's never, ever going to win, is on an emotional playing field. She's not equipped to deal with Venndred's adoration; she doesn't know how to handle it, or what to do with it. For most of her life Hird's language has been conflict, and gruff, unspeaking declarations of love. (Actions speak louder than words.) Venn is the opposite: he's a man of words through and through. He loves stories and histories and poems. His love language is the thousand ways he can tell her that he adores her, and she can't respond in kind. (Only by keeping him safe, and the knowledge that she'd die for him, if she had to.)
I'm just imagining Venn fantasizing about reducing Hird to nothing but a whimpering mess.
This? This would happen. He would absolutely dream of it, and because it's Venn, it would be that weirdly specific thing where he reduces her to such a state by just talking gently to her about all the things he loves about her.
(And you know what? I could actually see it happening, at some point. Probably in that lovely context you talked about of Hird letting go, for a little while.)
Never, ever apologise lovely Anon! This message was such a pleasure to find in my inbox this evening, and I'm just really happy you enjoy these two! ❤️❤️❤️
(...And I'm going to have to write that little ficlet of Venn and his fantasies for you, because the thought is not leaving me alone...)
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ladyinbooks · 2 years
Adding to the Venn and Hird love, I absolutely adore them. I would love to hear so much rambling on them as a couple. Sam and Jay are amazing, but Hird reminds me of Evelyn from The Mummy. Which makes my go so :3
I KNOW there’s another movie series that embodies their type of relationship better but that’s what I associate with her. And Venn is just such a good guy. Like. I’d absolutely sit down for tea with Venn and listen to him talk about anything. Possibly pass off information myself if he wanted it.
ANON! 🤗♥️♥️ This made me smile so much! (Seriously, you have no idea how happy the Venn and Hird love makes me. I know they're side character in IB, but I always worry I get too over-focused on them. To read you love them too just makes me so happy!)
Wait, Hird reminds you of Evelyn?! Ahhhh! Amazing! As I'm sure you've guessed, I love The Mummy (and The Mummy Returns), so i take this as such a compliment. 😊 I think Hird's a little more violent than Evelyn, and doesn't have her scholarly bent, but I love Evelyn's strength of character, so to see Hird compared to her makes me do a happy dance!
I'm intrigued about which movie series you think embodies their type of relationship better! If you'd like to let me know, I'd love the rec!
Heck yes! Venn is absolutely the type of guy to sit down and have a cuppa with. 🙌 I'm so pleased you'd say that. I completely agree, and I think he'd have such a wonderful collection of tales to tell. (And random bits of information and advice to impart.)
Ok, I'm going to do a little more rambling about Hird and Venndred behind the cut:
So one of the things I love writing about these two, is that Hird is so damn prickly, but wears her heart on her sleeve; and Venn is so soothing, but doesn't often give much away. He's not closed off, but I think he keeps his thoughts to himself, unless it's in the context of drawing others out.
I think one of the strengths (for me) of these two as a couple, is that ultimately they (eventually) trust each other on such a fundamental level, that their different attitudes and behaviours compliment each other. Sam and Jay, for example, can bring out the best in one another, but also the absolute worst. Hird and Ven are different, I think. They might bounce off of one another awkwardly from time to time, but I think Hird strives to be a better person with Venndred's support, and Venn starts to learn to open up properly, and to live more.
Until the end of IB, Venn's mostly waiting. He's waiting for Hird. He's waiting for that moment she realises that they belong to each other. Venn, at heart, is the romantic to Hird's cynic. His love is a devotion, and that includes a patient vigil, waiting for her to catch up. He's fully capable, and loves what he does, but there is a part of him held in stasis that he ultimately needs Hird to free him from.
For me, I think that essentially it takes Hird bursting into his life (the first and second time), to fully shake Venndred out of a self-imposed rut. He begins to breathe when he sees her, and to be. She forces him to be his best self, and he in turn does the same to her.
tl;dr - I have so many Venn/Hird feels. So, so many. 😭
And thank you for this message, lovely Anon! ♥️
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ladyinbooks · 2 years
Hi, I've been brain rotting about Samiel and his Voice. And I was thinking, would Hird ever listen to Venn's unfiltered voice and would Venn even think about asking her about it? It's hard to imagine Hird allowing herself to be that controlled by someone else and its also hard to imagine Venn willingly speak unfiltered to her. Also I lowkey want to see Hird go gaga over Venn's unfiltered voice because Jason going gaga over Samiel's voice is hot.
Oh, lovely Anon! This ask just...it came up and kicked me right in the feels. I have so many thoughts on this. (And I have to apologise in advance: I have snaffled your question and added it to my ficlet prompts list, because I really, really want to write something around this for you.)
In the meantime, here are my (very long) thoughts:
I started off thinking that it would be very difficult to say if this would happen for Hird and Venn.
I think you're absolutely right, and Hird allowing herself to be that controlled by someone else is hard to imagine. She's heard Venn unfiltered once before - when she shot him - but at the time ultimately didn't realise what was happening. In the long term, she didn't remember at all that she'd met him (let alone that he'd spoken to her), and so I don't think she realised the implications of not being controlled by his voice.
Venndred, on the other hand, would have absolutely known what that meant. Equally, I think he knows now that Hird is... well, even with Venn, she's someone who finds it difficult to trust. Hird is very much highly suspicious of everyone, unless they become one of her people. Venn is, of course; but even as 'hers', he's not someone she would ever willingly give up control to. Hird is, without question, a control freak. She's too frightened of the consequences if she lets someone else take charge. (Because Hird is all about protecting her found family, and she's always convinced that she should bear the responsibility and the blame for looking after them.)
Venn knows this. Venn knows every single one of her flaws, and all of her paranoia, and that's why I think he would never, ever ask if she would like to hear him.
I think for me, what might feasibly change this, is if Hird realises that Venn is willingly sacrificing a small part of himself, and his Lenian behaviour, to make sure she never gets pressured into hearing him unfiltered. Hird is completely ignorant of Lenian mating rituals, and more importantly the emphasis on the voice, and its intrinsic harmonic meanings. Should she discover that, then I think she might have a discussion with Venn.
Unlike the disaster duo of Samiel and Jay, I think that would be a very long, very involved conversation about what would happen if Hird turned her translators off, and the boundaries she and Venn would have to agree on, so that she could hear him once.
I also think that if, ultimately, they did go ahead with that moment of melos, itwould be a very different experience to Samiel and Jay.
Venndred is a worshipper. He adores his angry, violent, terrible goddess. I think his voice would reflect that. Where Samiel is desperate, terrifying adoration, Venndred is quieter. He's reflective and gentle, and I think the harmonies of his voice would show it. He's not desperate for Hird - and only Hird - at all costs. He's not Samiel's anger, and his terror of losing Jay. Instead he is calm. Clear. I think his voice is a lone aria of devotion, in comparison to Samiel's violent chorus of want.
Which is a long-winded way of saying that I think Hird would have a different (but no less intense) experience, when compared to Jay. I also think she'd have to overcome her own fears enough to really listen to the sound of Venn's unfiltered voice, and what it was saying.
But could I see them ultimately doing that (if only because Hird deems Venn too much of a self-sacrificing idiot)?
Yes, lovely Anon. Yes I could. 😉
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ladyinbooks · 3 years
So, in the spirit of ‘ficlet Fridays’, this little scenario wouldn’t leave me alone. I’m not really sure if it’s IB canon or not (in the sense I may eventually write it a little differently), but here, have some Hird/Venn fluff:
Title: The Queen of Fuck-Ups Marries the King of Mistakes Pairing: Hird/Venndred Warnings: Bad language, fluff
It's a strange feeling, being a free agent.
Archon Ssafyr has signed off on Hird's service; the Banshee is now officially registered under her name, and her crew have resigned en masse from the Air Force.
It's also a strange feeling, knowing she's the only one who can fuck it up now.
And she has no fucking clue what to do first.
“Elysium,” Steve says firmly, when Hird asks him. “Let's touch ground for a while, Kate. We can decide what to do from there.”
“And you're choosing Elysium – because?”
“Because if we dock in Idalion the fees are cheaper, and we can all crash in Kathikas.”
Hird rubs a hand across her jaw, considering. “You mean we can terrorise Lane and Samiel, until they let us stay in their property for free.”
Steve shrugs. “That too.”
“Those two idiots are going to be in their honeymoon phase,” Hird says dubiously. “I don't think they want to be descended on by twenty homeless troopers with nowhere else to go.”
“Then we'll find somewhere else,” Steve says firmly. “But the port fees are still cheaper, so we're going to Idalion.”
“And this is why I love you,” Hird says, leaning back in her chair and kicking her feet up onto a console as she watches him. “You always know how to cut costs.”
He rolls his eyes, but he also pats her ankle, which is Steve-speak for I love you too. “I'll just punch in the coordinates, shall I?”
“Please do.”
“And tell Subtle there's been a change of plans?”
“Steve, as soon as you punch in the coordinates he's going to know anyway.”
Steve shrugs. “But if I tell him, it gives him a chance to complain about it.”
“He'll do that anyway,” Hird says cheerfully. “But he won't complain too much, because at least you're doing the piloting and not Con.”
Steve mutters something that sounds suspiciously like, That's because Con couldn't pilot his way out of a paper bag. Hird graciously chooses to ignore him.
“Elysium,” she says instead. “Then we'll work out what the fuck to do.”
From what Hird can see out of the window, Idalion is bustling, dirty, and pretty much like any other port she's docked in during her extensive career.
“It's off the main track,” Steve points out, his hands flying over the consoles as he finalises the docking procedures. “Slightly less illustrious than some of the ones we've visited.”
“Still better than others.” Hird swings her feet down off the console and leans forward, squinting. “Oh look, they have casinos.”
“In the port?”
“As opposed to where?”
Steve considers this for a moment. “Fair point.”
Hird grins. “What do you think?” she asks, flexing her fingers at him. “Think we could get lucky and win our fortunes?”
“It depends on how fast you want to lose the Banshee.” At her look, Steve grins. “You've got a terrible poker-face, boss. We'd be ship-less inside an hour.”
“Fuck you!” Hird gasps in mock outrage. “I'm a fucking genius at cards.”
“And literally nothing else.”
There's a dull thud as the last of the docking clamps slots into place, and Steve slumps back in his chair with a heavy sigh. He flicks on the comms and announces, “Docking completed.”
There's a ragged cheer from the control room. Hird would lay good odds on it being Martell, Con or Subtle – or an unholy combination of all three. She grins at Steve and stands, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Good job.”
“Well, we're here in one piece.” He flicks another switch, and the soft hiss of decompression punctuates his movements. “You can go stretch your legs if you like. I'll be around for another couple of hours, before we have to work out what to do next.”
“Steve, you're a saint. What would I do without you?”
“Get lost on a regular basis,” he says dryly. “And end up in prison.”
He's not wrong. But, “I could bribe my way out of charges.”
“Not now you couldn't, boss.” He nudges her hip with his shoulder. “Go on, get out of my cockpit. I've lowered the ramp; go and sample some local cuisine. And don't,” he adds, as she turns to leave, “go near the casinos.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Hird waves a dismissive hand over her shoulder. “No gambling away our only means of living. Got it.”
There's no one else in the main command area as she wanders through. That means the rest of her team are either busy with their own duties, or they've already disembarked and are causing havoc around Idalion.
Hird sends up a quick prayer that Subtle, at least, will be able to reign Con in long enough for them to stay without getting a hit put on them. But she's not holding out much hope.
She punches in her access code. When the airlock slides open, she takes her first deep breath of Idalion.
It's fuel-filled, slightly smoggy, and she fucking loves it. There are spices on the air – the scent of Alloi food wafting from the nearest food stand – and it's enough to make her stomach rumble.
The crowds in the port are chaotic – people running for the nearest transport links, others just making their way home – and the noise is half deafening.
It's a place to get lost in; to wander. It could swallow her whole and she'd never be found.
She knows all about Elysium; about the darker side of its society, and the shadows that haunt it. But here, there is life. Here, there is sound and chaos, and everyone just rubbing elbows because they have to. It makes her grin.
The chaos is everywhere, and it eases the nagging worry under her ribs about how she's going to feed her fucking crew. Where there are so many people, someone will need something.
She takes her first steps down the docking ramp, then stops.
There's incessant movement, except in one small corner by the edge of the Banshee's ramp.
He's in a little pool of quiet on his own, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He's rocking back on his heels, his hair falling in his eyes as he grins at her. He's wearing human clothing – she has no fucking clue why – and looks like he should be buried in some mouldy old library, just going by the shirt he has on.
She takes five huge strides down the ramp, and he slides his hands out of his pockets in time to catch her.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Hird asks, and Venndred laughs.
He wraps his arms around her waist, crushing her so hard she can barely fucking breathe. His fingers dig into her sides, and he drops a kiss against her cheekbone, the curve of her ear, the line of her jaw.
“Evi,” he says, breathless. “Evi, it's been four months – ”
“I know, you fucking idiot,” she says, heart slamming against her ribs. “You think I don't know that?” She's holding him just as hard. “I mean why here? How the fuck did you – ”
It sinks in, then.
“Steve, the meddling fucking bastard.”
“It's my fault,” Venndred murmurs. “I asked him to bring you. I wanted to see you, and I promised Freya I'd – ”
“Sprout?” Hird rears back, craning to get a look over his shoulder. “Sprout's here? Where is she?”
“No, Evi, she's at home. I just promised I'd – ” He breaks off as she looks at him. The tips of his ears are turning pink.
“You promised what?” she asks, then pulls back further as the blush reaches his cheeks and throat. “What's going on?”
Venndred clears his throat. “This is coming out wrong.”
“It isn't coming out at all,” Hird points out.
“I know,” he says. “I know.” He lets go of her completely and takes a step back. He scrubs a hand over his mouth, looking slightly panicked.
A slow, sinking feeling of unease starts to unfold in Hird's stomach. “What is it? Has something happened?”
“No, I mean – yes, but –”
“Are you alright?” Hird grips his forearm. “Is Freya alright? Has anyone been hurt? What's –”
“Everyone's fine!” Venndred says. “I promise, it's nothing like – ” He breaks off, chewing on his lower lip. “I had a plan,” he says glumly, “and it really wasn't meant to go like this.”
“Venndred,” Hird says slowly, and her patience is beginning to fracture. “Start explaining yourself. Now.”
“Right.” He takes a deep breath, then another. “Explaining myself. Now. Right.”
Hird's heart is still thundering in her chest, but there are the first stirrings of annoyance underneath. He's come all this way, and he's not making any sense. She loves him, she does, but sometimes he can be such an –
He moves, ungraceful and awkward, and he's dropping to his knees in front of her.
“What the fuck –”
“I'm an idiot,” he says, because of course he can read her fucking mind. “I'm nothing special, but I'm just too stubborn to know when to give up. I don't deserve you, and I never will – ”
“That's not fucking true.”
He ignores her. “But I'll never be able to live without you.” He looks up at her, and his expression is achingly sincere. “You're my victory, Evi. My only one. I've never needed another, when I've been able to say that I have you.”
And oh, she's out of her depth here, swinging wildly between confusion, annoyance and a strange stirring of hope. This doesn't make sense. Shouldn't. But –
“Are you,” she says, then has to stop and clear her throat. “Are you actually fucking asking me to – ”
“I love you,” Venndred says simply. “I'm always going to. You nearly killed me, and you took every piece of my soul when you did.” He's got something in his hands – too large to be a ring; too small to be a necklace. It gleams, gold, between his fingers.
“Fucking hell,” Hird says blankly.
“Marry me?” Venndred asks.
For a moment, Hird gapes. She can't help it; shock and a kind of unholy terror at the sight of him, on his knees for her, asking this. Asking –
He wants to marry her.
He wants to fucking marry her.
Her. The Queen of fucking up every single thing in her life. The woman who fucking shot him, and he's forgiven her for it, and loves her anyway.
And now he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
And even though she's known for a long time that he's it for her – that there's never going to be another like him – he could do so much better than a retired Wing Commander, with a bad attitude and a whole fucking heap of baggage.
“Evi,” Venndred says, and she flinches. “Please.”
It's the tone that does it: soft, terrified hope, and it cuts into her the way only he can.
She crashes to her knees in front of him, ignoring the way he startles as she cradles his stupid, wonderful face in her hands.
“For fuck's sake,” she says. “Yes, of course, yes.”
“Oh,” he breathes out. “Good, because I already booked the slot at the court, and I don't really know what I would have done if – ”
She cuts him off with a kiss, swift and hard. Then, when she draws back and he opens his mouth to keep talking, she kisses him again.
There are so many things to sort out; so much she is going to have to plan, and consider. She hadn't anticipated this. He's still the Psyke; still vital to Lenia, in ways she doesn't fully understand. He has his duty to his planet and his people, and once upon a time she would have said that was what he had dedicated himself to.
Except she knows better now, she does. Because in all the ways that matter, he belongs to her.
'Wing Commander' is a title. 'Psyke' is a title.
But 'husband' and 'wife' are going to be so much fucking better.
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ladyinbooks · 4 years
Sitting here this morning just having a lot of thoughts about Venndred Liesen. I was pondering how he’s the only character who’s not a disaster. Who’s actually a reasonable person.
...And then I realised the man is literally married to Hird.
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ladyinbooks · 4 years
Ok, working on two side fics for Icarus and having so much fun. 
Like: Hird goes on holiday and makes a new archnemesis; Samiel decides now is an opportune moment to murder as many people as he can, and Venndred is a Bond girl.
I mean literally. He’s literally Ursula Andress.
(Minus the bikini.) 
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ladyinbooks · 5 years
Me, sitting on the train, shrieking into the void of my own head: Hird is a tank. An angry tank who would rather kick down doors than open them. So angry. All the doors.
Also me: Venndred is a good sweet boy, who would never kick down doors. He is like human candy floss. He always knocks.
(Jay is a gremlin. He disguises his sarcasm by pretending it’s manners and people believe it.)
Just the everyday thoughts of an idiot who spends waaaay too much time living in her own plotting.
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ladyinbooks · 5 years
Following a request from a couple of people, here's a compiled list of characters from Icarus, Burning - any more that crop up I'll add here. Some names have pronunciations next to them; if anyone would like any more added, let me know!
Lane, Jason – Wing Commander, Air Force, currently assigned on loan to the Foreign Office
Lault, Robert – Ambassador to Lenia, a long-serving member of the Foreign Office
Shavaine – A Diplomatic Assistant, Foreign Office
The Crew of the Banshee
Belaro, Marreck – Doctor, Air Force
Ede, Steve – Wing Commander, Air Force, pilot of the Banshee
Guide, Confidence – Flight Lieutenant, a Morian currently recruited into humanity's Air Force, pilot of the Banshee, electronics specialist
Hird, Kate 'Evi' – Wing Commander, Air Force, Commander of the Banshee
Martell, Amy – 'Circus One', Air Force, Chief Engineer
Patel, Kami – Commander, Air Force, Second in Command
Subtle – Flight Lieutenant, synthetic life form, pilot of the Banshee
Humans from the Past
Sulin, Mikhail – A member of the Foreign Office
Rieu, Andrew – An Army Officer on Mas-Hain
Athannus, Daimion – Second Cousin to Deneira, a Lord
Callios, Deneira – the Queen of Lenia
Kallat, Isen – brother to Palek Kallat, a member of the rebellion
Lachesis (La-hess-iss) – A Captain of the Rebellion
Liesen, Venndred – Psyke, High Priest of the Naos, a member of the Lenian court
Littien, Rechea – A Severne to Deneira
Medala, Pyrrhine (Peer-rinn-hee) – First Handmaiden to the Queen
Mirret – Governor of Maa-Ilia
Mirret, Helenia – Wife to the Governor of Maa-Ilia
Tremark, Samiel – A Severne to Deneira
Sirens from the Past
Callios, Aoide (Ay-oh-dee) – sister to Deneira, contender for the throne, Samiel's mother
Kallat, Palek – A Lenian Officer tasked with diplomatic relations on Mas-Hain, mentor to Samiel
Medala, Aletheia (Ah-lee-thee-ah) – Mother to Pyrrhine Medala, previous First Handmaiden of the Queen
Rhet, Gamesh – A Lenian Officer on Mas-Hain
Tilea, Yram – A Lenian Officer on Mas-Hain
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ladyinbooks · 5 years
Venndred 'I-Regret-Every-Decision-I-Have-Ever-Made-Except-Letting-The-Woman-I-Love-Stab-Me' Liesen.
Ahh Venn. You are so soft, and yet deep down you have just as much bastard energy as Hird.
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ladyinbooks · 5 years
Wing Commander Kate "Evi" Hird: Making People Cry for the Last 28 Years.
(She's class and I love her.)
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ladyinbooks · 5 years
Ah yes, Chapter 17 of Icarus, in which:
Jay has a sort-of breakdown
Samiel remains Desperate(TM)
Venndred plays marriage counsellor
and Hird really, really wants to punch someone (or two someones… or three...)
Also, Littien.
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ladyinbooks · 4 years
Ok, so there was meant to be fic this weekend (I’m so sorry), but Hiraeth got me around the throat instead, and now I have a lot of feels (I’m so, so sorry), so it looks like Rarely Pure is officially starting now.
Down the A/O space dragons rabbit hole I go.
(And I’m not going to lie: this fic is trope city and stuffed with all my cheesy faves. XD)
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