#I have so many feels about this
dapandapod · 6 months
Please tell me more about ace Jaskier 🙏
Hohoho hello love, yes, this one is close to my heart and I wrote like.... 2k in a day?
Basically, what if Jaskier acts like he always does, doing exactly what people expect of him. But what if he doesn't want that? And Good Friend Geralt is right there by his side, and what if they figure it out together, and what if they fall in love? Because projecting is important, and yes, feelings! It is so hard to write, but I am enjoying it so, so much!
Here! Have some feels!
“I don’t want to fuck them, or them to fuck me. I don’t want them to touch me. I want to want it, I really do, but I don’t? People have this expectation of me, how they want me to be and I pretend, because it is easier to do than to accept that I am fucking broken, Geralt, and I hate it. Because what if nobody wants me as I am? What if I will be alone forever, what if that is the one thing about me that ends up being too much? Because that is such a big part of it all, isn’t it? They all want me to touch them, not once has it been enough to just be and I’m tired of feeling like this.” It pours out of him, and Geralt’s heart aches for the bard. “Have you ever been in love?” Geralt asks quietly, and Jaskier sucks in a shuddering breath. “I don’t know,” he says, fingers twisting around each other in his lap. “I don’t know what it is supposed to feel like, and it terrifies me. Because if I can’t love either, what does that make me?” “Human,” Geralt says without hesitation, and Jaskier finally glances up at him. “You are not broken. You are you. If being your friend taught me anything, it is that self worth doesn’t come from what you can do for other people.” The corner of Jaskier’s mouth ticks up a notch, despite his hopeless expression.  “I knew I would get through to you eventually,” he mumbles, and Geralt smiles back.
Emotional about this? Me? Never.
Thank you for asking, love!
.... Bonus under the cut, because it's important...
It’s cozy, and they crawl into it with feet sticking out on one end, because there is only so much an oilcloth can do for two men their size. Laying shoulder to shoulder is a bit cramped, so Geralt turns on his side, facing the cloth.  “By the way?” Geralt says quietly, as he listens to Jaskier shuffle around behind him, every now and then bumping into him. “I don’t think you are broken. You are one of the best men I know, and if people think all there is to a relationship is sex, it’s frankly their loss.” Jaskier doesn’t respond, he is actually not doing anything at all. He has frozen behind Geralt, and the witcher is too much of a coward to turn around and face him. His own pulse is beating hard, as if he stepped off a cliff and is free falling. After a minute of silence, Geralt murmurs a good night and pretends he can’t feel Jaskier’s shoulders shake.
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tuxedo-rabbit · 2 years
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I finished Ghillani’s run :’)
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gaithe-guy · 1 year
So Youtube is doing this disgusting thing now that if you're using an add blocker, they will have a pop up that comes up at the beginning of EVERY. SINGLE. VIDEO. that pauses the video and you have to click off of the pop up. Worse yet, is you can't use Addblock OR uBlock Origin to block the popup... it's not able to... And after awhile of this... They give you the ultimatium:
Undo your addblocker... or they will stop the video player from working . After researching a bit, I've seen that no one has been able to get around this, and people have actually gotten their accounts banned on youtube... or even when logged out youtube still blocks the player from working - so maybe it's linked to IP addresses (I dunno)...
All I DO know, is that I - terrified that they would ban my account - undid my addblockers for their website so I could watch youtube (since I don't have the extra cashflow to give them the $14 a month for no adds)... and just a moment ago was slapped in the face with an add for a transphobic documentary that "tells the untold stories of those effected by this... transition" and "what the mainstream media doesn't want people to know"...
I can tell you that it really thrust my dysphoria into my face as well as basically made my mother's voice echo in my head (since a lot of the "parents" they showed in the add have the same views as her about m transition)... My therapist is going to have a FIELD DAY with this when I go see her... although right now I just want to not exist really.
I put in feedback yesterday about how some people have addblockers for their health - not just physically and mentally, but also emotionally too - and of course today... one of the first videos I watch on youtube... and I get THAT as an add... coincidence - probably - but holy shit.
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stephstiel · 2 years
I don't have time to double-check this right now but I swear Danhausen said to Colin on the Hardlore podcast that he was sad Twisted Tongues didn't play Kill For You when he saw them live...
And now they used that as his entrance 🥺
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ladyinbooks · 1 year
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The devastatingly talented @syrrah​ created a glorious, gorgeous noir!Hird and Venndred! Look at it! IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL! 😍❤️❤️
I mean, firstly I have to talk about Hird. HIRD MY BELOVED! I just... I just love how competent she is here. I mean, @syrrah​ has captured her perfectly. That stance, those shoulderrrrrs. The way she’s fully alert to everything that’s happening around her. The grip on her gun - she’s calm and collected, and not at all worried that she’s in any way outmatched, and it shows perfectly. I honestly wondered how Hird could fit into a noir setting, and then @syrrah​ just blew every single thought out of my head with this, because it works so. freaking. well. here. And that is all down to @syrrah​‘s talent. And before I get sidetracked further, I also just love Hird’s face, and the set of her jaw, and the sheer Hird that is going on here! Like, this is a woman who does not suffer fools gladly, but damn if she isn’t going to do what she set out to. I just - argh! She’s perfect! 😍 Also her hair! Yes! Hird hair! And body! And practical clothing! And just everything about her. I love her.
And then. THEN! In the background is a rogue Venn! And I just love the mystery of him! The shades and the shadows, and the way he’s lingering - ten steps behind and still following. He’s got such a wonderful femme fatale feel to him, robes and all! It’s like @syrrah​ created a still from a film, quite honestly. This is the moment, the heartbeat, before Venn finds himself hauled into a dark alley, with a pistol jammed under his chin, as Hird goes Who the hell do you think you’re following? And then from there, glorious shenanigans unfold. Scene setting and story in one beautiful image.
Thank you @syrrah​. Really, just thank you so much. I absolutely adore this, and it’s currently sitting as my desktop background, because up next on the Ficlet Fridays list is very much a noir ficlet for you, as a way of trying to thank you for turning your phenomenal talent and skill to this. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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reginrokkr · 2 years
Kabukimono blinks, looking at the other with clear curiously glazing over his eyes. "Can I call you Dain?" He asks, out of seemingly nowhere. "Is that okay?"
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What remains of the once indomitable Twilight Sword is but a laughable stock of remains that would sooner fade like ashes rather than reconstitute itself. Contrary to what Kabukimono or those whom take care of him may believe that happened in order to find him in such pitiful circumstances, most of his disgrace was by his own doing which eventually led to his defeat against Hilichurls that he... lacked the will to fight back.
Any attempt to get rid of the curse that runs through his veins when a feasible lead is found is tantamount to burn himself alive with no hopes for survival. Try as he did to test the waters, to see how far he could reach, it is not a feat that can be achieved without walking tentatively towards Death's embrace, paradoxical as it may sound given the characteristics of this divine curse.
Couple a moment of uttermost weakness in mind, soul and body alongside the bitter reminder of watching innocent civilians become Hilichurls created the perfect concoction for disaster, alongside poor beings that no longer can think for themselves or be masters of their rampant and primitive emotions. Part of him would've wished to remain there to fate's caprice, perhaps that would accelerate the process of finding what fate has in store for him exactly. As for the other part... he is glad.
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Kabukimono is the epitome of purity and innocence that this cursed star lacks so much. Purity for seeing things the way they are with no room for second thoughts, innocence for thinking in such manner that malice is out of the picture unless directly proven otherwise. Wish as he did that Khaenri'ah was that way, only very few escaped parameters of obsession, hatred and madness. Wish as he tried with all his might, long ago Khaenri'ah ceased having any fixing.
The harmless, initial query makes Dáinsleif's heart skip a beat, something he had already believed to not be a possibility in an empty shell like he currently is. Though moon-kissed featured denote exhaustion within their lack of movement, teal astral pupils quiver within glacial sapphire depths. When the realization that his name might be complicated to pronounce dawns on him, his eyes soften. Adults and children alike, elder people and teenagers in equal parts have always told him so, always tentatively to not rise any offence.
But it is the familiarity that such manner to say his name exudes alongside the memory of dear people to him that had been lost to the divine's wrath calling him Dain, alongside a traveling companion that he fell apart with not long ago... His heart is a battlefield, one in which two factions battle for dominance in this simple moment: a guilty mind that seeks warmth and kindness as any would and a weary soul that demands repentance for the sins he has committed— rather, for the sins he believes he has committed.
Albescent lashes flutter with a slow blink, an aching body forces itself to reach out a hand too cursed to touch something so pure that ought to be protected— even from himself, he silently begs. With what little strength he has left in him he squeezes gently Kabukimono's hand and his head dips once in a curt not. ❝Yes. I would like that.❞
For once, he wished that some of that beautiful innocence rubbed off on him. To trust in this world again, to trust in himself— that he has yet a purpose in this damned world if he was denied the mercy to find repentance in death.
@inavagrant ✦
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creationsofthepenguin · 5 months
I just saw a take that after Falling, Crowly couldn’t see the stars anymore and- im not ok?? Like. Imagine how you would feel if you spent an eternity doing this one beautiful thing, pouring your body and soul into it, and then as punishment for asking questions you can’t see your life’s work ever again. Do you think he ever imagined how the stars would look like from Earth? That he dreamed of coming down to Eden and looking up to see his work?
Also on a happier note, do you think Aziraphael always found the stars beautiful, and that he would spend hours describing them to Crowly even though he knew them all by heart? Could you imagine Crowly’s joy when Zira first told him the stars were beautiful, because someone he’d never met before complimented his life’s work.
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gibbearish · 11 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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astearisms · 1 year
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catalysts, protectors
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jeanivere · 9 months
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arthur morgan tiddies and tummy thats all im gonna say
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voltaical-art · 9 months
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clarisse-doodles · 7 months
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inspired by this post, in which Damian does not know what Vine is
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struck down by the mental image of an android laying down to "sleep" on a mattress shaped charging pad. oof. im experiencing the Emotions. rest well and recharge you dear little electric angel
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blueboyluca · 1 year
“When I first heard it, from a dog trainer who knew her behavioral science, it was a stunning moment. I remember where I was standing, what block of Brooklyn’s streets. It was like holding a piece of polished obsidian in the hand, feeling its weight and irreducibility. And its fathomless blackness. Punishment is reinforcing to the punisher. Of course. It fit the science, and it also fit the hidden memories stored in a deeply buried, rusty lockbox inside me. The people who walked down the street arbitrarily compressing their dogs’ tracheas, to which the poor beasts could only submit in uncomprehending misery; the parents who slapped their crying toddlers for the crime of being tired or hungry: These were not aberrantly malevolent villains. They were not doing what they did because they thought it was right, or even because it worked very well. They were simply caught in the same feedback loop in which all behavior is made. Their spasms of delivering small torments relieved their frustration and gave the impression of momentum toward a solution. Most potently, it immediately stopped the behavior. No matter that the effect probably won’t last: the reinforcer—the silence or the cessation of the annoyance—was exquisitely timed. Now. Boy does that feel good.”
— Melissa Holbrook Pierson, The Secret History of Kindness (2015)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Soup solves everything.
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melmov · 6 months
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I cast: curse of the eldest (can’t ask for help)
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