#Venture Global
House Democrats launch probe of Trump’s dinner with oil executives | The Washington Post
House Democrats are launching an investigation into Donald Trump’s meeting with oil executives last month at his Mar-a-Lago Club, where the former president asked the executives to steer $1 billion to his 2024 campaign and promised to reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental policies.
The probe comes after The Washington Post on Thursday first reported the fundraising dinner, where Trump said that giving $1 billion would be a “deal” because of the taxation and regulation the oil companies would avoid thanks to him, according to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation.
In letters sent Monday evening, Democrats on the House Oversight Committee asked nine oil executives to provide detailed information on their companies’ participation in the meeting. The Democrats voiced concern that Trump’s request at the dinner may have been a quid pro quo and may have violated campaign finance laws, although experts say his conduct probably did not cross the threshold of being illegal.
Lawmakers sent the letters to the CEOs of Cheniere Energy, Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, Continental Resources, EQT Corporation, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum and Venture Global. They also fired off a missive to the head of the American Petroleum Institute, the oil industry’s top lobbying arm in Washington.
Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, asked the executives to provide the names and titles of any company representatives who attended the Mar-a-Lago dinner, copies of any materials shared with the attendees, a description of any policy proposals discussed at the event, and a list of any contributions to the Trump campaign made during or after the event.
Raskin also asked the executives to provide a copy of any draft executive orders or policy paperwork that their companies have prepared for Trump or his campaign. Politico reported that oil industry lawyers and lobbyists have drawn up executive orders for Trump to sign in a possible second term, including directives aimed at boosting natural gas exports and offshore oil drilling.
Asked about the letter, Andrea Woods, a spokeswoman for the American Petroleum Institute, said in an email that the group “meets with policymakers and candidates from across the political spectrum on topics important to our industry that range from strengthening energy security to addressing persistent U.S. inflation.”
A Venture Global spokeswoman said of the meeting with Trump: “Venture Global regularly engages with government officials — both past and present — on a bipartisan basis and this meeting was no different. We would welcome a similar conversation with President Biden at any time.”
A spokesman for Cheniere Energy declined to comment on the letter. Spokespeople for the other oil companies did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Democrats on the Oversight Committee lack certain investigative powers because Republicans control the House. If the oil companies decline to turn over the information, Democrats will not be able to subpoena the firms, stymying their investigation.
Yet Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), a vocal climate advocate who chairs the Senate Budget Committee, which wields subpoena power, has voiced interest in launching his own probe.
Trump’s comments at the dinner are “practically an invitation to ask questions about Big Oil’s political corruption and manipulation,” Whitehouse said in an emailed statement.
“Fossil fuel malfeasance will cost Americans trillions in climate damages, and the Budget Committee is looking at how to ensure the industry cannot simply buy off politicians in order to saddle taxpayers with the bill,” he added.
At the Mar-a-Lago meeting, Trump promised to immediately end the Biden administration’s freeze on permits for new liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports in a second term, according to people who attended. He also pledged to start auctioning off more leases for oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and to reverse restrictions on drilling in the Alaskan Arctic.
Experts said Trump’s remarks at the dinner probably didn’t violate campaign finance laws as currently interpreted by the Federal Election Commission and the Supreme Court. They said a violation would need to involve a clear quid pro quo in which Trump promised to take a specific policy action in exchange for a specific campaign contribution.
“This alone is probably not enough to indicate the existence of a quid pro quo,” said Dan Weiner, director of elections and government at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s law school.
Trump “was doing what candidates often do, which is saying, ‘Please give me money, and I will do the things that I know you want,’” Weiner added. “The brazenness is still quite astonishing, and it certainly flies in the face of the spirit of the law, if not the letter.”
Former Obama White House ethics adviser Norm Eisen, a Trump critic and prominent supporter of the four criminal cases against him, agreed.
“I’m not saying it’s a violation of the law,” said Eisen, who served as special counsel to the House’s first impeachment of Trump. “But it raises serious questions, and it’s a reminder of why we have those laws on the books.”
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kp777 · 6 months
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
Dec. 19, 2023
Experts warn that expanding liquefied natural gas infrastructure will put the United States "on a continued path toward escalating climate chaos."
"We are scientists who write to you with ever-increasing urgency as our climate continues to deteriorate to implore you to stop the dash to increase exports of liquified natural gas (LNG)," wrote the scientists, including Rose Abramoff, Robert Howarth, Mark Jacobson, Peter Kalmus, Michael Mann, Sandra Steingraber, Farhana Sultana, and Aradhna Tripati.
While stressing their opposition to Venture Global's Calcasieu Pass 2 (CP2) project, they also emphasized that "the magnitude of the proposed buildout of LNG over the next several years is staggering."
"As scientists we are telling you in clear and unambiguous terms that approving CP2 and other LNG projects will undermine your stated goals of meaningfully addressing the climate crisis."
"For years, the science has been overwhelmingly clear that we must stop expanding fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure and rapidly transition to renewable energy. We have simply no runway left and little margin for error," the scientists warned. "In fact, we are rapidly passing tipping points that are further escalating the climate crisis."
"Altogether, the science to date shows that spiraling emissions of the climate super-pollutant methane are a major contributor to the ongoing failure to meet agreed-upon global emissions targets and stabilize the climate," they explained. "The science also shows that LNG facilities are inherently leaky operations and prodigious emitters of methane."
Their letter cites a forthcoming study by Howarth, a Cornell University scientist, that shows LNG is at least 24% worse for the climate than coal.
CP2 alone would produce over 20 times more planet-heating pollution than ConocoPhillips' Willow oil project in Alaska, which the Biden administration is also under fire for greenlighting. The letter highlights that "these climate-wrecking emissions are on top of prodigious amounts of toxic air pollutants, including carcinogenic benzene, released into local environments both from the LNG facilities themselves and the upstream drilling and fracking operations that feed them."
"LNG plants and their associated infrastructure pose serious health harms to surrounding communities and worsen environmental injustice," the scientists pointed out. "These facilities are disproportionately located in communities of color and low-income communities on the Gulf Coast already overburdened with pollution."
"You have often said that your policies will be guided by listening to the science," they wrote to Biden. "As scientists we are telling you in clear and unambiguous terms that approving CP2 and other LNG projects will undermine your stated goals of meaningfully addressing the climate crisis and put us on a continued path toward escalating climate chaos. We implore you to turn back from this course, reject CP2 and other fossil fuel export projects, and put us on a rapid and just trajectory off fossil fuels."
Opposition to CP2 may already be having some effect. Advocates had expected the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to consider the project this fall but so far, the agency hasn't. Louisiana Bucket Brigade director Anne Rolfes said last week that "every month it is not on the agenda, we consider a victory because it means that it's not getting part of the federal approval that it needs."
While Venture Global lacks the permission required for CP2, the Biden administration has infuriated frontline communities, scientists, and voters concerned about the climate emergency by expanding LNG exports, enabling projects like Willow and the Mountain Valley Pipeline, and continuing fossil fuel lease sales for public lands and waters.
Biden, who was elected in 2020 after running on bold climate promises, is now seeking reelection next year and could again face Republican former President Donald Trump, a major ally to the fossil fuel industry.
The president "must reject new fossil fuel projects, starting with CP2, that poison communities and that will harm young people far into the future," Michele Weindling, political director of the youth-led Sunrise Movement, said Friday. "He can't one day cave to fossil fuel millionaires and the next throw a bone to young people. That's not how science works, and young voters know it."
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marketsandata · 4 days
Global venture capital investment market is projected to witness a CAGR of 19.25% during the forecast period 2024-2031F, growing from USD 271 billion in 2023 to USD 1108.25 billion in 2031F.
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21by72 · 21 days
21BY72 Global Summit Season 3: Special Guest Speaker Anupam Mittal
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We are thrilled to announce that Anupam Mittal, the King of Matchmaking and Founder & CEO of Shaadi.com, will be joining us at 21BY72! Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to connect with one of India’s top business minds.
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yojinvestment · 2 months
Here, we explore the ever-changing world of investment opportunities that await astute investors in our in-depth guide to the Nepal Investment Summit 2024. This summit provides an essential forum for examining Nepal's potential in a number of industries, as the country continues to emerge as a promising center for corporate endeavors and economic progress. Accompany us as we explore the opportunities, alliances, and routes influencing the future of investment in Nepal.
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parititalent · 3 months
The importance of venture capital investment for African.
The African continent is experiencing a surge in innovation and technological advancement. This growth is fueled by a young, tech-savvy population and a growing investment landscape. Venture Capital Africa is playing a pivotal role in nurturing this exciting ecosystem, providing the resources needed for startups to thrive.
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oisterglobal · 3 months
        Oister Global to invest  ₹4,500 crore in PE/VC funds in next two years Mint
The Gurugram-based firm invests in private market funds, with a focus on venture capital, venture debt, private equity, and private credit.
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lanabriggs · 3 months
Global Warming and Venture Capital
Enabling Sustainability and Innovation
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The increasing concern of global warming has elevated environmental sustainability to a primary focus of societal worries, creating a vital demand for inventive measures to combat climate change. At this significant juncture, venture capital has emerged as a pivotal force in endorsing and funding pioneering initiatives aimed at lessening the repercussions of climate change, promoting sustainability, and fostering environmental innovation on a worldwide scale.
Rising temperatures, melting polar ice caps, extreme weather phenomena, and mounting environmental disintegration underscore the visible consequences of global warming. The imperative to counter this existential menace has spurred a worldwide appeal for action, urging governments, businesses, and individuals to embrace sustainable practices and invest in eco-friendly solutions that slash carbon emissions and advocate for environmental stewardship.
Venture capital assumes a fundamental role in propelling sustainability endeavors by providing financial backing, expertise, and encouragement to startups and ventures that prioritize environmental preservation and renewable energy solutions. By supporting clean technologies, green initiatives, and sustainable business models, venture capitalists expedite the shift towards a low-carbon economy and endorse sustainable practices that benefit both the environment and the economy.
Venture capital investments in climate solutions encompass a broad spectrum of sectors, spanning renewable energy, eco-friendly transportation, sustainable agriculture, waste management, and innovative green building technologies. These investments not only trigger innovation but also present opportunities for startups to craft novel products, services, and solutions to combat climate change, slash greenhouse gas emissions, and advance resource efficiency.
The integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) stipulations in investment strategies has progressively gained traction in the domain of venture capital. Impact investors concentrate on funding startups that exhibit commitments to sustainability, ethical conduct, and favorable social impacts. By aligning their investments with ESG criteria, venture capitalists propel a shift towards responsible investing practices that prioritize enduring environmental sustainability and societal welfare.
Confronting the intricate challenge of global warming necessitates collaborative endeavors across industries, sectors, and regions. Venture capital entities are joining forces with governments, corporations, research bodies, and non-profit institutions to foster innovation, amplify climate solutions, and mold a sustainable future for forthcoming generations. This collaborative approach amalgamates resources, expertise, and creativity to drive substantial change and confront the diverse challenges posed by climate change.
In the face of the ramifications of global warming, the role of venture capital in advocating sustainability and environmental innovation has reached a pinnacle. By supporting startups and projects that prioritize environmental impact and sustainability, venture capitalists not only invest in the future of our planet but also nurture a culture of innovation, resilience, and conscientious resource management that is indispensable for crafting a sustainable world for all.
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profitpulse36 · 5 months
Unlock Financial Empowerment: Navigating the Digital Landscape of Making Money Online from Home.
In the contemporary landscape of technology, the concept of making money online from the comfort of one's home has evolved into a profound phenomenon. The internet, a vast marketplace of ideas and commerce, has democratized opportunities, paving the way for diverse income streams. Freelancing platforms connect skilled individuals with projects globally, while e-commerce platforms enable entrepreneurs to reach customers without the confines of a physical storefront.
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However, navigating this digital frontier demands adaptability and resilience. It requires individuals to stay abreast of evolving trends, master new skills, and cultivate a proactive entrepreneurial spirit. Success in making money online often hinges on strategic branding, effective marketing, and building a trustworthy online presence.
Yet, amidst the allure of flexibility and global connectivity, aspiring online earners must exercise caution. The digital realm, while abundant with opportunities, also harbors scams and pitfalls. Therefore, a discerning approach and due diligence are essential.
In essence, making money online from home is not merely a financial endeavor; it represents a paradigm shift in how individuals can shape their professional destinies, fostering a sense of empowerment, autonomy, and the potential for self-discovery in the vast landscape of the digital age.
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kstarvibes · 6 months
BLACKPINK's Solo Moves: A Daring Dance of Independence - My Thoughts
Hey K-pop enthusiasts and BLACKPINK stans! Let’s look into BLACKPINK’s latest plot twist: their venture into solo projects while still slaying as a group. It’s not just about dropping beats and catchy hooks now; these queens are flipping the script on what it means to be in a K-pop girl group! Jennie, Jisoo, Rosé, Lisa: Solo Stars on the Rise First up, Jennie’s making boss moves with her…
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demujeresblog · 7 months
inDrive lanza su división de corporate venture capital 
New Ventures invertirá hasta 100 millones de dólares en empresas prometedoras que desafíen la injusticia. inDrive, la plataforma global de movilidad y servicios urbanos, anunció el lanzamiento de una nueva división de corporate venture capital, que tendrá como objetivo invertir hasta 100 millones de dólares en startups prometedoras. El experimentado empresario y profesional de inversiones…
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kp777 · 6 months
By Olivia Rosane
Common Dreams
Jan. 9, 2024
"I won't allow for them to continue to poison my kids," one Gulf Coast environmental justice advocate said.
Climate advocates and frontline community leaders published a letter Tuesday urging concerned individuals to join them in Washington, D.C., in early February for a sit-in at the Department of Energy where they will demand that it end the expansion of liquefied natural gas exports.
Stopping the LNG buildout has emerged as a major priority for the climate movement in recent months, as just one proposed project, Venture Global's Calcasieu Pass 2 (CP2) facility, would emit 20 times more climate pollution than the controversial Willow oil drilling project in Alaska. But CP2 is only one of more than 20 LNG export facilities planned for the Gulf Coast, which would have combined emissions that exceed those of the European Union or 850 coal plants, Stop LNG said in a statement.
"If [President Joe Biden] wants to be a true climate president, his administration will stop the approval of new LNG facilities. If not we'll keep pushing until they do," letter signatory and Gulf Coast environmental justice organizer Roishetta Ozane wrote on social media. "I won't allow for them to continue to poison my kids."
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The action is planned for February 6-8 at the Department of Energy. "We're writing to ask you to do something hard but important: Come to Washington D.C. in the middle of this winter, to join a demonstration and, if you can, risk arrest in a large-scale civil disobedience action," the letter—which was signed by several prominent activists including Alexandria Villaseñor, Bill McKibben, Jane Fonda, Rebecca Solnit, and Varshini Prakash—begins.
The planned direct action builds on months of pressure on the administration to stop the planned expansion of LNG exports, including a petition to the DOE signed by more than 300,000 people and a letter to Biden signed by more than 170 scientists. Polling from Data for Progress and Fossil Free Media found that 60% of likely voters would support the Biden administration limiting LNG exports.
"We need the DOE to tell the president the truth: Expanding LNG damages our climate, and economy, and the communities forced to live alongside these facilities."
"It's time to convince the Department of Energy to stop licensing new export terminals for liquefied natural gas," Tuesday's letter reads. "Time after time they've approved these proposals, so the U.S. is now the biggest exporter of gas on Earth—and that volume could quadruple if the industry has its way. There's no bigger climate bomb left on planet Earth."
There are signs the administration is paying attention to the growing clamor and may be open to a change in policy. On Monday, Politico reported that the DOE was reviewing its decision-making process for approval LNG projects to make sure that it was considering the climate, economic, and security impacts.
"This would be smart policy and good politics," Jamie Henn of Fossil Free Media posted in response to the news.
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The letter states that organizers "need the administration to stop CP2—the next big facility up for approval—and all other facilities by committing to a serious pause to rework the criteria for public interest designation, incorporating the latest science and economics, before any such facility is permitted," the letter reads.
"We need the DOE to tell the president the truth: Expanding LNG damages our climate, and economy, and the communities forced to live alongside these facilities," it continues. "That includes the land, water, and air in Louisiana and Texas, where most of these facilities are built—it's why some of us have fought on the front lines for years. We've rushed kids with asthma attacks to the hospital, seen our fishing spots and beaches polluted with chemicals, and breathe air filled with poisons everyday. We know what's at stake."
The letter writers said that they had committed "to keep this action peaceful in word, mood, and action." Those who cannot travel to D.C. may participate in solidarity actions from their home. Those who do plan to participate should sign up on stoplng.org. They will need to complete online training, including one session the night before risking arrest.
"2023 saw the hottest weather on this planet in at least 125,000 years; we think it is an honor to rise in defense of the planet we love, and the places where we live," the letter concludes. "Thank you for considering joining in."
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entrepreneurshipinau · 9 months
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parititalent · 5 months
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Crafting a Secure Financial Future: Navigating Retirement Planning with Ashish Aggarwal ACube Ventures
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