#EQT Corporation
House Democrats launch probe of Trump’s dinner with oil executives | The Washington Post
House Democrats are launching an investigation into Donald Trump’s meeting with oil executives last month at his Mar-a-Lago Club, where the former president asked the executives to steer $1 billion to his 2024 campaign and promised to reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental policies.
The probe comes after The Washington Post on Thursday first reported the fundraising dinner, where Trump said that giving $1 billion would be a “deal” because of the taxation and regulation the oil companies would avoid thanks to him, according to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation.
In letters sent Monday evening, Democrats on the House Oversight Committee asked nine oil executives to provide detailed information on their companies’ participation in the meeting. The Democrats voiced concern that Trump’s request at the dinner may have been a quid pro quo and may have violated campaign finance laws, although experts say his conduct probably did not cross the threshold of being illegal.
Lawmakers sent the letters to the CEOs of Cheniere Energy, Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, Continental Resources, EQT Corporation, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum and Venture Global. They also fired off a missive to the head of the American Petroleum Institute, the oil industry’s top lobbying arm in Washington.
Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.), the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, asked the executives to provide the names and titles of any company representatives who attended the Mar-a-Lago dinner, copies of any materials shared with the attendees, a description of any policy proposals discussed at the event, and a list of any contributions to the Trump campaign made during or after the event.
Raskin also asked the executives to provide a copy of any draft executive orders or policy paperwork that their companies have prepared for Trump or his campaign. Politico reported that oil industry lawyers and lobbyists have drawn up executive orders for Trump to sign in a possible second term, including directives aimed at boosting natural gas exports and offshore oil drilling.
Asked about the letter, Andrea Woods, a spokeswoman for the American Petroleum Institute, said in an email that the group “meets with policymakers and candidates from across the political spectrum on topics important to our industry that range from strengthening energy security to addressing persistent U.S. inflation.”
A Venture Global spokeswoman said of the meeting with Trump: “Venture Global regularly engages with government officials — both past and present — on a bipartisan basis and this meeting was no different. We would welcome a similar conversation with President Biden at any time.”
A spokesman for Cheniere Energy declined to comment on the letter. Spokespeople for the other oil companies did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Democrats on the Oversight Committee lack certain investigative powers because Republicans control the House. If the oil companies decline to turn over the information, Democrats will not be able to subpoena the firms, stymying their investigation.
Yet Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), a vocal climate advocate who chairs the Senate Budget Committee, which wields subpoena power, has voiced interest in launching his own probe.
Trump’s comments at the dinner are “practically an invitation to ask questions about Big Oil’s political corruption and manipulation,” Whitehouse said in an emailed statement.
“Fossil fuel malfeasance will cost Americans trillions in climate damages, and the Budget Committee is looking at how to ensure the industry cannot simply buy off politicians in order to saddle taxpayers with the bill,” he added.
At the Mar-a-Lago meeting, Trump promised to immediately end the Biden administration’s freeze on permits for new liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports in a second term, according to people who attended. He also pledged to start auctioning off more leases for oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and to reverse restrictions on drilling in the Alaskan Arctic.
Experts said Trump’s remarks at the dinner probably didn’t violate campaign finance laws as currently interpreted by the Federal Election Commission and the Supreme Court. They said a violation would need to involve a clear quid pro quo in which Trump promised to take a specific policy action in exchange for a specific campaign contribution.
“This alone is probably not enough to indicate the existence of a quid pro quo,” said Dan Weiner, director of elections and government at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s law school.
Trump “was doing what candidates often do, which is saying, ‘Please give me money, and I will do the things that I know you want,’” Weiner added. “The brazenness is still quite astonishing, and it certainly flies in the face of the spirit of the law, if not the letter.”
Former Obama White House ethics adviser Norm Eisen, a Trump critic and prominent supporter of the four criminal cases against him, agreed.
“I’m not saying it’s a violation of the law,” said Eisen, who served as special counsel to the House’s first impeachment of Trump. “But it raises serious questions, and it’s a reminder of why we have those laws on the books.”
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uniteds · 1 year
Chances we get some concrete developments with the sale at the United AGM tomorrow?
I don’t think we will get news for a while tbh. This isn’t an answer to your ask but I do want to say it:
I was thinking about this and talking to my dad and I wonder if a lot of the hold up is just how large the deal is. It’s an estimated 4-6 billion dollar acquisition of a publicly traded corporation, which is not just unprecedented for football, but it’s a pretty much unheard of in sports in general. Chelsea came close, but they weren’t publicly traded and the sanctions by the UK government made that a uniquely easy acquisition. So, we’re looking at a deal that football has never done to the scale it has - which means there’s probably a lot of new ground to cover re: the SEC and other regulatory authorities.
Second, even if you look at Qatar, this is unprecedented for a sovereign wealth fund acquisition as well. The largest M&A from a sovereign wealth fund in 2022 was GIC (Singapore) acquiring EQT (a private equity firm) for 6.8 billion. Our deal is roughly two times the second highest and more than two times what it took PIF to buy golf. The more I think about it, the delay seems less like united dragging their feet (which I can see why people would think that bc on brand etc) but more that this is all relatively uncharted territory for M&A.
That’s why it annoys me when journalists treat the sale like the sale of a player.
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fmarkets · 1 month
In a remarkable turn of events, Monday?s stock market witnessed significant boosts, notably within the Aluminum and Tire Manufacturing industries. As of August 19, 2024, the Aluminum industry soared by 5.02%, buoyed by a stellar 5.53% rise in Alcoa Corp (NYSE: AA). Not far behind, the Tire Manufacturing sector lifted the market by an impressive 4.85%, showcasing the positive investor sentiment reverberating from a strong close the previous Friday. Additionally, the Computer Peripherals and Office Equipment industry registered a notable 4.17% increase, contributing to the market?s overall bullish outlook. This upward momentum was primarily driven by a mix of optimistic earnings reports and significant corporate developments across various industries. The U.S. Census Bureau?s Quarterly Retail E-Commerce Report for Q2 2024 further anchored the market?s positive sentiment. Stocks in the news included notable movements such as Sendas Distributor S.A. (NYSE: ASAI), which surged by 6.08%, along with the Federal National Mortgage Association (OTCBB: FNMA), which saw an uplift of 4.96%. Other key gainers included Albemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB), climbing 4.57%, and EQT Cor https://csimarket.com/news/news_markets.php?date=2024-08-19T19490&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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isfeed · 2 months
EQT takes a majority stake in cybersecurity firm Acronis at $3.5B+ valuation
Cybersecurity remains a white-hot space for investors. In the latest example of that demand, EQT has bought a majority stake in Acronis, a security company that specializes in data protection, cloud and integrated security solutions for managed service providers (which resell services to consumers) and corporate IT teams. The size and value of the stake, […] © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights…
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Tracking emissions to help companies reduce their environmental footprint
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/tracking-emissions-to-help-companies-reduce-their-environmental-footprint/
Tracking emissions to help companies reduce their environmental footprint
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Amidst a global wave of corporate pledges to decarbonize or reach net-zero emissions, a system for verifying actual greenhouse gas reductions has never been more important. Context Labs, founded by former MIT Sloan Fellow and serial entrepreneur Dan Harple SM ’13, is rising to meet that challenge with an analytics platform that brings more transparency to emissions data.
The company’s platform adds context to data from sources like equipment sensors and satellites, provides third-party verification, and records all that information on a blockchain. Context Labs also provides an interactive view of emissions across every aspect of a company’s operations, allowing leaders to pinpoint the dirtiest parts of their business.
“There’s an old adage: Unless you measure something, you can’t change it,” says Harple, who is the firm’s CEO. “I think of what we’re doing as an AI-driven digital lens into what’s happening across organizations. Our goal is to help the planet get better, faster.”
Context Labs is already working with some of the largest energy companies in the world — including EQT, Williams Companies, and Coterra Energy — to verify emissions reductions. A partnership with Microsoft, announced at last year’s COP28 United Nations climate summit, allows any organization on Microsoft’s Azure cloud to integrate their sensor data into Context Lab’s platform to get a granular view of their environmental impact.
Harple says the progress enables more informed sustainability initiatives at scale. He also sees the work as a way to combat overly vague statements about sustainable practices that don’t lead to actual emissions reductions, or what’s known as “greenwashing.”
“Just producing data isn’t good enough, and our customers realize that, because they know even if they have good intentions to reduce emissions, no one is going to believe them,” Harple says. “One way to think about our platform is as antigreenwashing insurance, because if you get attacked for your emissions, we unbundle the data like it’s in shrink-wrap and roll it back through time on the blockchain. You can click on it and see exactly where and how it was measured, monitored, timestamped, its serial number, everything. It’s really the gold standard of proof.”
An unconventional master’s
Harple came to MIT as a serial founder whose companies had pioneered several foundational internet technologies, including real-time video streaming technology still used in applications like Zoom and Netflix, as well as some of the core technology for the popular Chinese microblogging website Weibo.
Harple’s introduction to MIT started with a paper he wrote for his venture capital contacts in the U.S. to make the case for investment in the Netherlands, where he was living with his family. The paper caught the attention of MIT Professor Stuart Madnick, the John Norris Maguire Professor of Information Technology at the MIT Sloan School of Management, who suggested Harple come to MIT as a Sloan Fellow to further develop his ideas about what makes a strong innovation ecosystem.
Having successfully founded and exited multiple companies, Harple was not a typical MIT student when he began the Sloan Fellows program in 2011. At one point, he held a summit at MIT for a group of leading Dutch entrepreneurs and government officials that included tours of major labs and a meeting with former MIT President L. Rafael Reif.
“Everyone was super enamored with MIT, and that kicked off what became a course that I started at MIT called REAL, Regional Entrepreneurial Acceleration Lab,” Harple says. REAL was eventually absorbed by what is now REAP — the Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program, which has worked with communities around the world.
Harple describes REAL as a framework vehicle to put his theories on supporting innovation into action. Over his time at MIT, which also included collaborating with the Media Lab, he systematized those theories into what he calls pentalytics, which is a way to measure and predict the resilience of innovation ecosystems.
“My sense was MIT should be analytical and data-driven,” Harple says. “The thesis I wrote was a framework for AI-driven network graph analytics. So, you can model things using analytics, and you can use AI to do predictive analytics to see where the innovation ecosystem is going to thrive.”
Once Harple’s pentalytics theory was established, he wanted to put it to the test with a company. His initial idea for Context Labs was to build a verification platform to combat fake news, deepfakes, and other misinformation on the internet. Around 2018, Harple met climate investor Jeremy Grantham, who he says helped him realize the most important data are about the planet. Harple began to believe that U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions estimates for things like driving a car or operating an oil rig were just that — estimates — and left room for improvement.
“Our approach was very MIT-ish,” Harple says. “We said, ‘Let’s, measure it and let’s monitor it, and then let’s contextualize that data so you can never go back and say they faked it. I think there’s a lot of fakery that’s happened, and that’s why the voluntary carbon markets cratered in the last year. Our view is they cratered because the data wasn’t empirical enough.”
Context Labs’ solution starts with a technology platform it calls Immutably that continuously combines disparate data streams, encrypts that information, and records it on a blockchain. Immutably also verifies the information with one or more third parties. (Context Labs has partnered with the global accounting firm KPMG.)
On top of Immutably, Context Labs has built applications, including a product called Decarbonization-as-a-Service (DaaS), which uses Immutably’s data to give companies a digital twin of their entire operations. Customers can use DaaS to explore the emissions of their assets and create a certificate of verified CO2-equivalent emissions, which can be used in carbon credit markets.
Putting emissions data into context
Context Labs is working with oil and gas companies, utilities, data centers, and large industrial operators, some using the platform to analyze more than 3 billion data points each day. For instance, EQT, the largest natural gas producer in the U.S., uses Context Labs to verify its lower-emission products and create carbon credits. Other customers include the nonprofits Rocky Mountain Institute and the Environmental Defense Fund.
“I often get asked how big the total addressable market is,” Harple says. “My view is it’s the largest market in history. Why? Because every country needs a decarbonization plan, along with instrumentation and a digital platform to execute, as does every company.”
With its headquarters in Kendall Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Context Labs is also serving as a test for Harple’s pentalytics theory for innovation ecosystems. It also has operations in Houston and Amsterdam.
“This company is a living lab for pentalytics,” Harple says. “I believe Kendall Square 1.0 was factory buildings, Kendall Square 2.0 is biotech, and Kendall Square 3.0 will be climate tech.”
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justiceheartwatcher · 2 months
US oil, gas hit record production despite opposition from OPEC, activists, Biden administration | Just The News
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insideoutvietnam · 3 months
SHAREHOLDER INVESTIGATION: Halper Sadeh LLC Investigates ETRN, HCP, SLCA on Behalf of Shareholders
NEW YORK, June 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Halper Sadeh LLC, an investor rights law firm, is investigating the following companies for potential violations of the federal securities laws and/or breaches of fiduciary duties to shareholders relating to: Equitrans Midstream Corporation (NYSE: ETRN)’s sale to EQT Corporation for 0.3504 shares of EQT common stock for each outstanding share of…
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
A top U.S. House Democrat announced Tuesday that he is demanding answers from fossil fuel executives after Washington Post reporting revealed last week that former Republican President Donald Trump recently told industry leaders he would gut climate regulations if they raised $1 billion for his 2024 presidential campaign.
Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin, ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability, on Monday wrote to the heads of the American Petroleum Institute (API) and eight companies: Cheniere Energy, Chesapeake Energy, Chevron, Continental Resources, EQT Corporation, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum, and Venture Global LNG.
Raskin's letters note that the executives "appear to have attended" Trump's fundraising dinner at Mar-a-Lago in Florida last month and "media reports raise significant potential ethical, campaign finance, and legal issues that would flow from the effective sale of American energy and regulatory policy to commercial interests in return for large campaign contributions."
"Mr. Trump's unvarnished quid pro quo offer is especially troubling evidence in light of recent accounts that the 'U.S. oil industry is drawing up ready-to-sign executive orders for Donald Trump aimed at pushing natural gas exports, cutting drilling costs, and increasing offshore oil leases in case he wins a second term,'" he wrote, citing Politico. "These preparatory actions suggest that certain oil and gas companies, which have a track record of using deceitful tactics to undermine effective climate policy, may have already accepted or facilitated Mr. Trump's explicit corrupt bargain."
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[ad_1] Chick-Fil-A is boosting its fowl quick meals distribution in South Florida after buying a Weston warehouse for $50.5 million. An affiliate of the Atlanta-based chain purchased the 207,335-square-foot facility at 3225 Meridian Parkway that was accomplished in 1995, data present. The deal breaks right down to $244 per sq. foot. The vendor, a fund managed by Boston-based Cabot Properties, paid $30 million for the 15.8-acre industrial web site in 2019, data present. The property is within the Weston Park of Commerce. The acquisition marks Chick-fil-A's first acquisition of a South Florida warehouse to provide and distribute meals to its eating places in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Seaside counties. The quick meals chain, led by CEO Andrew Truett Cathy, owns 9 different distribution facilities within the Midwest and South US In 2020, Chick-Fil-A entered the South Florida market by asserting it could open seven eating places within the area. Since then, the corporate has opened 47 Chick-fil-A shops in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Seaside counties. Industrial trades in South Florida stay regular. Final month, EQT Exeter, a Radnor, Pennsylvania-based actual property funding belief, acquired a warehouse and workplace constructing in Doral for $14.5 million. In January, Boston-based Longpoint Companions paid $30 million for six industrial services close to Medley and Doral. The buildings have a mixed 126,050 sq. toes of warehouse house. The identical month, Coral Gables-based ComReal offered Lakes Edge Innovation Heart, an 80,158-square-foot warehouse in Doral. Aventura-based actual property investor Sebastian Guejman paid $17.5 million for the property. Additionally in January, a three way partnership between Baltimore, Maryland-based ABR Capital, and Darien, Connecticut-based East Capital Companions paid $38.5 million for six industrial warehouses and two workplace buildings close to Medley. Miami-based Cofe Properties offered the portfolio. Within the fourth quarter, the economic market in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Seaside counties had emptiness charges of three.2 %, 3.5 % and 4.2 %, respectively, based on a CBRE report. The common asking lease within the tri-county area was about $15.60 per sq. foot. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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nuovaalta2 · 7 months
2024-02-20 $EQT #2024-02-20
In a move that reflects its successful performance and commitment to shareholder value, EQT Corporation (NYSE: EQT) has announced its quarterly cash dividend of $0.1575 per share. The leading American natural gas producer and midstream service provider released this exciting news on February 8, 2024, revealing their dedication to providing consistent returns to their shareholders. With their unwavering focus on sustainable and profitable growth, EQT Corporation continues to solidify its position as an industry leader. This dividend declaration serves as a testament to their achievements and promises a bright future for the company and its stakeholders. Dividend Details: EQT Corporation*s Board of Directors voted in favor of the quarterly cash dividend, which will be payable to shareholders on March 1, 2024. To be eligible for the dividend, investors must be recorded as shareholders at the close of business on February 20, 2024. With this announcement, EQT Corporation aims to reward its loyal and long-term shareholders while incentivizing potential investors to join the company*s growth journey. The dividend payout reaffirms the company*s commitment to distributing profits and fostering a mutually beneficial relationship with its shareholders. https://csimarket.com/stocks/EQT-Dividend-Comparisons.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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msclaritea · 1 year
Francois-Henri Pinault nears $7B deal for Hollywood talent agency CAA | Fortune
French luxury billionaire nears $7 billion deal for Hollywood talent giant CAA, home to Brad Pitt
Francois-Henri Pinault is pursuing Creative Artists Agency, which also represents his wife, Salma Hayek.
August 31, 2023 1:09 PM EDT
François-Henri Pinault and Salma Hayek Pinault attend the Kering Women In Motion Awards during the Kering and Cannes Film Festival Official Dinner on May 21, 2023 in Cannes, France. Anthony Ghnassia—Getty Images for Kering
French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault is close to a $7 billion deal to buy a majority stake in Creative Artists Agency, the Hollywood talent giant that’s home to actor Brad Pitt and basketball’s Chris Paul, according to people familiar with the matter.
Pinault, whose family controls a luxury goods empire, is seeking the majority stake held by private equity firm TPG Inc., said the people, who asked not to be identified because the deal hasn’t been announced. Temasek Holdings Pte, the Singapore government’s investment firm, may also increase its stake in CAA by buying out China’s CMC Capital, the people said. While the deal could fall apart, the parties are expected to conclude negotiations in the next couple weeks.
The $7 billion valuation of CAA marks an increase from the $5.5 billion placed on the business last year when it acquired rival agency ICM Partners. Pinault, 61, is seeking one of Hollywood’s most stable and powerful institutions at a challenging time for media deals. Valuations of most media companies have slipped due to the collapse of pay TV, rising interest rates and strikes by writers and actors.
Yet the Pinault family sees CAA as a way to invest in the value of celebrities, and may be able to use some of those famous faces to bolster its other businesses. The family is the biggest shareholder in Kering SA, the owner of Gucci and other luxury brands. The Pinaults also control the auction house Christie’s and wineries via a holding company. Pinault’s wife, actress Salma Hayek, is represented by CAA.
Founded in 1975 by partners including Michael Ovitz and Ron Meyer, CAA has grown into the largest agency in Hollywood. It’s a top representative of actors, directors, writers, producers, athletes and musicians. Bryan Lourd, Kevin Huvane and Richard Lovett have run the agency since the mid-1990s when they were known as young turks. All three are expected to remain with the company.
Major Hollywood talent agencies have all raised money over the last decade to expand into new businesses. Endeavor Group Holdings Inc. has been the most aggressive, buying Ultimate Fighting Championship, Professional Bull Riders and, most recently, World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. Its talent agency, WME, now accounts for about a third of sales and profit. United Talent Agency, the third-largest firm, sold a stake to Swedish private equity firm EQT AB last year.
Rumors about CAA’s future have swirled for years because private equity firms don’t typically own companies for years and years. TPG first invested in CAA back in 2010 and acquired a majority stake in 2014. CAA hasn’t expanded as aggressively as Endeavor. It has focused on its core talent representation, as well as corporate consulting. It built one of the largest sports agencies in the world.
As part of the deal, the company may give agents with equity the chance to sell a small portion of their shares, according to the people, and will ask a select number to sign new contracts that will keep them at the firm for the next few years.
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CFIUS Clearance: EQT Infrastructure And Covanta Holding Corporation – Inward/ Foreign Investment – Worldwide
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fmarkets · 10 months
Market Turmoil: A Deep Dive into the Morning Trade Session's Slump on November 27, 2023 The global stock market commenced the day on a dismal note on Monday, November 27, 2023. Several key stocks showed a downward trend, with the likes of Chewy Inc (CHWY) suffering a decline of 4.51% and mining leader Southern Copper Corp (SCCO) down by 2.62%. Other underperformers included Albemarle Corporation (ALB), Keycorp (KEY), Eqt Corporation (EQT), Darling Ingredients Inc (DAR), and Range Resources Corporation (RRC). The reported earnings of several companies were also in the spotlight, consequently adding spice to today's trading scene. These included earnings reports of Scotts Miracle gro Co, Twist Bioscience Corporation, Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Inc, Anavex Life Sciences Corp, Trutankless Inc, Borrowmoney.com Inc, Ene https://csimarket.com/news/news_markets.php?date=2023-11-27T14521&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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energypowernews · 2 years
Natural Gas Industry Trends, Revenue, Opportunity, Forecast to 2031
What is Natural Gas?
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Natural gas is a mixture of several hydrocarbons majorly accounting for 90% of methane with other hydrocarbons such as ethane, propane, and others.
Usually, fewer amounts of nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, helium, carbon dioxide, and other hydrocarbon are also present in natural gas.
The natural gas market size was valued at $300.4 trillion in 2021, and is projected to reach $424.7 trillion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 3.4% from 2022 to 2031.
Get Free Sample PDF: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/7726
The report profiled key players that operate in the market, including ConocoPhillips, Chevron Corporation, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Eni, General Electric, GAZPROM NEFT PJSC, Lukoil, Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Royal Dutch Shell Plc, and Total SE.
Other players that operate in the value chain of the global natural gas market include China National Petroleum (CNPC), Saudi Arabian Oil Co, BP, Rosneft Oil Co., Cabot, Range Resources, Ascent Resources Utica Holdings, Chesapeake, EQT, CNX Resources, Gulfport Energy, Devon Energy, Anadarko, EOG Resources, Ultra Petroleum, etc.
Expansion in infrastructure of global economies, interdependencies on electric and gas, growth of transportation worldwide, along with growing several end use industries are the major drivers that boost the growth of the global natural gas market.
These natural gases have proved to be very useful in commercial as well as residential sectors, which, in turn, gives traction to the natural gas market growth globally.
There are numerous advantages associated with natural gas with significant uses such as for heating purposes, industrial uses, and the generation of electricity.
Hence, to improve global sales, manufacturers of natural gas expand their distribution channel by growing strategic partnerships, investment, and other activities.
The rise in demand for natural gas from residential consumers, the rapid growth of smart city infrastructure, and the rise in investment toward the upgradation of aged government infrastructure are the key factors that significantly contribute toward the growth of the global natural gas market trends.
Buy Now 182 Pages Report PDF: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/natural-gas-market/purchase-options
Another factor fueling the global market demand is its increasing use in the transportation industry as a vehicle fuel, which is widely utilized in the vehicles such as trucks and others.
Other applications include agriculture, and the food & beverages industry. These industries use natural gas as a fuel in the production process of plastics, fertilizers, fabrics, and others.
The expansion of the electric power industry with the growing power stations in China, and the US, electric power transmission, and distribution of electricity act as a driving factor for the global natural gas market.
North America is expected to grow at the fastest rate, registering a CAGR of 3.9%, throughout the forecast period.
Industrial sector is also the fastest-growing application segment in the global natural gas market forecast for 2022-2031 with a CAGR of 3.9%.
In 2021, Europe dominated the global natural gas market with more than 37.0% of the share, in terms of revenue.
In 2021, the methane segment accounted for about 90% of the share in the global natural gas market and is expected to maintain its dominance till the end of the forecast period.
In 2021, the industrial segment accounted for 37.32% global natural gas market share in the year 2021 and is anticipated to grow at a rate of 3.9% in terms of revenue, increasing its share in the global natural gas market.
The low volatility of natural gas with low energy density is anticipated to hamper the growth of the global natural gas market.
Browse Full Report: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/natural-gas-market-A07361
A rise in investment downstream by major producers is expected to create potential growth opportunities for key players in this market.
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opofinance · 2 years
📊Stock market today: Dow wobbles as China unrest rattles stocks
📊Stock market today: Dow wobbles as China unrest rattles stocks
🔸The Dow fell sharply Monday, as investor sentiment was hurt by Federal Reserve officials reiterating a stance for rates to remain higher for longer at a time when the impact of civil unrest in China stoked fears about slowing global growth.
🔹The Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped 1.5%, or 497 points, the Nasdaq fell 1.6%, and the S&P 500 fell 1.5%,
🔸Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard said markets were “underpricing risk that the FOMC will have to be more aggressive rather than less aggressive in order to tame the substantial inflation in the U.S.”
🔹Bullard has previously said the Fed may need to lift rates to within a 5% to 7% range. The remarks arrived on the heels of the comments from John Williams, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, who echoed that inflation was “far too high.”
🔸The remarks soured investor sentiment further, pushing the broader market deeper into the red following a tepid start to the week amid reports of social unrest in China over Covid restrictions.
🔹Tech led the move lower, pressured by Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) following reports that the tech giant could see production shortfall of six million iPhone Pro models because of the disruptions at supplier Foxconn in China.
🔸Others on Wall Street also flagged concerns, with Wedbush estimating iPhone shortages that “could take off roughly at least 5% of units in the quarter and potentially up to 10% depending on the next few weeks in China around Foxconn production and protests.”
🔹Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:META) fell more than 2%, while Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOGL) slipped more than 1%.
🔸Energy stocks also fell victim to reports of social unrest in China as oil prices fell on concerns about softening demand in China, the world’s top energy exporter.
🔹EQT Corporation (NYSE:EQT), Pioneer Natural Resources (NYSE:PXD) , and Diamondback Energy (NASDAQ:FANG) were the biggest decliners in the energy sector.
🔸Consumer stocks also ended the day in red, though losses were kept in check by rallying casino stocks including Wynn Resorts (NASDAQ:WYNN) and Las Vegas Sands (NYSE:LVS) after receiving provisional licenses from Chinese government to continue operating in Macau.
🔹In other news, Taboola (NASDAQ:TBLA) surged nearly 40% after announcing Yahoo had taken a 25% stake in the advertising company as part of 30-year commercial agreement in which the company will provide native advertising services.
#news , November 29th, 2022 🌏 www.OpoFinance.net
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