#Verma Family Diary
fansofav-blog · 5 years
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ANCA VERMA AT GIVING BACK INDIA CSR LEADERSHIP SUMMIT 2019 India CSR, India’s largest CSR Network organized mega annual forum Giving Back India CSR Leadership Summit 2019 in New Delhi on 1 April first at PHD House.
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srbachchan · 4 years
DAY 4713
 Jalsa, Mumbai                    Jan 24/25,  2021                   Sun/Mon  1:35 AM
Birthday Ef - Priyanka Verma .. Monday, January 25 .. and the greetings for you from the entire Ef family wishes and love ..❤️
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... the graph of the philharmonic , drums a beat inside the very interiors of the body .. it drills it , captures the rhythm of the silence and inserts it in .. that insisting beat .. that incessant thrust .. and then just a s suddenly the lower notes permeate pulling at the strings of the heart .. it sways in the genesis genetics .. pulling away for a while and then piercing the notes ..
.. i sit in the silence of the night .. 
.. and am tempted to share an interaction ..
.. its so beautiful ..
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Thank you for this gift.I like this poem very much - and not merely because it came from you, and out of you. That would be enough, but I like this poem much because of what it does, that it does much with sparsity, perhaps more with its sparsity by means of it.And it sounds like you in this too.I like the way your father took it in hand and embraced it as he embraced your body.I remember being taken to a pool at Breach Candy, some kind of private club it was; perhaps it was in 1999. I did not wish to go to that pool so I remember the black rocks of the sea there as they were interesting to me - your hospital room must have looked out at these rocks.An interesting place to put a hospital - I suppose for the cleaner sea air. But between land and sea, emptiness and urban bustle, illness and recovery, how interesting to situate a hospital on a threshold like this. ‘Liminality’ I believe is the word - time must have expanded and contracted as you lay there, perhaps sometimes folding like sheets, sometimes folding like tides and waves at others, inside and outside. So there is whiteness in solitude for you ever since, seared into your soul by acute pain. But I am comforted that inside there are the clean linens of a well-laundered inner life to accompany other whitenesses you have shared with me here. I wonder what many whites your father saw in your poem as he translated it; I believe white the colour of mourning in India? But in the photo of you returned home, perhaps white for him may have been indelibly intermingled with joy.
... forgiveness for this intrusion .. but it is private and anonymous , for all except for me .. 
it came from a provocation that read below a snow white exterior of a part of the landscape in England :
‘ warm greetings from the English Dark Interior. It is a delight what the snow does to the light - and sound. All quiet in its muffled pristine cloak. Cries of delight from the landlord’s children somewhere off in the whiteness ‘
..’ You’ve been much in my thoughts this morning. I’ve been re- reading your father’s poem on the Himalayan peaks, wondering about all the things this ‘whiteness’ around me does to the human soul ‘
and my response ..
So beautiful .. silence .. whiteness .. and the care of nature cure .. 
And then the mail of the Hospital and my poem and Babuji’s immediate translation and his emotion when I finally came home ..
... and the beat gradually fades away .. leaving the silence on its own .. quiet and undisturbed by the 2 am timing on the timer in my front .. no .. it is not beckoning me to the slumber retire .. it gives impetus to remain in the company that has borne four thousand four hundred and thirteen days  .. 
.. the mind and the heart desirous of sharing so much .. but that is diary .. that is memoir .. that is in self .. that is in the ‘I’ .. that shall be , watch me read me experience me .. 
.. rubbish ..
there is nothing of worth and value in mine .. all about yes , but not in the mine moi .. that remains inside .. to grave .. 
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Amitabh Bachchan 
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liveindiatimes · 4 years
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Did you become a curfew cliché? - india news
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A global stereotype of lockdown life is slowly emerging. But how much of it fits you?
india Updated: Jun 07, 2020 04:38 IST
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A cyclist rides past a mural – paying tribute to forntline coronavirus workers amid the lockdown, near Garhi Chowk, in New Delhi(Sanjeev Verma/HT PHOTO)
Depending on where you are, you’re probably emerging from months indoors or hoping to. And you’ve probably been doing the same things as everyone else to cope. A global stereotype of lockdown life is slowly emerging. But how much of it fits you? Ten points for each statement that holds true:
You waited for bananas to turn ripe so you could bake banana bread.
You wondered if you should attempt sourdough bread.
You wore formals from the waist up for a Zoom call with the office or with clients.
You joined or hosted an InstaLive. It was easier than you imagined.
You used Netflix and other streaming accounts so often you got to know their recommendations by heart. And you resisted watching Friends or The Big Bang Theory again.
You caved and were on Season 3 before you realised it.
You mastered at least one at-home exercise: yoga, Zumba, or some form of aerobics.
You filled a virtual shopping cart, knowing that the site wasn’t delivering, just to feel normal.
Your work bag, handbag or office backpack, usually in sight on a table or shelf, was stowed in a cupboard.
You finally figured out what podcasts are.
You called a friend or family member for help with the cooking. Should I add chaat masala if there’s no aamchur? Can I bake with glazed ceramic? Why is the pressure cooker hissing?
You started to use teaspoons mindfully. Because 15 of them can pile up in the sink from just making a cup of coffee, if you’re not careful.
You wondered which day of the week it was. It was always Wednesday or Thursday.
You lied to a colleague or client about being busy, so you could sneak in a nap.
You judged a celebrity by his kitchen, an academic by her bookshelf and a stand-up comic by the living room in the background of their posts and videos.
You were on at least one WhatsApp group discussing which day the market was open, if mushrooms were in stock, and who was delivering mangoes.
You coughed once and spent the day googling Covid symptoms and mentally writing your will. It was just the dust.
You played the Guess The Gibberish game on Instagram, but were terrible at it so you didn’t share your video.
You had one friend who became an overnight expert on urban epidemiology, doubling rates in Lombardi, PPE vs N95. Conversations were either depressing or just dull.
You have a friend who always worked from home, and watched smugly as everyone adjusted to isolation. You plan to slap them as soon as you meet.
Your score:
10-70: Are you in the same lockdown as us? How have you managed to avoid the stereotype? What’s your secret?
80-130: You’re doing all right. See you on the other side.
140-200: When they write a social history of the pandemic, it’s you they will interview. Keep a diary if you aren’t already; you stand for us all, even when you’re napping.
Over the moon about something that’s still under the radar? Tell me at [email protected]
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beingsecure · 7 years
Enriched & Enlightened #PSOSMatIIITH
Being Master’s student in the field of information security at IGDTUW, My main focus of interest is “Right of BEing SECure”. To work in the same direction of an applied domain of security and privacy, the first name comes to one’s mind is Social media. It's natural as you can see your friends, family members, and relatives etc. face many security and privacy issue on such social networking platforms. Being Information security student, it’s my moral duty to learn and use skills to build up such system which can give an essence of being secure.
For the same cause, I was fortunate to join summer school on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media at IIITH organized by Precog research under the supervision of PK sir.
#PSOSMatIIITH was not only hash tag on social media, it was like a shower of knowledge in every desirable dimension in the field on online social networks(OSN), which results in a rainbow of different aspects of security, privacy, and sociology in the context of OSNs.
The journey began in the way that my Guide Prof. Rishabh Kaushal told us about this summer school on PSOSM and boost up students to join it to explore eternity of different issue of OSNs. As I was already familiar with PK sir’s work as being his NPTEL student for #PSOSM course, so I decided to join #PSOSMatIIITH. Along with me, there were 14 more students from my college IGDTUW, who joined this summer school with same enthusiasm from 3rd JULY 2017 to 7th July 2017.
This summer school made happen so many things to me first time like my first flight and first ever time being in Hyderabad that too in IIIT.
#DAY0- After letting feet in IIITH on 2nd JULY 2017- there is ‘technical issue solving session’ by PreCog’s http://precog.iiitd.edu.in/ mentors team which had reached one day before us to help us at max. Almost all queries were solved by mentors and everything was setup for the beginning of summer school.
Breakfast at IIITH mess was yummy, and I was totally in flavor of #PSOSMatIIITH after getting #PSOSMatIIITH kit ;)
The introduction of summer school: PK sir explained us – WHY we are here, what should be our aim and how should we gain max out of this summer school.
Dr. Vasudev Verma sparked the wisdom to do great in summer school by calling us “SOCIAL MEDIA Soldier”, whose fight is against unwanted elements over different OSNs.
Mr. ROB Sherman (DP officer at FACEBOOK), gave his talk about dedicated efforts of Facebook in direction of “making privacy personal”. QA session was mind blowing as new ideas were there on the desk. After his talk, there was a short break, which was intended to have interaction with speakers. PK Sir’s was the main emphasis was on everyone should get interact with as many intellectuals as possible.  Interaction with Mr. ROB was awesome.
After then, Dr. Krishna Gummadi’s talk was on “Targeted advertising on social Media: Transparency, control, fairness, and privacy.
Now it was the time of getting our hands dirty in lab session under potential mentor Divyansh (Research Associate at IIITD).We have dedicated mentors also for the full day. Every mentor including Anupma, Srishti, Neetu, and Kushagra was so helping that it seriously made life easy at #PSOSMatIIITH.
Next lab session was with Kushagra (Research Associate at IIITD).Mentors were helping everyone for small to big issue. We were gaining hacks from their experience of years, which they gained by hard work in OSNs.
3rd talk on the same day was by Dr. Manish Gupta on “Social Network Analysis”.
In this way, the Full day was caricatured by #PSOSM team as most worthy day.
Another Best thing about summer school was the perfect management of food with exact timings by the administration, special Thanks to Pooja ma’am and prof. Suryakanth v. Gangashetty.
I explained DAY1 in this much detail because I can’t cut it short.
#DAY2: Next day I was full of Zeal and joy to learn more. The day started with Kushagra’   Discussion on various Twitter and Facebook API endpoints, Rate limits & Data Collection from Twitter and Graph API as lab session.
Dr.Vasudev was once again on the floor. We were honored to get light on “Social networks- Noise and signals”.
I was amazed to see what real people were doing in the real world, how they think, how they select problem, how they contribute to making a better online society, how they present their work so elegantly so beautifully. They love to take our question. They just love to satisfy our query. People were getting light on their ideas, getting correct direction and it was feeling to be at the right place with right brains at right time.
After prof. Anupma Joshi's Talk on “Security, privacy, and social Media”, we moved to lab session by Divyansh.
Now PK sir was there to boost up us by collecting manual word cloud of the day, 75+ participants with different grasping of same content were speaking up their point of view on the same platform.
Finally, one more Perfect day added in Hyderabad Diary @PSOSMatIIITH.
#Day3: Day of Ideation -
The third day embedded with Lecture by Dr. Niloy Ganguly on “Computational journalism” and Lab session by Anupma (Ph.D. student at IIITD).
Now it was Ideation session was lunch, yesterday PK sir asked us to prepare our idea to present on the single slide over projector as team/individual project related to online social networks. More than 20 teams presented their ideas in front of all of us. Everyone got direction from PK on their project for this betterment. Our team including four members Astha, Chhavi, Himani and me. We presented our idea on “Scoring false/spam accounts over social media platforms”.
Here I would like to mention one more thing which touched our heart that was supporting staff at IIITH was awesome. They are quite helpful 24*7. They were abided to help us as much as they can in every possible manner. I really want to put my vote of thanks to organizing summer school at IIITH. Seems like Research is in its air.
In nutshell, Ideation session was awesome full of enjoyment with ultimate discussion between presenters and audience, plus added humor by PK sir: D
Finally, one more remarkable day added in Hyderabad Diary @PSOSMatIIITH.
Day started by Dr. Saiket Guha from Microsoft, “An OUT OF THE BOX talk”, most needed one as beginner researcher.
After then, lab session by Srishti (Ph.D. student at IIITD) on Adjusting Visualization Parameters and Basics of Social Network Analysis. Which was like a cherry on the cake of #PSOSMatIIITH learning for the beautiful representation of data.
There was one more talk by Dr.Amitava das, which was exclusively on the relationship of sociology & psychology and online social media. This led towards open challenges and way to think beyond fixed route.
 After class, it was the time when left brain met with the right brain. it was time to get colored in color of Hyderabad. There was a cultural fest organized by famous state artists. They sang beautiful Tamil and Telugu songs plus English ones too.
Finally, one more significant day added in Hyderabad Diary @PSOSMatIIITH.
D-Day came-
People say time flies, but I must say time spent at #PSOSMatIIITH will remain in the core of the heart and root of the mind.
Now it was time for most awaited talk i.e.; PK sir’s talk. He told about his super exciting projects, works, and publication. He reflected hard work done in collaboration with his student army. His impression is like Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and think what nobody has thought.
Now it was Groufie/selfie time, yes … you got it right “Certification time”. Everyone was getting the certificate of participation in #PSOSMatIIITH from PK sir.
There are few clicks from snapshot of time-
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Looking at the photograph urges me to enter in that moment anyhow and re-live those 5 days at PSOSM summer school at IIITH. I tried to put my experience in words which were never ever sufficient to defined place and role of this summer school in my life. It gave me a chance to meet with wonderful persons like Deeksha(My roomie for 5 days in Parul Nivas, IIITH), Sanchit, Alok, Arvind, Ph.D. scholar Lalit and much more. At last, I greatly appreciate IIITD, IIITH, Precog members & our mentors. I am very thankful towards Rishabh sir for guiding us to join PSOSMatIIITH. I am also grateful towards my family and my friends sp. Chhavi and Himani to support me for being in such worthy summer school #PSOSMatIIITH.
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At last but not least
PK Sir,
Any Infinite loop of “Thank you” will not be sufficient to convey my humble gratitude towards you. I am blessed to noticed by you, to heard by you and to be guided by you. Thank you so much for organizing such great Life changing #PSOSM at IIITH.
Keep Inspiring, Keep Guiding! 
Congratulations to you and your team!
-With sincere gratitude ~ Vasundhara Ghose
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happyho1-blog1 · 6 years
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‘How to be Happy’ Now Taught in Delhi’s Schools
#By Kul Bhushan
Over a million children in 1,000+ government schools in New Delhi are learning about ‘Happiness’. These pupils from one to eight standards are learning about Happiness for 45 minutes every day. For nursery and kindergarten students, the classes are held twice a week.
Launched by the Dalai Lama on 2 July 2018, this project was initiated by the Delhi government following regular news reports of increased stress to pass examinations, student violence, murders and rapes in schools. A high rate of students committing suicides after examination failure was another factor. This subject aims to make students self-aware, thankful and content to create a better society.
At the launch, the Dalai Lama said, “Modern education focusses on material values and has nothing to offer regarding inner peace. Only India has the ability to combine modern education with ancient knowledge which is necessary for fulfilment of human emotions.”
To implement it, around 18,000 teachers have been oriented in a three-day workshop to conduct Happiness classes. ‘Happiness Curriculum’ was developed by a group of 40 teachers from government schools, volunteers and educators over six months. It consists of stories and activities focusing on happiness.
The subject has no text books, no tests or examinations and consists of 40 activities including a ‘Gratitude Wall’ where students learn to thank others by writing a few lines expressing gratitude for family members who have helped in some way on that day.
Other values emphasised in this subject are: practice of meditation/mindfulness; looking for good things in life; avoiding hedonic habits; improving positive/negative ratio; applying signature strengths; varying positive emotions, among others
The entire focus of the curriculum is on monitoring and observing the status of a child’s happiness. Moreover, the teacher keeps a diary to document every child’s progress.
The Happiness period starts with a five-minute meditation during which the students close their eyes and are asked to observe what they hear. Then they recount what they heard: be it the whirring of the fan, the noise outside their breathing or their heartbeats. The junior primary classes add singing and dancing to their happiness quota in these sessions.
Then the teacher tells a story from the prescribed twenty stories after which the students talk about it in a question and answer session to turn them into mental exercises. Teachers create a situation where the students can talk about their feelings on issues such as peer pressure, exam pressure, expectation from family and bullying.
Delhi newspapers have published articles on Happiness teaching and have quoted teachers maintaining that the initial results have been positive. They have noted positive changes in the behaviour and thinking of their students and overall improvement in their attitude, for example, reduced absenteeism and indiscipline.
Asked if had seen any change in students from under-privileged sections of the society, C.S. Verma, the principal of a South Delhi school said in an article in Hindustan Times, “Yes, indeed. They are more focused on studies and unlike in the past, they are more willing to accept their mistakes.”
In a Times of India article, the principal of a school said, “Earlier, they (the teachers) used to complain about children not concentrating in class, or not turning up with completed homework. That has reduced. Children are happy in school.”
Source: https://happyho.in/how-to-be-happy-now-taught-in-delhis-schools/
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visionmpbpl-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.visionmp.com/the-case-has-become-a-bone-of-contention-between-the-state-governments-alliance-partners-pdp-and-bjp/
Trial in Kathua case begins in Pathankot, seven accused produced in court
Pathankot: The trial in the rape-and-murder case of an eight-year-old girl in Kathua began here on Thursday with seven of the eight accused being produced before the district and sessions judge after after the Supreme Court shifted the hearing outside Jammu and Kashmir.
After hearing arguments and counter arguments, the court asked the prosecution to submit translated copies of charge sheet, statements and case diaries of the case from Urdu to English to everybody, including the defence lawyers, by June 4.
A thick security blanket was thrown over the four-storey court complex as the battery of 31 lawyers representing the defence and the three-member prosecution team, led by S S Basra from Gurdaspur, faced off against each other.
Also presenting their arguments was a four-member team, representing the family.
The seven accused in the case of the rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl from a minority nomadic community in January were brought in a police bus to the Judicial Court Complex on the old Pathankot-Delhi highway around 10.40 am, and presented before District and Sessions Judge Tejwinder Singh about 50 minutes later. The eighth accused in the case is a juvenile.
According to Pathankot Bar Association president Reshpaul Thakur, such a high profile case was being heard in the Pathankot court for the first time.
The trial in the case is being held according to provisions of the Ranbir Penal Code, which is applicable in Jammu and Kashmir.
The main complainant is the uncle of the child. He is also her biological father as he had given her to his brother for adoption.
The case was transferred by the Supreme Court from Jammu and Kashmir to Pathankot in Punjab for a fair trial following a plea by the victim’s family.
The Supreme Court had asked the district and sessions judge in Pathankot to personally undertake the trial proceedings and not assign it to other session judges, stating that it would monitor the progress of trial in the case and no other courts should entertain any other plea related to the matter.
While transferring the case from Kathua to Pathankot, about 30 km away, the apex court directed day-to-day in-camera trial in the case.
A petition on the juvenile’s case is pending before Jammu and Kashmir High Court. The Crime Branch of the Jammu and Kashmir police has contested his age and submitted medical reports to back its claim.
The police has said the evidence on the juvenile and the others is the same and his trial should also be held in Pathankot.
A large number of policemen, including women personnel, were deployed within and outside the court complex. The main entrance of the complex was blocked for vehicles, including those belonging to the staffers, who were asked to park their vehicles in an adjacent complex.
CCTV vans were also deployed in the court premises to keep an eye on trouble makers.
Policemen were seen in riot gear, some armed with guns and most of them carrying batons and shields.
Special security squads armed with mine detectors and sniffer dogs were doing the rounds to sanitise the complex, where the police set up barricades outside the main door.
“All necessary arrangements are in place to ensure smooth trial in the case,” a senior police officer supervising the security arrangements in and outside the court told PTI.
The Crime Branch had submitted a charge sheet in the case on April 9 before the Kathua court.
The case came into the limelight after lawyers of the Kathua bar association reportedly tried to prevent the police from submitting the documents.
According to the 15-page charge sheet, the eight-year-old girl, who was kidnapped on January 10 this year, was allegedly raped in captivity in a small village temple in Kathua district. She was kept sedated for four days before being bludgeoned to death.
The abduction, rape and killing of the child was part of a carefully planned strategy to remove the minority nomadic community from the area, it said.
It named eight persons, including temple custodian and alleged mastermind Sanji Ram, his son Vishal, special police officers Deepak Khajuria alias ‘Deepu’ and Surender Verma, and a juvenile.
The others arrested in the case are the juvenile’s friend Parvesh Kumar alias Mannu as well as head constable Tilak Raj and sub-inspector Anand Dutta.
The case became a bone of contention between the state government’s alliance partners PDP and BJP. The saffron party had to sack two of its ministers- Chowdhury Lal Singh and Chander Prakash Ganga- for participating in a rally of the ‘Hindu Ekta Manch’ in support of the accused.
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fansofav-blog · 5 years
Anca Verma philanthropist was conferred with the Industrialist of the year CSR Leadership Summit Award on CSR day at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry auditorium in Delhi on 1st April 2019
Anca Verma, Chairperson- Olialia world and philanthropist was conferred with the Industrialist of the year CSR Leadership Summit Award on CSR day at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry auditorium in Delhi
The summit was organised at PHD Chamber of Commerce on April 1 organised by India CSR, largest CSR news network in India.
Leaders representing leading CSR spending companies shared about their CSR practices, experience, knowhow, methodology impact that they have made in the society over the last 5 years since the mandate came into being to express their commitment to the inclusive development.
India CSR Awards post the conference were felicitated to individuals, corporates and NGOs for their outstanding contributions to the Society in India.
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Anca Verma was conferred with the Industrialist of the year CSR Leadership Award Anca Verma philanthropist was conferred with the Industrialist of the year CSR Leadership Summit Award on CSR day at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry auditorium in Delhi on 1st April 2019…
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fansofav-blog · 5 years
Anca Verma philanthropist was conferred with the Industrialist of the year CSR Leadership Summit Award on CSR day at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry auditorium in Delhi on 1st April 2019 
Anca Verma, Chairperson- Olialia world and philanthropist was conferred with the Industrialist of the year CSR Leadership Summit Award on CSR day at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry auditorium in Delhi
The summit was organised at PHD Chamber of Commerce on April 1 organised by India CSR, largest CSR news network in India.
Leaders representing leading CSR spending companies shared about their CSR practices, experience, knowhow, methodology impact that they have made in the society over the last 5 years since the mandate came into being to express their commitment to the inclusive development.
India CSR Awards post the conference were felicitated to individuals, corporates and NGOs for their outstanding contributions to the Society in India.
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Anca Verma philanthropist was conferred with the Industrialist of the year CSR Leadership Summit Award on CSR day at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry auditorium in Delhi on 1st April 2019 #VermaFamilyDiary #Olialia
Anca Verma was conferred with the Industrialist of the year CSR Leadership Award Anca Verma philanthropist was conferred with the Industrialist of the year CSR Leadership Summit Award on CSR day at PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry auditorium in Delhi on 1st April 2019…
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fansofav-blog · 6 years
Billionaire Abhishek Verma and Anca Verma celebrated Holi with the traditional fervour. Celebrations related images and videos posted on their official page. The festive celebration was graced by the presence of their family friend Denise who came all the way from Romania to celebrate the festival of colours in India.
The happening couple celebrated the festive with their staffs at their farmhouse in New Delhi and shared Holi greetings with friends, fans and followers worldwide through their social media handle.
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  Billionaire Abhishek Verma and Anca Verma Celebrates Holi Billionaire Abhishek Verma and Anca Verma celebrated Holi with the traditional fervour. Celebrations related images and videos posted on their official page.
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fansofav-blog · 6 years
Veena Verma Discharged From Hospital
Veena Verma Discharged From Hospital
Former MP Veena Verma returned home with daughter in Law Anca Verma, discharged after admitting about nearly a month.
Veena Verma who was admitted at the Primus Hospital, for about a month is now released from the hospital today and returned home accompanied by her Daughter in Law Anca Verma.
She had heart failure last on 19th…
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fansofav-blog · 6 years
Anca Verma to be the showstopper at Festival Of Hope
Anca Verma to be the showstopper at Festival Of Hope
Former Supermodel Anca Verma to be the showstopper at a fundraiser for cancer survivors on 14th October in New Delhi.
Former Supermodel and erstwhile Miss Universe Romania Anca Verma will walk on ramp as the showstopper to raise fund for cancer survivors at the 12th edition of Festival Of Hope Foundation on 14th October at Sirifort Auditorium, New Delhi.
Cancer Awareness Campaign leads by…
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fansofav-blog · 6 years
Billonaire Abhishek Verma and Anca Verma ~ October 4, 2018
Billonaire Abhishek Verma and Anca Verma ~ October 4, 2018
Image Liberary of the Billioanaire Power Couple Abhishek Verma and Anca Verma
  Anca Verma and Abhishek Verma~ October 4, 2018 #billionairelifestyle  #PowerCouple   #VermaFamilyDiary #luxurypeople #billionairesofindia
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fansofav-blog · 6 years
iPhone XS Max dualsim ~ Acquired by Billionaire Abhishek Verma a week ahead of its Worldwide Launch
iPhone XS Max dualsim ~ Acquired by Billionaire Abhishek Verma a week ahead of its Worldwide Launch
iPhone #XS #Max #dualsim ~ acquired by #Billionaire #AbhishekVerma a week ahead of its worldwide launch ~ September 22, 2018 #Apple #VermaFamilyDiary
Not just the best iPhone, but also the largest display ever in an iPhone, the most powerful innards and the highest ever price tag. ,All time dream phone is now the new toy of Billionaire Abhishek Verma
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fansofav-blog · 6 years
(via YouTube)
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fansofav-blog · 6 years
Abhishek Verma and Anca Verma are the most popular industrialist couple involved in philanthropy in India. Abhishek Verma is an industrialist with strong political background & rich heritage. Abhishek’s wife Anca is famous celebrity from Europe. She was Miss Universe Romania prior to marrying Abhishek a decade or so back. She has appeared on several talk shows, as celebrity host and has walked…
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fansofav-blog · 6 years
Billionaire Industrialist Abhishek Verma & Anca Verma Motivate Olialia Pan Masala And Olialia Cigarettes Area Sales Managers Of Delhi Territory Ahead Of The Launch Next Month.
Billionaire Industrialist Abhishek Verma & Anca Verma Motivate Olialia Pan Masala And Olialia Cigarettes Area Sales Managers Of Delhi Territory Ahead Of The Launch Next Month.
Olialia Pan Masala management organized a seminar on 27th August 2018 where Chief Evangelist Abhishek Verma and Chairperson Olialia Anca Verma motivated and enthused Delhi territory sales managers and discussed sales strategy for the forthcoming launch of Olialia Gold and Olialia Vazir Pan Masala and Olialia Cigarettes. 
Billionaire Industrialist Abhishek Verma and his wife (former Miss…
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