#Verse01 - He Who Doesn’t Kill - Dark Era(Main)
@starlightofdream​ sent birthday wishes!
“Happy Birthday, Odasaku!” Regulus said as he baked Odasaku a chocolate cake. Not only that the cake was in the shape of a book! 
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No doubt it was the other children who’d informed Regulus about his birthday but he was still rather surprised by the amount of effort that much have gone into making such a cake. With a smile, he gently ruffled the others hair before taking a quick picture of the cake with his phone - before it’d be destroyed by the very egar looking children to be around them. “That must have taken you a while - thank you. I’m sure it tastes as great as it looks. Let’s have a slice before dinner. I don’t think the others can wait till afterwards”
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diverse-hearts-a · 4 years
@pursuingideals​ continued from [X]
“Well, I thought you might like the break...I’ve told you before that you work far too hard”, he frowned as he placed some more of the decorations on the higher parts of the large tree that took up most of the back space of the first floor, “We didn’t really do much last year for Christmas...and I’m not as busy this year, so I’m making sure they are spoiled rotten this year”.
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“Hmm - how does that look then?”, he took a step back to examine the work they’d put into the tree.
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@jxbakuhigure​ asked:
❤️ (Oda) 
It’s Pocky Day!
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He’d been focused a little too much on the last paragraph to have been written, working on a short story for the children in time for Christmas, and yet he was finding it difficult to pin down the voice of the characters he’d been writing. Was there too many? Where some simply there for writing sake? The more he read over his words the more he began to realise that it was plain to see which characters had the most thought behind them. And this is why it took the tap to a shoulder for the other male to receive his attention, confusion still clouding his eyes as he gazed at Naoya and attempted to work out what he was doing - a few seconds later, he’d shifted away from the book, biting off the end of the pocky before leaning up to meet the others lips, pulling him down into his lap, arms wrapping around his form gently. “Heeh, I was a million miles away, sorry”
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@starlightofdream​ sent Halloween Greetings!
“Trick or Treat!” Regulus said as he knocked on the door with a bag in his hands. (Odasaku) 
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He was lucky he’d been heard - the five other small bodies to live with him had perhaps had a little too much sugar, Sakura running around one of the chairs as one of her brothers tried to catch her. Another child was laying on the chair looking as though he was either going to fall asleep or perhaps had an upset tummy. The other two had been helping Oda in putting away the remaining treats. It’d been one of them to point out that the door had infact been knocked. “Ah! Sorry”, loud squeals could be heard once the door was opened, Oda’s tired features breaking out into a gentle smile, “Having fun tonight?”, he’d leaned over to one side and took out a small fun size bag of candies he’d been giving to those brave enough to come near the noisy curry house, deciding to put an extra one in his bag, “I think your costume deserves a little extra -”, he paused as Sakura rushed over to the door, her little witches hat slightly falling to one side, “Oh! An angel! You look so cute!”.
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@jxbakuhigure​ sent birthday wishes!
"Happy birthday, love." He said with a gentle smile as he got on his tip toes to kiss Oda, leisurely handing him his gift, a new journal that the red head could write in. "I know how much you aspire to write, so why not start with this~?" (Happy birthday to best curry dad!!! ♥️ ) 
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Birthdays weren’t usually such a big deal. Since he’d taken in the children and they’d found out when his was, no doubt due to either Dazai or Naoya here, it’d become a day that he actually came to enjoy. He was no longer that emotionless teenager with no purpose in life. He’d found somewhere to belong, a mission to give himself without taking more lives. It may be too late to fully repent for his sins but this, what he had now, he’d protect until his dying breath. “You honestly didn’t need to get me anything”, he’s smiling though as he wraps an arm around the smaller male and gently returns the kiss, a giggle pressed against his lips at the ‘blegh’ to be heard from behind them, one of the boys making faces at the adults before quickly running off.
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@jxbakuhigure​ asked:
‘  i’m drowning in emotions that don’t belong to me,  choking on anger  &  suffocating on sadness.  ’ Oda
Growling Suggestion Meme - Accepting!
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He didn’t mind that people always seemed to be able to open up to him, in fact, he was somewhat comforted by the thought that others still found his humanity in check, even when he himself questioned everything that he had ever done. The past was the past though, and he wasn’t going to dwell too much on mistakes. There was no point. Mistakes were a part of living, that’s all there was to it. But then he went and made friends with people who seemed detached from humanity in a way that differed from the majority in this line of world. In this dark world that was stained with blood, he’d found those that he connected with, those he wished to help, even if their minds seemed too complex to fully ever understand. Another sip of whiskey was taken as he listened to what the male beside him was saying. Emotions that didn’t belong to him? Where those words to be taken literally or simply an expression to try and describe the unsettled feelings to one as naive as himself? “But it sounds as though they do belong to you. Did something happen to upset you recently?”, he’d turned in his chair a little, nothing but the will to understand, shining within his dark eyes, “If there’s something on your mind you know you can trust me”, a weird thing to say given their profession and all, “At the very least, tell me what is upsetting you...how I may help”.
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@shrimps-variety-garden​ Said:
❛    no,   i    cannot    just   be   your   friend.    it’s   not    enough   for   me.   ❜~ Dazai/Oda
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He’d always been rather difficult to read, to understand the steps that he took in life, to understand the many layers that made up this person called Dazai - his friend that he loved dearly and yet this was something that he hadn’t seen coming at all. Emotions and Dazai seemed to go as well together as water and oil, so for the younger male to be attempting to be this open about something like this...he felt bad for a brief second that his mind had registered the statement as some kind of joke. Dazai may be an enigma but he was still his friend and Oda knew that he could read him at least a little better than others - or perhaps Dazai just let him in a little easier? Either way, he watched him now and could see no hints of a joke within those dark eyes. Cannot be just friends. It didn’t take a genius to work out what it was that the executive was attempting to say, but when it came to someone like Dazai it was sometimes best to double check before wires could be crossed. “Then what would you like to be, Dazai?”
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@abilitypossessed​ asked for a Lyrical Starter
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Chance is the only game I play with, baby We let our battles choose us
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@antigifted​ said:
☹ ☹ ( for oda ! )
Well That Hurt
Oda - 9 - Shoulder impaled Dazai - 32 - A long gash across their back
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The sharp pain emitting from the top half of his body was the first sensation to return to him, a cry of pain and surprise ripping out from the man’s throat as he tried to keep his breathes slow and even, knowing that to go into shock could spell the end for him. Dark eyes shimmered with tears as he scanned around the rubble around them. It’d been quite a nice building this morning but now it was a sea of blood, bones, glass and the stench of death. “Dazai?”, he hissed out once again, panic making his heart race slightly as he searched for any sign of his friend being lost in the tubble and the pile of bodies closest to him. Bile rose in the back of his throat. Just the thought on Dazai being dead left him with a rather chill feeling. All those times he’d saved him from ending his own life, just to be too slow to stop it being snatched away? It seemed too cruel of a fate and one that he wouldn’t accept until he’d witnessed the others corpse for himself. Another hiss, and he turned his head to gaze at the peice of glass that was holding him captive. He was rather lucky, a few inches lower and it may have ripped into his heart but as it stood, he couldn’t be sure if it was safer to remove the thing or keep it in place - if any major artery or vein had been punctured then removing it could easily mean a quick death. Fuck though, it hurt an awful lot. “Dazai!”, he spotted nearby movement, a feeling of relief washing over him as his friend stumbled to his feet. It may have been a little selfish, to be so relieved that someone who wished for nothing but death was still alive while so many others who had no such desire had lost their lives that night, “Are you alright?”. It was too dark to really make out if his friend had injuries or not but there was no way anyone could walk out of such an explosion without some kind of injury right?
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@antigifted​ Said:
“I’ve got you. it’s over.” ( oda, dark era ! )
He should be dead - that was all that was going through his mind as he held onto the side of the buildings he was passing by, a trail of blood marking the buildings, his side dripping with blood from an injury that he dared not stop to look at or treat. He didn’t know just where those looking for him where and though he had a feeling that he was heading towards someone that would be expected, he had no idea where else to go. Ango was too far and would no doubt freak out with the amount of blood that stained his shirt, hair and skin. There was a deep gash in the side of one of his cheeks, the reward for breaking away from the bastard to have been torturing him for as long as they had. He didn’t know how much time had passed. Days would blend into one another, the same questions would be asked again and again and the same food he’d nibble away at, just for the entire routine to begin all over again. Who would believe him when he said over and over how low his rank was? They’d seen him around Dazai and Ango enough to get the wrong idea and the only reason he’d let them even take him in the first place was to protect the children as much as possible.
The kids. Hopefully Dazai or Ango had at least made sure to cover their costs when he’d gone missing. He’d need to pay them back for that...first though he needed to struggle on and actually try and survive this mess.
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The last of his energy was quickly fading and he used it all to knock on the door rather harshly, falling more or less into Dazai’s arms once the door had opened, his friends words a welcoming comfort as he fell into darkness.
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@antigifted​ said:                                                                
( dark era ) " please, don't go. " oh so much ache in darkest executive's bloodied lips, emotion leaking like festered liquor easing itself in droplets from cracks yet to close and cover in purest gold ━reaching for wrists in grip filled in tremors, lone eye agape as if ready to fall away from blackened socket, uncaring of extents of fight damage gone wrong those steel blues would be seeing the more chaos incarnate would inch closer. " it happened and i'm sorry, just━ listen to me, it's a tra━ "
Random Asks - Always Welcomed!
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He hears the words. Hears the pleas and though the words do manage to touch a heart that has all but turned black as coal, there is no hope in him listening to such a request. He cares deeply for the one who stands by his side, has always wished to be able to understand that darkness that slept deep within his dear friends chest. He would never be the one able to fill that void - but the emotion within that one dark eye is clear to see as the fire behind them is to smell. A steps taken away before his wrists can be held, eyes as cold as steel as he finally forces himself to meet Dazai’s gaze. Instead of the warmness that is usually seen within his gaze, that unsaid permission to come to him for help, that unsaid promise that he would forever be on Dazai’s side - there is nothing there but emptiness and grief, the broken, hollow look of a man to have lost everything. The dream he once held, was now gone. That wish to understand life, that hope for the future of those he’d taken in to care for, to protect and give them a second chance...that was gone and with that his heart was no longer there. A dark void lived inside his ribs instead, swallowing whole all that Oda had once been, all that he had once held important. His ideals, his love - all was swallowed back, gaze as cold and hard towards Dazai as it had been while he’d been speaking with the firemen earlier. A small flutter, the tiniest of lights, sparked for a split second before burning to ash, a soft sigh all that he can give for now. There are a million and one things that he’s always wished to be able to say to Dazai and yet he knew he would never get the chance. He was a dead man walking - he had been from the moment those kids had been ripped from his side. “...an apology isn’t enough. Not for this”, his words are as cold and sharp as his eyes, never removing his gaze from Dazai, “Attack the mafia, and we strike back twice as hard - isn’t that how it’s to go?”. He may be the lowest ranking member but that was from choice. Both were quite aware of his combat skills, of his capability to kill. He’d sworn never to take another life - but there was no longer a need to keep to such ideals. Life had already ceased to exist.
Finally, the gaze is broken as he turns to take his leave, a rumble of thunder being heard in the distance as the heavens open above them, cold rain sinking into the back of his coat as weighed steps are taken away from his dearest friend. Even in this broken state, a wish manages to piece the shadow that was once a heart. A wish for the man who he now had his back to. A wish for him to find a meaning in this dark twisted world. To become a better person -
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diverse-hearts-a · 5 years
@pursuingideals​ continued from [X]
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It was a strange type of relationship slowly growing between two grown men who should be seeing one another as nothing more than enemies and yet that question had passed his lips without too much thought on his part. Normal people would perhaps ask for a coffee or a drink one night - completely meant as a friendly gesture and nothing more and yet - it still felt strange. Maybe due to who they worked for. “Well I know a good place nearby that sells wonderful curry, if you ever wanted to catch a bite to eat sometime”.
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diverse-hearts-a · 5 years
@pursuingideals continued from [X]
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If the Mafia were the ones behind the removal then just why would he be sent out on such a pointless job? He sighed lightly. Honestly, Mori’s activities were like a puzzle to him at times. It seemed only Dazai was able to tell why certain things were happening and when it came to this job he was slightly curious about what was happening. “Do we know anything about the victim? Maybe that’ll clue as in on whats happened...”
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diverse-hearts-a · 4 years
@suicidefrantic​ continued from [X]
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He was an enigma, a mystery to the core with darkness that seeped into his bones and yet Oda would trust him with his life. He wasn’t so sure on the reason behind the words he spoke. Maybe it was the lost look that was inside those dark eyes, or the manner in which he’d sat down silently, without a curious glance towards his side. Was is Ango not being here so often then irritated him? No. It wouldn’t be something that simple. Dazai’s troubles descended to a place that only others like him would ever even begin to understand. He just watched as the hand was trailed down his chest, the only reaction being the raising of a brow as he glanced towards his friend who’d pressed against his side. “If my friends wish me dead then I suppose I must have messed up somewhere. Either way - I’m not afraid of you, Dazai. I may not be able to fully understand you but I shall be there by your side, no matter what path you may end up following”. He was a good person - deep down inside, under those layers of bandages and shadows, being the pain of a tragic life and an unknown mind - there was a good man at heart and Oda would forever believe that, even beyond his dying breath.
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diverse-hearts-a · 4 years
@suicidefrantic​ continued from [X]
It would be difficult to list the things that Dazai did or said that would surprise the elder. He was used to his antics by this point but had to admit that this had to be one of a very few times when he’d witnessed him being openly drunk like this. Brow’s knot as he takes his seat at his usual stool, reaching out with one hand to rest on Dazai’s shoulder, a gentle squeeze of comfort offered as he listens to what the bar tender has to say. He was scaring others? Obviously no one here had seen him at work then. That was where his true darkness would be seen.
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There was no real point in attempting to work out what may have lead to this state for his friend. As close as they may be, there were a lot of things about Dazai that still puzzled him, much like he seemed to puzzle the other, though he had no idea of the reasoning behind that one. Compared to Dazai, his life was pretty boring and non-eventful these days. Being the lowest ranked member of the Port Mafia had its slight perks at times.
“Whoa there”, he stood up as Dazai climbed closer and in one shift movement had lifted him into his arms, holding him steady with one arm as he pulled out a few notes and passed them to the bartender as an apology for Dazai’s behaviour. Money and power were what spoke in this city the loudest, the bar tender just nodding as Oda wrapped his arm back around Dazai and carried him up the stairs that lead outside. “You’ll stay at mine tonight”, he shifted his weight slightly, carrying him bridal style as he set off towards his home, glancing down at his friend from time to time, concern rather clear to see in his expression. Maybe he was worrying over nothing. Maybe he’d been simply relaxing and got a little too carried away - but that seemed a little strange for Dazai who always seemed to be five steps ahead of everyone around him. “If you feel like you may throw up, let me know”. 
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diverse-hearts-a · 4 years
@jxngsterunterboss​ continued from [X]
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[Text] I think I may be a little [Text] Drunk [Text] Ango went home a while ago [Text] I just stayed here... [Text] Lost in thoughts - lots of thoughts [Text] Do you know I love you?
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