#Vesicoureteral Reflux Treatment In India
drprashantjain1 · 6 months
Vesicoureteric Reflux
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What Is Vesicoureteric Reflux?
Vesicoureteric reflux is the condition in which the urine flows back from the bladder to the ureter. This condition is also known as vesicoureteral reflux. There is a progressive flow of urine from the kidney to the bladder through ureters. The uni-directional flow of urine from kidney to urinary bladder is ensured by the flaps situated between the ureter and urinary bladder (vesico-ureteric junction). This condition is commonly diagnosed in infants and young children.
In this condition, the urine may flow back form one or both the ureters. Based on the severity of symptoms and extent of disease, the urologist generally grades this condition from Grade 1 to Grade 5 with Grade 1 mildest form and Grade 5, a severe form. Fortunately, most children recover from this condition as they get older. The vesicoureteric reflux is divided into primary and secondary.
What Are The Causes Of Vesicoureteric Reflux?
The causes of vesicoureteric reflux are different for primary vesicoureteric reflux and secondary vesicoureteric reflux.
Primary vesicoureteric reflux: In this type of vesicoureteric reflux, the valve between the ureter and urinary bladder does not work properly. This results in backflow of urine. This is the most common cause of this condition in children. However, as the age increases, the ureter and bladder become mature, and the valve regains functioning. If the urine flows back from only one ureter, it is termed as vesicoureteric unilateral reflux, and if both the ureters are involved in the backflow of urine, the condition is termed as vesicoureteric bilateral reflux.
Secondary vesicoureteric reflux:There are various causes of secondary vesicoureteric reflux. In some cases, there is a blockage of urine due to abnormal tissue fold in the urethra (posterior urethral valve) and in conditions like neurogenic bladder . Obstruction in bladder outlet prevents the voiding of complete urine from the bladder. In cases of neurogenic bladder, the child may also have damaged nerves that control contraction and relaxation of the bladder resulting in reflux.
What Are The Symptoms Of Vesicoureteric Reflux?
Symptoms of vesicoureteric reflux depend upon the severity and complications of the disease. The patients with vesicoureteric reflux may experience the following symptoms:
Recurrent urinary tract infection
The excessive urge to urinate
Cloudy urine
Frequent urination
Pain during urination
Urinary retention
Loss of appetite
Presence of protein in the urine
High blood pressure
How Vesicoureteric Reflux Is Diagnosed?
The vesicoureteric reflux can be diagnosed both before and after birth. Before birth, the condition can be diagnosed through the ultrasound, which reveals swelling in kidneys (hydronephrosis). Various techniques that are used to diagnose the condition are:
Laboratory workup: Many children have the recurrent urinary infection as the primary symptom of this condition. Thus, urinalysis is done to determine the presence of urinary tract infection.
Imaging techniques: Kidney, bladder, and ureter ultrasound is done to determine the presence of any structural abnormalities.
Micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG):It is a specialized X-ray of the urinary tract. During this procedure, the doctor places a small catheter in the bladder and fill the bladder with a special dye. The X-ray is taken before and after urination. The doctor, by evaluating the flow of dye, determines if the urine flows back in the ureter.
Nuclear scan:During this procedure, the doctor uses a radioisotope. The detector detects the isotope and determines any damages in kidney.
How Vesicoureteric Reflux Is Treated?
The following are the management options available for vesicoureteric reflux:
Medications: Low dose of antibiotics is provided to the children to prevent urinary tract infection. However, regular monitoring is required to determine the presence of urinary tract infection. Further, doctors should implement imagining techniques to monitor the progression of the disease. Besides various precautions are to be taken like avoiding constipation, perineal hygine and frequent voiding to reduce the risk of infection.
Surgery: Various types of surgeries are available for treating vesicoureteric reflux. Open surgery is done to repair the larger problem in the urinary tract and involves anesthesia. Robotic-and laparoscopic surgery is done to repair the valve between the ureter and urinary bladder. Endoscopic surgery is performed to strengthen the valve with the use of a bulking agent. Ureteric reimplantation is surgery in which the doctor disconnects the ureter and urinary bladder and reattaches them at an angle to create a valve.
What Are The Preventive Measures For Vesicoureteric Reflux?
Although there are no measures to prevent the vesicoureteric reflux,  certain measures may improve the health of the urinary tract. These are:
Regular urination and cleaning from front to back.
Drinking enough fluids.
Eat plenty of fiber-rich food to avoid constipation.
Change the diaper frequently or as soon as it gets dirty.
Get proper treatment for urinary and fecal incontinence.
What Is The Prognosis Of Vesicoureteric Reflux?
Most children with this condition recover on their own. Surgery has a high rate of success, with a 97%-99% positive outcome. Early diagnosis and monitoring of the condition reduces complications.
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rudrasurgicals02 · 2 months
Uses Of Laparoscopic Gynecology And Urology Instruments
Laparoscopic gynecology is a field, which is known for offering everyone a wide range of surgeries as well as procedures. Rudra Surgical is one of the leading uses of Laparoscopic Gynecology Urology Instruments Manufacturer In India. Today, in this article, we are going to shed some light on the uses of laparoscopic gynecology and urology instruments.
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Uses in Gynecology:
Salpingectomy: Removal of one or both fallopian tubes, often performed for ectopic pregnancy or cancer.
Myomectomy: Removal of fibroids from the uterus while preserving the uterus.
Endometriosis Treatment: Excision or ablation of endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Repair: Correction of organs that have slipped from their normal position.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy: Investigation of pelvic pain, infertility, or other gynecological conditions.
Uses in Urology:
Nephrectomy: Removal of a kidney due to cancer, non-functioning kidney, or severe damage.
Pyeloplasty: It is a process in which the reconstruction of the renal pelvis is done. It is helpful to drain and decompress the kidney.
Ureteral Reimplantation: Repositioning of the ureter to treat vesicoureteral reflux or obstruction.
Urolithiasis Treatment: Removal of kidney or ureteral stones.
Varicocelectomy: Removal of enlarged veins in the scrotum to improve fertility or relieve pain.
Advantages of Laparoscopic Instruments:
Minimally Invasive: Smaller incisions lead to quicker recovery and less scarring.
Reduced Pain: Less postoperative pain compared to open surgeries.
Shorter Hospital Stay: Often results in shorter hospital stays and quicker return to normal activities.
Precision: Enhanced visualization and precision in surgical procedures.
If you or anyone you might know is searching for gynecology instruments, then you can connect with the manufacturers today. They are also known as Laparoscopic Simulator Virtual Endo Trainer Manufacturers in India and always assure that everything is done as per the guidelines. To know more details about the endo trainer and other laparoscopic instrument, which we manufacture, you can visit us.
About Rudra Surgical
Rudra Surgical offers a wide range of surgical equipment for laparoscopy and gynecology surgeries. The team, which is working with them never compromises with the standards and assures that the client is getting the right set of equipment as per the requirement and budget of the person. They suggest the client regarding different set of equipment available and assure that the manual is given with each for better understanding of the individuals who are under doctor training. They use precise techniques as well as high-end material for making of laparoscopic gynecology urology instrument. For insights, you can talk to them over phone or mail.
Credit:- https://penzu.com/p/5625e89c94670860
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prashantjainsblog · 2 months
What Is Antenatal Hydronephrosis?
Antenatal hydronephrosis is the condition that occurs in the fetus during pregnancy. The condition is characterized by enlargement of the kidney due to the accumulation of fluid. Antenatal hydronephrosis indicates various renal disorders in the fetus. found more in males as compared to females. The condition is It is found in 0.5 percent of females and 1 percent in males. Fortunately, in almost all the case, other organs are not affected due to antenatal hydronephrosis.
How Is Antenatal Hydronephrosis Diagnosed?
Antenatal hydronephrosis is diagnosed through various methods. Some diagnostic techniques involve advanced equipment and may not be available at al the centers for diagnosing this condition. Most cases of antenatal hydronephrosis are found during a routine ultrasound at around 20 weeks gestation period.
Following are the methods to diagnose antenatal hydronephrosis:
Laboratory testing: Evaluating the urine sample of the fetus may help in identifying kidney dysfunction or renal dysplasia. Through the ultrasound-guided technique, the urine sample of the fetus is obtained. In the case of a healthy fetus, the urine so formed is hypotonic. However, in a diseased condition, the urine obtained is isotonic. Increased level of calcium, sodium, Microglobulin, and chloride indicates possible renal dysplasia.
Ultrasonography: Ultrasonography was the first diagnostic method that helped in identifying hydronephrosis in the fetus. It also helps in identifying the possible cause of accumulation of fluid in the kidney.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Magnetic resonance imaging during pregnancy provides more detailed condition and provide important insight into the severity of the disease. Once the severity is identified, optimum medical interventions can be designed.
Other additional procedures: The procedures that can help in diagnosis include amniocentesis, chromosomal analysis, maternal serum biochemistry, and chorionic villus sampling.
What Are The Various Grades Of Antenatal Hydronephrosis?
The grades of antenatal hydronephrosis are determined by the Antero-posterior diameter (APD) of the renal pelvis. The diameter is evaluated through ultrasonography. The grades or classification of antenatal hydronephrosisis done as mild, moderate and severe.
Following are the various grades for antenatal hydronephrosis:
Almost 57–88% of the antenatal hydronephrosis is mild while 10 to 30 % of the cases are of moderate grade. 2–13% of the cases of antenatal hydronephrosis are severe.
Antenatal hydronephrosis is caused due to the following conditions:
Ureteral obstruction or blockage: This obstruction may be either
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJ) or ureterovesical junction obstruction (UVJ) or megaureter. The UPJ obstruction is indicated when there is a dilation of the pelvic-calyceal system without any ureteral dilation.
Renal anomalies: Generally, only a single ureter drains the urine from a kidney. However, in almost 1 % of the humans, there are two ureters originated from a kidney. This duplication does not cause any complications in the majority of patients. In approximately 1 in 1500 infants, there is an obstruction in the upper tube.
Urethral obstruction: Urethral obstruction in the fetus may also lead to antenatal hydronephrosis.
Vesicoureteral reflux: When there is the backflow of urine from the ureter and bladder towards the kidney, the urine does not flow properly and gets accumulated.
Polycystic Kidney: Due to the complete obstruction of the ureter, one of the kidneys is not normally developed. The other kidney functions normally and the baby usually born with a multicyclic kidney.
If there is a prolonged obstruction of urine and increased pressure, this may cause a progressive reduction in kidney function. Medical interventions may reduce the pressure and allow the kidney to function but may not be able to regain the lost function.
No intervention is required in antennal hydronephrosis due to various reasons such as lack of technology for accurate diagnosis, non-identification of the definite reason for the fluid accumulation, and no strong data corresponding to safety and efficacy of medical/surgical interventions. However, a follow-up is required during the post-natal period in infants with varying degrees of antenatal hydronephrosis.
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dradityasharma-1 · 5 months
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Expert Pediatric Urology: Ensuring Best Care for Children's Urinary Issues
In the realm of urology, the specialized care of children demands a unique level of expertise and sensitivity. Pediatric urology addresses a range of urinary issues in infants, children, and adolescents, requiring tailored approaches that prioritize their well-being and development. Dr. Aditya Sharma, a renowned figure in the field, offers comprehensive pediatric urology care, ensuring that young patients receive the best possible treatment and support.
Understanding Pediatric Urology Pediatric urology encompasses the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract disorders, congenital anomalies, and other urological conditions in children. These issues can range from urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bedwetting to complex congenital abnormalities affecting the kidneys, bladder, or genitalia.
Specialized Care for Children's Needs Dr. Aditya Sharma's practice emphasizes personalized care for every child, recognizing that each case is unique and may require a multidisciplinary approach. With expertise in pediatric urology, Dr. Sharma provides a wide range of services tailored to address specific conditions, including:
Bedwetting (Nocturnal Enuresis): Offering compassionate support and effective treatments to help children overcome bedwetting and achieve better bladder control. Hydronephrosis: Diagnosing and managing this condition characterized by the swelling of one or both kidneys, ensuring optimal kidney function and health. Congenital Anomalies: Addressing abnormalities such as ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO), vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), and hypospadias with surgical expertise and ongoing follow-up care. Comprehensive Treatment Options From minimally invasive procedures to complex reconstructive surgeries, Dr. Aditya Sharma employs advanced techniques to provide the best possible outcomes for his young patients. With access to state-of-the-art facilities and technology, children receive comprehensive care in a supportive environment conducive to their well-being and recovery.
Integrating Technology and Innovation As a leader in pediatric urology, Dr. Sharma remains at the forefront of advancements in the field, incorporating innovative technologies to enhance diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficacy. From robotic-assisted surgeries to advanced imaging modalities, he leverages cutting-edge tools to optimize outcomes while minimizing risks for his young patients.
Accessible Care Near You Located in Sector B, Lucknow, Dr. Aditya Sharma's practice offers convenient access to expert pediatric urology care. With a focus on patient-centered services, including telemedicine consultations and personalized treatment plans, families can rest assured knowing that their child's urinary health is in capable hands.
Conclusion When it comes to pediatric urology, expertise and compassion are paramount. Dr. Aditya Sharma and his team are dedicated to providing exceptional care for children facing urinary issues, ensuring that they receive the support and treatment they need to thrive. From kidney transplants to addressing male infertility and beyond, their commitment to excellence makes them the premier choice for pediatric urology care in Sector B, Lucknow, and beyond.
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drforambhuta · 6 months
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Urinary tract infections (UTIs) encompass a range of bacterial infections that impact various segments of the urinary tract, including the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Although prevalent across all age demographics, UTIs present distinct challenges in pediatric patients due to their unique anatomical and physiological characteristics.
UTIs in children commonly arise from microbial colonization of the urinary tract by pathogenic bacteria, notably Escherichia coli (E. coli). Several factors contribute to pediatric UTIs, including:
1. Structural anomalies: Anomalies like vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), urethral strictures, or congenital malformations predispose children to UTIs.
2. Hygiene practices: Poor personal hygiene, especially inadequate wiping after bowel movements or incomplete genital cleaning, can facilitate bacterial entry into the urinary tract.
3. Voiding dysfunction: Dysfunctional voiding patterns, like holding urine for extended periods or incomplete bladder emptying, create favorable conditions for bacterial proliferation.
4. Immunocompromised status: Children with compromised immune systems due to medical conditions or immunosuppressive therapies are at increased risk of UTIs.
5. Genetic factors: Certain genetic traits may increase susceptibility to recurrent UTIs in children, though more research is needed to understand the mechanisms fully.
Early recognition of UTI symptoms in children is vital for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms include:
1. Dysuria: Pain or discomfort during urination, often leading to crying or fussiness.
2. Frequency and urgency: Increased urination frequency or sudden urges to urinate, disrupting daily routines.
3. Hematuria: Presence of blood in urine, either visible or microscopic, indicating urinary tract inflammation or injury.
4. Abdominal discomfort: Lower abdominal pain or pelvic pressure, particularly in older children capable of expressing their symptoms verbally.
5. Systemic symptoms: Fever accompanied by chills, lethargy, irritability, or decreased appetite suggests systemic involvement.
There are many good hospitals in India that offer health checkup packages for children. Regular full body health checkup can help in detecting UTIs early, identifying its possible cause, and providing an effective treatment plan for the same.
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curenishant · 8 months
Dr. Vikram Barua Kaushik: Experienced Urologist and General Surgeon in Gurgaon
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Dr. Vikram Barua Kaushik is a highly experienced Urologist and General Surgeon based in Gurgaon Sector 51, with an impressive 27 years of practice in these specialized fields. He is affiliated with Artemis Hospital in Gurgaon Sector 51, where he offers his expertise to patients seeking urological and surgical care.
Professional Background
Dr. Vikram completed his MBBS from Dibrugarh University, Assam, in 1994, followed by MS in General Surgery from the same university in 1999. He further pursued DNB in Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery from the National Board of Examination in 2005. As a member of the Medical Council of India (MCI), Dr. Vikram is committed to upholding the highest standards of medical practice.
Areas of Specialization
Dr. Vikram's practice encompasses a wide range of urological and general surgical services, including Urethrotomy, Laser Piles Treatment, FUT Hair Transplant, Minimally Invasive Surgery, and Foot Infection management. He has a particular interest in endo-urology and laparoscopic urology, with extensive experience in renal transplantation.
Clinical Expertise
Dr. Vikram focuses on addressing various urological conditions, such as urinary stone disease, cancers of the genitourinary tract, prostatic disease, urinary incontinence, and neurogenic bladder dysfunction. He employs advanced procedures for the treatment of stone diseases, including minimally invasive and laser techniques such as URS (Ureteroscopy), PCNL (Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy), and RIRS (Retrograde Intra-Renal Surgery).
Surgical Procedures
In addition to managing stone diseases, Dr. Vikram performs surgeries for cancers affecting the kidney, prostate, urinary bladder, penis, and testis. His expertise includes procedures such as radical prostatectomy, radical cystectomy, construction of neobladder, radical nephrectomy, and more. He also specializes in treating pediatric urological disorders, including PUJ (Pelvi-Ureteric Junction) obstruction, VUR (Vesicoureteral Reflux), urethral valves, and childhood tumors.
Professional Journey
Throughout his career, Dr. Vikram has been actively involved in academic activities and has contributed to numerous publications and international peer-reviewed urologic literature. He has held positions at renowned medical institutions, including R.G. Stone Urological Institute in Mumbai, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Delhi, and RG Stone Urology & Laparoscopy Hospital in Gurgaon.
Continued Commitment to Excellence
Dr. Vikram's association with Artemis Hospital since September 2009 underscores his dedication to delivering high-quality urological care. He continues to prioritize patient well-being and remains at the forefront of advancements in endo-urology, laparoscopic urology, and renal transplant surgery.
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drprashantjain · 1 year
Role Of Robotic Surgery In Children - Dr. Prashant Jain
Role Of Robotic Surgery In Children
This is an era of minimal-invasive surgery, which includes Laparoscopic Surgery and Robotic Surgery. Laparoscopic surgery has been used for more than three decades but still has its own limitations in the form of a long learning curve and limited range of movement, especially in children with small body cavities requiring reconstructive surgeries.
In robotic-assisted surgery (RAS), the surgeon sits beside the patient on a console and manipulates robotic arms with articulated instruments that are controlled by the surgeon’s hand. The surgeon’s hand movements are transmitted inside the patient's body to perform precise dissection and suture.
The RAS has the advantage of providing high definition and magnified 3D vision along with the 7 Degrees of freedom of movement.
This is an advantage, especially in children, because of their miniature size. This helps surgeons not only to perform surgery with great precision but also significantly reduces surgical stress.
Since 2002, when robotic surgery was started, its application in children has expanded in performing a wide range of pediatric urologist surgeries like pyeloplasty in pelvic-ureteric junction, obstruction ureteric reimplant in Vesicoureteric reflux, Heminephrectomy, Nephrectomy for renal tumors, etc. It is also being used now in Thoracic and gastrointestinal surgeries. RAS can be performed in all age groups, including newborns and infants.
The currently available studies suggest that the safety and outcome of RAS surgeries are almost the same compared to conventional surgeries.
Looking at the advantages of robotic surgery, it is important to make use of its benefits for the Paediatric population. RAS's safety and surgical outcome will undoubtedly revolutionize surgical management in children.
Tag = Best pediatric surgeon in Delhi, Best pediatric urologist in India, Pediatric Robotic Surgery in Delhi
For More Information http://www.pedsurgerydelhi.com/surgeries-treatments/pediatric-robotic-surgery/
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Best Pediatric Nephrology Doctor in India - Dr. Sidharth Sethi
Best Pediatric Nephrology Doctor in India
In the realm of pediatric nephrology, finding a skilled and compassionate doctor is crucial for children with kidney-related conditions. Dr. Sidharth Sethi, a prominent figure in the field, has established himself as one of the best pediatric nephrology doctors in India. This blog will delve into his expertise, achievements, and the exceptional care he provides to young patients dealing with kidney disorders.
Dr. Sidharth Sethi's Background and Training:
Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi is a renowned Pediatric Nephrologist, having completed his training as a Fellow at the International Pediatric Nephrology Association and as a Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences. He further honed his skills at the Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. Throughout his career, Dr. Sethi has been actively involved in the care of children facing various complex renal disorders, such as nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation.
Expertise and Services:
At Medanta, The Medicity, Dr. Sidharth Sethi leads the way as a pediatric nephrologist, offering diagnostic and treatment services tailored to children's kidney conditions. His specializations include nephrotic syndrome, glomerular disorders, rare tubular disorders, and chronic kidney disease. The dedication of Dr. Sethi and his team goes beyond diagnostics and treatment, focusing on personalized care that meets the individual needs of each patient and their families. Recognized for their innovation and expertise, they provide the latest dialysis technology and comprehensive kidney transplant care for children of all ages.
Conditions Treated by Dr. Sidharth Sethi:
Dr. Sethi is well-versed in managing a wide array of kidney-related disorders in children. Some of the conditions he specializes in include:
1. Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome
2. Complex Recurrent Urinary Tract Disorders
3. Glomerular Disorders
4. Hematuria (Blood in the Urine) or Proteinuria
5. Glomerulonephritis
6. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
7. Hydronephrosis
8. Hypertension
9. Rare Tubular Disorders
10. Polycystic Kidney Diseases
11. Neurogenic Bladder
12. Renal Dysplasia
13. Renal Tubular Acidosis
14. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
15. Vesicoureteral Reflux
16. Acute Kidney Injury
17. Chronic Kidney Disease
18. Kidney Transplantation (Blood Group Compatible and Incompatible; Transplantation in Complex Renal Anomalies).
Nephrotic Syndrome
Most people have two kidneys, one on either side of the body just beneath the ribcage. Healthy kidneys filter the blood and allow small particles of waste products and water to be excreted as urine. Kidneys also play an important role in the control of blood pressure, maintenance of bone health, and formation of red blood cells.
What is nephrotic syndrome?
Nephrotic syndrome occurs when the kidneys leak large amounts of protein (especially albumin) into the urine. It is these proteins which is mainly responsible for holding water in the blood vessels, and when they are lost in urine, their level decreases in the blood which causes the water to come out of the blood vessels and cause swelling (edema).
What causes Nephrotic Syndrome?
In most cases, the exact cause of the nephrotic syndrome is not known. There is no relationship between diet or socioeconomic status of the family. It is non-infectious and does not transfer to other family members.
What are the symptoms?
The most common symptom is swelling (edema). It first appears on the face, especially around the eyes which is most prominent in the morning when the child gets up and decreases by the evening.
Other symptoms include Frothy urine, weakness and tiredness, passing less urine than usual, recurrent infections, and diarrhea.
What is the treatment?
Prednisolone (steroid) is the drug of choice when the child is first diagnosed. Most children respond to this drug with the disappearance of the protein in the urine and loss of swelling within 1-2 weeks (we call this REMISSION). Other drugs like diuretics, ACE inhibitors, etc may be required for symptomatic treatment.
Those who do not respond to steroids are given second-line drugs like Cyclophosphamide, MMF, Levamisole, and other immunomodulators as decided by your doctor according to the individual patient profile.
Duration of treatment: The first episode is treated for 3 months and subsequent episodes are treated as decided by your physician.
Dr. Sidharth Sethi's dedication to pediatric nephrology has made him a distinguished figure in the medical community. His vast experience and expertise in treating kidney disorders in children, including nephrotic syndrome and chronic kidney disease, have earned him recognition both nationally and internationally. With a focus on personalized care, Dr. Sethi and his team at Medanta, The Medicity, ensure that children receive the best possible treatment and attention for their kidney-related conditions. If your child is facing any kidney-related issues, Dr. Sidharth Sethi is undoubtedly one of the best pediatric nephrology doctors in India to trust with their care.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Sidharth Sethi, please contact:
Name: Pediatric Nephrology India
Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Institute, Medanta, The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122001
Phone: 0124-4141414
Website: www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
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healthcare021 · 1 year
Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) Treatment in India
Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) Treatment in India is a condition in which urine backwashes back up in the ureters/kidneys from the bladder. Urine will typically flow from the kidneys, drain down the ureters, and then get stored in the bladder. The urinary tract is your body’s drainage system for removing waste and extra water. Normally urine flows downward through the main structures of the urinary tract.
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Dr. Sidharth Sethi's Expertise
Dr. Sethi at Medanta, The Medicity is the leading Pediatric Nephrologist providing diagnostic and treatment services for children with conditions of the kidney especially Nephrotic syndrome, Glomerular disorders, rare tubular disorders and Chronic Kidney disease. Our team is the leading dialysis and renal transplant service centre for children. Dr. Sethi & team believes in personalized care that focuses on individual patient and family needs. Our team understands the challenges many of our families face when trying to access the care they need. Our caring goes beyond diagnostics and treatment. Our team is nationally recognized for their innovation, experience, dedication and expertise. We have the newest dialysis technology inpatient and outpatient, and provides comprehensive kidney transplant care to children of all ages.
Dr. Sethi leads in care of children with the following disorders:
Pediatric Nephrotic syndrome
Complex recurrent urinary tract disorders
Glomerular disorders
Blood or protein in the urine
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
Rare tubular disorders
Polycystic kidney diseases
Neurogenic bladder
Renal dysplasia
Renal tubular acidosis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Vesicoureteral reflux
Acute Kidney Injury
Chronic Kidney disease
Kidney Transplantation- Blood group compatible and incompatible; transplantation in complex renal anomalies
TAG- Best Pediatric Nephrologist in India, Child Kidney Doctor in Gurgaon, Child Kidney Specialist in India, Pediatric Dialysis specialist in India, Nephrotic syndrome Specialist in India 
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santoshankar · 2 years
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Dr. Mallikarjuna Reddy, Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in India, has been practicing laproscopic surgeries for the past 30 years and performed more than 10,000 successful surgeries with the highest satisfaction rating among his patients. He offers a variety of laproscopic surgical procedures including cholecystectomy, appendectomy, hernia repairs and gall bladder removals; hysterectomy; stomach tucks; gastric bypass surgery; breast augmentations—all at competitive prices throughout India. His talents don't stop there though! He specializes in treatments of ureteric strictures (a urologic disorder), UTIs (urinary tract infections), VURs (vesicoureteral reflux) and pediatric urology issues such as obstructive megaureters or hypospadias.
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Antenatal Hydronephrosis Treatment In Delhi, India - Dr Prashant Jain
What Is Antenatal Hydronephrosis?
Antenatal hydronephrosis is the condition that occurs in the fetus during pregnancy. The condition is characterized by enlargement of the kidney due to the accumulation of fluid. Antenatal hydronephrosis indicates various renal disorders in the fetus. found more in males as compared to females. The condition is It is found in 0.5 percent of females and 1 percent in males. Fortunately, in almost all the case, other organs are not affected due to antenatal hydronephrosis
How Is Antenatal Hydronephrosis Diagnosed?
Antenatal hydronephrosis is diagnosed through various methods. Some diagnostic techniques involve advanced equipment and may not be available at al the centers for diagnosing this condition. Most cases of antenatal hydronephrosis are found during a routine ultrasound at around 20 weeks gestation period. Following are the methods to diagnose antenatal hydronephrosis:
Laboratory testing: Evaluating the urine sample of the fetus may help in identifying kidney dysfunction or renal dysplasia. Through the ultrasound-guided technique, the urine sample of the fetus is obtained. In the case of a healthy fetus, the urine so formed is hypotonic. However, in a diseased condition, the urine obtained is isotonic. Increased level of calcium, sodium, Microglobulin, and chloride indicates possible renal dysplasia.
Ultrasonography: Ultrasonography was the first diagnostic method that helped in identifying hydronephrosis in the fetus. It also helps in identifying the possible cause of accumulation of fluid in the kidney.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Magnetic resonance imaging during pregnancy provides more detailed condition and provide important insight into the severity of the disease. Once the severity is identified, optimum medical interventions can be designed.
Other additional procedures: The procedures that can help in diagnosis include amniocentesis, chromosomal analysis, maternal serum biochemistry, and chorionic villus sampling.
What Are The Various Grades Of Antenatal Hydronephrosis?
The grades of antenatal hydronephrosis are determined by the Antero-posterior diameter (APD) of the renal pelvis. The diameter is evaluated through ultrasonography. The grades or classification of antenatal hydronephrosisis done as mild, moderate and severe. Following are the various grades for antenatal hydronephrosis:
Mild4-< 7 mm7 – < 9 mm
Moderate7 – ≤ 10 mm9 – ≤ 15 mm
Severe>10 mm>15 mm
Almost 57 – 88% of the antenatal hydronephrosis is mild while 10 to 30 % of the cases are of moderate grade. 2-13% of the cases of antenatal hydronephrosis are severe.
What Is The Etiology Of Antenatal Hydronephrosis?
Antenatal hydronephrosis is caused due to the following conditions:
Ureteral obstruction or blockage: This obstruction may be either Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJ) or ureterovesical junction obstruction (UVJ) or megaureter. The UPJ obstruction is indicated when there is a dilation of the pelvic-calyceal system without any ureteral dilation.
Renal anomalies: Generally, only a single ureter drains the urine from a kidney. However, in almost 1 % of the humans, there are two ureters originated from a kidney. This duplication does not cause any complications in the majority of patients. In approximately 1 in 1500 infants, there is an obstruction in the upper tube.
Urethral obstruction: Urethral obstruction in the fetus may also lead to antenatal hydronephrosis.
Vesicoureteral reflux: When there is the backflow of urine from the ureter and bladder towards the kidney, the urine does not flow properly and gets accumulated.
Polycystic Kidney: Due to the complete obstruction of the ureter, one of the kidneys is not normally developed. The other kidney functions normally and the baby usually born with a multicyclic kidney.
What Are The Possible Complications Of Antenatal Hydronephrosis?
If there is a prolonged obstruction of urine and increased pressure, this may cause a progressive reduction in kidney function. Medical interventions may reduce the pressure and allow the kidney to function but may not be able to regain the lost function.
What Are The Treatment Options For Antenatal Hydronephrosis?
No intervention is required in antennal hydronephrosis due to various reasons such as lack of technology for accurate diagnosis, non-identification of the definite reason for the fluid accumulation, and no strong data corresponding to safety and efficacy of medical/surgical interventions. However, a follow-up is required during the post-natal period in infants with varying degrees of antenatal hydronephrosis.
How Postnatal Management Of Hydronephrosis Is Done?
Post-natal management of infants with moderate to severe hydronephrosis is done by identifying the cause of the condition and designing a treatment strategy. KUB ultrasound is done usually 48-72 hours after birth. Antibiotics are administered as prophylactic therapy. Before discharge, complete diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment should be provided to the infant.
What Is The Prognosis Of Antenatal Hydronephrosis?
Most fetuses with antenatal hydronephrosis have an excellent prognosis. The condition resolves on its own in many cases. The morbidity and mortality depend upon various factors such as underlying cause, or whether one or both the kidneys are affected.
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ainuhitech · 4 years
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Vesicoureteral Reflux
 Urine flows from the kidneys, through thin tubes called ureters, to the bladder. If urine flows from the bladder back into the ureters this is called vesicoureteral reflux, With vesicoureteral reflux, urine flows back from the bladder to ureter then to the kidney. This may happen in one or both ureters. This condition occurs when the "flap valve" doesn’t work this lets urine flow back, due to this bacteria from the bladder can enter the kidney may cause a kidney infection that can lead to kidney damage.
 When urine flows back from ureters to kidneys this can cause is more severe damage to kidneys. The more severe reflux is the greater risk of kidney damage if there is an infection present.
 Symptoms of Vesicoureteral Reflux:
 ·       A burning sensation when urinating
·       A strong, persistent urge to urine
·        The need to pass small amounts of urine frequently
·       Cloudy urine
·        Pain in your side or abdomen
 Voiding cystourethrogram: A thin plastic tube is injected with fluid and X-ray dye into your bladder. Then an X-ray machine takes a video while you pee to see whether the fluid goes backward from the bladder to reach kidneys.
 Radionuclide cystogram: This process is similar to voiding cystourethrogram, except the contrasting dye is a radioactive material is detected by a nuclear scan.
 Abdominal ultrasound: Sound waves are passed on the abdomen to create an image of the entire urinary tract. This could be used to find out how your kidneys are functioning.
 Urodynamic: This test is done to see how well the bladder is collecting, holding, releasing urine.
 Blood test: This test is done to examine the waste products that are usually removed from the blood by your kidneys. Blood tests give a report of how well kidneys are doing their job.
 Doctors can use surgery to correct reflux and prevent urine from flowing back to the kidney. In some cases, treatment can include the use of bulking injections. Doctors inject a small amount of gel-like liquid into the bladder wall near the opening of the ureter.
Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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prashantjainsblog · 2 months
Best Pediatric Urologist in India: Meeting Your Child Needs
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When it comes to your child's health, especially concerning sensitive and complex issues like urological conditions, finding the right pediatric specialist is paramount. Pediatric urology is a specialized field that focuses on diagnosing, treating, and managing urinary and genital problems in children. India is home to several world-class pediatric urologists who provide expert care tailored to each child's unique needs. This blog aims to guide you through understanding the importance of pediatric urology, recognizing common conditions, and finding the best pediatric urologist in India for your child.
Understanding Pediatric Urology
Pediatric urology encompasses a wide range of conditions affecting the urinary tract and genital organs in children. These conditions can be congenital (present at birth) or acquired, and they vary in severity from minor issues to complex disorders requiring surgery. Pediatric urologist in India are specially trained to handle these delicate conditions, providing care that is both effective and compassionate.
Common Pediatric Urological Conditions
Hypospadias: A congenital condition where the urethral opening is not located at the tip of the penis. Surgical correction is often required.
Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR): A condition where urine flows backward from the bladder to the kidneys, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney damage.
Undescended Testes (Cryptorchidism): A condition where one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum, which may require surgical intervention.
Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV): Abnormal folds of tissue in the urethra of boys that can obstruct urine flow, leading to kidney damage if untreated.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Recurrent UTIs may indicate an underlying urological issue that needs evaluation.
Spina Bifida and Neurogenic Bladder: Conditions that affect bladder function due to nerve damage or developmental abnormalities.
Hydronephrosis: Swelling of a kidney due to a build-up of urine, often detected prenatally.
Importance of Specialized Care
Children are not just small adults; their bodies are still developing, and their medical needs differ significantly from those of adults. Pediatric urologists undergo extensive training to understand these differences and to provide age-appropriate care. They are skilled in performing delicate surgeries on infants and children and are adept at using minimally invasive techniques to reduce recovery times and minimize discomfort.
Choosing the Right Pediatric Urologist in India
India boasts several renowned pediatric urologists, many of whom are affiliated with top hospitals and medical institutions. When selecting a pediatric urologist for your child, consider the following factors:
Qualifications and Experience: Ensure that the urologist is board-certified and has extensive experience in treating pediatric urological conditions.
Hospital Affiliation: Look for specialists affiliated with reputed hospitals known for their pediatric care facilities.
Specialized Training: Prefer urologists who have undergone specialized training or fellowships in pediatric urology.
Patient-Centered Approach: Choose a doctor who prioritizes patient comfort, provides clear communication, and involves you in the decision-making process.
Advanced Technology and Techniques: Opt for specialists who use the latest diagnostic and surgical technologies to ensure the best outcomes.
Positive Reviews and Testimonials: Seek recommendations from other parents or read reviews to gauge the doctor’s reputation and success rates.
Choosing the right Pediatric urologist in India is crucial for ensuring your child receives the best possible care. With India's growing expertise in pediatric urology, parents have access to world-class specialists and cutting-edge treatments. By considering factors such as qualifications, experience, and hospital affiliation, you can find a pediatric urologist who will provide the compassionate and expert care your child needs.
Remember, early diagnosis and timely intervention are key to managing pediatric urological conditions effectively. If your child is experiencing any urological issues, don’t hesitate to seek the advice of a specialist. Your child’s health and well-being are of utmost importance, and finding the right pediatric urologist can make all the difference.
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ainubanja · 4 years
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Vesicoureteral Reflux
 Urine flows from the kidneys, through thin tubes called ureters, to the bladder. If urine flows from the bladder back into the ureters this is called vesicoureteral reflux, With vesicoureteral reflux, urine flows back from the bladder to ureter then to the kidney. This may happen in one or both ureters. This condition occurs when the "flap valve" doesn’t work this lets urine flow back, due to this bacteria from the bladder can enter the kidney may cause a kidney infection that can lead to kidney damage.
 When urine flows back from ureters to kidneys this can cause is more severe damage to kidneys. The more severe reflux is the greater risk of kidney damage if there is an infection present.
 Symptoms of Vesicoureteral Reflux:
 ·       A burning sensation when urinating
·       A strong, persistent urge to urine
·        The need to pass small amounts of urine frequently
·       Cloudy urine
·        Pain in your side or abdomen
 Voiding cystourethrogram: A thin plastic tube is injected with fluid and X-ray dye into your bladder. Then an X-ray machine takes a video while you pee to see whether the fluid goes backward from the bladder to reach kidneys.
 Radionuclide cystogram: This process is similar to voiding cystourethrogram, except the contrasting dye is a radioactive material is detected by a nuclear scan.
 Abdominal ultrasound: Sound waves are passed on the abdomen to create an image of the entire urinary tract. This could be used to find out how your kidneys are functioning.
 Urodynamic: This test is done to see how well the bladder is collecting, holding, releasing urine.
 Blood test: This test is done to examine the waste products that are usually removed from the blood by your kidneys. Blood tests give a report of how well kidneys are doing their job.
 Doctors can use surgery to correct reflux and prevent urine from flowing back to the kidney. In some cases, treatment can include the use of bulking injections. Doctors inject a small amount of gel-like liquid into the bladder wall near the opening of the ureter.
Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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ainudsnr · 4 years
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Vesicoureteral Reflux
 Urine flows from the kidneys, through thin tubes called ureters, to the bladder. If urine flows from the bladder back into the ureters this is called vesicoureteral reflux, With vesicoureteral reflux, urine flows back from the bladder to ureter then to the kidney. This may happen in one or both ureters. This condition occurs when the "flap valve" doesn’t work this lets urine flow back, due to this bacteria from the bladder can enter the kidney may cause a kidney infection that can lead to kidney damage.
 When urine flows back from ureters to kidneys this can cause is more severe damage to kidneys. The more severe reflux is the greater risk of kidney damage if there is an infection present.
 Symptoms of Vesicoureteral Reflux:
 ·       A burning sensation when urinating
·       A strong, persistent urge to urine
·        The need to pass small amounts of urine frequently
·       Cloudy urine
·        Pain in your side or abdomen
 Voiding cystourethrogram: A thin plastic tube is injected with fluid and X-ray dye into your bladder. Then an X-ray machine takes a video while you pee to see whether the fluid goes backward from the bladder to reach kidneys.
 Radionuclide cystogram: This process is similar to voiding cystourethrogram, except the contrasting dye is a radioactive material is detected by a nuclear scan.
 Abdominal ultrasound: Sound waves are passed on the abdomen to create an image of the entire urinary tract. This could be used to find out how your kidneys are functioning.
 Urodynamic: This test is done to see how well the bladder is collecting, holding, releasing urine.
 Blood test: This test is done to examine the waste products that are usually removed from the blood by your kidneys. Blood tests give a report of how well kidneys are doing their job.
 Doctors can use surgery to correct reflux and prevent urine from flowing back to the kidney. In some cases, treatment can include the use of bulking injections. Doctors inject a small amount of gel-like liquid into the bladder wall near the opening of the ureter.
Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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