#Vickie is also very adorably invested in the basketball game and I really hope we get to see Steve and Vickie bond in s5
stobinesque · 1 year
Ok, ok, I know "Steve deserves a friend who shares his interest in sports" is a popular fandom take, and, like, that's not wrong, but: Guys. It's Robin. Like. Did you all see the way she's cheering during the basketball game?? (Also Vickie. Steve and Vickie would totally bond over sports.) As a former band kid I can assert that being in pep/marching band does not automatically imply an interest in (or understanding of) sports, but Robin is actively cheering without first needing someone to explain what happened to her, and with actual, genuine enthusiasm! Maybe sports aren't her favorite thing, and maybe part of her excitement is for Lucas, but I 100% believe that she and Steve have watched basketball games together.
ETA: I originally wrote this post while rewatching ep 1 of season 4 and forgot at the time that in season 3 Robin talks about playing soccer. Jock!Robin is real and canon!
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