#Viksuni Anoor
jarael · 3 years
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Togruta Thursday: Forged Alliances edition featuring montral pats from Lana.
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jarael · 3 years
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Did someone say Togruta Thursday?  Have the prettiest turncoat you’ve ever seen.
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jarael · 3 years
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Togruta Thursday: Ilum edition
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jarael · 3 years
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And the last two done.
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jarael · 3 years
By now, Arisa was long used to the weight of beskar; she had been wearing it in some form since she was 12.  That didn’t mean it felt good in Rishi’s sticky heat.  Her black hair would be greasy by the end of the day.
This was Viksuni’s hideaway.  Rishi was a pirate paradise, and the Empire wouldn’t look for a former Cipher hiding in plain sight here.  The willowy Togruta welcomed the Chiss Grand Champion and her human husband into the abode.  Arisa was surprised to not see Kaliyo or Vector around.  “Where’s your buddy and your boy?”
“Kaliyo is dealing with some of her people, again, and Vector has a Killik thing happening.”  Viksuni hesitated before continuing.  She was risking her friendship with Arisa with what she was about to do.  “You’re not going to like this...but you need to hear us out.”
“Us” was the tall, well-dressed Chiss male studying Viksuni’s library.  His suit had an emblem featuring three blue and white moons connected to a large white one in the center.  He was from the Chiss Ascendancy, and his mere presence made Arisa’s blood boil.
“What’s this shabuire--” She was held back by Torian.
“Cyare, calm down.  Let him talk.”
She sourly jerked her arm from his grasp and studied the proud looking diplomat.  “Who are you?”
“Aristocra Saganu.  I met Viksuni a few years ago on Hoth.  I take it you know who I represent, seeing your response.  I was warned that you are not particularly welcoming to your fellows who are loyal to the Ascendancy.”
“Two things, pal: one, why are you here?  And two, how do you know I’m Chiss?”
“Allow me to answer the first question, so that I may answer the second.”  Saganu gestured the women to follow him to Viksuni’s holoprojector.  While walking, Viksuni flashed Arisa an awkward smile.  “Thank you for not shooting him.”
“It’s still early yet.  This is in return for that shitshow on Felucia, isn’t it?”
Viksuni fiddled with the tip of a lekku, smirking.  “Don’t know what you’re talking about, friend.”
Saganu inserted a holodisc into the projector, producing an image of two Chiss.  “These people have betrayed the Ascendancy to work for the Exchange.  The Ruling Families have placed a very generous bounty on each of them.”
“So?  You’re buddy buddy with Viksuni.  Why do you need me?”  Arisa was semi-retired from bounty hunting, having found a niche for wrestling. 
“Take a good look, Grand Champion.”
Arisa realized that the woman had the same cheekbones and chin as she, and the man had the same forehead and nose.  She clenched her fist.  “How do you know that they’re my birth parents?”
“Your mother--”
“She is not my mother.  Vheta Kavi is.”
“Wrenii was caught on holo on Tatooine bragging about you after you won the Great Hunt.  Your face, as you know, became well known after Jun Seros framed you.  Of course, we’d have to run tests to confirm you’re related to her, but--”
“No, I remember them.  It’s been imprinted in my mind.  Give me the damn bounties.”  Arisa’s teeth were gritted as hot, angry tears poured down her face. 
Viksuni laid a purple hand on Saganu’s shoulder.  “May I speak with Arisa in private, please?”  Saganu nodded and left the room.
She waited for Arisa to calm down a bit before speaking.  “You don’t have to do this.”
“I do.  Who the fuck abandons a two year old on Dantooine?  How are credits, fame, whatever, so much more important than your own child?  ‘spose it’s okay to see the Ascendancy get fucked over by them.  And I got my own mom now, not that she ever has time for me...”
Viksuni decided not to retell her life story to someone who’d heard it so many times before: getting manipulated by Imperial Intelligence, losing her memory, the Star Cabal...  She decided to let Arisa vent.  Then they could hunt.
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jarael · 4 years
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Local Mando MILF and independent agent team up to take down gang of pirates, more at 11
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jarael · 3 years
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jarael · 3 years
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Always fun to get a new look.  
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jarael · 4 years
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Viksuni Anoor, Master Conspirator
Viksuni Anoor was born to Okaamo Anoor 3667 BBY, on Shili.  Okaamo has frequently admitted to her daughter being the product of a one night stand with a male dancer at a club while she was traveling.  Viksuni’s mother is a former smuggler who went into semi-retirement after the future spy was born.  She was very hands-on, and encouraged the curious child to explore and indulge her mind.
When Viksuni was in her early twenties, she was lured by an Imperial recruiter to join Intelligence, with the promise of good money and exciting adventures.  After writing to her mother about her new employer, she began her training.  Despite exceeding many expectations, Viksuni got her first taste of Imperial xenophobia, something that would plague her until her defection.
Viksuni was eventually sent to Hutta for her first mission of getting Nem’ro the Hutt on the Empire’s side.  She succeeded, and acquired the chaotic anarchist Kaliyo Djannis as a crewmate.  She would eventually take down the terrorist who called himself the Eagle, and boldly talked Darth Jadus out of his plans to create a “new epoch of fear”.
The Togruta is always polite, unflappable, and, as proved due through her friendship with Kaliyo, incredibly patient.  Thankfully, the brainwashing she underwent from the Empire did not erode her personality--only whatever concern she had for her employer.  She will often go out of her way to help whoever she is working with, sometimes to her own detriment.
Viksuni is bisexual and polyamorous.  While hunting the Eagle’s operatives on Tatooine, she met a Sand People warrior named Vukte(who belongs to @sapphic-sith ) and asked her to join her crew.  On Alderaan, she recruited the Human Joiner and diplomat Vector Hyllus.  Initially torn between the two, the trio agreed to have a polyamorous relationship.
When Viksuni learned of her brainwashing, she immediately sought to break out of it.  She did forgive both Ardun Kothe and the Minister of Intelligence formerly known as Keeper for their roles in the pain she suffered, but she couldn’t forgive the Empire.  Thus, when the Jedi offered her a position as a double agent, she eagerly accepted and began working on her own terms from the shadows.
Early in her career, she befriended the Twi’lek Sith Aayes Chudo, where they bonded over being empathetic in a cruel government and the xenophobia they both suffered.  Both women played key roles in taking down Darth Malgus when he tried to start his own empire.  Ironically, Aayes would later defect herself.
Viksuni worked behind the scenes on Denova, where Ursulina Cheva and Lehusa Medora were fighting a bizarre conflict.  She was later visited on her ship by the Dread Masters, who only added to her mistrust of the majority of Sith.  She and Aayes would kill Lord Tyrans during the Dread War.
She worked with Major Medora to uncover the Revanite conspiracy, and would later work with the Alliance as one of their operatives specializing in infiltration.  She is also partnered with Arisa Kavi to take out the garbage of the galaxy, punishing its worst scum.
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jarael · 3 years
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The terrorists HATE to see girlbosses winning
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jarael · 4 years
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jarael · 3 years
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Togruta Thursday: Forged Alliances edition
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jarael · 4 years
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jarael · 4 years
(Here it is: the last chapter of the Dread War fic!  Enjoy!  Also I’m writing Satele as having brown eyes.)
Jedi Temple, Tython
Satele Shan poured tea into a mug, then pushed it towards Ursulina.  “You’re exhausted.  It is okay to rest, Ursulina.”
“I’m not worried about myself.  I’m worried about D’leah.”  She blew on the tea, contemplating the future, and what Calphayus had said to her.  Twins?  Well, she and Felix could handle it, but the ship would get very crowded.  “She doesn’t take care of herself.”
“She learned it from the best,” Satele teased, her eyes warm and smile welcoming.  “But...you’ve been through a lot.  You both need a break.”
“I suppose you’re right.  How is Calphayus doing?”
“Sleeping.  He’s going to be resting for a long time.  He was surprisingly cooperative.”
“Maybe I should have D’leah talk to Praven for advice.  Perhaps he’ll stay on the right path if he meets someone from a similar background.”
The two women sat in silence for a while, embracing the peace of the temple.  Then Ursulina hesitated.  “Satele...did you know about my parents?”
“I had heard...whispers.  But it is never my place, or any Jedi’s to judge.”  The Grandmaster embraced her friend.  “You are not your parents.  You never have been.”
“I know.  But...if things had just gone slightly differently.”
“Unfortunately, we cannot save everyone.  We can, however, always be compassionate and make the best decisions we possibly can.  And you have never faltered in that regard.”
Ursulina needed to hear that.  “Thank you, Satele.”
5 months later, Club Vertica casino, Nar Shaddaa
Viksuni kept her blaster ready, but extended a hand to the trooper.  “Major.”
“Agent,” Lehusa returned.  “Have you learned anything?”
“Nothing concrete.  But there has been a lot of weird movements lately.  That woman I told you Lord Sadow met years ago?  Tari Darkspanner?  She’s gone missing?”
“She’s dead?”
“No, but I can’t find her or her camp.  They’ve just...”  Viksuni produced a holo of a mask.  “But the few Raina and I were able to talk to have all started wearing this mask.”
It was vaguely Mandalorian in inspiration, but it was similar to the one worn by one who had never been Mandalorian.  “It looks like Revan’s mask.”  Lehusa had paid attention in history class.  “You think they’re onto something?  Because he’s dead.”
“No idea.  But I doubt their motives are completely benevolent either.  A lot of them have become obsessive recently.”
“You think the Dread Masters are back?”
“No.  And if the Barsen’thor is telling the truth, Calphayus doesn’t have it in him to use Force terror any more.  I think something else is going on.  I’ll have Scorpio see if she can get into any databanks.”
“Good luck.”
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jarael · 4 years
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Life Day for the Kavi legacy!
It’s not that Viksuni doesn’t like Life Day, but speaking from personal experience, PTSD and seasonal depression don’t mix.  Also Lehusa and Adira should not be allowed near stoves.  Or open flames.  And try getting a saline Mando and a prissy Sith heretic to play dejarik and see what happens.  Lol.
I found the template from @shanfamilydrama​!  I’ll put it under the cut.
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jarael · 4 years
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And that’s that on that.
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