#Viktor did have a slightly better grasp on things in S2 he was just also literally tortured
Seeing S1 apocalypse and S2 apocalypse be treated like they're 1:1 is so frustrating sometimes. Like. We can speculate on how aware Viktor was in S1 during the theatre incident and how it was causing the end of the world but no matter what you decide is the answer to that question, it is not anywhere near the same as being tortured by the government, high off LSD, and blowing up a building so you can fuck off somewhere that won't torture you and drop LSD in your system. I wouldn't hold it against anyone to lose control and snap like that in those conditions. Viktor didn't even use his powers to do more than blow up a building. It was all politics after that. Viktor didn't decide to throw around nukes.
Im just saying, the theatre incident is not the same situation as actively being tortured. Like Luther wouldn't break a wall and maybe some necks in the same chair. Or Five panic blinking somewhere/when without aiming properly. Or Allison bending reality in an unpredictable way to just make them stop.
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