#Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci
angel-oftheday · 5 months
The Angel of the Day is...
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The Archangel Uriel
From the Testament of Solomone, 2 Esdras, Book of Enoch & Hermetic Qabalah
Thank you for 250 followers!
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tragediambulante · 6 months
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Virgin of the rocks, Leonardo da Vinci, 1483-94
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" Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen. "
- Leonardo da Vinci
(April 15, 1452 - May 2, 1519)
' Virgin of the Rocks' , detail of the angel's face
National Gallery, London, UK
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eternal--returned · 5 months
. . . Leonardo . . . was one of the first to recognize the limitations placed on painting by the use of perspective. Although Leonardo posed this question without finally answering it, he readily employed the element that most subsequent artists have used to give a greater and more emotionally laden reality to their pictures—light.
Christopher Rothko ֍ "Rothko and the Resonance of History." Toward Clarity (2019)
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Leonardo da Vinci ֍ The Virgin of the Rocks (c. 1491)
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maxmvo · 6 months
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Carrossel de Instagram: Para onde você olha quando olha para arte?"
Neste projeto de Marketing de Conteúdo, o objetivo foi um criar layout que servisse ao propósito editorial de publicar o ensaio sem perder a abordagem visual criativa. Para este tanto emprestamos iconografias de obras de arte consagradas como 'A Virgem das Pedras' de Leonardo Da Vinci para ilustrar pontos presentes no ensaio e enriquecer a composição como um todo. Dentre os vários projetos que foram feitos para esta iniciativa este obteve um dos melhores resultados finais.
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MWW Artwork of the Day (5/22/23) Leonardo da Vinci (Florentine, 1452-1519) Virgin of the Rocks (c. 1503-06) Oil on panel, 189.5 x 120 cm. National Gallery, London
This picture substitutes a motif popular in Florence for the image normally required by Franciscan patrons promoting the doctrine of Mary's Immaculate Conception: a Virgin without the Child, shown standing among prophets holding texts taken to refer to her exemption from Original Sin. In the Virgin of the Rocks the infant Baptist, sheltering under Mary's cloak, venerates the Christ Child in a cool, watery wilderness. The artist's Milanese clients must have worried about confusing the two infants, for a later hand has given John an identifying scroll and a cross clumsily rooted in one of Leonardo's exquisite studies of plants.
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innervoiceartblog · 1 year
Photo © by Amber Maitrejean, of a display on the grounds of Clos Lucé, a château in Amboise, France.
Clos Lucé was the official residence of Leonardo da Vinci from 1516 until his death in 1519. Images of Leonardo's works printed on sheer panels seem to merge with the lush garden.
I believe the two shown here are details from (left) the Louvre's version of 'The Virgin of the Rocks,' and (right) 'Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Lady with an Ermine).'
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thraveenperera · 9 months
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Virgin of the Rocks Chéramy, Madonna and Child with St Joseph or Adoration of the Christ Child
Attributed to Leonardo and his workshop by Carlo Pedretti; believed by others to be a copy of the Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo's student Giampietrino. Mentioned by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres in 1845 and by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes; both were convinced that it was an original work by Leonardo.
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cutehomeart · 1 year
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proud-spaniard · 11 months
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Virgin of the Rocks, by Leonardo da Vinci (detail)
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virginoftherocks · 2 months
hi yusuke! do you have any favorite art pieces in particular? ^_^
Of course. “Virgin of the Rocks” by Leonardo da Vinci is a personal favorite of mine, as one could've guessed from my username. I believe the many different textures in the painting are proof of incredible artistry. I'm also a fan of many works by Yokoyama Taikan. Of course, my true favorite piece is the ‘Sayuri’. A painting in which you're fully taken aback by it's beauty. Yes, it's a magnificent piece with bold colors and real emotion poured into it. It played an important role in my career as an artist and in my growth as a person. I do suggest you take a look if you have not already seen it.
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bconker · 2 years
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Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)The Virgin of the Rocks (detail)
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flu0rspar · 2 months
Did a lil’ art study and though to share :)
Referenced piece:
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(Leonardo da Vinci’s Virgin of the Rocks)
My “study piece”:
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Of course, I’m very far from his level, and I’ve never done actual realism before… but hey, it’s always worth doing something new, and maybe even something will come of it, who knows!
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rearte2 · 2 years
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Leonardo da Vinci  - Virgin of the Rocks, c. 1491 (detail)
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dato-georgia-caucasus · 6 months
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Leonardo da Vinci - Virgin of the Rocks, 1486
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poliwait · 1 year
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The Virgin of the Rocks, c.1491/2 - 1506/8. Leonardo Da Vinci.
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