#Vis Dev: Sean Wang
toa-archive · 1 year
Troll Pest design path
It's been an everything sort of week and thankfully the next move over is a nice short one.
They are only on the screen for maybe a second but this little guy was designed for the Hong Kong Trollmarket! Despite that some of us got immediately attached and keep drawing them and by luck we have their concepts and their paint too.
First up is figuring out the design to go forward which was done by Sean Wang aka Tanginova with lots of funky shapes. This image is on the lorge side as it's pulled directly from her website so please bear that in mind. Nobody needs a "Tronos crashed my computer because of the size" in a different format.
G is a bit like the Fu Dog design that was put forward for the trolls which is likely a coincidence but still neat.
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Finally we have the texture markup and texture design complete with callouts!This artwork was done by Alison Donato.
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Their one second appearance is scrambling to the left of the screen while the team are walking through. Very much a blink or you'll miss the skittering.
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toa-archive · 1 year
Butcher Troll-Dragon Design Path
While they are only in the film for what basically amounts to a few second cameo the troll-dragons went through the same design process as any other design. By luck the Butch Troll-Dragon is one of few that can be followed from the concept to the final.
First up is this lineup by Yingjue Chen of our five funky guys and girls. With the exception of the middle all of these made it into the film for certain unless they're hiding somewhere. The second lady was designed to bounce off Nomura's model (Thus cut development time) though she lacks this tail. That isn't too surprising given tails and cloaks/similar fabrics apart from being a clipping nightmare add to overall costs.
That is also what fanart/fanfic is for.
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They pop up a second time on this orthographic by Sean Wang also known as Tanginova where both he and the turtle had a few adjustments. The butcher knife was taken from the middle troll and given to him along with gaining a change of wrist adornments and removal of the swirly arm things.
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There is two versions of this artwork (This being the second) though neither being on her website at present. The above was taken when it was still available. You can find where either version might show up again here.
Now for his own orthographic!
These two are by Aaron Loftis and because there's two we can see just how much detail went into this guy including a mini height comparison! He sure loves to be fashionable.
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Source (In the wrong section so this link might break at some point) | Source
This final work is by Andy Murray for his paint/texture and further snazzifiying. The mouth colouration is a frequent pop up on trolls and is suspected to be AAARRRGGHH's reused.
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His back is to the camera but he can be seen doing some butchering in the half second or so he appears. Enjoy!
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toa-archive · 3 years
Still on the subject of Teny’s storyboards for Merlin’s farewell and the script for the same sequence there is one more mention I think is worth a show case namely this line at 0:58 of the animatic:
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“You wrote it in Draconic! It was a pie recipe!”
This line makes an awful lot more sense when you remember that the only being we’re aware of that can read Ancient Draconic is Charlemagne an avid blood berry pie maker and is another hint along with knowledge of the Genesis Seals that he and Merlin knew one another and might have even been friends at least at some point.
But where DID the pie come from? Well we can thank Sean Wang also known as Tanginova for that one! The below image has been shrunk a bit as the original is huge, notice the bottom left of the second page?
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Given everything going on it’d be very easy to miss in context so now you can have a proper shufty to your hearts content. The more you know :)
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