#Vissenta Senadz
ilyamatic · 1 year
Mixed Emotions, Heart Still Open
Oh no, the meme has become a bit of a series. Catch part one here and Vissenta's pov here.
CW: Drug use, relapsing
Song: Where You Are by John Summit and Hayla
Andrico was not running away. They don’t run away from anything. They were making a… strategic exit.
Because the thing about Julian Devorak, the love of their life and bane of their existence in equal measure, was that he was easy to spot in a crowd. It was hard to miss the guy who was more than a head taller than everyone else and dressed like a 90s goth mall rat. So when they noticed that distinctive mop of auburn curls, Andrico decided a visit to the bathroom was necessary. And if the bathroom was located next to the fire exit? Well…
Now, should that have led them to another club? Probably not. It was a festival weekend. That meant after parties. That meant drugs. That meant a couple of lines snorted in the bathroom, a new dealer’s number saved, and a very awkward conversation with their NA sponsor when they unblocked him in 3 weeks. That meant 5 years of sobriety down the drain.
Nasty work.
That being said, those were problems for future Andrico. Andrico right then? Oh, they felt good honey. Better than they had in weeks. Their blood was pumping, their inhibitions gone. There was only the music, the bass, the bodies writhing and grinding against theirs. Andrico didn’t have to think about Julian cleaving their heart in two or the strange way Vissenta got under their skin and stayed there or the empty apartment they were going back to. They only needed that moment, that high. Time meant nothing and each moment bled into the next.
Another line, a new song, laughter spilling into the streets. A stranger’s hand in theirs pulling them onto another dance floor. Rinse, repeat.
But there was only so much cocaine they could snort before they ended up in the hospital again, especially after so long. The high couldn’t last forever. They had to come down at some point. It just shouldn’t have been like this.
They should just ignore him. The music was loud enough, yeah? They were still far gone enough. They could do it.
“Dunya please. We have been looking for you all night. You left your purse and phone behind and–”
A strong arm wrapped around their middle and tried to gently guide them from the dance floor. Suddenly Andrico wasn’t floating miles above the Earth. They were in some too hot warehouse surrounded by people they didn’t know and Julian was there, holding them.
They were back in their body and it hurt.
“Let me go,” they pleaded with a weak shove.
“Dunya, we have to go,” Julian said gently. “It’s near dawn. We have to take you home.”
They could feel themselves starting to cry again. “No no no. Let me go. You don’t love me.”
They couldn’t handle the crack in his voice. They began to cry in earnest.
“You don’t love me, you don’t love me, you don’t love me but you won’t let me go,” Andrico sobbed. “I love you, let me go.”
Another set of hands came and rested on their shoulders, gently leading them away. They knew Vissenta’s touch anywhere. The sobs continued.
“You don’t love me,” Andrico said again. They repeated it like a mantra. They didn’t know who they meant anymore.
They soon found themself bundled in the back of a car. From the smell of Malboros and hand sanitizer they knew it was Julian’s. They would cry harder if they could but they were wrung dry.
A weight draped over them, all sea salt and burnt wood. Julian’s coat.
Whispers filled the car as he took the driver’s seat and Vissenta slipped into the passenger’s. Snippets of “what did they take?” and “how much?” caught their ear.
They were so tired.
Once the car began to move Andrico allowed themself to flop to the side. Vissenta’s head snapped towards them.
“He-y Drico,” their casual tone misplaced with the worry etched on their face. “Can you sit back for us buddy?”
Andrico shook their head. It was too much effort.
“Okay, that’s okay. Just let us know if you start feeling sick alright?”
“Or don’t lay on your back please?” Julian cut in.
If they had the energy they would snort. This wasn’t their first rodeo. Instead, Andrico allowed their eyes to close and focused on the car moving beneath them. In no time the whispers became white noise and they were able to drift off to sleep.
If they dreamed in thundercloud gray and olive green, that business was their own.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Yeah yeah I'm supposed to be on break, but I was saving off my presets for future use and I could not resist better showing off Vis' fit in this render!
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devoraqs · 2 years
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La Reine Elle-même
Happy birthday to the only and only Her, Vissenta
@vissentasenadz thank u for ur girl I think she’s neat
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nvvermore · 2 years
Kiss drawing prompt: V2 Visamie? :3
its not the exact prompt but still just as soft
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stellesappho · 2 years
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commission for @vissentasenadz 💜
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alotsgonnachange · 3 years
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Heyyyy @vissentasenadz i was your arcana secret cupid for the @arcanasecretcupid event 🥰
I couldnt pass up an opportunity to draw vissenta and nadia because um,,..
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Anyway … I was going for a sneaky sneaky we’re somewhat in public boob touch vibe? I hope you enjoy i had fun drawing them and vissenta is The Best as always hehe
And shoutout to @arcanecadenza for organizing too!
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
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@ouiserarts @vissentasenadz
Thank you so much for working with me again! I needed to do a piece for Vanessa's date night fit and you delivered!
I see what you did with her nails and I love it!
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apprenticevida · 2 years
Happy Birthday @ouiserthemenace
I don’t think I’d have joined the Arcana fandom to this extent without your art and influence!
I hope you enjoy this piece of Vissenta in the baths, looking over her wife’s domain
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epoch-smog · 2 years
Basil please I have to do my day job and all I can think about is Vissenta stabbing that table
HJWBXJKSC ok I'll go make Jin cheer her up
And also what @wiltingdecay said
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And then I drew this out on my phone because I thought I was gonna sleep finally but I'm fueled by messing around.
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wiltingdecay · 2 years
🍻 Vissenta sits down across from Rowan, not beating around the bush as she leans forward. “Have you ever made someone cry?”
🍻 drunken confessions
(this was really fun, thank you! it ran away with me a little bit because it’s me, so i put half under the cut. hope i did an ok job writing queen vis!)
Rowan accidentally inhales and then coughs violently into the drink that's still raised to his lips at the unexpected question, quickly bringing it back down to the table to prevent further choking and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Eh-excuse me?" He splutters once he's composed himself, peering over at Vissenta through watering eyes.
If she's taken pity on them after that extremely smooth and suave display, Vissenta's gaze doesn't show it. "I said," she repeats, resting her elbows on the table as she leans closer, steepling her fingers under her chin. "Have you ever made someone cry?"
Rowan frowns, wiping at their left tit from where they'd accidentally dribbled rum onto themself with a napkin. “That’s... weirdly, not the worst opener I’ve ever had used on me.”
Vissenta raises her eyebrows in mock-surprise. “Really? Hmm, I’ll have to step up my game, in that case.” She smirks, then reaches across the table to prod Rowan’s wrist. “Opener or not, though, it was a serious question.”
Rowan presses their lips together briefly, uneasy. “And are you gonna stab me if I don’t answer it?”
Vissenta laughs. And does not reply.
Well then. Rowan clears his throat, drumming his fingers on the tabletop in a steady rhythm and staring fixedly at a nearby lantern hanging from the ceiling behind Vissenta’s head. “...Yes.” He says eventually. After a few seconds’ pause, he glances back to Vissenta, noting the mildly amused but unimpressed look on her face.
“And...?” She prompts, delicately; despite the tone of the original question, Rowan gets a distinct feeling that if he really isn’t comfortable doing so, then Vissenta won’t pressure him into giving a fully detailed answer. If he wants to change the topic, or simply get up and leave, she won’t try and force him not to. It’s this, more than anything, that eases the tension in Rowan’s shoulders, makes his hands unclench and relax where they’re resting on the table. He can indulge her in this, at least a little bit.
If nothing else, at least Vissenta will understand.
“Oh, you want details now, is it?” He says jokingly, picking up his drink and giving it a swirl before taking another sip. “Ye should’ve specified in your original question. We never negotiated that.”
Vissenta snorts, rolling her eyes. “Fine, you pedant. Please, may you answer my question properly, if it’s not too much trouble?”
Rowan nods with a small smile, then interlaces their fingers together, staring down at their hands and squeezing them until their knuckles turn white as they think back for a... suitable example. One that won’t bore Vissenta to tears, but also won’t make her feel like she’s dug into things she shouldn’t have. Once they think they have it, they inhale slowly through their nose before looking up at Vissenta again. She’s idly stirring her drink with a finger, her chin resting in her other hand, surveying Rowan with interest.
“So, you know I’m not, like...” Rowan vaguely waves his arm in the air. “From here, right?” Vissenta nods, so Rowan continues. “Well, there’s a long story behind that, but one of the big reasons why I came here specifically was so my mam could teach me how to control my magic. Which... she didn’t, but,” Rowan snorts derisively. “That’s neither here nor there.”
“Not to learn how to use it?” Vissenta chimes in, observantly. “Just to control it?”
Rowan nods. “Yep. See, when I was a kid, my magic was very... unrestrained. Even when I wasn’t using it - and I really tried my hardest not to use it, as much as I could help it - I could always feel it, y’know? It was like this burning, boiling sensation, right under my skin. I tried to ignore it, but... it hurt. A lot.” He chuckles sadly at the memory, wrapping his arms around himself and slowly running his palms up and down his biceps.
Vissenta frowns, her brows pinched. “Of course it did,” she murmurs sympathetically. “Power like that... it would’ve been burning you up from the inside out.”
“Mhm.” Rowan nods again. “Try as I might, there was no way I could ever hope to keep all of that magic bottled up inside me. I doubt I could do it now; I definitely couldn’t do it when I was just a tiny, scared little girl who didn’t know what was happening to her.” He shakes his head, picking his drink back up and knocking back what’s left of it before dropping the glass back down to the table. “And because there was so much of it built up, whenever my body decided it had finally had enough and let the magic out, it was in the form of these... surges. I hadn’t a hope of controlling them. They were huge bursts of power.” He pauses. “...Destructive power, to be specific. That’s always seemed to be my specialty.”
Vissenta nods, again. She’s leaned towards Rowan again, her chin resting in both hands, her face a picture of concentration (and yes, maybe a little concern. She hopes Rowan isn’t about to confess that he accidentally murdered somebody at age six).
“The surges would come at pretty inopportune moments. Mostly high-stress ones. Sometimes that would be when I was around other people.” Rowan continues, hugging himself again almost unconsciously, a little tighter this time. “And sometimes they’d, well... get in the way.” He sighs heavily, ruffling a strand of hair that had escaped his ponytail. “At best, I’d just terrify them. Especially the kids my age, or younger. They didn’t know what was happening. I think they thought I was possessed. And at worst... I’d hurt them. Get smoke in their eyes. Make them choke on it. Shock them. Burn them.”
Even though the memories are old, so old - he hasn’t been home, hasn’t seen that village or any of the people living in it since he was ten - the admission of what he’d done back then is still enough to choke him up, the guilt sticking in his throat like glue. He swallows hard to dislodge it.
“And then they’d cry.”
When Rowan eventually looks back up from the table to Vissenta’s face, her eyes are widened, mouth opened in a small, soft “oh” of surprise. They meet her eyes for a moment or two, then give her a weak, reassuring smile when they see the concern in them. “It’s OK, really. Honestly, they’ve probably all forgotten I exist these days.” Their smile widens, and they snort a little. “Either that or I’m the village Boogeyman now, and they tell their littles stories about an Coirloscadh Ruadhán instead of the Bean Sídhe. Think I’d prefer that, to be honest. Sounds cooler.”
Mercifully, Vissenta laughs at that, leaning back in her seat. “That’s definitely it. No way they let a hellion like you fade into obscurity. Though I think if we knew each other as kids, I still could’ve beaten you in a fight.”
“No doubt about it,” Rowan chuckles. “You could beat me in a fight now. I’m very intimidated by you, you know.”
Vissenta laughs again, throwing her head back proudly. “And you’d do well to stay that way!”
Rowan grins, leaning across the table themself. “OK, your turn now. Who did you make cry? And I won’t believe you if you say nobody. You’re far too scary for that to be believable...”
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ilyamatic · 1 year
One for the Money, Two for the Show
Sometimes you need your gays to be toxic to cope ft @vissentasenadz 's Vissenta and trans!Julian
Song: Million Dollar Man by Lana del Rey
Inspo: this tiktok
“You look like shit.”
Andrico knew Vissenta was lying. She was in her festival finest, crystals pretending to be tank top, her favorite cut offs, and some thigh high boots. She knew she turned heads. And sure, her eye makeup was fucked between all the crying and… other activities but it added to the appeal. She was still a snack damn it! Cocoa butter and body shimmer glistening honey!
Though she supposed morosely smoking a cigarette in a dark corner like some French girl wasn’t the look for her. Her ancestors wept and what not.
“I don’t feel any better,” Andrico replied with another drag.
Vissenta took a seat across from her. Andrico hated how at ease she seemed, legs and arms spread across the booth, cocksure grin, blue jeans, white shirt and dear god she was quoting Lana. She was further gone than she thought.
“So who was it this time,” Vissenta asked as she pilfered a cigarette from Andrico’s purse. “Carlo? Marquis?”
“Who said it was a man?”
Vissenta’s grin grew sharper. “You only smoke cigarettes because of men. So, was it Youngsoo? Muhammed?”
Andrico’s glare was particularly vicious.
“Oh. It was our Mutual, wasn’t it?”
She snorted into her drink. ‘Mutual’ she says, as if Julian Devorak wasn’t their shared ex slash sneaky link slash fuck buddy. As if Julian Devorak wasn’t the love of Andrico’s life.
“I need to let him go, Vis.”
“Let me guess, you fucked him again.”
“I ate him out before we got to the festival,” she said as tears stung her eyes once more. “Then we fucked during the Deftones set. I don’t even like Deftones.”
“Sounds like a good time to me.”
“I’m 36 years old.” Dear god she was actually going to cry again. “I can’t keep doing this.”
“But did you have fun?”
Andrico rested her head on the table, her long twists blocking her face from view. Her vision blurred.
“I have to block him. I have to leave him alone.”
A warm hand came and rested on her arm. She felt herself slowly begin to relax. Sometimes her and Vissenta’s relationship was contentious at best but in the end Andrico knew she could count on her.
“...so does that mean it is still open season for me?” Vissenta said after a beat of silence.
Or not. Vissenta was actually the worst person on the planet and Andrico actually hated her.
“C’mon Drico, I have to know if you ruined him for me?!”
Collecting herself, Andrico sat up. She reached into her purse and pulled out her compact and lip gloss.
“I don’t know cheri,” she said as she applied the pink tint on her lips. “If you are asking if he is willing to talk to you, I am sure he will answer the text. If you’re asking if Juju will fuck you again? I cannot say. I have been told I am a hard act to follow.”
Andrico capped her gloss with a flourish. But instead of being offended and shocked like she hoped for, Vissenta threw her head back and laughed.
“God you are such a cunt,” Vissenta said.
Still chuckling, she pulled out a few bills out of her wallet.
“Here, mon amour, go get us a couple of shots. It will cheer you up.”
Andrico sneered. “Who says I want to drink with you?”
“History, darling. You never turn down free alcohol.”
Oh fuck her.
Kissing her teeth, Andrico snatched the bills from her hand and walked to the bar. She was more annoyed at the heat that pooled from hearing Vissenta’s drawl when calling her ‘darling’ than anything.
Though there could be worse things to turn her on, she supposed. She also wasn’t blind to how Vissenta’s snake bites glinted in the bar’s low light. Honestly, that night was already full of bad decisions. What’s one more?
Her ancestors wept.
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the-iron-orchid · 2 years
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Just three gothy friends, hanging out in fishnets n lingerie for a little Alchemy and Chill!
Vissenta belongs to @vissentasenadz and Alexander belongs to @devoraqs, both appear by request and with permission!
These are cropped for tunglr, warnings and links to three full renders under the cut...
Warnings: Lingerie, neep piercings
Angle 1: Jinana has the best seat in the house
Angle 2: Vis really said >:3
Angle 3: Hit em with the Heart Eyes, Sacha
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devoraqs · 2 years
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Happy Hallowe’en!
Harvest Festival fun with Vissacha, having a moment together on their way to a big ol’ bonfire
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
🍻: for one OC to buy the other a drink, from Vissenta to Jamil?
Honestly, it's about time we had them meet, lmao. Thanks for sending this in!
Jamil sat back in a corner booth at the Rowdy Raven as he watched a small band play. When he wasn’t busy attending parties and galas in the Heart District, he somehow always found himself back at the South End, the true heart of the city.
He tapped his fingers on the table in time with the music, a popular shanty he had performed a number of times before. As he hummed along to the song, a woman slid into the booth across the table from him, and set two tankards on the table. He turned to give a charming, if not a bit apologetic smile to her as he pulled one of the tankards across to him. "I appreciate the gesture, but I'm afraid I will have to be the bearer of bad news if you were hoping for something else from me this evening."
"Even a conversation?" The woman laughed, holding up her hand. Jamil saw the flash of a ring on her fourth finger and relaxed a bit as she continued. "I was told I would find you here."
"Oh? And who would your source be?"
"Only the Countess herself, and my wife, Nadia Satrinava.”
Jamil’s eyes lit up, and he leaned over the table towards her with a wider, more genuine smile on his face. “So, you must be her Vissenta!” When she nodded, he reached across to take her hand in his. “Dia truly talks about you so often, I was wondering when we would get the chance to meet.”
Vissenta smiled back at him, giving his hand a brief squeeze. “She says you’re a hard man to get a hold of.”
“Ah, yes, I suppose she isn’t wrong.” Jamil sighed, leaning back to take a sip of the tankard she had brought for him. “I do always try to make time for her, though. I would have stopped by the palace if she only asked.”
“She also said as much. However—” Vissenta glanced around them at the still bustling bar, the band starting up another well-known shanty. “I prefer meeting at places like this over the palace’s salons. I feel like it’s easier to get an accurate idea of someone’s personality when they’re not concerned about keeping up appearances.”
“Hm.” Taking another sip, Jamil nodded. “I would have to agree with you. That’s probably why I end up coming back here so often on my own.” He sat back against the booth and placed his hands on the table, palms up as he grinned. “Now, I’m dying to know more about you, the woman who captured my cousin’s heart. Where should we begin?”
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aylaspeaches · 3 years
Drawing my mutuals ocs for practice, I guess-
drew Vissenta from @vissentasenadz​ as a beginning to, whatever im doing
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May redraw it when I get some practice in but for now I like how it looks
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claudia-nomusaabara · 2 years
Because I haven't given @bitcxes-n-cream and @vissentasenadz their flowers yet because I'm not sure if I'll get nerfed by Tumblr for these spicy drawings.
But I hope this route works! I'll be making some posts highlighting some of the art they did for me!
Pray for me!
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