#Vlaams niveau wss ook Vooruit
fictionalred · 11 months
you do not have to answer if you don't want to, but.do you have any idea which party you're going to vote for during the federal elections in belgium, because i'm.honestly at a loss atm
Yeah, I understand. The choice is def not easy.
First of all, the won't vote for parties:
Those that want to split Belgium in any way. Racists. Vlaams Belang being the most extreme obv. The Federal states ~solution~ Bart De Wever is bringing is bull and will only make the discrepancy bigger. Working together and sharing the wealth and workforce is the way to go here.
Never been a big CD&V fan. They haven't been doing the best of jobs historically. Also I am generally against the Catholic notion :) Hilde Crevits is the only one there I think is doing a fine job (on the top of my head). The CD&V are however a good possible partner for a lefty oriented government. Ze draaien zoals de tjeeven ze zijn.
VLD is doing a lot of shooting themselves in the feet lately it's becoming a sitcom (dramatic). It's a party that has always stood for the wealthier part of the population (including the ones that just think they are / want to be). So nope for me. (though maybe they did make the right decision appointing Paul Van Tigchelt, he seems competent at least)(so far)
So Groen, PVDA and Vooruit remain.
Why I personally don't want to vote Groen (federally) is because of their insistence on closing down the nuclear power stations. We should invest in them, not close down!.. Love for Petra De Sutter though, her cleaning out BPost is a good thing!
I'm not sure what to think of PVDA tbh. Them never having been in a government in Belgium before makes it hard. Buuut, they might have a chance soon. PTB (the Walloon version) is going pretty hard in the polls, so voting for the Flemish one might not be a waste in a Federal election!
Well, I think we all know the current Vooruit problem. Conner Rousseau's reputation sure is shit atm. He's a populist. I still think it's the party doing the ~most~ good both planning and historically wise. They also have the most chance of being in a future coalition. That coalition being another Vivaldi type. Lots of other parties, like CD&V and NVA will turn down PVDA/PTB, and very much favour a coalition with Vooruit.
I know Vivaldi got some shit reputation, but imo they did an "okay" job considering corona and the war in Ukraine. (them mostly supporting Israel publicly is gross though, but in line with what Belgium always does (following Germany and the US and other big countries))
So conclusion and prediction
We either have an extreme right wing government with NVA and/or Vlaams Belang with the help from a payed Walloon party (De Wever is hoping the PS will agree here for millions of €€€€ because they need that money)
We have a central Vivaldi 2.0 thing with possibly MR/VLD, NVA, CD&V, Groen and Vooruit/PS (Bartje hates MR so they might get left out though)
Or we go leftie-liberal with PTB/PVDA, Vooruit/PS, Groen, VLD/MR and CD&V
Imo, the odds of the middle one are the highest and I will probs vote Vooruit because of that. But yakno. I'm not entirely sure either :))
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