#Volk in and of itself is not a bad word
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If you're beautiful, you become prone to jealousy. If you're brave, you get hurt. If you're kind, you get taken advantage of. And if you're smart, you learn to fear everything. And that can't be good at all, can it?
One day, when I was working as guild keeper to the Dream Weavers…
EMMA : Volks-san, I've come with the documents you requested.
VOLKS : Thank you. That must have taken a lot of time and effort on your part.
EMMA : Oh, it's nothing. If there is anything else I can do just, please, let me know.
EMMA : Wow! It's so beautiful! Is that what they call a diamond in the rough?
VOLKS : Yes. the colors are exquisite, are they not? Still needs a good polishing but it has potential.
MEL : Wow, really? So these are the kind of gems you look for, Volks?
EMMA : Mel?
Mel, the Black Fairy, appears, from the key, looking over at Volks' hands with his typically perfect posture and eccentric pose.
VOLKS : Oh, so you're interested in these gemstones too, hmm?
MEL : Well, yes and no. I can't help but wonder how a gemstone can quite have so many obvious flaws...
VOLKS : Flaws, you say?
MEL : Yes, yes. Look closer. Look at that stone right there. It looks pretty at first glance, yes, but there are very fine cracks in it.
MEL : And that stone is tainted with carbon, so even if you were to polish it, it would only sell cheap on the market, no?
MEL : This is utter nonsense, my dear.
EMMA : What do you mean by cracks? And what's wrong with the gemstones containing carbon?
VOLKS : It's a contributing factor to a gem's declining market value.
I looked closer at the gem Mel pointed to, and quickly identified the same tell-tale black spots of carbon within the gem.
VOLKS : You are quite knowledgeable and observant, Mel!
MEL : It's only natural to know this stuff, no? If anything, I'd think it crazier if you didn't know!
EMMA : (I know it's a little late to ask… But surely it has to make Mel suffer always maintaning a pose like that...)
MEL : So… Why is a Meister Dream Weaver and pyroxenite connoisseur inspecting such junk gemstones?
VOLKS : Because these gemstones are not mere junk, Mel.
VOLKS : While it is true that these stones have their defects…
VOLKS : They also shine brightly and have remarkable color among gemstones. Cracks do not make the whole stone worthless.
VOLKS : We aim to maximize on the potential each stone's individual qualities, cutting and polishing them creatively to remove any cracks.
MEL : ………
VOLKS : As for this stone with the carbon, is it not otherwise a beautifully clear gemstone.
VOLKS : The carbon itself is very fine, and I believe it possible to decorate the stone with such elements with careful cutting.
EMMA : I see… So it all depends how you process it…
VOLKS : Yes. To assume the value of anything is to foolishly squander its potential.
MEL : Hmmm? But that's just forcing a bad stone to be something it's not, isn't it?
MEL : A bad stone is still a bad stone no matter what you do to fix it. If it isn't perfect, it isn't worth anything to me…
EMMA : (He's arched his back even more…)
VOLKS : …………..
VOLKS : So tell me, Mel. Which of these gemstones do you think is the most valuable?
MEL : Huh? It doesn't really matter which one I choose, does it? They're all junk. If it's not perfect, it's pointless.
VOLKS : If they're all the junk, and none are perfect to begin with…
VOLKS : Then what does it hurt to pick one?
MEL : ……You're persistent. Okay, then it's this one…
Mel picked the single most boring, plain looking gemstone of them all.
VOLKS : Hmmm. It would seem you have a good eye after all.
MEL : Huh? No, I certainly have eyes and can see perfectly, that's true, but…
MEL : I just picked that one at random, okay? Is this really all you do?
No matter how many barbed words Mel muttered, Volks calm demeanor never shifted an inch.
On the other hand... Seeing Volks look so calm seemed to really be getting under Mel's skin…
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hello, hello, my lovely readers! I'm back tonight to get the last three fandom prompts I had done up out and up! After this, I'll probably try to get one to two posts done up out of the ten ask-box requests by Thursday at the latest! So, kicking off tonight with another new fandom to this blog, the silly and fun Blush Blush! If you have Steam and haven't played it, I definitely strongly recommend it as a fun and addictive time-waster! This prompt and the next three will be based off this prompt here and I hope you'll all enjoy!
Put any character in my ask and I’ll try to find a song in my music that I think goes with them.
Nimh – Nimh is my first Blush Blush love. He’s sweet and soft and just the most comforting feeling character to me and I always associate just that lazy, comfortable, happy feeling of Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds with him.
Volks – Both for the general tone of the music and the obvious connection to his wolfish form, I had to go with Full Moon by A.R. Rahman. There’s some broodiness to the harmony, it’s a little slow to suit a boy who’s slow to warm up to people, but it’s got this underlying sweetness that you really see in Volks as you go through his route.
Kelby – Kelby’s an active guy and I see him listening to music during gym workouts or while out jogging, just things to get him pumped up. I really feel like Lethal Bizzle’s I Win is a go-to for him so it’s a song I associate with him!
Eli – Gay Bar by Electric Six, most definitely. It’s silly and fun and honestly, Eli would be the star of any bar he walked into, gay or not!
Anon – It’s funny because he definitely is not the lots of movement type but I always kind of hum I Like to Move It from Madagascar whenever I’m focusing on completing him in game. It’s the lemurs, man, the lemurs!
Garrett – I can’t quite explain it, it’s just the way the song affects me. But Home – A House on the Hill from the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST always feels like a warm hug and sunshine and comfort to me. And Garrett is all of those things and, as a bonus, we all know he gives the best hugs.
Dmitri – Okay, even I can’t fully explain this one, but first immediate thought and no others could compete – it’s Smooth by Santana ft. Rob Thomas. I think the music itself suits him – smooth, spicy, with a nice Latin flair to it and I honestly think that’s how he approaches love too. Give him all your love, don’t half-ass it because he won’t accept that at all!
Ichiban – I am pretty sure, if I recall correctly, there’s even a reference to it within Ichiban’s text in game but I definitely think that he both loves and that I strongly associate him with the Caramelldansen song!
William – Again, this one is based off a response he gives when talking in game about relatives in Bel-Air! It’s definitely the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song. I have no doubts he knows all the words to it too, haha!
Myx – Okay, but I gotta pay respect to the obvious inspiration for Myx and pick something by Ninja Sex Party! Since Road Trip is my favourite of theirs, that’s the one I went with!
Stirling – With Stirling, I don’t so much associate a song with his character so much as there’s just songs I can so firmly see him skating to. Like, I listen and I imagine our fabulous vampire just twirling away on the ice in this elaborate routine and the one I do this most for (other than plain out just anything by Tchaikovsky, who I think Stirling was friends with and whose music I think he uses in his routines often) is Tchaikovsky’s The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66: Act 1: Carabosse (The Bad Fairy).
Scale – I know he wants to be taken seriously so much, but I just can’t take Scale seriously. Like, at all…so my song choice for him couldn’t be serious either! Which is why Ninja Rap from Vanilla Ice is my go-to for him!
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rockheadcd · 2 years
@electrivolt​ said: There he was, hidden away in that corner of the city's outskirts nearly no one else knew about, the one place where he could breathe without being suffocated by everything and everyone around him, simply listening to the waves against the shore and feeling the ocean breeze. And then he hisses, still nursing fresh bruises, bleeding nose and split lip and who knows what else he hadn't found yet. ( what a mess. he was right, uh...? )
Volkner knew, looking back, how bad of an idea that had been, letting his anger of years ago take over so easily when the opportunity presented itself just like that— he should've known better. That man wouldn't have simply allowed him to fight back. This was all he wanted, wasn't it? Just one more chance to remind him of what his place has always been, of how untouchable that man truly was, how worthless fighting back was— 
And yet he couldn't really find it in him to care. Not when it wasn't him who those vicious remarks were aimed at, for once. He ( anyone, really ) could say anything he wanted about him— but one misplaced word about Roark... 
( it was all intentional, wasn't it? after losing the gym not once, but twice to the failure of his own doing... volkner really should've known better ) 
Speaking of— that's when he hears the footsteps in the sand, a split second of panic he's just a bit too slow to stomp on and push down to hide like every other skeleton that has been most of his life so far. Useless when wounds told another tale.
Of course— of course Roark would be the one to come find him, when no other hiding place worked. Of course Roark cared enough to come this far. 
( he deserved better than this mess )
"It's nothing." Too quick of an answer, voice too unsteady. Too unconvincing when Roark knew him too well. "It... it doesn't matter." 
He knew already Roark would never be satisfied with an answer like this, and yet— / uh oh. | accepting.
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He hadn’t responded to him for.. perhaps a little too long for comfort. Another spell? Maybe, but Volkner had crawled out of the habit of essentially ghosting, and he had enough trust and then some to not think anything petty of him. Not after all of this. Especially not after the fiasco that was getting Sunyshore Gym out of Ira’s hands a second time. Whatever kinds of sources Volkner had to pull from to even keep standing after that kind of battle.. Roark knew better than to believe his furfrou was without reason.
But an empty house and four very confused stares tell him that there wasn’t a single plan to be had. Volkner simply wasn’t home—and clearly he didn’t intend to be gone very long, either.
( well.. if he’s not here, then.. there’s really only one other place, right? )
A quick peek into the attached garage confirms his hypothesis. He was probably at his little secret-not-so-secret spot hidden beyond the sharp outcrops of Sunyshore’s cliffsides. Roark takes a small breath, smiling some at Volkner’s wayward little ‘mons, kneeling down even to squish Raichu’s pudgy cheeks in reassurance. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back. With Volk, too, of course.” It’s good enough before he’s up and out again, treading away from the bustle of the seaside city and off into the warm sands of the shoreline.
Thankfully, Roark does spot him just in the same little section of flat sand, with a peaceful view of the ocean, not too far from shade when the sun was just a little too much. The first thing Roark sees when he’s close enough, however, is the speckling gradients of crimson and purple that dresses his face in blood and bruises ( ... he got hurt ). His jaw sets in place, brows creasing the moment Volkner already begins to dismiss the injuries, only moments after staring at him in open fear.
He didn’t go out and pick a fight with some ruffian like he used to, Roark came to realize.
( who the hell hurt him )
“It does,” he answers simply, kneeling down to assess with his hands, sinking into the sand and gingerly navigating around bruising. Fresh, not entirely done swelling, not unlike the barely drying blood that trails down an already split lip. Recently, huh.. he had to have come here not too long ago, at least long enough not to bother with his phone, anyway.
But for each second Roark takes in the reality of his love wounded, the more his expression seemed to narrow, something stirring behind a burgundy gaze. 
Roark isn't the type to get angry. Even his stunt at Spear Pillar was an act of determination far more than it was anger—at that time, he simply wanted to protect his colleagues. Even then, the rage he burdened at that time was barely his own to begin with. And yet, the one of the present was frowning as he pulled up the hem of his shirt to wipe away the trails of blood, pausing gravity for just a moment, unbothered by blood on dark fabric. Perhaps it was his lack of words that was fearsome in itself, such a brooding calm while tending to Volkner as best as he could without gauze.
During a moment that Roark would often speak without thinking, flooding Volkner with kind words, the sun was silent ( who did this to him.. who hurt him ), running along the possibilities. If anything, Volkner was in a better position to take on just about anything or anyone, provided they weren't a certain select array of 'mons. He wouldn't let himself get hurt, at least, not anymore.
( so if not some stranger, then… )
Roark didn't even have to think of his name to feel the mirth would lace his voice and light kerosene behind his eyes. Carefully, hands settle to search for paler ones, shirt falling back into place when he lets go—and for once in his life, there is no kindness held in such a normally warm expression.
"It was him, wasn't it."
Ira didn't deserve any of his kindness, cemented when he saw that second encounter with his own two eyes. Surely, folks bought into Volkner's delinquency, disliked him before ever seeing him, found themselves surprised when they found themselves met with a quiet, yet incredibly bright man. But Ira? Roark had never seen someone harbor such a visceral disdain for his own kin, even in the middle of making use of the power system that his own son maintained and even upgraded. There was no love nor faith in those eyes, and he almost seemed to relish in attempting to make Volkner crack in the midst of that battle to reclaim the gym.
Ira was the only person that Roark could assign the word hate to.
Perhaps the most frustrating of it all was that he was still untouchable, and unruly conduct could easily get them both removed from their posts. They were essentially useless to ever really stop Ira from being so.. unapologetic, and that carefully crafted exterior would lead no one to believe he could ever have done a single wrong to his own son, and yet…
Hands squeezed when he reminded himself anger wouldn’t get him anywhere, that he couldn't do anything about it now. He hated it. He hated it, and he hated it some more. Volkner wouldn't let him seek him out, he knew better, but in such stewing, protective rage, it would have been hard to deny the satisfaction of letting Roark act on it. He's never really felt this kind of emotion for somebody. He’s not used to the swelling that settles right in his throat, and headache of thinking about the results of such cruelty, the stiffness in his joints to prevent him from committing to any impulsive irrationality.
( he hurt volkner and he wanted to hurt him in return )
"Why." The way his voice struggles to soften in order to ensure that Volkner knows this kind of anger was never directed towards him—that he would never blame him—is enough to key in the uncertainty of what to do with this pent up emotion. "..Why did he do this to you?" ( i want to know before i say something stupid, so i can at least start taking you back home ) Softer, now, and Roark tries to let go of the tension, but it doesn’t particularly work as well as he had hoped. “What happened..?” 
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neeharlow · 9 months
Saw the kidney people yesterday. Loved the first two people. Hated the last lady. Lecturing me about taking my pills (obviously that C-word has been whispering in her ear). Randy jumps in and explains I couldn't afford the medicine when that happened and it's a different story now cause they are involved.. but she basically ignores him and continues to lecture me. I have to go back to 3 times a week of dialysis. Which I figured eventually I would. So that wasn't a big deal. But then she's like, "You don't have to worry about skin cancer." BULLSHIT! All my life I was warned about my meds and skin cancer. Also found out that I will be put back on prednisone (Tyler was equally upset about that one. I was an absolute bitch with a capital B on that. Steriod. Causes bad mood swings.) and celcept. No. No I will not. Prednisone is a needed monster. Celcept caused me horrific stomach cramps and often times the damn thing would just come right back up. Even when I ate. So they will have to figure something else out and there are alternatives. Then she tells me that after the surgery I will probably gain a lot of weight. DON"T FUCKING TELL SOMEONE WITH A HISTORY OF A FUCKING EATING DISORDER THAT THEY WILL GAIN A LOT OF WIEGHT AFTER SURGERY!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!? Like the surgery itself is going to suck. Pain from transplant is one thing, but I'm having my chest broken open during this thing too. Oh, and on the papers I signed, if you end up with a hep-C organ and your insurance doesn't cover the cure, you're on the hook for it. And if you don't you'll probably end up dead or need another transplant when the hep-c takes out your liver. Oh and I can't have any type of OTC pills without asking them first. So if I get a headache I can't just pop a Tylenol. Nope, I have to get on my chart, write the damn doctor and then wait for a response. And they could say no. I want Dr. Volk. He listens. He gets shit done. I trust him. I don't trust Bridgie. Just thinking about seeing her gives me panic attacks. She's got a horrible bedside manner (not that I have EVER seen her ass when I was admitted). Unemphatic. She is a stone cold bitch. She was going off about something our last visit and Randy was like, "We let our kids know they can always come to us." or something along those lines. She looks at him, "Well, I treat my daughters like adults." Wow, mother of year, aren't ya? None of my support system likes her. And actually one of the main reasons why Randy and January are there is so she can't pull shit. I just wish we could switch to Dr. Volk.
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grandhotelabyss · 4 years
When Lacoue-Labarthe says “la communauté à l’oeuvre et au travail,” he puts side by side the two meanings of the French verb oeuvrer, “to work” and “to produce a work of art.” What is characterized there is the implicit and often explicit notion in the Nazi worldview of the community, of the nation, the people, the Volk, and the Gemeinschaft. And in case the reader does not understand this well enough, here, then, is a different, a more illustrated, way of saying the same thing. Two hundred years after Vico, this is what Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi leader in charge of the Nazi propaganda machine, was writing in a 1933 letter addressed to the composer and musician Wilhelm Furtwängler: “Politics, too, is perhaps an art, if not the highest and most all-embracing there is, and we who shape modern German policy feel ourselves in this to be artists who have been given the responsible task of forming, out of the raw material of the mass, the firm concrete structure of a people."If, then, it is true that man’s essence, according to the philosophy of humanism, lies in being self-made, if it is true that man’s humanity is essentially aesthetic, and if, finally, it is true that the latter is the supreme proposition and determination of modern times, then it should not seem surprising for the duty of once again “gathering” that essence to have been reserved for the science of art, through the works of Auerbach and Said, which do none other than retell us, time and again, the philological-aesthetic history of the West and Western man. That is what Auerbach’s 1952 article literally says. It is the duty of philology to definitively gather within itself the essence of man. In which way? By retelling the history of man’s art but also by retelling the history of the science of that very art, which is nothing else but the history of philology. The suggestion of Said’s Orientalism is that philology retells itself by retelling art. In both cases, it gathers within itself the aesthetic essence of the humanity of man. Man is the one who forms and is formed, the one who makes and is made, both in the same breath and through the same operation. Philology is the science of that operation. It is there that the two faces—the maker and the made—emerge in their unity and mutual conditioning. The reader will remember that I used the word naive above to characterize the repetition of Western humanism in the Saidian approach. Either what is explained here is something extremely powerful, which has kept philosophers, philologists, and artists busy now for two centuries, or it is a bottomless naivete. Man is the self-made being or the subject of absolute creation. In either case, his collective essence is aesthetic.
Marc Nichanian, “Philology from the Point of View of Its Victims” (trans. Narine Jallatyan) Boundary 2 48:1 (2021)
(A striking document from 2008, just translated and published in a learned journal in advance of the first major biography of Said, arriving in March, which, for a variety of reason, I won't be discussing. This lively brief for anti-humanism accuses Said of betraying Foucault and capitulating to the Vico-to-Auerbach self-flattery of the western subject as master of all he surveys.  Attempts to posit such a self-creating subject inevitably invent its other, organized by its gaze into The Other to be assimilated or eliminated, hence the inherent oppressiveness of all modern statist orders in which the modern state is the objet d’art of the agential subject, whether state socialism, liberal imperialism, or fascism. Moreover, on this view, philology, the scientific record of man’s self-making, is the intellectual corollary of humanist politics, and Orientalism is only one of its branches. We might respond to this argumentum ad Hitlerum by asserting that the concepts of human agency and the aesthetic do not by themselves require us to judge their every exercise as beneficent; isn't it enough just to say that Hitler was a bad man and a bad artist, lest one’s discourse not quite rise above “Hitler was a vegetarian”-style arguments? At the same time, I understand the worldly intellectual’s disappointment upon discovering that the American intellectual is almost always a liberal in the end—not that Said hid this exactly—despite aesthetic colorations to the contrary. Finally, this article, 13 years old and translated from Western Armenian, obviously doesn’t deal with what might disturb the Anglospheric reader today: now it is the political right, not the left, that flies the banner of French Theoretical anti-humanism and borrows Foucault’s sallies against an all-encroaching techno-state. Blake Smith, already aforementioned in these electronic pages, now suggests that Foucault's anti-humanism is an esoteric liberalism; for my part, though the more astringent sort of Theory person finds Camus “cringe” and for high schoolers, I nonetheless notice that The Rebel similarly arraigns fascism, communism, and liberal imperialism as crushing constructs of the human, but more generously grants their root in the human quest for freedom even as he notices their own anti-humanist sources [Sade, etc.], and finally posits the aesthetic not as their adjunct but as their nemesis—which is, in general, closer to my own view than is the pursuit of an ever-receding negative sublime.
Further reading: essays from me on Camus, Foucault, Auerbach, and Said. Someday—I admit it to you, dear reader—I really need to get right with Vico.)
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canchewread · 4 years
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Author’s note: well, my week has sucked, how about yours? 
Right, no rest for the wicked then. So as I mentioned at the tail end of last month, I’m working on a new kind of Recommended Reading blog feature here on Can’t You Read. 
The tl;dr is these posts are designed to combine a sharable info graphic (or meme, if you must) with some short burst analysis and an important link to a related and often overlooked story by someone else. Ideally, all of this fits into an 800 or 1,000 word package that actually gives you enough time in your undoubtedly busy day to read the article I’m linking to.
Got it? Good, let’s get cracking.
American Fascism and Networks of Power
Well my friends, the last nauseating funeral gasp of the Trump era is almost over. With the recent news that (soon-to-be) former swine emperor Trump’s own Department of Justice can find no evidence of widespread election fraud, we all appear to be getting collectively closer to the final resolution of the Klepto Kaiser’s “chicken coup” and perhaps, the waning of his political influence even on the reactionary right. 
Good riddance to bad rubbish I suppose, but as I’ve repeatedly tried to explain to virtually anyone who would listen, the end of Trump is most certainly not the end of fascism in the larger Pig Empire, or even just American fascism. The reasons for this are of course myriad but a short list might look something like this:
the pre-existing and increasingly normalized strain of ideological white nationalism in our society and ingrained into non-elected portions of the state (think police, ICE, and Trump’s complete transformation of the American judiciary; similar processes are also occurring in places like India, and Brazil of course.)
A weakened incoming, center-right administration (and its “liberal” establishment lackeys) that not only lacks the courage to purge fascists from public service but also attempts to weaponize far right violence against the American left, and regards antifascist street action as being akin to terrorism or crime.
the indefinite survival of an objectively fascist opposition party that probably has a better than even chance of retaining control of the U.S. Senate.
the existence of multiple right wing, mainstream media outlets and personalities that propagate fascist ideology, which are in turn buttressed by a seemingly endless wave of Astroturfed online media and internet psyops funded and controlled by fascist, or at least hyper-capitalist to the point of being reactionary, billionaires and their lobby networks.
the continued existence of violent, reactionary street gangs, far right neo-fascist militias, fascist conspiracy cults, and of course, roughly seventy-four million people who just gleefully voted for an open fascist and in some cases, continue to agitate for what would effectively be a coup.
the need for elite capital to defend itself against social upheaval and acquire soon-to-be scare resources in the face of evidence that capitalism is simply not compatible with avoiding the impending climate apocalypse our current political and economic course is actively ensuring will come to pass.
Naturally, I could have also mentioned the ongoing political, social and economic fallout from the still-raging coronavirus crisis, but I saved that for last because I want to unpack the ways we know many of the above forces function together in action - and as luck would have it, the Covid-19 anti-lockdown protests provide an extremely clear and documented example of what might otherwise look a little bit like a conspiracy theory. 
Now as you may well be aware, a concerted and sustained disinformation campaign conducted by not only President Trump, but the larger Republican Party and right wing media has successfully weaponized the response to the coronavirus as a culture war issue in America; and that conflict is rapidly spreading across the entire Pig Empire. 
This in turn was combined with a purely Astroturf protest movement, and judicious application of billionaire reactionary funding to literal white nationalist and fascist militias, to churn out thousands of cultists, chuds and other members of the reactionary “Volk” who demanded the economy be “re-opened” no matter how many elderly, marginalized or otherwise compromised people it might kill. Which as we’ve learned the month’s since, is quite a lot.
While each of these groups would vehemently deny it, it’s quite obvious that the billionaires and their media, are working with reactionary politicians in the Republican Party to marshal an aggressive, potentially violent protest movement against their political enemies and policies that threaten their profits. The rich guys get to keep raking in the cash, the politicians (who work for the rich guys anyway) get power and support from the chuds, and the Volk get to disguise a backlash against equality, decolonization and social advances as a battle against tyranny. All of which is wrapped up in a neat little bow under the auspices of covert white supremacy, in a situation that looks a little bit like eugenics, and bears all the hallmarks of historically racist (and obviously, false) attitudes in America about the genetic and more importantly *hygienic* superiority of whites over non-whites.    
Of course and as I mentioned above, all of this might sound like a conspiracy theory, but if you’ve been clicking on the links as we go along you know that it’s all true; unfortunately, a bipartisan billionaire-owned media interest in protecting the power and influence of elite capital in the Pig Empire, by and large prevents the mainstream media from presenting all of this information in its proper context. To counter that problem, let’s turn to investigative journalist Alex Kotch, an anti-corruption muckraker of considerable ability and someone who exists at least partially (but not entirely) outside the corporate media sphere.
On October 21st, 2020, Kotch and the Center for Media and Democracy published an extraordinary story that laid bare the inner workings of American fascism (and its capitalist roots) - we’re talking about exposing the direct financial connections between billionaire propaganda networks, fascist chud militias, right wing think tanks, GOP politicians and Astroturfed anti-lockdown protests; dark money meets dirty deeds done dirt cheap in a fake uprising that ends in obstructive lawsuits, partisan impeachment recommendations and a plot to kidnap and maybe even execute the governor of Michigan for... saving lives, apparently.
This is what the fascist alliance of elite capital (DeVos Family, Koch Network,) political power and street violence looks like in direct application; this is why I’m certain American fascism will outlast Trump’s fall - it’s all there in black and white. 
Unfortunately, hardly anyone noticed it at the time because the election consumed all of the oxygen in the room; as anything involving Trump is want to do. Let’s not make that mistake again - to check out Kotch’s incredible story, click on the title header below:  
GOP Politicians and Conservative Groups Set the Stage for Attempted Kidnapping of Michigan Governor by Alex Kotch
-nina illingworth
Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus. Please help me fight corporate censorship by sharing my articles with your friends online!
You can find my work at ninaillingworth.com, Can’t You Read, Media Madness and my Patreon Blog
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“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”
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kleinconway3-blog · 5 years
Future Solar Power - Will All of our Cars Be Up coming?
When it comes to help solar energy of this future, we intend to have to start thinking outside the box. Within fact, we are going to have to forget that there possibly was initially a container on just about all. What we are accustomed to seeing today, such things as homes adorned with rectangular photo voltaic panels, or modest yard solar lights, sun electric handbags and consequently on - all of these points will become museum portions. Put on your believing cap of the future and desire along with me personally for a few minutes when we all sort out the world's vitality problems. Many of us have turn out to be accustomed in order to obtaining unlimited strength at our beck and call, that will the first thing we will need to fix can be our attitude. With typically the current energy systems the fact that we use, continuing around the present journey is just a recipe for tragedy. Not only environmentally, nonetheless economically as well. Many of us seem to incorporate some specific need to drive 600 h. p. autos. Why? Most cars could reach any posted speed limitation with 20 h. r., so why the have to have for such spare. May believe me? Do an individual remember the old VOLKS WAGEN of in years past? It acquired a thirty five l. r. engine and could simply exceed any posted rate limit of today. Not any, Now i am certainly not selling previous VW's, nonetheless if it could be completed fifty years ago, why could very well the idea not really be accomplished far more effectively nowadays? The one thing all of us must definitely not forget is usually this... any time all of us consume 1 gallon of gasoline, there will turn out to be one less gallon accessible for future use. We all may find in future of which gas will have an even more beneficial use to us as compared to moving a 3, 500 lb car close to using a single resident. Around fact, do you not imagine that future governing bodies may possibly ban such an exercise? Think about that regarding a min. What would certainly you do when the fact that happened? In case anyone think that is out connected with the question, consider what was already done with L. O. 5. (high occupancy vehicle) lanes for often the past couple of ages. The only real single occupant vehicles (S. A. V. ) which will be allowed will require to be powered by way of alternative energy. Is of which really so bad? Virtually no, of course it certainly is not. In fact, we need to be able to get powering anyone and even everyone who is functioning in this particular course. At this time there are plans passing for several electric motor vehicles. These use present technology, and a lot can deliver a gas mileage cost compared to fuel powered autos at about 75 cents for every gallon. Depending on where anyone are gasoline may operate anywhere between $2. 60 and $4. 50 a good gallon (more inside Europe) so the electric auto will have a significantly reduce fuel cost. This cost is based on recent utility price ranges (2009) getting used to re-charge often the electric vehicle's battery packs. The particular future will see not really only electric powered autos around abundance, but they will probably be lighter, have better batteries for power storage, and will also be re-charged at home with personal solar technology re-charging areas. All these items will certainly go a long means toward decreasing our carbon footprint, which often, in scenario you have forgotten, is definitely one of the primary reasons for getting away from from fossil fuels in this first place. And exactly how about this to have an thought, just about every exterior surface in the car would apply certain sort of energy diffusing stuff which would switch sunlight into usable electricity. So, while you are sitting around your favorite coffee shop, your own vehicle is staying re-charged courtesy of the sun. And Solar Shade Australia or mall a person gone to, a plug in would be available for you to charge the car even though anyone were shopping. Free of charge nevertheless, no charge! In situation that appears implausible, why don't figure out why that could be really good for company. What if one mall supplying 100 % free plug-ins and often the next definitely not? Where would likely you shop? Yes, read that right, your "fuel" to obtain residence again would word of advice the scale in favor involving the forward thinking mall. Not only that, generally there would be pride of place parking spots for electric cars, right while watching store. Gas powered cars would be relegated to often the back rows. In addition to wherever would this power are available from? Why, the roof from the mall itself, which would get covered with the solar panel of the future. And for those turbulent days and nights, pop-up mini wind turbine generators would rise right up into the wind flow in order to capture extra kilowatts. Retailer home windows will have stuck solar capacity right around the glass. Building elements used for metal cladding exteriors will have solar treatments, putting yet more vitality to the mix. Typically the very parking lots on their own will generate electricity. Checklist surely is endless. If the day arrives that massive cities adopt the even more futuristic approach to streets vehicle, what do you suppose may possibly come about? A person arrive downtown and would like to park your electric powered car. Your chosen airport parking place has a good electric powered plug-in for your auto, there is no fee for this. Not merely that, but the particular auto parking itself is 100 % free! Never ever happen you claim? Not really so... it already is London, uk, England. Do anyone participate in golf? Do a person drive a good golf shopping cart? Where can it get re-charged? See if you can obtain your own personal golf club to set up a good solar power powered getting process. Everything that all of us remove via grid electricity is a further step throughout the right direction.
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sauvechouris · 6 years
Okay, the game isn't rewriting itself no matter how long I stare sadly at the screen, let's just get this over with.
No new support conversations because of course, why give you some gay and/or conflict resolution to distract you from the suffering this chapter is going to be. I'd have liked to get Jill/Lethe A, since it's clear from the last base conversation that Jill has thought about what Lethe told her and that she's found an anwser.
So it's just Reyson and... somebody.
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She's back ! =D
When the menu said « woman » I thought maybe it would be someone from here, but I'm not going to complain that it's her.
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That's a general's greeting, actually. =D
I like her already. Are you the local definitely-not-straight magical lady ? :3 (Not a problem if she isn't, the cast of PoR feels queer enough that I don't mind, but it would still be nice.)
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I love her. (We really have no reason to believe her, tho. We're in the middle of Daein and not even the people we picked up in Crimea were 100 % trustworthy. (Okay, it's the person who picked us up who might not be, details.))
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We have THREE mages ! Three ! That's as far from too many as we currently are from Crimea ! I’m a simple person with simple needs like having half of the army being capable of blasting people away with their element of choice, I didn’t say anything before because one of our mages being Soren made up for it but please recruit her and end my suffering. :')
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I LOVE HER. But sorry Miss, this doesn't work on Ike. :p
(They really wanted players to try the knife mage thing at least once, uh ?)
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As much as I like that payment is never a concern for Ike when it's about Elincia (yeah, he does get paid, but always because she insists), it's nice to see he's still very much a mercenary with other people.
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Lady, I would love to, but *glances at list of faves I haven't fielded since the chapter 17 reinforcements* that's not going to happen this chapter. If ever.
Still hiring, tho.
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IT'S LITERALLY THAT « I want to speak to the manager – I am the manager » POST xD
Thank you Calill, I needed a laugh and this is probably the only one this chapter will give me.
No wait, her reaction is exactly the same if you don't hire her. I stand corrected. x'D
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...and I really want to use her. :') Nephenee !!! And Tormod !!
(It's chapter 20, I wonder how many characters are left hiding behind the « ??? »… One of Ike's is probably Elincia, Jill's might be her ex-captain, Lethe I don't know, then there's Volke who's only got the one mysterious conversation partner...
Yes, I'm stalling.)
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I'm picturing Ike shouting at the sky here, great way to start a conversation.
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« If your ancestor had sealed a dark god in a medallion and my father killed my mother because of that medallion, would that be fucked up or what ? »
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I get that he doesn't want to talk about it, but Ike. Ike. You will have a lot more apologizing to do if you don't ask for information to help you get the damn thing back.
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See ? Reyson has only known you for what, three chapters, and he can tell you're lying. A S K  H I M
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For real ?? I know I already asked, but are herons really not actual angels ? (Could he be aware of our resident traitor’s existence, then ? Didn’t he notice anything strange about Nasir ? Does he know what’s the deal with Soren. Reyson please I have so many questions, don’t drop the news that you might have all the answers so suddenly, it’s bad for my heart.)
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Here, in this desperate maelstrom of chaotic emotion, it avails me not. Energy here is warped and distorted.
Easy cop-out, IntSys. u.u
(“Chaotic” emotion, again. Is the game going to suddenly start mentioning order and chaos stuff now that the concept has been introduced, or is it just because it’s mostly a heron thing that I never heard about it before?)
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So he really is… for lack of a better word, sort of allergic to chaos ? This thing about “warping [his] very existence” if he killed people was meant literally ?
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“do not give me special treatment”, says the prince of a fallen tribe and third-to-last known member of an entire species, whose decision to join us (even if it was for personal reasons) was significant on a political level, who destroyed our enemy’s only alliance because not getting on his and Tibarn’s bad side was more important to Naesala than pissing off Daein, and who is one of presumably only three people possessing a magic that should be plot-relevant very soon because evil medallion.
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I promised King Phoenicis I wouldn't push you too hard. If anything were to happen to you, I'd be at war with Daein and the bird clans at the same time!
Aaalso this.
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I came to repay my debt, but I'm really just being a burden.
What- no, no, no Reyson, need I repeat that you got rid of HALF OF THE ENEMY FORCES all by yourself last time !?
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NO??? In what world??? I don’t remember how exactly his singing ability is described in terms of lore, but if it says he’s anything else than invaluable it’s really doing him a disservice. YOU’RE EXTREMELY USEFUL AND I LOVE YOU, DON’T LEAVE
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No one else can do the things that you can. You're irreplaceable. So if you're not feeling well and try to do too much, you may not be there when we really need you.
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(Ike saying everything I want to say but better, again.)
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1) Alright, heron crisis probably averted 2) He’s trying so hard to be tough, and I mean, he is, and he’s doing a good job of it, but it makes me laugh anyway. “I’m useful? I’m pulling my weight? I have earned my break? Okay then, I do need a break.” Reyson please know that you’re already the most hardcore bird regardless of how many breaks you need.
(You know, I’m glad he can’t engage in combat. Because if that’s his attitude concerning taking a break from his supporting role, then Ike/Ulki/Janaff would have to drag him off the battlefield when he’s hurt if he could fight.)
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They’re cute. They’re really cute. But now the conversation is over and Ike isn’t any closer to a solution to his problem. I TOLD YOU TO TELL HIM.
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A very important question, since if Daein can get in our base (or is already in, of course, and isn’t this a ~fun~ thing to consider) and make off with something unnoticed, then Elincia is obviously the person who should be most worried about that. They prioritized stealing the medallion, but if they hadn’t, it could have been her.
We really kind of suck at this. The only reason we’re still in the game is that whoever *coughs loudly* stole the medallion limited themselves to that instead of taking the princess along and paralyzing our army with a hostage situation.
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Little call-back to that exposition scene where Mist showed it to her! She already knows something is up, I vote for telling her the whole thing.
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Oh, Ike...
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But it’s not your fault and you’re still the sweetest, most polite royal on Tellius (possibly tying with Kurthnaga), and I love you.
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Oh here we fcking go.
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Ulki has the restrain not to say he knows what a damn river sounds like. I couldn’t have.
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The whole region !? Oi Petrine, dial it down a notch, would you?
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Oh. Mud. Joy.
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Don’t pretend this isn’t something you would have done. :p ...I don’t mean the part about specifically flooding a populated area, but they don’t know about this yet, do they
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I’ll do it I’ve trained my thief just point me to the gates
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Explicit confirmation of something we already knew BUT THEN IKE
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I can’t tell if it’s sass or if there really was no way to phrase this better, but I love him.
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Which is kind of notable because you don’t really hear about the ears of a hawk that often.
(So if that means this kind of natural talent isn’t “what your species is already good at, but better”, what else can I expect? At this point they could pull pretty much anything. Anyone in the feline laguz has super smell to complete the trilogy?)
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They can definitelly hit us fast, they fly and we’re stuck in the mud, this is going to be fun :’D
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let’s go break hearts and see that family drama
as much as I really, really don’t want to :’)
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This isn’t really something I’ve really seriously addressed before in relation to my Ike, I think? But it just struck me that I don’t think I’d ever made a post about this, and now I’m going to rant just a little bit.
Why Ike leaves Tellius.
Being a part of his father’s mercenary group was a boyish dream of his, and as soon as it was realized, I think the reality of it was immediately hammered into his head. Ike had trained in swordplay since he was a boy, but all those lessons weren’t able to prepare him for that moment he actually killed another man. True, the men he fought against on that first mission of his weren’t good people, but they were still living, breathing people. They dreamed, they lived, they bled just like him.
There wasn’t anything really special about that man, but Ike thinks back on the first person he ever killed, and it instills in him that ideal of not fighting or killing for its own sake. Senseless violence was senseless, there was no justifying it,
Taking on Elincia as an employer was something Ike took seriously, but was still relatively naive about. It seemed simple to him at first; escort her to Gallia, and they’d get the help they needed to win Crimea back from Ashnard. And then they had to abruptly flee their home, setting the old fort Ike had known as a home for most of his years to flame as they fought through Daein soldiers.
Even if he doesn’t say as such, that night was both a wake up call to the situation, as well as a bit of a blow to him personally. Ike understood the reasoning behind it, but seeing your home -- your childhood home -- burn isn’t exactly a good moment.
And then, Greil is slain right in front of him, and he can do nothing but drag his father’s body back through the forest as rain pours down. Greil speaking to him until no more words come, no more breath, only blood and rain. 
Gallia cannot help as they had hoped, and Ike not only has to take the mantle of his father as leader of the Greil Mercenaries, but he’s also responsible for fulfilling their obligations to Elincia. All on the heels of Greil’s death, and with two of the group’s members leaving. 
By this point, Ike is effectively functioning on numbed grief and anger, and his sense of duty and morality.
This was nothing he wanted, and as much as they get closer to their goal and he gets closer to some sort of closure, this feeling doesn’t really leave and even builds up. For every success, there’s some sort of drawback that just goes against his grain. Everything in Begnion is just...a mess to him. As much as he respects Sanaki for what she does, he despises how she went about getting it all done, he despises the politics, he despises the people that play the politics. It disgusts him beyond words or reason, and if he could never tread into Begnion again, I honestly think he would avoid it as much as humanly possible. Even something like being a lord or a general, something that most would see as a good thing, just doesn’t sit right with Ike for a few reasons.
Every single clash he has with the Black Knight is an outlet to his fury and his grief. The Black Knight is a man who has taken his father from him, and takes Ike’s resolve to not kill for the sheer brutality of killing every single time they meet. This man is one that Ike would risk all things to kill. He risks the war against Daein for it, and he later risks the continent of Tellius for it. When Ike “wins”, it doesn’t quite feel right, but he forces himself to accept the victory and not question it too much because if he follows that inkling of doubt, it would drive him mad.
Finding out the information Volke has about his parents, as well as the medallion is just...unnerving and heartbreaking. It shatters a lot of his views on Greil, leaving him confused and feeling almost betrayed by his father, and with no way to rectify those feelings since Greil is now gone and can’t provide any answers or anything. Not mentioning any of this to his sister was both a blessing and a curse, but Ike couldn’t bring himself to simply tell her the grisly truth.
Fighting Ashnard is a mix of things. The need to win to end this war and Ashnard’s plans to release the dark god, fulfilling his pledge to Elincia who has become more of a friend than just an employer. But, also, the fear of coming up against someone who -- in some part -- embodies that dark, secretive side of his father. Knowing that Greil had fallen to the medallion’s powers and killed his mother, facing off against a man who willingly accepted such a chaotic state of mind was terrifying. 
The rebuilding of Crimea wasn’t so bad, but as things got back to normal, that meant that -- as a “lord” and now hero of the country -- Ike is exposed to yet more things he just can’t get behind. He doesn’t want to be involved in the politics, he doesn’t want the attention of being a “hero”, he doesn’t want to stay and end up some figurehead or political pawn. He leaves. No pomp, no explanation, he simply informs Elincia that he’s renouncing his title and goes. 
And, even after all that and going into practical hiding after the war, all hell breaks loose three years later. Uprising in Daein, civil war in Crimea, and all out war between the Laguz nations and the Begnion Empire. 
Stepping in to save Lucia wasn’t an issue. Not only was it a paying job, but it was helping out people that Ike considered good friends and allies; he wasn’t going to stand by and do nothing. The same thing goes for the Laguz-Begnion war; though he has friends on both sides, technically, Ike knows that the Laguz are more in the right. But things still quickly spiral out of hand.
Fighting against former allies doesn’t sit right with Ike, even when he knows that there isn’t any other way. Learning that the Black Knight still lives is...partially expected, since his victory three years prior didn’t feel like a true conclusion, but it’s still a sharp sting to Ike. 
Things, somehow, get worse. While the waking of Ashera does rally people together to fight for the world as a united force, it still ends up putting Ike in a position he’s not comfortable with: being the commander of their united forces. He has to be tricked and pigeonholed into the position of commander. He didn’t want it back in the Mad King war, he doesn’t want it now at the potential end of the world.
Fighting through the zealots is taxing in so many ways, on the mind and body. Fighting through the tower is even more so trying. The tower itself is strange, as stated by Yune herself; it could literally fuck with their minds if they didn’t stay focused. His final encounter with the Black Knight is inevitable, and while Ike knows that there are technically more pressing matters to deal with, still prioritizes this battle over all. Magical force field that separates him from the others be damned, Ike doesn’t seem too bothered if it means killing this man.
He does get some sort of closure from besting Zelgius, but I don’t think it was as freeing as Ike thought it would be all this time. Then he gets his previously sealed memories returned to him, most notably of the day Greil went mad from touching the medallion and slayed Elena. This reopens that wound in a brutal way, and he can’t even fully process it because they still have to get through several more levels of the tower.
The dragons of Goldoa being ready to suffer genocide if it means stopping this groups resistance of the end of the world. This is just messed up on a lot of levels that Ike will never understand or want to explore.
Everything that is Sephiran.
Ashera herself. She’s so bent and warped from what she and Yune once were that it’s impossible not to pity this being. Slaying her does little to ease that sense of wrongness that came with beholding the goddess in her own madness; the entire situation just felt wrong somehow, even though it saved Tellius from a terrible fate.
It’s absolutely no consolation to know that the gods were so very human in the end. There was no greater purpose or reason for all of this, just mistakes made by beings that thought they knew better. 
What is he supposed to do now, after slaying a god? Where does he go after such a deed? Ike is once again toted as a great hero, like it was he alone that did this when there were so many by his side that made any of it possible. 
Long ass fucking story short: Ike is utterly lost as to who he is, and what he should do after this.
So many things in his life was just going from duty to duty to duty. Becoming leader of the Greil Mercenaries before he was ready or wanted to. Becoming a lord and general to complete his task to Elincia. Fighting, searching for, and eventually slaying the Black Knight to avenge his father’s death. Leading the charge against god because he is who so many look up to for strength and guidance as a leader.
All Ike ever really wanted was to become a swordsman worthy of being his father’s son. 
At his core, his desire is very simple and easy to relate with, and while he does achieve this, it gets weighed down by so many other things that I don’t think he ever gets to fully realize that he has accomplished it or think about anything else he may want to do with his life.
This is why he leaves. He’s lost, he’s tired, and for once in his life he chooses to do something selfish. Ike feels the loss of purpose after everything in Tellius starts to move its way to a better future. All he’s known is other people’s expectations of what he should or needs to do. He needs to get away from that for a while. He needs to find a new purpose for himself. If Tellius isn’t ready to treat him as the simple man he wants to be, then he’ll find someplace he can be a nobody in until he finds his center of purpose again.
Maybe he planned to return, maybe he does, and maybe he didn’t. It may not have been the right decision or a good decision, but Ike made that choice for himself.
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harvestingstorm · 7 years
On trivializing hatred
Some thoughts on the term “Incitement”
I have learned a new word today. It is incitement. Apparently this is what people do when they show a nazi flag in public. They incite other people.
When I type incitement into my go-to translation site I get German words that are about equivalent to encourage, intrigue, agitate. Which are words that sound pretty harmless to me.
In German we call showing a nazi symbol and spewing hate against people of other racial, religious or orientational backgrounds “Volksverhetzung”.
This is a very harsh word that actually makes my skin crawl. Volksverhetzung is bad. It is a very serious crime and you can actually read that from the word itself (thank you German for being a fusional language).
Let’s start to take apart the morphemes of that word to get to the bottom of this:
First we have “Volk-”. This part is the easiest as it simply means people or rather a people. The “-s-” part, in easy terms, signals the genitive form of the noun “Volk”.
Next comes the prefix “-ver-”. This prefix, in many instances (though certainly not always), signals something very negative when put in front of a German verb. Examples for this are “sich verfahren” (to lose one’s way) “etwas verreißen” (to criticize something devastatingly), “verurteilen” (condemn).
Now for the “-hetzung” (sorry to my fellow linguists, I didn’t want to go into too much depth here taking apart the suffix “-ung”), which is the part I’ve had the most trouble with. It is basically the noun form of the verb “hetzen”. Which I just couldn’t find a proper translation for. The most common translation found is incite, which, for me, sounds pretty tame, more like a suggestion or encouragement.
See, in German the term “hetzen” comes from the background of hunting. A “Hetzjagd” means coursing, hunting animals for sport, driving them with dogs until they’re exhausted and close to death. It paints a very violent picture, doesn’t it?
In combination with the prefix “ver-” the verb “hetzen” gets another meaning. “verhetzen” does basically mean “to incite”, but the best (if still not entirely accurate) translation for this I’ve been able to find is abet.
Considering that the prefix and also the verb can (and usually do) have very negative connotations in German, the word “verhetzen” itself carries an even more negative connotation for a proficient (native) speaker of German, as does “Volksverhetzung”, since that just means these negative connotations get forced upon people or even a people in its entirety, like for instance the concepts for hate, extreme violence, racism an so on.
Coming back to the English term incitement. Doesn’t this word carry a bit of a neutral connotation, a euphemism to what is really happening when the alt-right rally against and threaten physical violence against anybody different from them with raised hands and torches? Do they not want to force others to adopt their view of the world or be thrown into the same pot as foreign people, as people with other beliefs or orientations, people who are verbally and physically attacked or abused?
The German expression is not euphemistic. “Volksverhetzung” sounds like force and violence. It doesn’t sound peaceful or like a friendly suggestion. It says “Be with us or you are against us!”
In Germany the morphology of words lets us feel the connotations of words and their components, something I have often found the English language lacks.
I don’t want to dive into sociolinguistics, the Supreme Court decision Brandenburg v. Ohio or the law in the United States, Germany or elsewhere. But I believe it is important to give the child an apt name and not to play down the severity and significance of events, of hate, of crimes against humanity, by using weak words.
Therefore, why not alter the term incitement just a little, e.g. by using the official English translation of the term “Volksverhetzung” found in the German Criminal Code:
“Incitement to hatred”
Doesn’t that sound a lot less harmless?
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volchonok-dolohov · 4 years
“ Little Lamb who made thee         Dost thou know who made thee ”
–– William Blake, Little Lamb
Malfoy and Rosier were arguing about something…again. Rodolphus was supposedly talking to Antonin but had given up after Antonin’s second grunt of acknowledgement. His attention was instead taken by the book he was reading. He let the words sweep through him, his mother tongue both soothing and a terrible reminder of all the things that he had left behind. However, Antonin’s eyes stopped in their place when he felt a shift in the atmosphere about him, he only glanced up when he heard one of the boys promise that he ‘would show her what disgraces to their kind had coming for them’. Rod was sitting back, propped up on his elbows beside him a lazy smirk playing on his lips as he watched Nicolai Mulciber’s jaunting gait, some others trailing him as they made their way to the apparent ‘disgrace to their kind’. His friend glanced over to him, “This will be good,” was all he said, providing no further explanation. Antonin highly doubted it, but watched in interest all the same. 
The book he had been reading sat abandoned by his side now, his volk eyes instead tracking the scene before him. The boys had stopped around a girl in Ravenclaw robes, they fanned about her in a half circle. Antonin heard someone call her a half-breed. There was laughter as the girl struggled to her feet. It was really quite laughable, how small she was, how Nicolai towered over her but she seemed to only tilt her chin up further. Antonin didn’t snicker with the rest of them, only tilted his head slightly to the side, amused. Mulciber was sneering down at her now, speaking quietly, threateningly. Antonin couldn’t hear what he said, but it mustn’t have been good because she cast her gaze wildly around her as if she were prey. What was it that she was looking for? A saviour? No, he’d only been watching for a few moments now but even he could tell that she knew that the fairytales weren’t real. It was in her stance, she seemed to be sizing the crowd up. You couldn’t wait for someone to sweep in and save you from the big bad wolves. It was every beast for itself in the animal kingdom, the weak would be devoured while the strong prevailed. It was the balance and balance was important. 
It was pathetic really, not how the girl was behaving but how Mulciber had let things drag this far. Antonin was soon finding that this was the British way. They played with their food, let it have hope before it was quashed. At Durmstrang, he’d already learnt enough spells that would have put her in her place at her first signs of insolence. Dark magic that did far more damage than the pitiful jellylegs jinx that Mulciber had finally sent at the Ravenclaw. Antonin only rolled his eyes, picking up his book once again. 
0 notes
watchmanis216 · 5 years
Germany’s Decline, Christianity’s Demise, America’s destiny’
Germany’s decline is occurring and is tied to Hitler’s rule and the Muslims. But we see Christianity declining in Europe, the UK, and in America. Thus the globalist America is headed for the destiny to which it must owe to its own doing. Whether you like it or not, America is catapulted headlong into a system of globalism that will implode into war and in the end we will find the Beast of Revelation 13 at the head!
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Table of Contents
America, Germany, and Politics: The abyss of bad policies. 1
World War Two Aftermath: Hitler, Himmler, and Al-Husseini 1
The influence of Al-Husseini and Islamic Jihad. 2
The Example of Merkel’s Germany and rise of Islamic influence there. 3
Innocent blood, Germany, and fall of Christianity. 4
World Cataclysm on the Brink. 5
American policies, Islamic jihad, and Christianity. 6
  “But the safety of the people of America against dangers from foreign force depends not only on their forbearing to give just causes of war to other nations, but also on their placing and continuing themselves in such a situation as not to invite hostility or insult; for it need not be observed that there are pretended as well as just causes of war.” –John Jay, Federalist No. 4, 1787 
  America, Germany, and Politics: The abyss of bad policies
Germany has been on the international front for many decades and of late it has been led by Angela Merkel. It is this German leader whom Hillary Clinton would like to emulate. According to Hillary’s own words that heap high praise on Angela Merkel. Hillary has known Angela as far back as the 1990’s and even appeared on the same German TV show together.  Hillary has gone so far as to say “She is, I think, a really effective strong leader and right now the major leader in Europe, not just Germany”.  Donald Trump said Monday in a detailed policy speech on radical Islam that Hillary was in fact aiming to be “America’s Angela Merkel”.
Further; a Breitbart report pointed out that Clinton, if elected would push to ‘resettle close to one million Muslim migrants in her first term as President alone.’ This is according to the latest data from Homeland Security. While many democrats led by Barack Obama have no qualms about such a massive influx of Muslim immigrants, there is much to consider. Especially if we look at Angela Markel’s Germany we will find how unstable Germany is today.  Does America want to mirror the E.U. or say Germany? I think not!
World War Two Aftermath: Hitler, Himmler, and Al-Husseini
Today we can look under the rug and see the political policies of Merkel and those who side with her over the allowance of Islamic tides of refugee’s into the German nation. We can see that Germany’s relation to and for Muslims goes back to Hitler. At the time it was expedient for Hitler to have help fighting not only the whole of Europe and the Americans. However Hitler’s new deal included the riddance of the world’s Jews! Hitler’s aim was to extinguish the light of world Jewry wherever the Nazis could find them. But in the Muslim, the German leader found an ally!  This is further revealed in a November 2, 1943 telegram, which Himmler wrote to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem saying:
The National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry. It has therefore followed with particular sympathy the struggle of freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish interlopers. In the recognition of this enemy and of the common struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world. In this spirit I am sending you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until the final victory. Reichsfuehrer S.S. Heinrich Himmler”
The Final victory according to Himmler who led Hitler’s policies was a world without Jews! It is Al Husseini who did much in the Middle East to push his plans for a greater and united Arab world.  Al Husseini ‘recruited Bosnia Muslims’ so they could fight for the ‘German Waffen SS’. These Muslim Nazi warriors were Albania and Bosnia. But in Yugoslavia alone this brigade of Muslim Nazis ‘was responsible for the murder of over 90 percent of the Yugoslavian Jewish Population’.  After the war the Mufti of Jerusalem by this time was fleeing the wrath of the allies who conquered Hitler. The Muslim leader of the Nazis wound up in Egypt. His role was not finished. He was the most important influence there was and his scheme was devious as his policies would challenge generations of Muslims to fight Jews.
The influence of Al-Husseini and Islamic Jihad
We find further evidence of this on the Middle East Forum.  Husseini’s place in history is firm, as he is a heralded as a Palestinian hero. Today you can find references to him in textbooks and is viewed as one of the founding fathers of the nation. His plans are well documented.
The absurdities for which Husseini became famous in the 1940s have continued to play a far too prominent role in the Palestinian political culture ever since. He did incite others to murder Jews. He did spread ridiculous conspiracy theories comparable to those of the Nazis. He did all that he could to help the Nazis in a failing effort to spread the Holocaust to the Middle East and to win the war in Europe. He left behind a legacy of hatred, paranoia, religious fanaticism and celebration of terror so long as it was aimed at Jews and Israelis. The Palestinian authority and Hamas even more so has kept that legacy is alive and well and fills the heads of Palestinian teenagers with rubbish that has led to the terror wave of recent weeks. Middle East Forum Netanyahu, Husseini, and the Historians, 2015
It is this same branded Islamic fervor which we find in the Middle East today. Although the target for Husseini was Jews and Palestine, today the war has extended to America, Europe, and the world.
However today after the push by Angela Merkel of Germany to accept so many Muslim refugees, it is no wonder why Germany has the largest Muslim community in Europe.  France was considered to have the largest Muslim community. Germany the second, times they say; have changed. It is in Germany because of Merkel’s policies, where the number of Muslims in Germany could reach Five million, thus making it the largest.
“We could suddenly have five million Muslims,” said Thomas Volk, an Islam expert at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, a think tank associated with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.
The Example of Merkel’s Germany and rise of Islamic influence there
As a result you can see Islam taking over Germany. The irony is that that Hitler accepted the Muslims and their radical hate for the Jews. It was Hitler who first used the combination of radical Islamic hate for Jews and Hitler’s desire to rid the world of Jewry that combined so long ago.  But again we find irony in that today Germany and the German people are radical pacifists. While on the other hand the Muslims have an even greater hate and purpose to destroy the Jews. But to this add on the global aspirations of ISIS, Iran, and others who see a global Islamic caliphate or Mahdi taking over the nations of the world. The stepping stone for this is Europe and the main brick in that have been Germany and its former Reich ruler, Adolf Hitler and his henchmen.
Using the Husseini brigades of Muslim Nazis came in handy to help fight the war and in the process exterminate Jews. Yet as Hitler did accept the Muslim and his fomenting hatred into Germany it should come no surprise that Post Germany is seemingly overrun by Muslims. A fact led by Merkel’s own policies and also something Hillary Clinton would like to emulate. Certainly Barack Obama has followed the policy of Muslims first, and then only a few Christians allowed in the United States.
Is it fitting judgment for Germany to be facing a flood of Muslims, a rise of Atheism, and the fall of Christianity? After all, if we ask ourselves was this not the nation that lauded Hitler, and did nothing to stop his holocaust not only on the Jews but on Europe.  Was it not Germany’s partner Japan who brazenly attacked America, forcing the nation into the Second World War? Although we are in a post-World War Two era and many have forgiven both Germany and the Germany people for their role in this chapter of world history, the facts are the facts.
Furthermore, is this not a modern Germany led by Angela Merkel who the German’s have sat by and allowed to flood their nation with foreigners?  Today Germany sits as a major player in the E.U. and it is failing in many ways, not to mention that the very existence of the nation itself is threatened by German Islam or a related brand of Islamic teachings.  Germany is going the way of many in the Middle East being taken over by social jihad and bad politics. The E.U. is in the same boat. Christianity is declining there and Islam today has done what their efforts during the crusades could not do, which is to infiltrate Europe and slowly take the whole place over and institute Islamic rule.
Again as I said before, it is this same political and social agenda led by Angela Merkel that Hillary Clinton wants to imitate!  It is clear that if Hillary gets in, America will become more like Europe, Germany, and others who have become targets for Islamic social jihad. Make no mistake there are those in America that look forward to a United Muslim States of America.
Innocent blood, Germany, and fall of Christianity
In addition, all these years later the innocent blood spilled in Europe during World War Two, both of Jews and others at the hands of the Nazis and their Muslim counterparts is still on the land. The land is infected with this curse of innocent blood, although Germany was defeated; they today are reaping results of the Hitler regime and his connection to the Muslims.
What is more, we find that Christianity is being extinguished in Germany. This is a trend we find in Europe as well. Not to mention America where we do have Christian influence but it is waning and giving way to liberal policies that will destroy America.
The fall of German Christianity leaves an emptiness that seems likely to be filled by a more multicultural and Islamic society. That is why Germany’s finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, just called for the creation of a “German Islam.” Merkel’s powerful ally linked the rise of a German Islam with the national demographic disaster. “Demographic change is one of our great challenges,” said Schäuble. Germany today houses Europe’s largest Muslim community.  Gatestone Institute
Der Spiegel says that the ‘citizens of the former German Democratic Republic have by far the ‘world’s highest rate of Atheism.’  It is here that in Post Hitler Germany, the East German portion became communist East and it is documented that in this area a high portion of those living under such communist rule were atheists. This today has affected Germany who is now rejoined with both East and West under one nation.
A new study released by an American research organization found that just 13 percent of people in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) say they have always believed in God. Der Spiegel
The term used in Germany by one professor of religious sociology is coined as “the New Atheism” and the author of this phrase is *Detlef Pollack. In East Germany only 4% of Protestants attend a church regularly. But it is not just atheism that is changing as those watching the decline of Christianity in Germany have also said the Catholic Church is declining their as well.
Germans have been leaving the Catholic Church in droves. In 2015, 181,925 Germans formally chose apostasy. By comparison, only 2,685 people have converted to Catholicism. The number of baby baptisms has also decreased by one third, from 260,000 baptized in 1995 to 167,000 in 2015. The situation is even more dismal for weddings. Twenty years ago, 86,456 couples married in a church. Last year, the number dropped by almost half: in a nation of 80 million people, only 44,298 couples sworn eternal love in a church. The proportion of people who attend church has declined from 18.6% in 1995 to 10.4% in 2015. *Gatestone, Lights out in Germany
World Cataclysm on the Brink
It also bears repeating, that the problem Germany faces is one that Europe and also America faces. Solving the problems in the Middle East and also stopping the Islamic Jihad mentality for taking over the world is paramount. Nevertheless, the jihad mentality is one that has been stirred and planted, nurtured and watered since the time of Al-Husseini and his relationship with Hitler’s Nazi regime.  Today the Jews in Israel know certainly well that this hatred continues and global war is around the corner. In fact the war in Syria and Iraq has been touted as the Third World War. Even Putin has been warning of a global nuclear war with the United States. Further we find NATO in the same respects speaking of a nuclear war with Russia.  Things could never be more unstable today that it is right now!
Iran on War:
Our strategy now is that if we feel our enemies want to endanger Iran’s national interests, and want to decide to do that, we will act without waiting for their actions,”
Putin warning Foreign journalists of Nuclear warn with America and NATO:
We know year by year what’s going to happen, and they know that we know. It’s only you that they tell tall tales to, and you buy it, and spread it to the citizens of your countries. You people in turn do not feel a sense of the impending danger – this is what worries me. How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction? While they pretend that nothing is going on. I don’t know how to get through to you anymore.
Putin Ally Warns of Nuclear War:
“Relations between Russia and the United States can’t get any worse. The only way they can get worse is if a war starts,” said Zhirinovsky, speaking in his huge office on the 10th floor of Russia’s State Duma, or lower house of parliament. “Americans voting for a president on Nov. 8 must realize that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump. But if they vote for Hillary it’s war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere.”
Make no mistake Islamic Jihad works best when nations are in turmoil. Today the refugee influx worldwide has pushed this turmoil. When nations find themselves in such chaos, it makes it better for Islamic jihad to strike. Their purpose is to take over. They could not defeat many of these western nations and European nations outright. But if a war broke out, well just as Hitler used Muslims to back his agenda, so too Muslims will embark on their own branded form of war. They will take over the systems from within. The enemy therefore is among us! Neither Hillary, nor Merkel, and certainly not the E.U. recognizes the threat of all this.
American policies, Islamic jihad, and Christianity
Barack Obama has fostered his own brand of ill-conceived world affairs as is par for the course for America. It is because of Obama that a weak response to Syria, Iraq, and his feeling that ISIS is a Junior varsity team that has allowed such a flood of refugees to swarm the world. As they do enter into European and Western societies, they take over. Further the push of Islam, Islamic teachings, and social jihad are all part and parcel of this.  Even more destructive policies was Obama’s Iran policies that have allowed the Shia state to push ahead with Nuclear ambitions and also secure its money, sell its oil, and be free to do as it pleases. Iran is a state sponsor of Islamic jihad and terrorism. While many fear ISIS’ Sunni Islam brand of a caliphate, Iran’s Shia policies are headed a threat as well. They look establish and help bring in their Mahdi, who they believe will take over the world and establish worldwide Shia Islam.
The problem with all this is that not only is the UK, E.U., and Germany blind to this. We find America surely blinded as they pursue globalist policies and ignore America’s foundation. Today in America while we have churches, seminaries, and many denominational aspects to our Christianity here, the fact is we have radical Islam here as well. Under Obama’s watch we have also seen more Islamic terror strikes in this nation while at the same time the administration does all it can to not say it is ‘Islamic terrorism’. As America falters and the foundational aspects of this nation are under attack, including traditional Christian beliefs, the threats to this nation cannot be any more perilous than with the current crops of political amoralists and globalists we have. These include both Republicans and Democrats.
As we see Europe go and with it those nations like Germany, we also see the free world, western Christianity, and our way of life as we know it. In America we have become our own worst enemy! We have that anything goes belief and with any moral proclivity has been trampled asunder especially any biblical Christian morals left in this nation.  Thus this is damning our nation to judgment. Far worse will America be than that of Nazi Germany.  We must awaken out of our abyss of tolerance and apathy.  We must stop the globalist agendas and if it must, so let it come.  Here let it reflect the parting of the ways between that which is good and that which is evil.  Let the reader understand what this means!
“But should the people of America once become capable of that deep simulation towards one another, and towards foreign nations, which assumes the language of justice and moderation while it is practicing iniquity and extravagance and displays in the most captivating manner the charming pictures of candor, frankness, and sincerity, while it is rioting in rapine and insolence, this country will be the most miserable habitation in the world; because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams, To the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, 1798
This paper is not meant to be an in-depth treatise on all aspects of Hitler, Himmler, Husseini, Germany, or the current geo-political setting.
Psa 24:6-10 (6)  This is the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah. (7)  Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. (8)  Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. (9)  Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. (10)  Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.
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Germany’s Decline, Christianity’s Demise, America’s destiny
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Germany’s Decline, Christianity’s Demise, America’s destiny
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Germany’s Decline, Christianity’s Demise, America’s destiny Germany’s Decline, Christianity’s Demise, America’s destiny’ Germany’s decline is occurring and is tied to Hitler’s rule and the Muslims.
0 notes
crimsonsamuraiftw · 6 years
Oh hi there I've been doing some reading and I've discovered something I think you should know the Nazis were bad let me explain to you why;
Hitler was counting on a widespread ante reason attitude, an attitude that no political party by itself could have created or sustained. In the field of epistemology, the Nazis were merely repeating and cashing in on the slogans of a 19th century intellectual movement, one which pervaded every country of Europe, but which had its center and greatest influence in Germany. This movement; the defiant rejection of the Enlightenment spirit is called "romanticism". The romanticists held that reason is a faculty restricted to a surface world of appearances, and incapable of penetrating to true reality, "man's source of knowledge" they declared "is feeling or passion or intuition or faith". Man in this view is not a rational being, he is in essence an emotional being, and he must seek the truth and live his life accordingly. Hostile to the cold objectivity of the scientific method, the romanticists turned to a very subjective fantasies, priding themselves on their absorption of an inner world of intense feeling, scornful of the shallowness of Aristotelian logic, they flaunted the fact that the universes they constructed were brimming with depth, i.e with contradictions, contemptuous of the static world of Enlightenment thinkers, a world of stable endearing entities, the romanticists denied the existence of entities their dynamic universe was a resurrection of the ancient theory of Heraclitus. Reality is a stream of change without entities are of action without anything that acts, it is a wild chaotic flux which the orderly enlightenment mind cannot grasp. "There is no such thing as truth" explains Hitler, "Either in the moral of a scientific sense" or as Gurgles puts the point important is "Not what is right but what wins."
The corollary of such an attitude is unceasing intellectual flux. Oragmatism leads to relativism, an idea the pragmatist holds must be judged as true or false according to its utility in a particular situation. What works today in one situation need not work tomorrow in another, this truth is mutable there are no rigid principles, not in any field, there are no absolutes. In essence it made no difference to the Nazi leaders, whether a man obeyed him for dogmatist or for pragmatist reasons, because of his commitment to God in heaven or to the Volk on earth, what mattered was that he obeyed. But the Nazis preferred Mon to obey for both reasons together, donatism gave the Firoz words the aura of supernatural authority, pragmatism Gave him or the flexibility he could want, the combination made it possible to claim that when the Fuehrer speaks his statement is a holy truth to be revered until he contradicts it whereupon his new statement is to be revered. Implicit in dogmatism and in pragmatism is a third theory past metaphysical past epistemological that is fundamental to the Nazi viewpoint subjectivism, racial subjectivism holds that a man's inborn racial Constitution determines his mental processes his intellectual outlook his thought patterns his feelings his conclusions and that these conclusions however well established are valid only some members of a given race who share the same underlying Constitution knowledge and truth one Nazi explains our peculiarities originating in definitive forms of consciousness and hence attuned exclusively to the specific essence of their mother consciousness. On this vieweach race creates its own truth, and there is no such thing as "the truth" in any issue the truth which corresponds to the facts there is only truth relative to a group truth for us plus is truth for them. Altruism is the view that man must place others above the self as the fundamental rule of and that his greatest virtue is self-sacrifice on their behalf. Altruism does not mean kindness benevolence sympathy or the line all of which are possible to egoists, the term means Otherism, it means the welfare of others must become the highest value and ruling purpose of the man's existence.
Since men do not agree in their moral feelings according to Agel each group properly legislates its own moral code, to which its own members must be obedient though that code is not binding on alien groups. This is the doctrine of social subjectivism applied to ethics. In the pre Countian era ethical subjectivism was restricted to the occasional skeptic, since current it has dominated the field of philosophy, the deepest roots of this modern shift are twofold, in epistemology the romanticist advocacy of feeling a superior to reason. In ethics and the altruist advocacy of others is superior to self. The result is a view of morality in which the ruling standard is the feelings of others. On both grounds the nazis accept the modern view wholeheartedly in a racialized version, morality they hold is a product of racial instinct on national character morals vary according to people's and so the national idea prevails in the domain of morals ethical ideas like all others are devoid of objectivity there is no such thing as the truth in ethics they say but only 'our truth'.
There are only two fundamental methods by which men can deal with one another; by reason or by force, by intellectual persuasion or by physical coercion, by directing to an opponent's brain an argument or a bullet.
Since the Nazis dismiss reason out of hand there are only recourse is to embrace the second of these methods the Nazi ethics completes the job of brute worship altruism gives to the use of force a moral sanction making it not only an unavoidable practical recourse but also a positive virtue an expression of militant righteousness, Social Justice in this view not only allows but demands the use of force against the non sacrificial individual it demands that others put a stop to his evil thus has morale further been joined to the rule of physical force raising it from a criminal tactic to a governing principle of human relationships.
So let's summarize the Nazi worldview; it is the rejection of the Enlightenment, the rejection of objective truth, the rejection of reason, and the embracing of feelings, and of subjective truth, in fact of racial truths that are only relevant to the race in question. It is the demand for complete obedience regardless of the reason why, but preferably for absolute dedication to the cause. And it is the moral sanctioning of violence towards anyone who might oppose these methods that finally makes the Nazis so terribly dangerous. And I think it's unavoidable for any political philosophy that follows these principles to end up every bit as oppressive violent and bloody as the Nazis themselves.
0 notes
gndmwngdly · 6 years
Oh hi there I've been doing some reading and I've discovered something I think you should know the Nazis were bad let me explain to you why;
Hitler was counting on a widespread ante reason attitude, an attitude that no political party by itself could have created or sustained. In the field of epistemology, the Nazis were merely repeating and cashing in on the slogans of a 19th century intellectual movement, one which pervaded every country of Europe, but which had its center and greatest influence in Germany. This movement; the defiant rejection of the Enlightenment spirit is called "romanticism". The romanticists held that reason is a faculty restricted to a surface world of appearances, and incapable of penetrating to true reality, "man's source of knowledge" they declared "is feeling or passion or intuition or faith". Man in this view is not a rational being, he is in essence an emotional being, and he must seek the truth and live his life accordingly. Hostile to the cold objectivity of the scientific method, the romanticists turned to a very subjective fantasies, priding themselves on their absorption of an inner world of intense feeling, scornful of the shallowness of Aristotelian logic, they flaunted the fact that the universes they constructed were brimming with depth, i.e with contradictions, contemptuous of the static world of Enlightenment thinkers, a world of stable endearing entities, the romanticists denied the existence of entities their dynamic universe was a resurrection of the ancient theory of Heraclitus. Reality is a stream of change without entities are of action without anything that acts, it is a wild chaotic flux which the orderly enlightenment mind cannot grasp. "There is no such thing as truth" explains Hitler, "Either in the moral of a scientific sense" or as Gurgles puts the point important is "Not what is right but what wins."
The corollary of such an attitude is unceasing intellectual flux. Oragmatism leads to relativism, an idea the pragmatist holds must be judged as true or false according to its utility in a particular situation. What works today in one situation need not work tomorrow in another, this truth is mutable there are no rigid principles, not in any field, there are no absolutes. In essence it made no difference to the Nazi leaders, whether a man obeyed him for dogmatist or for pragmatist reasons, because of his commitment to God in heaven or to the Volk on earth, what mattered was that he obeyed. But the Nazis preferred Mon to obey for both reasons together, donatism gave the Firoz words the aura of supernatural authority, pragmatism Gave him or the flexibility he could want, the combination made it possible to claim that when the Fuehrer speaks his statement is a holy truth to be revered until he contradicts it whereupon his new statement is to be revered. Implicit in dogmatism and in pragmatism is a third theory past metaphysical past epistemological that is fundamental to the Nazi viewpoint subjectivism, racial subjectivism holds that a man's inborn racial Constitution determines his mental processes his intellectual outlook his thought patterns his feelings his conclusions and that these conclusions however well established are valid only some members of a given race who share the same underlying Constitution knowledge and truth one Nazi explains our peculiarities originating in definitive forms of consciousness and hence attuned exclusively to the specific essence of their mother consciousness. On this vieweach race creates its own truth, and there is no such thing as "the truth" in any issue the truth which corresponds to the facts there is only truth relative to a group truth for us plus is truth for them. Altruism is the view that man must place others above the self as the fundamental rule of and that his greatest virtue is self-sacrifice on their behalf. Altruism does not mean kindness benevolence sympathy or the line all of which are possible to egoists, the term means Otherism, it means the welfare of others must become the highest value and ruling purpose of the man's existence.
Since men do not agree in their moral feelings according to Agel each group properly legislates its own moral code, to which its own members must be obedient though that code is not binding on alien groups. This is the doctrine of social subjectivism applied to ethics. In the pre Countian era ethical subjectivism was restricted to the occasional skeptic, since current it has dominated the field of philosophy, the deepest roots of this modern shift are twofold, in epistemology the romanticist advocacy of feeling a superior to reason. In ethics and the altruist advocacy of others is superior to self. The result is a view of morality in which the ruling standard is the feelings of others. On both grounds the nazis accept the modern view wholeheartedly in a racialized version, morality they hold is a product of racial instinct on national character morals vary according to people's and so the national idea prevails in the domain of morals ethical ideas like all others are devoid of objectivity there is no such thing as the truth in ethics they say but only 'our truth'.
There are only two fundamental methods by which men can deal with one another; by reason or by force, by intellectual persuasion or by physical coercion, by directing to an opponent's brain an argument or a bullet.
Since the Nazis dismiss reason out of hand there are only recourse is to embrace the second of these methods the Nazi ethics completes the job of brute worship altruism gives to the use of force a moral sanction making it not only an unavoidable practical recourse but also a positive virtue an expression of militant righteousness, Social Justice in this view not only allows but demands the use of force against the non sacrificial individual it demands that others put a stop to his evil thus has morale further been joined to the rule of physical force raising it from a criminal tactic to a governing principle of human relationships.
So let's summarize the Nazi worldview; it is the rejection of the Enlightenment, the rejection of objective truth, the rejection of reason, and the embracing of feelings, and of subjective truth, in fact of racial truths that are only relevant to the race in question. It is the demand for complete obedience regardless of the reason why, but preferably for absolute dedication to the cause. And it is the moral sanctioning of violence towards anyone who might oppose these methods that finally makes the Nazis so terribly dangerous. And I think it's unavoidable for any political philosophy that follows these principles to end up every bit as oppressive violent and bloody as the Nazis themselves.
0 notes