washidaco · 1 year
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COMOLI Exclusive item for WASHIDA 16th Anniversary.
MUSLIN COMOLI Shirt for WASHIDA is a special collaboration with the well-known Japanese brand COMOLI, commemorating WASHIDA's 16th Anniversary. 
The “Muslin COMOLI Shirt for WASHIDA” , a special collaboration that showcases the unique essence of both brands. The style is chosen from COMOLI's classic pattern ,using fine cotton yarn which is skillfully handwoven into a double-layered gauze. The fabric brings a delightful combination of softness and lightness, making it well-suited for humid climate in Taiwan. Additionally, its classic design allows for stylish layering, rendering it a shirt suitable for any season.
“Muslin COMOLI Shirt for WASHIDA” combines neutral and simple design with fine fabric, making it a versatile piece suitable for everyday wearing and regardless of gender.
Release date /  2023.07.11 (Tue.)
Available at / WASHIDA PARK (Taipei) , WASHIDA HOME (Taichung) , WASHIDA (Tainan) 
Website/ www.washida.co
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noritake-taiwan · 5 years
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Noritake X ZUCCa 昏昏欲睡 (ねむくなる) 共同企画展
Date:2019.10.10. - 31.
Place:WASHIDA HOME STORE , 台中市西區中興四巷4號 .
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TEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路
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01. Everyday ware & co 隱身在中山站住宅的二樓,整體空間彷彿讓妳置身於森林木屋,木質調的裝潢讓人身心瞬間放鬆,服裝選品上以簡約日常的服飾為主,在乎材質及舒適度,外型細節上的設計也絲毫不馬虎,編輯私心最喜歡的就是該店的香氛品牌!該店主精選許多獨特的歐洲香氛,任你透過選擇氣味上,就能讓人感受到妳獨特的氣質。 店家地址|台北市中山區中山北路二段20巷25號2樓 營業時間|14:00 – 22:00
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02. Rolling on 不時在日系雜誌上都能看見穿著軍用單品的帥氣女孩,如果妳也是這一派的人,那 Rolling on 絕對能能讓妳沈醉,店裡從古著二手的軍裝風格單品,道不同年帶的皮件軍用袋子應有盡有,雖帶多為男裝為主,但小尺寸的服飾用來做中性搭配,能讓妳跳脫穿搭的框架,走出與眾不同的風格! 店家地址|台北市大安區敦化南路一段161巷4號3F 營業時間|15:00 – 22:00
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03. A ROOM MODEL 與前述的 Rolling on 為好鄰居,身處東區鬧區卻藏身於公寓三樓,熱愛古著文青路線的女孩一定不會想錯過!店內選入眾多二手服飾,相較於一般的古著店整體來說衣物的品項較好獨特性也較高,最容易讓人荷包失血的就是店內的二手皮件及絲巾,妳不時可以看見絕版的 Chanel、Gucci、HHermès 的老品,除了是絕版珍藏外,價錢上也相當親民絕對值得入手! 店家地址|台北市大安區敦化南路1段161巷6號3樓 營業時間|15:00 – 22:00
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04. Mistymint Shop 喜歡在小店挖寶的人品味絕對與眾不同,如果妳也再找獨立品牌��那 Mistymint Shop 走過路過千萬不能錯過!身處在中山區外圍三樓,沒有明顯的招牌也沒有浮誇的裝潢,但精選的設計師品牌獨特性高同時也不失去高度的實穿性,如果遇到摻搭上的困難,店員也會好不吝嗇的跟妳分享穿搭方式,幫妳找到全新的風格。 店家地址|台北市大同區民生西路83號2樓 營業時間|14:00 – 22:00
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05. GROOVY STORE! 比起前幾間店舖的隱密性, GROOVY STORE 位在熱門的東區後巷,不走精緻浮誇的裝潢路線,在整體風格上擁有美式的隨性自在,服飾選品呼應店內裝潢,具有美式的隨性卻有日本品牌的細節,喜歡 BoyFriend 風格的人這裡想要讓妳荷包失血應該不是一件難事。 店家地址|敦化南路一段161巷62號一樓 營業時間|14:00 – 22:00
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06. Washida HOME STORE 如果不介紹一些北部以外的區域,妳一定覺得小編偏心!位於台中綠園道附近的 Washida HOME STORE 即是編輯造訪台中必逛的店!店主獨特的品味,網羅世界各地最美好的衣物,妳在這裡買不到前衛,但絕對能買到迷人的氣質。 店家地址|台中市西區中興四巷4號 營業時間|14:00 – 22:00
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07. 2143 對於不太買韓貨的我來說,2143 是我一定會推薦給女孩的韓貨店,店內沒有譁眾取寵的服裝,簡約俐落及柔美的設計同時兼具強烈的都會感,妳在該店找到日常上班的服裝,也能尋覓到約會時展現氣質的戰袍。 店家地址|台北市敦化南路一段187巷67號1F 營業時間|14:00 – 22:00
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08. Whistle By 台灣設計師的力量絕對不容小覷!這間位於台南的 Whistle By 集合了多台灣獨立設計師的服裝,選進的品牌也抓準實穿與高度的設計性,讓妳在安全的搭配下依舊擁有獨到的時尚品味,妳想嘗試新風格又害怕太過誇張?那 Whistle By 真的值得來逛一逛! 店家地址|台南市衛民街69號 營業時間|14:00 – 22:00
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09. White Rock Store 「山系」風格初嚐現在各大日本雜誌裡,但台灣女孩似乎很少能找到具備戶外風格,同時擁有時裝細節設計的單品,White Rock Store 即具備這樣的服裝,擁有許多登山品牌,在中性都會感的設計,讓女孩跳脫柔美路線的穿搭。 店家地址|台北市中山區中山北路二段128巷1-1號1樓 營業時間|12:00 – 20:30
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10. corvici 每次進到 corvici 都能想像女孩們穿起店內服飾的脫俗氣息,店主精挑細選韓國服飾,顏色上大多為大地色系及輕柔的色彩,對於喜歡保守搭配的人,但卻又想擁有一點與眾不同那 corvici 妳應該會很喜歡!店內不時有新品預購的活動,除了可以先去店內試穿外,也能用較便宜一些的折扣買到即將到店的新品。 店家地址|台北市大安區大安路一段31巷9號 營業時間|15:00 – 22:00 比起逛各大百貨,我更喜歡小店用心挑選的商品,找一個夏日鑽一鑽城市中的巷弄,去一些你平常不太注意的小店,或許妳可從中找到搭配靈感!
【本文由Bella.tw儂儂 提供,未經授權,請勿轉載!】
  延伸閱讀 摩登再現經典小黑裙、重回品牌總部辦秀!一場獻給天上的GIVENCHY先生完美高級訂製服大秀,絕美也傷感! 「一個微笑比任何一種口紅都來得佳」這8位成功的好萊塢明星發人深省的經典語錄
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biteamap · 7 years
台中將軍府居酒屋 X 比手掌還大的超大生蠔!
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上星期拜訪了有著年輕工業風裝潢的將軍府居酒屋,輕鬆的喝著清酒,咬下剛烤好的熱呼呼肉串,欣賞眼前炭火上微微冒出的白煙,比手掌還大的生蠔,嚐著口味很棒的生牛肉,今天週四~明天明天適合小酌的端午周末就要來囉 :)
原文連結 : http://www.biteamap.com/blog/post/459058156
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以前常跟沖繩男孩下班後,在信義區熱門的時段,熱門的餐廳,聽著狂熱的音樂,坐在露天酒吧區喝酒,欣賞五光十色的夜晚,漸漸的,可能是年紀也稍長(哈) 現在比較喜歡小眾一點的餐廳,可以好好聊天喝點酒,吃點燒烤的地方。將軍府,從年輕化、寬敞的日式居酒屋空間規劃到餐點,無不讓人傾心。
有著兩層樓的將軍府,一樓有著清水模牆面,靠牆的多張四人桌;也有可以觀賞師傅手藝,現場料理燒烤以及處理魚肉的吧檯;而這次訂位的二樓包廂 (有低消),有三個獨立區域的包廂座位,下圖就是我們預定的位置,很寬敞也很有藝術氣息,我覺得不只適合我們小夫妻,也很適合多人聚餐或者家族聚會。
下圖/ 二樓座位包廂區
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上圖/ 一樓座位區
生牛肉 $250
至於餐點部分,首先第一道生牛肉! 對於我女生不愛吃肉,尤其最不愛的生肉,這道因為店家推薦,而決定品嘗的一道,沒想到出乎意料的非常好吃,完全與想像中那生肉會有的腥味截然不同,一問才知道,這道料理處理的方式相當特別,全生的肉質表面經過稍微炙燒後,放入冷凍,客人點單時才會拿出來解凍切片,並且下方附上洋蔥與和風醬增加口感,炙燒過與冷凍過的肉片,去除了生肉的血腥,而佐料則是替生牛肉增添了風味生肉佐上醬料與洋蔥,一口吃下,口感滑潤多汁且順口,我跟沖繩男孩都很愛的一道。
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手掌大超大生蠔 $300
廣島生蠔 $150
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比目魚丼飯 $150 / 午魚一夜干 $300 / 焗烤大草蝦 $99
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電話: 04 2317 7243
地址: 台中市西屯區文心路三段93號
營業時間: 周一至周日 17:30-02:00
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原文連結 : http://www.biteamap.com/blog/post/459058156 
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yoheygoto · 6 years
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POP UP SHOP / 您好台灣
presented by CIY
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Walass Huang /  Founder of Washida Home Store Make Yourself at Home
It was a rainy day when we visited Washida Home Store.
The sound of drizzle was clear inside the rectangular space for the mini book fair, and the mixture of coffee and fragrance was surprisingly delightful. If sound could turn into a colour, Walass’ whisper must be a mellow white, like a gentle moan, which was the colour that wrapped Washida and of the shirt Walass was wearing.
Both Walass and Washida had an affable vibe, it was as if dropping by somebody’s home when entering the shop. Washida was like a friend of yours, who generously shared the things it loved, and through the clothes, decorations, coffee and the artwork it picked you’d have known more about its taste. It was the same warm feeling Walass gave when he talked to us about his stories, such as the fact that he used to be a nerd who knew nothing about clothes, how he took the time to adjust and perfect everything, and the journey to the United States when his passion began to fade. Walass treated us like a dear friend by sharing his highs and lows, and to the customers it was just the same, as he said, “We recommend the best items we’ve known so far to the customers. It doesn’t matter whether they get a kick out of those things at all, because it is like a friend’s sharing.” The secret of Washida’s success was perhaps the genial and genuine attitude the shop had, for it was beyond any doubt that people who came to Washida would find the best things, or simply enjoyed themselves there.
How did you transform your online daigou (buying on behalf of) shop into the physical “Washida Home Store”?
I studied Business Administration, and during my years in university I established my own brand. I started off the daigou business in 2007 without a master plan, and I just thought it’d be fun and at the same time made myself some money. Through this I also observed the commercial behaviour and learnt a great deal. After graduation, I went back to Tainan and set up my first physical store, and five to six years later I launched the second store in Taichung. Having a store in Taichung is like pushing back the boundaries of myself, as Taichung lacks this kind of select shop, so I give it a whirl. And if we could discover potential clients who are taken with our picks, the chances to hit the taste of Taipei customers would be higher. Another reason why I choose Taichung is that I think fascinating events can also happen in cities other than Taipei.
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Your Taichung store’s vibe seems very distinct from that in Tainan, with coffee and arts put in. How did you come up with these concepts?
In fact, I cycled and roamed around places to search for the ideal space. Then I stumbled across this place and thought it’s spacious. I felt like coffee should be served here. When the shop’s blueprint surfaced, I chewed them over with my colleagues. At that time, Monique contributed plenty of the design thoughts, we imagined how customers should experience when they entered the space, and decided the forms of this store. Another expression of the “home” concept is by picturing the home of the person. He might have a passion for coffee, for books and most importantly, for clothes. Sharing good objects is our core idea, and we treat customers as friends. We recommend the best items we’ve known so far to them. It doesn’t matter whether they get a kick out of those things at all, because it is like a friend’s sharing.
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The style of your shop also transformed. You brought in more well-known brands in the past, but now you have more brands with individuality. Why is there such a change?
I think it is a transformation as I grow older. At first I didn’t know so much about clothes, I was a nerd. But then my connection with clothes pushed me to learn. We were apt to choose things many people like, and after a gradual process of transformation, now I tend to pick things we like. It is a journey. Initially we didn’t have the chance to be familiar with all those smashing things, and it’s hard to persuade brands to collaborate with us, since they didn’t really know what our shop was about. So, it took time to pile things up, and this space was our ground to reach the brands and bring them in. We’ve really spent plenty of time adjusting and perfecting things.
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Washida Home Store
Washida Home Store Facebook Page
Washida Home Store IG Page
Video Interview by Sabrina Li
Text by Sabrina Li
Washida Home Store 
No.4, Zhongxing 4th Ln., West Dist., Taichung City 403,Taiwan
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黃冠傑 /  Washida Home Store 創辦人 不如先坐下來喝杯咖啡吧 
來到Washida Home Store是一個下雨天。
你是怎麼從網上代購轉為開設實體的Washida Home Store空間呢?
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Washida Home Store
Washida Home Store Facebook Page
Washida Home Store IG Page
Video Interview by Sabrina Li
Text by Sabrina Li
Washida Home Store 
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chezkuo · 7 years
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Always be Cool ! #nagasawacoffee #washida #washidahome #chez_coffee #taichung (在 Washida HOME STORE)
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wilzzie · 8 years
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☕️👦🏻☕️👦🏻☕️ iced cappuccino + @noritake_org = ❤️ #noritake #taiwan #taichung #coffee (at Washida HOME STORE)
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washidaco · 3 months
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Pierre Jeanneret ''Living with timeless seating'' at WASHIDA HOME STORE
7. 12 (Fri.) ____ 7. 21(Sun.)
一位來自瑞士日內瓦的建築師,與被譽為現代建築教父的表兄弟柯比意(Le Corbusier)共同開設工作室。並在1951年,他們於印度昌迪加爾著手都市規劃,一經展開便讓 Jeanneret 在當地待了14個年頭,為文化發展帶來重大貢獻,也隨著歷史演進,他的重要性被重新定義,留下許多令人難忘的經典,至今仍被許多藏家推崇。
即為謙遜而總是位居幕後,從其作品中溫潤的 V 、 X 等元素,皆映照出這位現代主義巨匠 Pierre Jeanneret 內在的質樸及溫柔,他利用對材質的敏感度、基本幾何的發想,創造出高度實用性、無視角限制的作品,所有皆由昌迪加爾工匠手工完成,因此這柚木、藤編轉化而成家具,蘊含不僅是設計師的思想,同時也具工藝之美。
本次將於本週五(7.12),於WASHIDA HOME STORE 現場展售 Pierre Jeanneret 於 1950 至 1960 年間在昌迪加爾的旁遮普學院中留下的經典作品,皆經歷時代考驗擁有歲月痕跡,與出產年份及工匠的相異,全為獨一無二之作。誠摯邀請您到店感受 Jeanneret 跨越年代的獨特思維。
An architect from Geneva, Switzerland, who co-founded a studio with his cousin Le Corbusier, the godfather of modern architecture. In 1951, they embarked on the urban planning of Chandigarh, India, a project that kept Jeanneret in the region for 14 years. His significant contributions to cultural development have redefined his importance over time, leaving behind many unforgettable classics that are still esteemed by numerous collectors today.
Modest and always working behind the scenes, Pierre Jeanneret's inner simplicity and gentleness are reflected in his works through elements such as the warm V and X shapes. Utilizing his sensitivity to materials and basic geometric concepts, he created highly functional and unrestrictedly viewable pieces. All these works were handcrafted by Chandigarh artisans, transforming teak and cane into furniture that embodies not only the designer's ideas but also the beauty of craftsmanship.
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noritake-taiwan · 7 years
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Noritake RAIN. 新系列作品, 將於 7/15 日發售 - 販售地點: 台灣 WASHIDA 台南市衛民街65-1號 WASHIDA HOME STORE 台中市中興四巷4號
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yvesmai · 8 years
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Had a one-day trip to Taichung again. Surprised by the collection and the coffee there. It would have been even better if I had stayed longer though. Million thanks to my driver today. 😏 Will try to make it possible to come back again soon for her wedding ceremony with this look→🤵 (Washida HOME STORE)
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ningtw · 8 years
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🙂 #Washida #homestore #style #taichung (在 Washida HOME STORE)
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washidaco · 4 months
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washidaco · 1 year
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washidaco · 1 year
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"Paso Order Event" with birbira
6.24 — 7.9
ㄧ年一度的 Paso 海外受注活動明日將於 HOME 展開,很開心今年再次邀請到 Paso 前來。
Paso 獨特中性的飾品款式、色彩讓男女性都可以自在著用,交互堆疊配戴。
期間到來全新款式,戒指、耳環以及手環等銀飾配件,店裡提供訂制與丈量戒圍服務,歡迎您預購訂制合適自己的戒圍尺寸,訂製款式同樣需等待 3~ 4個月製作期。
Birbira Karco 中野加奈子 @birbirakarco
6.24 — 7.9
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