danhoemei · 2 years
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oh-beyond · 7 years
Saviour AU - Part 18
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He wasn’t rich like the others, he didn’t really fit, but he was part of the group, the rich boys that had investments in one of the biggest companies in the country, they were powerful and handsome and they could get anything the wanted, money had corrupted their every day actions, money that Byun Baekhyun didn’t have, to what extent was he like them?
You were lucky enough to be delivering the coffee every morning, you just wanted to see him, and to see him meant seeing the others too… You had faith that he was different… just don’t trust him too much he might surprise you, and not in a good way.
Baekhyun x Reader ft. Chanyeol, Chen, Kai & Lay (Mentions of EXO OT12)
Warning: mentions of blood
Saviour Masterpost
< Part 17 - Part 19 >
Seven days earlier
“Noona please come to the wedding? Please for me? Just come with me, I will be proudly displaying you”
“Oh Jonginnie… you make me laugh, displaying me? You mean my fat belly?”
“Just dump Chanyeol hyung and come with me”
“Jongin-ah, I am not with him”
“I know, I know, but… he’s been taking care of you so much, I mean I didn’t- you know”
“You know I think that he’s moved on, it’s more like taking care of Baekhyun’s baby than me. It’s because of Baek”
“You think? I hope, I really wish that but… he loves you too much ___ noona, he’s not well, he’s totally…"
“No it’s because of Baekhyun, I know that I am hurting him by letting him into my life, but I know he will be happy if Baekhyun and I… I just feel it’s the time. I hope they will sort it out now that they are together”
“Alright so you need to come to Yixing hyung’s wedding”
“I don’t want to ruin it for Xian unni, no Jongin”
Kai took his phone and smiled.
“What are you doing?
Kai grinned placing the phone over his ear.
“Ni hao Xian jiejie!”
“Kim Jongin! How is that you are calling me?”
“I missed you jiejie! Also to ask what you’d like for your weeding present”
“You liar! I want you to look your best, but I take it it’s nonsense to ask because you always do, you and Sehun will break some local girls heart’s”
“Sehun might break some hearts, I will make sure to heal all those hearts” stated Kai with a cheeky smile.
“Ah you player, not settling down, are you?”
“Who knows, I might meet someone as lovely as you, then I will consider, however Yixing gege got you already”
“You are unbelievable Kim Jongin”
“So jiejie, you know Chanyeol and Baekhyun hyung are at the hotel right?”
“I heard, I hope they make up, I over did it with Chanyeol last time, I feel horrible”
“Yeah they made up, you know how close they are”
“And ___? How is she? How is her pregnancy?”
“She is very well, healthy and pretty. I wish Baekhyun hyung could presence it, I wish I could do something to get them back together”
“Hmmm, well I don’t know, Yixing already asked her to come to the wedding, and they could meet up there, the atmosphere is perfect for these things”
“SO YOU WANT ___ TO COME TO THE WEDDING?” he asked excitedly looking at you.
“Oh sure, I- I need to make it up to her, but I have no clue how”
“Xian jiejie! Call her! She would love to go, I’m sure. She feels you don’t want her to come but if you call her...”
“Are you sure?”
“A 100%!”
“Alright, let me get Yixing’s phone, he’s asleep”
“Alright Jongin”
“Jiejie jiejie!”
“Wo ai ni~~~!”
“You are an angel Kim Jongin, a playboy one but still and angel”
And that is how Xian called you right after she ended the call with Kai, the guilt noticeable in her voice asking you to come. She went the extra mile convincing you to come the following day .
You thought of at least call Chanyeol before hand, he’d sure help you surprise Baekhyun.
“___, Baekhyun moved on... why can’t you?”
“He didn’t!”
“He did! He is perfectly fine, and he’s had company”
“What do you mean company?”
“___, Baekhyun is seeing other people. Meanwhile I am trying to open up your eyes, trying to make you happy, whiling to take care of your son, just try me! What do you have to lose? I am not even asking for anything romantically involved. Just let me be there”
Again tears... like every day, every single day since Baekhyun went to China you have been crying. And Chanyeol has been there for you, all along, always.
He’s held your head when you needed to vomit, which was often these days, he’s taken you to your doctor’s appointments, he’s cooked for you, he’s offered you foot massages, he’s been the shoulder to cry on. All while you had been asking him about Baekhyun, how he was when he was younger, what he liked and disliked, the funny stories they shared. It ripped Chanyeol’s heart that the minute he stopped speaking about Baekhyun you’d be depressed again. He thought you were stronger than that, but apparently not.
Baekhyun was under your skin, and getting rid of his memory was not an easy task.
He did try talk to Baekhyun, for you. God knows how much he tried, he knew that it would probably get resolved if he just told him you were bearing his child, but that is not how things should be done. Chanyeol didn’t want Baekhyun to just pity you and go back because of the baby. He genuinely wanted Baekhyun to take you because he loved you. Treat you the way you deserve.
You shook off the call and booked the flight. Kai was going to accompany you of course, Lay had to make sure you weren’t just going to come alone. 
You were blessed. In the past months you made good friends, Saehyo who was busy preparing her own wedding. Little Kai, Lay who was an angel. Chen that offered you the best job you could ever dream of. You had discovered the good side of Chanyeol that didn’t make an appearance until later.
And Baekhyun... 
The father of your baby.
This was it. All you had to do was knock on his door.
You wore a cute half sleeved mid-thigh baby blue dress that showed clearly your pregnant belly. It was very hot in Hainan and your cheeks were blushed extremely, apart from your feet swollen from the pregnancy and the flights. You didn’t tell Chanyeol when exactly you were coming as suggested by Lay, he knew Chanyeol was horrible at keeping secrets, especially from Baekhyun.
When you arrived to the hotel accompanied by Kai, you straight away wanted to see  Baekhyun, you had planned a million things to tell him, but when you arrived your mind went in blank. Kai advised you to take a shower first and maybe rest for a bit, but you couldn’t wait, you just wanted to throw yourself in Baekhyun’s arms.
Maybe it was the uncertainty of the situation. You knew he loved you but baby included? That was intimidating for most men. Rollercoaster of emotions.
Kai offered to take you to their room, but you kindly declined, you just wanted to be alone with Baekhyun, hug him, kiss him. Tell him how much you loved and missed him…
You knocked on his room’s door “Baekhyun?“ you whispered knocking on the door “Baek?”
“What the fuck is it? Can’t you see that we have the ‘Do Not Disturb’ light on?” yelled Baekhyun opening the door.
“Hi!” you said shyly causing him to double his eyes in size.
“Oh you got the door?” asked this girl behind him.
You moved to get a better view, just then you realised what Baekhyun was wearing, nothing but his briefs and a robe wide open. Behind him a girl in similar condition, nothing on but a lingerie set.
The girl decided to leave the awkward silence and head back to Chanyeol’s room to get some more sleep (that part you didn’t know). When she left you decided to leave too, you placed your hand over your belly and walked back to the room that Yixing had booked for you.
“Wait!” Baekhyun didn’t know why he was asking you to wait or what he wanted to say.
You stopped and smiled, he looked at your face, you had definitely changed, you looked flushed and your cheeks full, you belly noticeable…
“You have no right to be upset”
“Of course I don’t” you went on your tiptoes and kissed his forehead “congratulations guys” you said moving slowly, helped by the wall next to you.
He didn’t move, he rubbed his scalp confused, but he didn’t move. He hated everything, he hated how gorgeous you looked in your baby blue dress, despite you being pregnant, you looked more innocent than a 15 year old, your cheeks that he was dying to touch and kiss, hold you between his arms, and then the baby that you carried that he thought it was Chanyeol’s. Chanyeol that didn’t do anything but fuck Tina all the past week while he couldn’t do anything but to jerk off to your memory.
He hated how unfair everything was.
He watched you walk with difficulty, you were clearly crying judging at how you slowly you walked, how tense your body was, how your nails dug in the wall.
“Why did you come!?” he asked walking towards you closing his robe.
You didn’t answer and just kept walking.
“___! You need Chanyeol? He is asleep, do you have a room? I think you need to rest”
You stopped holding onto your belly with both hands leaning on the wall.
“What’s wrong? Why ar-“
“Baekhyun! Baekhyun!” you cried looking at your legs.
He followed your eyes and saw blood running down your thighs, your body started to shiver “save me! Save my baby Baekhyun!”
“Cupcake! What’s wrong? Why are you bleeding?”
“Baekhyun my baby!” you pleaded slowly collapsing.
He bent down pulling you from behind your knees, carrying your limp body, your head falling on his chest running to get the elevator to the lobby.
“___! ___! Yah! Yah! Look at me! Nothing is going to happen, OK!?”
“Please, I don’t want to loose the baby” you managed to say.
“I won’t let that happen. You hear me ___?”
He was reassuring you but he was freaked out himself. He panicked , he was terrified. When he arrived to the lobby he rushed outside getting into one of the vans that were parked just outside belonging to the hotel asking the driver to drive to the nearest hospital.
“Call Jongin and Chanyeol” you whispered before fainting.
He placed your head on his lap noticing how loud he was crying, his hands on your face babbling nonsense.
“Open your eyes ___! Please! Please I’m sorry!”
He looked at your legs and hesitantly placed his hand over your tummy. He asked the driver for his phone and called Chanyeol.
“Fucker let me sleep”
“Yeol-ah! It’s ___, she came and I’m taking her to the hospital”
“WHAT? When? How?”
You arrived and you were taken from his arms and placed on a stretcher immediately taken to the A&E.
The doctor asked what had happened and he just related that you had a sudden bleeding. The nurses pulled your dress upwards placing the heartbeat monitor over your belly. The baby’s heartbeats were heard loud and clear, just then Baekhyun relaxed and a little smile was drawn on his face when you opened your eyes and heard how strong and full of life they sounded.
“She’s alright, the baby is fine” confirmed the doctor.
You started to cry in relief, Baekhyun stroked your hair and kissed your forehead “you hear that? The baby is fine. I’m sorry if I upset you”
“I need to ask some questions and will need to examine you” continued the doctor “when did you notice the bleeding?” he asked placing a sheet over your body spreading your legs carefully.
You didn’t reply and Baekhyun didn’t reply.
“I should suggest to cut back on sexual activities for a while, oral sex however is good for her and actua-”
“We didn’t!” both of you spat at the same time your cheeks blushing at the thought of the doctor’s suggestion.
“Oh… alright, good to know, well did you hold something heavy? Are you stressed lately?”
“Yes, yes it’s my fault, we kind of- well I upset her”
“Well none of that dad! You need to pamper this wonderful woman, and make her breakfast every morning, and maybe rub her feet” added the doctor after he examined you.
“Sure, I- I will do my best”
“He is not the father” you barked “so he won’t be doing any breakfast anytime soon” you added trying to stand up ignoring how you stabbed Baekhyun right on his heart.
Just then Baekhyun realised that he was barefoot, tiny and insignificant. He was reminded again of his place. He tugged his robe tighter questioning if he should help you or leave. 
There was a knock on the door and Chanyeol and Kai appeared. Kai was about to hug you but Chanyeol beat him on that pushing him away embracing you with his big arms. When you felt his warmth you started crying again fishing for attention. He shushed you running his hand over your back like he knew it soothed you.
“Alright I take it you are the father” said the doctor as Chanyeol detached himself “she really needs to relax and not do anything. Bed rest is preferable” 
You noticed by then Baekhyun had left the room. He was outside in the waiting area.
This was harder than he thought.
The feeling of being hated.
Of being nothing.
He leaned his arms over the railing of his room’s balcony, he bit his lips as he watched you dip your feet in the swimming pool. Helped by Chanyeol you sat and waved when Chanyeol got in the water, you stayed at the edge watching him swim as Baekhyun watched the 2 of you.
Your cheeks and your cute figure, he missed touching your skin and he’d be lying if he didn’t admit that it looked delicious under the warm sun. He was aching to just go there and run his fingers through your hair.
The same way you were doing to Chanyeol’s hair that had his hands on your calves.
You seemed happy. 
Chanyeol was the better man. He got the girl of his dreams.
Chanyeol placed his hands on your belly before kissing it, slowly pulling you to join him in the pool.
The sight was beautiful and painful. He imagined Chanyeol as a father. His mind went to when they were little and how Chanyeol was bullied for his ears in primary school. He never allowed anyone to bully Chanyeol. Baekhyun wanted to protect Chanyeol’s son, your son. He was still part of that family...
“She is beautiful isn’t she hyung?”
“She i- what the fuck? How did you get in here?”
“Ah Chanyeol hyung gave me the key, to convince you to get out”
“I’m fine Kai go away”
“___ noona, she was all yours. It’s not too late hyung”
“Shut up Kai!”
“Chanyeol hyung just... it’s not... Baekhyun hyung~~~” whined Kai.
You encircled your arms around Chanyeol’s neck and he carefully pulled you to join him in the water, he spun you around in the pool, your laughs loud and resonating in Baekhyun’s eardrums. Suddenly Chanyeol stopped and smiled, happy to see you smiling and happy that he was providing this unexpected happiness.
You brought him closer to you and nipped at his lips. It was brief and sweet, and Chanyeol was left petrified.
This moment that waited for so long. You, willingly planting your lips over his softly and in a loving manner. Appreciation and real care in your eyes.
“Thank you Chan” you smiled.
It felt wrong.
“It’s useless, look how happy they are” said Baekhyun looking away.
His body shook away that image. He couldn’t see it. Yes he knew that you were pregnant, but you weren’t together with Chanyeol, and this now...
“I lost. This is never going happen ever. I was too blind not to see it coming” he added as his lips quivered.
“You were too blind, and still are hyung”
Saehyo came the following day worried sick about you. You assured her that you were perfectly fine and  there was nothing to worry about. She knew you couldn’t go shopping and as per usual she took the initiative and hired a stylist that came to your room with 3 clothing racks full of dresses for you to chose from.
“Saehyo~~~” you whined “you didn’t have to, I already got a dress”
Saehyo examined your dress looking at the stylist with a sideways smile.
“What do you think?” she asked him.
“It’s certainly a maternity dress, that I can tell”
“That’s not what we need, we need to give her stubborn guy a heart attack”
“Saehyo-yah!” you reprimanded “no we don’t!”
“Don’t listen to my unni here. Now show us what you’ve got there”
Baekhyun was fixing Chanyeol’s bowtie in silence. They had nothing to tell each other. Chanyeol had finally tasted your lips and it didn’t feel like what he thought it would be. And Baekhyun... he was a mess.
“So where is Tina?” asked Baekhyun casually.
“I- she’s gone”
“No more Tina. Please treat ___ well”
“Baekhyun, I hadn’t had any for over- what the fuck! It’s your fault, like you were fucking Jenny and I was lonely”
“I fucked no one, yes it was my plan but I couldn’t”
“What do you mean?”
“Forget it Chan” said Baekhyun moving away as he finished with his bowtie.
“No! What the fuck you do you mean? You can’t? Are you like going to tell me you love ___ and all that bullshit? Because I will not believe you”
“I do. And I do not look at taken women. She’s yours”
“Chanyeol don’t be salty. Now come on we will be late”
“She kissed me, with love. ___ finally accepted me”
“You deserve that love Chanyeol”
“Why the fuck you are making this so complicated? Why the fuck Baekhyun? I came here to spend the week with you to convince you to listen to her. She has been lovesick, crying over you, asking me about you every hour. I’ve seen her belly grow while the only shared conversation was Byun fucking Baekhyun”
“WHAY DOES THIS MATTER NOW? THE WOMAN YOU LOVE IS HAVING YOUR BABY AND SHE-” he stopped running his hands over his face “it’s over”
They sat in the table reserved for EXO, even Baekhyun because Jinki was upset, Taemin tried to smooth things with him, but disappearing for over a month was not making SHINee very happy. It was however making Kris and Suho happy, perhaps it meant that he would join EXO soon.
Baekhyun and Chanyeol had their eyes fixated on the gate of the venue. They both got up when you finally appeared next to Kai. 
“Well well well. Look a that Kris, see that woman?” asked Suho sarcastically making all the present hear.
“Kai settling down? I’m surprised”
“She is Xiumin’s coffee jewel, Chen’s lawyer. The real trouble maker. Also Chanyeol has a crush on her, right Yeol-ah?”
Chanyeol ignored them and went to greet you. You were stunning.
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The dress you wore dissimulated your belly. Baby pink with embroideries. your cheeks full and a bright smile decorated your face. When Chanyeol reached you, you left Kai’s arm and pulled Chanyeol by the lapels of his suit jacket going on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He placed an hand over his cheek getting embarrassed looking back at Baekhyun who’s gaze said it all.
“Take it easy noona. I will go say hi to the China squad” said Kai excusing himself.
After greeting the guys he sat next to Baekhyun.
“It’s your last chance hyung, otherwise the next wedding you will attend it’s Chanyeol hyung’s and ___ noona’s” whispered Kai on Baekhyun’s ear.
“Stop it Kai”
“So Chanyeol conquered her? Who is this mysterious lady? I am kind of intrigued” asked Kris gain.
“You won’t believe this Kris. Remember the convenience store we used to get booze from when we were kids?”
Kris looked at Suho waiting for the more.
“That’s her, and Chanyeol liked her, don’t you remember how bitter he got after she cock blocked him?”
Baekhyun’s hands were gathered into fists, his knuckles going white.
“I can’t fucking believe it. She seems cunning this one”
“Too intelligent if you asked me” added Suho.
“So who won the bet? Did anyone kiss her?”
Baekhyun pushed his chair backwards creating a loud rasp on the floor.
You were still talking to Chanyeol as you dusted his shoulders, it looked like you were the most common couple.
Until Baekhyun stood in front of you.
“Hi guys. How are you now ___?”
You didn’t answer and hooked your arm with Chanyeol’s.
“She-she’s perfect look at her” stated Chanyeol awkwardly.
“I should sit, hight heels really not good for me but they look so good with the dress, right Chan?”
“Yes. Yes they do, you look very pretty ___” added Baekhyun confidently “listen Chanyeol, I will steal her for a couple of minutes if you don’t mind”
“Ah- uh- sure man” Chanyeol removed your arm from his, you were actually surprised.
“I should sit” 
Baekhyun took your hand and hooked it with his “we will sit”
Before you could reproach you were out of the wedding hall slowly walking behind Baekhyun. When you realised how easy it was you pulled your hand away.
“What do you want?”
He turned to face you “what I want I can’t do or tell you here”
“So smooth as always, well I can’t and I don’t want to hear it. If you’ll excuse me”
“Just listen to me. I need to talk to you before I leave”
“Leave? Where?”
“I thought you weren’t interested in knowing anything about me” he smirked. He had hope.
“I don’t care. I just don’t want Chanyeol all depressed because of someone like you, someone who doesn’t deserve all the love that people feel towards you”
“Like the love you have for me?”
“And here he goes again. Byun Baekhyun the invincible who thinks he owns everything”
He stood quiet for a moment biting on his lower lip eyeing you head to toe...
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He moved forward, he was too close, he smiled again but the smile died into a sorrowful sigh looking away. You didn’t move and just stood there watching his face expressions that cried in silence. His eyes met yours again, you saw him gulping, thinking of his next words carefully.
You wanted to leave him there to his misery, but you were curious...
“Listen” he started taking a deep breath “I- this will be the last time I will talk to you about this, I will from now on treat you like my sister. Like the mother of my best friend’s kid. My nephew or niece. But before I do that I will just want to talk to you like before. One last time”
“Alright. Sure. What do you want to tell me”
“Not here, please follow me. I swear I will not bother you ever again” he whispered making your all hairs stand.
He took your hand gently running his thumb on the back of your palm. You looked around and saw no one was near, and then you found yourself walking behind him. Baekhyun relaxed for a second relieved that he still had that effect on you. Maybe it was only pity, but still it made him feel the best he’s felt ever since he found out you were pregnant.
You took the elevator in silence never breaking eye contact. You walked behind him to that same room where you saw him stand almost naked with that girl, the painful memory that Chanyeol warned you about but you didn’t listen.
“I don’t want to go there. It’s not my place, your girl might get upset if she sees me here” you said standing outside his hotel room.
“She’s not my girl” he offered his hand to take you inside.
“Oh great. One night stands sound even better”
“Are you jealous cupcake?”
“What? No I’m not”
“Then come in please”
You slowly found yourself inside his room guiding you to the couch. You sat down and you just realised how sore your feet were when you looked down. Baekhyun noticed and went on his knees pulling your feet on his lap.
“Don’t! I’m fine!” you exclaimed trying to pull them back.
“Shhh, it’s alright cupcake” his voice was husky.
You were reminded how weak you were towards him.
He took your shoes off slowly. He massaged your toes and your feet and your calves. A little muffled feminine moan escaping you made Baekhyun stop and look at your face.
His smile.
Relaxed and genuine. How long were you planning in making him suffer? It was obvious that he still had a thing for you. And him being with other girls while you were broken up was normal. You were sure you could let that slip.
He stopped placing your feet back in the floor raising himself to your eye level, your knees at his belly stopping him from getting any closer. His hands slowly parting your knees allowing him between your legs.
You felt one of his hands rest on your belly looking down as if reminding him of the wall that was between the 2 of you.
“I- I am sorry. I am sorry for letting you slip from my hands. I was an idiot, And now it’s too late for me- I mean... cupcake I love you. I swear I love you. No matter what happens I love you and will always love you”
You swallowed your tears and nodded, you wanted to hear him. You needed to hear him because he’s caused you so much pain all this time.
“I will try to be a good uncle, and a good brother in law. For Chanyeol and for this innocent baby that I would give my life for”
“Wait. Just wait. Cupcake I needed to say this like months ago”
You nodded smiling.
“Even though I will be this person I need to be. I will not stop loving you ever. I don’t care. It’s not like I can switch it off. I won’t cross the line and I will never do or act upon my impulse. But just this once...”
“What do you mean Baek”
His head moved forward his hand resting on your thigh, his other hand under your ear tilting his head to one side.
He captured your lips softly and slowly. Baekhyun wasn’t shy with this kiss and his tongue brushed your lips the second his lips were planted on yours. You didn’t move but his tongue opened your mouth as if your lips were hypnotised. He found your own tongue and he tasted tentatively as he traced it across the bottom of your lip. The caress of his lips seemed much softer this time. Soon you started swallowing each other making the kiss even more intense. He let out a moan and so did you while his warm breath traveled into your face, to your jaw and then your neck, back to your ear.
“I love you cupcake. I love you, I always had. Always. I not only liked you when I was 15. I loved you back then and forever. I knew I will meet you again because no one made my heart race like you did”
“Then why Baekhyun. Why you let this happen?”
He kept kissing you his hand running up and down your thigh digging his fingers on you.
“I am sorry cupcake. I swear I didn’t mean any of this happen”
"Baekhyun” you whined when you felt his hand between your legs “you heard the doctor. We shouldn’t” 
“You are right, let’s go back”
“You look... you are blonde”
“You like it?”
“You look like a fuckboy”
Baekhyun laughed and made your stomach churn.
“Maybe after the wedding we can... can I maybe see you again?”
“Alright” he kissed your lips again pulling your lower lip slowly between his teeth “deal” he winked.
You felt happy and relieved.
You will tell him tonight that it’s his baby you were carrying. No sex but the doctor suggested something better.
Finally you will be with Baekhyun...
A/N: You think the drama is over... ha ha ha, not even close.
Thanks for reading, feedback always welcomed ^_^
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